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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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380513 No.380513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about the sub? Is it a hugbox? Are redditors faggots? Should Coco stop being a dragon redditor and come to /vt/?

>> No.380539

go back

>> No.380667

It's a trash hugbox.

>> No.381003


>> No.381253

Vastly more aggressive in moderation than here, which is fine by me since the /vt/ pastime is trading yabs, rrats and roommate stories

That said you see some seriously dumb shit browsing r/hololive/new before the moderators have a chance to intervene. Some of these people are either completely lacking in common sense or suffer from having no impulse control or both. The posts that actually survive only make it standing on top of a massive pile of shit

>> No.381292
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>Reddit is a hugbox where criticism and unpopular opinions get buried
>4chan is an antisocial shithole where everyone hates each other and unity is dead
I think it's nice to have some balance. They're the yang to our yin.

>> No.381309

anon unity is alive and well only fags hate it

>> No.381328
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Unity died when Josephposting died

>> No.381348

My oshi is a gigantic redditor so I can't hate it. It's also in her "safe sites" list since pretty much every other corner of the inernet is filled with yabs and rrats about her.

So Reddit gets a pass, even if I can't stand their "humor"

>> No.381366
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The said subreddit is conquered with mostly low-quality memes, lowkey feels like it's a karma-farming subreddit. Fan Arts is tolerable in my case.
I kinda wish that more and more engaging discussions are open there, like quality translator/clipper channels, avoiding stuffs and stuff

>> No.381411

>literal reddit thread
go back

>> No.381424

...who's your oshi? Coco? Or someone who lurks?

r/hololive is pretty based and wholesomepilled.
It's nice to see Coco make a show featuring random contributions.
Actually, doesn't Coco have to review the memes before hand?
It would be nice if Coco just screen shared meme. But I bet that would bring large YABAIs as people would cause trouble for her.

>> No.381461

Kiara. Coco filters me.

>> No.381475

/vt/ is a hugbox too, can't even post wrestler memes why even live

>> No.382193

>are redditors faggots
Do you even need to ask this? We make memes, they take our memes and recycle them 50 times, each time making them shittier.

>> No.382203

Josephposting was a fad, unity is forever

>> No.382204

Kinda sad that you're all here seething about Reddit while they don't even care about this place.

>> No.382212


>> No.382224

Still not as sad as a redditor caring about his karma or reddit gold, whatever the fuck it is.

>> No.382963

It's reddit, so you know what to expect. That said, it's a necessary evil as it's one of the few places where holos can be discussed that is comparatively safe for human consumption if only because of how aggressively sanitized it is.
If Coco even MENTIONED /vt/, this place would go down in flames instantly as yab fetishizers, doxxers, spergs and antis invaded en masse.

>> No.383019

I can't imagine spending real money to make one of you faggots feel good about your posts. You all suck shit.

>> No.383111

new is an absolute cesspool of retards and low effort memes, but is actually useful somewhat for highlighting tweets and fanart since I'd rather neck myself than actively browse twitter

>> No.383403

No wonder this board is filled with so many newfags wanting to be spoonfed every retarded drama.

>> No.384397

Convince Risu to do a /vt/ meme review with Coco.

She's your only hope in getting Coco out of Reddit.

>> No.384592

Fuck off, we don't need another containment breach

>> No.384711

I'm good no thanks, moderation here is bad enough without hololive dedicating a mod to report things here

>> No.384772

Yeah I'm not letting /vt/ shit on reddit, retards here are the most obvious fucking tourists I've ever seen. This board is basically reddit but with the n word.

>> No.384971

reddit or not, anyone that would even entertain the idea of "discussing" something in a forum controlled by the corporation that owns the product you are discussing is an amoeba and deserves to be lined up against a wall and shot

>> No.385692

Just do what pewdiepie did with his ylyl on /wsg/, dont say it's /vt/ and just look at memes

>> No.385724

bambooclimber detected

>> No.386222

As bad as Reddit is, if the review is conducted by Haato, Risu or even Marine it will turn out a lot better. Coco's taste of choice is literal shit

>> No.386306

>We make memes
Don't kid yourself. 4chan hasn't been making original memes in years. /hlg/ was virtually devoid of originality and global had only a handful of original memes, only very few of which ever made their way outside of there.

>> No.386635
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It already wasn't good, but the popularization of Coco's shitpost review has turned it into an even worse shithole with memes to bait Coco into showing it on stream, most of which aren't funny. But hey, at least they don't have the ironic Annoying Orange shitposting.

>> No.386849

Our mods are verified faggots.

>> No.386927

The official sub is a hugbox but a necessary one as Hololive gets shit on everywhere. The talents need somewhere they can go to safely interact with the western fanbase that isn't filled with narratives and schizos.
I just wish they had actual discussions there instead of pure meme spam because the actual discussions are held in r/vyt where the mods are nijifags that let everyone freely shit on Hololive.

>> No.386984

but I love you all /vt/

>> No.388428
File: 44 KB, 583x381, SeriousCat_Subeta[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this place would go down in flames instantly as yab fetishizers, doxxers, spergs and antis invaded en masse.
Bring it. Their previous opponents were a Japanese company's PR department and fucking REDDIT.

They won't know what hit them.

>> No.394781

Better then your typical subreddit considering people there actually try to carry on constructive conversation without getting up/down voted to extremes for now. Has just a tad too much focus on EN but I guess that comes with it being a English-speaking site. It's also nice to see a subreddit that doesn't 'reeee' over any sort of crossing between anything sexual and loli.
But all your typical reddit stupidity still goes on there. IMO the best of r/hololive is showcased during Coco's shitposting 'reviews'. Like most subreddits, avoid new (unless you don't care about the quality of content) and minimize engagement with the users.

>> No.394886

Reddit is good for things that need accuracy, consistency and non-volatile threads.
Imageboards dont work for technical subjects.

r/hololive is garbage because as usual 90% of the threads are shit so it brings down the overall quality of the board. Its good for announcements and their equivalent of pinned threads, to post submissions.

>> No.395049

you can't deal with ao spammers
how can you deal with an organized force of shitposters?

>> No.395070

This board is more censored than plebbit.
That's saying something.
You cant even trash mentally ill troons without a warning

>> No.395120

Yeah it's a hugbox, but there's nothing wrong with vtuber culture being a hugbox. The pandemic is hard. Honestly there's no need to be negative.

>> No.395124

>you can't deal with ao spammers
If a single mod here did their job then we wouldn't have a problem with them, you can only do so much without moderation privileges.
Either way, the less interaction they have with other sites, including here and shit like Reddit, the better.

>> No.395128

oh noooooo poor meeee i can't offtopic schizopost about trannies whyyyyy this is just like 1984
take your meds

>> No.395147

>you can't deal with ao spammers
>implying the board is not better with a free retard filter
Imagine being filtered because orange fruit bad, holy shit.

>> No.395154

>Reddit is good for things that need accuracy, consistency and non-volatile threads.
>Imageboards dont work for technical subjects.
Wot? 4ch & image boards are the best sources right now on any topic.
Is your source CNN by any chance?

>> No.395178

Thanks for proving my point.
HRT not working well for anger issues, is it?

>> No.395193

They are the retards, they aren't filtering anything by spamming off-topic trash for the express purpose of killing the board.

>> No.395207

Moderation has to be strict if it's going to be allowed for talents to post there I guess, which is a fair enough trade off

>> No.395237

>AO, one of the first vtubers is off topic

>> No.395256

If you think that voice alone (let alone the further evidence people aren't allowed to post) isn't sign you-know-who is a tranny, idk what to say. Definitely doesn't require one to be a schizo to draw that conclusion. It's really pathetic the absolute state of denial that fanbase is in, when they could easily find all the full evidence with some googling themselves. It would be more dignified to say "I don't mind that they're a tranny" than to indulge in complete delusion.

>> No.395261

It's not a vtuber you retarded fuckwit.

>> No.395295

Wait? AO is not a vtuber? Are you high on HRT right now?

>> No.395336

No, it isn't. Back to twitter.

>> No.395377

>Reddit is good for things that need accuracy, consistency and non-volatile threads.
Would like to add that this only works for subjects that aren't opinion based and don't involve people's ego's. Anything political/ideological is absolute cancer and fandoms are iffy.

>> No.395420
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Pic related. The spammers already moved on, only the retards crying "orange fruit bad" your average shitposter and the ocassional actual AO fan are left.

>> No.395466

So it's literally only good for news posts from cover and the chuubas?

>> No.395502

No they didn't, there's 10 threads on the catalog and there should be none. You're an election tourist as well, as exampled by the use of their template posts like the "x bad" strawman. So the two literal children that are "actual AO fans" are still posting off-topic shit that belongs on /tv/ or /co/

>> No.395615

if anyone is an actual AO fan they need to be banned, since you must be 18 to post on this site

>> No.395667

>literal reddit
This is now a trips thread.

>> No.395678

That and knowing that the talents get a bit of happiness from seeing fan content about their characters from international fans.

>> No.395706

twitter? and AO?
you really dont get it, do you?
AO is considered one of the first vtubers to make this hobby into a mainstream job
ask even japanese vtubers and reputed vtubers on AO and they all respect him.
where do you think you are?

>> No.395742

fpbp, ALL redditors should go back and be banned on sight

>> No.395745

>if anyone is an actual AO fan they need to be banned
you think whores with anime faces are the only ones who can be called vtubers, dont you?

>> No.395760

Proving that offtopic shitposting is still shitposting?

>> No.395761
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Woah, the fruit actually assravaged you, at least charge the orange some rent. All other threads already just accept the orange as a local /vt/ shitpost, one of the holos even made a reference about it.
>belongs on /tv/ or /co/
Nice "belongs on X" strawman you have there too, pal.

>> No.395767

AO isn't considered anything since it isn't a vtuber, nor has literally anyone gave a shit about it since 2010.

>> No.395828

>since it isn't a vtuber
as I said, whores with an anime face are not the definition of vtuber.
any thing overlayed virtually to a living human, is a vtuber.
you are not well equipped mentally to be here, faggot

>> No.395845

>Is it a hugbox?
>Are redditors faggots?
>Should Coco stop being a dragon redditor and come to /vt/?
No, the last thing we need is a huge flood of newfags. Her reddit content is shit because reddit is shit, but browsing /vt/ on stream isn't good content either and the instant she mentioned it the board would be a complete shitshow.

>> No.395876

Posting wojak and pepe garbage on /a/ is also a "local shitpost", which gets banned accordingly when the mods notice, as off-topic annoying orange trash should be here too, since it has nothing to do with vtubers. And "referencing" it because you retarded tourist spam it all over the catalog when it's the only thing you can see isn't remotely natural.
>Nice "belongs on X" strawman you have there too, pal.
You have no idea what a strawman is.
What you said is irrelevant since you're not addressing anything. Annoying orange is not a vtuber, it's a webseries with someone's face superimposed over a static image of an orange, no avatar, no computer generation, no model, nothing.

>> No.395903
File: 29 KB, 680x383, b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread talking about reddit and claiming superiority while enacting sekrit club elitism and arguing about oranges

Worst thread on the board right now. Good job!

>> No.395956

>>This board is for the discussion of Virtual YouTubers ("VTubers")
>created by computer technology and appearing to exist but not existing in the physical world
>tl;dr not existing in the physical world
>AO is spliced with live-action content
>Therefore AO is not virtual
>Therefore AO is not a virtual youtuber
fruitfag btfo

>> No.395966

Not a single technical board in this site is good for shit. /g/ is /v/ but with browsers and graphic cards. 4chan is the worst source for any topic and has always been. /pol/tards like you have a warped view on reality.
The fact alone that I can go on /diy/ and lie, with no consequence at all, about any serious, technical, objective matter already makes the format garbage. Literally just lie and the only way people have of making my post count "less" is derailing the thread giving me (You)s until the thread hits bump limit.
My sources are using 4chan as my daily driver since 2009 and knowing that if you have any question about anything that has an answer, you need to look somewhere else. If its a matter of opinion like politics or which pony is getting the best head then I dont actually give a shit so this doesnt concern me.

>> No.396003

>Posting wojak and pepe garbage on /a/ is also a "local shitpost"
dont take the actions of mentally ill troons as jannies to mean that is the culture of the board, you're a nu-fag pretending to understand 4ch thinking if a topic is banned once, then it's "evil", pathetic cuck.

you cant control the culture here, no amount of jannies as trannies will change the imageboard culture.

and no, AO is not offtopic, he fits the definition of a vtuber & is one of the first at it to make it famous. you're just trying to make up new definitions like you do for genders so that you can feel good. and remember YWNBAW

>not existing in the physical world
a talking orange exists in the real world? are you guys high from an HRT session?

>> No.396023
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>wojak and pepe garbage on /a/
>local shitpost
Nice retardation you have going on there, buddy. Neither of those is /a/ related, but the fact that those threads haven't been permabanned even when mods are being strict means they're allowed. Try posting the orange in any other board.
>all over the catalog
Pic related.

I think you missed the VShojo thread.

>> No.396040

>and lie, with no consequence at all
this is the best part, you cant. your shitty arguments get dismantled like Trump dismantled the fake news.
you are powerless here, that is why 4ch and imageboards are the best. your shitty ideas and mental illness doesnt fare well here and gets technically and subjectively BTFO.

that is why you're mad. you cant survive here.

>> No.396045

It's run by the Holos, themselves, of course it's a hugbox

>> No.396063

>if you have any question about anything that has an answer, you need to look somewhere else
But that's a good thing, it teaches the value of doing your own research and making posts that stand on their own merits without being able to rely on group consensus.

>> No.396081
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>like Trump dismantled the fake news
Way to out yourself as the tourist.

The nijis are also trying to establish a colony, but their efforts have been lacking.

>> No.396086

Further proof you're an election tourist, use of their late 2010s twitter slang and obsessing over trannies despite no one bringing them up. There is no "culture" in your twitter spam, it's what has been directly killing culture here for the last decade.
It is off-topic, it meets none of the criteria for a vtuber and is only posted here out of spite because you were upset vtubers were getting occasionally posted on other boards.
And annoying orange isn't /vt/ related, glad you're catching on you retarded fuck. The reason they haven't been banned is because the mods aren't doing their jobs, nothing more.

>> No.396127


>> No.396138

r/hololive is based. since I actually like hololive its nice to have a positive community to visit. cutting down on the type of malicious gossip that takes place here is a plus

>> No.396157

>created by computer technology
AO could be made without a computer (pre-recorded videos, double exposure of the mouth and eyes).
Real Vtubers' content (real-time models, even just 2d ones, that are beholden to a streamers' actions and speech) could not be generated in real time without computers.
Ergo, AO is not virtual. Fuck off, orangefag. Stop forcing your stupid fucking meme because a board exists for something you don't like.

>> No.396171

I know it hurts, but 4ch is Trump stronghold.
remember you couldnt argue against my point because as I said, you cant survive here because there is no censorship.
your shitty argument got dismantled in real time and you used an ad hominem that "LOL U SUPPORT TRUMP so you're argument is worthless"
this outs (You) more than it outs us.

>> No.396177

It's a thread being insecure about reddit in a vtuber board while an anon reveals he has trannies living rent free in his head. We're probably 100 posts close to turning this into an off topic politics thread.

>> No.396192
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>the mods aren't doing their jobs
Mods (as always) are fags, but they're handing bans left and right for the ones who break the rules actually defined in the sticky and actual orange spammers, which you'd know if you didn't only came into the threads to bitch about the orange. You remind me of the retards who keep bitching about the pink whore and try to ruin any VShojo thread.

>> No.396230

Are you even trying?

>> No.396232

Take your meds, only /pol/ would randomy spout american politics like the board and the rest of the site revolves around it. Then again that's the only thing you politic addicts cling on to outside of interracial porn.

>> No.396235
File: 56 KB, 1233x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from plebbit

as I said, even plebbit thinks AO is a vtuber, you're just mad & making up new definitions of vtuber like you do for genders, troon

>> No.396241

The poster you're replying to is a faggot who unironically browses reddit, but you are a shameless newfag and thus almost as bad.

>> No.396265

Thanks for admitting yourself that you're an election tourist. First it was bringing trannies up out of nowhere, now it's Trump and American politics, you retarded /pol/ newfags can't help projecting your shit outside of its containment board.
>you used an ad hominem that "LOL U SUPPORT TRUMP so you're argument is worthless"
You're beyond retarded, not only was the only person here mentioning Trump you, but you also invented that strawman, retarded faggot.
All annoying orange posts here are breaking the rules, dumbass. It being spammed only adds to the reason you faggots should receive even longer bands.

>> No.396330
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you couldnt argue AO not being a vtuber while I'm proving everyone other than mentally ill troons not considering him as a vtuber.
even jp websites consider him as a vtuber as do most english vtubing websites.

you cant stand on your merits of your argument, you cant survive here without your tranny jannies helping you along censoring shit you dont like.

>> No.396349
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>like Trump dismantled the fake news
trump lost lmao

>> No.396364

Reddit is cool for the memes and certain posts. For example, I love Kiara's minecraft adventures, the guy has been posting for so long that we are in edition 44 or 45. But reddit sucks for discussion, they are too repetitive, simple and memey. Conversations here flow more organically, so while I can have fun with reddit, this is the definitive place to come to for hololive discussion for me. Discords are just cancer.

>> No.396366
File: 218 KB, 385x532, lulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarded faggot nigger, use the actual term and not your safe word. It's tranny. TRANNY. If you're going to let them live rent free, at least acknowledge they exist.

>All annoying orange posts here are breaking the rules, dumbass
Not according to the mods themselves, apparently. And, as I said, they're being very trigger happy with giving bans for now, so you should blame them.
Nobody else cares, even trying to shitpost with the orange in other threads just gets ignored now.

>> No.396367

I already proved why it isn't a vtuber, retarded faggot. No websites consider that shit a vtuber besides sites with zero moderation, any pages posted on vtuber sites that are reputable are deleted in no time.
Kill yourself election tourist, take the rest of your /pol/ diaphora with you too.

>> No.396406

>malicious gossip
the correct term is rrat

>> No.396408

>Reddit is cool
Imagine posting this and then trying to call anything cancer.

>> No.396416

>Single post on leddit
>Ten replies
>Literally every reply argues about the OP's claim
Wow what amazing and definitive proof, orangefag. Can you not just admit "I'm posting AO shit because I don't personally like Vtubers so I have to go fuck around with people who do"? Don't worry, I too was a young adult when /mlp/ debuted and made shit post barney threads, I also thought I was being clever and funny. It's okay to admit you're just a bitter asshole who's upset people like something that you don't.

>> No.396428

>I already proved why it isn't a vtuber
no you didnt, I just posted actual jp entertainment websites considering him as a vtuber & I could find english ones as easily too.
your argument is "I dont like it"
that's not proving anything. what I did was proved to you by vtuber definition why AO is a vtuber by posting actual entertainment sites respecting him.

you are out of your depth here, troon. and HRT wont help with your IQ too

>> No.396468

The mods not deleting what they should delete is their problem, not mine. It remains it's off-topic trash posted for the express purpose of subversion and the fact the other retard projected both trannies and politcs into the thread without context is evidence of that.
No you didn't, you posted a page with no source that was either deleted, or should be deleted. I stated explicitly why it isn't a vtuber using the definition of what a vtuber is. No one respects your irony-obsessed off-topic spam either.

>> No.396467

>Retarded faggot nigger, use the actual term and not your safe word. It's tranny. TRANNY. If you're going to let them live rent free, at least acknowledge they exist.
dont be mad I'm able to have plausible deniabiity to appeal my warnings. I wont say it, I dont need to, your 41% mental illness seething is enough for me.

>> No.396502

>literal reddit thread is the worst on the board

>> No.396518

>The mods not deleting what they should delete
interesting, you just said that because jannies ban wojaks/pepes on /a/ that they're off topic so when they're allowed here, shouldnt (You) follow board culture?
see how quickly your illusion and hypocrisy are outed just like your millions of genders.

>> No.396523
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>this thread
Proves how """good""" we are compared to leddit.

>> No.396531

Unity has been alive ever since the HoloRNs debuted

>> No.396549

I said they were doing what they should do you retarded faggot, not that what the mods do it always right. Your reading comprehension is atrocious, which isn't surprising considering you manage to somehow force your tranny obsession into every single post you make.

>> No.396571

>No you didn't, you posted a page with no source

(You) cannot survive open-ended discussion without censorship.

>> No.396590

Ah yes, the fact that the reddit thread is complete garbage and probably the worst on the entire board proves reddit is in fact good.

>> No.396610

V(irtual You)tuber as a term was coined by Ai, no reason it can't be applied to shit that predates her. Also
>No websites consider that shit a vtuber besides sites with zero moderation
Anon, are you talking about retarded forums?

>posted for the express purpose of subversion
No, anon, as I mentioned, nowadays it's just a general shitpost, like watame or ayame in the hololive threads.
>the definition of what a vtuber is
You mean >>395956? Prerecorded videos can also count as "vtubing" as long as you play into the character and (You) are the one playing it. The livestream/real-time component is not necessary.

>> No.396637

you cant say
>mods banning wojaks on /a/ means wojaks are banned
and then turn into
>mods not banning AO because I dont like it even though he fits the definition of vtuber is bad
you can get away with this hypocrisy on twatter/plebbit but not on imageboards, this is why you're mad

>> No.396648

I agree, I like that most of this site is text discussion and there are active discussions going on throughout the day, plus live commenting on live shows that you actually have time to read and respond to instead of a 1000-mile-an-hour barrage of kusa (though this also has its place). It's also more fun when the forum is public and anonymous rather than semi-private and identified like discord, though one drawback is that you can potentially make friends when everyone has a username and a stable address to send messages to. Ideally I would like /vt/s emphasis on discussion mixed with reddits positivity/hugboxyness.

>> No.396655

>hurr you're all faggots!!!1!1
Look at this guy trying to be edgy to fit in because he's on 4chan.

>> No.396671

>reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply
>reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply
>reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply >reply

>> No.396690

Someone once told me a decade ago that reddit and 4chan are like Metropolis and Gotham; New York below/above Midtown. That really stuck with me for some reason.

There's a lot of cross pollination between the two sites; most of the people who get upset at it are probably just newfags who've always said "gb2 gaia/myspace/facebook" et al.

>> No.396709
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Look at this tourist trying to fit in.

>> No.396722

So it's shit uploaded to said site that doesn't belong there, showing that said site allows any sort of public upload with minimal to no moderation.
>V(irtual You)tuber as a term was coined by Ai, no reason it can't be applied to shit that predates her. Also
It can be applied to vtubers that predate her, but annoying orange isn't a vtuber, so it's irrelevant.
>No, anon, as I mentioned, nowadays it's just a general shitpost
No it isn't, it's literal spam from raiding election tourists with a very clear motive, it's not some harmless shitpost.
>Prerecorded videos can also count as "vtubing" as long as you play into the character and (You) are the one playing it.
Superimposing footage of your real face onto a static image is not vtubing, no computer generation, model or avatar is used. I never mentioned livestreaming.
I said mods banned wojak on /a/ because it should be banned, as appropriate. It's about what they should do, not what they are doing, get some reading comprehension.

>> No.396723


>> No.396773

I knew I shouldn't have gone outside /hlgg/

>> No.396811
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- Too EN-centric
- Recycling bad memes ad nauseam
- Karma farming
+ Semi-official
+ Doesn't tolerate antis like /jp/ did (thank god /vt/ is at least a bit better in that regard)

It's okay but has its flaws.

>> No.396847

Every single time a thread of theirs goes to r/all (which happens constantly) it gets filled with screeching by the most wretched subhumans that reddit has to offer. Total basket cases who have legitimate nervous breakdowns whenever they see virtual youtubers. 99% of them are pedophiles. The sub's moderators do very little to control them, most of the time.

>> No.396868

New is shit, hot posts are usually ok because of the undercover anons and haachama sometimes bringing the bar back up. R/virtualyoutubers is complete shit though...worse than having no mods is having mods with hidden agendas

>> No.396903

all I hear is AO is frustrating you, that's all I see.
you already got caught twisting definition of what a vtuber is because AO fits the standard one like male/female fit the genders.
you're losing, so what do you do? you twist the language. one issue, we call you out here when you do that which isnt allowed on plebbit/twitter.

you have yet to give 1 reason other than "I dont like this vtuber named AO"

>> No.396918

AO is not a vtuber.

>> No.396945

>literal spam from raiding election tourists with a very clear motive
And as I said, the waves of spam already passed. Look at the orange threads, most of them barely get activity nowadays and are on life support.
>I never mentioned livestreaming
Fair, but your definition said computer generated. Try doing the superimposition with the level of detail that the orange has. It's literally tranny shark levels of wasted resources if you try to do it without making the eyes and mouth tracked by CG. Or are you going to tell me videos like this one are made frame by frame?
>no computer generation, model or avatar is used
The avatar is themselves, anon. That's the thing.

>> No.396947

AO isn't a vtuber.

>> No.396998

Calling people who don't like your oshi "antis" is just as gay as calling yourself a "stan" or whatever.

>> No.397012

In his defense, I think he means doxxfags.

>> No.397042

I'm adhering to the exact definition of what a vtuber is, election tourist. The one twisting the definition is you, which is why that shit was actually deleted on the moderated rankings list on the same site after some troll moved it there.
I gave you plenty of reasons, including that it isn't a vtuber by any stretch of the definition. Your counter-argument is whining about trannies and abusing strawman quotes.
>And as I said, the waves of spam already passed. Look at the orange threads, most of them barely get activity nowadays and are on life support.
There are eleven threads on the catalog actively spammed and necro-bumped with garbage while the same off-topic annoying orange shit is posted in other threads that has nothing to do with it. Each time one of their threads either dies after someone fails to necro it then another one is created, they continue to increase until the mods purge them.
>Fair, but your definition said computer generated. Try doing the superimposition with the level of detail that the orange has.
It doesn't have any detail, it's someone recording his face, then imposing it onto a static image of an orange, absolutely nothing to do with vtubers. It's another webseries, otherwise Arby N The Chief would be a vtuber.
>The avatar is themselves, anon. That's the thing.
There is no avatar, it's a webseries with a central character who is entirely 3D, not animated, stylised or computer generated.

>> No.397071

you cant be a woman and AO is a vtuber. better get used to these facts before you kill yourself. I care for you.

>> No.397094

It isn't a vtuber. I recommend you get used to that fact, and also kill yourself because you're a malignant tumour on the internet.

>> No.397095

>no argument

>> No.397122

>you're a malignant tumour on the internet.
you know we can spot you clearly with dramatic vocabulary like this, right?

>> No.397138

I'm a watamate. I don't call falseflagging sheepposters antis as an example.

The people that I call antis do
1) Latch to minor details in an attempt to badmouth a particular chuuba
2) Actively try to harm them, their fans or their public perception
There's plenty of them even here, though /jp/ let them run rampant way harder.

>> No.397153

"We" referring to your twitter hivemind? You can spot anyone who isn't an election tourist when they aren't shoving politics and trannies into every thread, and have diction beyond "-oomer", "seethe" and whatever other newfag forced lingo you've adopted.

>> No.397192

An Orange thread died for this.

>> No.397224

>which has heavy censorship because of hurting troon's feelings
as I said, projection gets real apparent when there's no censorship, you mentally ill troon.

"we" are not new, "we" dont try to ban something when "we" dont like it, like you force twitter to do it and here doing the same thing just because it hurts your feelings. I would expect HRT should help you with anger issues but seems like its not.

either way, its obvious who's here from twitter and who's not while projecting.

kek, it sure did, fren

>> No.397241

>Arby N The Chief
Isn't that stopmotion?
>imposing it onto a static image of an orange
Doesn't that process already make it computer-dependent? And the orange is a character itself, not just a mask for the person behind.

>> No.397277

>I'm a watamate
>Latch to minor details in an attempt to badmouth a particular chuuba
Yeah, this sounds like exactly the kind of dumb, means whatever you want it to mean, with-us-or-against-us shit K-pop teenagers do.

>> No.397286

Twitter also loves spam, politics, shoving trannies into every single subject and destroying other websites. Guess what you have in common there, election tourist?
>Isn't that stopmotion?
It's live-action puppeteering with animated effects, ocassionally overlaid onto the characters, thus a vtuber by the same logic.
>Doesn't that process already make it computer-dependent? And the orange is a character itself, not just a mask for the person behind.
No part of it is computer generated, it's splicing real footage together for a webseries, no model, digital avatar, rigging or any sort of 2D animation.

>> No.397298

Oh you're that guy again.

>> No.397311
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>Doesn't that process already make it computer-dependent

>> No.397313

Imagine being a kid that tries to brag to his friends that his toy is cooler.

>> No.397320

>Twitter also loves spam, politics, shoving trannies into every single subject and destroying other websites. Guess what you have in common there, election tourist?
gets BTFO on similarity
>no u
as I said, this thread is proof (You) cannot survive without twisting definitions to fit your mentally ill worldview.
