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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3951597 No.3951597 [Reply] [Original]

how do we save the pewdiepie of vtubers?

>> No.3951654

>the pewdiepie of vtubers
But I thought Kiara was the one who said the n word

>> No.3951703

Give her another viral clip, she hasn't had one in years.

>> No.3951718
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We don't.
It all returns to cunny.

>> No.3951729

she's old news

>> No.3951742

Kizuna Ai is already dead

>> No.3951784

What are you gonna do, OP? Pull a t-series?

>> No.3951842

Die and take your numberfagging with you

>> No.3951876

I hope Gura doesn't beat herself up over this.

>> No.3951942


>> No.3951971

I thought pewdiepie was the pewdiepie of vtubers

>> No.3952009

How can she not? It's barely even about her at this point. She's become a vessel for numbers and little else.
Chumbuds have behaved like absolute shit over numbers even to other holos, and she knows.

>> No.3952137

What is a pewpie or whatever that is?

>> No.3952217

She already does, she refuses to even acknowledge her current numbers

>> No.3952221

We don't. Not even Kizuna cares about it anymore considering she's more active on tiktok and other stuff.

>> No.3952273

That's actually kinda painful.

>> No.3952376

She's gonna lose it at 3mil

>> No.3952551 [DELETED] 

>copy & paste it and change the colors, they won't notice

>> No.3952602
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lmao gawr goomba is t series

>> No.3952636

didn't they keep changing kizuna's seiyuu?

>> No.3952690

Could this be the world's first rrat?

>> No.3952692
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>> No.3952719

Her imposter syndrome is gonna relapse heavily.

>> No.3952744

First, no, but longest lasting, probably.

>> No.3952750

i'm serious, aren't there like 10 different kizunas or something? like there's a short hair version or something. i haven't watched her since the gokiburi-chan vids

>> No.3952773

Nah. They released like 3 new "Kizuna Ais" who were different characters with the same model with minor changes. Then the OG Kizuna Ai got busy and stopped doing as many vids.

This was a total failure and the other spinoff Kizuna Ais redebuted as their own characters. Current Kizuna Ai is the OG.

>> No.3952779


>> No.3952833
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>> No.3952861

Getting 3 mil is secondary to her becoming the top vtuber.

>> No.3952865

yurete yuganda sekai ni dandan boku wa
sukitotte mienakunatte
boku no koto wo

>> No.3952877

the kizuna extended universe kek

>> No.3952879

I heard of this rrat back when I knew nothing about chuubas. Before this rrat, I thought AI was actually an A.I.

>> No.3952897

As far as I remember that isn't even the real Kizuna, the voice actress got replaced caused the company thought nobody would care, they cared, so in short. The pewdiepie of Vtubers left us long time ago and nyanners didn't play with the Kizuna nor sang in her concert, it was just a voice actress who often than not goes to the real Kizuna to ask her how can she improve.

>> No.3952915
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>> No.3952922

Retard parroting retardness

>> No.3952937

Considering there's most likely not that much overlap between her YouTube subs (2.95M), her bilibili fans (1.31M), and her TikTok followers (2.8M), Ai has around 7 million.

>> No.3952941

Start sharing and pushing her content.

>> No.3952964

Gura doesn't want to be the top VTuber though.

>> No.3952989

Its gonna happen whether she likes it or not.

>> No.3953008

Oh no I’m popular how awful
I make so much money and have so much attention and people would kill to be in my spot
Please feel bad for me

Get some real problems Gura

>> No.3953010

At this rate she'll be the first EN to graduate.

>> No.3953012
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lmao she doesn't need saving disney just paid her 20mil yen to shill their capeshit show and she still gets tons more sponsorships on top of that not to mention the nonstop merch and game collabs. ai-chan will always be king, her sub numbers aren't an indicator of anything
>inb4 cope
learn how the industry works
t. day 1 member of gargoyla

>> No.3953043


So about 2 or 3 months then?

>> No.3953074

Are companies just so out of touch they don't even realize no one cares about her, or is she still popular enough in China that it's worth paying her to advertise there?

>> No.3953109

Only because the nu-fans use retarded metrics for what "top VTuber" even means. If only there were a way to away the nu-fans like Haachama aways her pepeloni.

>> No.3953127

She gets about 140k a month, although I expect there will be a big speed up towards the end. I give it 1.5 months.

>> No.3953150

Maybe you're the one out of touch

>> No.3953163


China is an overrated market and leads to shit like Hololive CN. Big companies are usually a few years behind on trends and they are just now getting wind of Kizuna Ai. Try and explain Vtubers to your grandparents sometimes and see how ti goes

>> No.3953175

>Only because the nu-fans use retarded metrics for what "top VTuber" even means.
They are "virtual youtubers". The highest youtube subscriber count is how you determine who's on top.

>> No.3953188

definitely the former

>> No.3953226

Advertisers are always several months to a year behind what current threads are.

>> No.3953282

jesus christ ame, i cringed into oblivion

>> No.3953312

Anon, I'm going to need you to sit down. This might come as a shock to you but... Gura doesn't speak Japanese, her fan base is largely not Japanese and despite her subs is not popular enough with the Japanese to break into Japanese mainstream pop culture like Kizuna AI did. Kizuna AI kicked off the VTuber trend and over the last 5 years of activity has carefully dodged any controversy and is a safe choice for companies to advertise across all demographics regardless of age or gender.
I know this is hard to accept so please step back to cry and collect yourself before you reply.

>> No.3953344


Yeah well your FACE looks like it was put together in Oblivion

>> No.3953381

Ame go back to working on your fish tanks

>> No.3953437
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no 3d model...
no concerts...
no sponsorships...
no collabs with senpais...
no respect...

>> No.3953443

>I make so much money and have so much attention and people would kill to be in my spot
Unironically not. I struggle to imagine how much anxiety it would give me if I suddenly became a celebrity with this much attention. Fuck that, I like my peaceful life.

>> No.3953480

There's no stopping this growth. Gura had every piece to become the fastest growing Holo and it can very doubtfully be stopped. Part of the EN Gen 1 hype, cute design that has very broad appeal across all markets, great singing voice, formerly known as Senzawa, no secret to pretty much anyone at this point, who already had millions of fans I just hope she can deal with it well. She was already distraught being the first to reach 1 mil, kinda jaded by 2 mil, but 3 mil and becoming the #1 all time? Go easy, shark.

>> No.3953504

The Kizuna Ai of Youtubers

>> No.3953505

This was only true for maybe the first two years of this industry. VTubers influence and platforms extend way past the box that is YouTube these days.

>> No.3953713

Gotta show respect to get respect, and Gura shows no respect to any of her superiors

>> No.3953754



>> No.3953844

>Gura shows no respect to any of her superiors
How does she not?

>> No.3953914

she has number, superiors have smaller number, me mad

>> No.3953937


>> No.3953969

She doesn't even respect her own numbers, so she is already the most based any chuuba could be.

>> No.3954015

Gura is about to beat The Anime Man in subs, too. Also Kizuna Ai is already dead.

>> No.3954062

>comparing Japanese to the international language VTuber

>> No.3954104

Are you insane? Do you seriously believe that Vtubers are "bigger than youtube"?
What the fuck man, get some perspective. They might have diversified their portfolios (which anycolor has done from the start), but they're not bigger than the platform that has brought about international superstars (for better or worse).

>> No.3954132

>They might have diversified their portfolios
This may have been what anon meant.

>> No.3954150

No effort to network with her genmates or any Japanese vtubers
She’s lazy and only cares about herself
Complete disrespect

>> No.3954321

More or less. VTubers don't exist solely on YouTube anymore. They've spread across mainstream Japanese entertainment now. TV shows, anime, CMs, concerts, music releases, etc.

>> No.3954451
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If Gura soon is a 3M Sub Channel how come cover doesnt do shit for her?

is she just a shit streamer or does japan just not care about nonjapanese streamers? wheres all the good shit all the mediocre gooks get?

>> No.3954617

When the shitshow first started, they all called themselves Kizuna Ai, all had exactly the same model, and all (tried) to act and sound like the original. This, combined with the original showing up less often, caused people to believe that she was being pushed out or replaced. Upd8 apparently couldn't be bothered trying to quash the rumors, so people just accepted it was true, and moved on. Eventually they DID give them unique names and a hairclip to differentiate, but it took them months to do so, and by that point the damage was already done. The fact people still believe TO THIS DAY that she was replaced shows just how badly they fucked up.

>> No.3954722

>is she just a shit streamer or does japan just not care about nonjapanese streamers?
Japan doesn't give a fuck about the west unless it involves money.

>> No.3954731

Not every big channel needs to have big events, there's 10M+ channels that just upload whenever they want and that's it.

>> No.3954747

Kizuna Ai is more well known to normies than Gawr Gura, even if just by name.

>> No.3954837

Cover doesn't give you shit for free.
You have to have the initiative to come up with ideas, plan and organize it.
Gura just wants to hide and ignore her numbers so she will never get such an event.

>> No.3954843

Japan gives zero fucks about the West.
Coco probably had to bother Yagoo a lot of times with the idea of creating English Hololive VTubers.

>> No.3954886


>> No.3955003

Gura doesn't utilize her clout and Cover shows no favoritism.

>> No.3955011

If you want a real answer, because Gura lives far away from their hq, cover has no contacts in NA to give the talents a truly safe place to record, and Covid has been a real shitkicker for getting those contacts or making those deals to get things like 3d out or recording. In fact it probably isn't worth it for cover to even contract with a studio in the US, and they need to fly her to Japan, which again is fucked because Corona. She doesn't speak Japanese, even if she can mimic words, and she is close to aqua level autistic by her own admission when it comes to interacting with strangers in person. Also a perfectionist when it comes to her first original song, so its taking a while. Ultimately a lack of initiative doesn't even matter when the contacts aren't there to be exercised, or the language barrier is too big to pass.

>> No.3955040

EN producer was behind the idea of holoEN, not Coco.

>> No.3955078

What is EN producer IS Coco

>> No.3955097

> Newfaggotory detected

>> No.3955153

Some antis just keep changing subjects and moving the goal post because they can't cope with the simple fact that Gura will surpass Kizuna AI by subs.

>> No.3955207

How could there be a EN producer if there was no EN Hololive.
Think before posting.

>> No.3955265

So a washed up piece of shit, whom I'm not subscribed to. Got it.

>> No.3955291

Don't forget that at least 3 different people made videos on her channel.
Like having a generation sharing one single channel for their streams.

>> No.3955488

It was literally in an interview last month.
>I was in charge of localization right after I joined the company, and in order to solve this problem, one day I suggested to President Tanigo that we should localize the entire hololive content itself. This is what led to the establishment of the current hololive English.

>> No.3955664


that sounds actually reasonable, thank your for this informative post Anon.

>> No.3956660

I like this rrat. It would explain why even though Coco initially applied for a managerial position at Cover somehow ended up becoming just another holo streamer. What if she got both gigs. I want to believe bro's. Coco is the producer of EN! And that explains why holoEN sucks .

>> No.3956752

I genuinely think Hololive is paralyzed, they got this huge success out of a foreign branch that they didn't think would do any better than their ID branch has done. They are a deer in the headlights simply watching fame run over talents they've employed and shilled for years.
If they sincerely knew EN would have exploded like it did they surely would have contracted a 3D motion tracking studio in America and would have had several 3D collabs and albums by now.

>> No.3956824

This. It's not a matter of them not caring, it's a matter of them not being prepared and not having any real alternative because planning and plans went out the window with covid.

>> No.3957014

People who play rhythm games tend to be perfectionist

>> No.3957515

That's pretty much Cover's entire history with hololive. Random booms of popularity from outside factors and playing catchup to deal with them.

>> No.3957828

nihilism 2nd season?

>> No.3958414
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Yagoo too

>> No.3958525

>I make so much money
chumbuds are mostly composed of underage zoommers, and poor ESL, so no

>> No.3958551

Imagine she commits sudoku over the guilt lol

>> No.3959628

We don't.

>> No.3959637

>The author from Berserk just died
>I will barely recover from this by the time people assume Gura will YAB herself into oblivion
Chumbuds... no...

>> No.3959641

Gura was this close already? It's as if Gura beating Ai's other channel was just yesterday...

>> No.3959902

speedrunning imposter syndrome let's gooo!

>> No.3960270

Gura will never collab with your stagnant oshi, fuck off leech

>> No.3960832

When Gura becomes #1, I bet all the other founding father VTubers will congratulate her, but Kizuna Ai won't even acknowledge the achievement because of her ties with China

>> No.3961305

I've read this multiple time, but Is Kizuna Ai really China sponsored now? I mean, she did end up separating from Upd8 and singing with that American agency, no?

>> No.3961532

On the bright side we could see the return of drunk streams. Drunk Gura seems like it would be pretty kino.

>> No.3962063

I haven't seen this much falseflaggers replying to each other in a while. Are you guys that bored?

>> No.3962163

She has a bilibili channel like a lot of other VTubers do, that's all.

>> No.3962428

her channel is a Bilibili partner channel and she has done Bilibili sponsored events but so has Hololive and Nijisanji. Do they operate her channel or dictate her contents? No.

>> No.3963420

that was way more cringe than it should’ve been holy shit

>> No.3963702
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Is this the numberfag thread?

>> No.3964027

Gura probably hopes Kizuna gets to 3m first.

>> No.3964107

she didn't join hololive for money or fame. she joined it for friends.

I'm not kidding, she says it in many many small ways in many of her streams. She hated being the blue cat and "alone", she wanted friends to talk to and stream with. That's why she applied to hololive. she saw the fun that aqua and others had streaming together and wanted in on that.

Her numbers are driving a wedge between her and her friends and she loaths it.

>> No.3964614

It aaaaaaall returns to cunnyyyyyy
She just keeps making me cum making me cum making me cuuuuuuuum
It aaaaaaall returns to cunnyyyyyy
I just keep jacking me off jacking me off jacking me ooooooooff

>> No.3964778

no competition...

>> No.3965116

>break into Japanese mainstream pop culture like Kizuna AI did
Keyword: did
>a safe choice
Safe? Perhaps. Effective? Fuck no.

>> No.3967058

>The person stopping Coco from collabing with EN was Coco herself. She is very protective and is so horrified at the thought of Zhang going after EN that she quarantines herself.

>> No.3967897

sorry but i still kinda don't get it. is the voice actor the one who did streams, be it back then and now? because the voice sounds too natural to be a voice changer. even if it is, there has to be some kind of malfunction or some case where the sounds just will be unfitting and cause some distortion etc. but that never happened on her streams

>> No.3968097

why the fuck would a voice changer be involved?

>> No.3968132

Gura is the T-Series of vtubers, it is inevitable

>> No.3968312

I hope she finally sees that she's done more then stepping on the backs of her senpai after this I know she probably won't but still

>> No.3968359

>more then stepping on the backs of her senpai
like what?

>> No.3968407

If you want to know which Ai was present in each video/stream during the time period that Ai, Love-chan, and Ai-pii were sharing channels: https://krazete.github.io/ailog/static

>> No.3968438

>Her numbers are driving a wedge between her and her friends and she loaths it.
Even if she is autistic with people the best she can do is just organize collabs with everyone so it spills over.
Didn't shit like this boost both kiara and ina's subs when Ina 'overslept'?

>> No.3968621
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Why doesn't Gura move to Japan? I'm sure she would be welcomed at the Holohouse and Cover should be able to find a way for Gura to come over with a work visa. That way she can do events with Calli and the rest of the Holos.

>> No.3968717

>no longer famous
Please faggot. This isn't a real problem, she doesn't even use her real voice. Literally no chance of anyone recognizing her IRL.

>> No.3968732

She doesn't know Japanese, easily the number one barrier of entry (not the only one) to move to Japan.

>> No.3968808

Maybe she doesn't want to. Her family lives in the states and she clearly loves her mom.

>> No.3968852

She collabed with ANYA

>> No.3968867

>work visa
Cover has never done this for anyone and I doubt they know how to do it.

>> No.3968879

Pewdiepie is constantly adapting, A.I is the exact opposite of that

>> No.3968885

>Her numbers are driving a wedge between her and her friends and she loaths it.
Her "friends" should stop being such massive faggots then.

>> No.3969055

Neither does Cali nor many other western content creators living in Japan, like some of those people from the Trash Taste Podcast.
She can get by with a manager's/senpai's help.

>> No.3969098

Basically OG Ai cannot do all her projects while making Youtube videos, so instead of branching out into newer talents, Upd8 decided to just hire actors that can more or less copy Kizuna Ai's timbre and mannerisms so that OG Ai can continue with music, advertising, IRL projects etc while Clone Ais can handle her 2 channels.

No voice changer required - most professional voice actors are capable of impersonating well known voices in some capacity

>> No.3969207

Guess that's why she's not as awkward with Calli who has her beat in another category (Superchat). Or Calli really is that chill and she bounces off her good

>> No.3969219

I work with a lady who lived in japan for a while (her husband was in the military) and not only does she not speak any japanese she's pretty fucking stupid. I imagine if you live somewhere tourist-y enough you're fine.

>> No.3969276

Only Ame has any issues with Gura and it's stems from the fact she is too autistic to ignore chat. Ame admits it herself.

>> No.3969289

we cant save her anon.
she has to put in the work and save herself

>> No.3969452

Yo man, that fishtank was going good then it turned into numbersssssssss guilt trip. I know they're close but i felt the shivers when Ame began to bring up "Who's the most subcribed Vtuber?" Bit and Gura couldn't respond.

>> No.3969531

If chumbuds know that Gura hates numberfaggotry, why do they keep bringing it up?

>> No.3969777

Because someone finally caught up to Kizuna Ai's numbers? People are excited.

Kizuna Ai's been at the top for almost 5 years; it's the same thing as Pewdiepie - pretty sure Pewds doesn't care but people are excited to see if someone can unseat him

>> No.3969841

Because her growth is an anomaly beyond compare. The shock value of it all is enough that very few would even be able to ignore it.

>> No.3970103

Always has been.

>> No.3970117

American military bases overseas are American villages.

>> No.3975996

You telling me you don't think she believes she only got so big so fast was because of her senpai?

>> No.3976330

referring to the "voice model" stuff. hence why there are a lot of ais but they speak in the same voice

>> No.3976373

collab with NijiEN

>> No.3976645

"Voice model" is just kayfabe speak for voice actor. Since Ai is an artificial intelligence, Nozomi's voice is used as a model for Ai's voice, lore-wise.

>> No.3976981

Ame used to be chill what the fuck happened?
for a month or so she has just been desperate and salty

>> No.3977194

Hololive EN (and Gura in particular) have attracted many viewers to Hololive JP, her jap senpais have benefited as much as her (if not more), they are not just her 'stepping stones'.

>> No.3977266

Can't. Ai lost too much momentum during the 3 Ai's era and she's just now starting to finally gain some amount of growth.

>> No.3977486

If she manages to collab with Gura, she can make it.

>> No.3977541

Calli could probably collab with a flaming dumpster in the middle of the Gaza Strip and it would probably be a chill fun stream. She’s basically the ultimate collaborator. And I’m not even a deadbeat.

>> No.3977596

Ollie has nothing on the REAL zombie vtuber

>> No.3977654

>thinking subscribers = money
Oh you sad, sweet summer child.
If you need a definitive example of how little subscriber count actually matters, here's a 6 Million subs YouTuber from the old Top 10 days literally asking people to unsubscribe because he gets so few views on his videos that he's actually losing money now: https://youtu.be/i2Qm3QFTN2g

>> No.3977655

She’s been getting more and more frustrated because she puts in a ton of creative work for the gen and the other girls are just like.... guess I’ll stream monster hunter again... which is fine for Mori and Ina. They have their music writing and art niche. But Kiara and Gura have been sandbagging. Ame dreams big, but Gura wants to hide from her success because of her autistic anxiety.

>> No.3977915

It is for the companies.
Popularity can always be milked in one way or another.

>> No.3977993
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Nippon companies love big numbers!

>> No.3978143

Yeah but once the hype dies down, it'll die down HARD. There's no connection between her and that massively oversized audience at all and the metrics prove it. She's got absolutely no idea what to do with it, and once that exponential growth hits a ceiling? Gura will become exactly like Kizuna- a relic of a bygone era, a living memory that only gets an occasional nostalgic glance, with no one actually watching her because everyone just assumes she'll be fine as they look for something new.
All of HoloEN will meet this fate, it's inescapable with growth this unsustainable.
Probably sooner for Gura than the rest of them.

>> No.3978503

Time to subscribe

>> No.3978623
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>> No.3978721

That's because the original plan WAS to make Kizuna Ai replaceable to reduce her negotiating power within upd8 and also make the entire company less reliant on a single point of failure. It's all thanks to them failing this hard that VA replacements are never done in this industry again.

>> No.3978826

>how do we save the pewdiepie of vtubers?
We don't...

>> No.3978953

That stream had a lot of awkward moments just because these girls don't hang out enough. I thought Ame's schitzo styled questioning and jumps in logic mirrored flat-earthers pretty well and was laughing during that shit.

>> No.3979047

I’m guessing Gura’s not looking forward to it because she’ll have to acknowledge it and probably have a special stream for it. Probably have a call in from Kizuna AI herself and other Holos.

>> No.3979103

I'm not calling her one but she probably views herself that way

>> No.3979153

you might be right :(

>> No.3979238

Kiara has her own thing going on with the other jp members and trying to Collab with vshojo and coco, I think is mostly Gura the one she is angry at.

>> No.3979407

Yeah, no, making Ai "replaceable" was just a rrat spread around during that time period. And nobody does VA replacements because of the Gamebu incident.

>> No.3979527

I think it would be a greater obstacle for Gura since she is very anxious and doesn't like to feel like a burden

Also this, Kiara HAD to leave japan and none of the ID talents have been able to move to japan.
I don't know how Calli manages to stay in Japan, but probably not thanks to Cover.

>> No.3979610

Didn't she say it in a rap?

>> No.3979615

>Kiara sandbagging.
Homie, I don't have a problem with any of the girls, but this is some real shit. She pours tons of time into PR and busts ass giving 5+ hour streams almost daily while looking to reach out to anyone to do collabs with. You can dislike her voice or her volume settings all you want, but Kiara puts all she's got into the job.

>> No.3979964

Every hype dies eventually.
All vtubers will graduate someday but they can move on to other fields and progress. I fail to see such thing as an issue. At the moment, Gura and her audience are doing fine though and that is what matters. Just because she is an anomaly doesn’t mean that her growth is unsustainable though. Also even Kizuna Ai is not that dead at the moment.

>> No.3980474

On second thought. You're right. She does do a lot of networking. Its a shame she's such an awkward person. I get repulsed by cringe pretty strongly so I don't watch much of her content.

>> No.3980955

What creative work? (I mean this completely sincerely)

At a glance, I don't see what Ame does for the gen as a whole.

>> No.3981396

/jp/ figured out that Gura had a complex about being the #2 vtuber literally the first stream after 1 million. How has Ame not figured it out yet?

>> No.3981495

Gura was reclining though, remember when she had a stream where she reacts to her debut stream but she only garnered 12k viewers? Gura unironically got saved by her outfit reveal, lets see how much shell last until the next outfit which is NY outift

>> No.3981548

It’s been 8 months anon, holoEn is out of honeymoon period but there’s no “clash” just stabilizing, this is not just a fad.

>> No.3981566

There's a lot of stuff that goes on in the background. The creation of stream props, content ideas. Networking with software creators and such. When she called into Ina's birthday stream, she mentioned something about being happy that Ina used some of the things she came up with. There's a lot that goes on in the background that you don't directly see. She helped created Kiara's intro for Holotalk, among other things. The fish tank stream was basically all her. The desk props, the legs, the draw portion, the shadows in the mirrors of the "dressing room" part. She's a solid workhorse and i'm not even a Team mate. 10 bucks says the tako tip jar on Ina's stream was her as well.

>> No.3981689
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She still lives for that dream of hers, even if its in other dimension

>> No.3981816

This has to be a bait. I was there, she did two stream that day with combine view over 1 million.

>> No.3981873

Not a bait retard, and vod is not linear to every youtuber.

>> No.3981906

That's just unfortunate... Kudos to Ame for busting her chops.

But I'm not entirely without sympathy for Gura either. Like, Fubuki touched upon this topic and I'm fairly certain Gura's feeling the same way, only worse because she somehow thinks she doesn't deserve what she's obtained.


This just reeks of impostor syndrome. I think in some weird twitsted way, Gura is trying NOT to grow anymore.

>> No.3982019
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Next time you want to lie, at least make sure it can't be disproven by a simple Google search

>> No.3982047


>> No.3982083

Everybody here, on this site, should descend upon youtube like a plague when Gura surpasses AI, talking shit to every streamer they see.

It would be hilarious to see Gura upset on twitter about it, and we might even get the chance to see her break down and cry on stream. Best case scenario, she graduates.

>> No.3982183


>> No.3982203

Gura is absolutely dragging her feet, hoping her growth will slow to a crawl. When was the last time she did a karaoke stream that wasn't members only? She's stopped doing a lot of the on meta streams that were really pumping her growth. I bet she would take a hiatus if Cover would let her. She knows it deep in her bones that she doesn't deserve 2 million subs, let alone 2.7 million. She's completely wrong, but that doesn't change how absolutely convinced she is. She would EASILY be over 3 million if she had kept up the effort she put into her scheduling and streaming choices for the first three to 6 months.

>> No.3982312

Wow that makes it better, only half way through pekora's minecraft stream kek

>> No.3982320
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>> No.3982436

Imagine gura pumping out short meme clip/colab with mainstream celeb. Maybe go on SNL? Saying politicaly correct shit? Her number would be monstrous but people would call her a sellout. Gouda wouldn’t be happy, her core fan wouldn’t be happy, no one win except numberfag.

>> No.3982449

She did one tho, an unarchive one that had 30k

>> No.3982524

The stream was short for her standard.
When the numbers was getting bigger she chickened out and ended the stream.

>> No.3982566

Ame well, she seems to be the techsavvy and creative gamer girl type, also (tech) support, emotionally helpful too, hits you with astronomical levels of GFE when she tries it, the others are kinda:
>Rapper and music producing/tries to, probably once a /mu/tant, also dorky, actually sweet, cannot say no to her friends unless annoyed to hell and back, very nice.
>Dumb shark, rhytm gamer, feet uh, cute and funny, HOLY FUCK THAT VOICE CONTROL, also amazing singer, lots of emotional intelligence, nearly hypnotic, good thing Gura's not a politician.
>Idol trained apparently, super-weeb, Genki personality, "bully the chicken", very talkative, fanservice first, irradiates her own aura too much.
>Chill girl, artist, pun lover, the type of girl you want to be best friends more than lovers, fairly funny, relaxing streams, very cute

>> No.3982585

Which one? The collab with Rushia?

That's cute, almost 1/3 the viewers of Gura's costume reveal

>> No.3982692

> He doesn't know that Inanis is a professional artist that creates the best stuff for her special streams, worked with Arknights and AL, designed merch for 5th gen and so on .

I am convinced you are either not old enough either never watch Ina if you consider her
> more friends than lovers
when she is the ultimate oishi in endgame

The other good thing about Mori is that both her and Ina are the most hardworking vchuubas in their gen (then goes Ame), spending all of their energy, lack of sleep and time on their own content. They both will push you to be the best version of yourself.

>> No.3982736

When was this? I remember one from like 5 months ago. But I haven’t seen a karaoke stream from her in ages.

>> No.3982747

>I am convinced you are either not old enough either never watch Ina if you consider her
>He doesn't know I don't want to spread doxxfaggotry so I keep my power level down
Anon... I...

>> No.3982840

>Wow that makes it better, only half way through pekora's minecraft stream kek

(Sincerely) What does this sentence even mean?

>> No.3982923

My rrat is Gura is trying her best to sabotoge her growth as much as possible. She feels like a hack. Imagine how shitty she feels surpassing The Kizuna fucking Ai without having to work even 10% as hard as her.
If Gura actually tryharded, she'd be a 4M subs already.

>> No.3982941

Deflecting and Goal post moving

>> No.3983233

>If Gura actually tryharded, she'd be a 4M subs already.
If Gura actually tryharded, she would be nearing 6M and growing so fast some Indies might have an hero'ed by just looking her up.
Gura's like those characters in games that are fairly average in looks and gameplay but can insta-kill people with some well placed hits or a combo, it's basically cheesing by all looks but considering she does not "break the game" by gameplay standards (doing average VTuber stuff), she's still playing fair, you are just not trying enough.
Gura's fucking scary, Imagine if she breaks through her doubts and goes 110%, as a competitor, how the fuck do you beat that?
Not a chumbud, just a numberfag

>> No.3983481

>She's completely wrong
Is she though? A good chunk of her subs are people who subbed for "haha funny meme shark" in the early days, but have since left. Another chunk are just HERfags who don't care much about Gura. Being super popular just by merely existing is a curse to her.

>> No.3983496

HoloMyth's popularity has already stabilized and they can prove they can get 10k+ live viewers and people to buy their merch. Their hype isn't dying anytime soon and Gura isn't gonna become like Kizuna Ai. If anything, Gura hasn't hit the real popularity bubble yet even after setting the highest live viewer record. She could totally go tryhard, merch, sponsorhips, songs, collabs but it felt like she's just biding her time. I agree with this, cause too fast of a popularity is a problem too. Cover likely realized this before and is keeping her own a leash. At the moment, She's just building up her fanbase and community slowly for her genmates and jpmates to keep up.

>> No.3983641

A hour one karaoke stream with songs she had practiced was already gold level. Why are you saying she chickened out when it's just a normal karaoke stream? She doesn't need more numbers.

>> No.3983714

>And nobody does VA replacements because of the Gamebu incident.
What happened there?

>> No.3983795

My pet rrat is that she is just hyper autistic about making it "on her own", which I can respect, but it sucks for gura.

>> No.3983852

gura is gura's worst critic

>> No.3983877

i was reffering to Ame but you're still right.

>> No.3983947

Was this revenge?

>> No.3984079

Impossible. I've watched a video of vtubers with 400K views before, and their only mention of Kizuna AI is "She was the first vtuber but got replaced with others VA, their company is shady". The West won't even bother listening to her version of the facts and her reputation is forever ruined. At least she still has more than 2K viewers per stream, I checked out the Asano sisters yesterday and they had below 100 viewers

>> No.3984149

Gura will cross 3 million before any of the other Holos cross 2 million.

That is a shark fact.

>> No.3984205
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Alexander Fig Newton

>> No.3984659

That is true. But on that day I realized many people actually forgot that she can sing as well.
> only known for being a dumb meme shark

>> No.3984948

Fucking based. This confirms that it’s not just rratposters noticing how lazy/nerfed Gura is. Ame can litterally see it happening behind the curtains and is tired of her shit

>> No.3985396

April 2019, the "souls" of Gamebu began tweeting on their private accounts about how they were being mistreated by management. Fans started getting mad and the company eventually apologized. Then between June and September, Unlimited replaced all of Gamebu with new people, and their defense was that Gamebu weren't VTubers, but CTubers ("character YouTubers"). Of course, this really pissed off fans and Gamebu's popularity pretty much died. Unlimited eventually fired the CEO and some upper management, restructured, and rebranded to Brave Group.

>> No.3985495

Get her in JP and then they'll talk

>> No.3985555

And she hates it. She didn't even want to cross 1m.
Every day becomes scarier as the disdain her senpais have for her grows. She knows she didn't struggle for it like they did.
She won't even address the milestone until someone literally forces her to. Again.

>> No.3985661

Calli is a pseudo-resident afaik

>> No.3985813

This had to be the way I found out the news. Fuck me berserk was my childhood

>> No.3985844

you can't the dwarf hammerhead megladon is coming

>> No.3985871

>Nigger... Rigger, RIGGER
no. Calli did in a retelling of some event, Kiara had freudian slip

>> No.3986008

omfg you are behaving like orcs that band on Kiara

>> No.3986064

>At this rate she'll be the first EN to graduate

>> No.3986111

go back

>> No.3986113


>> No.3986115


>> No.3986151

now that a cope if i ever seen one

>> No.3986168

hhhmmmmm it's like she doesn't speak japanese and it's not like anyone in JP touches Sora let alone do a collab, so fuck off your double standards

>> No.3986246

meds now, all they need to do is to get the money, then cover takes care of the rest

>> No.3986276
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>> No.3986342
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>cover takes care of the rest

>> No.3986368

this purity is what made me subscribe, Gura needs to get stronger and own it

>> No.3986413

She probably knew that Gura had a complex about it, but didn't realize how bad the complex actually is. Like, she maybe thought that Gura was just bashful, not wanting to make a big deal about it. She didn't realize that it was so bad it needs a fucking trigger warning.

>> No.3986418

kek, her boost came from Times Square and bday, just look at yesterday count and today

>> No.3986699

>subscribers = money
yes, ever look how advertisement price is rated?

>> No.3987383

meds plz
that was a member only stream

>> No.3987612

after you

>> No.3987664

rent a studio, get a song writer, get artists for MV...

>> No.3988314

Honestly she should just graduate and join VShojo or something if all she wants to do is chill out and have friends. Her performance is an embarrassment to Hololive and the VTuber industry as a whole. She has big numbers and nothing to show for it. She’s going to crash and burn if she doesn’t address it soon.

>> No.3988346
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>going to

>> No.3988410

It was public.
You can cross check in holostats too.

>> No.3988845

Why the shit talking? Why the salt about how she runs her channel? Is this some perceived jealousy that you think your Oshi has? Just trying to stir the pot?

>> No.3988996
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It drives numberfags crazy that Gura is a based anti-numberfag.

>> No.3989020
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>> No.3989083

it's just seething paypigs that can't stand a normie deiced blue shark is cool and subscribed

>> No.3989377

>A.I is the exact opposite of that

>> No.3989451


>> No.3989649

like it or not, she's gained enough followers there to fall just short of her YT channel despite years separating their creation dates. she's adapted to new means to advertise herself and her content.

>> No.3989834

t. Gura.

>> No.3989972

It just blows me away that there are some people who spend hours a day on this website, a place that has 1/10th of the viewers of vtubers on it, shit talking half of the vtubers that exist. Is your life being a contrarian? Can you really have fun shitposting for hours? Where does someone gain the will to do shit like this?

>> No.3990006

Gura is an meme.

>> No.3990034

Soon yes.. she will realize the only way up the top is by climbing on the bodies of your enemies and she will spread lies about kizuna having sex with tons of men all night and surpass her instantly

>> No.3990882

hoshikawa deron

>> No.3990930

>Help them organize schedules.
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Take advantage of the hundreds of popular games with open streaming licenses
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, work with them to find the problem and help fix it
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream such as games, accounts, payments for servers. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions.
>Teach them basic OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing.
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Hire competent staff with background in talent management for managers, translators, mods, etc.
>Use their prestige to hook their talent up with creatives who want to make things for them.
>Screen all fan-made content that the Holos want to feature.
>Reach out and connect the talent to merchandise producers so they can offer a range of products, some personalized to the Holo's taste
>Present concerts in a way that offers the best experience for both the idols and the fans
>Support the Holos with projects if they want to go above and beyond what's required, re-invest in the talent that made you money
>Not make them dance around and shill instant curry
>Leaves schedule management for the talents, resulting in multiple issues when things don't go to plan
>Use a messy system for collaborations, which results in long waiting periods and delays
>Refuses to use open streaming licensees until they can get explicit permission from the developers or publishers, further delaying stream concepts, as well as operating on a branch-by-branch permissions list, resulting in members of one branch having permission while others do not, without telling them
>Leave talents to their own devices, only seeming to check in if the talent's conditions have already had a negative effect in some way, when it could be prevented and fixed much earlier
>Outside of the initial iPhone and software, they don't provide a computer setup that would enable the streamer to operate at their peak. This has resulted in setbacks for multiple Holos in their debut period as internet and hardware issues handicap their streams until they can be fixed
>Seem to allow multiple issues to persist across multiple streams, when support staff getting involved would help resolve said issues much faster (such as talents playing through OBS, resulting in delayed feedback, making the talents frustrated and harming the stream experience for both them and the viewers)
>Very little OPSEC, which has allowed for multiple incidents to occur where talents are harassed by antis who follow them from their past lives
>Slow to act, and multiple antis have popped up after getting banned to keep going under new accounts. They need to be more aggressive on this front
>Throw their talents into the water headfirst, leaving them to stumble into the lessons firsthand, when these issues could have been easily avoided
>Have consistently had issues with support staff, resulting in multiple needing to be either reprimanded or fired after they cause issues for the talent
>Prefer to focus on the "tech company" aspect, leaving the talent to make their own connections if they want anything to be done
>Have allowed multiple fan-works to slip through the cracks with issues, resulting in problems for the talent such as traced emotes or harmful messages hidden in retweeted fanart
>Slow to develop any merchendising contacts, Holos have been limited to voice packs, small pillows and acrylic stands, with only small exceptions as of late, as well as having management veto some of the talent's ideas on "character" basis
>Stubbornly stick to the live viewing model, resulting in multiple concerts where restrictions force them to simply stream footage of the venue screen online, resulting in much flatter visuals than intended
>Require the Holos to personally invest in projects, while also holding them to strict standards of what can and can't be done without informing them before they start working on said projects.
>Make them dance around to shill instant curry

>> No.3991914

you're the one to talk beky

>> No.3992707

Go home gura

>> No.3993355

She's already famous as a VTuber, it doesn't matter where she ends up, as soon as people figure out who she is, she'll create enough buzz to boost her to yet-another "Gold Button" because people just won't stop making references to her and her past personas.

>> No.3993765

>I don't know how Calli manages to stay in Japan, but probably not thanks to Cover.
She probably had an English teaching job before (scythe swinging lessons), which is how the vast majority of people get a work visa. She's no longer doing that gig though, so she must've gotten a contract somewhere and I wouldn't be surprised if it was cover. Kiara couldn't get the same thing because she was there on a special one year work visa that afaik cannot be extended under any circumstance. She'll have to get back in through the normal channels if she wants to move to Japan.

>> No.3995360

That's a problem retarded shizos made, don't blame it on Gura you faggot.

>> No.3995554

>Me no subscribed there for bad

>> No.3995582


>> No.3995619

and? Pewds said it while gaming, which is pretty much the same

>> No.3996329

who cares about normie zoomer bullshit?

>> No.3998927

Maybe you should go home inst-oh wait!

>> No.4002722

holy fuck...

>> No.4007416
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>> No.4007583
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Wouldn't be surprised she definitely had a most creative and insane debut stream

>> No.4007892

A few weeks ago, right before her new outfit reveal week.

>> No.4007911
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It was April 30th, anon.

>> No.4008364
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these have been some interesting rrats

>> No.4008459

Tell a phonenigger the timestamp

>> No.4009183
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What was being 2nd have to do with the question ame...

>> No.4010175

advertiser cares

however this would result of lots of cringe memes posted by corpo twitter, like fellow kids tier

>> No.4014072

The /jp Gura antis in this thread, lol.
