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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39513930 No.39513930 [Reply] [Original]

Bros...I think she's the one.

>> No.39514179

don't know or care who this is but she's sexy as fuck

>> No.39514180

Niji deflection thread.

>> No.39514258
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jojo is the most basic anime ever

>> No.39514282

I think her Eddie Murphy laugh is cute

>> No.39514284

Great gfe content, i approve

>> No.39514358

She is very cute and wholesome

>> No.39514457

Is she actually doing a 0 death bloodborne run is or that just a meme?

>> No.39514459

she is the one if you are an old man, factually
if you know you know

>> No.39514492

dropped her the second she had a male voice yab in one of her ASMR streams. she's still cool I guess

>> No.39514535

Nene is good

>> No.39514540


>> No.39514551

She lives with her family. Even her grandparents live in that house. Retarded westoids cant wrap their head around that so everything is a

>> No.39514565

Never happened

>> No.39514582

She lives with her parents. Her mom has also been overheard in one her ASMR streams.

>> No.39514615

>visible thong straps

>> No.39514618


Western pigs immediately dump their parents in nursing homes where they get literally abused by black nurses

>> No.39514650

It happened, but a long time ago.

>> No.39514663
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>> No.39514709

that was her grandpa

>> No.39514713

I wanna pull and snap those thong straps on her ass cheeks

>> No.39514745

didnt she say it was her dad?

>> No.39514775

It was her dad, it happened back when she was living with her parents in japan, but her mom kicked her out since she quit her OL job and now she lives in america with her grandparents, who have also been heard on stream occassionally

>> No.39514812

She also lives with her identical twin

>> No.39514816

Being in love with a woman is based and not being in love with a woman is cringe
This post is brought to you by testosterone and not being retarded

>> No.39514847

Is she haafu or no

>> No.39514860

her dads a jap

>> No.39514958

They're not actually identical, they're fraternal.

>> No.39514995

not from what i've seen

>> No.39515064

who makes this shit up lmao

>> No.39515089

I feel bad for these guys man.

>> No.39515163

she has talked about all of this on her stream

>> No.39515181

Read statistics or forever be a nigger

>> No.39515227

hope she takes all of your money

>> No.39515230
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Biggest sweetheart, love Nene, and the nervous face she does is so cute

>> No.39515322

your dad was lying to you when he said all women are whores btw

>> No.39515366

Her latest 2 ASMR streams make me feel funny. She's is very good, I approve.

>> No.39515369

I am the biggest incel unicorn chud who hates women and I think Nene is good

>> No.39515418

I have to watch her in small doses because I don't want to get pulled in too far even though I like her content. My biggest fear is that she's the kind of girl that wraps men around her finger and laughs about it behind the scenes while counting the akasupas

>> No.39515431

fucking rope niji fucker

>> No.39515458

God poor Nene.......the downgrade from Japan to America is steep.

>> No.39515506

same, she is dangerous

>> No.39515562

Your all turbo faggots who don't watch her stop pretending you do

>> No.39515603

is her asmr fappable?

>> No.39515632

She doesn't do earlicking or cocksing asmr, but if you can jack off to "i love you" and heart beats sure

>> No.39515654

I miss her OG design. That was her peak design. Her other outfits are okay, but not as good as pink sweater nene.

>> No.39515675

It's a meme. She tried really hard at Elden Ring and kept a counter of how many deaths (It was a lot). So, this 0 deaths bloodborne run is a meme. She isn't a gamer by any stretch of the imagination, but she's willing to try and is incredibly stubborn.

>> No.39515745

She didn't keep a counter of how many deaths she had in elden ring, it was a meme there too

>> No.39515757

It was just 'brother' Tenshi. There's zero reason for you to overreact like that.

>> No.39515822

i didnt know brother tenshi was an old japanese man

>> No.39515870

Her lolcow page is still alive I think

>> No.39515871

good enough

>> No.39515889

It depends what you like, she has her boundaries. If you want more borderline stuff then listen to Lua instead.

>> No.39515907

she has her own lolcow page? thats not a good sign

>> No.39515917

Or oceane, she does earlicking and Deep Kissing(blowjob noises)

>> No.39515952

She was a cosplayer for a few years, but in the JP scene, don't think there would be a much of her in an EN website

>> No.39516081

all her content is boring

>> No.39516087


>> No.39516208

She lived with her parents at the time and her dad came home from work and did the japanese "I'm Home" greeting, could also hear her mom welcoming him

>> No.39516215

Seriously lol. It’s like a “my dog ate my homework” level of excuse

>> No.39516219

I want to fuck her identical twin brother

>> No.39516283

That's genius actually. Every chuuba should go with that for their intro "Yeah I love with my male relatives so you might hear them in the background from time to time"

>> No.39516328

>y-yeah my brother sometimes hits my ass, don’t worry about that it’s just a cultural thing in our house

>> No.39516462

Asians do live with their families though. Plenty of chuubas talk about their parents and siblings

>> No.39516488


I shot thick ropes when she started saying stuff like "I need all of your love" and "I'll give you all my love you deserve it"

>> No.39516512

Not just asians either, plenty of americans live with their families too

>> No.39516626

objectivity here, reminding you that assuming all women are whores is at odds with reality
please remember to get your mental illness medication

>> No.39516631

True, moreso these days given the astronomical cost of housing

>> No.39516787

Nene is adorable. She's peak wife. She's cute and knows when to be sexy and she can be a dork too. She's wholesome kind and warm.
I don't think she is faking it at all.

>> No.39516908

maybe, but nene is a whore

>> No.39517165

Lua is peak "woman past 30 tries to flirt with you and act sexy" and it works so well. She's the second best Kawaii GFE after Nene

>> No.39517706

lua does not do gfe no matter how much you newfag holobronies try and push it she just does roleplay scripts

>> No.39517745

everyone in kawaii does gfe

>> No.39517763

charzu doesn't

>> No.39517796

no wonder no one cares about her

>> No.39517802

and that's why she is the best

>> No.39517864

that's why she still has 20 ccv

>> No.39517916
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>> No.39518062
File: 125 KB, 330x279, a470919f489f157af96e6697bc1cdec9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lua does not do gfe no matter how much you newfag holobronies try and push it she just does roleplay scripts

>> No.39518162

I love my wife Lua

>> No.39518181

>meme title
next youll say the nijis are gfe too right?

>> No.39518187

Why are Cloudhomos so retarded?

>> No.39518214
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>> No.39518263

Retardchama... I've been here since Gen 1 before Hana graduated, I'm no newfag. I watched the Gen 2 and 3 debuts live. You're also one of the most recognizable schizos in /pkg/ because you mald when anyone but Nene is called GFE. Sure Charzu and Isla aren't GFE but you're kidding yourself if you look at some of this content and sat it isn't.

>> No.39518269

Based CHADname trying to filter out the competition.

>> No.39519011

charzu does tsundere imouto gf experience

>> No.39519203

Sava is very obviously the best Kawaii girl

>> No.39519451

Finally a good fucking take

>> No.39521136

She's pretty good, very "safe" to watch, streams a lot, does GFE 24/7, lots of ASMR and never talks to males aside from her fans.

>> No.39521313

number twelve

>> No.39521334

I only watch her ASMR streams but good lord they are amazing to an unhealthy degree

>> No.39521803

I mean, as long as she keeps up the kayfabe, is there really any harm? Do you get made when the GFE escort you hired doesn’t ACTUALLY love you, too?

>> No.39521930

I just don't want to feel lied to. Like I understand the GFE kayfabe, but I can't stand when they make up shit about things like how lonely they are when they have an SO

>> No.39522150

No she's not, she's dutch/italian.

>> No.39522877

this is how i know you faggots are larping niji sisters. Nene 100% loves her chat has sed and proven it a multitude of times. No stay away from her you aren't welcome to be a husband of hers you aren't worthy of her. No you never will be in your life.

>> No.39522894

she doesn't really go on pitybait rants about her being lonely

>> No.39522953

larpers larping in a bait thread name a more iconic duo when it comes to VeeeTeeee

>> No.39523244
File: 3.76 MB, 480x640, 2EDBD7C6-4EBB-481F-A31D-AA1A43A6F098.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oceane is for fapping. She literally makes out with her microphone during her ASMR streams, and you can feel that shit all the way down your neck. It’s literally the hottest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

>> No.39523590

Her accent filters me.

>> No.39525553

Really? I've watched some of her streams but since she does ASMR all the goddamn time I guess it's hard to catch those moments

>> No.39525682

And that's a good thing. Old people should just be killed.

>> No.39527445
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 3C788256-A507-4B11-B27B-F8CF5955C2D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s one example I found just now
This is straight-up AVtuber shit. I’m surprised she gets away with it

>> No.39529229

The second best(I would argue the best) is Oceane

>> No.39529676

No wonder why she speaks English with a mafia accent.
Kinda reminiscent of Sicilian mobsters in New York

>> No.39529762

Is she like that SEA girl from Cyberlive?

>> No.39529799

Remember when it was spending time with your friend?

>> No.39530500

Wasn't there a controversy about Kawaii pushing for GFE and one of their talents hated that?

>> No.39530640

The one that complained is a liar and always said bullshit things to gain sympathy. Kawaii's management doesn't push anyone into doing GFE. Charzu is a clear example of that.

>> No.39530840

Charzu has been pretty open about stuff management requires like the youtube short quota or the stream time requirement or the numbers they have to submit.

>> No.39531041

Yeah and I don't think any of those things are unreasonable to ask for. If you join a streaming company you should be required to stream a certain amount each week/month.

>> No.39531320

Yeah I think they are fair and in fact it should be the norm.
Shorts might be a hassle but they can help a lot. And consistent streaming times are very important.

>> No.39531458

I don't even think shorts are a requirement. Nami has like 10 shorts total. They have an internal system that rewards shorts and other types of content but I don't think it is a requirement.

>> No.39531462


>> No.39531605

It you mean Emma. They are designed by the same artist.

>> No.39531700

she's pretty cute

>> No.39533372

Nene love

>> No.39533615

But that's not true because her mom is an american and divorced her dad and is estranged in california.

>> No.39533674

Statistically she is likely to be a whore.

>> No.39533744

She quit to be a slut-tuber on twitch.

Charzu is peak GFE.

>> No.39535501

No that's Reine and they're actually from New Zealand but planning to become Canadian citizens

>> No.39536811

The kawaii deepest lore is too deep for me. Like peony's dad being dead and her taking care of her grandma who raised her because her mom is a slut.

>> No.39536879

Peony was also underage when she got accepted in kawaii too, don't forget that

>> No.39537481
File: 64 KB, 639x639, rushia pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but is also old enough to be 'done with college'

>> No.39537571

>done with college
She's literally finishing her first semester now what are you talking about

>> No.39537834

She said she was done though.

>> No.39537857

This semester, not college as a whole

>> No.39538100

She just wanted to be cool for aletta, her new best friend.

>> No.39538252

Statistics are true in general, not for the individual.

>> No.39540957

Something's off about her. I'll pass. Call me when the yab happens

>> No.39540968

I just listened to her ASMR. this girl is dangerous....

>> No.39541135

Absolutely retarded post.

>> No.39542757

Is that Oga?
Which clip?

>> No.39543682

Just finding nene now shit man you've been missing out, shes the ultimate gfe. Pure wife material, her ASMR is top tier and shes just fun to be around. Girls a real professional too, id marry her without a second thought

>> No.39547064


>> No.39548145

Watch Charzu

>> No.39551812 [DELETED] 

Mry her

>> No.39552912

I'll never forget the time I found a chuuba making fun of her fans in a sekrit club with her friends. I still have trust issues. My oshi could be talking shit about me RIGHT NOW. But I guess then she'd at least be talking about me...haha...

>> No.39554380

Anyone can be or become two-faced, bro. Just enjoy the fun and games and sure, help the show go on if you can afford it. In a sense it's not so different from doing nice things for your friends or spending your money to go places together. Look for the best but try to be prepared for the worst, if you decide to engage with anything. Universal rule.

>> No.39554609

no one watches Charzu

>> No.39554944

I wanted to like her but the way she tries too fucking hard turns me off.

>> No.39554959

If she farts on the ASMR mic she'll be the one. Until then no.

>> No.39555127

Belly button too low & small

>> No.39555953

>he thinks a deadbeat is “the one”

>> No.39556048

utterly mindbroken
No matter how unrelated the thread you can't contain yourself
