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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39508268 No.39508268 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll never understand how Cover allows EN Vtubers that just.... don't.... stream. I feel like there has to be pools of streamers in the USA or Europe that won't vanish for weeks. Or managers that would make them stream idk man it seems so SILLY. Would love opinions on this.

>> No.39508408

Their recruitment is messed up. They should stop looking for singers, VAs, Otaku, JP proficiency, young women in general.

The number 1 complaint fans have is lack of streams.

They should focus in recruiting hags that can stream consistently.

>> No.39508477

You just want more hags you cant fool me

>> No.39508515

>/vt/ catalog schizos

>> No.39508519

holofaggot shut up
watch indies or the various corp ENs

>> No.39508614

my opinion is you should kill yourself

>> No.39508644

they don't care, they can just not stream at all and cover would still make shitton of money from the merch sales

>> No.39508728

Even people in the leddit hugbox have been complaining "jokingly".

>> No.39508837

I'll never understand how you anons keep going with this shit when some of the EN literally stream.
Some of them doesn't because its either something to do with their health, family/pets, going break for the holidays to their family, etc.

>Would love opinions on this.
No Op, help me understand how (You) and many others /here/ don't know the meaning of them taking a break.
The talents that are on break literally already posted on their twitters why. So help me understand why you can't comprehend this. Because for me, I'd rather have them take these long ass breaks than graduate entirely.

>> No.39508949

If you want holos that stream then just watch tempus

>> No.39509074

>Because for me, I'd rather have them take these long ass breaks than graduate entirely.
How did that work for Sana lmao

>> No.39509198

Nah, those fans are cancer. If you want pure streamers go back to watching flesh Tubers on Twitch.

Hololive was always about music, even before they adopted the pseudo-idol identity. It's a direct evolution of the utaite culture that was started/popularized on NND and Twitcasts.

Should the EN girls stream more, maybe? Did they join Hololive, because they love streaming or for the music opportunities? The EN and JP girls will overwhelmingly say music.

>> No.39509280

>They should stop looking for otaku
you're the reason why western vtubing is shit

>> No.39509327

>How did that work for Sana lmao
She was never gonna stay long in the first place.
You do realize some of them are going back right? like how kiara is getting a bit better or fauna having a few days left on her break or even ina coming back next year.
I mean atleast sana left on a good note, idk how you still can't understand my point anon, you clearly have 0 clue.

>> No.39509340

How are they making merch money when all the merch is limited and I can't buy 50 IRyS Keychains because I was a retarded poorfag back then

>> No.39509419

Sana left on good terms as she can't balance her rm with her holo stuff. She actually got exposure from joining hololive So I say it worked well for her.

>> No.39509459

That kinda sounds like a (You) problem then anon.

>> No.39509493

EN management is incompetent, simple as that. Write it into their contracts that if they don't do the minimum amount of streaming they are required to do weekly without expressed permission or proof of illness, they don't get their full payments as money is deducted.
Some of these cunts would shape up real fast.

>> No.39509498

xqc streams 12 hours per day and he is a millionaire
woman are just lazy in general

>> No.39509528

>holofags are now defending the lack of streams
my fucking sides

>> No.39509572

good for him. you think every streamer can stream 12 hours every day without burning out ?

>> No.39509673

>my fucking sides
Yeah I hope you actually Kys anon, you can't even argue about what I said and now replies with this shit.
I guess these are the types of people that doesn't have anyone to spend the holidays with.
LMAO even

Now that's just sad

>> No.39509683

Set the minimum amount of streaming per week you expect from members of HoloEN not on an explicit break or vacation.
I know you can't or won't put a number on it because they won't meet it no matter how reasonably low you go.

>> No.39509717

well, no, I assume OP was pointing out to how we have 200 threads every day repeating the same talking points, people bring up various reasons and explain that every talent has their own reasons to be on break - whether legitimate or not, but DIFFERENT reasons - then the next day magically the same threads reappear again.
all very organically and in good faith, of course. totally not to shill corpo X.

>> No.39509737

>idk how you still can't understand my point anon, you clearly have 0 clue.
Taking a break doesn't equal not graduating anonchama, Sana is the point. Breaks don't mean that they'll return rested either, Gura gets exhausted from a single stream
>she can't balance her rm with her holo stuff
Neither can Ina now

>> No.39509754

didn't know xqc was having corporate meetings, song recordings and dance lessons btw.

>> No.39509778

You mean like how bae, mumei, mori, kiara, kronii, or Irys does schedules for their streams anon?
Idk what you're on about here anon but you need to stop comparing them to your shitty ass twitch culture of streaming every single day. I might actually believe you don't have a life outside of vtubers.

>> No.39509806

>Because for me, I'd rather have them take these long ass breaks than graduate entirely.
Who was the last EN vtuber to go from constant hiatuses and breaks to streaming consistently again? Because certainly no one in HoloEN has done that. They pretty much all cut back their stream schedule massively as soon as they got the OK from management that 3 streams a week is no longer necessary. You're naive if you think they'll ever recover.

Just like with all things in life you have to stream consistently to maintain form, otherwise it becomes a hassle to break out of your comfort zone and go back to streaming if you haven't done it in a while. Them not streaming for every flimsy excuse is straight up detrimental.

>> No.39509856

>didn't know xqc was having corporate meetings, song recordings and dance lessons btw.
I thought we were talking about EN anon

>> No.39510010

>Gura gets exhausted from a single stream
Oh and you know how to read people's feelings now anon? didnt know about this.
The point of them taking a break is to avoid the thing you said, which is getting burned out, because not everyone are streaming machines like the chuubas you watched anon.

>Neither can Ina now
good thing she's coming back huh anon? to recuperate and learn how to balance this shit out. I mean look at mori or Noel.

Am done with this thread like holy fuck, it's like anons here doesn't have a clue on what they're talking about and just saying shit that they don't stream.
They DO stream, some of them do and some take a break to stop getting burned out from these holo or vtuber stuff.
If you can't understand that just because noone was streaming when you have free time then you're fucking retarded, that's just how it is.

>> No.39510113

Because you're naive. You let them take advantage of you. You think everything they say is true without questioning its credibility. You enable their shitty behavior. You're a yesman and a mindless drone.

>> No.39510115


>> No.39510138

We are. Stop applying Western Twitch streaming standards/norms to a Japanese entertainment company.

>> No.39510198

>You're naive if you think they'll ever recover
But if they do come back like nothing ever happened, you anons will be like "oops my bad" or if they do leave you'll be like "i told you so"

Like I care anon, If they stay, they stay if not then they'll leave and move on.
What I don't understand is the likes of you still going for there asses taking a break eventhough they already announced it and why they're taking it. It feels like you want them to graduate, then why not just go watch other chuubas then?

>> No.39510290

>The point of them taking a break is to avoid the thing you said, which is getting burned out
Gura burned out from doing literally nothing
>good thing she's coming back huh anon? to recuperate and learn how to balance this shit out.
Literally the same thing was said about Sana

>> No.39510351

There are a dozen of JPs that stream 80 hours a week, while taking those corporate meetings and lessons

>> No.39510377

>But if they do come back like nothing ever happened, you anons will be like "oops my bad" or if they do leave you'll be like "i told you so"
This is a cope anon, you know in your heart that they've already soft graduated long ago. Ame is never going back to making high-effort creative streams. Gura is never going back to streaming more than once a week. Ina is never going back to doing weekly art streams. They're only sticking around because the income from vods and memberships is still free money for zero work.

>> No.39510388

>But if they do come back like nothing ever happened, you anons will be like "oops my bad" or if they do leave you'll be like "i told you so"
Name one example of the former happening

>> No.39510399

How the fuck do I let them take advantage of me anon? If they stream I watch if not then I go on watching others or move on with my life.

>You think everything they say is true without questioning its credibility. You enable their shitty behavior. You're a yesman and a mindless drone.
Oh? and I'd just rather listen to you random anons online rather than the talent themselves? jesus

Ok am done with this retarded ass threads. You guys keep going on with your shit and live this pathetic ass lives.
Feels like if someone from them actually graduates, your lives are over. like holy shit the retardedness I will never comprehend.

>> No.39510444
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Weird how Japanese people can stream 9+ hours just fine but the HoloEN girls die for a week if they stream more than 2 hours. I guess Japanese are just built different.

>> No.39510472

>Feels like if someone from them actually graduates, your lives are over.
Were you even here when Sana graduated

>> No.39510484
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So... Should a VTuber act as they're entertainer that'll put their fandom above her to a certain extent, or should she act as the entertainer that the only reason is to put herself (i.e. to express herself) above others?

>> No.39510496
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>without burning out
lol lmao

>> No.39510500

You guys gave them a lot of money already. And for no good reason.
They dont care anymore. The end.

>> No.39510501

Can’t blame him

>> No.39510659 [DELETED] 

I want them to stream more so theres more chances of a yab happening so we have drama to discuss. This place gets really boring when they don't stream as much because there's nothing to funpost about.

>> No.39510693

only honest post itt

>> No.39511009

>hololive was

>> No.39511146

They've stopped making music?

>> No.39511442

They borrowed the vtuber page, or same handlers?

>> No.39511936

And some of those Japanese don't stream at all. Who knew there'd be variation when you have over 30 different talents in one branch.

>> No.39512063

there is only 1 way for a woman to keep a job at a company without working, you know...

>> No.39512190

Most of the ones that don't stream now did stream a lot on their first year and come from an era where they weren't expected to do much, aside from Laplus and she's getting shit on for that

>> No.39512478

Like I said naive and close-minded. Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.39512561

appeal to emotion (ad passiones) and ad hominem. got any more talking points ?

>> No.39512703

>Write it into their contracts that if they don't do the minimum amount of streaming they are required to do weekly without expressed permission or proof of illness, they don't get their full payments as money is deducted.
This. It's really simple.

>> No.39512773

you want them to show you a sick note from the doctor ? are you their employer ?

>> No.39513071

It’s just a stream is such a weak mindset

>> No.39513238

>are you their employer ?
What? No, the point is they show COVER this sicknote. i.e. Stop letting them take infinite days off when pulling the sick card. Write it into their contract that they must stream for total number of hours and a minumum number of streams per week. If they can't do this due to an illness then they have to show proof their employers and if they can't then you can't have your time off (literally like any other workplace). That way whenever they run to twitter saying they're not feeling well and then vanish, people will know it's real.

I'm more interested in the minimum number of weekly streams being a binding requirement.

>> No.39513847

how do you know that they dont already give Cover proper reasons for missing streams

>> No.39513893

The fact that half of EN has dropped schedules entirely and if they stream at all, it's sporadic, is something they should work on.
It's also stupid that full gen collabs do not happen anymore.

>> No.39513955

I don't. But as things stand it sounds highly unlikely.

>> No.39514036
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>> No.39514694

That's how lucrative streaming is. At least to the popular ones.
>they get to "work" stream anytime
>have endless breaks whenever
>come back just to keep up with thier subs tiers (so they can't cancel it, iirc theres a rule where a subber can refund if the streamer doesn't meet the quota. Ofc streamers learned about it so they can do the bare minimum for you to not make it)

As for vtubers, you should already know by now the ones that are taking long breaks are usually having their own life irl spending your wagie donated money, or fucking some secret non public bf, or just plain playing some other games like a neet average human being.

>> No.39515570

They (Gura particularly) bring in the most money whether you like it or not, this is the world powered by meritocracy. https://youtu.be/57RWPM8ZY4c
I know a streamer who streams 8 hours a day 6 days a week, should Cover hire him? no because he's a faggot with nothing going for him and ugly-sounding voice. It's a hell of a lot more than "just hire a bunch of workaholics and we're set". Streaming a lot can mean you're impairing your brand value because the fans can't keep up with your streams and they eventually become tourists. Real fans need to have FOMO for you period.

>> No.39515661

I'm starting to think that no one here watches JPs. They're the same, the only difference is that there are more of them

>> No.39515683

It’s pretty sad seeing the same excuses used for EN just like sana got, you guys are so unaware it’s unbelievable. Stop drinking the kool aid and wake up

>> No.39515732

He came back after this to do 12 hour streams again, actually updated his fans on sickness without ghosting them too. Seems like a pretty decent streamer. Compare that to holoEN where the girls want to disappear for weeks as soon as something minor occurs

>> No.39515812

Lol for their one original song a year.

We all know kanauru does all the dancing for en besides maybe Kiara so that doesn’t apply.

>> No.39515843

>Seems like a pretty decent streamer
Did he come back to shill that gambling site or to watch videos? You can't seriously be over the age of 10 and be defending that faggot

>> No.39515879

>It's a hell of a lot more than "just hire a bunch of workaholics and we're set". Streaming a lot can mean you're impairing your brand value because the fans can't keep up with your streams and they eventually become tourists. Real fans need to have FOMO for you period.
Not him but what the fuck, that's how it works? The way people always act made it sound like you need to have a shitton of content or else your shit and garbage and seethe about dripfeeding(at this point I'm referring not just streamers but also gaming shit too)

>> No.39515959

People you talk about have very often already established careers and roleplaying as anime character for corpo is not very attractive.
Unironically best material would be peole past primetime of their careers that seek possibilities to prolong their relevancy but would you be happy with dunno, Monica fuckin Rial in Hololive?

>> No.39516006

I'd be fine if we had someone like botan but good luck finding that shit in the west

>> No.39516301


>> No.39516422

Not pictured: his bet of 500k on France right before the bottom tweet

>> No.39516430

It's because they make money regardless, the same thing goes with the girls themselves. Imagine taking a month long break from work and getting the paycheck Gura must get. Imagine going to work less than seven times in a while month and getting the paychecks Gura gets. They get money for doing nothing and no matter who you are they initial drive to provide content will melt away once you see you don't really have to do anything. Look at Ina, her fans were coping for months drawing a shit ton of fan art ect only for it to lead to a "lost my phone" excuse and us learning they while she was out she toured Japan.

Unless hololive writes in minimum content hours to contacts it will continue to be the ultimate vtubing cash cow.

>> No.39516447

Unironically my favorite streamer is a 1 view for just a few simple reasons.
He streams at a consistent schedule 5 days a week and sticks with length of his streams.
Streams video games.
Doesn't stream FOTM
Doesn't stream fucking garbage western f2p MTX multiplayer games like LoL, Apex, Valorant, or Dota.
If only there were holo's that could do just that simple thing other than Tempus.

>> No.39516498

They're looking for pure hearted nice women with good intentions, and they got it right 10 out of 11 times. Mori is what she is, but even then she's not as bad as the average niji.

>> No.39516516

what are permissions and sponsorships

>> No.39516591

Shh... no one wants to admit how greedy japanese video game companies are.
>Join a japanese corpo to stream vidya
>Can't stream japanese games cause of japanese corporate autism

>> No.39517136
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my beloved

>> No.39517356

Not everyone enjoys watching soulless streams, dumbass. If you want that then watch someone else, retard. Is it that hard for you to understand?

>> No.39517428

Money isn't the issue, but ofcorse you have to watch streams instead of bitching about people you don't watch to know that.

>> No.39517496

Still not half as greedy as the western music industry. We'll never get English covers of modern songs.

>> No.39517614

Didn't he cash it out for a 5k hit during the game?

>> No.39517694

And we treated Sana with kids gloves in comparison. EN viewers need to up their standards.

>> No.39517834

Almost all of his content is lazy react content. Gura could and wants to do the same low effort content.

>> No.39517943

Cover doesn't particularly care how much individual girls stream, what do they get out of it, a cut of the superchat money? Meaningless compared to how much money they make from merchandising/sponsorship deals, etc

To a big corp like Cover the talent's job is just to build up a character IP for them that they can farm out for easy cash, and streaming once a month doesn't realistically get in the way of that goal at all. A girl who burns herself out streaming and then quits OTOH is a huge problem, they can't continue making money off a voice/character model of someone who quits or destroys their own reputation.

>> No.39518035

excessive success that is not borne from high effort often leads to complacency and entitlement

>> No.39518041

The Vod views are more important than the SC's.

>> No.39518193
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>Did they join Hololive, because they love streaming or for the music opportunities? The EN and JP girls will overwhelmingly say music.

>> No.39518578

If they put out 1 good stream per week, I'm fine with that. If they want to pad that out with a couple bland streams I don't mind, though I probably won't watch all of it.
but when they disappear for months, then I move on to someone else and won't come back unless something really interesting happens.

>> No.39520929

My opinion is I don't give a fuck about a streamer's work ethic. There are fifty million hours of streams being streamed every hour. I can just watch someone else.

>> No.39520981

Very cool, Ninja.
Thanks for your input (not asked for).

>> No.39521627

imo, the vibe from holos stream compares to twitch is just way different, most of twitch streamers has this stream and chill vibe looking for clippable stuff that can blow up instead of holos who feels like they doing playalong video and has this vibe of completing some job or something everytime they hit their start streaming button.

>> No.39522489

Because most people don't want to stream 8 hours a day 5 days a week.. They do it because it's literally their job and they need it to make a living.

>> No.39522871
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I'm glad we agree!
Whenever no interesting streams of people I know go on, I look for new chuubas playing a game I like and have a good time in two thirds of all cases. DaredemoDaisuki LOVE.

>> No.39523012

Not only that, the full time streamer meta is hideous. I'd hate to watch hours youtube videos suggested by my viewers for tips while acting engaged and comment on everything. It's cool with friends for 2 or 3 hours, but not as a job.

>> No.39523205

>Did they join Hololive, because they love streaming or for the music opportunities
They joined because they love money. Or at least everyone past like JP gen 1 did, maybe gen 2 was the last of the "actual randos who didn't expect big money/fame" vibe but aqua was already known. Some of them also happen to actually-like Holo as well but most of them only had a very casual awareness of it and this is true in EN and JP alike. Most of them see it as just the biggest company to work for so aspire towards it but aren't actually big fans of the girls' content.

EN1 also was arguably at least somewhat populated by girls who didn't have much expectations because it was unproven at the time; Ame said her goal for all of 2021 on debuting was to ... get to 100,000 subs. They seemed trained to expect middling mild success similar to ID.

>> No.39523594

Going for breaks as long as the girls have is absolutely insane outside of extreme circumstances. Lying about health issues only makes it worse. Just be honest and admit to being a lazy, mentally ill, zoomer.

>> No.39523657

Struck a nerve? Your chuuba is no different from other anons here. Why would I trust everything they say?

>> No.39523675

>Oh? and I'd just rather listen to you random anons online rather than the talent themselves? jesus
Both talents and anons have motivated reasoning to tell the truth or lie

>> No.39523722

>he actually believes the girls do an appreciable amount of work outside of streaming
aint no way, lil bro

>> No.39523816

>Ame is never going back to making high-effort creative streams
But she never started? Is "La creatividad" actually more than a meme? There's no way people actually believe her shit is creative, right? It's just using assets and ideas handed to her FOR FREE from her shitty discord orbiters.

>> No.39523844

>gambling site
cover and niji both shill gacha, which is the worse form of gambling
>to watch videos
reacting to videos as a low effort as playing minecraft or any other non competitive game as both of them require no skill and you're not paying attention to them
>You can't seriously be over the age of 10 and be defending that faggot
yet here you are trying to defend women who have openly lied but acting like they haven't

>> No.39523857

Streaming is one of the easiest jobs on the planet. You may as well commit suicide if streaming is too hard to deal with cause trust me, most other jobs are harder.

>> No.39524171

So it seems at least from your post the "I don't care if they're away 3 weeks at a time for every week they stream" crowd is at least in part, people who literally pull the "wow you care too much get a life XD" card if you point out how little content they have now compared to before. Being 2cool2care doesn't make you right. It just makes you a non-participant trying to lecture strangers on the internet, trying to bring everything down into your oversimplified view of this subject because you don't care enough to go beyond that. IN which case you're basically worthless.

The other part of the oddly-overtolerant crowd are people who in fact also care at a large level but also are afraid to peek behind the veil and consider maybe the girls DON'T realistically need 2 weeks off for losing a pet goldish or getting a tummyache from eating a borgar too fast. They're just afraid of pushing back, because they have the beta orbiter mentality of "the only way she'll like us and we'll stay in her good graces is to praise and defend everything she does", something you see IRL sometimes I heavily suspect translates to this kind of behavior for Holo girls. I think their line of thinking is "if the girl feels comfortable and relaxed around us and feels really supported, she'll want to stream more and love us more!" but this is fucking objectively demonstrated false by how much grace Sana was endlessly given only for her to just leave anyway, and tinges of that in Ina clearly being up to some cool priestess duties and just blowing off the takos for like 2 months solid. "She could take a fraction of a second to like some twitter art? Nah that's too much to ask of her, we should assume she is dying of heart failure instead, so we can forcibly pretend to be supportive of her still." What idiocy. Putting up a fight for a shadow that already ditched you is.. I dunno. Don't do that. Just walk away from her if she walks away from the job, it's that simple.

>> No.39524391

this guy is a faggot and for children

>> No.39524506

let's see Gura or Ina's positive covid test. oh wait.

>> No.39524582

its not like covid does anything to people in their 20s anyway (unless you were dumb enough to get jabbed)

>> No.39528282

So you are saying he's the Gura of fleshtubing, except he actually streams?

>> No.39528384

>pure hearted nice women with good intentions
>they got it right 10 out of 11 times
Kiara, Kronii, Sana exist

>> No.39528925

>It's a hell of a lot more than "just hire a bunch of workaholics and we're set"
somehow only holoEN managed to hire the lazy ones? girls in the other branches stream, girls in other corpos small and big stream, HoloEN suddenly shifted after council

>> No.39529150

I’m pretty much in agreement with you. I don’t actually care all that much about the HoloEN girls not streaming because I already moved on. I’m just sick of seeing people in the catalog who keep complaining about it, as if any of them really cares what /vt/ thinks.
I don’t even agree that vtubers *should* ignore /vt/ entirely. Beneath the schizoposting, you actually can find genuine posts and opinions people just don’t want to say on reddit. But HoloEN is certainly at a point where they don’t really have to worry anymore, or try to sift through the garbage to get to the decent posts.

>> No.39533439

Half of en is tone deaf. Gura is the only one in myth who can sing at all and even then she's got one range.
>inb4 "b-b-but Kiara!"
Kiara applies so much auto tune to her songs she sounds like a lost member of Alvin and the Chipmunks by the time she's finished.
If we're recruiting people based off their singing ability still then Yagoo did an awful job of scouting when it comes to EN

>> No.39536279

does haachama count?

>> No.39536310

10 nijiEN live right now, plus two more in collabs makes 12

>> No.39536567

I expect them to put in 40 hour weeks, but none of that actually has to be streams.

>> No.39537048

Why twitchfag in youtube again complaining?

>> No.39537135

Then why are you here taking unemployment check faggot.

>> No.39538303

Didn't read the thread but here's a genuine question for OP: what do you actually want Cover to do with the existing talents? Holos are entertainers, sure it's a job but do you really think forcing them to put out content would result in anything enjoyable if they aren't in the mood? Sure, the few "professional"s (if such a thing even exists in this industry like it does in others) might not let their dissatisfaction show for some time but eventually even they will crack.

In short: you can't force someone to do their job and expect them to do it well.

Now, should the holos that clearly don't like being there graduate? Probably, but that makes no financial sense: they still make money and provide exposure to the company even if they rarely do anything.

Should Cover recruit more talents who are still passionate about vtubing? Yeah, but that is less straightforward than you'd think: look at the last few NijiEN gens (referring to the females only, no interest in the males). Would you really have a awful gen of holos actively stream over, well, nothing? No wrong answers here, at least in the short term, but me personally, I'm not interested.

>> No.39538369

kek sorry about the blogpost

>> No.39543240

>cover and niji both shill gacha, which is the worse form of gambling
he's shilling crypto gambling site illegal in multiple countries
>reacting to videos as a low effort as playing minecraft or any other non competitive game as both of them require no skill and you're not paying attention to them
you've got to be trolling

>> No.39543392

I like how nijiniggers get mad and try to rewrite history the moment someone says something good about ame
