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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39479240 No.39479240 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

>> No.39479311


>> No.39479408

Vtubing bubble is crashing.

>> No.39479500
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They said he was a liar, they said he spreading LIES!

What did lie? He see the future, and you ignored him

>> No.39480358

Pumped and dumped, just like the niji livers lmao

>> No.39483036

So what's the reason for the recent fall anyway?

>> No.39483078


>> No.39483102


>> No.39483170

I guarantee no one here actually knows

>> No.39483572

That is a pretty foolish assumption. The stock had a high valuation because people were betting on nij en driving growth and the market obviously no longer believes that so the stock’s multiples have contracted. General global bear market and people selling after lockup periods exacerbate this too of course.

>> No.39483697

Buy the dip

>> No.39483761

Nijibros, what happened? I trusted the plan, we need to accelerate even further...

>> No.39483772

Imagine if you shorted it at the peak

>> No.39485544



>> No.39485645

Looks like Nijisanji didn't do as well as expected

>> No.39485974

Locked up stock was opened up to sell. Caused a dump.

>> No.39485989

I doubt it.
The foreign markets have always been relatively thrown away after thoughts. The JP market was always the main focus for both groups, it likely has more to do with the slowdown and rather lackluster JP gens

>> No.39486405

Niji used bots to simulate high demand and then once the stock was able to be sold the execs sold all their shares and got the fuck out. Classic rug pull.

>> No.39486458

What's the reason behind this?
Don't say because enna fucked kyo

>> No.39486653

I thought the growth from en was a big part of the investment thesis at least in order to justify those multiples. JP is the core market of course but closer to saturation unless EN vtubing just completely collapses.

>> No.39486690

The whole point of the IPO was to fool investors to thinking that NIjisanji had more worth than it did. That's why Salome came about, why Salome stayed at ~100k ccv and hit one million subs at the same time that the IPO launched. That sent Niji stock soaring high. When that started to wane Niji did some hilarious projections about how NijiEN would continue to exponentially grow as it had so far (thanks to Luxiem) which got even more investors to buy in. It was all based off deception and trickery to fool people to stupidly spend way more money on something than it's actually worth.

>> No.39486691

investors dont give a fuck what happens in the streams

>> No.39486853

Investors sold after the lock period ended
Anycolor put out their financial report that only really showed minor growth in merch/events but nothing impressive compared to their first one they showed to investors so it was definitely disappointing
It was super overvalued at the start which is typical for "tech" companies and investors being greedy/optimistic/dumb
I don't really know about any of the other factors like how the overall market is doing

/#/ doesn't really know much either outside of their usual shitpostings

>> No.39486978

Those who realize Salami performance was artificial, especially early investor immediately dumping at Dec 5. Then investors confidence just slipped from here.

>> No.39487161

>+28% ytd

>> No.39487199

The illusion that NijiEN is performing well due to Chinese fujos crumbled when Anycolor decided to release iLuna.
We are now at the timeline when Tempus unironically brought iLuna down and in turn made Nijisanji kneel.

>> No.39487198

so what's the bet?
are anons /here/ pink or green?

>> No.39487352

Compared to whatever estimated growth they shopped out, yeah. Investors obviously didn't give a shit.

>> No.39487436

Kek nigga you should see Anycolor's projection for this period on their first report compared to the actual data now. No wonder the investors are bailing (Hell even their own CFO completely cashed out)

>> No.39487456

You do know investors want to to see explosive growth each quarter. That is impossible but tell that to investors that poor a lot of money into them. There's also pack mentality where a lot of people dump stock when they see everyone else dumps a lot of stock. Also, for the company, it's not what you show to investors that is important but also how you tell them good or bad news if they are confident you can turn it around or not.

>> No.39487460

You faggots have a numbers thread to waste time in since you obviously have no streams to watch anymore, kek, so go ahead and use it.

>> No.39487686
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>They bought, and released Iluna?
>Dump it

>> No.39488199

>a total autist rambling about how much he enjoys peeling plastic film off electronics is responsible for the downfall of Nijisanji

>> No.39488315

It's less artificial and more superficial. Salome's success really didn't bleed much to the rest of the company. For now the only benefit Salome brings to 2434 is an endless stream of sponsors and mainstream attention that's focused on her and her alone.

>> No.39489652


>> No.39489745
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Ahh, it's going negative now

>> No.39489795

QUICK ! INSULT ANOTHER HOLOLIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.39489799

Anon you see that massive jump in September? That's because anycolor put out a financial report where their earnings jumped up over a hundred percent because they debuted luxiem, so investors piled on hoping that noctyx, iluna and whatever the new wave is would see a similar jump in revenue
Clearly that didn't hold out

>> No.39489829

It's a joke anon

>> No.39490604


>> No.39490681

I believe this rrat.

>> No.39490745

Go ask /biz/, they probably know

>> No.39490887

>It was super overvalued at the start
By like 300% or 400%, mind you. They cashed in much more than they should during the IPO lol

>> No.39490928

>every day until you like it, multiple times a day
Fuck off.

>> No.39491052

Literal nijicope

>> No.39491200

the sheer number of people willing to roleplay as rabid nijifags just to shit on their numbers is actually embarrassing, like on the same level of people going on /pol/ and calling people "chuds" and extolling the virtues of marxism

>> No.39491715

Grossly inflated market cap (company is not and never will be worth 1.25 bil USD), global economy is in a recession/likely depression, and interest rates are being hiked globally so all of the macro indicators point to continued downward movement. I also notice there's no P/E ratio listed on those screencaps, which means they probably aren't publicly reporting profits, which means they're probably losing money, which is not a big problem during a bull market with low interest rates, but could turn into a death spiral with the direction things are headed. It's not unheard of for tech stocks to bleed crypto levels of market cap after IPO and that's probably what will happen to Niji within the next few months (Coinbase and Truth Social are a couple of recent examples).

>> No.39491924

Now watch there will be no thread about them when it raises again. Anyway, it's just an year end and Japan rised the benchmark interest rate recently, but you can't really have a conversion with your average SEA's underage on here
The level of obsession over them is reaching schizo level kek, SEA's board I guess

>> No.39492126

>when it raises again
Pass me whatever you're smoking anon. I need to blur these twinkling lights.

>> No.39492138

Cope more bitch

>> No.39492172
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>Anyway, it's just an year end and Japan rised the benchmark interest rate recently
Yeah sure that explains why nijisanji stock fell by 8 times the market average

>> No.39492408

As I mentioned a few months ago, this is a typical Chinese style investment scam, usually seen in mobile game companies
Chinese company A uses the shareholder's money for marketing or advertising expenses
The payment is made to a newly established foreign game developer B
B becomes the most downloaded game company in the world and its share price rises dramatically
If the financial performance is good or the company is large, it is treated as a foreign version of Company A
If the financial performance is not good, sell B shares to cash out and set up company C
Repeating these steps, Chinese investors can easily convert other shareholders' money (AB) into free cash from other countries.
This is why many mobile game companies do not go out of business when no one plays their games, investors need them for fake transactions
How to distinguish these Chinese fraudsters is very simple: numbers
They only mention how big the numbers are, not how good the product or service is compared to the competition
Also, the Chinese only look for trustworthy capital when doing these things, so you only have to look at the investor's history with China or the tourism industry to know if the business is a Chinese piggy bank

>> No.39492480

It's more about expectation than specifically explosive growth, and how that gets priced in. Investors will still have their money in old behemoth companies that see no growth, but the price they pay for that investment reflects the expectation that there will be no growth and they are primarily taking dividends etc.
If a company projects explosive growth then investors will price that in and the share price will reflect that expectation. If it fails to meet projections, even if the results are good in isolation, the price will dip because the previous pricing had been based around even better performance.

>> No.39493388

Excessive waves are actually what's killing EN. Viewers don't want a mediocre batch of streamers thrown at them every 4 months, they want awesome streamers and time to build a relationship with them. There are very few fans who are willing to watch every streamer that Anycolor puts out, so the greater the number of Niji members, the smaller the chance that a viewer will discover someone they're willing to watch regularly.

We're seeing the law of diminishing marginal returns in action. A large enough amount of a good thing means certain death for your business.

>> No.39493928

Is there any chance for Nijisanji to bounce back?

>> No.39494008
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>doomp eet

>> No.39494044

Where were the threads celebrating the increase when it was going well?

>> No.39494329

There actually were some of them, especially when the stock hit 10k.

For why it wasn't spammed on catalogue daily like when it fell off back to square one today, probably because it wasn't as hilarious.

>> No.39494407

there were a couple but they'd just get like 3 replies and then die because obviously
if they bounce back you will probably see some as grudgeposts/turncoat shitposting

>> No.39494940

oh no no no, nijibros...

>> No.39495269

>compared an IPO bubble burst period to a stable market
do /vt/ SEA schizos really? do you realy think Anycolor worth 1 bil USD?

>> No.39495674

What do you think debut streams are for?

>> No.39496387

>you can't really have a conversion with your average SEA's underage on here
Lol, found SEAfag right here

>> No.39496748

I remember there was a thread congratulating Riku on becoming a billionaire when the stock hit over 10k (with almost 200 reps). They even talked about buying Hololive

>> No.39497013


>> No.39497085

It's because kyo fucked enna without releasing the sex tape

>> No.39497221

Here’s how Nijisanji can still win

>> No.39498816

Iluna killed all the momentum that Salome brought to the company

>> No.39499444

economy is worsening as of late. It's also the reason why Cover change their shipping policy, I think

>> No.39499904

Hololive is making the better choice of staying private. They’d fuck up if they even think of becoming a public entity like Anykara.

>> No.39504121

Thanks iluna

>> No.39504248

ffs faggots. i pulled that number out of my ass wanting that at least one of you would have fact checked what the actual growth numbers were

>> No.39504883


>> No.39505711
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>Hello, hello. This is Vesper Noir - today we're gonna be doing something kind of different. Kind of different. So - does anyone know about "dumping"? Don't take that out of context - I meant stocks. Anyway, does anyone know about dumping? So today we're going to be dumping some stocks and, we'll just, we'll just see what happens. So let's just choose any stock, we'll try this, it's called "Anycolor". It's called "Anycolor", weird name but I think that's what we'll pick. So I've got some stock here, don't ask how I have it but I have some here, and see that sell button? We're just going to sell a lot of this, like a metric CRAPTON of this stock. We're just going to "market sell" this stock until the price goes down - why does it do that? Well, we're going to be selling this stock to the lowest bidder basically, so we're going to be erasing millions in equity by doing this. It'll be great. Okay, so we'll sell this stock, and look; the stock's already down like $15. It's already down $15, and sucks for that guy. Welp, management's not gonna like that, oh well.

>> No.39505920

I don't see how Cover ever goes public
Public investors would want Cover to deprioritize holostars and I don't see how Yagoo would ever agree to that

Actually, there is one situation I can see this happening:
if the whole holo alternative project becomes such a massive long-term money sink that not even holo profits can sustain,
they might resort to public investment

>> No.39506134

Time for VShojo to claim their rightful place as No. 2

>> No.39506168

The Jews. It's always eventually the Jews.

>> No.39506279

Do you really believe anycolor was seriously worth 1.25 billion?
Also Management fucking sold their shit the day it was legal for them to do so, causing even the fanboys to dump their stock.

>> No.39506400

That's a good imitation

>> No.39507302

Accelerate with an EN salome; but this could also failed spectacularly if its another nepotism hire

>> No.39508501

Make another Holo clone talent like what they went with Salome

>> No.39508767


>> No.39509452
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Kuzuha, Mito, Sasaki, Dola, Kenmochi...


>> No.39509592

>motherfucker pulled a "two more weeks" and nobody believed him

>> No.39510614

This is actually new news though, going back to the original IPO price. Do you want another 50 Gura and Enna threads instead?

>> No.39510880

Pls bring Hima as well. She's... stagnating... hard.

>> No.39512109

I read it in his voice

>> No.39512315

I admire the dedication to the bit.

>> No.39512465

biz would be proud

>> No.39512626
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2 reasons:
1 - IPOs usually come out really overinflated pricewise, then drop over time to a much more realistic price. They managed to hold the price for a long time, but it was always bound to correct.
2 - Japan's economy is taking a massive shit. It's recovering slowly, but still heavily down.

>> No.39512878

Venture capitalists are dumping their shares because they don't see the stock growing anymore
It doesn't mean that anycolor is going to die or anything, but it does mean that we will probably see way more graduations of talents that just weren't producing for the company going into 2023

>> No.39512979

Vtubing as an interest is dying, there's no new fans coming in like with traditional anime season

>> No.39514066

It'd have fallen (or stabilized, whatever way you want to look at it) much earlier, but there was an IPO lock until recently. It has been dropping ever since the lock is released because their stock was massively overpriced (and still is, so expect it to drop another thousand or so).
