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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39429262 No.39429262 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN is literally dying. How can we keep them alive?

>> No.39429407

Time machine to somehow convince their normalfag minds to not take the experimental injections.

>> No.39430188

Donate blood at your local blood-bank, as well as plasma. The life you save may be your oshi's.

>> No.39430524

You pay me to fly over and impregnate Mio's hag womb for many kids
I'll make a new half EN, half JP branch with our family alone that will be infinitely better than regular EN

>> No.39430683

Are we gonna have to wait 18 years or are you can make actual babies become vtubers?

>> No.39430764

>around the time when one is supposed to spend time with family or lovers

>> No.39430774

Wait 18 years?

>> No.39430849

idk have y'all tried not being a toxic shithole that wants nothing more than to degrade every vtuber's mental wellbeing to the point where they lose their love for a work they used to feel passionate about

>> No.39430913

Gura literally has cancer and is about to die, please stop making jokes about it

>> No.39431150

There will be a never ending stream of new yearly Mio family vtubers as each one of our kids will grow up to become great chuubas. Collabs will be wholesome family fun and Mio will be forever pregnant with an upcoming generation of vtubers. Most likely will get some twins or triplets out of it as well, so there are even more mini Mios to go around

>> No.39431169


>> No.39431224

woe is me earning stupid amounts of money while playing vidya

>> No.39431288

Stream less. They're big enough to get away with it, and the extremely rare streams will attract loads of people because fans will treat it like big events. All of EN should become Ayames.

>> No.39431411

Ayame really only works because there are other streamers to fill the void in between streams. If the whole EN branch only streamed once a month each (or less) then there would be days going by with no streams at all from EN, and most people would move on to other things outside of the Hololive ecosystem.
Also, it's laughable to think that EN right now is streaming too much.

>> No.39431469

>How can we keep them alive?
Watch Kiara.
>but the others?
No. Just Kiara.

>> No.39431521

exhibit a

>> No.39431556

By debuting EN3 and by making them not shit, or shit-stirrers.

>> No.39431610

>Stream less
even less than what they're already doing? might as well nuke the entire EN branch

>> No.39431645

I'll uphold my end of the bargain if the idol talents uphold there's. This means not collabing with males, not dismissing parasocial bonds and not revealing their shitty political takes.

>> No.39431671

make en3 all cunny

>> No.39431693

so y'all are so fucking horrible that vtubers won't even play video games to make stupid amounts of money. you understand how that's worse. right?

>> No.39432284

Why do you refer to people here as if you're not "one of us?" /vt/ isn't one person, but you can only say you're not part of it if you've never posted here.

>> No.39432366


>> No.39432440

They thought Kiara was saying "idle" all this time.

>> No.39432441

The only reason I bother coming back to this toxic shithole is that it’s one of the only places to talk about the small corpos I actually watch. The vtubers in those small corpos enjoy streaming enough to tolerate the retarded shit we post in those generals. Plenty of NijiEN members don’t “get depressed” from the nonsense anons here say about them.
Even reddit and twitter have revolted and gotten sick of the lack of streams. Face it, it has nothing to do with /vt/. There’s some structural flaw with how HoloEN is run that’s tanking their fortunes. What this board says is just a symptom of that.

>> No.39432516

Maybe, but also the truth. Nta, but I got sucked into this place by having that same attitude. I started by telling anons to kill themselves and calling them incels and all the usual tourist shit. Now I larp (reasonably) effectively and hide my political beliefs and use “schizo” instead of incel. But I’m still /here/ and one of the sludge-eating denizens of this hellhole, no matter how much I try to rationalize it.

>> No.39432849

Oh if you're talking about the ACTUAL reason so many HoloENs are out right now it's surely a combination of the "tripledemic" (which i GUARANTEE mentioning is gonna get some morons to go "hurrdurr stupid name so it's not real"), the small population size (which makes each statistical anomaly, like gura's non-virus health problems, more 'prominent'), and just general burnout after a few years of dealing with rabid assholes.
not every vtuber is lucky enough to avoid ending up on some shithole's shitlist. obviously plenty of nijiJP's have gone under the shithole radar. also, not every vtuber has the mental fortitude to keep passionate and happy in the face of rabid antis. but so what? they're literally just trying to entertain us. to not be completely awful to them is asking so ridiculously little, yet you've got psychopaths that are barely stopping themselves from demanding virginity tests or whatever from them.
these people literally get themselves into a frothing rage because they're cuckolds of their own fantasy. not even the rent-a-girlfriend guy is that pathetic.

>> No.39432961

like i just wanna throw this out there; NOBODY on this board is an actual cuckold, at least as it relates to vtubers, unless they're literally dating a vtuber who's having sex with someone else. Not even a single person here is being cucked by alou or lamy or gura or whatever. that is ALL fantasy.

>> No.39432994


>> No.39433017

Let them die.

>> No.39433015

Cuckoldry is a state of mind. If a schizo here sincerely believes they're a cuck, they are.

>> No.39433144

I don't know why you defend such bad work ethics when twitch streamers, the progenitor of streaming culture, have faced much worse flak and "rabid assholes" than vtubers who have near complete echo chambers where they can choose to focus on people being nice to them. And these twitch streamers still stream consistently. Heck, their platform's gone to shit and they STILL stream consistently. Even JP vtubers have more rabid antis and they still manage to consistently stream.

There's no mental gymnastics out of this anon. These vtubers just have bad work ethic.

>> No.39433152

the much more common issue are the schizos that say everyone who watches [vtuber who has ever interacted with a male i.e kronii or bae or w/e] is a cuck. if it were just schizos self-identifying as cucks nobody would give a fuck.

>> No.39433153

The psychological effect still exists. You can invent a new word for it if you want to.

>> No.39433192

what, you want vtubers to become like fucking xqcow? you want vtuber culture to turn into /reddit/livestreamfails?

>> No.39433230

the psychological effect only exists if you are schizophrenic and cannot separate your fantasies from reality.

>> No.39433258

I want them to stream consistently coz it's their fucking job you absolute idiot

>> No.39433349

They've literally got death on their side and it's still happening; what the fuck do you want us to do?

>> No.39433395

you want a consistent streamer? xqcow's your manchild. go base your entire personality around him and fuck off.

>> No.39433434

There are streamers that maintain a consistent stream schedule other than xqc and aren't as bad as him. Did you think that anon was trying to say constant streaming?

>> No.39433494

well, then anon should go and watch *those* streamers, moron. unless there's some quality or factor that generally makes twitch streamers less entertaining and their communities less pleasant?

>> No.39433518

Are you an ESL or are you just Mori coz you're acting absolutely retarded right now

>> No.39433522

Maybe try streaming

>> No.39433582

Sure thing buddy. And clinically depressed people just need to have more happy thoughts. It's not like entertainment industry in the US and Japan spent billions researching these things and developing ways to making sure that (you) think of people on the screen as your best friends.

>> No.39433629

mori is precisely what happens when a streamer gets too comfortable dealing with shitholes and learns to adapt to the toxicity, rather than have the community deal with the toxicity itself.

>> No.39433672

Lots of breaks. They deserved it for all their hard works

>> No.39433690

I engage in escapism and fantasy all the time, moron. i'm not casting judgment over either. It's why I like vidya and why i like vtubers. I absolutely imagine irys as my stupid little sister or nina as my alcoholic mom sometimes. but, as i said, the problem is with schizophrenics who cannot separate their escapism and fantasy from reality. do you seriously not understand the difference between escapism and outright delusion?

>> No.39433812

I do prefer to watch them if not for the absolute fuck-up that Twitch has become. Other than that then, no, they don't have worse communities. At the very least they have better fans than the idiot defenders that HoloEN has. Didn't you notice how HoloEN in particular have the laziest "active" streamers compared to any other vtuber group in the whole platform? Anyway, what I'm saying will only make itself apparent after a while when HoloEN notices a slump in their viewership and membership if they keep taking their fans for granted. Well-deserved I would say.

>> No.39433852
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HoloEN had the luck of an already laid out groundwork by the JP side and a heavy demand from the western audience for holos that speak english, no one there really had to fight through from 1/2 view to get to the point where the money starts coming in, that willpower that keeps you going every day to sit down and simply work just isn't there for most of them.

This is why this is affecting entirely holoEN and not JP/ID, or the nijis, or even any other chuuba really.

>> No.39433903

The funny thing is HoloEN is LITERALLY dying.

>> No.39433957

wdym "fuck-up that twitch has become" i'm not a /livestreamfails regular. all i know is that twitch is generally regarded as being the superior platform for streamers.

>> No.39434781

Watch kiara and fauna, maybe Irys and mumei. Gura (when she stream, who is rare) and ask the urgent release of EN3 and instantly start recruiting EN4 that about the level of urgence to save the branch RN.

>> No.39435021

>10 people in en
>3 options left (im not watching kiara)
Actually grim

>> No.39435214

Adding another gen of future, lazy fucks won't do anything.

>> No.39435361

Did you miss the not shit part? EN needs fresh blood to cover for the slump the rest of the girls are in.

>> No.39435459

>twitch is generally regarded as being the superior platform for streamers.
The Twitch environment is better for streamers, largely because it's far more mature and focused. Twitch API is better supported, and it has much more mature chat moderation tools. Twitch also has the benefit of being exclusively a video streaming platform so it attracts a certain type of viewer.

Twitch issues are largely related to making money and ads, especially for smaller creators. I also hear it's harder for a smaller channel to grow their viewer base on Twitch and that's evidenced by the fact that there are Twitch streamers out there who only cross-post their VODs to YouTube, yet the YouTube channel has greater sub and viewership counts.

>> No.39435517

You're a fool if you think they're not gonna shit at the job at some point.

>> No.39435626

At some point doesn't matter. EN desperately needs something to tide them over whilst they get their act together.

>> No.39436120

>How can we keep them alive?

>> No.39436319

yeah, I'm sure they don't stream because of the fans, not because they don't feel like it.

>> No.39436364

>HoloEN is literally dying
what does that say about the rest of the EN tubers who don't even come close.

>> No.39436394
File: 69 KB, 850x648, _gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_same_anko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya has a better cunny than gura

>> No.39436408

Fauna and Kiara are the only good ENs and the latter is getting destroyed by the coof

>> No.39436442

Let it die, it's inhumane to keep something alive when it doesn't want to live.
