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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39422437 No.39422437 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>39132567

>> No.39422552

I almost feel bad for buying a model? Like I know I'm not going to make it huge and only going to stream casually and I feel like it could be used better elsewhere
Am I autistic?

>> No.39423340

no I feel the exact same way...
but in the end if you're streaming casually it's just a hobby, so it's like spending money on any other hobby, I can think of worse things than buying a cute anime avatar to embody on the internet

>> No.39424199

For any /asp/ies that might need a temporary female model:


Multiple variants for only $37. And you can even have more colors with the VTS custom colors option.

>> No.39424277
File: 259 KB, 963x917, we'll turn into spiders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babi vtuber concept

>> No.39424659

do this with a super deep voice please

>> No.39424886

I just feel bad for the artist that put all the work into it for me not to use it like a tryhard vtuber would

>> No.39425097

Good concept

>> No.39425574


>> No.39425644

holy fuck

>> No.39426088

Are you that anon that was talking about doing a pirate voice a while back?

>> No.39426204

Damn, I'm getting a chubby.

>> No.39426409

No but that's funny because recently I've been like "how can I make my voice more piratey for this bit of the song" and realized my voice is already a pirate voice https://voca.ro/1daEj4IkxU8N

>> No.39426848

How hard would I be screwing myself over if I didn't do a debut and just started streaming

>> No.39427371

is it a bad idea to post yourself here

>> No.39427648

Ask in the discord

>> No.39427878

By ask the discord they mean ignore Jinxcord and his band of viewercorders, go get some ice cream and watch Grimmy!

>> No.39427975

Do you ever feel like you're too good for humanity? Like the red dust is too dirty for you?
I do.

>> No.39428017

pls be my gf

>> No.39428086

you're fine to do so yeah

>> No.39428897

I'm a man, anon.

>> No.39428918

How's it going aspies
I moved on from asp but I'm having a bad day so I feel like checking in
I'm doing better as a vtuber but I feel my life got worse

>> No.39429146

Nelson you forgot an image

>> No.39429179


>> No.39429220

terrible, I was more socially inept than I thought I was and am slowly but surely self-sabotaging myself and everything I do by chronic overthinking
I hope that makes you feel better

>> No.39429430

I'm at my lowest point, both in real life, social life and in terms of content creation.
I'm trying to recover but I keep failing to build any momentum.

>> No.39429463

Can I ask what keeps you guys going
I had no motivation or desire to keep going until I actually inclined

>> No.39429534

I haven't streamed in days, all I have done is think aside from work
how do I stop thinking

>> No.39430529

Nothing keeps me going and that's the problem. I question myself every day, why am I even trying? I have no support either.

>> No.39430823

Not either of those anons, but simply the desire to create something, and have my voice heard. Even if I stay a 1 view forever, even if my youtube channel fails to grow, I make because I want to.
I also think there's some valuable skills you can get out of doing it. Making my own clips and videos has taught me slowly how to actually do editing instead of just dragging things into WMM. Interacting with chat and other vtubers and their communities has somewhat improved my social skills. I still have issues with procrastination but I've gotten better at keeping to a schedule (just not for my streams).

>> No.39431041

Is it weird to buy a unique model instead of commissioning one? I'm not creative or good with character design

>> No.39431289

so the monster is female?

>> No.39431665

it's alright, moving on from /asp/ is what most people do
been doing well personally though; i'm not big by any means but i have fun with my streams and i'm very happy with the communities i've both found and helped make
life is going well as well so i don't think i really have much to complain about
for me it's just the love of streaming. i just really like going live and getting to chat with people who come to see me. meeting all the people i have through vtubing is also something that keeps me going; i've made some very close friends through this hobby

>> No.39433531

I would assume that the spider is him and the puppet is the vtuber model

>> No.39435435

I love it.

>> No.39436356

My life also got worse as an individual, but if I didn't have a caring family, I'd be dead. Most of my issues have just stemmed from having not enough money to buy a computer that doesn't shit itself due to faulty parts after a few years, and being a bumbling moron with computers doesn't help, even if it is entertaining to watch me suffer.

I want to make the songs that only I can make and tell the stories that only I know. Pretty much what>>39430823 said.

It's not weird, just buy it if you like the model.

>> No.39436576

Thank you for this post. This is how you keep things healthy.

>> No.39437471

My speech turns mumbly and garbled sometimes. Does someone have good exercises to practice clear and right speech?

>> No.39437816


>> No.39439429

Hey asp, any emote artist recommendations?

>> No.39439500

Stick a cork in your mouth and speak like that.
Put walnuts behind cheeks and practice tongue twisters

>> No.39439916

LobotomyBunny does good work for pretty cheap

>> No.39441561


>> No.39441568


>> No.39442668

Aren't there some vtubers who actually do something like this?
>one character who represents the vtuber himself
>one or two side characters who act like "extras" and only sometimes appear
Genome does something like this, bringing up his two side characters when someone specifically uses Twitch bits for it.

>> No.39445065

How did you fucks pick your names

>> No.39445217

>like thing
>pick name around said thing + put a dumb Nihongo spin to it
Skill issue my son.

>> No.39446049

My name is a name I started using even before I became a vtuber. It's just a cheeky video game reference.

>> No.39446463

I actually cant do this as I know Japanese and it makes me cringe...
I don't want to doxx myself

>> No.39446617
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As a consequence, I have to constrain myself from making a snarky comment every time someone uses the word "particularly".

>> No.39446707

it didn't have to even be Japanese
we have people around here names stuff like "carmine phlegethon", "elliott ambers", "jon bloom", "bodega rat", "Callie calico" etc
even with corpos there's a bunch of noon Japanese names
just think about your theme and do some word association

>> No.39447505

I get motivation in bursts and i feel like shit because my last burst is ending

>> No.39450769

just find a new burst!

>> No.39453841

How do you make it when the market is so oversaturated

>> No.39453879

are you male? if so either do bfe or give up
are you female? if so stream regularly and don't be boring

>> No.39454781

Any tips on how to deal with chatter flirting with me? Male btw

>> No.39456766

Send her my way

>> No.39459182

is it important to have background music

>> No.39459381

Yes, but the particular music doesn't matter as much

>> No.39459522

So, Christmas is coming up, how are you holding up? Anyone else spending it alone this year too?

>> No.39459609

How do you deal with the unpleasant people that VTubing attracts without them turning it into drama or a reason to schizo?

>> No.39459712

there is no such thing as oversaturation. make good content and shill yourself on tiktok.

>> No.39460266

Just be a better person than everyone else.

>> No.39460353

I'll have it with family this year. Hopefully you can find a nice stream to hang out on, there are probably many in your situation. Merry Christmas!

>> No.39460952

He’s not even doing better

>> No.39461036

I’m sure they were happy to get paid and add something to their portfolio.

>> No.39461055

i use my real name bc idc abt dox

>> No.39461075

I did when I was a teenager but misanthropy got boring. I like people now

>> No.39461147

I used the name I gave my bloodborne character

>> No.39461389

If you ever feel like that then it's a good sign that you've gone off the rails. There are a few other signs and ways to check your mental state systematically but this one is very textbook. It isn't even about external facts like problems with society or the world. It's because if you're above it all then you don't think like this and you don't post about it.

>> No.39462327

I guess the thread got derailed and died but the discord seems derailed too. What is the appeal for viewers to come and derail threads and chat servers for aspiring vtubers? Why not share their viewer content and opinions in other places?

>> No.39462383

because they know /asp/ies are small enough to be desperate for social interaction. even if it's trolls.

>> No.39462389

I haven't felt Christmas spirit since I turned 18. Working brutal shifts at an abusive company except for the 24th & 25th really killed it for me. This is the first year I don't have a job on Christmas, but I still feel as if I should be working or something.

>> No.39462531

Groomers. Not the meme but very literally and 100% detestable groomers. Anything that is not groomable gets them angry.

>> No.39463120

Schizos are sort of unavoidable. But just not giving people attention works better than many options.

>> No.39463192

What's the difference between viewers and vtubers when they have the same amount of views?

>> No.39463270

one creates shit and the other consumes it

>> No.39463487

>2 views streamer plays games
>2 views viewer draws art

>> No.39463654

What search terms should one use for finding SEA artists?

>> No.39463879

Because one aspires to do something and shares what they made. The other just consumes content, bitches about things they don't understand, while spamming things they saw or unrelated vtubers they watch.
Which is what the thread and discord are supposed to be for. Aspiring vtubers, not frustrated and miserable viewer with bad takes. Find another community to be your support group.

>> No.39464269

The point I'm trying to make is that if a viewer pushed the start stream button right now he would be an /asp/ and thag if an /asp/ gave up he would be a viewer.
You don't realize that those are the same people. Viewers with shitty takes have pressed the start stream button before and are among us. Sus.

>> No.39465519

>if a viewer pushed the start stream button right now he would be an /asp/
the hilarious thing is that they won't. viewers are subhuman for a reason. it's in their nature to never stream. you could prove me wrong right now but i know you can't because then you'd be face with the reality that you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.39465686

You are making a mistake between action and intent. Both vtubers and viewers are always flawed people just like anyone else but that isn't the contention here. That said, the viewers don't even take those actions without the intent to be a vtuber. Both their actions and their intent are focused on something other than aspiring to be a vtuber. Their capacity to put themselves in those shoes and come up with a reasonable take seems to be severely limited.

>> No.39465770


>> No.39465788

I can't prove you wrong because I've already pushed that button 6 months ago.

>> No.39465877

Who’s the artist or booth store? Looking for artist recs.

>> No.39467380

Jinxedcord is dead?
Who killed it?

>> No.39467610


>> No.39467913

It would be a nice Christmas present

>> No.39467990

It realized living is meaningless

>> No.39468709

It's just this guy called Rum posting pictures and links to flavor of the month coomer bait chuubas all day long. Then for no reason he starts screeching all you 2views are worthless and everything you have ever done is the reason why. But acts surprised nobody likes him.

>> No.39468741

Lets sing some Christmas songs? https://vocaroo.com/1ovzXwRsk1Ly

sorry, haven't done this much and my voice is still a bit fucked from being sick

>> No.39469134

Why not ban him for being disruptive?

>> No.39469326

He's friends with the admin or something.

>> No.39472775

That is something a server owner who gives a shit would do, but we are talking about a groomer and his pals.
Reminder, he let piss cat in, the bunny fag and other schizos in and only banned them after they messed with his grooming targets.

>> No.39473269

Who do you think can benefit with a character refresh?
Most seems solid enough.

>> No.39473383

The first 10 members were all in viewercord

>> No.39475276

>bunny fag

>> No.39476362

>come into thread to see streamers/tip exchanges
>see discord drama instead

Call the Rum guy a faggot and/or block him. He'll neck himself eventually

>> No.39476713

Douglas Walker

>> No.39477818

cute post

>> No.39478488

Is this legit? I personally hate when there's music on streams so I don't have any but the games music..

>> No.39479270

For a game of course use the game music, but zatsus or drawing streams without a little quiet bgm sound a bit awkward

>> No.39481629

Former *dri*n "friend", sold a VC he had with taiga for a laptop.
Also constantly tries to mess with the /wvt/ aggies/drawing canvases from what I've seen because he's fucking crazy and can't take a hint.

>> No.39481630

>tfw it's already the 23rd
Goddamn time goes by so fast, maybe I'll whip up something later

>> No.39481695

just b urself

>> No.39481958

What if you're not a good person? And no one likes you?

>> No.39482165

this is my problem

>> No.39486058
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Hey so I'm 26 going on 27 man who wants to just post short opinion pieces on old media(movies and anime, mostly) and dramatic readings of Warhammer PDFs I've pirated.
I think my first video I'm gunna do to kick off my new year is just a short couple minute essay on why I think Cumtown was one of the best podcasts ever and why it's a desperately needed counter culture force. Then I'm gunna do like a series of quick overviews on macross and a retrospective on why I like the franchise.
Problem is that I've always hated how my voice and face looked like. The latter is easily solvable since I'll just grab a PNG of something or another, but should I just not even try if I stumble over my words? Also, I don't much care to chase current video game trends but maybe streaming would get me out of the "either play warband or CKII while watching video essays about either High Strangeness or True Crime or Film" rut that I've accepted.
Also as you can probably guess from my cumtown comment i fear that I'd be too caustic to ever get any attention that isn't lolcow observation. Like, people get cancelled for saying cunt right?

tldr what's a good mic and editing program? I heard that blue yeti ball thing was decent for decent price.

>> No.39486315

>Like, people get cancelled for saying cunt right?
you're fine

>> No.39486359

If you're australian you get the c word pass

>> No.39486511

well thats good to hear its not like im going to make race jokes or gay jokes or anything. im just foul mouthed and ive been working on my "call it gay retard and its funny" thing

I'm Canadian so no c word pass for me. I've unironically been using hoser and loser a lot more lately. Just something supremely humiliating by being inflicted with a school yard insult. Like you're so beneath me that I don't even need real insults.

>> No.39486516

>people get cancelled
getting canceled is a myth. there are exactly zero vtubers who have ever been "canceled" by social media. if you get in drama just put out a tear jerker "apology" wait a week then just go back to what you were doing and everyone will have forgotten. vtweeter shitbags have the memory of a goldfish so they'll forget who you are in a month because they're too busy "canceling" their next target.

cancelation only matters if you're some corpo who relies on advertiser money and a cancel campaign makes your advertisers pull out from sponsoring you.

>> No.39486617

canadians are basically australians so its fine as well

>> No.39489139

Typically you're even more right because streamers have benefited from controversy and being so-called cancelled. Being banned or getting arrested or fired is different. Yet people don't care to know the difference, it's all blurred into a persecution mythology.

>> No.39489882

Think about the positive in your life. For example I grew a mustache and it looks very legit.
I'd probably be drowning in pussy right now if I talked to women irl.
What about you? I'm sure something is going well in your life.

>> No.39490062

I really want to stream so much and my autism for atlus 'shin megami tensei' makes me go wild. But I'm a poorfag. I'm figuring out how to get and play persona, from persona 1-5.

>> No.39490373

Actual helpful post

Kawa entertainment has a very transparent application process that allows applicants to post their videos publically. The vast majority of them are 1views but there are some 2 views on this list.

I've put notes on a few people who are a little more popular.

1. Rheya heart
2. DragonsFae
3. Kozii(current talent)
4. Hunikin (current talent)
5. SyndieKat
6. Shiro Yukitsu
7. Fungulus VT
8. Rin Mints
9. Datelbunboi
10. Yukihime
11. Noriboshi Arielle (2k on yt)
12. Amout Amandine
13. Cerberos VA (21k twitter, 10k youtube, does lewd asmr content)
14. Ashral Nishimoto
15. KazbarVT
16. Hoku Elrod
17. Neiririe (1k youtube)
18. VTPingu (8k twitter)
19. Kuzi
20. Sagaki Ihori
21. Yunaluna
22. MaluuhVT
23. Ixie Nova
24. Penrost 776
25. Fukuran
26. Tea the Khajit
27. Gromm the Orc (1k on twitter and 1.8 twitch, associated with merryweather)
28. Angora Zailia (1k yt)
29. Pandora's Fox
30. Rokoko Prufei
31. JaysJinxed
32. Yuna Kitsunebi
33. Maru de Cinco
34. Chielle
35. Twilight miasma

Something to note that this is self selected sample of people who actually posted their videos and for context they plan on selecting around 5-10% of these videos to the final round.

>> No.39492585

Good morning aspiring vtubers

>> No.39492707

europe moment

>> No.39492914

Targets spotted
Grooming operations commencing

>> No.39492991

Incredible how literally not a single one of these understood the 5 second rule.

>> No.39493823

>Canadian who says “hoser” but not as a joke
Heck yeah, that’s enough to sell me on giving you a shot. I use the Behringer XM8500, which is slightly worse than the Blue Yeti. Just remember that the you’re supposed to speak into the side of it instead of the top.

>> No.39493865

can you get banned for calling bans executions on stream asking for a friend

>> No.39494027

How's the weather Kaiser?

>> No.39494563

What do you mean 5 second rule?

>> No.39494684


>> No.39494746

Is it dumb to write my bio in Spanish as well if I'm mainly going to stream in English anyways...

>> No.39494952


>> No.39494986

fuck fuck fuck I already wrote it

>> No.39495021

...should I be a tomboy or a shota.

>> No.39495670

Muy bueno, mi gringo

>> No.39496089

Answer this first, are you a boy or a girl?

>> No.39496434

two x

>> No.39497151


>> No.39497448

>the five second cognitive-behavioral-therapy rule
>the five second rule about food on the floor

>> No.39498038

You would attract different demographics. A dedicated shota can tap into that rare shota market and can easily collab with males without having schizos from both male and female audience, but people will treat you as a guy for the kayfabe to work, and will banter with you in a different manner

>> No.39498130

Maybe I'll just do shota then since all that appeals to my fetish.. I'm just afraid my voice is too feminine to make it convincing

>> No.39499818

It would be a shame if she attracted viewers because she's a female vtuber and not because the character is a shota

>> No.39500345

my greatest fear

>> No.39501880

seggs no

>> No.39503903

If im an artist and I'm taking the spam the internet with fanart of vtubers and trending anime waifus path how many followers should i aim fore before doing a vtuber debut?

my art is pretty good and i do it full time, but i want to shed my current identity and start over so i know im capable of a following i just dont know how much is enough to debut.

>> No.39507374


>> No.39507966

Post vocaroo

>> No.39510691

i think henemimi had around high 10k before she debuted and she streams to partner level numbers
minkye has 100k+ on his main and 10k on his vtuber account and averages mid 20s

>> No.39512836

>minkye has 100k+ on his main and 10k on his vtuber account and averages mid 20s
Male moment

>> No.39515493

the audiences are pretty different and also mink made a separate account for vtubing purposes as opposed to mimi who just used the same account

>> No.39518937

Workshopping a design for myself now. I'm going for a smug brat kind of feel. Out of curiosity, are there any traits you guys associate with that kind of character archetype? I want it to be very clear that's the kind of character I'm going for.

>> No.39519417


>> No.39519539

Do you have any examples of characters you'd consider a gremlin?

>> No.39519653
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>> No.39519947

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall, anon.

>> No.39519979

Thanks. I'm mostly trying to figure out the clothing now, as I've gotten the hair and face figured out.
If you have any other character suggestions for references, please let me know :]

>> No.39521891

Get offa page 9

>> No.39522392

Sex with ____

>> No.39523909

how do we compete with the hipster looking middle aged white guy streamers

>> No.39523955

>refer to yourself as queen bitch

>> No.39523999

No. Call them ISIS executions if you want

>> No.39524337

My name is so fucking cool. Heres how you do it, pick a word that could be a username. It has to be cool and LOOK memorable.

Lets say "Golden"

Of course Golden is going to be taken and even if people look for you its going to it wont even show you


Sounds good but thats already a name for a rapper, lets find another word for golden since I like "Krrt"

>Guilded, word for covering something in a layer of thin gold


>> No.39524625

You guys are terrible groomers. There is so many graduations every year

>> No.39525133

Please buy my live2d model :(

>> No.39525891

but i don't want to commit chuuba

>> No.39527304

Just rip off Coqui

>> No.39527617

she said kusogaki not mesugaki

>> No.39527818

I can't click the start stream button

>> No.39527895

It’s in the personality and not design. Make sure you can pull it off.

>> No.39528318

How do you fix a boring personality?

>> No.39528407

Her design is cute. I like the twintails.
I really like mesugakis too so that wouldn't be inaccurate.
Plus I draw a lot of sexy art... nothing too explicit though because I'm too nervous.
Don't worry, I know I have the personality. Plus, I think I'm very cute! Sachiko from Idolmaster is basically me. So I think it's natural I fit this archetype.

>> No.39528495

Why are you boring?

>> No.39528506

By being interesting. Talk about shit you're interested in.

>> No.39528743

Jus take elements you like from Sachiko’s design then. And how’s the voice? That’s something to factor in too.

>> No.39530170

ur mom

>> No.39530365

My voice has a generally pretty high range. I don't have access to my mic right now so I can't post a vocaroo, but if I were to compare my voice timbre to someone else it'd be similar to Gura's or Yuko.

>> No.39532331

>Sachiko from Idolmaster
wtf ryonatuber?

>> No.39532389


>> No.39533757

Babis are femboys in denial, y/n?

>> No.39533785

no that is cringe

>> No.39534264

Is it a bad idea to have characters to represent your irl parents?

>> No.39534268

Babis = cute
Femboys = cute + gay

>> No.39534303

i will keep practicing until my tranny voice is just a regular girl voice and then i will start streaming and make it and it will be great

>> No.39534542

Babis are individuals and can be vastly different.
They can be trannies, want to fuck their avatar, want to play a character, like looking at girls. Many options.

>> No.39534863

I like looking cute and sexy

>> No.39535386

I like girls that like those things

>> No.39535832

can you get banned for talking about ryona on stream

>> No.39536189

Yes you fucking retard

>> No.39537561

dont bully me please

>> No.39537689

explicitly probably wouldn't be the best but if you wanna talk about how much you enjoy getting beaten up that's probably fine

>> No.39538173
File: 258 KB, 358x339, 1461273176848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer hate the sound of my own voice. I even think I sound cool sometimes.

>> No.39538477


>> No.39538651

It’s a good way to stunt your growth. Normies don’t like that sort of thing and you’ll scare them off. You’ll have a small 4chan audience though.

>> No.39538705

As a vtuber mama myself, I'm just happy if people stream with their stuff at least once, period. The other anon had it right - it's a hobby, like any other, and you're investing into it. It's basically the same idea and same price range as buying a fursuit, but for weebs. Just have fun!

>> No.39538758

Also having more practice. money, and work in my portfolio is definitely a plus. It's always a pleasure doing business.

>> No.39538809

i will scare them off by being myself anyways
ok great

>> No.39538836

Pretty much the only reason I haven’t gotten super into talking about it on my streams.

>> No.39538927

I want to record an xmas song but it's been a while since I last sung... hmmm...

>> No.39539146

Reverie how much more expensive was it to work with an artist and get them to design a character rather than just giving them the reference and asking them to draw it

>> No.39539757

Have fun being a forever 2view.

>> No.39540160

i will, having fun being myself > lying constantly to appeal to the masses

>> No.39541594

If your past identity is also kind of anonymous (name + avatar, no irl pics, etc) I see no real reason to toss it aside. Use every tool you have at your disposition to make it, starting from 0 isn't as great as you think as discoverability is one the greatest problem small vtubers have.
> i want to shed my current identity and start over so i know im capable of a following
If you have a good following already you should make use of it to get noticed and make people check you out, if you're a good streamer they will stay and if you're not, they will just leave.

>> No.39541723

ive drawn porn under my current handle and i'd rather not be associated with it as a vtuber because it can limit your networking

>> No.39542419

imagine pretending to be 2 people just to fend people off to silently judge them because you have a serious mental disease

>> No.39542638


>> No.39542945

that's actually not me but a different poster lmao

>> No.39543087

understandable. this is a better reason than the one you posted before. gl anon, hope you make it.

>> No.39544744

And being a sex pest

>> No.39545173

what is a "sex pest"

>> No.39546915

thanks for posting these honestly.
i thought i wouldn't be any good but I know I'd be better than these guys, so it's good to see.

>> No.39547060

Seriously dude? Are you this stupid? Shit like this really is a cakewalk for people like me who can just meditate, reflect, and plan ahead.

>> No.39548401

Merry Christmas /aspies/

>> No.39549147

Nice anon that was very fun.

Being a bad person is a value judgement about yourself that has no bearing on whether people will like you. People are essentially lonely so there's no reason for anyone not to like anyone else.

>> No.39551451

>a few hours to christmas
Where's my /asp/ christmas carols

>> No.39551638

Sorry, mate, I can't sing.

>> No.39551991

Is there a difference in audio between the USB-version of the AT2020 and the XLR?
I'm opting to go for the former.

>> No.39553416

I don't really care enough to record something right desu

>> No.39553624

*right now

>> No.39554255

He might mean just the general idea that they made the applications too long, but I am not sure how much shorter can they be considering some of them are less than a minute long

>> No.39554443


>> No.39556622

Merry early christmas /asp/

>> No.39556827


>> No.39556996

One /asp/ie that I won’t name but I want to violate him and make him cry

>> No.39557355

I assume he's speaking of the idea that most corpos typically decide whether you're interesting or not within the first five seconds of your application video, and if you don't catch their attention in that window you're far less likely to be given any further consideration. Corpos tend to get a lot of applicants and can't spend the time watching all of their videos in full, though I'd say this applies more for big corpos like Holo and Niji and less for small ones.

>> No.39558450

there are maybe four good looking models in this entire group, I know you guys will shout "soul" but these look like 2008 deviantart OCs

>> No.39560246

i'm a babi and a femboy

>> No.39560862

They probably don’t want to be mentioned in threads anymore anyway

>> No.39563113


>> No.39567063

Discord owner.

>> No.39570442

You are not lonely enough to stream for Christmas, right, /asp/ies?

>> No.39570557

another day of wishing i was a vtuber...

>> No.39572765

Another day of being a vtuber but not streaming because life.

>> No.39573094

twitch goals, which appears in description... how do I put it there?

>> No.39574408

I’m with family until the new year so I’m on a vacation from streaming

>> No.39575285

I'm thinking about it. Normally I would be ingame to spend it with the guild but I don't play MMOs anymore.

>> No.39576658

Gonna spend it with family but after dinner i'd have time to if i wanted to, don't really have the audience to justify it tho

>> No.39576814

i'm gonna miss rum...

>> No.39577443

I streamed already, I have to work so I'll go to bed.

>> No.39578992

I streamed twice today , gotta grind to incline anon

>> No.39579601

I am, and maybe I'll meet some others who are also alone on the holidays.

>> No.39583954
File: 21 KB, 347x347, pog_of_greed_by_muart242__9b07b0ea7a1334cfd8f44f3610fa40d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some games where I can invite viewers but still work even if nobody joins?
I'm not certain but I saw another vtuber do Mario Kart and realized it got players even if there were unfilled slots.

>> No.39584121

Who is currently on Christmas break that you wish would be streaming right now?

>> No.39586816

Merry Christmas faggots

>> No.39587001

I'm going to be a fake babiniku

>> No.39587014

That's illegal!

>> No.39588309

battle royals?

>> No.39589510

Do you guys remember the method of interactive pngs, where you use Streamkit and custom CSS to showcase whoever is in your discord voice channel via image URL? Somehow the CSS just doesn't seem to work for whatever reason, gotta figure out how to fix it or something.

>> No.39589565


>> No.39590183

Yeah I use this too, just that it's tedious to teach new visitors every time. I'll probably have to shift to this method regardless, so it's whatever.

>> No.39591383

Actually, I found out that whatever CSS I've been using just doesn't work because of a discord update. There's a site that quickly provides a CSS for each individual person, just enter the ID & image URLs, then copy/paste. If you want to use it too, here's the site:

>> No.39592809

As an /asp/ in more ways than one, how the fuck do I emulate small talk on stream? Or should I even try

>> No.39593024

Like talking to yourself? If you can't do that you'll need to do activities that have other people to talk to.

usually if you use 4chan you should be able to talk to yourself

>> No.39593121

Thank you, my trusty tulpa

>> No.39593723

I'm likely killing myself this year. I'm not happy.

>> No.39593851

Unironically it's what probably made alot of streamers popular

You wouldn't be the first and won't be the last :(

>> No.39593874

you only have three days left

>> No.39594652

Which /asp/ies have silently disappeared besides ain and lala?

>> No.39596997

I miss them bros...

>> No.39597279


>> No.39597874

mashi? depends on how you define silently

>> No.39601010

Keep that Christmas spirit

>> No.39601142

Merry christmas /asp/, even after everything i can't help but to feel a sense of kinship towards you

>> No.39601217


>> No.39603927


>> No.39604663

What is that language?

>> No.39604872


>> No.39607786


>> No.39609963

It's a bit early, but new year's resolution, what are we thinking /asp/ies? Goals? Habits?

>> No.39609993
File: 88 KB, 1769x928, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas /asp/

>> No.39612269

Any voidol users? I feel like it cuts out with the OBS noise cancellation, anyone know a fix?

>> No.39612872

ain is still around under a new name

>> No.39613388

I've been too busy prepping my house for family to come over. And I'm just not feeling any sort of spirit this year other than the Coomer spirit.

>> No.39613411

I don't care

>> No.39614083

nvm found the fix

>> No.39616284


>> No.39617452

big if true

>> No.39619501

they both are

>> No.39620569

Forcing babis into sexy santa and reindeer outfits

>> No.39623219

Why not males?

>> No.39624086


From the Pastabin sugerences. Who is this Leta guy I should follow?

Enrico Letta from the Democrat Party??

>I suppose the only other new bit of advice I'd add is copy what Sloth and Leta have been doing - comment on all sorts of things, and disregard numbers. Share your opinion on pieces, ask if you can join in, tell them their hair smells nice. You'll get more eyes on you, appear in timelines, and get boosted interactions

>> No.39624206

Seems to be Letania, no clue why you'd shorten such an already short name

>> No.39626008
File: 76 KB, 324x279, JyYCrRTBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to keep you waiting

>> No.39628722

my beautiful goat boy... I wonder how he's doing.

>> No.39628835

eloped with ain

>> No.39628942

Make the outfits cute and girly then.

>> No.39631911

Am I going to be bullied for using a model I bought off of booth instead of one I commissioned for myself? I really like the artist...

>> No.39632266

not at all. one of the summer thread darlings used a $50 premade and made her money back on it over the course of a month.

>> No.39632296

Probably killed himself like all the quitters

>> No.39633353

what's the new name?

>> No.39633375

You should be more worried that you won't be interesting enough rather than worry about people having actual opinions about your model.

>> No.39637163

>Lala still around under a new name
This I do care about.

>> No.39637535
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, haruhisuzumiya3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still around under a new name
Lately it feels like I keep seeing the same events repeating themselves

>> No.39640784

Be prepared for the year of the rabbit come January.

>> No.39641495

I don't know any good rabbit vtubers

>> No.39642391

Pippa, Kiki, Mashi and Cotton

>> No.39642861

(Relatively) Cheap live2d artists?

>> No.39643233

kiki - trash
mashi - dead
cotton - who

>> No.39643429

post people who are ngmi

>> No.39644049


>> No.39644854

What did I say -- I don't know any good rabbit vtubers. And I know a couple more rabbit vtubers.

>> No.39645847


>> No.39646053

Who should become a bunny from whatever they are?

>> No.39646533

Why do people but like.. bisexual in their twitch tags. For what purpose

>> No.39647617

Maybe because ppl thirst for streamers why not appeal to both genders lol

im going to start doing this thanks

>> No.39648059

Ok I see huge tit babis all the time but how weird is it to be a cute and funny babi
Asking for my friend.

>> No.39648349

loli bad
Unless you’re actually a grill

>> No.39648404

What if I'm actually a girl but pretending to be a guy pretending to be a cunny

>> No.39648411


>> No.39648597

What is the most comfortable but kino fabric or material combo that you can think of?

>> No.39649024

uhh felt?

>> No.39649156

cashmere and suede, jerry

>> No.39649222

loli bad unless you're a girl with a loli model that says she hates lolis but still thanks fanart of her loli model

>> No.39649721


>> No.39649871

Yep, that's the voice I remember.

>> No.39649954

Uncanny hearing that voice from that model

>> No.39650389

Ain stopped streaming to be with her boyfriend only to come back a Flavr chuuba? is she still open about fucking tann or did she abandon her morals too?

>> No.39650528


>> No.39651069

I'm just glad she's back

>> No.39651203

I'm not. I don't hate her, but I hate change. Therefore, I won't watch.

>> No.39651685

I will now follow your chuuba

>> No.39651745

What's lala's new name while we're at it.

>> No.39652613


>> No.39652632

If you don't reply your mother will die in her sleep

>> No.39652941


>> No.39653494

I think there was a loli babi here before. One of the first vtuber was also a loli babi with fox ears, but japanese so it's different.

>> No.39653681

nvm I found her
/asp/ has such a bad reputation everyone is leaving and rebranding rather than being connected to this place.

>> No.39653871

Did you find her on /wvt/? Not really an improvement

>> No.39654200

Please share

>> No.39654673

See you next week

>> No.39654694

It's one of the new FlaVRs.

>> No.39655442

Thank you, anon.

>> No.39655920
File: 1.27 MB, 1536x1080, assuming direct control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viewercord was here

>> No.39656427

Merry Christmas, scum

>> No.39657071

>ain said she would only return and rebrand if she broke up
>not even a few months have passed
Goddamn this schizo bird is really unfit for a relationship just like she said

>> No.39657377

Does anyone have any idea when Marburg is going to open commissions again
