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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39404845 No.39404845 [Reply] [Original]

>men are easy, just be nice to them
What are some other good vtuber takes?

>> No.39404883

i hate women so much good god in heaven

>> No.39404930
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>I always support the guys!

>> No.39404943

Gotta say, I didn't expect 'don't be a cunt' to be framed as this incredible revelation for women, but it does explain a whole bunch.

>> No.39404991

She's not wrong, the entire vtuber industry is built upon raking in money by having girls pretend to like their thousands of orbiters

>> No.39405079

She's not wrong, she's basically admitting she should have never have appealed to the twitter sisters for a few months because they abandoned her and it did long term damage to her growth

>> No.39405186

Nina is objectively right and it makes you seethe

>> No.39405222

>In vtuber culture you know, it’s just kind of a place you go to see if people actually like you
referring to /vt/

>> No.39405245

Learning to be nice is a cheat code for life. It really is that easy to get people, male or female, to like you and support you but so many people fail at it.

>> No.39405271

And yet so many of them, Nina included, can’t even manage that.

>> No.39405278

But /vt/ hates everyone

>> No.39405444

Parsing through /vt/'s degrees of schizo hate on the catalog isn't worth it, but generals and dedicated threads tend to be honest with their opinions, which is way more than you can say for social media hugboxes like reddit or twitter where any criticism will get you dogpiled.

>> No.39405519

Exactly. People would be surprised at how many chuubas will check their generals on here especially the smaller vtubers.

>> No.39405527

Considering how much of a bitch she used to be, she clearly took her own advice.

>> No.39405549

>be right
>not entertaining
They're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.39405584

>they're ATM like holowatcher

>> No.39405593

but everyone is agreeing with her?

>> No.39405783

Autists see being nice and even basic politeness as insincere and manipulative.

>> No.39405868

And treat them like an ATM

>> No.39405896
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>> No.39405906

that's because it is (most of the time)

>> No.39405953
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>> No.39405992

Just being nice does not work with women and you know it.

>> No.39406236

People post this so often and somehow miss the most important bit where Korone says AN IDOL right at the start of the paragraph.

It all comes down to expectations, essentially. Often what kicks off bad feelings and resentment is that girl cultivates a certain kind of tight-knit audience of mostly single men, and then she unceremoniously drops them (or worse mocks them) once she gets big enough to not need them.

The Enna spergout yesterday is a very convenient example - you have people going off about how her fanbase is totally not parasocial, conveniently memory-holing that she used to thank superchats with kisses back when NijiEN was all-female.

>> No.39406389

Oh no you're misunderstanding him. Bitches will definitely see straight through basic niceness; they have a million years of human evolution baked into their brains just for that. But being nice, polite and charismatic will get you other things (success, status, a friend group, etc) that helps woo bitches.

>> No.39406435

This behavior is pathetic and embarrassing and the men engaged in it need to be dragged out of it, not coddled and validated.

>> No.39406489

Fascinating, but nobody gives a fuck what you think they need.

>> No.39406535

so you mean being attractive

>> No.39406680

Related but not completely related, is it weird that I respect idol culture so much that even if I had the chance of dating or just fucking a vtuber I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want to cuck her fans? I guess it would be fine after graduation though.

>> No.39406773

you're insane

>> No.39407028

Define attractive. Like yeah sure if you have a collapsed jaw, hook-nose and no hairline it was over before it began, but even looking at the cesspit that is /soc/ shows that most anons are just dead average. You can work with dead average, even in this difficult dating pool.

>> No.39407197

based Grampire I kneel...

>> No.39407256

t. average white guy
trying being an ugly Asian in America, also /soc/ is degenerate central

>> No.39407933

Bro. Stfu.
You twitterfags are always happy af to rag on about the mentally ill loser into idol culture, but have no problems with the cunt preying on them. It's a mutual using, and if they happen to demand something back, who literally cares.

>> No.39408103

That's EVERY industry, you'd be foolish to treat customers like shit or at least foolish to let them catch on you're treating them like shit

>> No.39408160

>I wouldn't want to cuck her fans?
I understand exactly what you mean, but only because this is exactly why I would always have sex with an idol.

>> No.39408215

Where's the lie?
Anybody screeching contrary is defending shitty and rude female behavior that we're all so fucking sick of
The outcry of the rest of Ethyria when she said that shows what entitled assholes they are

>> No.39408312

>>I support the guys!
>never talks about JPstars
>dropped Rikka once their collab song came out
>abandons Tempus after riding their dick for 2 months
Why she lie so much?

>> No.39408402

For context Nina was saying this while talking about women. She was saying men aren't troublesome, not that they're exploitable.

>> No.39408478

based king

>> No.39408504

You can't work with mid in this dating market. Shit is fucking wack. Nowhere to meet, girls with skyhigh body counts, and way too many fat chicks.
The only way to get it is to sell out and be a race traitor

>> No.39408591

She’s correct either way

>> No.39408759

When did she actually say this? I don't watch Nina often but I always see this quote posted here.

>> No.39408781

Why is it such a sin for americans to just be nice to men?

>> No.39408787

I think it was that gameshow stream or whatever

>> No.39408836
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>> No.39408843

Where is the exact stream she said this? One one hand that's nice if Korone does want to do this but on the other she's allegedly one of the older Holomem so spending x years of her life doing this getting older and making herself less desirable (especially in the Japan males eyes) does not seem worth or maybe her and Okayu is real and she found a loophole or is simply built different and doesn't need companionship.

I think it's possible to have a relationship and still be successful or Vshojo would be so up front about their boyfriends/husbands.

>> No.39410340

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIeE-4E6_pU&t=4255s
Also is Millie always this desperate for a bf?

>> No.39411188

Who do you think her "friend" was?

>> No.39411256

Do you also hate nuns who wear a wedding ring for their marriage to jesus?

>> No.39411387
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how does she get away with it?

>> No.39411552

Reimu maybe, she's confirmed /here/

>> No.39411970

Who cares honestly?
These people would never be anything in life anyway, hell, most of /vt/ will be a genetic dead end for their respective family branches. Some people are born to be background characters and that's fine

You can get this type of man out of this hobby but its not going to automatically turn them into a gigachad, they'll just go back to anime figurines and video games

>> No.39412022

>he says as he bumps a dead thread on the virtual tubers board of 4chan

>> No.39412065

>thinking I'm excluding myself out of this group
Anyone here is a loser, no exceptions

>> No.39412209

>Nina is objectively right
>and it makes you seethe
What makes me seethe is how easy women have it. They live life on tutorial mode.
God I wish I were a woman.

>> No.39412333

>Some people are born to be background characters and that's fine
This is entirely true, I came to this realization when a coworker, eventual friend asked me about my love life and was shocked that I had 0 experience. I was upset with the conversation until he said "Maybe some people are just meant to be alone", which changed my whole mindset. I've been living my best life, and stopped dwelling on being foreveralone since.

>> No.39412888

>They live life on tutorial mode
yeah but all they get to play is tutorial mode, only men really get a chance to play the game.

damn thats a sad story please dont repeat it.

>> No.39413206

>men are easy, just be nice to them
so why don't women do that if it's that easy?

>> No.39413834

>>never talks about JPstars
>dropped Rikka once their collab song came out
also wrong
>abandons Tempus after riding their dick for 2 months
literally planning another collab

>> No.39413907

the modern woman is so privileged that being nice even as a courtesy is beneath them

>> No.39413976

there's that video floating around where a woman shares the incredible revelation she had that men have feelings

>> No.39414042

How good are her CK3 streams?

>> No.39414103

This game she's playing is awesome, her gaming choices in general are awesome. She's showing just how much better vtubers could be if they stopped spamming fucking valorant/genshin/apex

>> No.39414246

>Vtuber says sky is blue
"Wow what a good take"

>> No.39414774

Considering the average vtuber IQ that is pretty impressive

>> No.39419263

>men are easy

not me, still virgin

>> No.39426681

Have vtubers changed your opinion?

>> No.39427083

they do, just not for you

>> No.39427143

link please

>> No.39427273

She's not there yet, but going to drinking a little bit of wine as a meme instead of drinking a lot of vodka as a replacement for human interaction is strong start.

>> No.39427319

The server at Olive Garden might be polite but they're not going to start talking about what they did last weekend, their hobbies, etc. There's no personal connection formed on either side unless I'm going to the wrong Olive Gardens.

>> No.39427375

He didn’t say that.

>> No.39427398

Depends what country you get born in, anon.

>> No.39427678

What a fucking retard

>> No.39427732

Even for a wine aunt; hag knows best

>> No.39427755

Yes, I used to believe that women couldn't be funny, especially thanks to Amy Schumer. Now I realise that it's just western women who aren't funny.

>> No.39428771

>trying being an ugly Asian in America
Just find a white woman with yellow fever she can't tell the difference.

>> No.39430687

Anon he was trying to insult you

>> No.39430992

>God I wish I were a woman.
I bet you do.
