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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 697 KB, 3125x2125, enna and kyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39385707 No.39385707 [Reply] [Original]


Enna says she doesn’t give a fuck about what you all say anymore. You are all shouting in an empty forest and no one cares. Most of you aren’t even watching her. Actual aloupeeps don't care and you can all fuck off.

>> No.39385765

Well yeah, no shit.

>> No.39385848


>> No.39385895
File: 75 KB, 729x861, bad advice korone 58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39385968

>I dont care about 4chan
Then why do you keep talking about us you moron. Fuck off containment breaker.

>> No.39385977

Good for her, I don't watch her or give a shit.

>> No.39385996

Jesas, her voice is annoying as hell.

>> No.39386031

Why does she always do the stupidest thing possible? It's not even a matter of hating her. She's just dumb, and needs to be educated on how to handle the bs she gets herself in.

>> No.39386065

You know if she truly didn't care then she wouldn't start name dropping /vt/ and anonymous, that just shows she cares.

>> No.39386329

>I don't care about them.
>I will now proceed to talk about them who I don't care about.
Woman moment.

>> No.39386357

A funny "woman moment" when 90% of this board is men doing this exact same thing nonstop

>> No.39386390


>> No.39386430

Anyone who has to say that they don't care actually do or they wouldn't even mention it. The only thing she accomplished with that is showing that she does care.

>> No.39386446

reminder not to reply to these bait threads fellow niji bros

>> No.39386472


>> No.39386495

This thread.

>> No.39386501

Tell em sister

>> No.39386535

>doesnt care about vt
>namedrops vt

>> No.39386539

Because faggots like you are breaking containment yourselves to type of your hololive cuckoldry fetishes on her comments. You can dish it but can't take it huh snowflake.

>> No.39386552

Every thread outside of generals.

>> No.39386569

Not really. There are people who do care who will go on long schizo rants, and there are people who don't care who will tell you to shut your faggot ass up.

>> No.39386587
File: 725 KB, 4092x3648, 1662630327015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is so low IQ it kinda makes me worried but this shit is funny as hell so fuck her
t. ex aloupeep that dropped her after she knelt to the twitter trannies

>> No.39386592

Sasuga lolcow

>> No.39386606

>hundred of pointless deflection threads later...

>> No.39386631
File: 229 KB, 768x768, 1660878027216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is reading this thread RIGHT NOW

>> No.39386685

you guys say this about every vtuber i swear I've heard this sentiment about everyone that's been shilled on here at one point

>> No.39386690

what a retard, this is like people who say they don’t care about numbers; if they truly didn’t care they wouldn’t even mention them in the first place
and for you enna it’s too late now, you’re here forever

>> No.39386712

The best thing about this is that it's damn near concrete confirmation that (you)r oshi is /here/ if they're an EN vtuber. Thanks Enna.

>> No.39386745

The linked clip is from a two month old stream and has nothing at all to do with the current situation. You are all so fucking stupid. You are in a literal bait thread.

>> No.39386769

hi enna

>> No.39386778

Does this mean that any passive-agressive bitchy post on this board could be potentially written by Enna?

>> No.39386786 [DELETED] 

ok cuck

>> No.39386791

>”n-no one cares about /vt/ this place is irrelevant!”
and just like her and her friend there are many other vtubers who lurk here because they’re obsessed with egosa

>> No.39386798

op never said it's from a recent stream, it being old doesn't change anything

>> No.39386803

So she's sabotaging her own career by doing all these cuckold stuffs just to own the evil anonymous from veetee? That's so dumb and I feel bad for her fans that have to deal with her bullshit.

>> No.39386842

>no mention of hololives whatsoever
you okay buddy?

>> No.39386852


>> No.39386855

Even Calliope, despite being a hateful alcoholic bitch, browses /vt/ to see what criticism she is getting rather than coping and making excuses to ignore it. Of course, she rarely responds positively to that criticism but she doesn’t pretend it isn’t real.

>> No.39386889

dont see how it owns /vt/ we're laughing at her except for the small number of aloucucks here, who are in fact getting owned and having a bad time.

>> No.39386891 [DELETED] 

Holy shit hololive really does live rent free inside of nijinigger's heads.

>> No.39387029

Did it never occur to you that we want to be Aloucucks? A mainstream NTRLiver is a unique niche, hololive will probably be ripping it off in a few months like everything else Nijisanji does.

>> No.39387072

>once again bringing up hololive out of the blue
lol, lmao.

>> No.39387149 [DELETED] 
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>> No.39387222 [DELETED] 

ok aloucuck, make sure to sub and member kyo in tribute, he is your owner now.

>> No.39387323

>you guys say this about every vtuber
/vt/ mostly watches female vtubers

>> No.39387357
File: 224 KB, 791x766, 1659377712406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's so dumb and I feel bad for her fans that have to deal with her bullshit.
Don't feel bad for NPC's, just look at them typing their low IQ chink comments in her chat, that shit is cringe worthy beyond all belief lmao.

Her real viewers will leave. The NPC's will remain. If she wants to sit in a hugbox she can, but she, no matter what she says, will never and I mean NEVER be able to stop coming here.
She's hooked.

Remember Enna, you're here forever, just like the rest of us, and you're a cunt. Cope with it.

>> No.39387362

Shes only hurting herself by engaging with here and antis. She should just ignore it and continue her content.

>> No.39387403

>is very /here/
>panders to the twitter crowd
>is a lot less /here/
>panders to idolfags

>> No.39387420

If the cap fits

>> No.39387439

Hololive will eat the cum out of Enna’s Pussy after Kyo is done with it and ask for more.

>> No.39387488

Thanks enna for making 8000+ people see my dumb shitpost

>> No.39387565

That's aloupeeps though

>> No.39387570

I guess we'll have to start using names then...

>> No.39387578

Never heard her before. Will probably never hear her again. She's right in that clip and you're all a bunch of retards.

>> No.39387608
File: 434 KB, 510x421, 1669514565041017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna, if you are reading this I just want to say I still love you my girl

>> No.39387613

Why would people watch this hrt kermit instead of cute Japanese grandmas?

>> No.39387648

>8min of this voice
no thanks

>> No.39387651

Then why she keeps coming here?
We've always known the one ennaschizo who keeps shitting on IRyS is her.

>> No.39387681

I'm Enna

>> No.39387687

>she doesn't care what you say anymore
that's as big a lie as her being a virgin

>> No.39387766

It's confirmed. /vt/ is Twitter.

>> No.39387767

We aren't shouting at her to stop, we are just shitposting about the trainwreck and making fun of her simps.

>> No.39387820

And that is why she’s acting so tsun.

>> No.39387875

>"I-I-I DONT CARE ABOUT /vt/!!!!"
>opens /vt/

>> No.39387896

Post feet

>> No.39387944

Why you let hololive rent free in your head?

>> No.39388051

I for one was shouting at her to stream the sex - keep going enna! you can top VWhorejo! ganbatte!

>> No.39388191

post kyos cock

>> No.39388248

"""my friend"""

>> No.39388355

But I do care about Enna. I care about mocking her and her cucked fanbase in particular.

>> No.39388357

Yeah, Reimu

>> No.39388392

Based carebear.

>> No.39388400

Now we know who the Ennaschizo that kept shitposting against Irys was...

>> No.39388450

Because is you faggots shitting up the place with your cuckold fantasies and muh idol culture reeee! There's nothing rent free about that. You want to perpetrate then play victim when is all been traced back to you cunts.

>> No.39388452

>Mentions /vt/
Enna already lost.

>> No.39388513

>The Ennaschizo was actually just Enna
Kinda hot, desu.

>> No.39388546

i can imagine her seething "BUT IM BETTUR THAN IRYS GUYS" lool - hates herself so much she sleeps with a twink- oh dear!

>> No.39388683

She cares more than she lets on

>> No.39388768


>> No.39388805

>interested on another man's cock
are you perhaps, a faggot?

>> No.39388819

>If somebody is writing something thats Anonymous it tends to be the truth.
what the FUCK am I listening to.

>> No.39388844

Holy esl fag

>> No.39388866

Honestly I'd wager all of Nijisanji EN are here.
Probably most of HoloEN too apart from someone like Ina or Fauna.

>> No.39388961

I genuely doubt it. The managers 100% check this side but the talents? Some for sure but not the majority.

>> No.39389065

what a retarded woman i swear these chicks all share the same god damn half working single brain cell.

>> No.39389244

Aye, fuck the antis if she wants to off collab with Kyo she should. She's still a virgin anyway so it doesn't matter.

>> No.39389251
File: 173 KB, 719x712, 1671580091249865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I look on that site
It's not on those places it's on your front fucking door twitter and fucking yt probably Twitch if they have those too

>> No.39389361
File: 218 KB, 876x786, 1671609936543742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need some chuddy/antisperg rules on social media. Something basic like this. They just cant control themselves and follow basic human rules. They are like animals or bugs.

>> No.39389382

If she didn't love us why would she create such an entertaining trashfire? How long until next break because she totally doesn't care

>> No.39389424

A very good point, Enna.

>> No.39389523

Let’s redefine virgin first

>> No.39389609

If you do dumb things and then immediately go to the place where you know they will make fun of you for dumb things, you aren't a victim.
You're just fucking obsessed.
At least Mori only reacted to twitter.

>> No.39389656

Watch the clip - she knows.

>> No.39390177

shes both right and wrong. take things said here with a grain of salt too. theres obviously bad actors but there are also people who are just criticizing her actions with harsher language. People who say for example "I dont want more of this because it causes drama and drama is no fun, she shouldnt be a retard and keep doing it." would be people criticizing her, where the people who keep yelling cuck or pretending to be her fans and say they like cuck content are the bad actors.

>> No.39390219

So who’s the /here/ friend?

>> No.39390246

Yeah but imagine yourself in her shoes. When are you most likely to hit this site? After you done some things you yourself are unsure off. So she's more likely to just see shitposters

>> No.39390329


>> No.39390370

Good to know she cares about her fans being cucked and liking it.

>> No.39390474

I would just have the general to me open at all times so I could monitor it

>> No.39390618

This is actually kind of an interesting clip that shows how /vt/ interacts in the vtuber ecosystem, too bad it involves enna so no actual discussion will be had

>> No.39390662

No corpo should be coming here for criticism or validation. Even vtubers who have largely positive reception like Fauna or Selen shouldn't come here.
Indies, I get because this is the only place where they can get real feedback. People post their takes here because its either a shitpost by someone who isn't invested in the slightest or they don't believe the take enough to actually communicate it to the vtuber.

>> No.39390750

>8 minutes
Not watching but I don't care, this board deserves to be nuked either way

>> No.39390850

Even before this whole thing everyone hated you because you’re a fucking bitch who’s rude to your fans, I know you’re reading this so fucking kill yourself you whore, I’ll even make it easier to search for you in the archive, Enna

>> No.39391013

>In vtuber culture you know, it’s just kind of a place you go to see if people actually like you

>> No.39391300

LMAO she legitimately thought this place was fine because her repuation here was actually pretty solid and only saw comments praising her. She probably saw the IRyS posts by ennaschizo and started feeling herself too.
A literal fairweather friend of the board.

>> No.39391562
File: 43 KB, 474x474, enna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of misconceptions here so let me clear it out

>This clip was in response to the situation with kyo
No it’s no, this clip is 2 months old
>Enna is /here/
She is not, if you watched the clip you will know she was obsessed with this place for about a month after debut then vowed to never visit again, meaning she is not /here/ anymore. This means it has been over a year since she was last /here/.
>Enna is malding / having a breakdown
She really is not, all public interaction so far about this “situation” has been making fun of anyone against it. The last stream from just a few hours ago was one of the chillest ever.

>> No.39391572

Yeah no shit, if i chat something remotely criticize her, the mod will probably delete it

And her discordfag probably raiding here again

>> No.39391654

Literally the exact opposite of what was said in the clip kek

>> No.39391762

>Not /here/
Kek lmao even.

>> No.39391776

I mean, I’m sure she doesn’t frequent here as much as before, but do you really believe she never comes /here/ even rarely?

>> No.39391811
File: 301 KB, 2046x1824, 1667844016581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vowed to never visit again, meaning she is not /here/ anymore

>> No.39391992

I hope she have a mental breakdown stream soon

>> No.39391993

Enna stop fucking coming here
We don't want you here

>> No.39392102

>vowed to never visit again
yeah yeah they all do

>> No.39392458

>She really is not, all public interaction so far about this “situation” has been making fun of anyone against it.
like liking tweets that said they fucked. The problem Enna's fanbase has is they believe people are angry they collabed or against her. Most are not. They are simply laughing at the retardation and cope going on. When she stops doing stupid shit we will all move on. People like to call people antis or haters because its easier to rationalize than accepting you are being mocked for our own idiocy.

>> No.39392709

Just let the unicorns in her fanbase die and continue on, doesnt have to pander to everybody. Her dedicated whales will keep spending money on her anyway since they already spend too much on her to stop

>> No.39393065

ok no, she is totally wrong, she is still an anonymous internet user hiding behind a computer, the same as us, and she develop her "character" using drama and shitposting, the same as us, for her own good i hope this is just her character talking and not a stupid woman that still dont know what is her job about, but actually for my own entertainment i hope she continue thinking like that so one day she are going to fuck it up so bad that she will end up imploding and it will be really amusing.

>> No.39393112

She cares so little about /vt/ that she spends all day in here reading about how much the board hates her.
That's some dedication to not caring.

>> No.39393306

the unicorns left long ago. Thats why this was a stupid stunt to pull. Her fans were happy for him to collab with her but all the hand holding and cuck-baiting makes her fans the object of ridicule. At this point announcing yourself as her fan is an invitation to mockery and people are just going to leave or never join. its the sort of stupid shit you do and say you dont care till the damage is done and its too late. Like a smoker who gets lung cancer

>> No.39394153

>calls you a cuck
>her boyfriend calls you a cuck
>hearts my comment calling you a cuck
the only one living in a fantasy is you, the sisters are just quoting your own mistress.

>> No.39396727


>> No.39396780

Enna is just filling a niche for NTRE

>> No.39397092
File: 193 KB, 500x280, HOLY KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8minutes of not caring
KEK. She should double down and keep responding.

>> No.39397829

Not a bad take.
>Don't go looking for something you know will hurt you and then get mad about it.
Somewhat ironic.
Damn does she use a lot of air and words to repeat the same shit over and over though. No wonder her zatsus are so long.

>> No.39397905
File: 1.64 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We need vapid cunts to stop constantly ego searching to look for validation and affirmation. If anything Enna got from browsing /vt/ was a small dose of reality.

>> No.39397964

>says she doesn't care
>rants about the thing she doesn't care about
Darksydephil behavior

>> No.39398013

>vowed to never visit again, meaning she is not /here/ anymore
yes, I believe a woman.

>> No.39398046

I'm glad she doesn't care everyone thinks her fans are cucks lol

>> No.39398055

We're anonymous, anon. Nobody here has anything to lose by not having principles. Enna on the other hand, does.

>> No.39398251
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Wow, shes so cool

>> No.39398286
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She cares so little that she goes on a 10 minute tangent explaining how little she cares. Right after making a barrage of tweets and YT replies expressing how little she cares.

>> No.39398357

Streamers and influencers seek out negative comments. Boggles my mind.

>> No.39398415

A fucking deadbeat...

>> No.39398636

Mori told her kek..

>> No.39398849
File: 521 KB, 408x544, 1649591503287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vowed to never visit again, meaning she is not /here/ anymore
I bet you one (1) crisp American dollar she's been making half of the anti posts/threads to include this one to fuel fire

>> No.39399165

I truly don’t care if she’s fucking Kyo or not. I’m far more annoyed at the baitposts that shit up this catalog than anything she could possibly say about or do to her fans.
I find content like this repulsive. So I don’t watch it. There’s plenty of vtubers who don’t flirt with males on-stream, and I really don’t care what they do off-stream as long as they aren’t the kind of GFE that seriously takes advantage of the parasocial aspect. For the ones who do shit like the Kyo off-collab…I just keep my mouth shut and don’t watch or think about it
But plenty of people /here/ are schizos who can’t do that. Why on earth would she say anything about it, and especially something like “I don’t care”?

>> No.39399982


>> No.39400842

>comes to vt
>annoyed by shitposting
Smartest vt poster

>> No.39402388

It's hard to learn anything when you have a dented prefrontal cortex

>> No.39405649

So you don't trust women? Alright fair enough. But there is a huge difference between that and believing in some completely made up scenario in your head conjured up with no evidence.

>> No.39406200

a completely made up scenario in my head?
Or maybe it's a completely made up scenario of me making up a scenario in my head in your head?

>> No.39406297
File: 347 KB, 2026x2865, 1649962461622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is anyone here surprised? This is a standard normalfag reaction 4channel dot org not understanding its """culture""". They dont realize its just a place where majority of posts is made by venting retards and drama whores and you have to filter the autism. This and of course of case "I dont like negative feedback so I decide to ignore it".
Enna is a normie that cannot disregard the autistic screeching, look for constructive feedback and balance it with her chat (with of course will always be 100% positive to a point of being completely unreliable for any feedback). Enna has a lot drawbacks and cool shit going for her. Just like every vtuber.

>> No.39407867
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>> No.39408063

Listen here bud, I was shitposting and calling people faggots when YouTube didn’t care about bad language, and I’m gonna shitpost in peoples chats until they ban me. I did it before I fell into this fucking crab pot trap forum, and I’ll do it after. “Containment breaking” I AM PERPETUALLY UNLEASHED.

>> No.39408377

>I don't care about /here/, so let me go on a 10 minute rant about how I don't care about that place instead of just ignoring them

>> No.39408848

>i could have been arguing with enna
Damn, I should have asked for some sloppy seconds

>> No.39408887

So true sister. I’m just here for the cuckposting.

>> No.39408998
File: 490 KB, 581x362, 1667049945034090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good to have a complete yab-less oshi who always shows how she respects and enjoys streaming for/hanging with chat. Every time something happens anywhere it just reinforces how great she is.

>> No.39409174

>Woman claiming she doesn't care what people say
roru roru rumao

>> No.39409556

Thanks for further confirmation that this place is littered with touristniggers from twitter, youtube, and reddit.
Just nuke the fucking board.

>> No.39410208
File: 625 KB, 498x319, 3AA6B663-01E5-4C7B-BB1E-F8AB8CA6C9DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for her, just close the tab and dont look back. This is a shitposting board anyway

>> No.39410362

I bet she is the one who is spamming those threads at the first place. And yes I don't even know whos this bitch until those threads flooded the whole catalogue. Literal whos, she's trying to stay relevant with dramas, same shit mikeneko was doing.

>> No.39411732

her tragedy for ever caring in the first place kek

>> No.39412284

Holy fuck THAT'S what she sounds like? lmao

>> No.39412436

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.39417643

I like how his hand is smaller than hers in the off collab. Kyo is literally a manlet.

>> No.39417777

kys edgefaggot

>> No.39419713
File: 499 KB, 1120x1680, stocklaughingskeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"my friend told me to check it out" "my friend kept sending me stuff and saying here look!"
>Enna is a known deadbeat and her pl was a contestant in Mori's RIP remix competition
HOLY KEK the "friend" that deliberately recommended her to look /here/ was Mori herself wasn't it? God I love my chaos causing shitposting /here/wife so much, she's probably looking at the drama all of the Enna shit caused on here and laughing her ass off while she sips her wine and whiskey. "I think I will cause problems on purpose" indeed.

>> No.39419943

I don't know man, while I don't really care about this dumb drama or even Nijisanji. I have to say that /vt/ won just for the fact that she acknowledged this awful place to begin with.

>> No.39419944

Wait this clip is 2 months old? Wtf?

>> No.39420319

Based Mori.

>> No.39420474

>Enna namedrops /vt/
She fucked up now.
>and says she doesn't care
Nobody who says this actually doesn't care.

>> No.39422647


>> No.39423011

>Enna has read my ERP

>> No.39423426

She literally admitted on malding and friends telling her to just drop it.

>> No.39424022

me when i see kyo

>> No.39424474
File: 267 KB, 2048x1690, 1671645642394228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That drama is just too good, i haven't kekd so hard since cuckbeat saga

>> No.39424609

good riddance

>> No.39429405

Sounds like cope

>> No.39429549

I hope this is true buddy, she seems nice if a bit dim
t. holobrony

>> No.39429626

Now tell me what you learn from Kyo’s stream, cucks

>> No.39429691

Enna's "I'm a virgin" thing that she brought up all the time unprompted was allegedly a joke

>> No.39429849

>this fucking thread
why are HoloATMs like this?

>> No.39430320
File: 304 KB, 1278x715, 1663136669017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is watching???

>> No.39430436

>hololive this and hololive that
Is this what they taught at PuA Academy? Get laid before some of you shoot up a convention, freaks

>> No.39430868

That was a fucking eight minute clip you made me watch and she did not actually namedrop /vt/ in the entire clip. You fucking ass. Do you not know what NAMEDROP means? It means using the name. SHE DID NOT SAY THE FUCKING NAME.

>> No.39430924
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>> No.39431296

Wait they stream with dudes now? Holy cuck moment

>> No.39433157

Well yeah, no shit.

>> No.39433738

I assumed that was the case after about a minute. Thank you for confirming

>> No.39434678

She did say 4chan out load in the last second of the clip. So close enough

>> No.39435060

then why did she feel the need to address the stream at all, retardchama?

>> No.39436530

>namedrops /vt/

>> No.39436843

I don't know what that is. This is 4channel. So you're telling me she was on a completely different site and this thread has nothing to do with us?

>> No.39437495

Are you completely and utterly daft? She hasn't addressed the stream at all. She did a FIVE HOUR zatsu and did not address the stream even once.

>> No.39437618

Enna has quite literally brought up various ex-boyfriends on her streams, and not members streams, actual publicly available streams that can still be watched at any time. People trying to make drama out of this are just showing they've never watched her and the only reason they thought this stream was noteworthy was because they saw off-collab in the title and a man in the video thumbnail. That's what you have, just a bunch of serial thumbnail browsers creating threads solely off what they see in the thumbnails.

>> No.39437904

>90% of this board is men
lol, lmao even

>> No.39439597 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 2000x2000, 1651648642862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Namedrop deez nuts into your mouth
