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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39376911 No.39376911 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand why people give a single fuck about male and female collabs or interactions outside Hololive, who gives a shit? Why is this mental disorder reaching other vtubers?

>> No.39377021

No one actually cares. It's just these "people" are falseflagging so hard to create bad impression towards certain groups or individuals.

>> No.39377092

imagine being a cuck for a whore

>> No.39377146

Nice one, Redditor! Show 'em those buzzwords you just learned!

>> No.39377248

Aloucuck cope thread

>> No.39377269

Do you like being forced to watch something you don't care nor like? Cause that it, i don't like male Vtuber, it's way past the fag limit i can take and i don't want other to put it in my face. the only mental ilness here is your retardation.

>> No.39377292

so true sister

>> No.39377348

Imagine being so insecure that you lose your shit at a 2d avatar talking to another 2d avatar, peak autism

>> No.39377359

Male/female collabs are kind of the opposite of faggotry.

>> No.39377389

you only care when it's people you want to shitpost about?

>> No.39377420

>Why is this mental disorder reaching other vtubers?
Because Enna goes "uwu pure idol" and next moment flips of her audeince (literally) while flirting with coworker. This while shitstorm is her own doing

>> No.39377434

Leave 4chan and discuss NijiEN with the other Nijifags in iketog.

>> No.39377439

>being forced to watch

>> No.39377572

>being forced to watch
>the only mental ilness here is your retardation
My fucking sides, m8

>> No.39377653

Picrel is the whitest /vt/ user.

>> No.39377679

Zero Enna fans do. It's all projection and shitposting.

>> No.39377688

still cringed at people calling a streamer their oshi

>> No.39377869

where do you people come from?

>> No.39377870

>being forced t-
Stop reading there. Fucking retard

>> No.39378021

>outside Hololive
NijiEN fanbase is 50% hololive refugees

>> No.39378307

It's how/vt/ passes time and gives the hehe haha funny reason to fuck with people

>> No.39378740

Based ESL
Fags seething in the replies lmao

>> No.39380530


>> No.39380682

They live in a delusion that an anime streamer they’ve never met is their gf/bf. That’s why they shit up the board when collabs/off-collabs happen since they feel “cucked”, not only proving their mental derangement but also that they don’t understand the meaning to words they frequently use.

>> No.39380796

We do? I thought we just shitpost especially after Kyo roommate rant and Enna "I'm still virgin" comment.

>> No.39380953

>why do you people care about male collabs so much? Its not like I'm going to cuckpost about it daily from then onwards
We've seen this a thousand times before and Enna and the aloucucks were just next up on the chopping block. No matter how many times you try to claim nobody cares, there will always been people who care enough to camp threads daily and cuckpost daily and people who camp the catalogue to defend their oshi daily.
You wouldn't have an issue like this if cuckposting was moderated more thoroughly because at the end of the day it very low quality.
The only thing male collabs do is permanently change a fanbase into 2 groups, that will argue with eachother about it until the end of days whilst everyone on the board laughs at them.
It was funny this time though because that one Enna faggot has been asking for it for months. He didn't have to bring down the rest of the fanbase with him though

>> No.39381118

learning english will help clear up your misunderstanding of these kinds of situation next time

>> No.39381195

just accept you are a cuck, no need to jump through mental hoops

>> No.39382092

Who forced you?

>> No.39382429

only wanting to watch girls do cute things is peak faggotry. you might as well play with barbie dolls, faggot.

>> No.39382624

Even you should looks be able to see that there is a difference between cross gender collabing and purposefully going out of your way to mock your fandom with cuckoldry.

>> No.39382702

True, a better understanding of English would let him better articulate how awful Enna was for her reprehensible behavior.

>> No.39382704

fucking based, watch all em faggots seething in the replies

>> No.39382763

Just don't watch them?

>> No.39382792

So what if I am?

>> No.39382869

stfu samefag

>> No.39382920

>being forced
no one asked you to watch them you fucking manchild that's your own fault

>> No.39382936

Unfathomably based and truth pilled

>> No.39383099

Nobody is forcing you watch shit, these vtubbers aren't your property you could decide to not watch when males are part of your oshi stream yet you chose not to. You have nobody to blame but yourself.

>> No.39383647


>> No.39383788

Because holokike love to force their culture on everyone. I don't hate idol culture. But when you force your culture on every group, you are going to far.

>> No.39383888

>outside Hololive
just because its not an idol agency, doesn't mean its safe from controversy Op. It happens everywhere.

>> No.39383890

wanting to watch any male vtuber is peak faggotry. you might as well start sucking dick for cash, just like your father before you, faggot.

>> No.39384023
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don't be a holofag simple as

>> No.39384078

Except this is normal in Nijisanji and VSPO.

>> No.39384099

You don't know what faggotry is. Learn japanese if you want actual idol content. The idol industry doesn't exist outside of fucking japan you retard weeb faggot.

>> No.39384171

Aloucucks apparently. They hated it because "Kyo is a boring leech" and not because he was blowing her back out.

>> No.39384312

This level of maliciousness is normal?

>> No.39384338

I have made an astonishing discovery. I previously thought all the "cuck" panic was a form of trolling, but I realize after reading this thread that all of them are ESL Ismails from Indonesia who truly have no idea what the word means.
I will stop making fun of them.

>> No.39384382


>> No.39384383

Why do you think any one cares about
your opinion? Do you think that your totally unique thought is deserving of a a post?

>> No.39384668

Are you under the impression that threads cost something?

>> No.39384920

Calling fans cucks, liking and reposting comments suggesting it as well, flirting on stream, etc.
I usually follow the old axe of “don’t attribute to malice what may just be stupidity” but the behavior is too pointed for it not to be intentional, which is a stupidity of its own sort.

>> No.39384949

i'm sure she'll get cancelled this time!

>> No.39385102

No way, we like being cucked. About time we get a mainstream ntrtuber.

>> No.39385256

Quality preservation, all other entertainment; specifically that on screen has been basically destroyed by bad "actors"

>> No.39385363

no anon, spending hours watching another man play video games because you like to laugh at his jokes and feel closer to him when you hear his anecdotes is faggotry, you are a faggot, and you are a double faggot if you want to watch your favorite female streamer react to him.

>> No.39385421

>I don't understand
And you never will, because this isn't for you. Your place is in some facebook group sharing old cat memes with boomers and looking forward to the next Star Wars installment.

>> No.39385422

Ame was in the Homo chats last night

>> No.39385448

Holofans have no streams to watch so they have to pressure every other vtuber to be more like Hololive, all while panicking that other vtubers are somehow pressuring hololive to act differently.

>> No.39385455

And what is the problem with this faggotry of which you speak?

>> No.39385472
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>> No.39385488

It's sexual deviancy, keep it in your bedroom

>> No.39385509

Now I know I'm being used
That's okay man 'cause I like the abuse.
Now I know she's playing with me
That's okay 'cause I've got no self-esteem.

>> No.39385592

>Calling fans cucks
Who? Enna, Kyo or /vt/ard?
>liking and reposting comments
Pairing or calling people cuck?
>flirting on stream
This is very common among pairing in Nijisanji jp and VSPO. Like I said, male and female vtuber dating on stream was never a big deal in Japan. Sometimes it also make their company even more popular like VSPO who become famous thanks to Oreapo aka Kamito x Hinano. Western vtuber fandom had been poisoned by Hololives unicorns culture, so thing that never a big deal in Japan become a controvery in western. Which is very ironic because it was supposed to be opposite considering Japan have more pure culture while western is more raunchy.

>> No.39385607

Children under the age of 25 are afraid of being called a cuck do to the word being overused on the internet (mainly Discord and online games). The word has lost all meaning and is basically equivalent to calling someone a loser or moron.

>> No.39385635

People are interested in vtubers for basically two reasons:
>whoa cool livestreamers who are anime characters!
>whoa cool anime characters who are livestreaming!
these two groups have fundamentally opposite goals and desires. twitch fans want reality tv and anime fans want twitch fans to die.

>> No.39385659

Exactly like every other word then, like parasocial?

>> No.39385690

Are these twitch fans in the room with us now

>> No.39385696

Why do the reality tv ones uses anime avatars, as opposed to more calarts styled characters?

>> No.39385706

Has a pretty obvious meaning

>> No.39385721
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How hard is it to understand the stripper on YouTube is fucking things up for herself and her strip club by bringing her boyfriend on stage for the show?

>no, no. we really came for her wit. what do you mean why don't i follow male vtubers?

>> No.39385751

I’m glad you asked, anon! That’s because anime is popular right now and they are cynical clout chasers.

>> No.39385767

Yeah, cuckold pride!
We should embrace it, those holobronies are just jealous!

>> No.39385846

Why people cannot accept that Nijisanji, Hololive and Vshoujo have completely different culture?

>> No.39385877

You literally want to watch girls do cute things you might as well go buy a doll house and some barbies and do it yourself since you're sitting on your 2 week old cumstained underwear projecting and calling people faggots.

>> No.39385894

Define cuckold.

>> No.39385908

>Who? Enna, Kyo or /vt/ard
>but that isn’t Enna!
Yeah but she is still collabing with and pushing that with her behavior during and after the collab via how she interacts with the response. If she approves of her fan base being called cucks, who am I to argue?

>> No.39385961

People get made fun of for belonging to shitty cultures all the time here, like Indians, or Redditors.

>> No.39386003

People I don't like.

>> No.39386042

This guy

>> No.39386200

I can't be cucked i don't build parasocial relationships with vtubbers. That would be you and once again you're proving that you're a sad cuck.

>> No.39386215

A male who has the object of his interest and affections betray him sexually. Like what happened on stream. There are those that fetishize cuckoldry though and encourage the act or simulated act for our own pleasure, alpha cuck netorasechads like us Aloupeeps, or Aloucucks as Kyo would say.
Holo brownies are just jealous that we accept and revel in the NTR.

>> No.39386264

>I don't understand
nice digits, they remind me of something

>> No.39386333
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>i don't build parasocial relationships with vtubbers
He rele belebs.

>> No.39386368

I think that is going too far. Kyo should have apologized. But Enna don't really need to do anything since it's not her fault and it's not like she is obligated to cut tie with Kyo.

>> No.39386380

You mad? Your Oishi will never cuckold you.

>> No.39386389

>I read it for the articles I swear

>> No.39386559
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I watch vtubers because I genuinely think they are funny and witty. Go back to your Discord circlejerk where you call every female a whore and every other male but yourselves a cuck if you don't like that. Vtubers are not for you.

>> No.39386689

so true sister, i want vox and reimu offcollab stream where they cook scrambled egg together

>> No.39386795
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>le here are your positions but they're actually mine routine

>> No.39386813

Keep seething. Only vt and 5ch cares about this type of stuff and that's because these places are safe haven for incels.

>> No.39386884

Vox x Reimu is basically Kanae x Akabane of Niji En. unbalanced pairing that was completely forgotten.

>> No.39387023

What if i don't? and what if you like it?

>> No.39387038

>You want to watch cute girls
>That's gay bro

>> No.39387055

that’s so fucking wacky anon

>> No.39387139

You can’t make me not a cuck. Does that make you mad?

>> No.39387188

We want what is best for you

>> No.39387243

they should do offcollab 1on1, i will sc them to consider this

>> No.39387500

If you are not going to pander to gachikoi you should rip that bandaid very early on, so that crowd ignores you.

>> No.39387584

Yes, there's a very easy solution to all of this hullabaloo, and its being upfront with your relationship situation. "I have a bayfriend, oh I was out with my boyfriend doing..." etc.
On this I'm sure both gachis and NTR fand can agree.

>> No.39387665

Personally I think it would be even easier to keep it separate.
Oh yeah some girl doesn't have a boyfriend? Does she have a phone though? Does she ever consume alcohol? Then she can get dick as easy as if she had a boyfriend.
It's impossible to know what people are doing in their private lives.

>> No.39387831

Yes you're gay. You're invested in stuff women did when they were children. You might as well come out and say you're a pedo. Go buy barbies dolls if you want some cute shit for you to beat your dick about.

>> No.39387874

Yes but what's the need for secrets if no one's interested in involvement? All streamers talk about their personal lives, it's fundamental to streaming.

>> No.39387880


>> No.39387939

>Yes but what's the need for secrets if no one's interested in involvement?
Me not telling you that I took a shit 5 minutes ago isn't a secret.
>All streamers talk about their personal lives
There is no difference in what is oversharing online or face to face.

>> No.39387962

no one likes getting cucked, unless you're tranny or real cuck

>> No.39387960

so true, sisters! lets all cut our dicks off and take our estrogen hormones!!!

>> No.39387973

>my vtubers are actually very manly to watch, unlike yours
No one's buying it

>> No.39388020

nijinigger detected

>> No.39388066

Ismail, do you get lower marks in English class than the rest of your underage peers, or are they all this bad?
I thought children were great at learning new languages.

>> No.39388088

You're with your SO all the time, it's the closest relationship in your life. Willfully trying to extract that or rename it as your brother has nothing to do with oversharing and you know it. The problem is your position can't hold on its own merits. It's very obvious you want the gachi/amouranth bucks while also trying to shame that audience. Have some self-respect and be the "just bro" streamer you purport to be.

>> No.39388106

Because now her audience is gay now and wants to see more of her boyfriend

>> No.39388146

After Rushia scandal, this is no longer possible. Deron revealed that she has boyfriend right after Rushia scandal broke up.

>> No.39388152

Do SEA friends think the civilized world still dislikes gay people?

>> No.39388151


>> No.39388254

These aren't seanigs acting like that these are western unicucks acting like this.

>> No.39388293

unicucks trade in 80s era homophobic cheese involving "Barbie dolls"?

>> No.39388369

YWNBAW, now go 40% yourself troon

>> No.39388428

All these Reddit replies.

>> No.39388434

>Enna goes "uwu pure idol"
never happened, ESL threadwatcher

>> No.39388459

Ismail... do you know what any of those words mean?

>> No.39388580

Begone hololive indog, if you don’t like Enna catering to NTRchads then fuck off until you get some taste for true cuckino.

>> No.39388609
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Don't worry guys Vshojo will undo blue dorito's damage and normalize debauchery

>> No.39388710

You can never normalize that position because it only exists as taboo. If it's "normalized" it becomes boring and loses its appeal

>> No.39388824
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Firstly my oshi is Aki, im not a vtuber or remotely interested in being one.
It's definitely possible. And it's completely unnecessary to be talking about other people in your house to begin with.

>> No.39389317

Least based kazakh

>> No.39389327
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>> No.39389608

But the Rushia scandal is a great example of why it's important.
To begin with, she proved that she was not in a relationship and threw her career away to do so.
Her actual content was always consistent with her persona and she is still making thousands of dollars every time she streams.

>> No.39389747

I don't know who Enna is, and I asked you a question, Ismail. Weird that you are unable to recognize whether someone is your own countryman or not.

>> No.39389914

There were more than 100.000 people in a protest walk against gay marriages in paris like last year or something. Yes, people still hate you, but the media lies to you that you are all accepted everywhere.

>> No.39390172

the chuuba you like doesn't know you exists retard, under that logic every unrequited love leads to cucking

>> No.39390355

>the chuuba you like doesn't know you exists retard,
I don't know where people get this assumption from, I stand out and im a regular person and there is a literal ton of strange people that are fans.
Either way, the term cuck in this case is specifically a vtuber thing and is specifically calling people out for liking shit content.

>> No.39390448

>the chuuba you like is not in a relationship with you, retard
there, do you andastan now?

>> No.39390500

It's not relevant. If you watch a male collab with the female vtuber you've been watching, you're a cuck

>> No.39390601
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>the term cuck in this case is specifically a vtuber thing and is specifically calling people out for liking shit content.

This anon >>39384338 is right you sea monkeys don't even know english

>> No.39390694

You watch male flesh streamers. You're a fag then?

>> No.39390734

Kek, imagine being this type of ESL. You just going to give up on learning?

>> No.39391683

just to be clear the rushia thing wasn't a secret to anyone and what happened on stream as a nothing burger that already happened on twitter in the past and nobody gave a fuck not even whales
too bad rushia had a woman moment and got explored by dramafags

>> No.39394359

Not all of us are closet cuckolds, if I wanted to be the third wheel, I'd watch porn.

>> No.39394673

I don't watch male vtubers and I don't watch streams with male vtubers because I find them cringe, gay and annoying.
Context matters tho.
If I watch let's say Pippa do an interview to a male I am ok with watching that because there's a clear reason this guy is on stream and it's an uncommon thing.
What turns males into a problem is something like the NijiEN situation.
Males are in the company, same number of males and females, it's nearly guaranteed that any collab will have a male on stream.
I used to watch NijiEN but at one point even solo streams would end with one guy randomly showing up in chat, the girl says hey let's hop on discord and what was going to beca zatsudan now becomes a chatting stream between the girl and a male.
They even started doing playthroughs of single player games with a guy with them on voice chat just reacting to them.
That made NijiEN 100% unwatchable and not worth even trying to follow. Why would I watch Pomu or Rosemi on a solo stream if I won't watch lile 40% of their content because there will be a male in them?
HoloEN does not have that problem but there's a slippery slope betwern "they do one worms collab" and the NijiEN situation.
And I don't want it to get to that.
I'm not the "wait and see, let's be calm and passive, the girls have free will type".
They are fucking entertainment and I don't give a fuck about their feelings, I want the kind of content I enjoy and I feel entitled to it with Hololive because that's the experience the company is known for in Japan and I believe the EN market deserves it too.
So I don't want the girls intetacting with the Stars because I don't want the risk of thimgs following the precedent set by NijiEN.
This thought extends to offstream interaction too, I don't want them to grow closer because that will make them want to stream together.

When it comes to personal relationships I am not bothered by it.
It really depends on the girl but generally I don't care if they have male friends or even a boyfriend or husband. They are just girls playing a character. As long as they keep their personal lives separate from their vtuber activity I don't care.
I do however care if they cheat on their partners or go out with multiple men because I find that disgusting.
The exception are actual GFE that shower the chat with love, kisses, say they have never dated a man, etc. If one of those has a boyfriend the appeal of her character is lost and she's a mockery of what she pretends to be so I won't be able to enjoy her anymore.
That's pretty much how I see things.

>> No.39394824

Honestly I'm not so sure, I think those posters might actually be that crazy.

>> No.39394840

This is the correct answer, >>39376911 People just don't want certain kinds of content
The situation with Enna is that people are making fun of her audience and now Enna is getting defensive

>> No.39395923

>being forced to watch
Oh yes, being force to watch the chuuba that mocked the mindset for literally over a year before this off-collab happened
somehow you people was forced to keep up with her for whatever reason

>> No.39395996

it's clickbait. Enna, clickbait incarnate, knows this. She's not even remotely the first person in NijiEN to do a male/female collab. This is nothing knew, the only people who actually give a shit are trolls (schizos) and Enna (controversy = views).

>> No.39396413

Open any of these Enna threads and prove me wrong, I’m literally just stating things as they are. How else could anyone feel “cucked” from a stream?

>> No.39396428

>cool anime characters
only valid to JP that consider playing it a character
the moment you watch a EN and by some extension ID chuubas with that "character" expectation, you are the only one to blame
unironically VRChat RP streamers are the actual "anime characters" experience, the rest of western vtubing are pngtubers with a more complex png

>> No.39396524

You are actually stupid if you think his very general comment was specifically about the Enna situation.

>> No.39396731

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Are Male Collabs Forced Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.

>> No.39396970

Fuck off tourist

>> No.39397053

the mental hoops these cucks are jumping through

>> No.39397547
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>> No.39397583


>> No.39397759
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>I don't like this stream
Sure, understandable

>I don't like this stream with male + female in it
I get it, plenty of the collabs haven't been 10/10s

>I don't like it when males and females collab in general
Understandable, the cute girls/bro vibe does get lost in these cases

>I don't like it when they respond to each other's messages in streams/twitter
Uh I guess, it's not like this happens a lot

>I don't like it when they acknowledge they have coworkers
But they work for the same company...

seek psychiatry

>> No.39399495

Ok, I will explain everything.
First of all, you need to learn that respect is basically everything in japan, if you don't respect others, you might as well be dead.
Then, you need to understand that in japan, dedicating your entire life to one (1) thing is also something common that the japanese people respects a lot (this is why they have so many shops and ateliers that have been passed over for several generations). And by entire life, I meant it, your work is around that 1 thing, your hobbies are around that 1 thing, everything you do, is related to this one path you chose, this is why several martial arts have "do", which means "path" in their names.
Now, you need to know what a dating ban is. It comes from junior MALE baseball leagues in japan. Where the players are not allowed to go on dates or be in a relationship because that is seen as a distraction, which is disrespectful to the other players who are dedicating their lives to it. So yes, even if you are a mega talented player that doesn't even need to train to be good, you have to do it, because not doing it is disrespectful to the others who are trying as hard as they can (this part might be hard to grasp to westeners who lives in a mostly egotistical society), and literally no one likes a person who is disrespectful to a hard worker.
And then, there was the idol culture, although most of them were adult women, young girls also started to want to become idols too, and the junior idols became a thing, which also reflected some of the culture that they had for all the young people who wanted to dedicate their lives to something that is very sought after (being on the national baseball team, or being a popular idol, of course it's also debated that the dating ban had also an ulterior motive of getting simp money, since younger girls were rarely talented enough to compete against an older singer who had much more experience and career).
After that, the vtuber culture grew around this idol culture, which adopted some of the same "rules", which includes the dating ban. This is the original motive behind it, but now, it's only seen as a scheme to get simp money, and simply for that greedy money, most of them hide their relationship status(either indie, or company enforced).
Also, this translates to the fans too. And those who dedicates their lives to a single idol, calls it his oshi (this is why it's usually the japanese that have a room with like a thousand of the same merch of the same thing). There is also another term for people who says that likes a bunch of idols, but that's usually an insult.

>> No.39402912

board of schizos

>> No.39402977

Sorry to hear about your affliction

>> No.39402981


>> No.39403015

You WILL watch male vtubers and you WILL enjoy seeing them interact with female vtubers every week and you WILL enjoy shipping discussion

>> No.39405907
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I don't want to be a cuck, bros. I want to be a sigma male gigachad and impress strangers on anonymous message boards. Who should I oshi that won't get me called a cuck?

>> No.39405989

posting monkey

>> No.39406682

I hate SEAs but lol do you unironically think non-heteros are accepted in any way by the majority of humanity? Hell, they still aren't even accepted fully in the U.S. Blacks, the most worshiped race known to man, don't even accept them. The only people who do are White Americans(and even that is mostly Democrat ones).

>> No.39407413

Queer’s are tolerated, not accepted by the majority. Fags cope with this and pretend in the same way hardcore unicorns pretend they’re in a relationship with their streamer. Lesbian relationships aren’t treated as real relationships. And so on.

>> No.39408772

Anon you could have just said that idol culture is highly parasocial by design. Cover knows exactly what they are doing when they prevent hololive members from talking about their boyfriends/husbands. Nijisanji EN doesn't want to follow any of the idol culture rules but are still trying to attract the hololive fan base.

>> No.39413234

Are you the chairman?

>> No.39415440

After reading this thread I realized both sides are extremelly retarded, god help us all

>> No.39418224
File: 433 KB, 3665x1360, actuallypathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately there's some legitimate people in there. This was from the start of the unicorns (chumbuds) shitting on Ame for acknowledging men saga. This guy made other posts which actually made it seem like he was crying while writing them. This is also him crying about this because Ame put her foot down to them going rabid.
With that said most of it now is a second hand wave which just has picked up the ideology to bait post and cause drama here, usually from other fanbases.

>> No.39418450

I agree in only a single sense (and this same sense applies to Hololive by the way). It makes no sense which girls get the backlash because everyone who liked those girls before the incident hated unicorns and wanted their oshi to have sex on stream before the interaction. It's entirely disingenuous to pretend to be upset when a whore brings a male on stream when she was always a whore. If you liked Kronii before Tempus, you have no excuse to feel betrayed when Tempus came around. She never actually changed her behavior, personality or actions from before collabing with them to after. She was always terrible.

>> No.39423751

Honestly letting your fanbase get disrespected by other than you its the biggest offense here.

>> No.39424056

You are owning yourself with that picture, next post a different screen.

>> No.39424157

Oh you sweet summer child. Did you think the word homo was a term of endearment?

>> No.39424694

I feel like very few people are acknowledging the "outside Hololive" part and are just whining about why they hate male collabs in general when you didn't ask for that. The answer to your question is that a lot of people on this board started with Hololive and so when they inevitably get bored and branch out to other companies, they try and apply a Hololive mindset to those too. Even though Hololive is basically exclusively the only VTuber company that does that shit. So it really does all go back to Hololive poisoning the well and giving people false expectations. When you realize this board was basically created entirely to house HoloEN discussion and everything else was an afterthought, suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.39424811

Because they tried to leech from holo, or a holo reject

>> No.39424961

Vtuber often receive consequences for making fun of her fans, but being a woman, she never accept her fault and move on, she must blame it on parasocial minorities

>> No.39425191

Although let's be real here, /vt/ would shit their pants if two girl VTubers had sex with each other on stream or something, but because they default to assuming everyone is straight, they don't see a girl as a threat and a girl offcollab is considered okay. Honestly pretty delusional to think that a girl is safe and will save herself for you just because she's surrounded by other girls.

>> No.39425367

>poisoning the well
More like setting up new standards of vtubing by applying "idol" quality - something already exist in JP - into vtubing
>the only VTuber company that does that shit
Small corpos do that too, they even declared themselves "idol" sometimes.
>they hate male collabs in general
People watch vtubing cuz they want something different from twitch thots. If they behave the same what's the point of watching them? No, speaking about pee pee poo poo or her period is not entertaining content

>> No.39425443

Hey newfags, ever heard of crossick?

>> No.39425599

mouth-breather homobeggars in here don't understand cause and effect

heres another cause and effect for you: numbers dropped and collabs stopped

keep seething

>> No.39425607

>you have no excuse to feel betrayed
But I did. She silenced her member's opinion. She lied to her audience, twice. She said "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" but she is working for an idol company. Those sins were much worse than just male collab

>> No.39426015

Newfag... litteraly happened and thread were celebrating..........

>> No.39426034

Well at least you are honest/fair in making your demands as a customer, and I hope you find plenty of good chuubas to satisfy your needs Anon

>> No.39426050

Two woman cannot conceive a child together so there is a clear reason why men wouldn’t evolve a biological revulsion to it. Also woman’s sexuality is more fluid than men’s so they can lez it up and still want your dick and if not they become a rosie o’donnel look a like and experience lesbian bed death.

>> No.39426357

Even twitch thots do the "am forever alone single bois" dance

>> No.39426624

Yeah, endorsing someone who shit on your fan is fucking stupid. Even Mori wouldn't get away with it

>> No.39426642

even knowing this is a bait thread I will answer honestly, in my case its pretty simple, when I watch/listen vtubers Im interested in girls, Im not here to see the chubas interact with guys just because thats not the reason I like or im interest in them, just like when I watch box, I watch it because I like guys fighting I dont give a single fuck about womemes fights, I dont mind guy x girl content on jewtube or in general but in the specific case of chubas well thats a no go for me, If i wanted to see something like that I would be wathcing something else instead of vtubers

>> No.39426852

Imagine ur mom agree with mister anon you replied to. That feeling not really cucked, but very unpleasant

>> No.39427169

If I wanna see male x female interaction I will watch a love movie/anime, not vtuber

>> No.39428025

Just because you’re seascum doesn’t mean everyone else is as well. You should cry more about being so reprehensible that not even vtubers made to pander to you are willing to do it.

>> No.39431432

Watch NijiEN, no need to imagine

>> No.39431465

American Holobrony Puritanism is a disease but you knew that OP

>> No.39431609

Stop watching shits you don't like.

>> No.39431729

This "mental illness" is what vtubing was built off of. What gave it it's original success. You doss cunts invaded, wanting them to be like your 3dpd streamer groups and not the idols they are. You ruined it.

>> No.39434404

>everything I don't like is reddit

>> No.39434940

I did don't worry. But the problem is that faggotry continue taking over thing i like, then ruining it to the ground in less time that you would imagine for something who take years to build to be destroyed to the ground not leaving any atoms of it left. So if i can stop it from happening i'll do it, cause it will require less effort than jumping to another hobby again, even worse, knowing that faggotry is already rushing to destroy it before the hobby is something build up enought to be 100% enjoyable, and that's also why you should KYS soon before you ruin another hobby.

>> No.39435107

Literal shitstirring collab beggars who find joy in "making people seethe" and doing nothing else with their lives. Their only goal is to make others upset, and it's like a drug to them. They find no other happiness in life than to ruin other people's fun.

>> No.39436727

pretty much

>> No.39437149

One thing you have to realize is that these are the same people who play gacha games which are composed entirely of female characters and get unreasonably mad when a male character shows up.

If they meltdown over fictional characters, of course they meltdown over real people.

>> No.39438402
File: 35 KB, 126x406, unicorn-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching vtubers.
Touch grass and get a real girlfriend.

>> No.39438463

Unicorns are real, it shows with numbers, if you're a fan of hololive you'd try to watch everyone, when starsJP was announced the Holofans attacked Cover but never gave the Stars views.
While its true that no one outside is crazy about this,it's just Hololive fans are the only ones who are doing these really.

>> No.39438553

We should have gatekeep harder to prevent faggots like you giving their retarded opinions

>> No.39439523

>I don't understand why people give a single fuck about male and female collabs or interactions outside Hololive, who gives a shit? Why is this mental disorder reaching other vtubers?
But the point is people don't care, that's why they tune out LMFAO.

>> No.39440408
File: 85 KB, 207x237, 1667923785495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to watch

>> No.39441705

nobody asked what the angry little queer thinks

>> No.39441755

I accept your concession in his place

>> No.39441774
File: 8 KB, 515x166, Actualcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39443256

Because others are more invested than you are obviously.

>> No.39444276

>I don't understand
No need to try to understand

>> No.39449646

its cringe

>> No.39449965

I don't want to watch it and if they don't get enough backlash then they'll think it's okay to do more often
Vtubers will come up with a billion excuses why they think people shouldn't express their opinions on that though

>> No.39451285

>why people give a single fuck about male and female collabs or interactions
it's called a "preference", soulless tards like you without a personality will never understand.

>> No.39451411

That picture makes a good point.

>> No.39452074

Wtf is this discord raid

>> No.39453068

My oshi is a 4view and I'm in an actual relationship with her. When she interacted with a guy on stream, I schizoposted and cried in her DMs for 3 days about wanting to myself and instead of blocking, mocking, and banning me, she bought a book about understanding other peoples perspectives, told me she remembered how long I'd watched her, said that she was sad that she hurt me and apologized, defender my behavior despite most of her chat throwing me under the bus at the time, and said that my schizo DMs are proof that I must care about her and also that she can truly trust me to never cheat on her because of them.
She also said no male collabs on stream and re-affirmed that she is dating her audience. And I also have a DM from her saying she'd be sad if I died.
No I will not say who she is because of how unmedicated the rest of this post is and I don't care if you don't believe me
I love her so much bros

>> No.39453525

I see this happening comming from a 3 view but not a 4 one

>> No.39453714
File: 136 KB, 1882x952, 1664399799588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it leads to this kind of shit happening

>> No.39454969

>Vtuber often receive consequences for making fun of her fans
Lui got away with calling you ATM and that was just on stream, imagine what the others say about paypig-kun once stream is over

>> No.39455298

congrats on giving a streamer trauma I guess? this is the no bitches version of those women that threaten to kill themselves if you break up with them.
shit man get it together

>> No.39455464
File: 658 KB, 3140x4096, 1644086754006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forced to watch

>> No.39455503

I hate you, yet I have to read your posts.

>> No.39455707

Based. Protect her from herself. As a woman you know she is borderline retarded. You did the right thing wrangling her like that.

>> No.39457081

romantic partner
killing yourself over love is based. Also, loving more than 1 person in your life makes you a fucking whore who cannot understand the dignity of refusing to accept the unacceptable.Getting as emotional as possible and doing things you shouldn't do is the path with true significance.
>get it together
No, I will continue to be a perpetual emotional hurricane, I will be insane, retarded, immature, and annoying, I will not take the responsibility people demand of me for my actions and I will continue to force myself into circumstances and situations I wasn't welcomed to. And I will behave as if it's all totally normal because in my heart it does and that's all that matters anyway. And I will never take meds.

>> No.39459338

go back

>> No.39459948

>Was never an issue in Japan
He says that while ignoring the fact Kuzuha fangirls harrased Rindou for appearing in his stream.

>> No.39460381

Holofans this, Holobronies that my god dude you Nijiniggers have been pushing this narrative for days now. Don't you get tired with this stupid propaganda? I know that NijiEN is a majority Chinkie fanbase but you are actually acting like their communist government with all of your deflection and propaganda you are throwing around

>> No.39460565

Everybody still fucking despises queers, first world governments making faggots a protected class you can get fined for protesting against or even just showing disgust towards in public doesn't change how people feel behind closed doors.

>> No.39462186

I don't even care in Hololive but for my oshi, I'd prefer to not watch her fellate a man on stream. I don't mind them hanging out because I firmly believe men can be friends with women, but I don't want to watch a guy overtly flirt with the streamer girl I have a crush on. It's obviously within her rights but it's gonna turn me off from her streams if Magni or Vox or whoever is fucking her tight little pussy mid-Mario Kart. I can tell when a dude is interested in the girl he's collabing with and vice versa. I have an impeccable sixth sense for that.

>> No.39464654

I am dying to watch how people like the one in this picture would act and behave if disconnected from the internet for two weeks tops. They're genuine science experiments.

I feel that what these people most often overlook is that these girls feeding into their fans' delusions would be exponentially more malicious and damaging than just being honest and telling them to look elsewhere. I can expect it to be a tough pill to swallow for someone who has absolutely nothing left, but once your personal mental illness starts bleeding over into and negatively affecting the lives of internet strangers, it's time to rip off the band-aid and make changes.

>the streamer girl I have a crush on
I see the problem.

>> No.39468214

its weird yeah

>> No.39468432

cuckium is strong in OP
