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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 184 KB, 719x695, Screenshot_20221221-093528_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39373251 No.39373251 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think, /vt/? Should these agencies be hiring more minority talents? Does it matter for you?

>> No.39373288


>> No.39373299

I'm a colored individual and I do not give a single fuck, you're either good or you aren't.

>> No.39373304


>> No.39373323
File: 37 KB, 540x786, 1563492261284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even niggers want to watch niggers on screen

>> No.39373329

I can't think of single black vtuber though

>> No.39373334


>> No.39373349

EN already tried, remember sana? Yeah me neither.

>> No.39373363
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Not obsessing with race is racist though.

>> No.39373365

If they mean black character models, that's just incorrect. If they mean black roommates, there would be no way or need to verify that due to opsec. I don't expect a clout chasing, grievance peddling, twitter goblin to understand the second point though.

>> No.39373371

half of holoen are Asians

>> No.39373375

What is she talking about?
NijiEN has Kyo

>> No.39373432

Ain't nobody want to watch some hoe talking about how she got her hair did.

>> No.39373454

This is as retarded as all the moaning that discrimination is keeping women out of software development. No one knows your gender behind your github username. What they really mean is 'you're keeping women out of easy money' and this is the same thing. No one knows your skin color behind a model.

>> No.39373460

HoloID are black

>> No.39373482

>they're everywhere
Name one

>> No.39373485

But holo already has Flare

>> No.39373489

They tried with Sana and it was a failure
Never again

>> No.39373491

>Holo and Niji are Japanese agencies
>wHeRe iS yOuR hIrInG dIvErSiTy

>> No.39373515
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They already do hire lots of minorities anon! They hire Japanese people, Chinese people, Pilipino people, Indonesian people and so on.

>> No.39373563

ahh the piliponi

>> No.39373569

Yeah but these don't count because....eeee

>> No.39373576

Idc about the corporation, give me some (non woke) black queens baby

>> No.39373588

Unironically you could point out a fair amount of Latinos in these companies so they actually are pretty diverse
Just not with black people lol

>> No.39373591

>vshojo, hololive, and nijisanji don't have ANY black vtubers
>implying this is a problem

>> No.39373593

affirmative action doesn't apply to asians

>> No.39373601

I hate minority speech. Just name your country.
Also unless the next gen/wave is 4 europeans and 1 african it will never happen

>> No.39373603

Ayo uwu *smacks lips*

No fuckin thanks nigger

>> No.39373604

but muh blacks

>> No.39373616

The fact that they are obsessed with race is reason enough why they should not be affirmative-actioned.
No one is special enough to be put on a pedestal, least of all those who think "they" should be the ones placed there.

>> No.39373640

Honestly vtubing is pretty much as diverse as you could fucking ask something to be. So idk what that twittertard is on about.

>> No.39373644

I've got a shot in the dark for you on this:

What if we hired them based on if they're good or not?

Nobody watches Flare because she's a tan half-elf. They watch her because she's interesting.

Nobody watched Sana because she was black. They watched her because they liked her (for some reason).

>> No.39373651
File: 275 KB, 649x518, 1671349801020197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like one actual black guy for my nigger kyo
Captcha: KYSHJ

>> No.39373657

You miss out how nuVtuber "fan" in western 2022/23 scene NEEEDS to know how the vtuber looks like and if you don't make a face reveal you are literally someone that something to hide (maybe you are a know sexual offender or a dometistic terrorist, SHOW YOU FUCKING FACE ALREADY AND IT BETTER BE OBESE OR BLACK OR YOU MIGHT BE A NEO NAZI)

>> No.39373658

Black people have to actually try to be a vtuber first

>> No.39373665

>I'm not racist, I just care about what your skin color is and think there should be more of this skin color, instead of this other skin color.

>> No.39373671

I thought Sana has just a tan.

>> No.39373679

>What if we hired them based on if they're good or not?
>only hires asians
>Kiara only hired because she was in japan

>> No.39373698

>another thing they cry about
Eternal fragility.

>> No.39373717

They mean IRL not just models and IRL Sana was a slightly overweight dorky asian girl with glasses.

>> No.39373720

Even in the indie sphere, I don't see any blacks. Maybe they just suck at it.
This, I want Kyo to converse with an actual black and see what happens.

>> No.39373719

See, this is where your "I don't see color" liberalism shtick makes you look like a retard. You can hear a negro by the way they talk. And all non-JP vtubers talk enough about their daily life that it would be extremely obvious if one was black even without the doxxing or external characteristics.

>> No.39373722

>Japanese companies
>hires mostly asians
shocking, I know

>> No.39373724


Alright that's fair. Some weeb negro might be funny. I guess it's time for minstrel shows to come back.

>> No.39373727

Clearly they are not talking about the skin color of the avatar. Because then it would just be accused of blackface.

>> No.39373754
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very trustworthy sources who are not ready to come forward at the moment have informed me that heavenlyfather will be the first vshonen
stay tuned for more developments on this matter

>> No.39373756

No it's expected, just saying this because OP wants africans, when they don't even hire europeans.

>> No.39373761

Theres a lot of black people who don't sound remotely black desu. Especially those born in more upper class cities or nicer areas in general.

>> No.39373783

Uh ackshyually sweetie black people are the only minority that counts despite being the second largest race by population on the entire planet

>> No.39373823
File: 313 KB, 442x473, 1656500826532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowkey but I'd pretty kino if Kenny or Simmons from Yovideogames randomly joined a big vtuber agency. Give us that Holostars fighting game rep already damn it!

>> No.39373831

Yeah a lot of "black people speak" in america is just sounding poor. I mean kyo is the best example of this.

>> No.39373833

Twomad is already in hololive

>> No.39373854

I hate niggers.

>> No.39373875

>I want Kyo to converse with an actual black and see what happens.
Wasn't he adopted by black parents or something?
He'd probably get along with them desu if this stuff is just natural to him

>> No.39373892


>> No.39373914

Well in that case this is an unwinnable battle. They can't expect a talent from a corpo to doxx themselves just to prove their point, do they?

>> No.39373943

>I didn't get it
>That means they're racist
rumao, every time
btw here's a "talented black vtuber"

>> No.39373969
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Ok racist

>> No.39373986

I mean its literally a damned if they do damned if they don't situation for any big corpo since it'll go either of two ways. Hololive has the vtuber models designed first and then allow the hired talent to "slightly" tweak and adjust them based on preference after being hired. If they did hire someone black theres a chance they don't sound black first off, then theres an even bigger chance they don't get a black vtuber model on top of that. Which means even if they did, they'd get shit on for "not giving them a black model" or if they made a black or very dark skinned model that isn't just (lol tanned) theres a chance a non-black talent voices it. Its basically fucked no matter what.

>> No.39374005
File: 288 KB, 540x535, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol lmao even

>> No.39374026

Why you calling out my nigger like this

>> No.39374028

They mean roommates anon. Sana was a fat asian girl irl and the other is a jap. Sana wasn't even black either she was just tanned.

>> No.39374035

>there would be no way or need to verify that due to opsec.

>> No.39374087

These agencies (except Vshojo I guess) struggle to even have white girls. Asians dominate the landscape.

>> No.39374092
File: 178 KB, 433x462, 1660661934815801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"diversity in vtuber agencies is highly lacking!"
>Japanese people
>Chinese people
>SEA people of all kinds
>Hispanic people
>European people
>Indonesian people (and a lot of them)
Yeah man such a non-diverse and inclusive place. You clearly must be white to be a vtuber. You slay queen!

>> No.39374099

How do we fix Americans?

>> No.39374117

tbf vshojo started as a single white girl who then invited her friends i guess. That's not exactly the same. So to me, it doesn't count.

>> No.39374134
File: 132 KB, 1078x1190, 1668310756844046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39374141

>european people
We have Vox, Kiara, Ike, Fulgur(half), Mysta(half), Nina and i think that's it? No clue if any of the lolisex guys is european.

>> No.39374154

i love my single white girl thegunrun

>> No.39374171

He meant whites, retard

>> No.39374190

Theres Shondo, Milky, and a few other fairly prominent indie vtubers who are European. Shondo or Milky are almost guaranteed gonna end up in Hololive at some point desu so that'll expand the number.

>> No.39374193

Well, I remembered this when you mention weeb negro. https://youtu.be/eSCXQNqmITA

>> No.39374194

So does he.

>> No.39374242

Pretty sure two of vshojos are latinas btw iirc

>> No.39374253

But Sana is black and Flare is mixed

>> No.39374271

Yeah indies have a good amount of them, which shows the talent is there. Look at Idol hiring 2 very good european girls.
Personally dislike the american way of calling us white, because you know if you called a german that he seems french he would punch you in the gut.
Just saying no matter what vshojo has, it doesn't count as vshojo doesn't exactly hire nor counts as a real vtuber corpo.

>> No.39374309

Remember that time the wigger tried to cancel Enna and made her "fried chicken" joke problem worse? If he said nothing, it would've gone unnoticed, but he eluded to black twitter having a meltdown.
Remember how actual black Kenji chimped out on Twitter over it and tried to get her canceled? This is why you should never hire them

There is no affirmative action in vtubing. Japanese companies are the world of hard-knocks. You have to be a cute talented white girl who understand idol culture like Kiara, be an ultra talented or multi lingual chink, or be genuinely Japanese.

>> No.39374331

>Shondo or Milky are almost guaranteed gonna end up in Hololive at some point desu so that'll expand the number.
I'd say that depends. If they incline and get popular enough on their own then it may not be worth it. You can make a lot of money as a popular indie that knows what you're doing.

>> No.39374335

Just Mousey who's Puerto Rican. Vshojo's list of talents are
>European (I don't remember where for Vei)
>Puerto Rican
>Unknown but likely white
>Unknown but likely a white guy
>White autistic chick
Am I missing anyone?

>> No.39374353
File: 32 KB, 589x253, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing, this twitter thread is a goldmine.

>> No.39374372

Milky wanted to join Hololive really badly even before Mori did. Mori cucked her by auditioning as a joke. Somehow Mori and Milky are still best friends. Fauna and Shondo were really close (they are both mentally unwell menheras so it tracks). Which basically means they both have the coveted nepotism status which is strong as fuck in Hololive. One or both will make it in.

>> No.39374381

Isn't "pasty" a slur at this point?

>> No.39374385

Zentreya is a Latina
Or Latino if you think she's a guy or whatever

>> No.39374394

Racism is power+prejudice, chudcel

>> No.39374398

From what I see, they think that no black means no diversity, even if you mention that list.

>> No.39374406

>if you think she's a guy or whatever
Anon, are you okay?

>> No.39374414

no, because they're the baddies and we're the goodies, morally and intellectually superior :)

>> No.39374423

It's not just about getting along with them. It's about him doing it on livestream. He'd essentially be doubling down and it'd be a fun time as a viewer

>> No.39374424

They're literally full of non-whites though, hell there's more non-white vtubers than white vtubers. If a nog can't pass the audition, then that's their problem.

>> No.39374428

Mousey is literally a disabled Latino woman and shes one of the biggest vtubers on twitch. I don't know how much more diverse you can get than that.

>> No.39374442

No. Hires should be done based on personal talent, not on a numeric quota that must be filled because someone said so.

>> No.39374451

why do I care what a fucking twittard thinks?

>> No.39374456
File: 392 KB, 512x409, 1629946257822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus sized
Sana was a fat ass asian woman. She should qualify for that no? Even her model was thick.

>> No.39374455

Hey, my man Oga is based

>> No.39374458

>at this point

>> No.39374467

Tbf, pasty lean buff man is really getting on my nervs as well.
Girls have some diversity but not that much either.
Still, keeping disabilitys in the vTuber model just seems to be very retarded to me. Imagine if they made look Kyo like he's 3 steps away from death, like wtf is the point of a vTuber model then?

>> No.39374473

This is what happends when you invite westoids to your communities, it's only downhill from here. Enjoy the next year because it may aswell be our last

>> No.39374479

Not a race

>> No.39374481

The problem with making a black vtuber model for a company is that if they hire anyone who isn't black to play it, they'll get shit on by tards like the person in the OP for being "racist" and "blackfacing" or whatever. So then, that means they're essentially forcing themselves to pick a RM who is black to play their black vtuber, which is unfair to the process of auditioning for the role of a vtuber.

>> No.39374487

I fuckin hate americans.

>> No.39374496

>It's a man with a black girl model

>> No.39374512

Not an american, what do they mean with plus-size? I was thinking about Bara there for a second or chuuby girl. They both have a huge appeal.

>> No.39374533

I can't even imagine bitching about le epic diversity in fucking VTUBING of all fields which its by far one of the most diverse fucking places around. Hololive alone is filled with quote on quote "diversity" yet they still bitch about it.

>> No.39374534

Hiring a nigger would mean talents would be obligated to hold their tongues over chimpouts daily. Hololive would become a hostile environment.
You know how the saying goes, around blacks

>> No.39374541

In this instance, it probably equates to a landwhale.

>> No.39374546

Chubby, overweight, obese, americans.

>> No.39374550

They say this and ignore the fact that the majority of vtubers are asian
In this case, "POC" and "minorities" = black but they're framing it as POC and minorities to appear more in the right and not just a jealous jogger.

>> No.39374557

If one of the corpos actually gets a black Vtuber I hope they market them as their first "openly black talent" to send /vt/ and Twitter into a frenzy.

>> No.39374562

>What do they mean with plus-size
They mean obese anon. Not chubby not cute. Not a little chunky. They mean actively dying from it levels of fat.

>> No.39374582

I think it's a newspeak for obese.

>> No.39374606

okay i had rather not then . . . isn't the point of vTubing to avoid this?
Like imagine if there's a guy who's genuely ill and can't lose weight. I know tons of fatties use that excuse but they exist. Like imagine being that guy. Do you think he would really like his model to be like 150kg?
Ofc not, best he would be is a bit chubby, because i can't imagine people wanting to be this fat. It's also unattractive.

>> No.39374607

Whoever is behind this account, I hope he gets shot by the cops in the near future.

>> No.39374616

It's common knowledge that Americans view race as black and white and all the nuance in the middle (where the vast majority of humans are) is lost. And by their metrics East Asians are basically whites. Though South Asians and Arabs are more a mixed bag of blacks and whites.

>> No.39374619

It's really frustrating how it's impossible to tell if it's a parody or not, at least without investigating the account.

>> No.39374622
File: 157 KB, 288x327, 1606507272082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is vastly more POC in all the big corpo vtuber agencies than there are fucking white people. They are just bitter and jealous theres no black vtubers in Hololive yet.

>> No.39374650

Pretty sure it's a white man.

>> No.39374655

t. Vesper Noir

>> No.39374662
File: 11 KB, 183x275, images-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any presentation in Hollywood compared to black people
>Got our own branch in Hololive
How did we do it, Indochads?

>> No.39374687

Not just your own branch.
God i love Kaela
HololiveDE never

>> No.39374696

this is why lacari needs to join vshonen

>> No.39374710

Americans have two extremes:
1) Only black people are PoC, everyone else is white or "white-adjacent".
2) I have a Cherokee great-great-great-grandfather, this means I'm not white.
Deeply neurotic people.

>> No.39374715
File: 297 KB, 345x525, 1655928818407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't the point of vTubing to avoid this?
>i can't imagine people wanting to be this fat. It's also unattractive.
America in recent years has had a big push by autistic obese women that being horrifically overweight was totally okay and actually valid. Basically shit like "skinny privilege" and "fatphobia" or whatever became big talking points. They think you should be proud you are killing yourself.

>> No.39374750

To be fair something seems to be wrong with US food and you have to actively work out to avoid being fat there. Must be frustrating.

>> No.39374753


>> No.39374781

The fucking US government subitized the corn industry so we basically have more corn than you could ever humanly need. Hence everything in the US being made with extremely fat high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.39374791

If you really believed that, then there would be more black representation.

>> No.39374796

Yeah they use this corn syrup shit and don't have food regulations like the EU.
Still, changing it is in their hands and they don't seem to want it.
Hope that stay in the US, because usually some trends make it over here after some years because people are easily influenced. . .

>> No.39374799
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Based takoposter

>> No.39374814

>To be fair something seems to be wrong with US food and you have to actively work out to avoid being fat there. Must be frustrating.

>> No.39374818
File: 154 KB, 560x346, 131e5cac93f54f0053b3d7e1a8b5bdb30df18d24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna take a lot more than angry tweets from westerners to make Japanese companies bend over to western politics. "muh diversity" cards don't even work since there's plenty of minorities in these companies already, just not niggers.

>> No.39374822

It also doesn't help that some people are retarded and claim that basic science like "calories in calories out" isn't real.

>> No.39374853

I mean people here also actively kill themselves doing horrible diets like the keto diet or making themselves throw up.

>> No.39374865

someone needs to step up and become a nigga vtuber and call their audience their little chicken wangs

>> No.39374901

You literally just need a computer built in the last five years and a webcam to be a vtuber that can stream 99% of the games ever made. There is no excuse.

>> No.39374906


>> No.39374913

>doesnt capitalize Hololive

>> No.39374921

>they use this corn syrup shit and don't have food regulations like the EU
Its because our government subitized the corn industry to help out farmers. Meaning its incredibly cheap to use. We basically use corn in everything here.

>> No.39374933


>> No.39374947

Vesper is black

>> No.39374955

>meanwhile jews

>> No.39374956
File: 561 KB, 1200x674, vesper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have ANY

>> No.39374977

I wouldn't recommend it but keto is probably one of the less bad fad diets. But not because of some idea that not eating carbs magically makes you lose weight. Fatty and Protein foods tend to be more filling than Carb heavy foods (it can still vary within those groups though). So tend to feel sated/full faster as a result. Basically it's like how one could easily eat way too much pasta at once while it would be harder to do the same with steak.

>> No.39374998

>Blacks got slaved for years
>South Korea was literally slaves to Japan for multiple decades
>So was Indonesia
>Somehow none of this matters to them
Fuck these people

>> No.39375013

Corn is important for National Defense.
That's also the reason behind mass immigration, why wait 20 years for a fighting age man when you can just outsource one?

>> No.39375035

Keto diet also damages the fuck out of your heart and body. Its forcing your body into a survival state to quickly burn weight. It's incredibly hard on the body

>> No.39375043
File: 251 KB, 549x382, 1670443594187541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still don't know. Smart IT guy with family problems could be either colour.

>> No.39375053

Even better if he's a cuck acting like that

>> No.39375068

Wasn't Keto diet used only for people with cancer originally? It jacks up your internal organs and shit

>> No.39375076


>> No.39375089

All i know is, that very very active people use a keto diet. This means they eat like 3-4 times their calories a day tho. It's not supposed to be used for weight loss.

>> No.39375108

i think its because its easier to differentiate blacks as the one that got the short end of the stick solely because of their skin color. meanwhile asians almost all look the same and are too busy hating on eachother.

>> No.39375151

No it's because Asians live in their own countries while Black are an underachieving minority in US. Pretty sure most actual Africans don't really give a fuck about all this.

>> No.39375157

Its all retarded. Losing weight isn't about doing some autistic fad diet. Its about eating less daily calories than your recommended total upkeep. Thats it. You could literally not work out at all and if you stayed below your daily status quo of recommended calories you'd still lose weight. If its some kind of thyroid issue or you just have trouble you can even get one of a dozen safe and easy to get stomach surgeries to help. Theres almost no excuse not to lose weight outside sheer laziness.

>> No.39375304

Some people need to take medications that have weight gain side effects, but other than that sure

>> No.39375376

lol. lmao

>> No.39375430

Mori? Kyo?

>> No.39375465

Number one is based on Black grievance. You're only a minority if you are worse off in life than wypipo. Asians are not so they don't count.
Number two is based on White guilt. Who wants to be a whitey today when the culture labels you a devil who can never absolve himself of past wrongdoings of ancestors?

>> No.39375488

She gives them everything they want, and yet twitter reviles her, curious...

>> No.39375549


>> No.39375617

Saying this as someone who's grown up around only spics and blacks and has been good friends with mostly blacks, I don't want to see them in hololive. Theyre so extra about everything and get annoying quick. A spic would be nice but I surely won't cry about it like this bitch if it never happens. Talent and personality is a hundred times more important than race or nationality

>> No.39375635

they consider 100% black to be peak diversity. you could mention that whites are actually the minority in hololive and nijisanji, but it wouldn't matter since asians are schrodingers minority to them and only count when it suits their needs

>> No.39375642

It'd be a nice desideratum, but if it doesnt happen, it doesn't happen. It's a fine ideal but not everything needs to revolve around it.

>> No.39375725

Even the gasoline is forced to have corn(ethanol) in it. Really bad for your engine too.

>> No.39375782

>Fatty and Protein foods tend to be more filling than Carb heavy foods
Yet I always see SEApeople with the rice cope.

>> No.39375802

america has pretty strict food regulations, i think the FDA goes too far honestly with some of the shit they ban.

>> No.39375804

because Indonesia is pretty big, geographically close to Japan and has a large population of weebs. It's a pretty easy choice.

>> No.39375879

No they should not, this thing with forcing diversity is always weird.
If they found a black girl who meet the criteria and who want to do that fair enough but this is like finding an unicorn even the indies barely have black people compared to the rest.

>> No.39375938

>that one black nijisanji dude

>> No.39375942

I'm black and I don't give 2 shits about this.

>> No.39375997

Is charlotte a minority? She seems too autistic to be a minority...

>> No.39376031
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its an east asian profession. also seaniggers are brown. nobody wants to watch a ghetto nigger pretending to be anime. stop complaining you clueless hoe.

>> No.39376040

He's not actually black bro.

>> No.39376122

Way to stereotype a nigger, anon

>> No.39376144

Indonesia is japanese slave, seaniggers
ofc you got representation

>> No.39376170

McDonalds fries has like 17 indregients in the USA and 5 in Europe. Strict is something else.

>> No.39376171

I can think of like...one black vtuber, to be fair I like them, but....talented? The talent pool for black vtubers is small, just look at the makeup of con-goers (The people who might actually have the money to spend on a rig, model and setup). The market likes a certain style of person, one which is rare even within the chuuba community; let alone the non-Japanese community. Also, I personally do consider this to be a diverse industry. Whilst the top bracket is always asian, there are successful white, SEA and latino vtubers out there.

>> No.39376174

can you guys like stop giving attention to retards. like wtf

>> No.39376202

Obnoxious american-speak for morbidly obese.

>> No.39376219
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Imagine if these niggas were vtubers

>> No.39376237

i consider it strict when I'd have to fly to the UK to get an actual sarsaparilla soda because the FDA decided in the 60s that there might be a slight chance sarsaparilla extract is carcinogenic if you were to drink something like 200 liters in a single sitting.

>> No.39376244


>> No.39376245

Vtubing is a global phenomenon. Whites are literally a minority. Get fucked, twitter fags

>> No.39376283

Yas queen leverage you melanin content an still fall flat.
Whaaa baybe make it louder.

>> No.39376289

Asians do not look the same, especially to Asians themselves. And they have an even more obvious differentiator of language and culture, they should naturally feel more segregated than Americans. Americans choose to hate each other. Slavery is a choice.

>> No.39376299

Vei is Polish

>> No.39376350

>assumes the color of vtuber
wew lad turn down the casual racism there

>> No.39376352

>Chinese people, Pilipino people, Indonesian
How the fuck can you be a minority when you exist in gross excessive overpopulated numbers?

>> No.39376364
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It's not limited to muh Murrica anymore

>> No.39376407

Because to these kinds of people white is the default standard and anything not white is a minority to them.

>> No.39376424

Guardian had that feminist journalist that complained about cat calling, and a bit later wrote another article complaining about not getting cat called because the tought of her not being desirable bothered her.
These people are fucking retards.

>> No.39376455

Mike is buckbroken and gootecks is a QAnon nut now

>> No.39376465

Well technically, there's no such thing as a Chinese or Indonesian. That's just the civic nationalist name attached to a geographic area in the same way as the word American or European. The people within those regions have actual ethnicities and minorities and majorities. I don't know what the fuck Filipinos are though, seems like a mutt subspecies.

>> No.39376470

Because those are minorities in the US. With your logic, blacks aren't a minority either since there's tons of them in Africa. True minorities would be tribal/native peeps who got nearly wiped out by the new majority.

>> No.39376504

Black lives matter, the rest doesn't

>> No.39376541

Imagine going to a forum and one of your opening lines is complaining that they were against you and you implying you thought they would back you because you thought they were all racists. Excellent Adventures is fucking great tho, we'll probably never get any FGC content close to it.

>> No.39376613

Imagine hearing gunshots in the background while watching ghetto vtuber.

>> No.39376614

Throw me back to 2019...

>> No.39376675

The only disappointing thing here is that Elon didn't manage to completely destroy Twitter before he fucks off

>> No.39376694

>isn't the point of vTubing to avoid this?
>there's a trend of face reveal in western vtubing
There won't be any difference between vtubers and flesh streamers soon

>> No.39376719

Why does it have to be vtubing tho? Nikocado Avocado already showed you can be fat as fuck but successful as a content creator.

>> No.39376754

no not really

>> No.39376768

Its already been heading that way. Doesn't feel like I'm watching a show about anime characters streaming anymore. Bring me back to the 2020-2021 days.
