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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39335333 No.39335333 [Reply] [Original]

I miss her...

>> No.39336766

She doesn't care about her fans. She barely streams and her average stream time is 1 hour, the bare minimum.

>> No.39337031
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Lap-chan will return more powerful than before.

>> No.39338853

I get the feeling you didn't even watch her when she was still there even though there was so little to watch.

>> No.39338929
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Don't worry, she's playing with males off-stream.
If not, she's probably streaming on her roommate which she has advertised on her holo streams before.

>> No.39338945

I hope she returns with the knowledge that thisis the easiest money she will make in life, and that she puts more effort and appreciation in.

>> No.39339473

in her Holo streams? when?

>> No.39339546

That's just not going to happen.

>> No.39342363

She misses your money.

>> No.39342515

Even a miserable, resentful bitch like calliope isn’t dumb enough to think Hololive isn’t responsible for her success and financial security, or to throw it away entirely. La+ must really be mentally ill to do that.

>> No.39343740

i was just starting to get into her when shit went down
i actually do hope this blows over and she stays

>> No.39344643

I too miss her exact 1 hour abruptly ending streams

>> No.39345563

Her only reason to join in the first place was because Lui told her she would make good money. She didn't even know about hololive prior joining.
She only cares about easy money and clout to get to know fps playing male e-celebs.
>La+ must really be mentally ill
She's not mentally ill. She's just an entitled zoomer who takes everything for granted since she hasn't had to work a shitty job in her life, so she believes hololive is the norm and doesn't appreciate how good she has it.
I hope she leaves. I fear shitheads like her start to join in mass for the money. She doesn't belong.

>> No.39345858
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Is she the Rushia of Holox? will her quitting actually make holox stronger like sankisei nowadays?

>> No.39345929

>Lui told her she would make good money
lui should have told her to wind her neck in from about march onwards. They all talk about supporting each other but it would be good if they gave some tough love as well

>> No.39346364

I personally think she's worse than rushia. She's the very worst talent hololive japan has hired to this day.
She leaving would probably improve holox as a group since she's the one making holox impossible to work as group as of today.
I'm genuinely so dissapointed in laplus. When she joined I was honestly infatuated. I thought she was gonna become the next top holo... but as with every lazy fps loving holozoomer she's just a manipulative whore who doesn't care about anything but herself.
At least she made me open my eyes and now I just ignore any holozoomer who's too lazy to stream and loves fps since they are already all confirmed whores (except aqua but I'm not risking it).

>> No.39347829

Good. My ideal streamer basically completely ignores that they have viewers or fans. Nothing good comes of doing otherwise.

>> No.39350197

I bet you don't even watch her

>> No.39350438

She needs a serious change in attitude by the time she comes back, otherwise there is no point.
Fucking zoomers, man.

>> No.39351451

I watched her enough to reach this conclusion. People who still believe she can do any good are either retarded EOP or deranged cuckmates.

>> No.39352137

NTA but I watched every single streams of her's until she sperged out and brought out her paid actor roommate.
On the contrary, it's you who don't watch her.

>> No.39352279

>paid actor roommate
I guess she also got paid for revealing that laplus is two faced.

>> No.39352341

The reveal happened because she didn't get paid like promised.

>> No.39358802

Me too

>> No.39359829

She tweeted that she was taking a break even on her roommate account 2 weeks ago and she hasn't posted anything since then.

>> No.39366654

Me too...

>> No.39367223


>> No.39367453

She was making fun of people expecting her to stream on Christmas the day she put that up and now she's not going to stream.

>> No.39368968

I had defended her back when she got caught posting in the thread about her on 5ch. I thought it was endearing based on what she had posted. I was wrong.

>> No.39369611

I still can't believe a womanchild who is literally brought to tears watching a shitty G-rated capeshit film for the 12th time can have this kind of awful hidden personality. Insane. Women, not even once

>> No.39370428

There was nothing to attack her for back then. The RM naming from her own IP was shameless but she was basically replying to others doing it.
It all has a much different meaning now though when we know she was making excuses for not even putting out video content like she promised and instead played valo with dudes.

>> No.39373115

She will be back

>> No.39373672 [DELETED] 

nice try, sister.
if this is genuine, you really are a sperg.

>> No.39373700

nice try, sister.
if this is genuine, you're a sperg.

>> No.39373893
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My bad anon, she just wouldn't let me pull out. I'll give her back soon enough.

>> No.39374004

Boy do I have the streamer for you, even streams 24 hours a day

>> No.39374097

Her only mistake is dropping the mask this early i the game. Not even a full month from her debut she was already pulling off an Ayame and that's bad for your bottom line.

>> No.39374356

I was really looking forward to what she'd do after that happened. then came the one hour streams and using her laplus account to get close to e-celebs. I left when she stopped doing her greeting

>> No.39375878

nice tries, sisters.

>> No.39376568

She misses you just as much

>> No.39376643

What a scammer...

>> No.39376678

short streams aren't bad, and long streams aren't inherently better.

>> No.39377365

at least they're diversifying their baits.

>> No.39379291

Why reply to yourself?

>> No.39379366

I don't know about Laplus because I refuse to give her a view, but Noel often says shit like "did I sing that song on a stream before...? Well, if you know, you know ;)"

>> No.39379513

Y'all need to touch grass sometime.

>> No.39380529

This is what happens when you allow cucks to exists.

>> No.39380616

I don't believe in karma but holy shit that's some good karma.

>> No.39381342

This. These breaks are always best used as space where the girls can reassess what they want to actually achieve and then start again with new focus and motivation.
Though from my point of view this is a one-time deal. They can't pull this break stunt more than once. All the goodwill gets burned if the 2nd attempt isnt an improvement. Still, I remain positive for her. She has pretty great natural talents in speaking and just being generally charismatic. If she sorts her shit out and uses her potential she'll be fine

>> No.39381432

She absolutely knew about Hololive, bub. She was in a rival company. Her original dilemma was deciding which corp to go for (Holo, Niji, vspo) and Lui convincing her to go Holo with her

>> No.39381586

You really don't get to choose where you go. It's all about timing and luck.

>> No.39382124

She didn't know about hololive and she herself said it at some point but Lui stopped her before she kept going.

>> No.39382814

Anon, she was a streamer for a rival company. Of course she knew about Hololive. She probably wasn't aware of the opportunity to work there which was what Lui told her about rather than not know the company

>> No.39382961

Knowing about the existence of something doesn't mean you know about it. I know you exist but I cannot say I know about you at all.
And looking at how she ended up being it's pretty easy to tell she didn't know about hololive. She's the most egregious example of a culture mismatch for someone joining a corp I've ever seen.
She should've joined vspo or vshoujo or maybe should have stayed in Re:Act.

>> No.39383056

Should have followed dtto path instead

>> No.39383181

Anon, she worked for one of the main competitor (or at least they were a few years ago). It's like saying someone working for the Sony Music Label doesnt know about the Warner Music Group. They might not know the specific working culture but they know of the other by pure reputation and can imagine what it's like working for it from prior experience in their original company

>> No.39383226

kek, it's pretty apparent that you don't even watch her

>> No.39383282

>She's the most egregious example of a culture mismatch for someone joining a corp I've ever seen.
This is the most melodramatic shitpost I've seen today. She sings, she dances, she's good on panels and she's good hosting things. She's everything that modern cover is looking for on paper. The fact that she isn't even much of a gamer is probably more in her benefit in modern Hololive than it is a negative.

>> No.39383293

>maybe should have stayed in Re:Act
She was booted for having a non ReAct vtuber account, or rather, she probably just didn't get her contract renewed because of it.
Either way her graduation was a surprise to everyone, including herself, unless she feigned the latter part.

>> No.39383360

Kek this is always your default cope shitpost when you get btfo, silly anti. The funniest part is that you think this shitpost means anything coming from someone who hates her. You don't watch her either and if you do then you are wasting your time watching someone who you hate purely just to shitpost about here. A sad little existence, sis.

>> No.39383359

>The fact that she isn't even much of a gamer is probably more in her benefit in modern Hololive than it is a negative.
How is it a positive when instead of games she just does nothing at all? She also just plays for hours off-stream.

>> No.39383373

You are saying exactly what I tried to say. She most likely knew hololive existed as there are ads everywhere in tokyo and shit, but she didn't know she couldn't be a male e-celeb chasing whore there.
She thought she could just lie and get rich without facing any consequences.
She has a pretty shady backstory until hololive, and she continued it there to everyone's disgrace.

>> No.39383418

A game she plays (badly) in her spare time hardly makes her a "gamer"

>> No.39383482

She still plays it. What makes not playing games a positive or a negative?
You're clearly implying that the "gamers" have monotone content and Laplus somehow adds variety when in reality she adds nothing.

>> No.39383581

This whole "male celeb" thing has always been the most retarded shitpost there is. For starters her usual Valo mates are all girls and even then to somehow try to attach some romantic subtext to playing online games has always been hilariously stupid and is only a thing on this sewer of a board. Try going to /v/ and making the same arguments.
She exists in the Japanese streamer social base. Playing some customs with friends and contacts in the wider streamer community is hardly something to cry over

>> No.39383589

>she's good on panels and she's good hosting
All she does is react to antis in her chat, that's all. She's not funny, she's lazy, lies to her fans constantly and has showed she doesn't care about hololive, holomems and her fans.
I do agree she sings good and her dance is ok I guess but hololive was never about this. It's about idols and she is the as anti-idol as someone can be. You make it look like anyone who can do good karaoke is automatically fit to be an idol, and that's absolutely not the case.

>> No.39383652

She does stream Valo on her Hololive account though? She just sucks at it and has admitted before that she finds concentrating on the game and engaging with her audience at the same time to be extremely hard and knows it's not the most engaging content.

>> No.39383722

She is funny. None of this pre-typed shitposting reply has anything to do with her being good on variety streams and panels. Her colleagues are always gushing about how funny she is with them

>> No.39383780

Now how does her not being a "gamer" amount to something positive when playing Valorant badly is something she did all the time?

>> No.39383889

Love it when plusmates defend their whore to death

>> No.39383969

>Playing some customs with friends
Guys you chase around in irl events aren't friends. Guys she met after introducing herself as laplus to leverage her clout aren't friends.
Doing all of this instead of just trying to get closer to her fans and others holomems is not exactly what someone who cares about hololive does.
There's a reason her roommate hates her and most of her re:act fans left her. She's not a good person.
>Her colleagues are always gushing about how funny she is with them
Kek. Yeah, she's beloved so much. You're too much of an EOP to even understand what's happening with her. But whatever, yeah, she's beloved, the central piece of hololive. She's so beloved Marine told her members she doesn't want to do anything with her anytime soon and Kanata didn't even shill on twitter the cover song she made with her, also she's so naturally beloved she was forced to appear in Fubuki's birthday along with members she never interacts with out of the blue.

>> No.39384024

>For starters her usual Valo mates are all girls
Why would that matter? Playing with girls doesn't make her lying any more acceptable. You're the alpha chad who doesn't care if she plays with men so you shouldn't be making tis argument in the first place. It makes you look hypocritical.
>even then to somehow try to attach some romantic subtext to playing online games has always been hilariously stupid
I don't need to add any romantic subtext to call her a liar and a hypocrite for playing with men. She said she wouldn't do it, tried to hide it and then sperged out hard when called out. Not only did she play with them, she went to see a Valorant tournament in person which is where she met ta1yo. On that day instead of ignoring questions about it or being honest she claimed she was busy with work and didn't go to the event. Then we have the latest event with her skipping her gens anniversary stream because she wanted to play Valorant with an utaite fuckboy all night.
>She exists in the Japanese streamer social base.
No, she exist within hololive. Those people are completely outside of the sphere she should be in.
>Playing some customs with friends and contacts in the wider streamer community is hardly something to cry over
When she lies about what she's doing just to get some games in there's a lot to complain about.

Why do you keep defending her when you clearly never cared about her?

>> No.39384027

If there were a fund to sponsor some Japanese schizo to burn down an entire apartment complex with her inside it, I'd donate in a heartbeat. In Minecraft of course.

>> No.39384204

It doesn't. She simply isn't much of a gamer. Not sure what ditch you are trying to die in thought. Feels like you are determined to take a contrary stance no matter what and not matter how retarded it makes your post

>> No.39384217

>She's so beloved Marine told her members she doesn't want to do anything with her anytime soon
This is a mischaracterization. She was getting suggestions to have Lap on her fashion battle collab and she just responded to it with "oh yeah she's really fashionable huh" and moved on quickly. Having Lap on that collab would just make it unfun.
NTA by the way.

>> No.39384241

Love it when Nijisisters attack a Holo for months on end without stop

>> No.39384254

You're the one who made this argument, you fucking moron.
>The fact that she isn't even much of a gamer is probably more in her benefit in modern Hololive than it is a negative.
Explain how it's a benefit when shit tier Valorant is like a fourth of her content.

>> No.39384289

>Nijisister now the authority on what constitutes a "friend"
Lel you guys really try too fucking hard sometimes

>> No.39384300

So you finally reveal yourself, /jp/sistah. It's time to go back to your home board.

>> No.39384456

>She was getting suggestions to have Lap on her fashion battle collab and she just responded to it with "oh yeah she's really fashionable huh" and moved on quickly
This is exactly what you do when you like someone, yeah. If Marine did that to anyone she cared about then I'd agree with you, but that's not the case. Marine collabs with anyone and she decided to not doit with her. That's a big red flag. If you expect her to say "yeah I'm not collabing with whores so laplus is out of question" then that will never happen.
cope. whores doesn't belong in hololive and she's the prime example of a turbo whore. if you want that go watch vshoujo or nijisanji.

>> No.39384626

I'm not saying Marine likes her at all. I'm just saying she didn't say what you said.
I don't see her wanting to do anything with Laplus either but she's not going to say it out loud like that.

>> No.39385055

That's as much "telling" with holomems as we will ever get. You have to take their behavior over their words as of course they are functional adults. Marine completely dismissed her by ignoring her even after the forced collab in fubuki's birthday.
You have to interpret the hints. Obviously they aren't gonna say it out loud but you can get the hints. And with Marine is pretty damn telling: she has collabed with everyone in holox except laplus and juts when a chance came up she completely dismissed it. She even explicitely told she wanted to collab with iroha and that's why she appeared in the shouwa live.

>> No.39385175

I do notice that Marine has never talked about interacting with Laplus. She thought she was cute all the way back in December when the only thing anyone knew about her was that she sounds like a child.

>> No.39385362

>I do notice that Marine has never talked about interacting with Laplus
A lot of holomems are like that. I think miko stopped interacting with her after their first collab and it doesn't look like Pekora, Botan or even Towa, her alleged oshi, are in any terms with her beyond the coworker realm. The only one who has stayed with her is fubuki (probably Cover wnated her to guide her) and iroha. The rest completely stopped interacting with her outside of when they are in the same place at the same time.

>> No.39385451

Doesn't seem to have any issues with her seeing how she appeared on her anniversary.

>> No.39385640

I honestly don't think anyone who appeared in that live did it on their own accord given Kanata showed up too. I'm not saying they hate her, but they don't see anything positive in her so they are rather distant and also they know she doesn't care about them. She didn't bond with anyone on her first year because she spent all her time funneling people to her roommate account and chasing male e-celebs to play valorant. This is exactly the people you tend to avoid irl.
I also have coworkers I don't like and that doesn't mean I don't talk to them at all or that I berate them publicly, I only interact with them when it's strictly required, which I think is the case with laplus.

>> No.39385847

There's a bunch of holos who don't mind doing stuff with Laplus. I'm not going to claim they're friends, but they associate with her and talk about her occasionally. I kind of wish most of them would just stop if they know what she's like.

>> No.39386008

I honestly want her out. I don't even wish her any wrong. I just want her out. She's not good, she only brings problems, troublesome people and troublesome circles.
I also think she will be happier anywhere else. There are times stuff just don't work out and you have to move on and that'show I feel with her.
Also since she joined shion also fell in disgrace and I cannot help but to see she's related to that too.

>> No.39386499
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I don't think any holomen actively avoids her. It's just like you already said, she doesn't bother to get close to any of them. Even Towa said Laplus appear only if she'll get something out of it

>> No.39387125

>calliope isn’t dumb enough to think Hololive isn’t responsible for her success and financial security

>> No.39387300

Poor Towa though. Laplus used her a scapegoat to attempt to fit in (Towa isn't her oshi since she didn't even watch hololive at all). That had to be disappointing. Compare that to Marine being Lamy's oshi or Miko being Koyori's oshi.
Laplus only joined for the money (perfectly reasonable) and to get clout to get herself surrounded by popular male streamers and utaites; but the worst partis that she didn0't even try to do a good job at all: didn't bond with anyone, didn't do singing reps and started drinking like a retarded zoomer, which hurts your throat.
She didn't even have any goal to being with besides money and clout to get dicks, and that's the sad part and hololive is an amazing place to do so many things: you can get drinks on your name, you can release albums, stream a wide lot of content, perform at concerts, you get a good bunch of fans that love you deeply (throw money at you, buy your shit, even if you aren't a great singer, they love your singing, even if you can't dance they love it, they are always showing your love on any platform you are, they even send you gifts...)

>> No.39387305

Calliope knows, she just hates it. Part of why she is such an alcoholic and miserable cunt.

>> No.39390051

Shion was already like that before Laplus joined. The two hitting off so well just gave hints as to what she might have been doing during her long periods of absolutely nothing.

>> No.39390297

you know they were in Fubuki's anniversary together, right?

>> No.39390451

Yes? I said she never talked about interacting her. She wasn't there for Laplus, she was there for Fubuki.

>> No.39390494 [DELETED] 

still the best hire they've made in years.

>> No.39390555

still the best hire they've made in years.

>> No.39390704

>The two hitting off so well just gave hints as to what she might have been doing during her long periods of absolutely nothing.
yeah, playing Valo with their 'friends'

>> No.39390768

That's most likely the case. It's just so sad to accept it... but you are right.
>best hire they've made in years.
>literally the worst talent hololive has hired
Cognitive dissonance

>> No.39392614 [DELETED] 

do you not care about quality or entertainment value at all?

>> No.39392752

oh, so you don't care about quality or entertainment value at all?

>> No.39392968

NTA but Laplus offers zero quality and her entertainment value is all accidental.

>> No.39392991

Noel has done evereything you criticize Laplus for. are you okay with her?

>> No.39393071

When has Noel used her hololive name to get into fps streamer discords?

>> No.39393078
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Her genmates don't

>> No.39393197

there's just a pretty large age gap between them, and not that much overlap in their interests, dramasisters. Marine still has several members she hasn't collabed with individually, and that she doesn't talk about much (Botan, for instance).
there will be a collab eventually, just wait.

>> No.39393404

You are seething so hard at people not being as EOP and unhinged like you to see her being as anything above a mediocre entertainer with a questionable personality to say the least. The fact you have to constantly delete every post to rewrite it shows it. I suggest you take meds and then learn japanese to be able to judge her better.
If you like her so much I can also suggest exploring western agencies as they provide you exactly what laplus provides but even better.
>there's just a pretty large age gap between them, and not that much overlap in their interests
I completely agree. One is an entitled lazy zoomer who craves for dick to the point of joining a massive idol company to get enough clout to get laid with them and the others are just people who got a second chance in life, who wanted to be idols and doesn't take everything for granted, because they do know better.
This is also proof she doesn't belong in hololive. She's larping as a vtuber for clout and money just like any other western whore.

>> No.39393418

Marine gets along with Shion who's almost exactly the same as Laplus and even younger, sistah. There's something off about Laplus specifically.

>> No.39393555

A lot of holos get along with whores like ayame but that still doesn't make her any less of a whore. Regarding marine I do think she doesn't know what shion does in her private life (it's reasonable she doesn't know). She probably believes she's depressed instead of playing valo with her bf.

>> No.39396649

Well she was supposedly ill at that time. But holy fuck, Laplus didn't even retweet or like these tweets.
Kinda telling how little she cares for her genmates...

>> No.39396751

She HAS been playing games with ecelebs though in that time

>> No.39398481

>Regarding marine I do think she doesn't know what shion does in her private life
Honestly I think they probably all know but just don't care

>> No.39401170 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one doing the seething here, buddy.

>> No.39401218

I'm not the one doing the seething here, buddy.

>> No.39401262

fine, Towa.

>> No.39401307

why do you care about this so much?

>> No.39401370

I want an entire generation of lapluses and shions
It would be funny

>> No.39401386

you could do it too, you know.

>> No.39401567


>> No.39401610

And very cute

>> No.39401795

I see, the answer was "no".

>> No.39401891

>buy cheap towa cosplay online
>fly to japan, tokio area
>find Towa
>gift Towa a giant pack of high octane cigarettes
>find Laplus location
>romance her
>she falls for you immediately, despite your "swollen clitoris"
>spend a steamy night with Laplus
>leave next day
>Laplus will claim she had an offline collab with Towa
>fans will never know
>towa does not remember, she smoked too much
>9 months later Laplus will give Birth to Towas lesbian buttbaby
>japanese birth rate has been stabilizied, plus one vtuber

the perfect crime

>> No.39403672

she was in Re:Act? holy shit

>> No.39404146

you don't speak Japanese either.

>> No.39404406

how did you surmise all that? you've never watched her.

>> No.39404416

Marine continues to get along with holomen who do worse things than play valo with their bf. She is bff with literally a camwhore.
Considering that she has no problem getting along with those types of people or that she can get along perfectly well with people 10 years younger than her, we can only say that Laplus is terrible behind scenes.

>> No.39406252


This Board is the Most Mentally Ill / Off-it's-Meds Containment zone I've ever chosen to participate in (mostly to Laugh and Thank God) If you were to board hop, the sheer and absolute shit that gets said about VT is spot-on but I'll leave it with an Anon comment I saw a while back:

"If you ever wanted to Simulate a fucking plethora of Psychosis and Mental Issues along with other underground dwellers to the point that it becomes an Echo Chamber, look no further then VT"

hell some of the meat-tubers even make threads hoping to gain pity parties and a lot of other deranged shit

>> No.39406385

Great argument, normalfag ESL. You said absolutely nothing of worth and made yourself look like a blithering retard.

>> No.39406639


>Oh no he's talking about me! Let me pretend sound Intellectual

You're Weak as fuck, I also didn't tell you to stop licking off the Floor from my Sloppy Seconds

>> No.39406736

>La+ missing
>Gura leaving
>Kobo and Towa weakening
Loli's have a short lifespan

>> No.39407025

Why is your English so bad?

>> No.39408904

Towa a loli?

>> No.39409248

Being a camwhore is absolutely not worse than lying to tens of thousands of people and playing videogames with your boyfriend. If anything, camwhoring is just the next level of parasociality, so they're on completely opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.39411157
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>> No.39411453


>> No.39411537
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>> No.39411550

>Holox is death
I see.

>> No.39411610


>> No.39411738

I genuinely thought that Laplus was universally hated so seeing someone care about her especially on here is odd

>> No.39412714

She's JP so EOP, especially casuals and/or clipwatchers, might not be aware of her drama.

>> No.39413581
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>> No.39417660

The people here care about her now specifically because she's hated. They're just EN fans being contrarians about which JP holos they like.
Literally nobody posted about Laplus in the holoX thread for months but suddenly she has a ton of fans there as soon as she gets put on a break by management.

>> No.39418266

I have never seen a stream of an EN, I knew HL from the Japanese side and have never moved from there.

>> No.39418330

wtf this is not the thread
Im retarded

>> No.39418597

She is Iroha's friend, that's good enough for me.
And while I understand her fans might be disappointed in her, that doesn't mean I should welcome every single dramafag seeking to shit up the thread.

>> No.39419395

Fun part is she was discovered playing Valorant on her RM just before and after the anniversary too.
Valorant matches are public info and all you need to know is her RM's valorant account name.

>> No.39421301

She didn't join to participate in anniversaries or anything though. She joined to make easy money and become famous enough to get herself into the groups and circles she always wanted to be part of, aka fps discords packed with male e-celebs to play with both online and offline.

>> No.39421612

>She joined to make easy money
Not saying this isn't true, but she's incredibly stupid if this is one of the things important to her. She could take an hour a week to read superchats and she would actually get them, but she gives zero incentives so she barely gets any. Even when she puts the disclaimer that she will do superchat reading she doesn't get all that many.
I guess her being like this shows how little superchats actually make in comparison, but she's still leaving considerable money on the table that could be earned with just one hour of work a week.

>> No.39421867

oh wow, thats the reason her voice was so familiar, i was more in to her "partner" 2bh, good to know...

>> No.39421954

I love how this board has this "terrible" reputation that newfags constantly use to out themselves. Your redditspacing also isn't doing you any favors, tourist.

>> No.39423414

The best way to make money in hololive is to get a lot of sponsorships, shill streams and merch. Cover wanted holox to be succesfully so they pushed them as a unit very hard and laplus used to show up for every single shill Cover offered. From the very beginning she put money on top of everything: on top of fans, on top her grow as an entertainer, on top of her coworkers and on top of the brand. Her only error was thinking holofans are retarded yes-ma'am cucks (in 4chan most of them are like that but that's not really the case in japan where even if they don't care about holos being in a relationship they are very strict towards honesty, clarity, hard work, good work ethics and keeping the brand clean).
Reading superchats is not really something holos do for the money 100% but to spend some time with fans and talk with them. The fact many of them started only reading reds (and some of them not even that) and that recently the likes of miko and nene started reading pretty much any superchat that adds something funny to the stream shows it.
Reading superchats is too much effort for what's worth. YouTube takes 30% of the donation and then Cover takes 30-40% on top of that; it's not the most effective way to make money. Why would she spend 1-2 hours reading superchats when she could spend the same amount of time recording a 5 minutes voice pack opr shillig something somewhere without dealing with anyone at all, making 10 times what she would've made with superchats?

>> No.39423467 [DELETED] 
File: 872 KB, 868x844, yab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.39423676

>Reading superchats is too much effort for what's worth.
Again, she could literally just do just one hour of work by reading reds only and get paid thousands for that one hour.
What's too much effort is streaming for more than 1 or 2 hours at a time. There's zero perceivable benefit to doing that.

>> No.39423980

As a big fan of Iroha, that just makes her worse for me. Taking advantage of a sweet soul like Iroha and giving nothing in return is disgusting.

>> No.39424171

Anon, you aren't thinking like an entitled retarded zoomer who has never done any hard work in their life. That's too much for her. She can barely stream for one hour. Even her birthday's countdown was 30 minutes long instead of the 1 hour baseline + SC reading.
>What's too much effort is streaming for more than 1 or 2 hours at a time
She has to. Even ayame, the top whore of hololive, has to do it from time to time too.
She was doing the very, very, very minimum to stay relevant, get SC buff and get those big and fat sponsorships, just like ayame does. Thing is, she's not ayame. She's way more dislikeable than ayame too (although I think ayame is evil hence worse).

>> No.39426013

holy shit go back
