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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39332180 No.39332180 [Reply] [Original]

Having a nice day? Let me fix that for you.

>> No.39332212

Can we Unironically go back to this in NijiEN?

>> No.39332234

Remove Veibae and it would unironically be a decent stream with the cast shown. Maybe remove Nyanners too depending on the anon.

>> No.39332280

I unironically went to rewatch this some weeks ago, it's as terrible as I remember it.

I'd like to say Obsydia or Ethyria need to experience something similar, but they don't share the same dynamic Lazulight had between them.

>> No.39332353

That's funny because Nyanners and Veibae were probably the least problematic part of that stream

>> No.39332433

Haruka should get a redemption collab with Pomu.

>> No.39332624

Everyone on this board is far too new even to remember this.

>> No.39333442

Which is why there are still retards defending VShojo and fleshtuber grifters.

>> No.39333478

Only thing I've heard about it was the part where the deer pities Pomu for chopping off her tits. If someone dumps the streamable I'll watch it in full

>> No.39333503

All this time i tought it was the dinosaur nigga who went full autistic mode and brought up the Surgery

>> No.39333513

It's shit anon, not in the aaaaaaaaaa le yab way, it's simply a clusterfuck bad entertainment.

It's on Vienna's twitch channel iirc.

>> No.39333542

I was under the impression this stream hasn't happened yet because I do not pay attention to NijiEN or Vsj. But that's rather shocking to hear.

>> No.39333604

I wish it didn't happen

>> No.39333648

Usually bad entertainment gets forgotten about. What makes this one so memorable?

>> No.39333660

This collab was so bad the majority of the vods got fucking nuked

>> No.39333668

>Luxieum exists
>Females rampant
This is the worst thing? Take your meds.

>> No.39333671
File: 121 KB, 850x1202, smug levels topped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew NijiEN was doomed to fail when all the nijicucks on here were bragging about securing this collab. Look at that dumpster fire.

>> No.39333777 [SPOILER] 
File: 57 KB, 775x465, 0A2E8563-E3D4-4D1F-81DF-69A4B233C42B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>past tense of have
I just fucking CAN’T, why did it turn out like this?

>> No.39333794

Because it's a milestone for nijien on this board.

Anons were patiently expecting a vshojo+niji collab since the time an english niji branch was announced, and when it finnaly happened it turned out to be incredibly bad, and not even bad in the way anons wanted it to be. Finana's previous collab doesn't count

>> No.39333816


>> No.39333862

This collab is one of best streams ever compared to Luxieum or any of the homos

>> No.39333899

gotta keep posting this to convince yourself nijiEN is losing

>> No.39333910
File: 120 KB, 334x299, 1641121362961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should've been where NijiEN stopped associating with vwhorejo, but unfortunately they are the only ones who like us these days...

>> No.39333980

I remember the autism moose calling for a group cheer for pomu's surgery and pomu wanted to die so badly even her model conveyed it.
Not that I think the moose had any bad intentions she's just a sperg.

>> No.39334014

Pikamee looks so out of place compared to the other designs

>> No.39334017

where's the vod

>> No.39334030

i wonder how splattered human brain would taste like stir fried with fried rice (i am eating fried rice right now)

>> No.39334067

Intention is irrelevant, if she acts like a dumb cunt, she is a dumb cunt

>> No.39334141

no, not really, please don't insert your cuck drama like it's relevant here.

>> No.39334935

The cringe was so bad it almost felt good.

>> No.39335298

None of the NijiEN girls saved it. They had the convenient excuse that there was copyright music playing at some points so they just nuked it.

>> No.39335352


>> No.39335650
File: 198 KB, 1080x1080, 1671569180748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Pomu
>what's the exact reason you're going on break again

>> No.39336103

aloucreep deflection thread

>> No.39336178

The large size of the collab with many notable vtubers (and and that dinosaur guy), the scuffed nature of it, and Haruka's outburst.

>> No.39337299

Mouse was the least problematic, because her internet barely allowed her to be there.. She doesn't even remember this collab and thinks she's only collabed with Bao in Apex events.

>> No.39337564

The only people I watch here are Pomu and Pika.
Maybe Elira, i used to not like her but she's actually pretty great recently.

>> No.39338016

Pomu/Melody collab was good

>> No.39338321

She’s a retard but didn’t deserve quite the level of hate she got because she literally is retarded.

>> No.39341553

literally all whores lol

>> No.39344370

Wasn't this the one that VSJ kept bulling Pomu about her upcoming breast surgery at the time?

>> No.39344483
File: 409 KB, 1274x1811, 1635890947290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39344606

Fuck you
Posting that image should be a bannable offense

>> No.39345041

I blame the girls for not reaching out to the small corpos more often, and management from discouraging interacting with them.
All the shitty throwaway vshojo collabs in the past year could have instead been kino collabs with girls from Prism or Tsunderia or Phase. But nah, we only get trash from Vshojo, fleshtubers, and Crunchyroll-hime on the lowest end. And maybe occasionally something with Wactor and that group is their own can of shit.

>> No.39346463

She cringed into orbit when she realized her autism.

>> No.39347769

Am I the only person on here with the amazing power to ignore shitty streams

>> No.39350998


>> No.39352276

You should develop the amazing power to ignore shitty threads.

>> No.39358538

You're welcome.

>> No.39365397


>> No.39365420

Pikamee no. GET OUT OF THERE.

>> No.39365905

She kinda did, by the end of that stream she was barely conscious.

>> No.39369904

The dinosaur is Scara right? Ain't no way the old man gonna slip up.

>> No.39372117

Thanks OP, I really don't know how I would handle my whole day being nice.

>> No.39372351

Who the fuck thought "Hey! You know what we need for this collab?!?. Scarra with a fucking dinosaur model!" Like why the fuck was he even there. I fucking hate OTV they should all get aids.

>> No.39373446

Did this collab permanently damage Zentreya's career? I remember her (>her) twitter posts in the aftermath, where she seemed to be going crazy and thinking everyone was going to avoid collabing forever or something. Never saw any updates though because I guess everyone stopped caring enough to post catalog bait about it, and I certainly don't actually watch vshojo

>> No.39373828

watching pomu project cringe through her model is my favorite part of the collab. second place is when the nijis and pika had to sit out a match because the others wanted to play on a spongebob map

>> No.39374053

>Never saw any updates though because I guess everyone stopped caring enough to post catalog bait about it,
You never saw updates because it ended up damaging exactly nobody. The only people who still care about this collab are /vt/ fags.
