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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39133916 No.39133916 [Reply] [Original]

So if she felt well enough to tweet than why didnt she just give updates during her break? Is it that fucking hard? Are you really gonna accept more than two months of radio silence?

>> No.39133962
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>> No.39134038

Yes, why not

>> No.39134068 [DELETED] 

Let her have a fun Christmas time with her husband, incel.

>> No.39134134

Because she didn't want takos to see a new tweet and think OH FUCK OH FUCK SHE'S BACK SHE'S BACK only to be disappointed. Quit being a dick.

>> No.39134426


>> No.39134669

Yes because she actually gave a reason why she was gone and an ETA on when she's coming back. She didn't just disappear and continue to ghost afterwards to the point that management had to tweet for her.

>> No.39134795

>tweets a tad more frequently
>"nooo you should proritize your health first, please take a longer break"
>chuuba gets even lazier
both parties are to blame here
both parties are to blame here

>> No.39135089

Considering she was able to tweet this week, her health is improving and even gave a return date.

>> No.39135187

I wonder if EN fans know about Miko's break and how she wrote handwritten letters every other day because she actually cared about her fans

>> No.39135228
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>> No.39135396 [DELETED] 

Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.39135418

I don't mind. Sometimes you just need to turn everything off. If that helped her and she will be happy to stream again, I will be happy.

>> No.39135971

who cares

>> No.39136138

Probably went through internet & digital addiction detox in order to get back to health. Phone gone, no PC, no streams. That sort of stuff. Hopefully she's feeling better now.

>> No.39136194

I'm assuming it's heart related which is taboo to talk about in 2022.

>> No.39136201

She explained herself to members, if you're not a member you clearly don't care about inas explaination anyway and just want to dramafag

>> No.39136254

She said in a member post that she went to stay with her family and didn't bring her work phone (the one with logins for social media).

But you wouldn't know that because you're not a fan.

>> No.39136291

But when gura does it it's le bad!

>> No.39136330

Go stalk someone else, stalker

>> No.39136371

Inlike Miko Ina has a real job instead of being a lazy neet

>> No.39136900


>> No.39136952

The entire purpose of the break is that she's supposed to not be working

>> No.39137132

Yes, who the fuck are you to tell me what to do.

>> No.39137137

She played lost ark for like 12 hours a day for the past month

>> No.39137229

What's that illness called that has a chance to just kill you if you sit down too long?

>> No.39137462

Yes, fuck you

>> No.39140364

Holy cope worst excuse ever

>> No.39140380

She doesn't care.

>> No.39142832

Idk what you think about going away from work and taking a break means Op.
Yes an update would be good, and then what, another thread about her not updating enough or about her not liking the "job" again.
Not much will change from the way you people look at her, so might as well go silent since she already said at the start that she'll take the break away from work(Holo related works).

>> No.39143112

How much time do you think a tweet takes

>> No.39143306

Ina finally worked up enough strength to tweet after her heart transplant and her broken pelvis from sex with me and you're complaining about it? What a little bitch

>> No.39143409
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The explanation

>> No.39143528

These schizos sound like wagie bosses who demand you have your phone on 24/7 so they can be in contact with you whenever they feel like it huh? A minute of mental energy taken to think about work is worth less than a minute completely cut off from it.

>> No.39143760

Wow. So she was sick from the anxiety "leaving her body", and while she was too ill to stream, she managed to build a new laptop and go on her 4th or 5th vacation this year--keeling in mind that when Kiara goes on vacation she keeps in touch with fans.

Also "forgetting " work phone...

Are takos buying this?

>> No.39143799

She forgot her phone for...2 months?

>> No.39143862

Buddy, she's pulling a Sana. Just accept it

>> No.39144001

You say that as if she even needs an excuse. Americucks don't even get a month off or protections to ignore work outside of their hours so it's understandable their wagie cucked brains feel like every minute absent needs to be explained.

>> No.39144019

I sympathize with her because i went through years of stress and lack of sleep,seven to be exact, that she can be allowed time to recuperate is great, the company i worked for spat me out like a loogie once i started to care about my health.

>> No.39144095

Surely just sticking with "was sick " is better than all of this bs?

>> No.39144424

and leave you schizos to make even stupider rrats? You should know better than anyone how you think.

>> No.39144511

The phone excuse is far more retarded than what anyone here could make up lmao, and it doesn't even make sense because you can login from literally anything

>> No.39144817

based cuck simps

>> No.39144863

Unlike Miko, Ina doesn't actually give a shit about her audience and would be completely fine with hololive as a company dissolving today.

>> No.39144910

Miko was sick and wanted to get back, Ina took a break because she was sick of streaming

>> No.39144982


>> No.39144995

Yeah, I'm sure she was really suffering from having to play videogames for a living. She really is like so relatable to us normal working folk, you know?

>> No.39145017

Ina's been a fan of hololive longer than 95% of the people on this retarded board

>> No.39145107

Deep Vein Thrombosis?

>> No.39145433

Making a tweet every so often is literally, unequivocally, the lowest bar ever for performing work. Bitch better have been in a fucking coma for 2 months or a prisoner of war in Iraq to fail such a simple task. Completely and utterly inexcusable. If you have the energy to even move at all then you have the energy to make a tweet. It really is that simple.

>> No.39145572

Yeah, it's fine. She said she'd probably be silent, with most we'd see of her being in other releases.
And yes, before you say
>that's okay with you??
she's not my wife, or yours. She owes me nothing, and vice versa.

>> No.39145708

Okay twittertard.

>> No.39145897

This is like extreme levels of bullshit you can't tell me that being 2 years in hololive you just "forget" the social media account for your job and pretend it was only on your work phone like come on now no big secret that out of Myth shes the one who cares the least about her fans, fuck Gura ghosts chumbuds but at least she love bombs them every month.

>> No.39146042

I can tell you don't even watch Ina. She forgets so much shit, like even eating, that she has to write every thing down. Even then she forgets shit a lot. Add in being practically bedridden into being sick, and it completely makes sense.

>> No.39146044

What’s so unbelievable about it? You can decide you don’t give a shit about her reason and ditch her. I certainly would. But the “excuse” itself is perfectly reasonable. Don’t tell me you haven’t spent way more time than you should on /here/ and have been tempted to lock your phone in a safe for a week so you can focus on other shit. I sure as hell have.
I believe most explanations by vtubers when they haven’t been streaming. Hell, I even believe Gura. I just don’t care and abandon them for other vtubers because I don’t think about vtubers when they aren’t streaming.

>> No.39146112

Have you ever gone into a general to post about your oshi, only to stay for an hour afterwards replying to other anons or browsing the catalog?
Yeah, if Ina were more disciplined she could do that, but very few people are. That said, I’m not a tako so maybe it’s easier for me to be impartial.

>> No.39146150

Yeah clearly she forgot about you.

>> No.39146189

>and not having access to post anything in the meanwhile too

>> No.39146369

You're talking about takocucks here. She could go 6 months without any communication and they would still defend it.

>> No.39146422

>needs a three month, fully paid vacation from a job consisting of badly playing video games and talking about that time they farted at the supermarket
These bitches are lazy. They do not deserve a single view and not a single penny from us. Find something better to spend your time on, bros

>> No.39146441

Yes. Because she’s sick. I’m not a takodachi, so maybe I don’t have this sunk cost fallacy, but if my oshi were sick and on an extended hiatus, I’d just watch someone else while she was gone and welcome her back once she was well again.
Takodachis should be the last thing Ina’s thinking about right now. You gotta set your priorities in life. If you don’t like that, maybe pick an oshi who doesn’t have an extremely demanding and lucrative side job.

>> No.39146497

I imagine hololive's security policies prohibit talents to know their passwords or have them stored in easily accessible places like password managers, so they only can access their sm accounts from specific devices remotely controlled (to some degree) by management. She still could've asked manager to twit on her behalf though.

>> No.39146505

>Find something better to spend your time on, bros
Like whining about anime girl streamers on a mongoilan basket weaving site?

>> No.39146578

She. Was. On. Break. YOU DUMB FUCKER.

>> No.39146646

For what purpose? Just to say "Yep. Still on break! Later."?

>> No.39146703

>live like a king

>> No.39146710

Miko wrote by hand letters every other day when she was on her medical break, I don't see why Ina wouldn't be able to tweet

>> No.39146738

Yes? So we knew she isn't fucking dying/ady dead?

>> No.39146921

Beats being a white knight for a girl you will never meet. Like you

>> No.39146969

Then Hololive would have made the announcement if that were the case (like that one chinese vtuber that passed away a few months back). Thankfully, no news was good news... And now we have news that she's coming back, which is also good news.

>> No.39147040

This thread proves that cuckodachis are completely brainrot at this point

>> No.39147155

In Miko's mind writing hand letters is the absolute least she could do to show her fans how much she appreciates their support.
In Ina's mind writing a tweet is too much effort, so she'll just come up with a string of shitty excuses like "muh anxiety" "muh lost phone" and "muh family time" instead when management finally calls her up directly to tell her to throw her viewers some crumbs.

>> No.39147256

Ina's conditioning of her fans has worked. All she has to do now is stream maybe once every three months and tweet one or two times inbetween for her fans to be over the moon with all her "hard work". They'll just take it without a word. She has trained them well

>> No.39147262

>management finally calls her up directly to tell her to throw her viewers some crumbs.

>> No.39147268

I think maybe it was her talking to Calli recently, and she realized she owed her fans an explanation

>> No.39147278

the fuck anon you sound like a toxic girlfriend

>> No.39147933

And now Kiara's sick...

>> No.39150412

I feel bad for takos they have an oshi who will take a whole two months off of work and use the "oh but i was with family excuse" truly an uncaring oshi

>> No.39151675

Phone hort, please understand

>> No.39151732

Crazy how her health improved right after she finished her latest "priestess duties"

>> No.39151765

Nothing is going to change, anon

>> No.39151951

stfu dumbfuck

>> No.39152067

I feel the same.

>> No.39152068

holy fuck, someone has parental issues

>> No.39152189

She didn't and her health was fine the whole time.

>> No.39152261

First thing I thought too when I saw the tweet. Another classic Calli oopsie.

>> No.39152309
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Imagine not being able to disconnect from work, even on a break.

>> No.39152360

When she says (friends) she means boyfriend.
And boyfriend means me, just so you know.

>> No.39152365

>teehee phone hort oops
>guess I gotta ghost you for 2+ months

>> No.39152388

Sometimes I forget that /vt/ is infested with actual clinically diagnosed retards

>> No.39152391

holy read miscomprension anonman!
she forgot her phone when she wen to her parents

>> No.39152416

Which was a lie

>> No.39152457


>> No.39152499

The simps are

>> No.39152502

Funny how her work-life balance and general health is so out of whack that when she cleaned her room on stream those few times, she was out of breath.
Funny how she made a smart decision to finish up her other work before going back to streaming. Its almost like she's coming back and may of found a way to finally do both without relying on bad sleeping and drinking habits.
Almost as if she needed to get her life priorities fixed like she said.
but hey you go on and keep stinking of belly cum.

>> No.39152603

And takos. She really hates takos.

>> No.39152614

seethe, takocuck

>> No.39152621

americucks are so brainwashed that anything that doesn't directly involve work has to be explained to a middle manager with a written doctor's note and a vial of your own blood. Simply wanting to disconnect from work is considered commie propaganda.

>> No.39152667

Phone hort teehee

She said she'd keep in touch

>> No.39152677

Unicorns will continue to get cucked and ghosted

>> No.39152711

What the fuck do Americans have to do with keeping your fans informed like you originally promised, you obsessed underage?

>> No.39152756

>Add in being practically bedridden
She was fine enough to go on trips and do priestess duties

>> No.39152785

we're in mutt hours. You think all this obsession with checking in is normal euroschizo? This is pure americuck

>> No.39152839

Getting away from you, including on twitter, WAS the break you oppressive creep.

>> No.39152871

Half of these posts are shills running damage control. Literally the same arguments in all threads.

>> No.39152872

>Is a board filled with yes-men and doormates ok with a simple tweet after months of radio silence?
The answer is and always will be yes anon. Look forward to many KNEEL threads when she actually streams.

>> No.39152975

>running damage control. Literally the same arguments in all threads.
Couldn't tell which you're side you're talking about desu

>> No.39153002

>and may of found a way to finally do both without relying on bad sleeping and drinking habits.
Nothing will change. Keep coping.

>> No.39153023

I think a simple opinion doesn't have a nationality attached to it. But then again, I'm not an obsessed schizo so maybe that's just me.
>obsession with checking in
She literally promised she would, you fucking idiot. And no, keeping your fans who support you informed on your status with a simple tweet like you said you originally would is not the same as "calling into work during vacation." Have you ever actually had a job?

>> No.39153060

I'm sure the admitting that there are multiple threads for this shows which side is really mentally ill.

>> No.39153678

i'm genuinely happy for the takos.
this board is a piece of shit, good and important news always get buried in some random thread

>> No.39154001

Happy about what? The lying or the not caring part?

>> No.39155146

Why is it so hard for these dumb whores to just tell the truth and say you didn't feel like saying anything because you didn't give enough of a shit to? Instead you get obvious bullshit excuses that even retards can see through.

>> No.39155525

>may of found a way to finally do both without relying on bad sleeping and drinking habits

By quitting one of the two, like Sana did. I wonder which will it be.

>> No.39155594

is it that hard to just accept that she's on break? so what if she didn't give updates like she said. i'd rather she get away from work and not have to deal with schizo fags saying "it's been 2 days since ina tweeted, she must be dead" like holy fuck, can we just let people take a break and not be glued to their jobs 24/7

>> No.39155721

>anxiety and a cold
That's the best she could come up with?

>> No.39155815

>all shitposters can do now is cope and say she's lying

>> No.39156082

Wasn’t it confirmed last thread that she’s only coming back on that day so memberships don’t expire? Very greedy I would suggest takos to move on

>> No.39156100

It's just like when Ayame was "locked out from internet for a month because she changed providers". Everyone gladly ate it up rather than asking simple questions like "why not stream from the studio once a week" or "why not make phone video shitposts and upload them on data" or even "bitch please there's portable wifi stations with internet available for rent everywhere." It really is the same here. She's giving you a paper-thin bullshit excuse and you're eating it up because you want it.

>> No.39156141

More like I don't really care what her excuse or story is as long as she is coming back.

>> No.39156159


>> No.39156180

She set expectations and explained what she would be doing. She didn't ghost her fans, and they knew what they were in for.
You're a faggot, OP.
Rope yourself.

>> No.39156205

>can stream from the laptop she upgraded but we're supposed to believe she can't tweet from it
The work phone thing is painfully obvious huh

>> No.39156247

Because she actually said she was going to take a break instead of just disappearing without a notice, chumbudchama.

>> No.39156259

The timing is too good so its 100% an incitament for her to return, atleast for 1 stream.

>> No.39156317

Anon already confirmed that's not the case for Ina

>> No.39156557

Yeah it was confirmed but simps will cope >>39156317

>> No.39156613

Based simp

Watch streams you lying nigger

>> No.39156826

How exactly if I may ask? Sounds like a cope to me

>> No.39156942

>projecting this hard
You first streamlet.

>> No.39156958
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She doesn't care about any of you. Even your money isn't enough anymore. Accept that you are a cuck for taking all this on the chin and move on takos.. I'm gonna call it now

>jan 8th rolls around
>collab with all of holsters
>announces pregnancy
>instant graduation

Such a waste of a good character design, you hate to see it.

>> No.39157076

The 90 day rule only applies if the channel is in Paused mode first. Ina's channel isn't. She could not stream for longer and the memberships would still be there

>> No.39157133

stop projecting your NTR fantasies

>> No.39157206

Learn what words mean cover shill

>> No.39157218

Anon stop deluding yourself, your oshi will never love you and the sooner you realize this the happier you'll be In the long run.

>> No.39157538

not sure why you got to that conclusion but I accepted that I would be alone until the day I die when my ex gf dumped me because I wasn't "ambitious", vtubers are just entertainment for me.

>> No.39157610



i hope at least the other four show up or they merge it with council again
if it is like Mori, Kronii and Bae Christmas Special i will kill Vesper (because it is his fault)

>> No.39157808

Not a tako, so I don't care, but that complaint is stupid. Has no one ever told you to get away from social media at least every once in a while? Especially on this era?

>> No.39157959

Stop being such a defeatist faggot and maybe woman will like you.

>> No.39158259

I'm not desperate for woman, I just want to live in peace.

>> No.39158401

Here come the Ina anti posts, I expected this.

>> No.39158672

Did the whole world have agreement to fuck up than & then?
I swear i always see them got swap

>> No.39158685

>Ina lies
>people call her out
>I expected this
Good for you

>> No.39158890

Looks like you caught one of the retards!

>> No.39159006

She was late-stage pregnant and is now taking care of her baby. She will force Kronii to work as her nanny starting in January.

>> No.39159067


>> No.39159086
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>oh no people are poking holes into her story! ANTI ANTI ANTI
Don't be the next Deadbeats. Have some self-respect.

>> No.39159533

>>needs a three month, fully paid vacation
Isn't that the standard pregnancy leave in Canada?

>> No.39160064

Call me her son because I want to suck on her titties

>> No.39161340

And so she did. Eventually.

>> No.39161439
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>Are you really gonna accept more than two months of radio silence?
Gura and Ina are the only two vtubers I really care about, so yes.

>> No.39161668

Because no matter what they say they always get a huge welcome back payday. If they put in effort they get paid, if they put in no effort they still get paid. In fact, not being around is often more profitable for them because they can just continue to get welcome back money from retards. The hololive brand is strong and they know it.

>> No.39161795
File: 194 KB, 1200x1499, inass-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about that time they farted at the supermarket

>> No.39162089

Ina said she wouldn't be around but would try to be but she couldn't be due to resetting her lifestyle habits. How is that anything but setting expectations foir exactly what happened? How nigger, explain it.

>> No.39164779


By the end of the year Ina will have spent about 45% of 2022 on break, once you add up all of her weeklong breaks with the giant ones. I guess maybe in the Netherlands that's normal, not many places besides.


Oh, she said that now? Mind pointing out where? Because what I heard was her saying "I'll still be around" in like 12 different ways throughout the stream. Here, have a few examples.

> 14m31s: On the bright side, its only going to be a break from streaming, I will still be around, its not like I'm just gonna say anything on twitter or youtube etc, I'll still be around"
> 18m: "I'll be around, its just that I won't be streaming. You'll still see me, like if there's a member having a birthday I'll call in"
> 18m20s: "Its not like I'm completely stopping all activities as a hiatus"

>> No.39165183

haha I fucked up my transcript and made it look like I torpedoed my point. There's supposed to be a "not" in that first one.

>14m31s: On the bright side, its only going to be a break from streaming, I will still be around, its not like I'm just NOT gonna say anything on twitter or youtube etc, I'll still be around"

>> No.39166514

So no Christmas stream?

>> No.39166694

anxiety from fucking what??
these girls live better than royalty

>> No.39167926

Kiwawa's sick, so likely not

>> No.39168746

Feels (You) had an oshi who did something similar. You will just get called a schizo by simps and thots just drop her and put her in the shitlist.

>> No.39168949

>Find something better to spend your time on, bros

>> No.39172596

This. Takodachi's will get shit on and eat it too.
No matter how badly Ina treats them, they will accept it whole heartedly, because that's what loyalty means,

>> No.39173332

>because that's what loyalty means

>> No.39174877

I... I...
It's useless, I can't be mad at her!

>> No.39175215

>tuber tells the concernfags to fuck off
>/vt/ goes apeshit forever ever
Sana in case anybody is wondering

>> No.39175465

lmao you actually believe the fictional stuff the company makes them to say, noel literally has a fantia(onlyfans for japs) where she releases her nudes and plays with dildos, heck we know some of them got a boyfriend, is a job anon grow up they got real life stuff on the sides.

>> No.39176516

You get nothing until the 8th and you'll be happy

>> No.39176646

Having to put up with a bunch of loser simps

>> No.39176770

I'll still watch them but I'm just going to go to Japan and get a girl who actually cares about me.

>> No.39176950

Then why do they always need to lie about it and hide it?

>> No.39177170

Yes now get lost and look something else to hate.

>> No.39177228

bro what do you think "priestess duties" are. she was an established pro artist before hololive.

the sooner all you ignorant fucking children just know the fucking basics, the sooner you'll realize how and why people think and talk the way they do here. we're not assholes just for the sake of it, we're assholes because we have the full complete image and know what's actually bullshit vs the rest of the fandom choosing to live in a fog of ignorance.

>> No.39177469

Because only idiots or people who know NOTHING aboout her or her streams say such stupid things like shes treating anyone bad. Even on streams people keep telling her to take a break she was really tired. So its was both a desicion of both her and her fanbase. The issue is that there are people just hating for the sake of hate and spreading missinformation.

>> No.39177484

Miko also had some cameos in MC as well, she just wasn't streaming. Was definitely there in the background while being away.

Even Ayame actually talks, tweets etc while mostly not streaming for like 2 month stretches.

Even Sana actually showed up in an Amogus stream (just didn't stream her POV) during the infamous Dogdied Arc. To go complete radio silence, literally-dead status when it takes literally seconds just to say hi is very odd indeed and leaves a bad taste in your mouth thinking about just how easy it would be to even -pretend- you care about Hololive, -pretend- you care about your fans.

>> No.39177683

The only thing the was taking a break from was YOU, dumbass

>> No.39177775

daily reminder that this is an EN-only issue.

>> No.39177871

And then to excuse it by saying "oops I forgot my phone" just showed how truly little she cares.

>> No.39177891

Well youre angry because youre not a fan or care about her you just expect her or any streamer to meet youre individual needs thing that of course makes you a douche bag.

>> No.39178132

So did Rushia and Coco.
And now they’re gone.
Anxiety isn’t logical and the fear that everything great can go crashing down is real

>> No.39178182

Haters gonna hate. Cant do anything else but whine and hope others to feel the same thing to not feel stupid malding alone.

>> No.39178225

the streamer is here to hang with us. it's like a friend leaving you on read for 2 months suddenly. you're not gonna be happy with him afterwards or assume he likes you at all anymore. if you can't relate you must never have actually had friends (much less girlfriends) to know what this symbolically does to a relationship.

>> No.39178230

Why are people getting so hurt about internet anime women. Just turn off your screen lol

>> No.39178292

>slept for weeks
>forgot my phone
lmao holoEN is a fucking joke

>> No.39178308

nigga how can a moving jpeg with sound treat someone badly like nigga just close the tab

>> No.39178422

I'm glad I realized she wasn't actually my oshi and found someone better thanks to Council. At least she gives a shit. I feel bad for people who are still Takos who still eat shit just because she says she cares without anything but some shitty narcissistic VR museum to show for it

>> No.39178456

>hurr I don't care at all about this person thus I win

Why are you here then. You literally have the same level of care as a stranger on the street. If you don't actually care about vtubers beyond filian funny wall bonk clips tier you're beyond casual here. clipwatchers get the fucking rope, you're not fans flat-out, you're just onlookers who think you are.

>> No.39178465

You sound like a retarded roastie

>> No.39178524

Wow... seriously this confirms it what a douche bag... i pity anyone around you if theres even anyone still..

>> No.39178589

and you are confirmed to not understand social dynamics.

>> No.39178658

Not sure if attempted troll or clinically retarded...

>> No.39178866

I'm saying that as in -I've- left people on read if I just don't wanna fucking talk to them. Do this for a few years and a friendship dies. That is THE ONLY reason I literally don't talk to someone I used to talk to. Ina did that functionally - she didn't pinkie-promise she would talk but she heavily implied she'd show up "every now and then" and then just nothing.

I literally would have accepted a simple "sorry" more than "lol I forgot my phone" as a reason she is unable to tweet. actually, the latter implies she is just trying to gloss over it and -IS NOT- sorry if she doesn't actually say it out loud - you don't need the workphone i.e cover phone to log into twitter. she's BS'ing us. it's offensive if you have even a modicum of social tact. here's the thing, Ina, Gura etc claim they're not very good socially and such. Sure, I believe that, you know why? They fuck up shit like this. Someone socially very keen would know to not continue to BS like this and just say sorry. That's actually much more important.

>> No.39178963

if she lost her phone why didn't she just tell her manager to type something like they clearly did when they shilled marine's live

>> No.39179001

Not caring is very different from being self aware enough that you can realize that your relationship with something you used to enjoy has become toxic and its time to move on.

>> No.39179128

Dont understand eh?... Whatever you say champ youre right im sooo alone right now its soooo sad you dont even know how much poor lil meee. Havent talk with anyone in 1 year :(

>> No.39179152

Be gentle with him anon. He doesn't have any relationship in whatsoever form irl.

>> No.39179230

Because she wanted to avoid management, the real reason for the break.

>> No.39179272

In this case it's good advice. She gave her explanation and now you're just left here crying on about how she's lying for whatever x headcannon

>> No.39179320

She forgor, oops lol (cute emoji)

>> No.39179389

only that is literally not what those people are saying. they're literally saying "lol you care!?? how can you be offended by a jpeg lol" - to Ina's fans. Yes, yes they care, because she isn't just a jpeg to them and she doesn't feel like a stranger to them. This isn't something weird on the fans' part but is the fucking overall design of vtubers to build a repoire with their chat and fans etc. You might as well scoff at people paying $5 for memberships too etc. To qualify her as a jpeg is very much what a rando off the street who knows nothing about vtubers would do. Self awareness doko.

>> No.39179446
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>> No.39179448

Just dont watch her anon simple as that nobody will notice if youre gone.

>> No.39179525

Ina definitely won't

>> No.39179627

I didn't accept it when she said she'd be gone for an unknown amount of time, because I also knew she'd never keep anyone updated like she claimed. Ina doesn't do any member posts outside of "got some sleep" and "jwu time for sleep". I canceled membership after 2 years with her and never looked back. I don't like Kiara either but look at how she got sick and has to take a few days off and she's crushed over it. That's the difference between Ina and the slightest of effort.

>> No.39179749

Kiara is, as was being said a few posts up, very socially keen. She can feel and empathize etc. Ina cannot, she is basically the stereotypical robotic 100.0% selfish Asian person.

>> No.39179799

Ofc she wont for each hater she have 100k fans why would she care or notice if only one guy is angry?

>> No.39179826

Ironmouse is literally dying, streams constantly, and explains her condition in detail to her fans.

Ina's excuse for not being able to stream for months:

>> No.39179843

Those people are pathetic there isnt much more to it

>> No.39179919

You're just making up random retarded shit now. Learn English.

>> No.39179995

>Ironmouse is literally dying,
Funnily enough, Ina took a page from Ironmouse's grift

>> No.39180359

Yes everyone who payed attencion knows why she had to disconnect for a while.

>> No.39180458

Yeah, her chink gachas take priority over hololive just like Sana

>> No.39180501

and if my grandma had wheels she would've been a bike

>> No.39180547

Why are you upset about this?

>> No.39180582

I would care if this was literally any other EN streamer but she's so boring that it literally doesn't matter. She could take a 2 year break and the EN scene won't change one bit.

>> No.39180639

Just come to answer the question didn't come to rrat with anyone.

>> No.39180692

>muh rrat cope

>> No.39180770

Yes, I will gladly eat ina’s shit.

>> No.39180912

They're like twitter trannies who try to get upset on someone else's behalf so they have a reason to seethe

>> No.39180984

ITT: parasocial bitches

>> No.39182362
File: 400 KB, 597x704, ina1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i forgor phone
She must've forgor about the time she tweeted about Marine's live during her break. oops!

>> No.39183691

>Ina tweets
>Seethe more
Stop giving updates. Entitled pricks will never be satisfied with any excuse. Just stop.
Explain when you return. Doing beforehand just makes them angrier.
I'm angry at management for forcing Gura to also do so.

>> No.39183763

Who is this OP?

>> No.39183848
File: 989 KB, 1275x713, r8t91hw891ret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idol culture baby

>> No.39184462

That was a management retweet while Ina was locked out of her hololive accounts. The membership post did provide a convoluted Cover story that she was sick for a few weeks and than forgot her work phone while moving which is why she was radio silent for 2 months except for that single retweet.

>> No.39185178

She got put off because of #4thwah

>> No.39186017

>implying she wasn't 3wahs/4waths of the art

>> No.39189062

thank you for being you

>> No.39189187

Shouldn't have gotten the jab.

>> No.39190057

is there a more pathetic creature than a vtuber simp subhuman? It's impossible to take vtubing seriously when it's a bunch of whores leeching off mentally ill wagies.

>> No.39190092

nobody cares about your literal who niji

>> No.39190130

>Miko the Nijisanji member
You're genuinely retarded. Just wanted to be the first one to point it out.

>> No.39190367
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>> No.39190374
File: 617 KB, 1182x699, InaWithGat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>39133962

>> No.39190436

After having fun she always come back to you bro you're the real winner bro

>> No.39191036

Based permavirgin simps

>> No.39191062


>> No.39192701

Why do they do it? Like every time.... doesn't it get exhausting?

>> No.39193885

Oh no, I think I'm going full anti-route. Were Takos always this retarded, to just accept anything? Was I blind this whole time?

>> No.39194014

>She HATES her fans and didn't want to deal with them during her break
>She was DYING for stress and needed a well deserved break, you can't ask her to work while she is resting
The two sides are retarded as fuck, the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. Ina has never actively interacted with her fans that much, but her health problems are well known by everyone. She most likely wanted to make some posts during her break or even do a quick stream, but at the end she opted for just resting and doing stuff for her other work.

No hard feelings. She doesn't hate her fans, she simply doesn't care that much about them. When she was presented with the choice of updating them about her status or just not doing it, she chose to do fuck all. Leaving aside the stuff about her promise, she wasn't under any obligation of being active during her break, so she didn't do anything wrong per se.

You can criticize her for not living to the standard of the hololiveJP work ethic of at least pretending that your fans are one of your main priorities, but she has been like this from the very first day.

The dumb excuse about forgetting her phone shows that she perfectly understands what her fans expected from her, but she still doesn't want to face them and be honest with them. That's honestly the only thing that bothers me about this whole thing.

>Hi guys! Sorry! I wanted to make some posts, but I needed this break so much that I thought it would be best if I just did a huge internet detox!

That would be enough. Instead, she chose to forgor phone, and that dumb excuse naturally raises some questions:

>was she away from her phone for two whole months?
>her parents' home is pretty close to her new home, couldn't she just walk over there and grab it?
>if she felt that terrible about forgetting her phone and she didn't have any way of posting anything without it, why didn't she just contact any of her genmates or management to give through them a message to the takos?

It's just dumb. It bothers me that she thinks so little of the takos to think that saying something like this is a good way of addressing her absence.

>> No.39194125

A lot of takos are redditors, which is also probably why Ina hates them

>> No.39194165

>She was DYING for stress and needed a well deserved break, you can't ask her to work while she is resting
This is a lie. She's fine and the break was not health related.

>> No.39194446

Being redditor is a fucking disgrace, but they just take any shit she gives them at this point.

>> No.39195119

Anon, not everything is black and white
>She is not dying
>The break was health related
>She just needed to take it easy for a while and improve her lifestyle

>> No.39195368

>She is not dying
>The break was health related
>She just needed to take it easy for a while and improve her lifestyle
False, she was working on priestess duties while ghosting hololive and all of us who cared about her

>> No.39195407

Souce? Your ass, of course
>False, she was working on priestess duties while ghosting hololive and all of us who cared about her
Two months is enough to rest for a while and then get back to drawing for a couple of weeks.

>> No.39195426
File: 111 KB, 696x478, Ina stealing christmas collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because her goal is to destroy the spirit of christmas

>no friends or family, just wageslaving all year
>watching vtubers is closest i can get to having a social life by immersing myself
>holoEN becomes like a family
>only one time a year the whole family gets together
>Ina decides to come back 2 weeks after Christmas instead

i am so mad, she ruined Christmas!

>> No.39195693

She rested for a couple weeks and then went back to drawing etc... she literally said this in her member post.

>> No.39195734

>she ruined Christmas!

>> No.39195814

No, she said she rested for a couple of weeks, then got a cold, went back to her parents' home and forgot her phone. She could have been easily away from work for 1 month.

>> No.39195817

What's guaranteeing she won't burn out and need another 2-3 month break next year?
If it happens once it can happen again, she's not built for continuous streaming and the life as a streamer and content creator

>> No.39195909

Ah yes, right. She forgot her phone that was just down the street. Meanwhile we have literal proof that she was still drawing during her break, which she said she wasn't going to do by the way.

>> No.39195932

>What's guaranteeing
Absolutely nothing, because she will do it again.

>> No.39195942

>What's guaranteeing she won't burn out and need another 2-3 month break next year?
She will

>> No.39196090

If there is one thing I've learned about Ina these past years is that she is really good at not keeping her promises.

>> No.39196096

the fact her parents' house is like a block away and yet she couldn't go back to get the phone actually makes it look like she caught herself in a web of lies.

so then, if she couldn't get to her phone because it's so far, she was NOT at her parents' actually. she was.. who knows. the most charitable rrat I would give for the holidays is she had a secret meeting with Ame to record a christmas 3D or something with the other myths and can't say anything or it's spoiled.

but I get the impression, that is not what happened. I think she got stuck playing final fantasy and working on various priestess duties projects. of which it's like, that's not wrong at all, she can enjoy herself doing other things, just like I/we all do. it's just, if had a million people waiting on me, I would have put the bare minimum into checking in with my fans even like once every 2 weeks or something. takes 5-10 mins to make a thoughtful-seeming member post. instead she seemed to have kind of panicked here and made a very very long post (full of typos) trying to make up for it all on now realizing how long it's been.

>> No.39196283

>instead she seemed to have kind of panicked
Management getting sick of it more like

>> No.39196439

be honest did any of you actually watch Ina stream or just the clip ?

>> No.39196574

Not a single one since her debut

>> No.39196879

>has 5min to tweet
>has no 5min to appear in the advent calendar
Ina confirmd as the Cringe

>> No.39197734

>Yeah, I'm sure she was really suffering from having to play videogames for a living.
She also have an art job and have to meet deadlines, thinking about it it was when i was helping with a doujin on top of working shifts when the stress got really fucking bad.

>> No.39198388

I don't even know anymore what kind of point you are trying to make. I'm saying that Ina took the break in part for resting (she spent the previous weeks to the announcement complaining about how bad she was feeling), and she simply ended up not doing any hololive related activity because she didn't care that much about it. But she not caring strongly about her fans doesn't mean that she didn't need to rest, or that she spent the whole break doing work for gachashit.

She is not a monster who hates her fans, and she is not either a saint that can't do no wrong. Sometimes people just fuck up.

>> No.39198660

>hates her fans
She just doesn't give a single fuck about them.

I don't have a problem with going on a break. That's good thing actually, since she was obviously burnt out. She even might fixed her health a bit.

But shittiest lies I've ever heard are completely different thing. If you can't be bothered to reach out to fans for more than two months, what's the fucking point?

>> No.39198683

My point is that she lied, including about her health, because she doesn't care about us takos. Maybe that doesn't matter to you but it does to me.

>> No.39198768

>the fact her parents' house is like a block away and yet she couldn't go back to get the phone actually makes it look like she caught herself in a web of lies.
That's pretty much my take. She mentioned the phone stuff because she was perfectly aware of her promise to the takos, but even so she didn't feel like tweeting or posting anything. To me it feels like management talked with her when they saw the chumbuds going schizo and realized that most of the EN talents were on a break, and she made some shit up in a hurry to at least give the impression that she wasn't really ignoring anyone.

>My point is that she lied, including about her health
The thing is that you don't know that. But if you want to think that she lied to you about her health, then that's fine. Go nuts.

>> No.39198911

>The thing is that you don't know that. But if you want to think that she lied to you about her health, then that's fine. Go nuts.
She barely mentioned it in her member post and when she gets back nothing will have changed. Everyone will be saying how happy they are that she is feeling better and all she will do is gloss over it real quick and move on like it's nothing.

>> No.39199436

>Everyone will be saying how happy they are that she is feeling better and all she will do is gloss over it real quick and move on like it's nothing.
That seems like a you problem, honestly. She could be terminally ill and just not wanting to talk about it in her member post. Or just be the healthiest person in the world and have been lying since her debut. You don't know shit.

>> No.39199513

She can give estimation of her comeback lol so even when shes tweeting, no one would think shes coming back.

>> No.39200308

If her return date of January 8th is true, I think the conspiracy theories of her being pregnant/having a newborn child are plausible. After all, some of you here showed that Japan's paid maternity leave is 14 weeks (About 3-ish months). So that checks out. We should all congratulate her in the chat of her return stream for the newborn child in her life.

>> No.39200385

>comparing nipponese princess to korean dog that grew up in the west

>> No.39203149

Please tell me that cuckodachis aren't buying this bs excuse

>> No.39203433

Anon, they will accept anything.

>> No.39203691

Not really, they are instead trying to pretend that Ina said she was going to ghost them for 2 or 3 months at least.

>> No.39203995

This whole thing with ghosting made me think that cuckodachi might be the biggest parasocial loser among all vtuber fandom.

Being hypocrisy and playing white knight simp yo get attention from e-whore is fucking pathetic.

Pretending that they are not in parasocial relationship when they are one of the worst.

>> No.39207226

>So if she felt well enough to tweet then why didnt she just give updates during her break?
Because she literally does not care. She's rich as fuck and can continue doing her side hobbies that she enjoys more while profiting off of doing nothing.
Myth made enough money during the pandemic to where they can take 3 months off and not have to worry about it, they literally passively generate revenue by existing and will continue to do things like this until people stop supporting the behavior.
Gura is a prime example of it in fact

>> No.39207337
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This. There needs to be a mass boycott of Myth and other vtuber groups. But realistically speaking, that would never happen. Too many simps and losers willing to give up their disposable income to these attention whores.

>> No.39208039

The whole situation with Gura and Ina, along with Mori that happened earlier this year, made me realize holoEN fans are cucked up the ass. It's fucking embarrassing how they'll accept anything their oshi does without questioning.

>> No.39209030

Doesn't change the fact that she lied and will never give a shit about you

>> No.39209113

But she didn't lie.

>> No.39209179

She did, keep coping simp

>> No.39209223

Like you've been doing all thread?

>> No.39209241


>> No.39210668

Well, to be fair Ayame also stops streaming (even if she tweets) to play games and when she comes back after 1 or 2 months she gets showered in red supas by cuck nips too

>> No.39211856
File: 71 KB, 761x960, 3 Sets Of 3 Minute Conversations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're only going to stream a half-dozen times per year, why even be a vtuber? Clearly, something else in your life is taking up the vast majority of your time.
