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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.69 MB, 1000x1000, 1671222520682200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39135311 No.39135311 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Next Stream

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>Kiki Koikatsu Archive

>Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Kikiholes (champ-made MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection:

>Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack)

>KikiRPG preview video:

>Kikikore album by Anon:

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Recent Stream Highlights
fish song: https://a.pomf.cat/aeacxh.mp4
aeroplane over the city: https://a.pomf.cat/wjhylp.mp4
use the map: https://files.catbox.moe/aw0xm7.mp4
close!: https://files.catbox.moe/poeewl.webm
never give up!: https://files.catbox.moe/aw39kk.webm
poGOD: https://files.catbox.moe/69460u.mp4
sogig: https://files.catbox.moe/jq5ze9.webm
tomorrow: https://files.catbox.moe/uivw32.mp4
around the world: https://files.catbox.moe/rl5us8.mp4
sick uooooh: https://files.catbox.moe/jyb50w.mp4
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki



/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Last thread

>> No.39135327
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>> No.39135352
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Kiki Dress-up Fashion Show template has been released. Guidelines and additional base models can be found in the community post:

>> No.39135371
File: 138 KB, 1106x712, mug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*still going on*
Mug Competition Template has been released! Read the community post for more info:

>> No.39135421 [DELETED] 
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Supposed to start at 7AM PT but might be delayed until after Kiki's stream. Wait for further info soon.

>> No.39135470

Kiki Love!

>> No.39135490


>> No.39135510
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Supposed to start at 7AM PT but might be delayed until after Kiki's stream. Wait for further info soon.

>> No.39135526


>> No.39135771
File: 1.01 MB, 1180x2531, Kiki Pyon Pyon 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are playing a friendly divegrass match! /pyon/ vs /doog/ will be held on January 5th at 17:00 UTC (2AM JST). Let's score sum fakin goals and have fun!
Goal horn and chant suggestions are welcome.

>> No.39135799

gigins love!

this will be fun

>> No.39135907

its not zelda? but why..

>> No.39135976
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Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.39136253

Had a dream about eating sushi that was still alive and squirming.

>> No.39136666

she is...?

>> No.39136713

but kilinkki isnt a lesbian

>> No.39136974

I'm ready!

>> No.39137376

wasted get

>> No.39137700

lol newfag can't triforce

>> No.39138011

want to just wait until tomorrow kiki since it's going to be really late for you

>> No.39138085

she isn't going to sleep though and that next stream will be delayed as well

>> No.39138094

she can make that decision herself anon. if it really is too late for her she wouldn't decide to stream at this time, you don't know her sleep schedule.

>> No.39138147

he isn't deciding for her, he's merely suggesting and that's fair, though i disagree with his suggestion

>> No.39138165

She doesn't have one, but i agree she knows what is best

>> No.39138408

Looking forward to it

>> No.39138424
File: 52 KB, 259x203, 1664413438057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this rabb!

>> No.39138460

pumping kiki is my favorite exercise!

>> No.39138489
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I rike eating keeklets, scrumptious

>> No.39138513


>> No.39138523


>> No.39138760

next couple of areas are spppooky
baby rabbit will piss her pants

>> No.39138973

her pants? my mouth

>> No.39139262
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>> No.39139279


>> No.39139298

Goodnight and sweet dreams Kiki

>> No.39139320

Nini kiki

>> No.39139341

back to this then?
i guess we'll give champs a little bit longer to trickle in

>> No.39139350

I was just thinking of posting this.

>> No.39139388

bunny love, sleepy time <3

>> No.39139540

Have nice Zuzuzu, Gigi
I'll go to sleep too

>> No.39139628
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>> No.39139675


>> No.39139686
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Hellsing Ultimate

Starting in 1 hour:


>> No.39139793

Kiki love!

>> No.39139794
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hi i'm champa

>> No.39139844

ogey i'll be there

>> No.39139857

I hat to go out for half an hour, god its cold out there
I want nothing more than to hug Kiki and let her warm up today

>> No.39139910


>> No.39139946

It's very cold out here too, went outside for a ciggy and my nose went numb in 10 minutes

>> No.39140025

warm me up*

>> No.39140196

only -12c here, basically beach weather

>> No.39140276

holy shit, jelly bean shoes

>> No.39140326

what the fuckity

>> No.39140447

funny little characters

>> No.39141965

>pg 7

>> No.39142020

hello, we're all getting ready to watch hellsing in cytube soon, feel free to join us

>> No.39142191


>> No.39142717

this has more CG than i remember

>> No.39142751

Make sure to still talk here when the movie is on. don't want thread to die

>> No.39142771

ok captain obvious

>> No.39142789

no need to be so agressive

>> No.39142840

i think a short 5 min break in between each episode would be good for that

>> No.39143024
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nta, but you are a little baby

>> No.39143268

no isreal

>> No.39143344
File: 84 KB, 850x1120, 1669010329867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nani!?? what you say?
why you no play to jeeeeezusss christo??
fucka youu!!

>> No.39143436


>> No.39143633

i will start today

>> No.39144061

no life king? he's just like me

>> No.39144126

we are all kiki life kings now

>> No.39144144

holy shit i love this ost

>> No.39144657
File: 292 KB, 1723x1775, 1657425745122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only pray to kiki's fatt ass

>> No.39144745


>> No.39144796

but worshipping the fatted calves is forbidden

>> No.39144934


>> No.39145605


>> No.39145757

I got invited to a christmas party but I'm not going, even though I said I would the day before...

>> No.39145911

That's not very humble

>> No.39146573

i would have done the same, christmas parties and paties in general are exhausting

>> No.39146741

clussy ToT

>> No.39147187

It is better to die by Kiki sitting on your face than to live. Period.

>> No.39148088
File: 59 KB, 75x82, 1656584066883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me

>> No.39148700
File: 71 KB, 850x841, 1663592302163.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i want maccies

>> No.39149027

cute gif

>> No.39149220
File: 1.03 MB, 1408x793, 1641777558216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

acktually its a webm

>> No.39149241

it's a kiki

>> No.39149618

if anyone is late to the party, we're watching hellsing in cytube, and read the thread baka

>> No.39149778

I hope that's a champy flavored smoothie in that cup

>> No.39149839


>> No.39150016

Extra thick

>> No.39150062

only the best for gigi

>> No.39150499

do you like war champs?

>> No.39150708

If commander Gigi is leading the way, then yes

>> No.39150793

sounds like something for someone else to do while i cuddle up in my bedsheets to be real

>> No.39150978

in any case, i hope the shadow temple treats kiki better than that no good leaky pipe hole in the ground from last time. Whats it like comparatively speaking? less fidly i hope for kikis sake

>> No.39151006

I was going to say war is bad for the individual but good for the species, but AKCHUALLY I watched Dutton talk about how war is dysgenic. The genetically fit people are more likely to be sent off to die and the weaker survive on average.

>> No.39151094

i think it is a lot more straightforward, pretty short too from what i remember, just a little spooky

>> No.39151615

It used to be eugenic in the past but industrialized warfare made it a randon meatgrinder.

>> No.39151698

return to melee combat

>> No.39151872

i would be in favour of this

>> No.39152170

i would prefer if all warfare was conducted via giant mechs

>> No.39152230

I second this

>> No.39152237

only if the mechs use melee weapons

>> No.39152566 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 587x625, francis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?


>> No.39152615
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So, rock em sock em robots?

>> No.39153134
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.39153150
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'…in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace-and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock'.

The quote isn't quite accurate to real life, but conflict tends to breed advancement and evolution. The whole of life on the planet exists as it does because of the arms race of acquiring energy and nutrients, and producing offspring. I don't like it, in the same way I don't like vomiting: it's an extremely unpleasant thing, but it serves a vital purpose. The problem is when the "war" ceases to be war, and turns into a single hegemon just pruning dissenters over and over. That's complete stagnation.

>> No.39153324

stream time changed

>> No.39153337


>> No.39153416


>> No.39153458

cant wait!

>> No.39153552

A lot more linear

>> No.39154000

Cute edit!

>> No.39154295

actually she has to do a mini dungeon before the shadow temple, the mini dungeon is just plain creepy

>> No.39154450

mighty good!

>> No.39154499

Looking forward to our humble Kikimas

>> No.39154677

i wish we were better than that

>> No.39155560

I consider it an extension of the temple itself

>> No.39155608

meant for >>39154295

>> No.39156513

anybody watch drifters? is that a good watchalong?

>> No.39156685

I wanted to watch it but then just stopped around ep 3-4. I guess it's fine but not great?

>> No.39156906


>> No.39156917

thanks for putting this on champ!

>> No.39156931

thanks to all who came for the marathon, we didn't quite finish but it was fun, maybe tomorrow we can wrap up the last three eps if there is nothing going on

>> No.39156989

I had fun watching with you guys, looking forward to the rest

>> No.39157721
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this is my 2nd favourite temple, can't wait to see her play it

>> No.39158801

so did she only sleep six hours?

>> No.39158857

they call her the sleep deprived rabbit

>> No.39158911

also occasionally known as the well-slept rabbit

>> No.39159037


>> No.39159465
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nta, but personally, I think it should be more dynamic and profitable. Make mech fighting a one on one high stakes combat sport, a tournament even.
Think One Must Fall 2097

>> No.39159616

imagine being bonked by susan lol
just don't type dumb stuff lmao

>> No.39160544

waiting for rabba

>> No.39160595

she's grabbing a few extra Zus methinks

>> No.39160761

safe bet

>> No.39161835
File: 13 KB, 182x224, flex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Champy
Buff and handsome
What can I eat?
Squats and Oaties
Protein Powder
Kiki's Kiki
I lift, I wage, I don't wear shirts
Yeah, Muscles for me
I'm a Champ and everyday is so lovely
*multiple champ harmonization moment*
I have got my Kiki here to cuddle all day
Pet her head and praise her
It's a rabbity day
Rabbit living, Can (You) dig it
Let's dance and say
Everyone should live their lives the rabbity way~
*multiple Champy harmonization moment*

>> No.39161945

experience tells me i should nap so i don't fall asleep when she does stream

>> No.39162008

yes. this is wise.

>> No.39162066 [DELETED] 

to the 10 champs who voted but didn't come to the marathon is say: ni

>> No.39162095 [DELETED] 


>> No.39162136

to the 10 champs who voted but didn't come to the marathon i say: ni

>> No.39162209


>> No.39162327

I need to work until I drop anyway so what happens, happens

>> No.39162904

I should probably go to sleep but I dont wanna

>> No.39164256

i suggested hellsing and i knew i would never be able to watch it with you

>> No.39164344

it was tied with NHK...

>> No.39165578

If you're tired anon sleep you kiki would tell you to

>> No.39166660

all good, so long as you didn't vote

>> No.39167339
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>> No.39167525
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what did champ mean by this

>> No.39168243

i missed kiki!

>> No.39168359

understandable, she is a pretty smol target

>> No.39168959

I miss gigigins

>> No.39170894

youtube counts everything as dumb

>> No.39172893

trying really hard not to gloat about calling it

>> No.39173204

I'm going to try and take another nap, nini champs

>> No.39173349


>> No.39173877

the shadow banning thing they do is insidious, tech giants say they don't do it, but they're all rotten liars

>> No.39174032

thank you for delaying the stream until i finished my family reps gigi.

>> No.39174263

rabba rabbu!

>> No.39175163

im glad i decided to nap

>> No.39175813

hope you slept nice. kiki is almost at 7 hours so we should hear from her soon

>> No.39175995
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I've been in wagie hell for the past 48 hours or so, didn't even have time to check the threads. What have I missed?

>> No.39176127

a nice 5h zelda stream, an unlisted zatsu, and champs watching hellsing on cytube.

>> No.39176147

gorgeous picture of kikins in the op
back from another 8 hours for moving furniture for old lady, now I can get comfy for lolibaba time

>> No.39176176

i apologize, was doing family reps all day. if theres a stream tomorrow, ill be there

>> No.39176613

Ogey, just the expected stuff, then. I suppose that's good. I seem to always miss out on some crazy or rare shit whenever I am deprived of Kiki time.
I hope I can catch some of her upcoming stream before I pass out.

>> No.39176810

welcome back champs, it wasn't the same without you guys around

>> No.39176876

i've been playing hollow knight recently, i must say it's not as easy as kiki makes it look, i died to the first boss like 5 times

>> No.39176878

yeah nothing crazy this time. it's hard to say what time she'll reschedule the stream at. lately when she misses the starting time she'll reschedule it 6 hours out if not more. might be worth going to sleep now if you can.

>> No.39177260

first break since waging til i drop after the watchalong. didn't drop yet so i'll continue after some sammiches

>> No.39177475
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oh thats very nice of you to say champa
hopefully kiki is getting plenty of zuzu and honk-shoo's with little man

>> No.39177500
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Thanks. Have a humble rab. It's about all I can accomplish right now.
Damn, it was sounding like she might be streaming soonish. I must have misinterpreted the situation. Oh well. If I go to sleep now I'm going to be out for a long time. Hope I don't miss her.

>> No.39177562

we are the champyons, my rabs

>> No.39177591

And we'll keep on rabbin', til the end

>> No.39177852
File: 25 KB, 259x224, heroic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the Champyons
We are the Champyons

>> No.39177885

leave waiting room open and turn up speakers?

>> No.39178076

Can't do that for multiple reasons.
One being that I'm currently staying at a friend's place until I can get back into my own place so I can't do anything that would disturb them, two being that I'm probably going to be in a sleep coma for the next ten hours and third being that I only have headphones right now anyway since all my shit is in storage.
The best I can do is hope that Susan's late ass Live alert on my phone will wake me up.

>> No.39178532
File: 2.91 MB, 856x640, washwashwashwash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figured there were circumstances. i guess the best we can hope for is a good rab-filled bunday

>> No.39178710

Just gonna do my best to stay awake and see how it goes. Music and art reps for me.

>> No.39179202

Is her hair really that tasty?

>> No.39179315

Only one way to find out.

>> No.39180510

the game get easier once you grow your rabbit ears out, dont worry

>> No.39181033

She's fucking dead

>> No.39181087
File: 202 KB, 494x510, 1658375600426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she's just busy practicing her humble face in the mirror in preparation for the next stream

>> No.39181119

yeah, by me

>> No.39181301
File: 17 KB, 246x224, hearts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the humble rab~

>> No.39181385

HOLY humble

>> No.39181414

No time for geeses

>> No.39181651

so humble, truly a rabbit of the people

>> No.39181698

Cause we are the Champyons of the world~

>> No.39181849


>> No.39181924
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1663196917864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we drawing humble rabbs?

>> No.39181935

I was about go to bed, but I am staying awake for rab!

>> No.39181944

good morning sleepy, missed yah!

>> No.39181986

I wonder what the most humblest rab in the universe looks like. Would we be able to handle it?

>> No.39182003

Many pleasant returns, Rab

>> No.39182015

good morning kiki <3

>> No.39182055
File: 486 KB, 500x727, 1640180578477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, Kiki! Hope you feel well-rested. Missed ya

>> No.39182161

im still waging and tired so i'll mostly be lurking

>> No.39182384

ok, i had a really weird vivid and kino dream, i ran away from my home with nothing but my coat and my kiki daki and i went on this journey of self discovery as i was chased and rediculoued by the homless while trying to protect my daki's innocence from the world, i specifically remember it had it's own soundtrack like i was in a movie and the song was really good
that is all

>> No.39182602

That actually happened last night, Champa

>> No.39182719
File: 133 KB, 397x440, 1662340498609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rab in two minutes?! DYRBI

>> No.39182813

looks like you made the right call fren

>> No.39183026

i must stop falling for bait

>> No.39183081

la rabba è mobile

>> No.39183293


>> No.39183382
File: 3.23 MB, 210x240, motivated[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuh4hjm.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39183518
File: 467 KB, 640x800, 1656101495560.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just notice the (You), that's me on the right guys

>> No.39183590

im a rabbit in the bread

>> No.39183594

oh, that was (you)? can i have your autograph?

>> No.39183631


>> No.39183726
File: 83 KB, 480x480, 1664533924619577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39183731

the next part is spooky, kiki you WILL pee

>> No.39183849

the two parts of that sentence are not related though

>> No.39183985

little man stop torrenting movies while kiki is streaming

>> No.39184018
File: 62 KB, 327x351, 1657925317609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39184060

don't insult my wife, you poo

>> No.39184071

kiki stop being insulting my wife or i will anti you

>> No.39184092
File: 202 KB, 494x510, 1657888842959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39184097

did you liek the op image kiki?

>> No.39184100

This issue has come up everytime we've stayed on the title screen for a long time.
Press start

>> No.39184155

maybe your stuff is overheating that can screw with it

>> No.39184175

hows little man been holding up

>> No.39184192

Let us know who is your ISP. Champy's will go to the office and beat them all up.

>> No.39184198
File: 631 KB, 934x886, 1644182518799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wifi doesn't work well in the heat, use ethernet

>> No.39184216

thats too many steps for her

>> No.39184238

i'll spam their inbox with angry photos of rabbits

>> No.39184287

Time to win the lottery and revolutionize Australian internet infrastructure

>> No.39184294
File: 181 KB, 2047x1597, 1642425508313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't need those tabs can i have them gigi?

>> No.39184297
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, computerknowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats RAM? that stuff you download?

>> No.39184370

how much was it? give us the deets

>> No.39184419

it's money well spent because it improves both yourself and our enjoyment

>> No.39184429

i wanna kno!

>> No.39184476

kiki i shoveled my snow twice today, i'll come dump some snow on you to cool you down

>> No.39184513

>spends more money on your rigging than your PC
big thinks

>> No.39184528
File: 73 KB, 256x256, 1658514315161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't surprising, that is what you said the rigging would have costed last time, riggers are expensive

>> No.39184584

Watch the stream go smoothly once she gets into the game, and then Zatsu on the title screen again next stream with "connection issues"

>> No.39184611

Oh man did you get 2wintails for your rigging? I hope so

>> No.39184612

2 for 1? sweeeet, i can't wait to see your new rigging, i already think your current rigging is pretty good, well it come with overlays or antyhing?

>> No.39184693
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by 2024 i will be a good enough artist to be kiki's model artist
i drew this

>> No.39184732

hi kiki

>> No.39184763

Let me hire you, Kiki.

>> No.39184767

is onee-pyon ogey?

>> No.39184795

pffftt surrree

>> No.39184896

nobody else is coming just start the game

>> No.39184910

kiki is my profressional hiki rabbit wife

>> No.39184925

he's trying to reverse psychology you into zatsu'ing more

>> No.39184937

please take your time and start when you please

>> No.39184968

how much cokiecola did you drink today?

>> No.39184998

i get the impression vtuber corpo ceo's think of themselves as pimps

>> No.39185000
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that is called hunger

>> No.39185056

only give your rabbit head pats when they eat or she'll learn wrong

>> No.39185055

i am happy for you rabbit, as long as it makes you happy

>> No.39185086

lots to look foward to

>> No.39185127

>my specialty

>> No.39185132
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your special tea? can i have some?

>> No.39185207

i will murder them

>> No.39185241

Just ignore them and don't even talk about them. Don't give the salty impotent autist the attention they seek

>> No.39185247

kiki lives in many people's minds. some happily some not so much.

>> No.39185259

from my time lurking other threads, it seems unfortunately that all chuubas get schizos

>> No.39185263

I sent you a funny google maps one for you to show on stream

>> No.39185305
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HOLY based

>> No.39185316

shes only half axis for gods sake

>> No.39185322

the six million orcs

>> No.39185348

That's funny. I just drew Kiki in a nazi outfit.

>> No.39185356
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>> No.39185370

post it

>> No.39185394

i shall draw kiki in traditional jewish garb

>> No.39185396


>> No.39185399

it's aesthetic

>> No.39185414
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Nazis had and still have some of the best looking uniforms of all time. Fact.

>> No.39185423

would be funny if you arent joking

>> No.39185438
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Like this?

>> No.39185477

i feel like he is just edgy as a facade

>> No.39185479

I guess the rabb must literally be Satan now...anyways *sips kwaffy*

>> No.39185503

I fucking hate jews and I literally never involve myself with them.

>> No.39185509

he's extremely intelligent

>> No.39185510

military uniforms are huge in japan

>> No.39185534
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oh thanks!

>> No.39185560
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I didn't use a reference I just drew a swastika on her arm lol

>> No.39185572

i had iced tea and my cat was drinking out of it while i wasn't looking

>> No.39185585


>> No.39185586

mein fraulein

>> No.39185591

lol that is really cute anon, draw more kiki

>> No.39185601

kiki ist meine schatz

>> No.39185608

heil gigi

>> No.39185657

furious box grinder

>> No.39185676
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it's ironic that we are having this conversation since a lot of champs watched Hellsing Ultimate today

>> No.39185699

artfrens get on drawing kiki with that face

>> No.39185731

dude is living his best life seething

>> No.39185755

yes, there was some funny engrish, lots of violence, and lots of chuni edge
in otherwords, just a regular day at pyon

>> No.39185806

"literally kiki" talked about kid link ruining everything. that's a hint

>> No.39185816

i feel like being a gravekeeper would be a pretty comfy job, just digging holes.. tending to dead people

>> No.39185839
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yes i can see look

>> No.39185884

you need a song to get up there

>> No.39185900
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i really enjoyed making that totally legit triforce

>> No.39185907

nocture of shadow is my fav song in zelda

>> No.39185944

>you win gannondorf. i'm going home

>> No.39185946

close your eyes we will guide you through with our chat messages

>> No.39185979

scary? no. mentally scarring and trauma inducing? yes, jk it's not that scary, the part in the well is worse

>> No.39186014

there's a great fairy fountain that gives you an item that lets you cast a big fire all at once

>> No.39186015

hint: no kiki you need a spell from the fairy in one of the fountains

>> No.39186056

no you get it near hyrile castle as kid

>> No.39186066

gigi i'm all sweaty and take you in the shower with me now

>> No.39186074

i will hang on to kiki's bumbum

>> No.39186135

me shoving my dick in kikis cunny

>> No.39186167

getting din's fire probably eluded a lot of people but the game gives big hints about all of these things for those who take the time to talk to everybody

>> No.39186188

did she get the lens of truth yet?

>> No.39186213

every citizen of hyrule? literally all kiki

>> No.39186277

i remember back in the day before internet you had to buy game guides to get walkthroughs for these kinds of games, and they had really cool art

>> No.39186317

i held on to them. giant stack of shitty little books

>> No.39186352

can't tell you how many times i tried to draw the one of link drawing his bow

>> No.39186359

she acts improperly towards link

>> No.39186367

wonder how far she'd get in the temple without it

>> No.39186385

kiki has the best triangle boobs, even though they aren't triangles and they are actually flat

>> No.39186398

while you're a kid, you should give that box grinder a visit too

>> No.39186422

kiki pay a visit to the well as a kid

>> No.39186488

time travel is a really cool and unerutilized mechanic in vidya

>> No.39186549

>8 hours of moving furniture
damn how much furniture does one old lady have??

>> No.39186622

he should fix his roof, it has holes in it

>> No.39186642

my roof has holes in it when kiki sings

>> No.39186648

be brave little rabba

>> No.39186687

kiki you've killed that monster many times before lolol

>> No.39186729

that skeleton is just like me

>> No.39186738 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.39186766


>> No.39186768

kiki when she sees champa irl

>> No.39186787

Kek love it

>> No.39186793

holy kek

>> No.39186795

that was fast

>> No.39186828

the toad schizo to music box schizo pipeline is amazing

>> No.39186833


>> No.39186878


>> No.39186884

looking helps

>> No.39186890

try hitting all the walls

>> No.39186909

kiki is wall hacking

>> No.39186935

kiki will die three times in this dungeon

>> No.39186975

haha sewer girl

>> No.39186992

kiki i want my mummy

>> No.39187036

Pretend it's a Mummy Champ <3

>> No.39187051
File: 12 KB, 224x224, 1643900865283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was me in those bandages raping you, kiki why did you stab me

>> No.39187079

light up more torches

>> No.39187082

try lighting the rest

>> No.39187122

shields are for casuals

>> No.39187225

baker is on dooty

>> No.39187234

the statue says

>> No.39187244

haha kiki is swimming in some statues vommit, vommit girl

>> No.39187311

that poo is kiki when she is dooming

>> No.39187313

protip: the day changing song will petrify those zombies

>> No.39187334


>> No.39187353


>> No.39187356

2.5k sqft house moved one truck at a time
it was less than fun but worth the effort

>> No.39187393

this kiki try playing the sun song to those dudes

>> No.39187472

you know there is a hotkey for that right

>> No.39187501

maybe you can blow up that dirt pile in the corner

>> No.39187508

that trash heap with a large red gash can be blown up
i only say this because it is unintuitive

>> No.39187528

do the piles in your room look like that?

>> No.39187536

MAN that dirt pile took me FOREVER to find as a kid

>> No.39187596

this level reminds me of those catacombs in france

>> No.39187673

use the abbo shooty stick

>> No.39187730
File: 703 KB, 2743x3013, ICPkiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say juggalo?

>> No.39187804

i wonder why those dudes are chained to the walls, who put them there and why

>> No.39187810

Milk makes you humble, shapely and fertile.

>> No.39187833

I want to give Kiki a milk enema

>> No.39187864

Kiki was about to say the nword

>> No.39187885

kiki got baited

>> No.39187925

throw a bomb at him

>> No.39187927

bombs are fastest

>> No.39187988

he's just like me frfr

>> No.39188003

this room is like a checker board

>> No.39188010

Kiki advocates eugenics. Just like me frfr

>> No.39188016

How does she get the lens of truth

>> No.39188060

that guy is on a fast track to getting told to stfu kek

>> No.39188068

there is an item in this dungeon that makes this easier. you can come back to that room later

>> No.39188114

I love my dumb bimbo humble rabbit daughterwife!

>> No.39188166

The woman excuse

>> No.39188189

Women aren’t very good at games except for Animal Crossing and Pokemon but it’s endearing to see them try

>> No.39188190

shes 15.5 though

>> No.39188213

kiki is very humble

>> No.39188220

kiki is good at a lot of games though

>> No.39188259

No offence to Kiki I love her but she’s passing not good exactly but I enjoy that too

>> No.39188274

Didn't you know women aren't good at anything according to pyon and kiki

>> No.39188285

just trying to get a rise out of ya rabba head

>> No.39188287

She's pretty good at crash

>> No.39188300
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>> No.39188340

No she's a woman she said she isn't good herself

>> No.39188358

real autism hours

>> No.39188371

Yeah but if a male picked the game up they’d immediately surpass her. You see, women don’t think outside the box the way males do, but they have strengths in other areas males don’t too

>> No.39188385

it's not because you're a woman, it's because you're streaming

>> No.39188394

kiki is good at games she's just says she's a woman because it's an excuse

>> No.39188411
File: 13 KB, 203x224, shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care how good Kiki is at games
I love her regardless

>> No.39188418

He might be baiting, but I'm masterbaiting (not really, I'm watching my Gran Gran for the night :) )

>> No.39188423

Certain games really bring out the infodumpers in chat

>> No.39188438

it's always the n64 games kek

>> No.39188457

i'm a man, and i'm shit at vidya, who cares about this shit except troons lol

kiki is a qt and i love watching her

>> No.39188458

nah just any popular game. STALKER was like this too

>> No.39188497

Same all this women vs men talk is boring I'm just here to enjoy rab

>> No.39188501

it's not often you can show off your power level for this kinda stuff

>> No.39188510

thank you kiki

>> No.39188521

makoe is being a baiting cunt

>> No.39188536
File: 34 KB, 382x441, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki is humble
and i fucking hate paragraph chatters fuck that stupid nigger

>> No.39188541

kiki ever notice it's the newfags

>> No.39188551

Kiki is a bit too mean today, i'll watch on the backseat today, love ya

>> No.39188552

please bully me gigi

>> No.39188554

Kiki and champys, have you ever tried the multiplayer ocarina mod? I played it sometime ago with my friends and it was crazy fun

>> No.39188568

hi makoe

>> No.39188579

bye makoe

>> No.39188597


>> No.39188607

i want to say something but i don't want to backseat. this post is how i cope

>> No.39188634

no need to defend yourself rabba, you aren't being mean or nothing honestly

>> No.39188640

kiki they're making jorks

>> No.39188660

your sister's a cunt m8

>> No.39188695

everyone in this thread is a faggot nigger

>> No.39188719
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i love bantz

>> No.39188720

germans don't get it

>> No.39188724

I think eye of truth might be needed

>> No.39188727

I'm guessing that's cuz banter might get you killed in merica

>> No.39188733

gigi's whispering eye is all that's needed

>> No.39188737

banting btw

>> No.39188738

Don't talk about yourself that way

>> No.39188745

i wanted to reach across my screen and punch that OoT wiki nerd in the face, your composure was amazing

>> No.39188770

he was worse than a wiki nerd, he was a speedrunning troon

>> No.39188771

i got a glock in my rari

>> No.39188795

absolutely psychotic opinion

>> No.39188800

i honestly couldn't tell if he was baiting or not, who talks like that lmao

>> No.39188823


>> No.39188825

tyrone killed me when i banted with him so its true

>> No.39188842

be nice to the newfag

>> No.39188853

I mean... once you get the lens of truth, there's no point in fucking around in the rest of the dungeon. Not unless you need rupees and gold skulltulas and other miscellaneous junk.

>> No.39188856

I think it was just some genuine autism

>> No.39188871

i am nice to most newfags, even infodumpers. usually they are friendly but he was sperging

>> No.39188877

no fuck you, 99.9% of chatters are fine, he was a freak

>> No.39188887

OoT wiki fag vs Pacman world 2 fag, who comes out on top?

>> No.39188891

That whole "When I say do X, it means DO X"
Any respect for him went right out the fucking window. What a cunt.

>> No.39188911

ah shit my bad didn't know you had the facts to back it up

>> No.39188926

Does the well normally take this long? I thought it was a 30-minute dungeon

>> No.39188927

kiki you should play pacman world 2

>> No.39188935

hopefully no one

>> No.39188958

I don't even remember this dungeon

>> No.39188964

>>39188891 (me)
..and that whole "I've been playing this game for 21 years, I know what I'm talking about" I knew I had to step in and say something, because he really was treating it as like a dick measuring contest.

>> No.39188968

they fall in love and make ultra autismo babies that plague streamers across the world with random knowledge dumbs and backseating

>> No.39188996

going in blind is different. and she is double blind

>> No.39188999

ok chat janny

>> No.39189027

your stepping in didn't amount to much

>> No.39189032

he's not wrong thread janny

>> No.39189040

your stepping in did amount to much

>> No.39189055
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>> No.39189057

i was glad when you stepped in

>> No.39189069

i just block every wave of wordy spergs that show up each new game. it makes chat more comfy

>> No.39189086

Can we trust kiki with high yield explosives?

>> No.39189090

It's actually a 5 minute dungeon.

>> No.39189108

why are you posting like this, I know it's always you

>> No.39189141

nta but why do you care so much, stop being a schizo and get over your random namefag vandetta you cringe faggot

>> No.39189160

meds and champy unity

>> No.39189207

I have nothing against him but it's annoying, he acts like a tripfag sometimes

>> No.39189213

crouton champs..
