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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39106911 No.39106911 [Reply] [Original]

> people asking for mainly English-speaking vtuber in agency (Hololive/Nijisanji)
> Easiest way to do that is getting western women.
> Hires western women
> Get surprised by their values.

why is /vt/ like this?

>> No.39107648

what is this weird assumption that only western women speak english

>> No.39110758

> Easiest way to do that is getting western women.

Is it really the easiest if they have no work ethic and don't stream?

>> No.39110901

Stop posting that shitty fucking image. The shadow on the face is plain awful, learn to use photoshopped properly before you post images.

Faggot retard.

>> No.39110972

Why are they not realeasing en3?
Is it because they already have enough?
Well can they just fire half of them?
It's not like they are good anyway, Moreover most of them are annoying as well and don't respect japanese culture and community.

They should keep fauna gura kiara (mumei? ame?) and just fire everyone else. Then relesase holo en 3.

Repeat until we have streamers who are good and willing to stream

>> No.39111384
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x768, susi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jerk off to brown women

>> No.39115433

One thing worse than a sexist is a sexist who plays fast and loose with racism because they wanna get their dick wet.

>> No.39115811
File: 276 KB, 490x434, BC567B5A-0022-4B1A-9D1B-FEF375CA1C84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hire Western women
No longer required

>> No.39116007


>> No.39121247


>> No.39124270

There are a few rrats, but the most believable are: the numbers for EN don't warrant another gen and are holding off on it, one of the EN3 has health/availability issues and the debuts were delayed behind the scenes.

>> No.39124458

They have access to better analytics than some autists in a Nepalese painting embroidery forum do, so they most likely concluded it was not worth the risk of debuting another gen with potential redflags

>> No.39124671

I agree, they have a better track but it doesn't take a genius HololiveEN is lagging behind slowly but surely.

However, if the numbers aren't good, it's self sabotage. EN hasn't had anything flashy until the IRyS redebut. No concerts, a handful of covers and originals, a handful of new outfits, etc etc. They're not growing because they aren't investing.

These gens are picked months to a year in advance, so they have been sitting on the chosen talents for a few months now, even if they debut in the spring or summer. I find the decision confusing, but it is a possible reason for the delay.

>> No.39124718

Stop hiring yankees.

>> No.39126941

>These gens are picked months to a year in advance, so they have been sitting on the chosen talents for a few months now, even if they debut in the spring or summer. I find the decision confusing, but it is a possible reason for the delay.
What's more likely, cover having the 5 perfect candidates sitting around for a year without debuting them because they hate money, or they just can't find enough good candidates that are not red flag yabe magnets?

>> No.39126980

I legitimately think the ESL Asian girls in vtubing work harder than any of the western ones. They just seem less entitled on average.

>> No.39127039

>they just can't find enough good candidates that are not red flag yabe magnets
If this is the case then they're retarded and should hire me as a scout because there are plenty of talented indies

>> No.39127077

You don't know everything about those so called talented indies

>> No.39127101

Can't be any worse than Sana.
At least they can actually stream.

>> No.39127144

Nijisanji solved this problem by hiring only asians and ESLs for their English branch

>> No.39127174

Do those talented indies want to join Hololive? Do they fit the culture? No, the real reason is that EN isn't doing well enough financially to justify another gen.

>> No.39127236

>Get surprised by their values.
Your newfag is showing. Many of us pre-myth were concerned that western chuubas would be a fucking disaster for this very reason. Myth was actually a pleasant surprise in how not shit they were for the first year, and it's more a disappointment rather than a surprise that after a couple of years they have devolved into what many of us predicted at the beginning.

>> No.39127238

>be cover recruiter
>find talented indie
>check her PL social accounts
>pronoun farming
>BLM, rainbow flag, Ukraine flag
>throw application into the trash

>> No.39127246

>No concerts, a handful of covers and originals, a handful of new outfits, etc etc. They're not growing because they aren't investing.
I wonder if it's because they thought cover would do all that stuff for them, not realizing that the JP talents pay for most of that shit out of pocket.

>> No.39127284

>debuting new holos not because they met some standards but just for the sake of it
Why would they devaluate their brand like that?

>> No.39127288

If NijiEN are doing well enough to justify spamming waves then HoloEN are definitely doing well enough to justify another gen.

>> No.39127307

>Hires western women
Like half of HoloEN/NijiEN members are Asian

>> No.39127318

Nijisanji accelerates. They don't care if half the waves are 3views

>> No.39127331

An even better comparison is holoID. If ID 1/2 justified ID3, the idea that EN 1/2 don't justify EN3 is insane.

>> No.39127339

>not worth the risk of debuting another gen with potential redflags
But it was worth to rush a male gen when they ended up barely better than the best performing StarsJP member?

>they just can't find enough good candidates that are not red flag yabe magnets
They hired Sana, an artist with little to no streaming experience, only because it worked with Ina and they were friends. Cover does not have this amazing scouting power and often times their good picks are mostly down to luck than actually skill. Not to mention they managed to hire 2 people who didn't know when to shut their mouths during their respective controversies, and even if they weren't career ruining yabs you can't say that they managed to avoid yab magnets. Stop finding excuses for a company that literally threw away their market domination due to sheer incompetency.

Do I need to remind you of Kiara and how she's pretty all of those things and never, EVER, acted like a demented SJW on stream? Coverdrones really have this talent to memory hole everything to defend Cover's retarded decisions.

>> No.39127344

This is what I suspect happened. I don’t think it’s a popular rrat because saying it triggers the inevitable Tempus is EN3 rrats. So let me be clear that I do NOT think that.
I think they intended to debut EN3 two years after EN2 and make this the year of the Tempus debut. I seriously think they were that retarded. Their plan was probably to debut Tempus, have a few collabs to show that Tempus aren’t a bunch of Luxiem knockoffs and that they’re not yume/fujobait, get a bit of traction and start off StarsEN on a good footing, and debut EN3 a year after Tempus.
They didn’t anticipate that “a few collabs, JP-style” would turn into “collab spam that destroys audience trust and enthusiasm”, and the company is slow af with their gens, so they probably can’t rush EN3 even if they tried.
I wouldn’t be surprised if JP wasn’t clued into how badly HoloEN is doing until very recently, because I can certainly imagine EN management ignoring /vt/ as “just a bunch of unicorns seething”. So the rrat is this. One of two things is happening:
>they’re proceeding as usual and hoping (stupidly) that the current talents can hold down the fort until July
>they ARE proceeding ahead of schedule, the current girls know that management are giving up on them, and are just phoning it in and not streaming because they don’t care anymore
If it’s the latter, they know management can’t punish them because a bunch of mass graduations *now* would be terrible for the branch, and again, they’re really slow with things. And a bunch of graduations right before a rushed EN3 debut would ruin the hype. This rrat would probably be confirmed if there’s several graduations at around the time Sana left next year.
Honestly, if they were smart, they’d debut EN3 sometime well before all the mass graduations that would happen if that second possibility is true, so the mass graduations don’t happen until months later. Otherwise, EN3 doesn’t come out until summer, and they’d probably be pressured to renew contracts and let Myth phone it in for another year to avoid the terrible optics.

>> No.39127365

They wouldn't be doing that with EN if they weren't making decent money. They killed ID and KR because they clearly weren't doing well.

>> No.39127406

Sana, Ina, Kronii, Yugo.

>> No.39127414

>people asking for mainly English-speaking vtuber in agency
I never asked for this

>> No.39127470

The males have their own fanbase, albeit small
And you want more Sana's?
Kiara was also a former idol in Japan and knows about the idol culture, so she's willing to shut her mouth about those sjw issues. Now look at Mori, Kronii, the niji EN girls, that juice girl from Iluna, Yugo
Around 10 is the number they want for non JP branches

>> No.39127488

It’s not as if Council has met the supposedly high standards you’re ascribing to the brand. As long as you’re not complete shit, the blue Dorito masks your mediocrity as a streamer. There’s a reason kson isn’t doing so well after leaving.
People watch Hololive for the feeling of participating in something. HoloEN is definitely not the agency with the nine best vtubers in EN vtubing.

>> No.39127529

This 100%

>> No.39127540

The money the Iluna shitters earn is pocket change for cover. They don't want a gen that just breaks even or earns them a couple hundred thousand a year in total

>> No.39127566

So explain holoID getting a third gen while holoEN doesn't?

>> No.39127592

And they don't need more. Their goal is to prop the holo JP talents. The ENs and IDs are just there for those who don't want to watch the JPs

>> No.39127623

I like how everyone is speculating that money and view potential are the only conditions for their hires.

The reason there's no EN3 is because the candidates either don't mesh well with each other or aren't the kind of talent that YAGOO would approve of. Maybe even both or even other factors.

>> No.39127636

They are 3-man gens. In total they have 9, just 1 less than EN

>> No.39127719

Well they lost their near monopoly on EN corpos through incompetence, so it seems to me that they dont have some mastermind 500IQ plan. They don't understand the EN scene and have no clue what they're doing.

>> No.39127730

Maybe hire european women?
Germans have german values, the french have french values etc.
No western value to be seen. Just central european values - the best in the world.

>> No.39127732

They probably don't want more alents to dilute the brand unless they find an absolute gem

>> No.39127746

Makes no sense. You just jumped from insisting that they don't want a gen that doesn't make momey, to saying that for some reason 10 is the magic number that they won't go over?

>> No.39127764

Because Indonesia’s a developing country whose economy has continued to grow, creating more and more people with disposable income to throw at vtubers in superchats. They do it to get a foot in the door. The second biggest corpo in ID is a local Indonesian corpo, maha5 is now way bigger than Nijisanji there. ID will only get more important in the future, and Cover probably figures it’s better to spend money and invest in it now so they’ll benefit from that growth in the future…unlike Nijisanji, who probably stopped caring once Luxiem proved to be a golden egg.
They probably felt the need to stake a claim on male vtubers because of Luxiem. I’m NOT saying they thought Tempus could do as well as Luxiem, just that people wouldn’t automatically think “Nijisanji” when they thought of male EN vtubers.
Honestly, I think HoloEN suffered from success. They probably wanted to take it easy, slowly invest in the EN market, and go at a leisurely pace. But they blew up, and the focus went to protecting their massive lead. Because it’s much easier to tread water and slowly incline rather than be the big name, recline, then incline again when you’re known as “the fallen giant that pissed it all away.” Ironically, trying to protect their lead with shit like the holobox, “muh quality over quantity”, and expanding into males probably did that to them anyway.

>> No.39127784

>central european values
Worshipping jews and Muslims while they rape you

>> No.39127790

They don't watch auditions:)

>> No.39127813

>They don't understand the EN scene and have no clue what they're doing.
This. The irony is that all they needed to do to succeed in the EN scene was replicate what they have in JP but in English, that's more or less what Myth was for the first year and it took off like a rocket. Unfortunately they made the fatal error of believing that reddit represented the western chuuba community and everything went to shit when that led them to diverge from the JP model.

>> No.39127829

This. I want an Italian girl, or a french girl.

>> No.39127855

>I want more whores that suck Muslim cock
Fuck off jew

>> No.39127876

>they don't want a gen that doesn't make momey
I never said that, improve your reading comprehension. They don't care about the couple thousand a talent or a gen can earn through streaming. Cover's model is to create popular and recognizable characters for merch sales, sponsorships and even their game projects. Anycolor's model is to debut as many livers as they can. More debuts = more money
People can name most if not all the holo names, they can't do the same with nijisanji

>> No.39127878

Holy fuck the average (low) IQ and grasp of facts that catalogposters have is insane. Half the shit I'm reading here is literally just made up.

>> No.39127907

An italian girl would be so good to have, might come back to hololive if something like this happens.
I'm watching indies only nowadays because I don't like the few talents who stream, but something new like a fucking italian girl would definitely bring me back.

>> No.39127917

>they don't want a gen that doesn't make money
>I never said that

>They don't want a gen that just breaks even or earns them a couple hundred thousand a year in total

>> No.39127926

SEA hours

>> No.39127946

I see some parts of your rrat as making sense but others miss a lot of details that happened in early 2022. I believe Cover always had the intention to debut StarsEN eventually but found themselves forced to move quickly after Anycolor got their own Myth with Luxiem. The open auditions started 2 weeks after their debuts, and due to my lack of knowledge of how much bureaucracy needs to be done to get these types of things working I'll say that it's most likely just a coincidence, but barely 3 months later (around 2 weeks after Noctyx's debut) they went begging for male auditions on Twitter, probably because they knew Anycolor was going to repeat what they did in JP and dominate the male vtuber market (which ended up happening anyway), and Cover didn't want to lose once again to their competitors so they rushed Tempus as fast as they could. So it's not that things are happening on schedule but Cover trying to have the cake and eat it too, and instead of focusing on growing HoloEN which was still highly successful even if they were losing ground they gambled on StarsEN not having the same problems that their JP counterpart had, and it kinda worked out if we're only looking at them as a Holostars gen, but if we consider them as the third HoloProEN gen, as there's a lot of indications that that it might've been Cover's initial intention, they're a failure that's not worse than Sana because she never fucking streamed, but when she did early on she was still performing better and raked up a lot of pity money becoming top SC earner from her gen for some time. Even with everyone believing that HoloEN would be different because the west doesn't have idol culture they became pretty much split in the middle bewteen those who welcome the HoloProEN change and those who couldn't care less about the new guys (with some of the current top performers being part of that "faction"), who in turn ended up at a similar situation their JP senpai are of not being able to fully integrate with the sister branch, which I actually believe was the goal here because the EN management shortened their collab ban period for both HoloEN and HoloID and as far as we know (and if you're willing to believe in Shinove's statements) the Holostars staff back in Japan had little to no idea about their existence and were also not informed about the collab ban being shortened, almost as if Cover really didn't want to associate Tempus with their senpai early on.

>> No.39127949

How does that contradict what I just said? You really need to improve your reading comprehension

>> No.39128051

HoloJP has way more than ten girls, and they’re doing fine. It’s not as if going from ten to fifteen (and let’s be real, Ina’s probably going to graduate) is going to dilute the brand recognition *that* much.

>> No.39128075

You ever wonder how many of the people arguing about this shit are third-worlders who live in a shack? Something to snack on when you read some of these posts.

>> No.39128117

They have something to prove.

>> No.39128143

Anon, I try not to shill the corpos I do watch (because I don’t watch HoloEN or NijiEN), but do you know that Panko’s Italian?

>> No.39128274

>albeit small
And any girl that they debuted on their place would be at least twice as big, with the chance of being as big as Gura depending on their skills and how much they stream. Honestly the real Gura killer will come from HoloEN if they just debut someone with a similar appeal that has a consistent schedule. A Kaela and Koyori who can sing just as good or better than Gura and has the same ability to banter with her chat will become bigger than her ccv-wise pretty fast, which is something that'll never happen with a StarsEN outside of a fucking miracle.
She was a nepohire that Cover thought would be the second coming of Ina because they were literally the same kind of hire, with both being pro-artists with with little to no experience in streaming that were Hololive fans. But then Sana ended up not doing art streams, not building an audience like Ina and being a waste of space that left barely a year in. She was not someone Cover hired under normal circumstances, and if it wasn't for her friendship with Ina she would never go through the normal audition process, so to think that there are more Sanas out there with a chance to enter Hololive is ludicrous.
Mori was nowhere near as SJW like Kiara and nowadays has an horde of schizos worse than /vt/ at her because she said nigga in the past and had a couple of really cringy songs. Kronii also only had that post on youtube comments because I've never seen her being open about it on video or social media. Also it's not like Kiara is a singular existence and Cover can't find girls who know about idol culture and when to shut up, they just don't want to put effort in it for whatever reason.

This isn't 2018 anymore, oldman. The dude is busy with his Genshin clone because he is first and foremost an IT guy, Cover was supposed to be a gaming company and according to A-chan most of his work goes to the tech side of things. It's insane to think he has any input on who's hired for the foreign branches. Accept that they're not taking too long because of some high standards of gen cohesion, they just don't have a single potential hire in sight.

>> No.39128309

Just checked her out... I wasn't expecting high quality. I like her voice, will give her a shot. What time does she usually stream?

>> No.39128321

I’ve thought about this before. I always try to give the benefit of the doubt, and some of what you say seems a *little* conspiratorial. What I think happened was that Cover saw Luxiem’s incline, wondered what was the cause of it, and decided to experiment.
If Tempus blew up and people were fine with male-female collabs, then sure, give up on idols and make it HoloPro. If not, then fine, keep it as StarsEN. My belief is that being a bunch of nips who don’t understand Luxiem’s appeal (well, I don’t either), they figured the best people to judge would be the talents themselves.
I’m guessing they had no idea how bad of a mistake that would be and assumed that Myth doing so well and Council doing…all right…meant that they’d at least vaguely understand their audience. They probably didn’t realize that for some of the girls, “success = breathing room to not have to pretend I give a fuck about idol culture anymore”.
This is *why* they need to debut more gens faster. So when anyone tries to pull this shit, they recline by themselves and their retardation doesn’t infect the whole branch. Thank god it was just Ollie doing this in HoloID and not, like, half the branch.

>> No.39128380

>This is *why* they need to debut more gens faster.
Absolutely fucking not. I prefer the slow hiring.

>> No.39128445

Most of her streams are at 8pm local time (so, in Italy), except when she’s doing a collab

>> No.39128494

Do you want girls who try to “change Hololive” then? Because having girls who can poach the audience of anyone who tries is how you stop that shit from happening. Not debuting new gens is how Mori, Kronii, and Ame can do the shit that they do. And I say this as someone who *likes* Tempus.

>> No.39128520

I can almost guarantee it's because they know the second a new holoEN wave hits no one is going to give two fucks about starsEN. They want to give them at least a chance before whatever little hype they had is completely blown over. Stars has always gotten way too much support for what little they bring and it's mainly because the boss man yagoo has a weird boner over them.

>> No.39128815

Even if that was their goal to not have a plan B in the situation where the HoloPro thing wouldn't work was an extremely retarded thing to do, and lo and behold it actually fucking happened. If making 2022 the year of StarsEN was their goal all along then they're insane to believe HoloEN was in a healthy enough state to hold the line even if they ended up not wanting to treat Tempus as a part of the branch, because when compared to HoloJP they had 16 members before the debut of the first gen of Holostars with Pekora and Rushia debuting a week and a half after it, so they really should've debut EN3 earlier this year and then give the second half of 2022 for Tempus so that we wouldn't be having the current nigh-apocalyptic state of affairs with half of the branch sick, MIA or plain unmotivated.

Calling what Cover is doing a slow hiring is a massive understatement. The way they're acting makes me thing they're willingly giving their market share to Anycolor and small agencies because there won't be any "quality" left in the future if they continue to take so fucking long to debut new gens.

We're already on "no one gives two fucks about StarsEN" territory. Axel and Regis are rapidly approaching 3view status, Magni can still sorta maintain himself over 1.5k and Vesper is the only one that isn't in danger of any of that but he's comparably below low tier HoloEN/HoloJP members. Not to mention to make them target a male audience when that's the main group of viewers for the sister branch was a way to set them up to failure because the would never be able to bring the same kinds of numbers this way. Whether you like fujo/yume bait or not an agency that has both male and female vtubers shouldn't try to make both compete for the same pool of fans, and the reason Luxiem exploded in popularity early on is because before them all 10 members of NijiEN were competing against HoloEN and Vshojo, while Luxiem had negative competition so they became Anycolor's Myth both in the west and withing China. And while an EN3 might be the final nail on at least 3/4s of Tempus coffin they don't seem to lose a lot of their small amount of viewers even when streaming at the same time as the big HoloEN members, so it's likely that what they have now is their core audience that won't budge even if we have a new HoloEN gen tomorrow.

>> No.39128987

> Whether you like fujo/yume bait or not an agency that has both male and female vtubers shouldn't try to make both compete for the same pool of fans
Damn, anon. Well said. I like Tempus. I genuinely think they’re cool. But I don’t watch them anymore. It really isn’t anything personal, it’s a combination of A.) me having to choose between Tempus or Phase Connect/Idol/Tsunderia
B.) the algorithm spitting out more girls the more girls I watch, and a bunch of fucking HoloEN clips (which I don’t want to see) whenever I do pick the males
I tried. I really tried. But it’s very hard to watch the boys while primarily watching the girls without putting in a bunch of effort. And I do this because I want to be entertained, not because I want to put in effort for people I don’t even know.

>> No.39129060

Several HoloEN talents had one or multiple similar "red flags" in their past life social media, and still got hired, so it can't be that.
And HoloENs current problems have little to nothing to do with the talents having boyfriends (not like the company would care, as per their official statements) or being too sjw (which they manage to keep out of streams pretty well), but the simple issue that they are just too lazy and entitled to actually stream.

It really sounds more like cope, yeah sure the reason why there's no EN3 for so long is just that management is TOO BASED (lol whatever gave you that idea, in reality it's more like the opposite) and keeps rejecting all those dirty boyfriend-having pronoun-spewing whores! Yeah, that's totally what's happening. Can't wait for the eventual release of the next gen and realization that they're all even more pozzed girls and management was pozzed all along

>> No.39129179

If you don’t get political on stream, keep it professional, and talk about things people can relate to regardless of politics, you’ll be fine. Oh, and also, you’ve got to actually fucking stream and communicate with your fans and not be distant from them.
If you don’t do that, and especially if you talk about politics, even normalfags will be turned off. Normies might support BLM or not give a shit which bathroom troons walk into or whatever, but they don’t want to hear about that shit while they’re watching a streamer larp as an anime girl. Not the ones who watch Hololive, anyway.

>> No.39129258

Have you tried being here during SEA hours?

>> No.39129592

>The reason there's no EN3 is because the candidates either don't mesh well with each other
As if lack of chemistry hasn't stopped them from debuting shit girls before.
>aren't the kind of talent that YAGOO would approve of.
If they are still holding out for some kind of multi-talented super people with professional qualities in extraordinary fields - and those people don't apply - what does that say about Cover's (lack of) clout that they can't seem to attract such people?

I've seen this cope often enough "n-noo you don't understand, they're not just looking for basic streamers anymore, they're looking for special people who can fill niches they don't already have!"... well, aside the fact that hey maybe you SHOULD look for "streamers" first in your fucking streaming company, because streaming is what most of them will be doing 90% of the time (or hell, looking at how few of them are actually streaming nowadays, maybe not, roru rumao), Ok, let's indulge for a minute the fantasy that they're looking for high quality super accomplished professional skilled people (for a streaming job, and who then probably won't stream either, but anyway...). What does it say that they apparently can't get these high standard magic people they are looking for? Back when Myth came out in a massive initial success and it looked like they would rule the world forever, we used to circlejerk each other off "omg just imagine, with this initial success, what kind of EVEN MORE AMAZING people Cover can surely attract in the future, omg it's gonna be so great!!!". Lol then Council came and was rather basic and underwhelming, so that put the first damper on this enthusiasm. It's fantasy that EN3 will suddenly be the high-spec super skilled people you've been coping for, realistically you're just gonna get more of the same bitches and whores

>> No.39129655

>suprised by their values

Being a normal woman with the same rights/chances as a man? You will find this truly modern concept in japan/korea and the rest of asia too.

>> No.39129895

You know, whenever people speculate about EN3, I always assume they just want people who’ll stream so they can watch HoloEN streams again. This thread makes me remember that some people seem to genuinely think that Cover has high standards for the people they hire. No, they have somewhat higher standards than a small corpo, maybe, but not that much.
HoloEN is the McDonald’s of EN vtubing. It’s time people accepted that. Except McDonald’s is somewhat consistent and standardized. HoloEN isn’t even that anymore.

>> No.39129959

Honestly, they never had a plan, or at least it certainly wasn't some "genius" shit. Instead they more or less just got lucky, and that was mistaken for skill. Now, either their luck has run out, or they rested on their laurels enough, got complacent thinking once they're on top they'll always be on top and don't have to put any further effort in.

Their initial dominance of the EN market in 2020 came from:
- Hololive (JP) was already the most popular big japanese agency in the west for EOPs thanks to a number of viral clips (Foobs scatman, Matsuri bandaids, Migo GTA, etc.) and a steady stream of english subs for their talents (shoutout to the chink idiots at Hololive Moments, by making Hololive popular in the west you made it easier for Cover to drop China during the Cocopocalypse, lol). The western audience was primed, hungry and ready for them
- first mover advantage: When HoloEN Myth debuted, they were the first serious attempt at an EN gen by one of the big japanese agencies (of which Hololive was already the most popular one in the west, see above). Remember Nijisanji's embarrassing first attempt at an EN branch, that was just three pajeets lol? Yeah, no wonder HoloEN won, and was for a while the "only game in town", and audiences had no one else to watch. If you were an EOP and wanted english vtubers, of course you'd watch HoloEN, what else? Hololive (JP) was probably already your favorite babbys first agency because you got into them via the clips, and now you had your own HoloEN vtubers you can actually understand whole streams of, and they can interact with your favorite HoloJP vtubers, omg!
- lockdown buff. This is something out of Cover's hands and just pure "right place / right time" lightning in a bottle moment. A large part of the initial viewerbase was never actually committed fans in the first place, but basically just lockdown tourists. Vtubers were at the time the fresh new thing to entertain them while they were bored stuck at home. Now both the lockdowns are gone and vtubers aren't fresh and new anymore, so these people have moved on. The lockdown buff, coupled with the inital novelty of it all, made Myth's initial numbers quite overstated and they have now since settled into their lower more realistic long term viability.

>> No.39129977

>what is this weird assumption that only western women speak english
No, Western men too, but only faggots want to watch male vtubers. The rest of the "people" in the world does not, in fact, speak any language that is identifiably English; their subhuman screeching and squeaks merely feign an attempt to commune in God's holy tongue. Please kill yourself and have a pleasant day.

>> No.39130028
File: 267 KB, 805x843, 1666670302096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never watched %90 of holoENs and %100 of nijiENs and there is nothing you can do to make me watch them. Eat a dick lmao

>> No.39130033

Why did you say "Muslim girl" twice?

>> No.39130063

No one's telling you, unironic weeaboo. Go back to your nip, Western Man.

>> No.39130117

If you aren't an unironic weeb you should go back to r*ddit and pretend you are some normalfag chad there

>> No.39130153


>> No.39130184


>> No.39130366

This. But not because of any cultural bullshit, because we don’t need any more overlap. Euros won’t put in effort to watch a chuuba at work hours or in the middle of the night because of course they won’t. How the hell is that proof that EU isn’t a viable market? Because the fact that EU doesn’t like Kiara, same as the rest of us, somehow means they wouldn’t like any vtubers ever? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.39130930 [DELETED] 

Ugh towa voice and ch are super debuff. EZ 100k if this is on the 1st army channel.

>> No.39130984

Oh hi, #-anon. It's not surprising to see you here. Unfortunately you posted this on the wrong thread.

>> No.39131057

Yeah. Some euro girls would be good even if just to patch up some dead hours in the schedule.
Unfortunately, the topic is hard to discuss seriously because invariably someone, mostly burgers, have to barge in with tribalfagging bullshit, or some pseudo/biz/ arguments about "viablity" of the euro market, how euros don't donate, etc. What they don't understand is that the point of a euro chuuba isn't necessarily to get more euro viewers to watch them, it's first and foremost actually a service to the american neets so they can have someone to watch in the morning/noon, which would be usually deadhours for the american chuubas.

Or it just devolves into discussions about Kiara, because she's the only euro talent so far, so everything else about euros gets projected onto her, for example her lower popularity as a mark against euros in general. Which is stupid because whatever Kiara's issues are, they are mostly Kiara specific and have less to do with her being a euro. I say this as someone who genererally even likes her, but I can admit she's an "acquired taste". Case in point, if the issue were just euro, for example her timezone, would she do better if you put her in NA-primetime? Not really, let's be honest. Maybe a little bump, but not a complete gamechanger turnaround. So yeah, just because Kiara is not for you, and well she is not for everyone, doesn't mean that there could never be some euro chuubas you would like.
For example, if euro girls like Peony and Aletta from Production Kawaii were to debut in EN3, most of the people who hated on Kiara (or hell, especially the people who hated on Kiara) would proclaim them the best thing since sliced bread, because they are pretty much the opposite of her, being much more soft-spoken and demure and thus more appealing to people who find Kiara more abrasive or whatever.

>> No.39133403

More Euro members could also make Kiara less abrasive since she wouldn't be all alone on that timeslot anymore and would have people to collab that don't need to adapt their schedules to hers and vice-versa.

>> No.39133748

>Get surprised by their values.
based women

>> No.39136035

Canadians as well.

>> No.39136106

Same thing.

>> No.39136503

Yeah, honestly I'd like steamers that have different life perspectives, not the same autistic anglo whore who spends her life streaming because she can't operate in society.

I need some damn flavour up in this bitch.

>> No.39136694

>Easiest way to do that
So a corpo goes with the easiest/laziest way to do things, ends up with a low value product, and you think /vt/ is WRONG to call them on it?

>> No.39139765

that's why niji en are based for hiring nip esls

>> No.39142351

Well China is behind the great Firewall so that's usually out unless you kowtow to them and we saw how that went after Taiwan Yab
Korea isn't a big enough market (Plus their English fluency is still low despite being the highest of the Asias
Japan is...somewhere between laughably bad and pathetically bad at English.
Dunno what else you consider Eastern outside of SEA which is a mixed bag

>> No.39143229

There's plenty of white vtubers outside of HoloEN who stream all the time, you know. Cover is just garbage at scouting

>> No.39143340

Sana is Asian
Kiara and Fauna are white
You guys are really playing into racist steriotypes huh?

>> No.39147046

Finding out all the EN vtubers with the most feminine and cutest mannerism had all asian background was eye opening

>> No.39147603

Why? They're the most popular.
