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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 43 KB, 1645x289, Nijisanji_EN_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39078065 No.39078065 [Reply] [Original]

At this point we can admit they won, right?

>> No.39078147
File: 185 KB, 1200x675, nijien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39078249

I don't know man, I wouldn't like to get cucked like nijifans

>> No.39078259

>laughing stock

>> No.39078295

Are Kyo and Enna fucking yet?

>> No.39078319

Yes their new Gen are already well on their way to 3-viewdom, huge success

>> No.39078383

They won at what again?

>> No.39078398

They invited a literal tranny into their numbers and let "him" implode on his own volition and without any help in front of the eyes of millions.
I don't think Niji has won, but I do concede they're pretty fucking based.

>> No.39078431

I mean they actually enjoy streaming, and actually have fun playing games with their coworkers. Numberfaggots might say otherwise, but they're definitely winning in the ways that matter.

>> No.39078441

Who isn't Enna fucking? (Besides the Aloucucks)

>> No.39078480

They clawed their way up. Problems here and there but their standout talents really do seem to enjoy streaming.

>> No.39078500

its over niji man... stop coping

>> No.39078505

Nor kyo, she found out he’s actually white.

>> No.39078507

asian guys, Enna is a QoS

>> No.39078520

>actually enjoy streaming
Bruh one of them has an actual meltdown each month lmaoo

>> No.39078522

Having streams to watch.

>> No.39078550

Did you miss what happened 2 days ago? At this rate nijiEN might be the first corpo that drove a chuuba into killing themselves.

>> No.39078589

Also, "one of them" is what,1 in 30?

>> No.39078640

>thinking this is bad
entertaining drama at least once a month is fucking great, I want to see Vox have another meltdown

>> No.39080459
File: 193 KB, 480x360, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs18nng.ogg].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admit they won

>> No.39080762

I strongly prefer zero drama, and a happy oshi who streams games she loves.

>> No.39080859

No shit there will be streams to watch if they keep shitting out waves every 2 months.

>> No.39080912

You mean Anycolor? Because they already did that with a member of VirtuaReal

>> No.39080999

Sucked to see them go, they were actually pretty chill for corpo vtubers.

>> No.39081015

Yes, desu. This board just has too many unicorns who want to think appealing to them is a prerequisite for winning. Corpos think not needing unicorns anymore is a more robust strategy…god know Cover tried to make themselves not rely on unicorns anymore.
I can’t stand either one, so I guess you can say I’m unbiased. In terms of EN, Nijisanji is certainly doing much better.

>> No.39081031

and you can have that in niji just choose a niji that has 0 drama potential like the dragon sisters
elira will play her shitty jrpgs even though it debuffs the hell out of her
selen will do selen things like making cute bentos and shit
most of the girls are zero drama with the exception if Finana with her valoguard shit but that does not leak into her twitter or streams, it is just behind the scenes shit

>> No.39081079

Won what?
What's the competition? What do the winners get?

>> No.39081124

Yes. That’s why they won. Their strategy is making all their vtubers 3views and basically acting like their talents are in a small corpo, but with big corpo money.

>> No.39081705
File: 339 KB, 753x2024, meanwhile in nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free permanent vacation slot on the Nijisanji cemetery

>> No.39081806

>2 steps forward
>5 steps back
Niji can never get a clean W.

>> No.39082369

>a happy oshi who streams games she loves.
Well you're clearly not going to find that in Hololive. You'll have streams where they constantly talk about wanting to play the game on-stream, but they'll never actually play it, because in the time it took for their management to get off their ass and actually get permissions, months have passed and they've already gotten bored of it.

>> No.39082505

So who's next on the list?

>> No.39082609

The Niji vs Holo competition is a Tortoise and Hare fable, slack off and you lose.

>> No.39082693

There are no watchable streams.

>> No.39082736

I wonder if the holobox is there so people don’t see just how trash the perms system is.

>> No.39082864
File: 457 KB, 1238x1259, Fjr2XH5WIAIUWKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New wave is genuinely great so I'm satisfied. Iluna definitely lowered my expectations a fair bit so it's nice to see that it may have just been a fluke they learned from.

>> No.39083665
File: 324 KB, 1425x2048, 1670603128315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, she and the gyaru are my favorites that i even stopped watching Millie.

>> No.39083737

>Dropping Millie for the new girls
Unironic fucking whore, also fuck you, Millie did nothing wrong

>> No.39083770

Her chest did something wrong

>> No.39083858
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>> No.39083861

Who decided that?

>> No.39083893

Iluna was a normie wave experiment.

>> No.39083935

The perms system is fine when Hololive isn't involved. Nijisanji rarely has this issue with perms, because firstly, they don't need some 20 page contract written in blood because they're scared that a long-dead publisher of abandonware will suddenly revive just to sue them if they DON'T get that contract. The dev making a tweet saying "yeah you can play our game" is literally enough permission for them. Secondly, they'll actually let the talents themselves get the permissions, so they don't need to rely on a manager who doesn't give a shit about his job. They can play the games THEY want to play, and not just the ones JP got the okay for, and thirdly, they realize that you can usually get away with not having explicit permissions by just turning monetization off, because that tends to be the only thing devs actually care about.

>> No.39084040

I'm not sorry Anon-chama. Gyaru sex appeal is too strong for me to resist.

>> No.39084296

I think it's worth trying stuff like that with the model NijiEN has, and they've all found some kind of audience at least, but definitely not the thing of most posters here I imagine so it's nice to see people in Xsoleil with a more traditional approach to vtubing. They also all just seem generally a lot more experienced as streamers

>> No.39084311

>terminated a tranie this month

Yea they winning

>> No.39084367

That's why Vox takes the bomb for the team, so drama watchers can get their fill.

>> No.39084504

Millie's a fucking bitch, she deserves to be dropped.

>> No.39086246

yeah they just won a forced graduation kek

>> No.39086587

Yeah, they made holoEN implode on themselves cause their shitty management wanted a big slice of the male vtuber hype and it only made like half of the holoEN fan base turn on each other, pretty great to see a competitor/rival fuck themselves up trying to copy.

>> No.39086763

Better a forced graduation than talents walking out because the company is shit.


>> No.39086805

>At this point we can admit they won, right?
Won what? the loser awards?
Stop being a retard op.

>> No.39086849

>Better a forced graduation than talents walking out because the company is shit.
That's literally what happened to axia and yugo anon, you fucking blind or what?

>> No.39088076

>in the ways that matter
Not getting paid?

>> No.39088224

Actual 4 year-old's idea of an insult lol

>> No.39088513
File: 120 KB, 748x1024, B534493B-8DDF-4572-99C9-F03784235F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but at what cost? When Lazulight debuted it was a great thing for its own sake, not for any tribalfaggot reason. A year and a half later, what good does it do me to see holobronies collapsing when the thing I loved no longer has a soul?

>> No.39089672


>> No.39089933

>definitely winning in the ways that matter.
such as?

>> No.39090023

Most graduations and terminations in vtubing. Even if you combine every single company out there they still win

>> No.39091352
File: 51 KB, 1100x1100, 1636161145959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji EN breathed new life to EN vtubing. Without Niji EN vtubing in the west would have became even more irrelevant.

>> No.39093514

I mean, when Mori got Fromsoft and Atlus perms she certainly didnt get sick of Elden Ring or P5 any time soon.

>> No.39093575

tell me something about someone who's not noor

>> No.39094319

I watch both, but i hate the faggots in both branches, so I don’t feel like either is winning for me. Holobitches don’t stream, and have 4 coat tail dick riding wasted releases. NijiEN has drop in collabs with some of the most annoying faggots in vtubing. But hey, at least with Niji, even if they may get a shit stream in with a faggot dropping in, they’ll probably have a schedule of 4-5 days or more streams I can catch. Unlike the unmotivated slackers at Holo, and no I won’t watch Tempiss you homobegging niggeroasties.

>> No.39094590

But have you considered that tempus is good? Seriously, if you watch nijisanji what could they possibly do that isnt common over there?

>> No.39094692

>NijiEN has drop in collabs with some of the most annoying faggots in vtubing.
this shit's so vastly overstated when it hasn't been true in fucking forever

>> No.39094741

damage is done

>> No.39094785

okey dokey

>> No.39094950

>I hate the faggots in both branches, so I don’t feel like either is winning
>i can only watch nijis
Said like a faggot yourself

>> No.39095222

Too late, other guy was right, it happened too much and now any sign of luca or fatgut covid and I’m clicking off that shit.

I won’t watch them. Period. Ever. I will turn off every stream they turn up in.
Fact is that there are more girls with more consistent schedules in NijiEN. This gets balanced out by the amount of faggotry that Niji is known for tho.

>> No.39097474

Sure that Nijisanji EN won in your mind, but at what cost? The irrelevance of the entire main branch and VirtualReal?

>> No.39097981

HoloEN got zergrushed

>> No.39098642

Fulgur is always based as fuck, Luca is tiring.

>> No.39102470

It's still a lot easier than starting as a 0view

>> No.39103050

They havent really won. It more like HoloEN stopped winning and the other corpos are starting to fill the vacuum left by the former top dog.

>> No.39103135

Everyone lost
Hololive English is dead
Nijisanji English is actually Nijisanji overseas China and the viewer demographics prove this

>> No.39103890

I can't even name a NijiEN member past gen 3.

>> No.39104293

>Nijisanji English is actually Nijisanji overseas China and the viewer demographics prove this
Proof across all 31 channels?

>> No.39104339

anyone who thinks niji won at anything against holo are delusional and should kys

>> No.39107767

Yes they won the first place in the trash bin

>> No.39107891

Those cunts never pure to begin with

>> No.39108044

This. Collabing with the likes of OTV and some of the Vshojo bitches turned me off from Niji. They have since toned it down a bit but if they did it once they might do it again.

Also this. Luca is fucking aids. That fucker ruins anything he shows up in.

HoloEN isn't doing well or winning. But neither is NijiEN.

And before anyone starts with your Phase shit. KYS. Phase isn't even a blimp in any radar. Faggots.

>> No.39108118

At least we have streams.

>> No.39108227

I saw a clip of Kyo getting horny comments, at which point I learned that people watched Kyo.

>> No.39109747
File: 1.24 MB, 766x1851, 1668536294448568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39110579

Noor looks like the obvious MC next to 2 Genshin NPCs

>> No.39110720

If it’s a cucking competition then absolutely nijisanji would be winning

>> No.39110788

Vtuber fans lost. Every company and indie turned against them.

>> No.39110968


>> No.39116050

your image is insanely outdated

>> No.39116356

Love Gyaru simple as.

>> No.39116423

God damn why did they let an art asset like Noor go benched.
She looks like she could make you cum just from flicking her hair

>> No.39116656

>Millie and Enna keep thirst posting while telling their fans to stop idolizing them
>The 3 girls in Soleil coming in with with the bratty, seductive, and playful personas
She dug her own grave anon. All she does is simp over Fulgur and Luca now while telling everyone to fuck off about Kyo and Enna

>> No.39117367

You know there’s more corpos than just Hololive and Nijisanji, right? Yes, you’ll have to do some work to find them, they won’t just pop into your lap because of the algorithm. But that’s because HoloEN and NijiEN generally reduce the amount of interaction they have with small corpos to keep them down. It’s *their* fault.
And besides, NijiEN member can’t help but leech off the more popular small corpo members. Especially the males. You don’t have to watch them, just see whose chats they show up in. That’s a good place to start.

>> No.39118474
File: 235 KB, 540x304, 9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sole tranny in the brand had a mental breakdown and quit
41% my friends.
