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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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39070540 No.39070540 [Reply] [Original]

>There is not a single unicorn friendly in HoloEN
EN is doomed we need EN3

>> No.39070642

Even EN3 won't be unicorn friendly

>> No.39070699

You made this thread yesterday.
It was an awful thread then.
It is an awful thread now.
You are a bad person, and you should feel bad.

>> No.39070774

I just posted it again because it got deleted for no reason and it wasn't as awful as you think because people were replying to it

>> No.39070803

virgin women don't exist in the west

>> No.39070833

There is not a single unicorn friendly member of hololive or any other agency for that matter, I get not wanting to see males on stream or have it rubbed in your face but wake up anon most of these women are in their mid 20s or older.

>> No.39070839

>not a single unicorn friendly in HoloEN
because she doesn't stream lmao

>> No.39070887
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But anon. YOU are a virgin and you ACT like a woman.

>> No.39070896
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>EN3 will call Tempus "senpai"

>> No.39070923

It will be worst because tempiss exists

>> No.39070946

Calling a man a virgin is equivalent to calling a woman a whore

>> No.39070955

I have hopes one of them would be a brat and call them all dumbasses instead.

>> No.39070972

Acting like a woman doesn't make you one, troon

>> No.39071027

Also collabs for boost.

>> No.39071052

Unless you mean boosting tempus any new girls are going to blow past their sub counts before they even debut

>> No.39071059


>> No.39071069
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>Hello, my name is Regis Altare, Leader of Guild Tempus
>Daisenpai of Holostars English

>> No.39071070

Move to Production Kawaii, the only unicorn friendly EN corpo

>> No.39071092

>putting Tempus on the same pedestal as the girls
they're not the same anon

>> No.39071118

>he doesn't know

>> No.39071126
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*rent free in unicorn heads*

>> No.39071128

EN doesn't use Senpai period. The only time it's ever been used unironically was Vesper to Calli.

>> No.39071136

Kek what a faggot you act like a woman?

>> No.39071198 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 150x150, 1658014675488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the boys call the girls senpai except for in heated gamer moments
Or your name is Axel and in which he responds with "shut your bitch ass up" and the girls giggle like retards

>> No.39071212

Genuine question but if you call them homos and are gay, why are you afraid of them collabing with the girls?

>> No.39071220

I know that, which is why I was saying there is no scenario where they need to collab with tempus for a boost unless it is a one sided attempt to continue propping up starsEN. So far at least management seems to have backed off that tactic so any collabs will be because they hire more girls who actually want to do it purely for their own enjoyment like Mori, Bae and Kronii

>> No.39071245
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>> No.39071248

Axel is an andrew tate fan confirmed, he is a fan of bald men after all, I did find that funny he'd call Zeta a bitch and she basically creamed herself.

>> No.39071273

They ain't calling them a gat damn thing if they want views and/or memberships

>> No.39071284

A bunch of girls still use it from time to time, but you need to remember it's been a while so they've mostly dropped it but EN3 will be brand new girls they will call them senpai for a while.

>> No.39071311

Nijisanji is there for you

>> No.39071335

He also did it to Pochi Sensei (well she asked), Ollie, and one of the Niji JP girls during Pochi's Holloween collab stream. Same reaction, they all creamed.

>> No.39071380

nah they're not gonna do that. The boys have already established a good following

>> No.39071406

He did it to WHO? nononononononononono

>> No.39071434

Kuku is from Animare not Nijisanji

>> No.39071496

That doesn't answer my question

>> No.39071554

Male characters are extras in cgdct

>> No.39071626

I get that but I still don't understand why you call them homos or the fact that people resent them for collabing with girls. If they're gay as fuck then it's fine right?

>> No.39071688

Too bad HololiveEN are neither cute girls, nor are they doing cute things
You are still deflecting so I guess you conceed.

>> No.39071701

I don't think they are gay and I hate the fucking tempiss nickname too, sounds like a 12 year old thought that one up, just don't want to see them on hololive streams though I can deal with the very rare occasion I might have to skip a stream whatever they were trying in the first few weeks after the collab ban is the opposite of what I want out of hololive.

>> No.39071762

Because homos and women watch them, like yaoi

>> No.39071833

Maybe your holo's an uncouth strumpet, that's not really my problem. You can always drop her for a better one, like most of us have

>> No.39071835

You're still not answering my question though.
Is it fine because they are gay or it's not fine because they are male but you disregard the fact that they are gay?

>> No.39071981

Do you mean I can become the only real unicorn vtuber in the west ?

>> No.39072081

I don't what they are or what they do away from the school's idol club

>> No.39072107

Oh, so they're not gay then?

>> No.39072173

but they are also an idol club lol

>> No.39072209

Unicorns have no place in vtubing.

>> No.39072251


>> No.39072435

So they can open up for the girls at the talent show

>> No.39072527

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.39072569

I hope they will call them daddy...

>> No.39072656

Why do you think employing more lazy ass white people would fix this problem? I say Cover should outsource and give the jobs to the Asians again and tell them they are doppiogama doppachia from canada and you retards will believe it and start simping and they will actually have a consistent stream schedule and not call in sick 10 days every week.

>> No.39072804

Most people probably wouldn't care if they were Japanese girls who spoke EN. Or at least a couple of them were and they could be liasons

>> No.39072817

Gura and Fauna?

>> No.39072861

Well, I hope Tempiss all graduate from life, but you can’t always get what you want.

>> No.39072886

Because I don't like to see nor hear homos.

>> No.39072955

what are you 12?

>> No.39072964
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So I can differentiate them from holos and I don't want to call them "Stars" because they're shit, it's not that hard.

>> No.39072998

good joke

>> No.39073000

thank god for that

>> No.39073026
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Eat shit faggot, they're still never gonna collab with tempiss

>> No.39073037

I don’t frequent /MANS/, so clearly not.

>> No.39073045

so they're not gay. Got it.

>> No.39073122

I mean you can keep your lazy oshi for all I care. Don't really care much about Fauna tho

>> No.39073199

They're called homos because no one likes them not because they're actually gay. Keep up sweetie.

>> No.39073243

What a stupid question. When you were called a faggot in school it wasn’t because you were gay, it was because people didn’t like you.

>> No.39073284

It's really funny how /vt/ completely changed the meaning of unicorn
Honestly even in JP there is not a lot of unicorn friendly Kanata,Suisei if she wasn't anti gachikoi and a big maybe for some holos like Pekora
btw unicorn are mentallly ill

>> No.39073628

The HoloEN track record of asian / non-white girls isn't much better: Sana lol already graduated, Ina is soft-graduating, Kronii is flaky as fuck and only Bae is somewhat consistent, so you're looking at a score of 1 / 4 or 1.5 / 4 if you're generous, which is about as dreadful as the white girls, so there's no clear evidence to point to an ethnicity-workrate pattern and say "see it's only the white girls who are shit, just hire more asians and everything will magically be better lol!"

Sure, I wouldn't mind them trying to hire some JPs or SEAs with passable english, hoping that maybe they'll turn out to be another Koyori or Kaela with their superior work ethic (either due to autism or poverty desperation), but realistically, you're just gonna get another batch of lazy entitled whores, no matter where they come from

>> No.39073644
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Either finally learn Japanese or accept that you're an infinitely inferior EOP loser and your vtubers are leagues below.

>> No.39073676

so why do you call them homos if they're not gay? I'm confused

>> No.39073728


>> No.39073748

Ew, creep

>> No.39073757

This is a conversation you should be having with your tard wrangler, not on 4chan. Explaining name calling is something they should’ve done for your autistic ass years and years ago.

>> No.39073762

but the term in question is homo, not faggot although that's also a term for gay. So are they gay or not?

>> No.39073811

sorry if I hurt your feelings there, was asking a question though

>> No.39073819

Ah, I see, this is some roastie/retard question that’s supposed to circle around male collabs. I still won’t watch them, homofaggot.

>> No.39073820


>> No.39073860

no it's just a genuine question but you can

>> No.39073894

roru rumao.
You will not get a single "unicorn friendly" girl in EN3 anyway. Management wants to push "integration" (after all, we're all HoloPRO, teehee) and will prevent any idol-minded girl getting in so they can paper over the current "divide" within HoloEN by making the remaining homo-refusers even more of a minority. Willingness to collab with homos WILL be a criteria management selects for in their hiring process, to make sure that any new girl getting in is perfectly fine from the outset with their current plan to turn HoloEN into Nijisanji pt 2

>> No.39073953

how much crack you've been smoking? I can feel the reach from here

>> No.39074000

>t.yellow fever
Korean or SEA are as bad and even some Japanese are disgusting
Somehow some Japanese girls can be professional though

>> No.39074006

Real? They're called homos as an insult, their sexual orientation doesn't matter. Can understand why you'd find them charming if this is the level of awareness people have to work with.

>> No.39074041

>or poverty desperation
That didn't even work for EN. Once they got big enough they just stopped caring. They cashed out lol.

>> No.39074065

Therefore calling Tempus and their fans homo gives the anons here the sense of superiority. That's all there is to it.

>> No.39074069 [DELETED] 

Indognesia and tempiss are blight to vtubing, they act like niggers to idol culture

>> No.39074099

It’s a troll. Hard to believe someone with debilitating autism like that would find their way to 4chan and be confused about why people would insult other people.

>> No.39074120


>> No.39074123

even if they were actually gay, why the fuck would I want to watch a gay man?

>> No.39074133

Oh okay gotcha. Thanks for the straight answer most people just call me retarded for asking this.

>> No.39074229

OK calm down piss enjoyer

>> No.39074431


>> No.39074784

ngl it sounds like they live rent free in your heads

>> No.39074855


>> No.39075572

EN3...4 is going to have 3 females and 2 males. I'm calling it now. They wanted EN to be streamers, not idols.

>> No.39075882

Based HoloEN management pushing people out of the fandom and back to watching anime to scratch the weeb itch while primarily consuming fleshtubers for anything else.

>> No.39076369

>unicorn friendly
terminate your existance

>> No.39077337

Pic related

>> No.39077971


>> No.39078019

i like hololive and holostars

>> No.39078256
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>EN3 is unicorn friendly

>> No.39078353

I dont, I think the stars are a drain in resources and make any stream they touch worse

>> No.39078421

>NijiJP wants to become HoloJP, livers get frustrated and leave
>HoloEN wants to become NijiEN, fans get frustrated and leave

>> No.39078625

because she's dead

>> No.39078636

People know too much for that.

>> No.39078649

Me too

>> No.39078802

I legit feel this was the plan before the tempus failure, going mixed.

And now they had to restart the selection.

>> No.39079141

Good. Unicorns are fucking annoying now. If Mumei, Fauna, Reine, Zeta or IRyS aren't good enough for you, go cry to your mommy about it. Otherwise go back to your JPs who are definitely 100% all about pampering you and definitely not just using you as a cash cow; whoever the fuck you consider unicorn-friendly out of those.

>> No.39079313


>> No.39079403

The only time people are unicorns is when they want to make trouble. No one seriously gives a shit.

>> No.39079479

At least he should have used Kaela for the shitpost if he wanted an ID, but then again, she would ask him to get some help

>> No.39079684

OP is actually using it correctly for once.

>> No.39079871

I didn't say they were unicorn friendly you moron. They're just good VTubers, and if your micromanaging ass still doesn't enjoy their content that's your problem

>> No.39079926
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>> No.39080130

Why do you keep making wild scenarios in your had only to feel angry about them?

>> No.39080151

Don't let Kiara pandering to unicorns distracts you from the fact that she's a bad Vtuber

>> No.39081235

then by you standar there isn't a single good Vtuber in the west?

>> No.39081398

Did you miss the "unicorn" part of the post?
