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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38996347 No.38996347 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say to either of them?

There are others but these two are most noticable, especially the one at the bottom for being a huge vshojo shill, whilst Cooksie only cares about showing off lewdtubers in general and nobody else.

Also, wouldn't it just be better if someone had another clip account specifically to go after the lesser shared vtubers and small corpos? Instead of the current thing where only the top table ever matters.


links only shared to specifically show what the issues are

>> No.38996488

I watch a fairly amount of clips and I don't know who the fuck are these.

>> No.38996547

>sperging about clippers now
this board really has gotten board huh

>> No.38996809

The twitter one is the guy who is basically co-opted by vshojo and is paid to do clips for them and gets their talent to interact with them.

This has recently resulted in kson whining:

>> No.38996977

Why does that guy post Kson in her 3DPD form? Well, I do know why, but what's the fucking point if he's meant to post VTubers
>inb4 "but Kson is still a VTuber, even though the clips don't show her using her avatar"
Anyway, I heard somewhat that there used to be an admin that actually bothered to highlight indies and small corpos, but ever since the new guy took over he dedicates himself to VShojo

>> No.38997096
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Because he posts anything to do with vshitshow.

Used to just only post EN vtubers but then Nazuna happened....

Like if they didn't make the 3DPD clip people wouldn't have cared much about the box thing.

Pretty much. Shame people just lap it up instead of making / supporting another account which highlights the rest.

Shit like the above accounts is why you get people making dumb decisions like changing models just to get clips.

>> No.38997107

>he dedicates himself to VShojo
That's not true at all. I just checked his twitter and he does post Niji and Holo clips too. For some reason they just sometimes aren't as popular especially the NIji ones.

>> No.38997156

Check the timeline and you will see huge vshojo bias compared to the rest. And even with holo/niji it tends to be the same few people and not the entire group.

And yeah I have seen people bitch to him on twitter to show more people and not make it look biased as fuck but he ignores that.

>> No.38997229

There are literally a bunch of clips of Holo girls and Niji girls on his feed right now lol
You are right though that he doesn't seem to clip indies and small corpos though

>> No.38997322

He probably does clip them more but that's different from only clipping Vshojo
And who the fuck cares if he wants to mostly clip VShojo? Just find another clipper account, why would you even care about this one if you don't like their clips?

>> No.38997338

anon she is literally laughing at how retarded they are.
although I do agree that she should limit herself to 2d in the clips.

>> No.38997685

He's based. Tribalmonkeys should kill themselves.

>> No.38997731

There were barely any comments though. She riled it up by quote tweeting it.

Kson has been thin skinned lately. She bitched about losing thousands of subscribers on YouTube because she joined vshojo.

>> No.38997978
File: 335 KB, 463x453, 1624753922674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The twitter one is the guy who is basically co-opted by vshojo and is paid to do clips for them and gets their talent to interact with them
Could you post a source for this claim?

>> No.38998032

can't ruin something that's already trash and broken

>> No.38998100

He literally doesn't make his own clips. They are all viewer submitted. There are more vshojo clips because clipping on Twitch is really easy. If you want to see clips of other people you should start sending them.
She made a brief comment about something that happened 6 months ago that she never spoke of until now because a gift card touched on the subject. Don't understand why this board has to present innocuous shit in the most extreme way possible every time.

>> No.38998299

How bout you stop bitching about it and start your own clip channel then? You waste your energy with the rest of us schitzos in this shithole, you obviously have the time.

>> No.38998418

>If you want to see clips of other people you should start sending them
Then how it comes that people keep asking him for more indie exposure? And when was the last time there was a clip about VOMS in his account?
>She made a brief comment about something that happened 6 months ago that she never spoke of until now because a gift card touched on the subject
WHAT? That seems half-assed
Oh fuck off you retards, there's nothing wrong with expecting more from clippers. Ever heard of Otakmori, Oboretai and Sushi?

>> No.38998701

There's expecting more, and then there's making dumb demands over someone you don't even watch.
You clearly aren't even a fan of this account, so why do you care so much about it? Just go look at one of the millions of other clipper accounts.
It's like if you found a clipper that focuses on Holo clips and then complained that they aren't posting NIji clips for reason.

>> No.38998867
File: 294 KB, 1739x1242, AEAEBA88-9D29-44DC-9BCB-E56028BFCCCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You clearly aren't even a fan of this account, so why do you care so much about it?
Why do you think I care THAT much? He just happens to be popular and this is a thread about him
>It's like if you found a clipper that focuses on Holo clips and then complained that they aren't posting NIji clips for reason
Come on now, he literally names himself "EN VTubers Out Of Context", some variety is to be expected

>> No.38998900

>last time there was a clip about VOMS in his account
I don't really follow this account but I distinctly remember seeing a bunch of pikamee clips on it

>> No.38998976

I just searched and you're right, they're just kinda rare at times

>> No.38999174

Wait, so instead of complaining about the actually malicious clippers, you're sperging out about this guy because he mostly clips just the biggest streamers?
Or are you just asshurt that he's clipping Nazuna?

>> No.38999221

We always have newfag

>> No.38999380

You better realize in case it isn't obvious these clippers don't care at all about what Vtuber they clipping on, they care about the R3V3NU3 they get from those clips lmao!

I can start a clipping account dedicated to Nazuna or IronMouse and start cashing out at slow pace then mid long term start earning more of what I expected. These vtubers doesn't care about you and you should do the same but on milking off them and living rent free on their shenanigans lmao

>By the way streaming it's work for them so if you don't consider yourself making clips as a living then ur the problem

>> No.38999449

Not him, but that's a strawman. He's saying that this kind of clippers are not beneficial for indies and even the clips they post are counterproductive. If you really are a VShojofag, you will know about this because of complaints that people like Cooksie give VShojo an image of being fucking whores

>> No.39001462

Become a clipfag yourself and save everyone

>> No.39003137

not based

>> No.39003230

The only bad part about watching clips is that every single video has some guy with a Buzz Lightyear PFP taking the top comment. He's never funny or interesting and just gives generic messages of support for the vtuber the clip is about.

>> No.39004396

>would find your attitude to be disgusting
so? it's not like they really care about us anyways

>> No.39004485

nah kys and your oshi

>> No.39004526

Vshartfart defense force in full effect

>> No.39006204

>These clipfags have ruined Western vtubing
As in there are good ones?

>> No.39006357

I never would knew this based shit would exist if not cooksie, so let them live.
Still better than Sauce.

>> No.39006391

What do I care

>> No.39006807
File: 415 KB, 2048x1437, 2641F5E1-705B-474E-8A2F-E066D19065AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers ruined themselves by focusing on content that is just 4 hours of white noise with 30 seconds of actual value.
Streams are garbage to consume and the vast majority of people rarely watch them let alone watch them to completion.

Clips are the only thing that saves this garbage format because nobody would even bother giving these girls a second glance without some reason to even give them a shot. If vtubers wanted to be a legitimate form of content creation they’d hurry up and move on from this garbage streaming format.

>> No.39007226

The problem is this place is full of clipfags and both of these faggots are from /here/

>> No.39008390
File: 73 KB, 283x233, 1662126962135121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you a fucking commie? Want to redistribute the screentime of the vtubers so all the thousands of 2views get highlighted?

>> No.39009011

>content that is just 4 hours of white noise with 30 seconds of actual value
That just mean the girls you're watching are shit at it homie.

>> No.39009304

There's so much VShojo content on that account that it's not implausible he's getting paid to post it. But whatever, it's not like he's making money from Twitter posts anyway, nor is he gaming the algorithm with clickbait the way Youtube clipfags do, man has to eat.

>> No.39009535 [DELETED] 

Hey man hows literal who mel going?

>> No.39009696

You’re oishi admitted she was a golddigger stfu olaf

>> No.39009949

Where did the original VTubersOOC go? I got into Holo because they posted some cute clips of FBK and Korone.

>> No.39010009

Still there. Judging by the content probably run by the same person who does ENtubers OOC.

>> No.39012027

Hey Vei, still seething about Shylily?

>> No.39012246

Why not just block them?

>> No.39012306

I like them. Clips are funny and good. I don't have time to keep up with every chuuba. So long as they aren't causing drama whats the harm?

>> No.39012322

These give almost zero traffic to the original channels anyway. The only times a clip channel drives traffic to the original is when it’s dedicated to the person in question then pops off.

>> No.39012583

They don't directly drive channel growth but there is absolutely no way Hololive (or any corpo) would be as big as they are now if clippers never existed.

>> No.39014556


>> No.39018642

stop watching shylily and stop projecting.

>> No.39018775
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2122, 1642082867214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN vtubing is inherently flawed without a single miso soup, or anyone who can play the straight man. every single one of these girls try to one up each other with vulgarity or absurdity.

>> No.39018826
File: 2.21 MB, 668x720, 1670423312533254.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Cover doesn't know the miraculous option called "do it yourself", unfortunately.
People like Pikamee is luck to have a dedicated clipper like ClipChama but most traditional streamers have their own clip channel

>> No.39018847 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 2218x1237, 1651669565202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't directly drive channel growth but there is absolutely no way Hololive (or any corpo) would be as big as they are now if clippers never existed.

go ahead janny, ban me.

>> No.39018910

and neither would vshojo but who am I to digress?

>> No.39019033

There are clippers and there are attention whores, those two are in the second category

>> No.39019042

Why do you guys think about trannies all the time?

>> No.39019076

Least tribalistic /vt/ post

>> No.39019132

an eye for an eye.

>> No.39019199

haha would be a shame if youtube starts banning "unauthorized" clippers not owned / working with the owner of the original clips.

>> No.39019236

He fucking said
>(or any corpo)

>> No.39019244


an eye for an eye

>> No.39019325

only chinks clip nijis and whorelosEN are down with the coof so...

>> No.39019737

Reminder that vshitshow could have got liked had they reprimanded veibae over her yabs.

>> No.39019783

vshitshow take down clips of anyone that trash their company / their talent

>> No.39021511

We have always hated clippers.
They brought in the EOP rabble and made shit like EN vtubing popular.

>> No.39021770

>wouldn't it be great if there was a clipper who targeted less popular people doing things that people won't click on instead of slutting it up
Brilliant business plan, let me know how it works out for you

>> No.39022819


>> No.39023391

It's almost like they're the most popular English vtubers on Twitch anon. And like they get more views than most of Niji and some of the Holos

>> No.39023434

He posts Nazuna because her clips have captions. He also used to post Korone when she did a handful of English streams.

>> No.39024771

>Company takes down videos that dox their talents
wow... imagine if all companies did this

>> No.39024972

So does any other corpo you mongoloid

>> No.39025713

Go easy, people that use the word "vshitshow" like its a clever insult are running on single digit IQ here

>> No.39026021

*tips fedora*

>> No.39026395

You know VOOC is on vsj payroll right? Of course they shill the fuck out of them. Thought this was common knowledge.

Cooksie might be too but not sure

>> No.39030633

are we seriously talking about clippers now

>> No.39033402

oof, that's like the one good one. you've exposed your weakness to it.

>> No.39037859
File: 36 KB, 484x485, on my way to steal your vtuber -connor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENVtubersOOC is based. Dudes been posting vtubers from every org and indies since the account has existed. Not sure what there is to bitch about. I see him posted Gura more than anyone really, but considering it's user submission that may have to do with there just being more people submitting gura clips.
Dude was always posting Korone. The "I die forever" clip was there within seconds of her saying it live. She wasn't the only one either.

>> No.39039723

You fucking tourist

>> No.39040365

You can say most of the holos and be correct. They're not touching the top percent, but Hololive is huge and most of them aren't doing the kind of big numbers their top percent are.

>> No.39040632

Are you trying to turn us into your personal army?

>> No.39041910

If these faggots insisted that vtubers are idols, then vtubers should turn away their focus from streaming and towards concerts, music, organized talk/radio shows, and literally anything else. Streaming is proof of complacency because your only preparation is "show up and press the go live button" and even then that's a difficult task for some vtubers.

>> No.39047374

They aren't that powerful
