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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 258 KB, 1434x1372, FjSUaigUcAAV45k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38958662 No.38958662 [Reply] [Original]

Dragonwife Snowboarding Edition


All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Oceane Otoishi 音衣詩おしあん】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Punished /aeg/ >>>/vt//myspace/
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya - https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Mugune - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w

Last Thread: >>38910639

>> No.38958814
File: 476 KB, 892x720, Eyes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xmas karaoke and stuffing Sava's stocking!!!

>> No.38958863

Nice to see Sava growing so fast.

>> No.38958971

yeah literally sava fat lol

>> No.38959049

Sava is going wahoo yippee...

>> No.38959088

fat ass lol

>> No.38959126


>> No.38959355


>> No.38959474

Sava's model is so bouncy

>> No.38959582

It's begininning to look a lot like christmas!!

>> No.38959662

Catching up with some Leti's streams.
>Mentions 5 times that she graduated the top of her class
>Can't be happy with her success but feels the need to throw other people under the bus by saying that one guy in her class got help from an uncle who is a professor at Cambridge
This girl is just bitching about things. Holy shit, who the fuck even wants to hang out with her IRL? What an awful person.
Also, holy shit first time hearing Sava sing. She is amazing.

>> No.38959772
File: 2.55 MB, 1500x1000, 1054444-1.output_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New skeb for Isla Coleman of the Isla Coleman channel. It was meant for her birthday but I was super late in ordering it

>> No.38959789

this is the sava split now

>> No.38959896
File: 3.48 MB, 1343x1435, Ayyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so expressive, its fun to just watch her move and emote

>> No.38960101

You can say there's no such thing as Santa, but as for me and Sava, we believe.

>> No.38960220

whats with this guy in sava's chat, he keeps saying its just a normal day in ohio

>> No.38960228

Careful buddy, criticizing her using actual words she her self used will label you a schizo to her reddit-tier hugbox.

>> No.38960243

Nice thighs

>> No.38960246

it's just a normal day in ohio

>> No.38960271

>nijicuck is still trying

>> No.38960279

Its not though, Reindeer aren't even native to ohio

>> No.38960359

That's why they killed all the reindeer over there

>> No.38960365

>he doesn't know

>> No.38960370

There aren't any Peony clips for KCR. It's just the one linked here in a past thread.

>> No.38960375

if you don't like it then fuck off, no one cares. She's my girlfriend so she speaks her mind to me without holding back. Go prep your "honest" niji oshi before her male off-collab

>> No.38960404

There are two.

>> No.38960407

I love Sava's little silly improvisations when she sings. She is so cute!

>> No.38960411

I don't think either of you actually live in ohio

>> No.38960426

Ohio gozaimasu

>> No.38960447

Did she explain why she's back in this timeslot?

>> No.38960473

Well buddy, don't assume that I actually exist!

>> No.38960480

>over there

>> No.38960524

look at these thumbnails
youtube forces you to verify your mobile number to be able to create a custom one
it's fucking retarded

>> No.38960537

she had neck pain last week due to her fucked up setup so she only did guerrillas
she also streams later on weekends, maybe that's what you mean

>> No.38960548

balloon doggo

>> No.38960600

I see. I don't pay much attention to her but her stream times the past week or so have been great. The first time I've been able to watch her live. I'm only up right now because of WC, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to catch her stream.

>> No.38960605

I don't watch niji or holo. i try to follow 3 vtubers that i like in kawaii, and the rest occasionally if i can. Sorry that an honest critique awakes a complete leddit cuck white knight in you.
I used to like Aletta lot when she debuted. But this shit is too much.

>> No.38960623


>> No.38960633
File: 931 KB, 2836x4096, 1657001664419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38960646

She isn't that confident IIRC

>> No.38960650

Miryu sex

>> No.38960652
File: 24 KB, 129x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed this
god she's fucking cute

>> No.38960664
File: 16 KB, 336x379, 1670971592560919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38960668


>> No.38960685

i made this :)

>> No.38960707

i think she explained it in a previous stream but maybe i'm misinterpreting what she said. she complains about being offbeat

>> No.38960719

me too

>> No.38960737

ASMR and karaoke spam let's go

>> No.38960769

Her ability to meet a schedule is really not great, unfortunately. I think it's holding her back.

>> No.38960779

good, never enough sava asmr
there's enough from oceane and miryu tbdesu

>> No.38960860

Quiet Peony noises.

>> No.38960867

i think it's just this past week though? before that it's always the same time outside of guerilla. at least i think so whenever i check if she's still live when i was still trying to catch every peony stream because sava was right behind her

>> No.38960938

she has a history of oversleeping
it's not that bad but it happened a couple of times now

>> No.38960999

>she has a history of oversleeping
I think her health issues and her other work just drain her completely. I'm not even upset over it. We need a healthy cat not a tired grumpy cat.

>> No.38961013

More KCR clips

>> No.38961063

This one's really good. Great editing. Great girl.

>> No.38961109
File: 9 KB, 359x389, PeonyColeknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38961123

i made this.

>> No.38961160

Kawaii needs more clips in general. Even I that exclusively watch this corpo, sometimes forget how some of our girls can be funny and cute.

>> No.38961185
File: 761 KB, 1084x1760, 1652457086054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38961303

speaking of clips, is anyone here familiar with youtube specifically with regards to views? i was just thinking of creating a playlist for the KCR clips. we could watch it on loop, 5 views per person per day for all clips. it could give an algo boost.

>> No.38961325

I want to start making clips and putting them on my channel but I always procrastinate. One day, one day

>> No.38961371

Maybe do it after there's more clips. It's just the first one for KCR after all. I hope they change it to every other week instead of weekly to encourage quality.

>> No.38961409

>who wants to hang out with her IRL?
Wan wan>>38960737

>> No.38961472
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x1740, kawaii collab v12 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated for this week.
Lua - 8/11
Reina - 7/11
Nene/Isla/Shee/Aletta - 6/11
Charzu - 5/11
Nami - 4/11
Sava - 3/11
Oceane/Peony - 2/11
Miryu - 1/11

Miryu and Charzu love live tier list pls.

>> No.38961605

Letti is a very cute woman, why would you not want to hang out with a cute woman?

>> No.38961653

Miryu's list is so fucking sparse

>> No.38961663

why is lua the only one miryu collabed with?

>> No.38961691

What should Lua do with the last 3 she has to collab with?

>> No.38961692

I'm assuming timezone/scheduling conflicts

>> No.38961723

offcollab threesome with me

>> No.38961749

I already booked that with them so you'll have to wait your turn, but good idea regardless.

>> No.38961760

It's management forcing Miryu to collab with Lua as punishment for all the oldposting.

>> No.38961789

Do you think Miryu got embarassed when she was told to collab with Lua because she thought the oldposting was going unnoticed?

>> No.38961805

how much

>> No.38961847

They're actually paying me, it's pretty awesome

>> No.38961867

she got mad and doubled down instead.

>> No.38961874

>youtube shadowbans anus
it's not even a dirty word, wtf

>> No.38961887

it's free for me every night. sorry guys, i didn't know you had to pay.

>> No.38961894

sex with peony
sex with sava
get wine drunk with oceane and talk about hag stuff

>> No.38961914

Why don't all of these tards collab more often? They don't have the niji excuse of 100 trillion members and they can't hate each other because idol friend group image would be broken

>> No.38961951


>> No.38961962

They're busy with me.

>> No.38961964

I don't know about the other girls, but Reina has her collabs booked months in advance, it could just be simply a scheduling issue

>> No.38961991

I personally prefer solo content...

>> No.38962048

I wish they had more gen collabs

>> No.38962068

People enjoy solo content more.

>> No.38962078

All of them are extreme misogynists and can't handle spending a lot of time around other women

>> No.38962091

Collabs are bad content. Why would a GFE company go out of their way to do content where chat gets ignored?

>> No.38962112

Since no one said anything. At the start of her karaoke stream Sava "announced" the gen 3 girls stands are going to be available for sale on Sunday

>> No.38962141

I thought that was only because she's about to get 10k. Cool.

>> No.38962288

Its not bad content per se, it just brings out a ton of technical issues because the girls apparently can't set it up properly. I was super excited for the See x Charzu collab because they are my favorites in the company, only to get some of the worst audio ever. Literally turned it off after 10 minutes.

>> No.38962295

collabs don't work with GFE

>> No.38962360

were you the dude DJing? i agree though

>> No.38962378

wtf charzu singing collab

>> No.38962413

Cute autistic introverted girls company please understand

>> No.38962448

Cute onaholes

>> No.38962579

Yea I was all like Roc Raida last night (god rest his soul).

>> No.38962620
File: 276 KB, 1200x1200, Fj7ZVfHXEAA9TDX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit our imouto is growing up and collabing so much

>> No.38962735

I don't think the audio was that bad, the biggest problem was Shee is unable to cough away from the microphone.

>> No.38963273

So you're saying they are all pickme girls?

>> No.38963393

Yes they are all likeable women

>> No.38963414

>enter halftime
>shitposting restarts
it's hilariously transparent

>> No.38963537

*me scrolling up, see no shitposting*
>paranoid retard that literally cries about anything ever being posted in the thread because everything is shitposting, falseflagging, drama baiting, etc.
kindly fucking kill yourself. you literally add nothing to the thread. i bet you're the same guy that just randomly does
>new IP. dogshit post
completely out of context. typical 4chan npc behavior. you literally dont have anything else to say but 4chan buzzwords that are instilled into you.

>> No.38963590

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.38963621


>> No.38963678


>> No.38963683

>All I want for Christmas is (Youuuuuuuu)

>> No.38963772

Nami doxx

>> No.38963810

I wish there were more of this. Like a new one every thread.

>> No.38963906

spot on lol

>> No.38963924

Usami has to go through every catbox link in this thread

>> No.38963955

I love Sava Safari.

>> No.38963974
File: 10 KB, 249x65, 1662775839580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38963991

Horsewife playing HADES.

>> No.38963999

I wanna cum inside Peony

>> No.38964049

relentlessly forcing peony to cum with my fingers

>> No.38964079

I'm Peony, c'mere anonSSS

>> No.38964095


>> No.38964143

How come Oceane is about to pass all of gen 2 in subs? What went wrong with gen 2?

>> No.38964226

nailed it, like i'm nailing Peony right now

>> No.38964239

>What went wrong

>> No.38964245

Shee's model filters me
Nami's personality filters me
Lua's chat filters me

>> No.38964273

What a faggot

>> No.38964282 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 798x582, 1641659420690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't open

>> No.38964287

They didn't pander to SEA while derailing every stream into karaoke and viewbotting. Many such cases

>> No.38964324
File: 83 KB, 229x273, 1666544326751742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Peony to write a yandere rp script and intentionally use as much "S" words as possible. I want her to brutalize my ears

>> No.38964377

Too small

>> No.38964402

Sava is perfect. That is all.

>> No.38964500

and her wonderful singing voice. It's rarity makes it even more of a treasure

>> No.38964504

thats right reddit friend! lets shit up the thread by pretending some drama is going on!
Shee's model filters you? I think it is one of the cutest in the entire corpo.
Nami can be very silly and sweet, you probably watched her when she was, or you were in a bad mood so it affected your overall impression of her.
And simply disable Lua's chat. Who the fuck cares about the chat anyways.
Stop posting that whore in out thread. We need our own reaction meme pictures.

>> No.38964529
File: 292 KB, 480x480, charzuFang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38964548

man she really let herself go..

>> No.38964589

she slimmed down if anything

>> No.38964601

she's eating for 2 anon

>> No.38964610

tfw codename was based all along for blocking everyone

>> No.38964639

comes off as boring when you first view her, but if you watch her enough you realize she's actually really funny
cock too small, filters most people watching her for the penis
too old

>> No.38964648

Wow she's looking thinner than when I last saw her. Cock's smaller too, must have been swimming.

>> No.38964655

I do not like Shee's unnatural looking boobies
The part of Nami's personality I don't like is the superiority complex know it all part not her mood
The streamers tend to give a fuck about chat

>> No.38964728

>We need our own reaction meme pictures
then make some

>> No.38964756

this poster is Miryu btw

>> No.38964757

So when Nene's doing some heartbeat ASMR, she's pushing the mic ears directly on her bare chest, right? Like there's no way the sound comes through so clearly through a shirt?

>> No.38964787

I hate that I'm really into this
got more?

>> No.38964794
File: 10 KB, 405x390, PeonyDumDumAngy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38964816

yes, unless she bought a stethoscope.

>> No.38964833

>schizo tourist
>being able to do anything other than being an attention whore

>> No.38964845


a stethoscope just fucks it up in my experience

>> No.38964872

Nene does her asmr only in her bra

>> No.38964897

>loser calls someone else a schizo tourist
still gets so many (You)s though

>> No.38964923

Please post more

>> No.38965304

Yeah, me

>> No.38965346

why does this general think nami has a cock?

>> No.38965392
File: 1.23 MB, 600x708, 1667130933659.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38965463

What makes you think she doesn't?

>> No.38965494

chadname has always been based he make all other cucklings seethe and is lua favorite

>> No.38965970

I can hear Leti mashing the controller, cute

>> No.38966011

>he doesn't know

>> No.38966069

Incredibly cute

>> No.38966146


>> No.38966185

what the fuck is wrong with those armpits

>> No.38966252

They're deep like a pussy for fucking

>> No.38966258

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.38966269

it keeps giving her pitpussies for some reason

>> No.38966390
File: 355 KB, 480x480, charzuWink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason

>> No.38966681

>hey guys, if I keep calling other people newfags and tourists, will I fit in?
Sure. Just remember to be persistent. Entire site is just a bunch of newfags calling other people newfags after all.

>> No.38966700

is there a tag for it on boorus?

>> No.38966707


>> No.38967068


>> No.38967083
File: 115 KB, 588x452, rehe5hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Oceane be stopped?

>> No.38967090

I don't know how, but Leti istarted playing Hades like a cover shooter now that she has the bow and I don't think I've seen anybody ever do that before.

>> No.38967122

>more yandere
we lost.

>> No.38967225

cant believe she caught up and will pass lua so quickly i know gfefags double dip but damn she got lot of newfags

>> No.38967254

>yandere demon lord
She will eventually run out of anime cliches to yandere...r-right?

>> No.38967323

I’ll never stop submitting yandere requests.

>> No.38967342

I think a lot of people go that route when they first start playing bow

>> No.38967366

I'll never stop submitting loving wife requests.

>> No.38967370
File: 943 KB, 768x1152, blue hair, yellow eyes, white dress, outdoors, wide hips, plump, huge breasts, s s-1859568016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love armpits.

>> No.38967479


>> No.38967569

how the fuck is sava growing so fast, is she getting botted?

>> No.38967599
File: 107 KB, 792x1024, 8acf4f1569cfe63f33c5efbdd769e7e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the OG oceashells are happy about their favorite talent inclining so hard, I will never experience this and have made peace with it so enjoy it for me too bros

>> No.38967600

all me

>> No.38967644

ASMR videos have been a huge buff for Oceane, Peony, and Sava lately.

>> No.38967697

her gyaru ASMR has 39k views right now

>> No.38967752

Sava has been consistently getting 100+ ccv for every stream ever since debut. Her sub number being small is actually an anomaly compared to her sub number.

>> No.38967768
File: 434 KB, 750x639, 1669227501304238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to incline 101
>GFE content
>ASMR content
>spam zoomerbait shorts
you don't have to do all 3 but you need to be at least good at 1

>> No.38967900

>I will never experience this
and that's a good thing

>> No.38967924

you literally just need one VOD to do well in the algorithm in order to incline.
Sava deserves it though, she easily puts out the best content in kawaii.

>> No.38968101

OG oceashell, not happy about it. But I do hope she likes her new audience. People change, and my presumption that she wouldn't is absolutely on me.

>> No.38968107

She still can combine the cliches to do more anon...

>> No.38968191

She's been doing the same thing from the start

>> No.38968237


>> No.38968380
File: 471 KB, 500x500, peonyWah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ghosted by peony

>> No.38968474
File: 165 KB, 447x447, pegaheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leti getting over 200ccv for a gaming stream. Is Hades a buff game or our wife is getting the recognition she deserve

>> No.38968514

i spammed emojis. i did my part. see you next stream

>> No.38968535

She only recently started diving into the "woe is me" stuff and pulling in more Indo influence stuff.
Which is fine, it's her channel and obviously a factor in the incline. But I don't have to stick around out of some loyalty if there's not enough of why I was there in the first place and too much of the stuff that turns me off.
nb4 "you have been replaced" because, yeah, obviously.

>> No.38968603


>> No.38968647

muy bien

>> No.38968817

Hades is a buff game

>> No.38968889

why is she fucking around on a black screen? I don't understand peonyspeak

>> No.38968935

it's not loading for her

>> No.38968954

>Akane dropped $300
yanderebros we won again :)

>> No.38968976

>2 (two) (dos) yandere ASMR

>> No.38968988

hope that nigger gets killed by a irl yandere, fuck off with this normalfaggot fetish

>> No.38969003


>> No.38969049

*yanderes in you're path*

>> No.38969250

peony i'm depressed lets goooooooo

>> No.38969316

at least it's not footfaggotry.
I wanna bash in every foot degenerate's head that I see

>> No.38969410

With your foot?

>> No.38969522

What happened to Peony's stream? Phasmo broke?

>> No.38969565

Wouldn't load. She's reinstalling

>> No.38969691

is it just me or does she have Letti on the thumbnail for this stream?

>> No.38969703


>> No.38969726


>> No.38969740


>> No.38969741

She does. Please understand she is scuff.

>> No.38969838


>> No.38969909


>> No.38969929

I followed her even before her debut on yt, always interacted with her on Twitter since then. After her debut, I'm continuing to follow her, shilling on some community and other boards and also keeping up with always commenting and tweeting on her posts or videos until now. I also bought her membership from day 1
After a long time, my happiness was ruined by some of her donors not long ago. She now only really cares about them a lot, her treatment of them is very different from mine. And also, she only cares about newcomers, not me, who has tried so hard to keep up with her since the very beginning, even before her debut. She never cared about it, she only cared about getting newcomers from many countries, getting some money from them, and not caring about me
I'm still happy with her inclining, at least she's still recognizing me on some occasions, but I don't know until when this will happen
Should I stay here? Or just leave her with all the effort I've put in so far?

>> No.38969975

Peony excited for Hogwarts Legacy

>> No.38969994

you sound like a sad groomer desu

>> No.38970001

Don't act so entitled

>> No.38970079

my imouto is moving up in her singing pursuits

>> No.38970082

why are GFEfags like this

>> No.38970121

>shoulder ride time
were you the teacher itt who wanted to give her a shoulder ride?

>> No.38970130

My daughter is short

>> No.38970197

Peony doxxing herself.

>> No.38970202

You sound insufferable, hope she ignores you more.

>> No.38970225

>Who wants gems, I don't want 'em
Based Letti

>> No.38970228
File: 137 KB, 1346x873, IVE_Music_Bank_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peony went to go see IVE

>> No.38970239

it's just a sad groomer mad that he got outgroomed by someone with more money to burn. Not a true GFEchad

>> No.38970291
File: 17 KB, 512x342, God_is_dead!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38970312

Seeing your oshi grow is like being a parent. You're happy for your kid when they grow up but then you never see them again.

>> No.38970324

3rd girl is the cutest

>> No.38970330

Oh no, Peony and her mother are looked down upon by the rest of her family. Mother got knocked up by some spaniard, which is why Peony speaks spanish and german.

>> No.38970339

Frankfurt, summer 2022

>> No.38970346

This is Peony's idol.

>> No.38970420

how old is she?
>reddit link

>> No.38970476

>>reddit link
I wanted to share the direct gfy link but 4chan says it's spam.
>how old is she
Just turned 18 3 months ago

>> No.38970488

Akane already wanting special privileges.

>> No.38970505

that doesn't look like healthy bodyfat levels

>> No.38970513


>> No.38970529

peony countdown

>> No.38970530

listening to peony while catatonic in a starfish position on my floor

>> No.38970542

>Just turned 18 3 months ago
if we believe the idea that chuuba birthdays are near their irl birthday i am pretty sure peony is fucking 17 right now, going to be 18 on january.

>> No.38970544


>> No.38970578

still broken lmao
what happened between letti collab and now?

>> No.38970586

>if we believe the idea that chuuba birthdays are near their irl birthday
why would you believe that

>> No.38970612

>Just turned 18 3 months ago

>> No.38970619

because others do it

>> No.38970639

I was talking about the kpop girl not peony you doxfag

>> No.38970684

Peony will be 19 in January. This is no secret.

>> No.38970710

the kpop girl just turned 18, 3 months ago. peony said she's a few months younger than the kpop girl.

>> No.38970716

>turned 18 3 months ago
basically already a hag

>> No.38970733

This is fucking retarded. Peony is not under 18, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten hired. You people are mental.

>> No.38970734

>peony said she's a few months younger than the kpop girl
when did she say that?

>> No.38970745

how the fuck is that a doxx

>> No.38970776

y'all goofy lmao

>> No.38970785

im not sure if you're referring to peony's IRL bday or her chuuba bday, I dont watch peony

>> No.38970795

not reading all that
>Should I stay here? Or just leave her
Leave please

>> No.38970810

Anyone here a member?

>> No.38970833

become an anti

>> No.38970845

Yes but I'm too much of a pussy to join. There are only 3 slots so I won't be able to get in anyway.

>> No.38970868

gfe company. most people aren't like that.

>> No.38970869

weren't some holo girls under 18 when they were hired though?

>> No.38970898

It was a different time.

>> No.38970919

Peony got hired after graduating high school.

>> No.38970924

groomer bro.. you can still make it, just search for some 1view on twitch.

>> No.38970965

Don't forget the memes she references which aren't zoomer-tier. She's 22-25.

>> No.38970967

yes but I'm not spending $15 on a game I'll play once

>> No.38971021

its possible to know memes older than your age tier

>> No.38971034

>leti doesn't stream during EU hours
>suddenly she's at over 200 CCV
man there really is zero benefit to streaming for euros huh

>> No.38971068 [DELETED] 

Do you really want the forbidden knowledge?

>> No.38971074

euros dont watch nor donate

>> No.38971126

It's the other way around. Wonyoung is a few months younger than Peony.

>> No.38971142

euros are still awake now

>> No.38971146

I unironically don't so fuck off

>> No.38971169

>ask for some kpop's girl's age
>somehow that leads into discussing peony doxx
why are SEAbros like this?

>> No.38971187

She said it herself on stream.

>> No.38971239

Peony doesn't have a doxx. She just does the doxxing

>> No.38971244

>Said she was still in highschool when she applied to kawaii
Watch streams

>> No.38971295

my favorite part of peony streams are when her mic cuts off mid scream

>> No.38971297 [DELETED] 

y'all are pedos simping for some 18yo lol

>> No.38971302

she could have been held back multiple years due to having too much sex in school to focus on studying

>> No.38971319


>> No.38971328

trying too hard to sound american eurocuck

>> No.38971353

Peony is raping my ears.

>> No.38971371

18 years old is an adult.

>> No.38971372


>> No.38971375

That's my daughter you're talking about

>> No.38971448

id simp her even harder if she was 14

>> No.38971458

Peony is a dumb sex-addicted repeater confirmed.

>> No.38971485

Is this real?

>> No.38971512

The lion
The witch
And the audacity of this anon

>> No.38971519

usami is reading this thread instead of modding peony's stream right now

>> No.38971561

It's true, Usami has stopped chatting

>> No.38971657

is he grooming peony?

>> No.38971663


>> No.38971708

>peony makes a offhand remark about her age
>schizos make a rrat about age instead of watching streams
>usami has entered the thread
while i have you here, tell her to add variety to her asmr instead of just yandere

>> No.38971722

too old

>> No.38971733

usami make sure to get the yandere daughter scripts in

>> No.38971767

No but I'm grooming her
Usami please marry me

>> No.38971775

No, that would be me

>> No.38971780 [DELETED] 

Usami I hope you and your mom get raped by niggers

>> No.38971782

sure, you can repeat every grade 2 times (if they haven't changed it since I graduated)

>> No.38971855

Which kawaii girl would be most genuinely happy to know I jerked off thinking of her?
Note: She doesn't have to actually be happy because of it but rather is most happy relative to the others.

I need to know for strictly scientific reasons.

>> No.38971897

Some of her biggest paypigs are from her own country?
And she streams in the morning and the evening for Brits +1 hour for central europeans.
It is actually amazing to see how some people will eat literal shit in order to blame europe or sea or any other region for something. you people came to the vtuber board just to be unironically racist.
Knowing that all this anti SEA and anti euro is being posted by some inbred redneck from bumblefuck Arkansas really make me laugh though.

>> No.38971902

she still can't come up with something to say in chat to appear innocuous so she's just going to pretend.

zero doubt in my mind that it's lua.

>> No.38971968

Please play with my daughter Peony

>> No.38971978

is this aliaga again?

>> No.38971997


>> No.38972018


>> No.38972049

Leti, dashing is an i-frame. Just spam dash and attack, don't need to walk out of harm's way

>> No.38972078

Lua wants tributes

>> No.38972169

Usami has been gone a while.

>> No.38972198


>> No.38972288

playing dead because she's been caught red-handed

>> No.38972302

>eat literal shit
Freudian slip shaaang

>> No.38972349

caught slacking, about to get fired

>Benjamin Bishop
that's literally my first name

>> No.38972424 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 540x510, 150860568049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've just been doxxed kiddo.

>> No.38972682

>Thread goes morphs into shitstorm over previously well known information
>During Peony's stream
At least do your archive reps before baiting nijifaggots

>> No.38972691
File: 5 KB, 288x256, 4746757767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made a minecraft skin for Peony.
if you manage to fap and finish to this, you are a true fan

>> No.38972815
File: 154 KB, 947x2048, 20221204_114052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playtime with Shee!

>> No.38972844

Does Shee exclusively play zoomer horror games?

>> No.38972857

honestly I'm no longer surprised at the amount of (You)s this blatant bait got

>> No.38972882

>open stream
>Shee immediately coughs on me

>> No.38972900

I want to mating press Shee.

>> No.38972972

lua but she actually doesn't like it especially now that she has seen the goblins that went to the con
the one that secretly enjoys it is nami

>> No.38973013

Oceane probably

>> No.38973028

Peony inviting Leti to join

>> No.38973051

yeah, me

>> No.38973122

Containment board prease understand

>> No.38973142

gen 3 from most to least happy
>sava, but she'll pretend it's weird
>oceane, but she'll pretend she loves it
>leti, but only because she doesn't want to discourage you
>peony, but she wont say anything about it

>> No.38973211


>> No.38973246

she only wants schlicking

>> No.38973255

aaah I keep forgetting she exist, I don't do it on purpose I swear
also, I don't watch her enough to know how she'd react

>> No.38973387 [DELETED] 

What is the best way to send tributes to Lua?

>> No.38973405

Peony and miryu are too young to be a doomer
Leti is probably the least happy
Sava is okay but very prone to a life tragedy that will drain her of all happiness
Oceane is SEA but she has copium of finding a husband to get her a greencard to NA

>> No.38973466

Anon, the topic is who would be happiest receiving a video of someone cumming on their picture.

>> No.38973492

anon didn't read the whole reply chain kek

>> No.38973531

I genuinely believe Sava is a lesbian, she wouldn't be aroused but she'd be happy knowing that she made you happy

>> No.38973573 [DELETED] 

Help me

>> No.38973677 [DELETED] 

I followed her for singing and karaoke (which has actually dropped in quality somehow) as I dont care for GFE, parasocial and ASMR. But the constant "I love you" "I am proud of you" "You are not alone" etc is pushing me away.
While I understand she wants to grow fast, her constant coombaiting filters me a lot too as I belived she had enough talent to not resort to that. I also think she really dropped the elegance she had before that I liked about her and some streams I actually have to mute or leave because I cant listen anymore.
I still wish her good luck tho and I hope she grows as she wants.

>> No.38973699


>> No.38973715

Letti has a miserable chink mom who berated her growing up, so Letti's perfectionist behavior and constant self-esteem issues make a lot of sense (except for the bullshit she made up claiming she was bullied for being ugly in school, she invented that narrative to farm sympathy donos from her viewers)

>> No.38973720
File: 812 KB, 1280x720, 1644560847694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene's going live soon dayo

>> No.38973786

Fuck I'm sleepy and trying to watch 3 streams at the same time.
For gen 3
Most happy to least happy would be
Even miryu wouldn't hate it, buf she prefer if the tribute comes from a girl

>> No.38973856

production overlap let's goooooo

>> No.38973981

i have no idea if she actually enjoys it like anons are saying so i'm scared to suggest

>> No.38974018

did you realize that the reply was talking about which girls would be happiest to know you jerked off to her? my guess is no

>> No.38974027

catbox link in maros

>> No.38974105

She doesn't

>> No.38974167

I figured. Thanks Nami

>> No.38974244

I just want to clarify this anon is not me who originally asked the question. I was just trying to get the thread back to a normal topic since I foresaw danger in the previous discussion.
I do not condone sending tributes to kawaii girls.
Unless, you know, you've got something worth showing off to them. I don't so I keep it private.

>> No.38974289

You retards are going to get maros closed

>> No.38974307 [DELETED] 

She is so erotic. I doubt she doesn't like to see a big cock

>> No.38974328

Final round of phasmophobia

>> No.38974389

There's still a lot of IPs here. People that are here just to shit talk don't really care.

>> No.38974533

Peony talking about idols

>> No.38974553

that's me

>> No.38974686
File: 23 KB, 250x322, 2017_AKB48_Miyawaki_Sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I hope to compete?

>> No.38974800

Wtf? isn't she in IZONE?

>> No.38974831

One of Miryu's grooming target is streaming yugioh

>> No.38974873

She graduated, that's when Peony stopped following AKB48

>> No.38974876

Disbanded. She's in LE SSERAFIM now.

>> No.38975035

>fags unironically know stuff about kpop
listening to aniso here and there is like, ok i get it, but unironically being a kpop fag as a non asian male (aka woman)?

>> No.38975212

Peony teabagging the ghost

>> No.38975437

Peony's RPing as a dog right now

>> No.38975463

>play fetch with me
>i'll go fetch it
uuuuuuuunnnnnghh peony

>> No.38975535

Doggystyle fairy…

>> No.38975688

based nene dabbing on hololive

>> No.38975955

those texts were from me btw

>> No.38975978


>> No.38976058

holoenbronies never had a chance

>> No.38976223

based time to make a bait thread to shill

>> No.38976935

Because of the technical difficulties comment? Is this the same Nene that begged for Hololive clippers to sometimes, maybe, possibly, clip smaller channels to give them some exposure?
Hololive fans were present in all of your gen 1 girls debuts. Most of you fags didnt even know about kawaii back then, but now you're acting like old fags.
>popular thing bad, must hate!
Unironical retarded children.

>> No.38976984

meds lol

>> No.38977005

Someone got their nerves touched.

>> No.38977084

Lol seething holobrony

>> No.38977114

how did you get so mad from 5 words kek

>> No.38977149

I love HoloJP, but hate HoloEN and Tempiss

>> No.38977190

I like that technical difficulties are so deeply linked to HoloEN that your brain just filled in the blanks for anon's 5-word post.

>> No.38977247

Perfect, because I already jerk off thinking about raping her everyday.

>> No.38977317
File: 354 KB, 498x498, 361661145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (you)'s chumps. My larping game is good today.

>> No.38977357

last for nami's fragrant anus

>> No.38977413

