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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38915360 No.38915360 [Reply] [Original]

These are not good vtubers. Nijisanji, what are you doing? You're fucking it up. You had a good thing going and you're shitting it away.

>> No.38915781

They fucked it up at least 2 gens before these

>> No.38916031

>impplying l*xiem is any good

>> No.38916121

Name one thing wrong with Xsoleil besides noombers. All the girls are great.

>> No.38916204

only numberfags hate xsoleil, you're soulless if you hate the cunny hag

>> No.38916392

XSoleil's girls will take away viewers from HoloEN, you only have Cover to blame for not releasing EN3.

>> No.38919991
File: 5 KB, 511x58, play the damn game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*puts title in stream*
>"oh hey it's that thomas the daemon engine game!"
>20+ mins later
>still talking
>low viewer count
I noticed a pattern.

>> No.38920379

The white haired girl from xoxolel is alright.

>> No.38920454

Ina back yet?

>> No.38921867

Fuck off holotard. All the girls from this wave are fucking great. KYS.

>> No.38923393

Why does a Niji put out a new gen like every 3 months? It makes it impossible for the newer talent to grow.

>> No.38925422

>Noctyx to ILUNA 5 months
>ILUNA to XSOLEIL 4 months
Those 4 months was more than enough to see who deserves success.
Only the talented and/or entertaining chuubas grow here, CdawgVA redpill of truth doesn't apply to NijiEN
yet the lowest nijiEN still top 0,1% of Vtubers and can sustain themselves as fulltime streamers

>> No.38925607

Probably doesn't mean much, but I'm liking Xsoleil a lot more than Iluna, but I guess the damage may have already been done

>> No.38925621
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1635197988376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even hit 100k subs
Oh no no no look at this dude hahaha

>> No.38926672

Enjoy watching nothing. Faggot.

>> No.38927143

It’s because Anycolor is a large corpo whose business model is having a bunch of talents whose numbers resemble a small corpo’s.
No, really. The stragglers have numbers resembling the regular numbers of the strongest performers in the small corpos. Nijisanji is basically if Phase Connect had, like, 40 members and Pippa was at HoloEN numbers.
They do not give a fuck about their members. As long as they only get mogged by, like, the ghost or the rabbit, they’re fine. ACCELERATE.

>> No.38927461

>It’s because Anycolor is a large corpo whose business model is having a bunch of talents whose numbers resemble a small corpo’s.
Gotta diversify your offerings. It's the first thing you learn in business school and part of the reason why small grocery stores keep getting blown the fuck out by Walmart.

>> No.38928120

Japanese businesses are normally conservative as hell. It's why 400 year old inns and printmaking shops are the norm over there.

>> No.38928478

You'd think, right? Big businesses know how to play the game, though, and even in Japan they understand that higher risk equals higher reward. Hell, the startup culture seen in many first-world countries today was basically lifted from Toyota's lean manufacturing philosophy.

>> No.38928533

Zaion is really fun from what I've seen

>> No.38931231

Xsoleil girls are great, fuck off.
Maririn is alright too.

>> No.38931471

holoEN is fucking dead deflection thread

>> No.38931539
File: 256 KB, 830x1199, __zaion_lanza_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_szainx__5dbb398b275d00351c3877af3d22a171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice to my Jew wife/sister/daughter/mother/auntie/grandma.

>> No.38932482

niji died the day they made the girls collab with males, as did hololive. as did all of vtubing. All to satisfy the twitter tranny brigade on their sjw crusade to destroy vtubing and based idol culture forever.

>> No.38932580

Good kitty.

>> No.38932766

I think she and Maria should give me a footjob

>> No.38933525

God she's so hot

>> No.38934040

Expensive wallet-draining sex with Zaion!

>> No.38936381

>had a good thing going
Since when?

>> No.38936473

They're diversiy-ing. They have that VTA thing, that probably people will pay to "learn to stream". School business is pretty lucrative in Japan, like seiyuu school or idol school. Other than that, I think they have like Virtual Hostess Club (not sure if closed) that I think Ange and few others have shown-off before.

Their diversifying is pretty different than Holo. Holo diversifying by investing into games and more live events utilizing their existing talents.

Not saying that one company is "better" than others though, just different take.

>> No.38937588

>Virtual Hostess Club
Got canned months ago

>> No.38940716

>These are not good vtubers. Nijisanji, what are you doing?
Teach them what good vtubers are

>> No.38941307

>based idol culture
You will never be Japanese

>> No.38941851

He said no number cope. Can you even read?

>> No.38942778

Meloco is the best thing to ever happen to Nijisanji

>> No.38945413

Do you think they can do better?

>> No.38950593

says who?

>> No.38950632


>> No.38950659

They are esl

>> No.38952638
File: 562 KB, 456x626, 1659319973869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be a picture of every wave after Obsydia tbqh. You can at least love Luxiem for the money but Ethyriafags and Noctyxfags (roru rumao) pretending that they are better than season 2 is some of the funniest shit I have ever seen.

>> No.38953213
File: 720 KB, 1561x3070, 1671006214165220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can stuck under 100k for year to come as long as she keep being herself, LOLIHAG LOVE

>> No.38953260

That sound hot

>> No.38953361

I like the Xsoleil girls. Too bad they got roped into yet another mixed gen. Niji should stop this shit (but I know they won't).
Iluna has no redeeming quality.

>> No.38953574

Enna is currently top of nijien female now, she mogged your oshi in many ways

>> No.38953854
File: 148 KB, 585x564, 1594853489341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly in shitting on her fans. I wonder how that will end.
Mori Calliope used to be number two EN vtuber just after Gura back in the day. I mean, Mori is Enna's oshi and they both didn't really want to be corpo vtubers so it's not that surprising that she is following a similar trajectory.

>> No.38954714

Is she actually Jewish?

>> No.38954850

No, it's just a meme based on her name. She is Japanese-American.

>> No.38954903

The way it works is this.
>new debut creates hype
>this sucks more viewers into Nijisanji
>these new viewers quickly gravitate to the most popular talents, shooting their numbers even higher than before.
>the bottom talents are now forced to stretch their viewers between even more people.

It's a system that rewards the strong streamers, and sabotages the weak streamers. Gradually the weak streamers get stretched so thin they are forced into graduation, while the strong streamers just grow bigger and bigger.

>> No.38955168

They gave Iluna more time than the previous waves and they didnt do shit

>> No.38955426

niji en needs smaller, non-mixed waves
bring back 3 member groups like lazulight and obsydia

>> No.38955540

>what are you doing? You're fucking it up. You had a good thing going and you're shitting it away.
We haven't had a good thing for a whole year now.

>> No.38955767

VTA is failing miserably

>> No.38955866

Why not just do the usual 3 women wave and 5 men wave? This whole mixed wave literally drags both genders down

>> No.38956263

Anycolor's model is profit driven. More new debuts means more first monetization streams, anniversaries, birthdays and even graduation money plus merch. And the ones that survive the curse poison pot end up being the ones the company will invest on

>> No.38958136

>Gradually the weak streamers get stretched so thin they are forced into graduation,
funny how that is not how it works most of the time
Look at who graduated in the last 12 months in JP and tell me how many are the "stretched thin" ones
>b-b-but KR
they didn't have "mass" to be stretched thin to begin with

>> No.38964533 [DELETED] 

>assuming i'd want to be a brown dicked, slanty eyed smack

>> No.38968875

why are women like this?

>> No.38969132

I literally only watch Lazulight and Obsydia and very rarely Enna clips. I have closed myself to new Nijisanjis forever.

>> No.38970163

I want to stretch Hari thin.

>> No.38970445

She got her captive whale audience. Why deal with teh headache of having thousands of viewers when she gets the same amount of super chats with a few hundred.

>> No.38970866

Ren and Maria are OK

ALL of Xsoleil is absolute gold

>> No.38970987

That won't happen because they're in a mixed gender wave. Nijisanji wasting an opportunity again.

>> No.38972028

Bronnies are bored making shit posts because they have no one to watch since their streamers don't stream. All of the girls in Xsoleil are S tier levels of good.

>> No.38973549

No blue dorito next to their name

>> No.38974496

The 3 JP-ENs as their own wave would have caught a lot of interest because it's a very opposite direction from what they'd been doing, but because they're buried in the xsoilel clusterfuck people both don't immediately realize "hey this is literally like 3 Pikamees, 3 inverse Cocos guys" or they know, but because it's a mixed-gender wave assume they're just gonna be trash.

I wouldn't say the JP girls instantly-excel a lot as chuubas but they're not bad either, and due to the nature of what they are (little-known pasts, no obvious political slants, not obligately-Western, legit feels more anime because it's literally-a-Japanese-girl) they can easily win over people who want a more authentic-feeling vtuber experience.

>> No.38974667

Her husband is ugly, so I feel better about myself
