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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 454 KB, 512x768, shdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38860192 No.38860192 [Reply] [Original]

Playtime with Shee Edition


All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Oceane Otoishi 音衣詩おしあん】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Punished /aeg/ >>>/vt//myspace/
AkioAIR >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Yuuka - https://twitter.com/YuukaBear1
Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya - https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Mugune - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w

Last Thread: >>38830522

>> No.38860275

>Take a literal peak into some other corpo streams
>Be eternally thankful that we have Kawaii girls

>> No.38860437

A sheep is fine too

>> No.38860593

This thread will be filled with shitposting

>> No.38860632

>early access game

>> No.38860716
File: 291 KB, 361x518, nenepss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene cute!

>> No.38860819

Explain to me why Sexva doesn't use her deeper voice as the default again?

>> No.38860839

Very cute.

>> No.38860859

Don't slander wooz like this

>> No.38860866

she has to carefully control her airflow to do it, its probably tiring

>> No.38861081

I thought we agree on no AI art for op

>> No.38861195

If Peony has a goal up for her next stream, it'll be met.

>> No.38861859

It's not AI art, it's a picture of Shee IRL.

>> No.38862193
File: 2.62 MB, 2039x2894, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love our cloudtomo wife nene cloudtomo bros have a great night or day.

>> No.38862217

Nami fat whore lol

>> No.38862391
File: 387 KB, 724x1024, 1639538139507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't know any male VTubers. They don't exist in my world."
That's our girl.

>> No.38862485

7 minutes of Miryu Sims
Best part of Omori

>> No.38862558

poor charles...

>> No.38862601

They all sound the same as if there's some twitch thot production line. I suspect there's a western dubbing situation going on in ni*i and vsho*o. Even these 1 views Miryu talks about somehow sound unique and cute

>> No.38862658

She is too perfect for this world, i need to immediately marry this cute Tenshi. Abd if i cant have her no one will

>> No.38862962
File: 127 KB, 291x227, Fj1BdSGUUAEsiQm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only you knew how bad things were

>> No.38863134
File: 1.63 MB, 1050x1200, 1653729258873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shwedding shdress...

>> No.38863271
File: 546 KB, 1920x1080, 1643201571128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.38863316

tits aren't big enough

>> No.38863320

Wtf is that disgusting thing? Kill it with fire and piss on it to put the fire out.

>> No.38863330

the GuyRys hat...

>> No.38863439

Looks kind of cursed, but still less cursed than shdog. Also,

>> No.38863445


>> No.38863585

Ameno i was so proud of how she handled that chump i popped off in chat that's our wife cloudtomos don't betray her she is the real deal

>> No.38863725
File: 479 KB, 768x512, 01312-2313280817-masterpiece, best quality, light .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Nami

>> No.38863745

She will be held to those words, for better or worse. Screencap, clip this and keep it in storage for the inevitable upcoming male yab...

>> No.38863780

>new IP
>dogshit doompost

>> No.38863819
File: 1.57 MB, 1050x1200, 1670340017661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shexchanging shvows at the shaltar

>> No.38863864

I don't know if this is just me but she looks 13-14 in these AI-arts

>> No.38863904

Makes sense. She acts like she's 12 on stream, so it's only portraying her accurately.

>> No.38863927
File: 78 KB, 311x311, 1 (one) suzucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pay you three Suzucoin to stop posting weird half-realistic AI Shee

>> No.38864026
File: 746 KB, 797x675, cat_giggles_but_a_different_cat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2snken.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will pay you Sava giggles to continue posting weird half-realistic AI Shee

>> No.38864160

And suddenly, im interested in Oceane.

>> No.38864288

That is why I will always watch Nene.
For all the hype that oceane is getting, she actualy gaslit her dumb fanbase that a male collab is not actually a male collab because...its just not OK!!!
Nene doesnt need drama whore Vtubers to incline.
Btw how are Oceashells so delusional to think that Oceane is the new queen, when she joined the empire that Nene built with her own hard work. Oceane is just piggy backing off of something that is already established + she needed a drama whore tuber boost.

>> No.38864326
File: 147 KB, 395x424, 3 (three) Suzucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38864534
File: 1.38 MB, 1050x1200, 1664846763608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another shwedding shportrait

>> No.38864608

Even better

>> No.38864691

uoh? (ToT)

>> No.38864808

Nene doesn't do male anything, she knows exactly who her audience is and how to keep them happy, she is the gfe streamer. A male colab would completely filter all her whales

>> No.38864928
File: 1.24 MB, 864x1200, 1668701707190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shnewlywed shburning our shfood in the shkitchen

>> No.38864929

Jeez, fudge, dangit

>> No.38864947

so freakin' cute...

>> No.38865026

Much too flat

>> No.38865035

Shes flat as a board, i think im in love

>> No.38865042

only one bathroom...

>> No.38865096

no cunnyposting please I am trying to recover

>> No.38865307
File: 1.42 MB, 885x1200, 1648757648254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38865370
File: 123 KB, 1079x229, 15708560795069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peony yandere asmr buff
>sava gyaru asmr buff
how do we save miryu? i'd like all three to reach 10k before the end of the year

>> No.38865397

autistic schizo asmr

>> No.38865525

She has to slut it up for male viewers, she panders to females but there are just not that many women who would watch a female vtuber over a yume or fujobait homotuber

>> No.38865579

she doesn't do asmr though kalimba is (not asmr)

>> No.38865682

i don't want her to have to do things she doesn't like to be popular

>> No.38865737

that's just not how it fucking works then

>> No.38865739


>> No.38865754
File: 309 KB, 663x1000, Loading-the-Shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its such a shame they have to put 'er down if she doesn't hit some arbitrary number by an arbitrary date

>> No.38866080

please listen to her music anon

>> No.38866148

Agreed, she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to. She could try to play the algo and get more exposure, maybe her niche is bigger than I thought and she just needs to reach it but there's no guarantees. Male pandering on the other hand... she is more talented than Aletta and the whorse has twice her subs with roughly the same timezone.

>> No.38866147

Miryu will make it! I believe in her! There's no actual time limit or anything, just think it'd be nice if they all reach 10k

>> No.38866202

I only watch chuubas with IQ above 60 and Charisma above 4 points
Miryu has one of those things... maybe...

>> No.38866718

she is a zoomer please understand

>> No.38866817

I feel like miryu is smarter than she seems

>> No.38866928


>> No.38867033

miryu coomerbait for girls pls

>> No.38867055

Miryu should do what she wants, and that is cultivating her all female audience. I am transitioning as we speak (changes gender on account to female). When I'm in Miryu's chat, I'll be just one of the girls.

>> No.38867216

All those kinda realistic Shee pics were from this account btw, I just thought it was a nice coincidence that the hair and eyes matched. There are some more pics that I didn't post.

>> No.38867288

>Neme and Miryu doing the ultimate coomerbait ASMR
Neme mentioned (during Miryus last Karaoke stream) how she worked in a maid caffe.

>> No.38867768


>> No.38867825


>> No.38868036


>> No.38868104

kawaii is child company

>> No.38868116

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.38868121
File: 83 KB, 778x955, FbrwIeUaMAAuQWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll sub to miryu if she lifts her tail

>> No.38868243


>> No.38868313

those bunny suits ones, good skeb idea material

>> No.38868392

the lusty dragon maid...

>> No.38868507
File: 1.37 MB, 1146x1080, SEEEEEEEEEEEEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38868683

You mean this didn't give you a massive erection?

>> No.38868748

This but the female version

>> No.38868779

that's how I know it's a child company

>> No.38868997
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 20221111_124112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38869185
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, 1670734276088324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38869572

I'm the powerpoint Lua is making btw

>> No.38869591

You will make sure Peony and Leti have clips for of their own streams in KCR right anon?

>> No.38869719

If ballo doggo isn't submitted I will be sad.

>> No.38869758

'Your lesbian childhood friend practicing her pick up lines on you for her crush as you two snuggle in a cold winter morning ASMR'
Threesome somewhere down the line

>> No.38869774

I am thinking of making one clip under the wire. I don't usually do clips though.

>> No.38869790

Peony is getting at least 2 clips of questionable now :D

>> No.38869855

I want to send something but the rules require me to create a youtube account for it.

>> No.38869891

Just send the streamables that get posted here.

>> No.38870439

I like this one

>> No.38870710

instantly filtered by management

>> No.38870820

Wtf isla

>> No.38870864

she's /here/

>> No.38871025

I like this one

>> No.38871028

The Nami dilate clip... forever lost to the void..

>> No.38871074

FUCK i can still feel the regret
i was literally downloading it but it got cut off. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.38871097

I'm gonna dream about Miryu

>> No.38871151

read the rules guys
>entries must be publicly available on youtube

>> No.38871420

I wanted to make a clip from Peony's 12hr stream. Oh well.
>have to upload to youtube
That's a negative for me. Best I can do is a streamable or sending the video file.

>> No.38871434

Fuck, I messed up my room review submission and now I can't edit it

>> No.38871461

Submit again and say please ignore first submission please and thank you.

>> No.38871498

part of the reason why they're doing this is probably to game the algo, which is why posting it on youtube is a requirement.

>> No.38871584

BOYS jp reps paid off, Hana is back!


>> No.38871639

I have autism anon, I can't post a video on my nice clean account meant for commenting.
I'd have to make a whole new account with a proper name themed for clipping and I can't handle using TWO accounts.

>> No.38871745

you can just add channels, at least that's what i did. supposedly there's no way to figure out it's the same account. my normal "channel" for chatting and this new "channel" for uploading is different. if i just unintentionally doxxed myself i am going to chimp out

>> No.38871777

Thanks Usami

>> No.38871810

>He and Nami don't know

>> No.38871890


>> No.38872166

How can she be so flexible when she's so fat lol

>> No.38872201

I have already sent this to management 15 times with no context.

>> No.38872253
File: 931 KB, 2836x4096, 1655607509755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38872342

imagine the aroma between her legs

>> No.38872459

What the fuck.

>> No.38872500

I am proud of my daughter and her balloon doggo

>> No.38872592

imagine sniffing her pussy then she farts on you lol

>> No.38872801

She trained it to be able to suck her own futa cock

>> No.38872843

What does Peony's farts smell like?
What about usami's?

>> No.38872914


>> No.38872997

Oh I should pay attention to Miryu's twitter more
good stuff

>> No.38873114

>Peony's farts
Unbelievably rancid.
>usami's farts
Calming fragrance. Soft and gentle warmth.

>> No.38873166

I want to carry her around on my shoulders.

>> No.38873178
File: 86 KB, 612x405, 158709856075086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's due to german diet
Please understand

>> No.38873304

I want to do that as well, but with her in front

>> No.38873406
File: 727 KB, 2894x1631, Fj1wuuyWQAEvXoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad Sava is seeing more engagement

>> No.38873520

Is Nene the only girl with a daki?

>> No.38873634

>8k celebration
at this rate she's going to be at 10k, how many celebrations is she going to do and will we get a kiss with each one?

>> No.38873671

Peony is my personal pillow

>> No.38873901
File: 96 KB, 862x1265, ReinaDaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38874024

Reina's Daki is much better, no offense to the artist that did Nene's but KFR is in a different league.

>> No.38874106

It's almost funny to think how just a few weeks ago, she was lamenting her slow growth and thinking that it would be a long time yet before she reached the 10k requirement for merch.

>> No.38874204

A man of his word, I respect the hell out of you anon.

>> No.38874505

>Oceane will hit 30k by the end of this week

>> No.38874561

>it's that time of day again
>SEAna numberfagging starts

See ya in 7 hours /pkg/

>> No.38874672
File: 88 KB, 816x686, shee_peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38874752
File: 818 KB, 640x720, 1670121591865100.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Sava!

>> No.38874782

Did she draw that? Wow

>> No.38874883

give me your best kawaii stream guys, i want to jerk off

>> No.38874913


>> No.38874931
File: 10 KB, 249x65, 1660558952713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38875000


>> No.38875048

a stacy as usual

>> No.38875234
File: 23 KB, 334x337, NamiDaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38875591
File: 770 KB, 300x416, miryumoans[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz6jp58.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucking my wife Miryu's clitoris while I play with her nipples

>> No.38875904
File: 26 KB, 276x137, alettaears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38875937
File: 67 KB, 892x716, HotAletta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38876251

it's a skeb

>> No.38876266

Aletta will be talking about horse penis on stream soon

>> No.38876346

post nene's

>> No.38876455

I'm kinda surprised Letti is making face reveal jokes after we got an actual face reveal just a week ago

>> No.38876557

She cute?

>> No.38876617

very, wears huge round glasses too

>> No.38876791

probably why she's okay with it
and yes she really is

>> No.38876811

Which of your chuubas would I like if i'm a prude?

>> No.38876831

Charlotte Suzu.

>> No.38876847


>> No.38876879
File: 721 KB, 1280x720, horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38876921

I haven't seen anyone who antis Shee, probably my favorite kawaii girl aside from Letti

>> No.38876936

What a cutie, I’m going to love now.

>> No.38877082
File: 44 KB, 568x568, media_Fb3lSD5X0AAplig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sava is cute and silly. She goes shoooom breeep hehe haha pow pow tom-tom-tim-tam-tum yahoo and she bounces all over my heart while yelling wahoo yippee. I love her so much!

>> No.38877157

I anti her because of this

>> No.38877335

I love my cute horse wife so much bros

>> No.38877479

Leti looks so much like a SEA woman rather than a chinese desu

>> No.38877596

Aletta Love
Attention seekingfags Hate

>> No.38877604

Its that time again, horsecuck's SEA magnet stream!! The true SEA bitch, her chat that's just full of faggots like Paizuri man and Shang

>> No.38877755

charzu 100%

>> No.38877807

Why go with Letti when you can have someone cuter like Peony? She doesn't go awawa/ayaya and chickinborgir every shitty second and is also retarded

>> No.38877821

My rrat is that she's actually hispanic but pretends to be Asian because she's a weeb but calling herself Japanese would be too obvious.

>> No.38877823

Delicious Brown?

>> No.38877895 [DELETED] 

Like rotting pagpag

>> No.38878029

awawa is cuter

>> No.38878114

Oceane... don't look...

>> No.38878126

You say this, but I've not once heard it in the 5 minutes or so of looking through streams. Please send timestamped link.

>> No.38878401

Anon, you can't just expose yourself as a holo refugee like that. We have out you through filenames and MD5s or original pictures etc., this is too easy.

>> No.38878548

>120 hour donothon by Sava

>> No.38878779

Sleep deprivation makes you more crazy. I saw what Non from Prism did on her nonstop flight stream. Im actually a little afraid of what savas might end up as.

>> No.38878969
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Sava post her horny thumbnail art anywhere? Doesn't seem like she uploads them to Twitter as far as I can tell.

>> No.38879012

it's members content

>> No.38879696

I'm the last kawaiibro standing at this ungodly hour......

>> No.38879823

not today

>> No.38880290

anyone know where to pirate Letti's voice pack cause I want to hear her swear but refuse to drop the 7 bucks for it

>> No.38880766

Letti is being weird

>> No.38880828

Is she a furry?

>> No.38881030


what did she mean by this?

>> No.38881099

Schizos got to her like Leti...

>> No.38881171

Kinda weird when stuff like this happens outside here

>> No.38881180
File: 4 KB, 442x64, LuaKink..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter CCs are super good sometimes but other times..

>> No.38881182

Damn looks like I ruined it for everyone else, my bad for this one, she even blocked me.
Was not trying to guilt trip her or anything;

>> No.38881212


>> No.38881276

>some unfunny fag got triggered and ruined it for everyone

>> No.38881285

Male raid. How will horsebandos recover this time

>> No.38881310

schizos deserve the rope

>> No.38881349

so she has it on so anybody can raid or the male was approved?
remember to schizo responsibly

>> No.38881389

i'm still gonna comment under sava's streams, fuck you schizo, her reading it is more important that a couple of pixels under my message.

>> No.38881404


>> No.38881437

>No streams right now
>Probably a lot of streams overlapping later today

>> No.38881451

She raided reiny, but was the JP male streaming instead

>> No.38881473

>raided reiny
dropped, supporting cheating whores is worse than raiding males

>> No.38881483

Hi Letti

>> No.38881484

What's with gen 3 and accidentally raiding random babinikus?

>> No.38881519

so it was her raiding lmao her luck can't be that terrible right? this can't be on purpose

>> No.38881523


>> No.38881530

So another nothingburger. Tried to raid another brit and accidentally raided a babiniku

>> No.38881567

it's alright nothing big, it happened with miryu, she also explained and nobody cared after. Come be comfy with birb wife.

>> No.38881616

It's funny tho. You expect a cute chuuba but you end up instantly closing the tab after hearing the voice.

>> No.38881682

kinda, yeah this can be prevented by just literally pre-checking the person you're going to raid instead of just looking at the model/name.

>> No.38881819

>leti raid thinking it was reiny
>types "reiny doko" in his chat
>types "I've been bamboozled" in his chat
Isn't this quite rude? Considering the guy is Japanese as well.

>> No.38881822

What'd you do, anon? I don't get her tweet. You complained about your comments not getting hearts or something?

>> No.38881859

He's probably used to it desu

>> No.38881884

Yeah that's it for the most part.
Looks like she got real mad about it, but I think she was already not that fond of me anyways;
just sad that everyone else suffered from it.

>> No.38881886

>fucking gaijins again

>> No.38881915

kill yourself

>> No.38881943

weak argument

>> No.38881966


>> No.38881968

nta but kys

>> No.38882003

There's a reason people count the days and take note of your oshi's period so you don't set em off with inane stuff... very important knowledge when u get a gf next life.

>> No.38882052

Had many GFs before, don't blame her though.

>> No.38882079

Schizobro... What made you think that? I'm used to not having any of my messages or comments read, it's par for the course because there are many of us and just one of her. Don't take it personally unless it's happens repeatedly. And even then it's probably just what anons tell me whenever I complain about not having my messages read: I'm just not interesting. But anyways, goodluck with next time.
t. fellow schizo

>> No.38882169

>Schizobro... What made you think that?
Because she liked every other comment except mine, and she did multiple waves of mas likings so she did it deliberately.

>Don't take it personally unless it's happens repeatedly
It happened like 2 other times.

>> No.38882242

I can see why she would think you're annoying and avoid you. I've seen like ten sentences of you and I already want you gone.

>> No.38882274

You're biased, I'm nice.
Just too honest for my own good

>> No.38882288

it's not an argument

>> No.38882635

you guys are really arguing with the faggot? He's dumb, nothing is gonna get through his skull, don't worry he'll end up killing himself from his own stupidity anyways.

>> No.38882636

post the message you sent her, mr nice guy

>> No.38882662

he sounds like the type who would murder a woman out of jealousy instead of killing himself

>> No.38882672
File: 134 KB, 283x299, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you.
Just apologize somehow if it bothers you.
Dickswords going to be very passive aggressive to you tho

>> No.38882720

Good morning BananaChicken21

>> No.38882764
File: 23 KB, 437x431, 1657769880468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm ok.
She blocked me so she doesn't want an apology anyways.

>> No.38882780

Yeah post it and then do this >>38882672
If I were you I'd apologize and then just fuck off from her streams afterwards out of embarassment since from what you said it seems like you didn't intentionally harass her; you're literally just autistic.

>Dickswords going to be very passive aggressive to you tho
For sure, because he posted about it on there lol, check out the Sava channel. Consider yourself /marked/ bro.

>> No.38882861
File: 158 KB, 1080x802, oceancucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oceane views when she isn't coombaiting

>> No.38882881

I'm not embarrassed by this at all, that's why I'm open about it and admit to everything. I'm only off her streams because she doesn't want me there, nothing else.

>> No.38882955

I saw savas tweet to roll in here to get the tea of course the autist that sent her the messages is here.

>> No.38883029

She's on 113 now, also it's kinda expected anyways, Oceane's strengths are her voice/singing and ASMR so I don't think this is much of a thing

>> No.38883057

I meant I would personally fuck off from embarassment because I wouldn't want my autism to affect the chuuba negatively. Not that you are embarassed.

He's literally explaining his actions on discord though. Is it like the one-drop rule where even if you are in both places, you are already tainted by associating with this shithole?

>> No.38883093

You are all here too.

>> No.38883101

>Is it like the one-drop rule where even if you are in both places
yes, kill yourself discordfag

>> No.38883122

While you're here
Sava's thai as seen from her SavaD-Cups

>> No.38883128

I'm seconding this man's motion.

>> No.38883141

i laughed.

>> No.38883150

Oceane's chat is useless

>> No.38883297

I'll be honest Sava crying over the "guilt tripping" comments annoys me.
She's 100% correct and those people should neck themselves
but it affecting her so much makes me like her a lot less.

>> No.38883344

Kek that's the same faggot that had a breakdown during the leti yab and superchat under the otp account.
Take a break from vtubers fellow schizo.

>> No.38883370

Sweet dreams my beloved birb ..

>> No.38883402

I thought he was a GFEfag, why does he seek attention from multiple chuubas instead of staying loyal to his oshi

>> No.38883414

fucking whores

>> No.38883423

He's a nice guy, damn it. You just don't know how nice he is.

>> No.38883446

i don't like the "gonna punish the entire community because of one sperg" mentality. i know it's not really punishiment since she reads and enjoys comments anyways but having a clear indication of that was nice. still gonna comment etc as if nothing happened but yeah, i'd rather she just removed bad element from the comment section instead of doing something that affects everyone commenting.

>> No.38883454

>superchat under the otp account
what? I only have 1 account, and I barely said anything abut Letti

>> No.38883485

still waiting for your message to sava, mr nice guy
show us how nice you are in reality

>> No.38883490

>check out the Sava channel
Nice try but I'm not entering that hellhole of a discord server

>> No.38883499

kill yourself

>> No.38883502


>> No.38883532

why would I ever do that?

>> No.38883596

Who is it?

>> No.38883604

Go back to drawing shitty pictures for Lua so that she'll retweet it. You'll get all the attention you so desperately crave. And please stay away from my oshi you whore

>> No.38883618

Discordbros we outcheaaa

>> No.38883660

Or just stop hearting comments, don't make a cringe series of tweets about it making it a big deal.

>> No.38883674

Attention is a hella of a drug

>> No.38883698

to prove how nice you really are, faggot
i bet you called her a whore 100 times and made twice as many typos in the process, fucking sperg.

>> No.38883873

I was 100% respectful even told her I'll still keep on being a member forever and keep on cheering for her, that's why she thought it was passive aggressive, I think.
I have no reason to insult her at all.

Even I I wanted, there's no way to see messages you already sent on maro, I don't take screenshots of my messages.

>> No.38883964

this reminds me of GetFuckedNerd x Shee

>> No.38884019

fuck off schizo just kill yourself already

>> No.38884029

y'all goofy ass mfs

>> No.38884097

Nijichads keep winning!

>> No.38884106

frfr homie

>> No.38884118

deadass buncha virgins lol

>> No.38884179

The discord namefags are suddenly in Sava's channel when they're rarely there... They are talking about us again bros... Not like this... Outercircle bros it's unfair...

>> No.38884184
File: 1.93 MB, 993x886, Happeony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let all this shit distract you from that fact that Peony is cute.

>> No.38884188

she makes fun of those in the secret discord kek

>> No.38884225

Post em

>> No.38884246

Whats up with those collab beggars in oceane chat. Keep your ntr loving shit streamers in holo/ niji

>> No.38884251

if you were 100% nice and respectful, she wouldn't say she won't allow herself to be a punching bag for other people. nice try schizo

>> No.38884330

Sava cute.

Our girls are.... Kawaii

>> No.38884367
File: 669 KB, 1578x1781, Oceane hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Oceane

>> No.38884489

>all this for 1 (one)(uno) comment
Sounds like she wanted to stop doing it anyway but needed a good reason to not look like a bitch for doing so. She is not this thin skinned

>> No.38884572

She said she is extremely thin skinned in her member's stream before, any criticism can put her down.

>> No.38884737 [DELETED] 

nigger behavior

>> No.38884764

here's a rrat:
kawaii girls, gen 3 specifically, were already pissed at the faggot because he went out of his way to shit on Leti in the short video upload that triggered the schizos during the height of the her yab. the same sentiment was echoed here but obviously it's also just people chimping out because of the yab so schizos were reading between the lines too hard with regards to the video. meanwhile, his comment was the sole negative comment in the video with the highest likes so he probably stood out to the girls. i bet besides autism, because it's not like autism is rare amongst fans, this is why he got ignored by sava, and why it's possible that the autist is telling the truth that he thinks he didn't say anything inflammatory but even the tiniest bit of flame set off sava because of his previous offense. otherwise i don't get why sava of all people would get triggered by a single autist. it's not even targeted harassment either. it was just some attention whore trying to attention whore.

i can't recall the exact wording but wasn't it more along the lines of she doesn't spaz out because she knows what she got? she memed about her ass being huge as an example. she knows she has a fat ass so she won't get annoyed at people criticizing it.

>> No.38885334

send her an akasupa calling her a sheboon, you have burned all bridges at this point lmao

>> No.38885407

She will die.

>> No.38885455

No, she's similar to girls like Shiki from Prism. She acts tougher than she actually is but is clearly stressed out by life.

>> No.38885533

yeah she's clearly acting genki and hiding her sad side to make us happy

>> No.38885580
File: 84 KB, 1246x670, DesperateNami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teamup anons, you do good work but you keep putting Nami's streams an hour earlier than they are. also i'm still willing to help if you need an extra pair of eyes

>> No.38886043

yikes, hate people like that

>> No.38886145

>schizo meltdown
>71 IPs
How do some of you manage to be more menhera than nip schizos?

>> No.38886267

This shit happened to me too and I just had a normal music channel with some production tutorials and a couple of DJ mixes. (Around 5k subs and my most popular video had 14k views). I always liked and hearted comments and I got the same complain about not hearting someone elses comment. lmao People out there are just needy I guess. I never did it again after that on my other channels.

>> No.38886502

Several Kawaii girls got niji fans that my friend saw in Pomu, Millie, Nina, Luca and Mysta channels.
Some retard already suggested Leti that she should raid Vox. Other mongoloid with a Reimu PFP mentioned Mysta several times in their chats. Immediate Egret that I personally saw in Nina's chat, literally begged for Oceane to cuck him. These people are fucking scum. They act all high and mighty because they want to own "le incels". They dont give a shit about the quality of the content. They just want to "win" by going against the grain.
These are the same people that are some of the biggest twitter slacktivists and virtue signalers. Literal scum of the earth.

>> No.38886722

I want to eat Nami's phlegm...

>> No.38886751

Ennacucks are the worst, today was the last straw

>> No.38886841

batman bro you're doing noble work

>> No.38886979


>> No.38886987

If we are batman, who's the joker?

>> No.38887117

I guess we are both

>> No.38887387
File: 45 KB, 692x323, 1667544959529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic implies some people are sending hate maros to Sava
>Sava has antis
how can anyone hate her, I don't get it...

>> No.38887460

we had a few schizos around debut because she was friends with a vtuber who was involved in gay fanbase wars

>> No.38887505

that was me, I love her now

>> No.38887684

Do people really have nothing to with their life and venting it on vtubers?
Jesas christ, go get a life.

>> No.38887709

I'm not watching Sava just because she redirected our audience at a Vtuber who's corpo fans are aggressively spreading rrats, and try to convince other fans to stop watching their own girls, and switch to their corpo. If you do a simple archive search you would know what I'm talking about. They are in holo threads, niji threads, small corpo threads...everywhere. The amount of blatant shilling and mud flinging from that corpo is absolutely shameless. And then Sava raids one of their star vtubers.
I'm not gonna send her hate marros or messages or anything of the sorts but she can kindly go fuck herself as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.38887829

name them coward

>> No.38887834

So she left corpo (because of corpo restrictions lmao...) to go back to corpo? If she has the attitude she had in PK then she'll leave quickly again.

>> No.38887991


>> No.38888183

Cmon man who did this? I just happen to come here & saw this. Pls don't do this to any kawaii girls

>> No.38888501

OMG who is the culprit?

>> No.38888543


>> No.38888625

>Pls don't do this to any kawaii girls
don't do this to any chuuba

>> No.38888693

Oh yes sorry. Pls don't do this to any chuubas

>> No.38889342


>> No.38889575

cute parody website she made

>> No.38889589

does sava have a strong twitter game? cutting out a point of off-stream interaction entirely seems somewhat crippling for this industry, though i'm usually a fan of the "cut out the point of conflict entirely" approach

>> No.38890044

I feel like Nene gets shit like this 100x worse and 100x more often and she manages to not have a meltdown about it..

>> No.38890239

Nene is a relentless force that has no time for such emotion.

>> No.38890296

To be fair, she's likely dealt with worse IRL due to having worked in a maid cafe and (IIRC) a Japanese company involved with English translation, respectively. Experiences like that would harden anyone to criticism.

>> No.38890309
File: 68 KB, 750x692, 20221123_020843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nene ultimate sigma female confirmed

>> No.38890615

I respect Nene for the way she produces the content she does without much hesitation. Every thumbnail is bathing suit tits, clickbait video titles like "How To Go Down", bombarding everyone with tons of shorts... In service of daycare content. The hustle is admirable.

>> No.38890620

>No NTR, do you want me to kill you?
>Don't make a NTR script, I will not read it
Oceane BASED, I will trust in her as my oshi to never NTR me

>> No.38890701

So tame

>> No.38890704

those fucking cucks are still pushing it?

>> No.38890931

when the sex demon is actually really shy in private

>> No.38891040

Ohh i see. Thanks

>> No.38891063

Gap moe.

>> No.38891065

>Both Nene and Lua are good at this
Japland changes a woman

>> No.38891069
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>> No.38891113

I want Nami's fat udders

>> No.38891206

Nah that's me and I have no idea what your talking about or how you would identify me
You got the wrong schizo

>> No.38891231

>When I don't have twitter so I have no clue who are you guys talking about.
Ahhhh, the benefits of not having social media accounts. I was on twitter a few years ago and I lasted for like 3 weeks before I got banned for going off on trannies that tried to say how trans people SHOULD NOT have to tell you that they are trans because you might reject them. I literally disagreed, told them to go fuck themselves and I got banned. Never looked back.

>> No.38891259

Apparently yes, I'm glad Oceane shuts them down about it every time.

>> No.38891360

should just start banning the cucks for pushing their fetish on SFW streams

>> No.38891424

Yeah she is going in for the kill when it comes to inclining through GFE. Shitting on the egret cuck live on stream was the moment I knew you don't mess with this woman.

>> No.38891432
File: 752 KB, 720x592, Scheezo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38891433

It's true. I deleted my twitter account at 2016. So when >>38889342
Pointed the answer to me. I realized that i cannot search for it & just say thanks.

>> No.38891533

>Oceane would never betray you
>says I love you, I am yours etc to 30k people
Where is the logic in any of that? How do you even justify anything for yourself while you share her with so many?

>> No.38891568


>> No.38891580

Simple, she isn't saying that to (You), but to the collective entity known as chat.

>> No.38891598

>he doesn't understand
laugh at this normalnigger

>> No.38891663

30k people? She's in a video call with only me.

>> No.38891708

>new IP

>> No.38891725

oceane fake lol

>> No.38891811

Its ****** ****

>> No.38891925

I can't believe it's Aletta Skye..

>> No.38891957

>he went out of his way to shit on Leti in the short video upload that triggered the schizos during the height of the her yab
>his comment was the sole negative comment in the video with the highest likes
Please read the thread

>> No.38892050


>> No.38892056

>Sava didn't heart one of my comments once
>The discord schizos that are going through all her comment sections right now might think maro heart comment loser is me
I now understand why a lot of anon just lurk

>> No.38892105

new thread

>> No.38892388

a lot of things are better when you just don't comment, no paper trail

hell even twitter, if you don't comment and just like/bookmark the content you like your timeline is (mostly) catered to your interests

>> No.38892433

Sorry but she's not Aletta who cried over everything to farm money. Even in membership all I saw was fucking crying, where's the content?
