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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38676247 No.38676247 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.38676362

I'm sorry nijisisters that you get 12 new members and all 12 suck dick, sometimes literally

>> No.38676373

No, fuck you. The new gen being shit doesn't mean the last gen wasn't also shit. In fact Niji hasn't hired a decent EN chuuba since Selen.

>> No.38676447

Circus soleil has a legit Japanese esl hag and a big titty gyaru so nah, Iluna lost, HARD.

>> No.38676519

>no western whore

>> No.38676846

Fuck no, soleil is nothing outstanding but is better than that garbage

>> No.38677017

soleil better in every way, nothing to see in Iluna except Maria and Ren's songs

>> No.38677105

>Zaion took Melocos body
>Meloco took Zaion's body
A simple fix and their energies are more aligned

>> No.38677130
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>> No.38677217

I didn't think it could get worse than ILuna
oh it can, and it did

>> No.38677303

Yeah they should apologize for being so shit that it lowered the interest in soleil

>> No.38677356

Still 3views

>> No.38677401
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no, you apologize

>> No.38677618

>Ren was really hoping and counting on piggybacking his RM contacts
>Aster realized too late the gayboi niche has been packed full
>Scarle is now aware the disjointing of mommy model to derpy personality = 3view
>Aia learning how debuting with politics and SJW mindset is gasoline doused thermite on top of a pit of tannerite
The only winners are Kyo and Maria, with 1 basically just sticking to his guns about who he is (and having Enna turn into a complete cock-holster slut for him like the Mika/Mysta shenanigans), and the other keeping the kayfabe on because, like Rosemi and Petra, she's actually just the soft spoken and easily entertained

>> No.38677718

I will watch Meloco. I am never watching Iluna.
I'll never apologize.

>> No.38677732

>3 good girls and Ver, who is inoffensive
This was a massive improvement over Iluna

>> No.38678057

None of the girls were good

>> No.38678148

It's ok to be gay

>> No.38678190

This post reeks of homo

>> No.38678262

Holy recline

>> No.38678566

Thanks for proving my point. You only like them so you can fap to their models. You don't give a shit about their personality because they don't have any

>> No.38678966

Oh so you're a delusional kind of gay. That's fine too.

>> No.38679014

>No argument

>> No.38679165

Yes your "argument" came from blind assuming. Please post a real one first.

>> No.38679172


>> No.38679495

You confirmed my assumption by being a coombrain.

>> No.38679533

>No argument

>> No.38679570

It's a shame, I love scarle and aia's models

>> No.38679646

Sometimes the schizo flip/Mexicana can be fun.

>> No.38679716
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Thats how much iLuna killed the hype. People were DYING for a new wave and iLuna fumbled it HARD.

>> No.38679771

Holy smoke. Iluna literally killed the whole Niji brand simply by being shit. Blindly debuting too many people was a mistake

>> No.38679774

>two shit gens in a row
sasuga anycolor

>> No.38679814


>> No.38679837

I can't believe nijisanji debuted a wave that's so shit it actually removed value from the brand

>> No.38679878

>no u!
Concession accepted

>> No.38679927

What pathetic cope is this? Are ESLs just mad that no one cares about their wave so they're trying to deflect blame?

>> No.38680464

Scarle? Yeah she's the exception she's fucking cute would wife.

>> No.38680499


>> No.38680538


>> No.38680552

first post, best post.

>> No.38680842
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(Student) Council didn't do as well as expected

>> No.38680849

Maria is good. None of xsoleil except maybe Ver is passable. Zaion had potential but GENSHIN EVERY WEEK LMAO

>> No.38680852

>Debut 6 new members
>barely makes a dent in the board speed despite sticky, sticky so slow it honestly didn't even need to be there, random karaokes can get the board more hyped
>debut CCVs all like 30% lower than ilulna
>everyone bored/disappointed with the debuts

They accelerated straight down a cliff god damn. I can see why Cover waits so long to debut new Holo members, it really-is possible to just exhaust peoples' excitement by making new members a really ordinary thing.

I guess the best hope is that some of them actually have some kind of really-entertaining bits or skills or gameplay etc but only time will tell. Albeit, they won't have much of that time to show off something new/different before getting written off as being Iluna's Noctyx, as if that was even fucking possible.

>> No.38680889

Delusional fagoon

>> No.38680955


>> No.38680970

I barely remember two of their names. And I mostly remember Scarle because I masturbate to porn of her and think her kitchen cooking set up was based. I won't apologize but they are seemingly less shit than the even more forgettable members they just launched. Maybe both groups will redeem themselves.

>> No.38681280

Fulgur was right all along...I kneel

>> No.38681333

Fuuchan I kneel. The prophet of NijiEN

>> No.38681414

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.38681472
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>> No.38681546
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>> No.38681586

It's the same as video games. The quality of the previous games matter a lot for the amount of sales the sequels get.
iLuna's really dogshit that it tanked interest in NijiEN overall and caused people to not be interested in the new wave. If this wave is an improvement and features passionate talents, then NijiEN's next debut will do a lot better. However if they fail, then those numbers will drop harder.

>> No.38681718

Holofag here, they're a student council? What about Iluna?

>> No.38681767

Jesus, that is just too many people in too short a time. How do any of them stand a chance to grow?

>> No.38681781

Theatre kids

>> No.38681828

I'm sorry. Thank you for killing NijiEN.

>> No.38681912

didn't bother with either of their debuts. Scarle is cute though and kyo is a funny wigger. Newest wave seemed un remarkable but I'll wait for further confirmation.

Are you a fucking retard? Shit like this happens all the time, or do you think Devil May Cry 2 out performing the first game and selling like hot cakes while the 3rd game sold far less is indicative of those games actual quality? Not saying new wave is any good mind you.

>> No.38682062
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Isn't it a bit strange or odd that they keep getting people with the same exact interest and tastes? Is there a reason for that? Do you have to mention you like Genshin Impact, Pokemon, and APEX to get hired as a vtuber?

>> No.38682106

Yes. Pomu mentioned she put Apex on her application.

>> No.38682116

It's redundancy. They deliberately have them compete like battle royal for views.

>> No.38682125

Eh, Iluna being a flop causing the newest gen also flop is already a well established fact at this point, but, hey, maybe one of Ilulna is your oshi so, defend them all you want, I guess...

>> No.38682529

They want them to be interested in things that are popular.

>> No.38683203


>> No.38683439

For the story, ILuna were Institute of Mystics students and XSoleil are student council members. I don't know if they all go to the same school or not.

>> No.38683650

Never. Fuck Iluna.
Hex is sex and mogs every single member of that failed wave

>> No.38683729

stop thinking with your vagina sis it's not healthy

>> No.38683769

Don't care. I enjoy thinking exclusively with my vagina and I refuse to stop

>> No.38684281


>> No.38684780

If I'm never gonna be a woman than how can I start or stop thinking with a vagina that according to you I don't have?

>> No.38684909


>> No.38684950

Iluna bad
XSoleil bad

>> No.38685042

This fatass killed his own growth. He was right after Luxiem, with Luxiem's audience drooling for more, and he just fumbled the ball because he wanted a small audience despite being in the best company for males at the best time. He would know about "not doing as well as expected." Such a weirdo faggot I will never understand.

>> No.38685106

Fulgur is uber-based, he just doesn't give a shit about numbers. He wants to have good streams and a good fanbase.

>> No.38686000

I was at work when the debuts happened. I'm only interested in the gyaru, give it to me straight, how shit is she?

>> No.38686123

>Get this

>> No.38686666

She likes Apex.

>> No.38686975

there's no gyaru in xsolel what are you talking about?

>> No.38687476

My disappointment was immeasurable and my day is ruined.

>> No.38687961

Better than vwhorjo's
>45k applicants
Only to choose 1 orbiter

>> No.38688222

deliberately stunting your growth for good quality streams > shit streams but big number

>> No.38688256

Gyarus don't exist

>> No.38689660

>Aia debuting with politics and SJW mindset
It really is astounding how autistic anons here will just misinterpret something and run with their delusions no matter what. This is almost as bad as rushiafags still saying she was fired because of the discord message.

>> No.38689704

>caring about a woman's personality
>caring about anything besides tits
RUMAO don't kid yourself, you are a fag

>> No.38689708

Not using female VAs for Kyo and Aster was a sin of biblical level.

>> No.38689799

Numberfag detected, stop projecting your retarded numberfaggotry onto people who want nothing to do with that brain rotting garbage.

>> No.38690187

Only a terminally online retarded twitter roastie would think it’s a good idea to include politics in any manner in their Vtubing debut. Even if it was just a bullet point.

>> No.38690502

I'm sorry for calling you clowns, because they're the entire fucking circus.

>> No.38690566

not our problem lolisex is leagues ahead of iluna

just hoped they never put Maria in Iluna tho

>> No.38691062

Hey nerds, I am totally otaku hehe yeah, and I like music. Owl city is totally my jam. I stick to my lore because I have no personality but at least I make music.
Yo das crazy, I actually know how to banter and have fun like I don't give a fuck. Who cares about vtubing when you can have fun. Bitch.
Hey guuuys ^^ i am a bit shy and also some nonbinary fluid gender or smth idk. UwU please be gentle.
hewwo I am very cute, or as we weebs like to call it, I am very kawaii. Please pick me as your oshi. I have no other personality whatsoever. Please....?
I take myself to serious and have a stick up my butt. I try to pander to my audience now, but white people don't get me. I really should have become a doctor like my parents told me...
Heyyo twitter, I am mamacita with big booba. You like mama's booba? Well actually I like to play this BL game rn and I really want to watch some bishonen get raped in the anus. This is what you guys want, when watching a sexy vtuber, right!?

Why did they flop?

>> No.38691194

unrelated, but when is Doppio gonna go Dopio like JoJo part 5

>> No.38691313


>> No.38693216

Scarle is good

>> No.38694677

lol good one

>> No.38696467


>> No.38698292

stop living in denial anon

>> No.38698576

Ren was 80k not 90

>> No.38701622

Then why are you on /vt/ instead of /s/. Quit coping

>> No.38701678

>five shit gens in a row

>> No.38701682
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>Scarle is what would have happened if I actually stuck with my high school gf

>> No.38701781

My wife Aia

>> No.38702944
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Imo it's not a coincidence at all. They hire people with interests they can easily sell to a broad audience, but are also proven and tested by others before.

What really irks me with this sort of mindset is that the big agencies don't see any necessity to change their current modus operandi as long it "works" and brings in the revenue they plan with. Especially the two big jap corpos are at fault for it, more so Niji in recent times, as it feels they just copy paste spam talents that should all have some individuality, and yet feel like they grab their interest tags from the same bucket. I can't tell if this is just complacency or generally a Japanese conservative business approach to stick with what's known and works for them. My gut feeling is telling me it stems from the latter, but I sadly don't have any hardproof for this. I wish there was an additional factor that would push cover and anykara for more innovation and break the stagnation, but no idea how this realistically could happen.

>> No.38704949


>> No.38705126

Why would you say you like <niche game> instead of <popular game>
It doesn't make any sense

>> No.38705204

Qrd on Aia?

>> No.38705396

Do you like Apex/Valorant?
Then she's the girl for you.

>> No.38706175

During her debut presenting her likes and dislike she had a really long paragraph about now she likes discussing deep topics like politics and sexuality which may be a joke since previous points are really short sentences and next one is just mayonnaise and people though she was a SJW or something like that but people that watch her say that she is really bad delivering jokes and later she tried and failed to push different gigs and she is amateur at streaming
For some she is mediocre but going "political" is a sin for most

>> No.38709772


>> No.38712237

Which group is hotter

>> No.38715512

Kys faggot
Scarle never sold herself as coomer bait, she was always a sistertuber.
Aia "serious discussion" was an ironic joke retards didn't get.
Retards like you never watched a single stream of theirs

>> No.38715582

Based of off those descriptions, I'd give Maria a chance. Maybe she'd be better off if she had debuted earlier.

>> No.38716011

Is that her setup?

>> No.38716149

There is something to work with, but she likes Apex. Hopefully she wont get to play it much, now that vtubers are starting to get over it. Enjoy your weekly overwatch collabs with dudes and twitchfags though

>> No.38716297

>which may be a joke
You'd have to be socially retarded or ESL as fuck to take it as anything but a joke within the context. Her problem is she's just bad at landing jokes. She tried to do a smug bully femdom gimmick at first and just couldn't manage it so she came off as a bitchy killjoy.

>> No.38716821

>purple tranny makes better asmr than the chuuni doll
This shit makes no sense.

>> No.38719439

>Scarle never sold herself as coomer bait, she was always a sistertuber
Her model sold her as coomerbait you dumbfuck. She's a 3 view exactly because she appeals to fucking nobody.

>> No.38720181

hey why are you bringing cover into this? All of their new debuts this year have been breaking the mold in one way or another

>> No.38720449

this exposes the key flaw with nijisanji's accelerate model. For most nijisanji talents, the debut is the only thing most people will see, even amongst the relatively hard core nijifans. There's just too many talents to shop around. If you fuck up or do something really stupid, that'll be what you're remembered for even if it isn't representative of your regular streams, and unfortunately "being an SJW" is what Aia has become known for

>> No.38721465

Maria is the only good one. I feel bad for her because she's in a generation full of degenerates and she's the only sweetheart in her group

>> No.38721630

Aia may be an sjw but at least she isn't a whore like maria.

>> No.38726327

Nah, the only one that ended up being vaguely interesting was Scarle and that's only because it turned out she was a legit otaku dweeb despite her stacy model.
The other 11 look like the most soulless milktose mass produced apex/minecraft/valorant/fotm game generic vtuber. Maybe one of the news ones will do something unique after the first week but I don't have high hopes.

>> No.38726426

Don't worry, we have another 6 coming in 3 months

>> No.38729572

I like Aia

>> No.38734583

Vesper calling his manager an incompetent monkey and getting b& for two business weeks then coming back unironically had more hype than the entirety of Niji's new wave.

>> No.38735556

I haven't been keeping up recently so when I went on .org to look at my oshis beautiful face I saw the NEW INFORMATION WANTED FOR WHO. I was like wtf again? And judging by the reaction here there's no point of even checking them out

>> No.38736429

>this exposes the key flaw with nijisanji's accelerate model. For most nijisanji talents, the debut is the only thing most people will see, even amongst the relatively hard core nijifans
Once again Mocca was right.

>> No.38736560

I didnt even know that a new gen is debuting. I just saw a YT recommendation and I was like "Wait, this is a new face. Vod a day a go?!".

>> No.38736609

They got 2 ASMR gayboys one hired from pornhub/patreon and one vox clone, their fans are already eating it up.
On the girl's side 2 of them are japanese which is already a blessing. The other girl is Luca but female and an annoying genshin womanchild so that's the loss.

>> No.38736706

>their fans are already eating it up.
and like vox they will dissapear when they play a game.

>> No.38736787

What numbers will a new holo EN gen get?

>> No.38736827

>Scarle never sold herself as coomer bait, she was always a sistertuber.
bro one of her first tweets was about her thighs, and she set a goal that if she reached 100k subs before debuting she'd reveal her (avatar's) breast size.

You walk into her streams and half of the time her model is dead cener and enlarged to fit from top to bottom of the screen so you can see her tits bouncing around.

>> No.38736925

It's almost like people who constantly say others dont watch streams are in fact projecting faggots.

>> No.38737000

I'm gonna post this for the next wave

>> No.38737569

Also the cunny-like female liver has the lowest debut numbers is a crime.
I hate nijifag for this reason alone.

>> No.38743509


>> No.38746106


>> No.38746349

Vox was a fluke. Nijisanji got too excited with the hiring spree.

>> No.38749691

For that?

>> No.38750477
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>> No.38750672
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>> No.38751084

Dopesmoker Dicksuck and Voxbot 2.0 are gay and boring
Gyaru is nice and has potential
Jewloli is a hag with decent powerlevel and the gacha addiction is almost balanced out by her high zatsu score
The former dullahan is about as inoffensive as it gets and dorky so he will probably do well
JP ESL is a JP ESL so she's perfect because it's literally okay when Japan does it

Compared to Iluna almost anything is better, but overall I think they did alright with this one.

>> No.38753373


>> No.38755036

the sun

>> No.38755040


>> No.38758986


>> No.38761947

ACCELERATE to the ground never was a meme

>> No.38762179
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update, comparing their debut 2.0s

>> No.38767660


>> No.38770482


>> No.38771192

Not sure about Niji but Cover definitely bringing some creative mind. Say what you want about Laplus, but her 3D stream is definitely pretty interesting.

>> No.38772535

Maria a cute, but kinda dull. Don't care about Iluna beyond that.

>> No.38772683

Funny how harsh a decline Aster had, seeing as he was second in the line up here

>> No.38772860

>People like A. So you should never offer any other option. Just put all your bets on more of that.

>> No.38772932

Females really are second class citizens in nijisanji

>> No.38772975

>Zaion privated 2.0
Will never not make me laugh. What a wonderfully insane hag she is

>> No.38773118

They're the ones that should apologize to Xsoleil.

>> No.38773906

It could be much worse. The gap between Hololive and Holostars is galaxy-wide compared to the male/female gap in NijiEN.

>> No.38774284

Any parasocial leaning chuubas in Xsoleil?

>> No.38774328

All of them. But the standout is the gyaru.

>> No.38775013

Fun fact, she's not even bi. She's just a straight fujo that yuribaited predebut, then dropped it the instant it didn't work

>> No.38775169

This is true... for the girls. Boys tho? They're killing it.

>> No.38780061


>> No.38782993
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yeah mine
