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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38575541 No.38575541 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

AkioAir Auditions are now open until 12/17! https://akioair.com/audition

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>38485296

>> No.38576415

I hope your streams have been going well

>> No.38576783

Second for Maple sex!

>> No.38577252

I have to draw my model, I hate drawing...ぴえん

>> No.38578754


>> No.38578757


>> No.38581116

this is it... my ultimate technique...
desperation buuuuuuuuump

>> No.38582724


>> No.38583454


>> No.38584615

I 100% seriously want to become a vtuber (male).

>> No.38584705

What's stopping you? It's fun.

>> No.38585462

You can do it.

>> No.38585627

What are your qualifications? What can you offer to the streaming community?

>> No.38586694

Mostly my boomer parents. I can't really stream at home. Once my older sister finishes building her house, I might be able to stream there, but it's a maybe.
I'm thinking about it like this. I'll start a youtube channel, and grow at least a small following on youtube by making all sorts of content. After that, I'll try to move to twitch, and see what happens.
I don't want to toot my own horn, but since you asked, I have a very wide variety of interests, I have great comedic timing (I'm also not into that lol random zoomer humor), I am very non-political, I don't like twitter, and I suck at video games, but I try my best anyway.

>> No.38587009

>Mostly my boomer parents. I can't really stream at home. Once my older sister finishes building her house, I might be able to stream there, but it's a maybe.
Ah, gotcha. Just don't keep kicking this can down the road and give up if recording and streaming at your sister's place doesn't work out. I dunno what rent is like where you live, but be prepared to have a backup plan.
You could at least start writing some scripts for those YouTube videos in the meantime.

>> No.38590463

I hate the norms

>> No.38590675

How's that working out for you?

>> No.38591260

Yeah. Normans are bastards and cunts.

>> No.38592128

>I'll start a youtube channel, and grow at least a small following on youtube by making all sorts of content
That's one idea to grow your viewer base.

>> No.38595188

Looks like the Vtuber gold rush has ended. Only one mafaka interested in getting to it, and he on the fence about it.

>> No.38595201

I know, me too. I've always hated wearing clothes in public.

>> No.38595408

the secret was that vtubing was nothing more than cam streaming like all other twitch streamers. the novelty of the moving anime character was nice but hard work is still hard work. /asp/ started as a thread for vtuber auditions but reality has set in. auditions require talent and streaming to make it as an indie also requires talent. something anons here lack.

>> No.38596004

There is also the fact that vtubing is largely a women centric job. Most people here are men, and men have to fight extra hard to carve out their piece of the pie in the vtuber world.

>> No.38596066

what kinda of webcam is good enough for this shit
fuck using a phone

>> No.38596143


>> No.38596413
File: 60 KB, 864x1010, 1670535534068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to start voice training anon

>> No.38596465

Where can I try this voice range test?

>> No.38596492

Have been using the C920 HD for like 4 months, good for tracking and for doing IRL streams. I'll eventually switch to an iPhone but until then this one does it's job pretty well.

>> No.38596499

Any girl that started vtubing 2+ years ago was pretty much guaranteed to make it

>> No.38596544

don't fall for survivorship bias. most of the girls are floundering at 30-40 ccv and barely making $500 a month streaming full time.

>> No.38597278

Just look up voice range on the app store the one I used is voice pitch analysis but there's another called voice tools that seems to have better reviews

>> No.38597834

Sure it's not that good, but think of the males

>> No.38597869

half the males here are babies and the other half don't want to grow their brand and just stream as a hobby. who cares? no male from /asp/ has put in the work to grow.

>> No.38597986

https://twitter.com/gweeen_tea/status/1600972930166362113 :(

>> No.38600119

But how many girls from /asp/ actually became something?

>> No.38600299

the bf strikes again :(

>> No.38600743

Does anyone have the aspcord link?

>> No.38601070

kaneko lumi is the only one who made something of herself but that's because she put in the reps to grow. the rest of the girls from asp aren't putting in the work to grow because they treat it as a hobby.

>> No.38603148

Nothing there.

>> No.38604507

How do you grow exactly ?

>> No.38604889

good evening anons, we streaming a watchalong of the game awards if u wanna see1

>> No.38605071

boils down to getting your content to a passable state and then getting it in front of as many eyes as possible.

>> No.38605589

Lumi Stats
>clips and VODs on YouTube
>top tier singer
>good game choice
>great model
most importantly
>>7 streams a week/ 4 hours per stream

>> No.38608546

>the rest of the girls from asp aren't putting in the work to grow because they treat it as a hobby.
callie is almost partner and clauvio hit it a bit ago

>> No.38608590

I can do like 1 of those. Maybe 2, since game choice is subjective.

>> No.38608832 [SPOILER] 

>since game choice is subjective.
Well, what would you play?

>> No.38608940

A lot of Super Metroid, Celeste, Metal Gear, Yakuza and such.

>> No.38609433

>boy friend
He doesn’t know

>> No.38609658

Do any of you have any plans to join FlaVR?
Seems like an easy boost

>> No.38609969

Is it the same type of boost Clover Corp would have offered?

>> No.38610027

it's a boost from being vaguely related to pippa

>> No.38610976

sex. vtuber sex.

>> No.38612336


>> No.38612751

So I went through/am going through the process of hiring someone to do the rigging work for my stream avatar, and man I wish I had more money to spend, but hopefully it'll turn out well.

The one thing I want to ask to anyone who has experience with finding riggers is; I don't know much about the process, but I do know that the PSD file is essentially the most important bit, because it contains the whole model/avatar, and thus anyone who has the PSD, essentially is in possession of the model. In the process of looking and messaging, a large number of people on different sites (Fiverr and shit) all were really adamant about getting a copy of the PSD before anything was even agreed to/invoiced. Is this normal? The only thing I could think of was, if I were trying to steal someone's shit to re-sell it, that's exactly what I would do. But maybe I'm just paranoid. It's not like I care much about the mediocre illustration I did being resold or whatever, but it still felt off.

>> No.38615940


>> No.38615977

>7 streams a week/ 4 hours per stream
this is where I'll use my corporate slave status as a cope

>> No.38616184

Any potential drawbacks to using a general purpose (anyone can buy/use it) model? Considering starting out with one of those

>> No.38616256

On second thought, let's not go to /asp/, 'tis a silly place.

>> No.38616663

>How do you grow exactly ?
1. Stream a lot. You cannot build a viewership if you're not actually live.

2. Do something people want to watch. It needs to be something you enjoy doing and are good at making entertaining, even if you're not good at the thing you're doing, whether that be games or making music or art or whatever. You can only put on a fake persona if you have push behind you, because people will absolutely walk away if you're a new streamer AND you're obviously trying to play a bit.

3. Depending on what you're going for, spend a lot of money. Take it from someone who has made somewhat of a living making stream graphics for people; Graphics aren't EVERYTHING, but they aren't nothing either. Someone good at their craft can just do it with nothing and it'll be fine to watch, but if you want people to look at your stream and instantly know you're taking things seriously, good graphics will do that for you. They don't make your content better, but they can catch people's attention for a second. You have to keep them after that.

4. Basically, if your goal is to grow enough to make money streaming (which, let's be honest, 100% of Vtubers are), then you need to spend money to get there. You have to treat it like a business and that means eating the cost and time and building it. You have to play social media like a fiddle to build fast friendships with people who can bring you into things, you have to get people to know your name, likely by force. No one WANTS to know who you are, but it's still your job to MAKE them.

Everything on the internet is fake. If you're trying to make content creation a job, then you need to literally make it a job.

>> No.38616748

>Any potential drawbacks to using a general purpose
I don't see why. This is actually something I think a lot of Vtuber fans-turned-streamers and shit tend to stress over, but the fact is that literally no one cares about your model. You may think they do, but they don't. In the same way no one looks at a man's shoes. What you use doesn't have any bearing on how well you perform because the model doesn't make your stream any better. No one will stay to watch you because you have an amazing model if your content sucks, and no one will leave if you have a cheap or shit model because they demand better. It's just not a thing people think about.

>> No.38617849

That sounds a little off to me too and certainly isn't what I went through with my rigger, but the circumstances were probably a little unique in my case. The artist and rigger I commissioned work together as a team, so sending the rigger the .PSD was entirely out of my hands to begin with.
I think you should definitely stand your ground and demand an invoice first if you're determined to work with this person; it's really weird that they would want your art first without any guarantee of actually rigging it.

>> No.38618906

>it's really weird that they would want your art first without any guarantee of actually rigging it.
This is what hung me up the most. A lot of people just seemed really interested in getting their hands on the PSD to "look" at it up front, and obviously without a signed invoice that says "I will do this work for you", I'm wouldn't want to send over anything that I owned.

It's not something I usually deal with because when I work with clients, they don't have to actually give me something of any relative value to start the process. This is just a model/illustration I made for myself, but I can imagine anyone who just spent potentially hundreds of dollars on a character model/art would be just as reticent.

>> No.38619218

I think you should go with your gut. I also don't think you should be afraid to ask them why they want to see it up front if you're still considering hiring them.

>> No.38619370

I just ended up going with some Asian dude. We'll see how it turns out. If it's a major failure, well I've spent more money and gotten less in return in the past so it's not the end of the world.

>> No.38619754

How do you guys pay for commissions / rigging / whatever anonymously? Doesn't PayPal need your real name and stuff?

>> No.38620471

Rigger here, I usually just ask for a png of the model to know how the model looks and if I confirm to work on the model, I ask for the psd after the payment. A reason that comes to mind to ask for the psd is to check if it is properly cut.

It's think is better for the rigger and the client to send some references of how a model should be cut or screenshots/screenshare of the psd as to not put the client in an uncomfortable situation.

>> No.38620545

I didn't bother. I just used PayPal. I'm not really worried about my artist and rigger knowing my real name.

>> No.38620663

Make a paypal bussiness account. Make some random company name and put some random address. The rigger/artist should send an invoice because that's the safest way to issue payments that protect both sides' privacy.

but as >>38620545 said, artist/riggers have an interest on keeping the real names of their clients private as this is a sector that revolves around trust and one simple fuck up can get your burnt.

>> No.38620979

Yeah It's probably not a big deal.
I see, thank you for explaining!

>> No.38621153

Okay, I did some digging and it seems like Cash App is actually pretty anonymous between senders. Seems like it does what paypal does but better :/
It's a shame it's not so commonly accepted.

>> No.38621830

What if money is the biggest issue for me? Can't I start cheap, and upgrade as I go?

>> No.38621921

>Can't I start cheap, and upgrade as I go?
Of course you can. There's no direct trade between money spent and success at your craft. Just like buying an expensive Wacom tablet won't make you a better artist, or buying an expensive PC won't make you better at games. It just opens the window a little bit more. But if you're expecting to get into streaming and make money, I can tell you that absolutely will not happen. It isn't like you see in the Youtube videos of famous streamers, you don't just turn on the camera and people rush in to give you donations because you're there. Like any business, if you can't spend at least a year of investing your time and money without any return at all, then don't bother.

>> No.38622481

none if its not the one I'm using!

>> No.38624342


>> No.38624363


>> No.38624456

>Like any business, if you can't spend at least a year of investing your time and money without any return at all, then don't bother.
Reading this was genuinely reassuring. I don’t know the first thing about business but this is the exact outlook I have on my vtubing endeavors.

>> No.38624670

My brother and I started our own businesses about the same time, I started a streaming/production company and he started running a comedy show. He went about a year-ish, and it wasn't going anywhere, so we sat down and talked it over and I explained that two things are always true in any endeavor you want to make money from; First, you're not going to make shit when you start. You won't get enough people through the door and what you make won't cover the costs of the expenses you need to run the operation. It's just how it is. Second, you absolutely need to be spending out of pocket even though you're not making any money. Not having an income doesn't absolve you of the need to keep paying for things you need, whether it be pay for your cast/crew, your video editor, your artists, etc.

This is why the most common piece of advice for anyone trying to get into streaming or making videos or artwork or literally anything else, is have a fucking stable job that pays the bills, and keep doing it for however long it takes your venture to become profitable. Everyone wants to quit their job and go full-time streaming or whatever, and they don't have shit built up to carry them. It may take years, but it's how it is. Do NOT quit your job to turn your hobby into your new job. Trust me. Don't.

>> No.38625307

No need to worry there. There’s no way I’d be able to quit my job and just stream without any guarantee of my bills getting paid with how meager my savings are. My ultimate goal is of course to do this for a living, but I also enjoy it enough to do it for free for probably the next five years.

>> No.38627391


>> No.38628932

>make money
I just want to be a virtual bishonen...

>> No.38630332


>> No.38630966

does anyone else have this problem where you feel like you're just imitating the song, or someone else's cover, instead of singing your own?

>> No.38631384

i mean that's gonna happen if you don't stylistically change anything with how you sing the song or don't do anything with the music

>> No.38631392

If your only problem is that you're too faithful to the song, then your singing is amazing, and your problems are easy to fix. I don't feel like it's the thing that'd be holding back your covers, no.

>> No.38632565

post vocaroo

>> No.38634099

Stay alive

>> No.38635787

What for?

>> No.38635904

To watch it all burn down

>> No.38637342

It can't come quickly enough

>> No.38638684

Isn't it weird how Xia leaves right after Reverie joined and Reverie leaves after Xia comes back?

>> No.38638720

have we ever seen xia and rev in the same room together? i'm liking this new rrat

>> No.38638731

I don't know who either of these people are

>> No.38638826

They hate each other, totally do

>> No.38638850


>> No.38639319

Clio just started less than 6 months ago and I think is either partner or very close to it. She regularly hits 100 ccv.

I think for a female you have great chances to become a 3 view if you both have a decent model and stream a ton. I mean as long as you don't have any obvious debuffs. But none of this streaming a max of 4 hours a week shit, you have to put your nose to the grindstone if you want to actually grow, even as a female. Also, networking will speed things up massively

>> No.38639633 [DELETED] 

Why does a2u sympathy bait so much nigga just get better at streaming

>> No.38639664

I wished i could stream more, but if i did more than 25 hours a week my body will literally disintegrate before i reach any meaningful success. Some day jobs are just more demanding and don't accommodate streaming.

>> No.38639698


You got so many things wrong

>> No.38639709

My goal for 2023 is to be a high 2view!!
I think after my new model, that's obtainable.

>> No.38639756

Hell yeah. I'm gonna grow in 2023 too.

>> No.38639909

>TFW despite having a few regular viewers who are always in my streams, they're all complete lurkers who I can't coax into talking at all.

Bruh I just want people to come chat with me while I draw, that's all.

>> No.38640086

Argue that she's a female if you want, but she definitely asked for advice and posted here for a while. We convinced her to go with streaming on twitch instead of YouTube.

>> No.38640094

he already quit one discord because he got too upset at the shit being rightfully flung at him. i think hes mentally disabled, because surely hes figured it out by now that nobody likes him. but then hes not figured out how to use words when talking either.

>> No.38640249

I have a few regulars like that too, but I still get happy whenever I happen to see them in the viewerlist whenever I step away from the computer for a few minutes during a stream. Just keep up the good work and somebody talkative is bound to show up eventually.

>> No.38641083

I'm not an Azu expert but it seems like pity is the only thing he can get and that conditioned him to seek compassion.

>> No.38641999

Hey, I'd like to comission a Rabbi Bill Clinton Vtuber model.

>> No.38642086

What the actual fuck was that? I didn't watch the event, only that clip. How'd he even get on stage?

>> No.38643032

literally just walked with the From team and acted like he belonged
it's fucked how far that kinda thing can take you

>> No.38643036

Unironically sneak 100. He walked up with the team, patted them on the back, and acted like he is part of the team.

>> No.38645694

What did he do this time?

>> No.38647196

You guys are super toxic. Jesus.

>> No.38647577

That bad? How do you figure?

>> No.38647821
File: 66 KB, 644x644, wdytwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think we are?

>> No.38648737

Another serious question. And I do mean this. What are the pros and cons of choosing being a vtuber, over being an IRL streamer?

>> No.38648807

For me it's because I'm fat and ugly. Also I don't want to get doxxed

>> No.38648948

I remember hearing a story of a guy who'd dress up like a janitor, go into random offices and steal supplies while he pretended he was cleaning

>> No.38648995

This >>38648807 or you just don't want to show your face on stream.

>> No.38649322

I don't really want to be myself and I'm a weeb. I'm not fat or hideous but I look very tired most of the time. As a vtuber I also don't have to worry about being well groomed every stream. I don't have to do much as male, but it would be a pain to apply makeup before every stream.
I don't really watch flesh streamers.

>> No.38650140

Ive talked to a few people that have tried both (on different accounts, without linking the two identities). They said they saw a small increase in viewership just from using the vtuber tag on twitch(one guy was seeing this even as a pngtuber). Its also way easier to network and get to know other people as a vtuber, you belong to a much more exclusive and friendly group and other vtubers are way more likely to want to interact with you.

You will also sometimes just get raids from other vtubers, and from what I have seen you will get many more raids from people you do not know as a vtuber than as a flesh streamer.

The negatives is that you automatically filter away a fairly large portion of your potential audience. Lots of people just do not like vtubers at all, which means that the maximum size you can grow is likely smaller as a vtuber than as a flesh streamer. Basically it could hurt you in the very long run, especially if you are in the top 0.1% of streaming talent.

The calculation will also change a lot depending on if you are female or male. Females seem to get all of the advantages to a much greater degree, and all the disadvantages to a lesser degree. Basically females seem to get a pretty huge early boost at the cost of possibly reducing their potential viewership later on. While males get a fairly small early boost at the cost of significantly lower appeal at a later time.

>> No.38650149

I'm technically a vtuber, insofar as that means using an avatar instead of my actual face, but only because I'm lazy. My name and face is all over the internet, I used to have a whole streaming career as myself and there's the whole Youtube channel of old VODs and stuff of that, doing interviews and running shows and all of it.

When I left streaming and came back, I just didn't want to turn my camera on because I was kinda depressed, and just not into it. And these days, I'm too lazy to clean my room and make myself look nice and presentable for camera, so I have an avatar. If I were to go back to what I used to do, I probably wouldn't be a Vtuber, because the only way that would work is if it were an insanely expressive model with great tracking, which I absolutely cannot afford.

So yeah, in general I don't think it matters much. I don't know of anyone who would go into a stream and say "Oh man this guy isn't showing his face? I'm outta here."

>> No.38651008

Yeah, they can be. It was a lot friendlier over here last year.

>> No.38651093

I started doing it because I like vtubers myself, thought playing a character (to an extent) would be fun and would appreciate not having my face on the internet. I enjoy being relatively anonymous on the internet.

>> No.38651302

It's not that bad now compared to 6 months ago, I wonder what toxic means to him

>> No.38651467

I think anybody who wandered into the aspiring vtubers thread and saw a few posts singling out a vtuber and saying mean shit about him, regardless of who it is, is probably well within their rights to reach that conclusion. But it is better now than it was over the summer and fall, I agree. This thread basically scared me away from every vtuber that posted in it over the course of this year.

>> No.38651893

Ehh, most of the /asp/ies are fine, it's the ones that also post on the /trash/ thread that you have to worry about. Or even read it.
Nobody in their right mind would visit a place called trash.

>> No.38655035


>> No.38663719

What if I am fat and handsome?

>> No.38666486

Did Alto get a girlfriend? I've been seeing him turn his life around for the better lately

>> No.38666600

You guys really should look into FlaVR
One of the girls that joined yesterday has 80 followers now lol

>> No.38671709
File: 854 KB, 874x1095, 1646025298171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more about clover corp 2.0

>> No.38672212

You just pic a character you like and stream with it.
No auditions, no fees, no managers.
They are just open source characters.

>> No.38672310

don't bother i think they're too deranged to comprehend it

>> No.38672394
File: 44 KB, 484x513, 1629738988548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically a vtuber group like vshojo but with /here/ people and pippa fans name a worse combo

>> No.38675124

Don't feel like joining on the grift and instantly rubbing shoulders with trannies.

>> No.38675277

idc about flavr but this is babiniku central lmao

>> No.38675355

noted, we don't need any more males.

>> No.38675501

That's why I won't selfpost until this place returns to dust.

>> No.38678115

>So basically a vtuber group like vshojo
Minus the part where you have actual company people getting you work and marketing and all that.

So it's more akin to just putting an emoji in your Twitter handle than it is being part of a company.

>> No.38680063

>has 80 followers now
is this supposed to be an impressive number?

>> No.38680192

For one day it's not too bad

>> No.38680979

80 over a few months isn't comparable to 80 in a day

>> No.38681104

I just realized something

>> No.38681209

What's that?

>> No.38683354

i got 80 in like a week when i first started and that was without corpo backing

>> No.38683846

And I got 200 before I even had my first stream, get on my level

>> No.38683920

All the /asp/ies are fucking... god I wish that was me

>> No.38684170

here's my vocaroo
my mic is shitty but at least it works now
what do you guy think?

>> No.38684207

Drop the voice you sound dumb

>> No.38684697


"stop doing that voice" yeah i've heard that comment since i was 13

>> No.38684977

It's quiet tonight, everyone must be out having sex

>> No.38685033

babi material

>> No.38685071

I'm not. No one loves me and no one is ever going to love me.

>> No.38685350

ok so the thread is dead. What kind of a voice should I make? Higher? Lower? I'll try my best for you sensei. Give me a phrase.

>> No.38685896

Not him but try a higher one with less of an accent

>> No.38686121

What accent? I'm not a native English speaker. What accent should I go for then? I know this is america hours and you never come across any foreigners but come on now.

>> No.38686204

You sound Scandinavian for some reason, so try a Spanish accent

>> No.38686436

You're really good at guessing accents. I have no idea what a Spanish English accent souds like. How about you post a vocaroo of you speaking in a scandinavian accent?

>> No.38686472

He's asking you to go for an American accent that isn't southern. You don't necessarily have to do that though. The quality of your voice that sounds the most unreal is the "vocal fry": That croaking or creaking that accompanies your voice. You don't necessarily have to change the pitch, but people faking a deep voice often sound exactly like you due to the creakiness of their voice. If you can get rid of the fry, you'll stop sounding exactly like someone faking your voice. Raising your pitch or incorporating more breath/drinking more water may help, among other techniques you can research.

>> No.38686523

Those are tiny voice samples. Give us a little more! Try this:

“Hello, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard. We are presently flying at thirty-nine thousand feet on our flight from Atlanta to London. We are expecting a smooth flight and anticipate an on-time arrival in London at 10:05 PM GMT. We hope you enjoy your flight.”

>> No.38686542

Nah I was just messing with you a bit. I don't actually think your accent is bad, it would go great with a well chosen character design. It is a touch hard to understand but maybe it's Vocaroo. I couldn't put my finger on it but I think >>38686472 might be right about the vocal fry. The second one sounds smoother so maybe take it in that direction and bring the pitch up a touch

>> No.38686570
File: 116 KB, 800x800, 1663965162374088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are tiny voice samples. Give us a little more! Try this:

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! welcome to episode one of Jermacraft! the series where I play minecraft, this is going to be a single player let's play, and when I say "let's play" I use that term pretty loosely because I am an idiot in this game. You're gonna see lots of fails, your gonna see lots of triumphs, at least I'm hoping, so go grab yourself a nice hot cup of coffee, hot cup of coco. I got apple cider right here freshly brewed. Let me take a sip, ah that's some good cider!

>> No.38686957

adding on to the "maybe it's Vocaroo," issue, don't record directly in Vocaroo. You can record in another program and then upload it on the site. It'll sound way better than whatever Vocaroo throws up.

>> No.38687234
File: 10 KB, 356x356, 92CCE972-B419-4FAB-AC52-106246C3D76D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo oshi missing for 2 months
>/asp/ oshi missing for a week now

>> No.38687256

Yeah I know you guys aren't messing with me. But I hope you guys do realize that as a nordic person I rarely come across people from the americas. No british people tell me "oh you sound so southern!"
A "southern accent" is not a thing here. An american accent is just an american accent.

>> No.38687595

>Southern accent is not a thing
Well actually that was for your benefit. Even non-American people do tend to view the "TexAN" accent as different from other American accents, so I was making sure you weren't confused. Choose whichever American accent you want.

>> No.38689234


So how about those examples? Any accents on vacoor?

>> No.38689334

>All the /asp/ies are fucking
I fucking wish I ever fucked anyone.
