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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38602312 No.38602312 [Reply] [Original]

>I want to have deep serious discussions on politics, religion, gender identity, and sexuality!


>> No.38602390

Average liberal arts major once they enter the workforce. If you're not studying STEM you're doomed to be a lapdog for others.

>> No.38602420

>streamer wanted to do something on first stream
>realized it's both unfun to stream AND unpopular
>did something else instead
this is bad because...?

>> No.38602498

The thigh-crushing stream is a funnier example

>> No.38602505

>29k after over 10 days for an ASMR.
That's pretty bad.

>> No.38602620

because asmr is for unicorn/parasocials.

>> No.38602697

Fully convinced she was going for some off color satire on something, those are all talking points no niji could get away with and are also extremely tired topics on youtube in general.

>> No.38602721
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>> No.38602847

She 100% was and has said this more than once in streams, but nobody actually watches Aia streams so they just rehash the debut meme.

>> No.38602925
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>I want to have deep serious discussions
never said that
never said that
>gender identity
never said that
She read the paragraph very quickly then immediately moved on.

>> No.38602971

What a terrible a idea for a debut.
>I'm going to shoo away 90% of my potential audience

>> No.38603021

The whole paragraph was supposed to be a joke to contrast with her other likes.

>> No.38603072

>being pandering whores
woooow really!??

just sounds like a female trying to sound smart and funny tbqhwyah

>> No.38603074

Oh. Huh. She's just not very funny is she

>> No.38603169
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>and mayonaisse
Neither of us watches her, so neither can judge whether she's funny or not.

>> No.38603175
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>> No.38603191

Whats the punchline

>> No.38603213

So they really are all normies from that wave? What is Nijisanji thinking?

>> No.38603233
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This makes more sense, I think she would have gotten away with it if she didn't use these words. If you genuinely think you can say those on the internet without making people think you plan to be a tedious culture war faggot, you haven't been paying close enough attention. Whoever in management let her get away with this absolute blunder is not qualified.

>> No.38603243
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>> No.38603397

>Short, mostly normal bullet points followed by a single long paragraph
You can't be retarded enough to not get the joke there. You might not find it funny, but don't tell me you don't understand the intent.

>> No.38603691

low numbers really break a vtuber's mind huh?

>> No.38603865

this guy >>38603169 posted it. The flow of "bullet point list, second last point is a big long serious paragraph, then last point is a silly non-sequitur" is a classic bit, but unfortunately Aia's delivery needs some work.

>> No.38604298

The ASMR was pretty amateurish, to be honest. Inconsistent and not that structured on a technical level. I felt almost no Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, even though similar kinds of ASMR trigger videos work pretty well for me. That said, her voice is fine in principle and with practice+better mic she has potential.
The roleplay might be okay for people who are into kind of bratty/bossy but also kind maids? It's not my thing so hard to judge.

>> No.38604410

I agree if she had replaced identity and sexuality with something like free will and transhumanism (as in cyborg stuff) it wouldn't have marked her as a tumblr harpy

>> No.38604469

Were you truly expecting any such depth from a vtuber? A female one, no less?

>> No.38604514

You can expect a failed attempt, at least. Though it was pretty clearly a joke if you paid attention to her beyond /vt/ dramaposting.

>> No.38604749

women trying to copy vox is bound to fail. susan only allows men to manwhore at a professional level. also trying to copy what the men do is a dumb idea to begin with.

>> No.38605025

"Everything I don't understand is politics"

>> No.38605094

"Pretty amateurish and unclear about what tone it's going for, but maybe potential with enough practice?" describes pretty much everything Aia does except the D&D stream, which is clearly something she has more practice on.

>> No.38605255

God, why does it always have to be D&D...so much potential for different and better TTRPGs.

>> No.38605274

imagine, thinking that a STEM course will get you anywhere in current year
t. STEM major

>> No.38605406

I don't get it is this some kind of domination loss/sub thing

>> No.38605587

You have to admit it's very beginner friendly for a party of mostly girls who have never played a TTRPG before and have a single brain cell between them.

>> No.38605770

Kind of, but there's lots of side concepts and quirks. There's better simple systems to start out with, especially as a streamer that has to entertain while also dealing with rules and gameplay.

>> No.38605880

>implying corpos are allowed to freely talk about controversial things like politics and gender bullshit

>> No.38605892

>study IT
>get shitty 9 to 5 job for 3 years
>get shit pay
>quit due lack of pay
>get janitor job because about to starve
>6 hours work day 2-3 hours of work
>main job is just to take out the trash
>get paid more
>shitpost in 4chan
Don't study kids it's a trap

>> No.38605962
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I'll be honest, I didn't realise it could've even been a joke at the time. I was out when she debuted, so I only saw screenshots and such. Those along with the "he's a bottom!" and "Scarle's mine, I'm so gay for her!" tweets I was convinced she was gonna be SJW the VTuber. And with how most debuts are strained for time, I thought she was cutting the big paragraph short to save some when I did finally saw it. If it all was intended as a joke, it failed spectacularly at least and I never regained any interest in her.

>> No.38606009

>>I want to have deep serious discussions on politics, religion, gender identity, and sexuality!
That was an ironic joke you low IQ subhuman monkey, to mock the non-seriousness of content.
I swear fucking cocksuckers trannies on this board here never watch past the first stream of the vtubers they try to shit on.

>> No.38606115

I am genuinely curious what system you'd suggest instead!

>> No.38606152

Is she the huge bitch in the group or is it another one?

>> No.38606156

Nobody likes political clowns just thinking she may be one is enough to scare everyone away

>> No.38606187

no way anon

>> No.38606252

>Basic bitch (((gamer))) girl
>Plays basic bitch mainstream TRPG
Unknot your panties

>> No.38606283

STEM graduate here. Currently living the neet life because of how fucked the STEM job market is. When people talk about STEM they just mean maths/physics and techbros, and maths/physics only get to enjoy decent jobs by selling their souls to the financial sector. Trades are the way to go, I wish I became an electrician.

>> No.38606284

She thought it was a good idea to try and RP as a huge bitch, but she wasn't very good at it and dropped the act pretty quickly. Not quickly enough to avoid turning a lot of people off though.

>> No.38606306

Stop living outside of real cities.

>> No.38606425

because then /vt/ can't use the same point to shit on her

>> No.38606581

>Pay extortionate city living costs
Or I could just take a lower stress job that pays less but I can live in an area with cheaper rent, cost of living, etc.

>> No.38606585

Still better that being what I thought she was, may watch her
Unless you secure a position in some company during university or have serious experience, working IT is harsh since most people will think "you aren't doing much. Why I should pay that much" or "that much for installing that tiny box"

>> No.38606594

Which is kind of stupid. She is actually nice, she should have worked on her strenghts rather than larp something she couldn´t sustain.

>> No.38606793

She’s dumb, she admits she fucked up and can’t play as being abrasive and funny and says it just comes off as bitch vibes. Why even try to adopt some entirely new personality?
Can’t really fault viewers for leaving if they’re anticipating a wokescold Ted talk about genders, first impressions matter.

>> No.38606834

Absolutely agreed. I genuinely want to like Aia but I can't think of any streamer who would benefit more from a manager occasionally telling her "no, that's a bad idea."

>> No.38606952 [DELETED] 

>I swear fucking cocksuckers trannies on this board here never watch past the first stream of the vtubers they try to shit on.
Why would I? Your debut is the biggest moment you'll have to pitch yourself and capture viewers, so you better give it your all. And if that is the best you have, I'm not gonna waste my time any further. Not when the rest of your wave pitched themselves better, not when you have dozend of senpais and competitors who've already established themselves as good streamers and not when my time is already limited.

>> No.38606998

That is a genuinely hard type to try to pull off
Even prime bitch Enna sometimes just fells like she wants to be mean

>> No.38607053

>I swear fucking cocksuckers trannies on this board here never watch past the first stream of the vtubers they try to shit on.
Why would I? Your debut is the biggest moment you'll have to pitch yourself and capture viewers, so you better give it your all. And if that is the best you have, I'm not gonna waste my time any further. Not when the rest of your wave pitched themselves better, not when you have dozens of senpais and competitors who've already established themselves as good streamers and not when my time is already limited.

>> No.38607140

I will always try to convince people to give her another chance when I see these threads, because that stupid meme from the debut really doesn't reflect her content.
But I would also not blame you if you don't, and she still does have a lot of flaws.

>> No.38607575

Woman not funny. Only the spectacle of the response exaggerating the humour in it. Shocking I know.

>> No.38607656


>> No.38607830

I sincerely believe that maids should rule the world with Maid parlament. We should also make a religion when we praise their thighs. Of course to be a maid you need to identify as female. They also should have sex with me whenever I want.
I'm deeply serious. Pls discuss.

>> No.38608069

>Maids live to serve
>politicians should live to serve
How would you call this political system?

>> No.38608267

Clip of her admitting to this? I'm more willing to give her a chance if she's vocally self aware about this stuff, not pussyfooting about it like Finana

>> No.38608312

I'm not sure I can agree with mixing politics and religion to that degree

>> No.38609136

imagine using this I AM SILLY defense for backpedaling while using a pip picture unironically

>> No.38609263
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Here's your autist guide to basic jokes

>> No.38609281

https://youtu.be/Ox9aexorzBc?t=2620 Probably not the best example of what another anon was describing but good recent moment of self-awareness about how people see her and the fact she hasn't really figured out her niche yet, then at 46:20ish:
>I'm absolutely socially awkward. That bitch doesn't know how to read the room.

>> No.38609810


>> No.38612888

Pregnancy correction is needed

>> No.38614180

>I want to have deep serious discussions on politics, religion, gender identity, and sexuality!
>is woman
>deep discussion

>> No.38615327

>You know what's the worst thing in the world? Making fun of people's appearance. Unpog and unbased. You cant do anything about it, just ugh no, definitely unpog

>> No.38615329

I assume it's more about the fact that she didn't know that was a bad idea from the get go. These are all topics people avoid IN PERSON, why would you ever think they'd want to hear it from an anime girl on the internet?

>> No.38615613

You better have some post-grad to be talking shit like that

>> No.38615793

>If you're not studying STEM
Don't you mean SHTEAM now anon? :D

>> No.38616017

i don't get this board

>chuuba had vocal opinions about whatever shit in the past
>chuuba is getting creampies every night behind the scenes

so do we bring past lives/behind the scenes shit or not?

>> No.38616038

>EN Vtubers
There's your problem

>> No.38616105

nobody gives a fuck about your PL/roommate garbage
keep it out of vtubing

>> No.38616824

Read further in the thread, anon. It was meant to be a joke, just one that was poorly delivered. As someone who didn’t watch a single one of the Iluna debuts, I’m guessing it wasn’t nearly as bad as the people on this board are making it out to be, but it was probably one of those awkward failed jokes that fails to make people want to watch you. In other words, symptom of a mediocre debut, which is probably what really gave her problems growing.
I’ve watched snippets of Aia’s streams since. She definitely strikes me as the kind of autist who’s not very good at modulating the tone of her voice to indicate that she’s joking.

>> No.38617470

From what I've seen and heard of Aia, she would have benefitted a lot from having a short indie vtuuber career before Niji. She would at least know herself a lot more without filtering her audience with early mistakes.

>> No.38618048

She just realized how much men love women who act like women.
This is the second stage of woke.

>> No.38618259
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People who study biology work at the garden center, people who study poetry work at starbucks.

>> No.38619604

KEK nothing is set in stone. Sorry if you're trying to cope with how hard you study STEM while thinking that you will have a bright future ahead, but STEM graduates can have miserable career too.
There are so many factors influencing your future, what you can do is increasing the chance of success. But chance is a chance, as long as it's not 100% you can always fail.

>> No.38620363

is the girl who talked about getting gang banged or was that another Niji girl?

>> No.38622660


She had 23 in that purity score thing, so basically yea

>> No.38625511
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>> No.38626249

And this is why the nijisanji accelerate model murders their talents

>> No.38627133

STEM is double edged sword. On one side you'll easily get a job and have very decent pay since electricians, construction workers, plumbers, and programmers are always needed, on other - lots of stress, lots of corporate bootlicking and extreme competition (if you're going for place in major company outside customer support/service), and lots of repetition and mindless drone work that will make you want to kill yourself or regret your life choices.
Am civil engineering graduate myself but I'm having hard time since my health was shit for long time and because job market is fucked where I live, so best I can do is go for shittiest possible job that won't get me very sick or kill myself.

>> No.38627378

poor aia

>> No.38627459

If that "H" and "A" are what I think they be are: No.
Your type can meme your way into an acronym, but it won't make you more employable. You either have needed skills and knowledge, or you don't.

>> No.38627513

>had one slide point in her intro/debut that basically was about her teach job (and got misreprestend as SJW)
>never mentioned it after

Its crazy how spiteful and hateful people here are lying about her. She actually loves her chat. Why are you this much of a massive cocksucking cowardly lying beta faggit OP?

>> No.38627592

>Electricians and construction
M8 STEM is all about scientists, mathematicians, engineers, programmers, etc. Science Technology Engineering Math.

Electricians don't need to go to uni, and trade schools/apprenticeships are not like university.

>> No.38627944

Did aia actually say that? Timestamp?

>> No.38628277

Nah, bro
She deserves being shitted on. I hope she literally ends up with only 2 views.

>> No.38628380

People always mention her debut stream but honestly she just isn't a good streamer. She is not a very fun person.
