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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38517232 No.38517232 [Reply] [Original]

Dancing Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 12/6:
1: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (4,800)
2: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (4,221)
3: https://twitch.tv/Nihmune (3,812)
4: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,569)
5: https://twitch.tv/geega (2,382)
6: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,035)
7: https://twitch.tv/LaynaLazar (1,827)
8: https://twitch.tv/Trickywi (1,712)
9: https://twitch.tv/OkCode (1,528)
10: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (1,224)

1: https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (10,102) *Korean
2: https://twitch.tv/Maoruya (2,341) *Korean
3: https://twitch.tv/ZilverK (1,006) *Spanish

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide
https://pastebin.com/1i8hF902 (embed)

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Koikatsu Archive


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays:
December 11th - Nihmune
January 2nd - Milky
January 3rd - Olivia Monroe

>Experimental /lig/ booru

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread >>38503069

>> No.38517280

fuck Kitanya (sexually)

>> No.38517332
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>> No.38517357


>> No.38517360
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>> No.38517370
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Orcat <3

>> No.38517373

You have a cute oshi

>> No.38517388
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It ain't easy being a fat bastard

>> No.38517389
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>> No.38517401


>> No.38517407
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Good afternoon I love my oshi!

>> No.38517423 [DELETED] 
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>>38517232 >>38517280 >>38517332 >>38517357 >>38517360 >>38517370 >>38517373 >>38517388 >>38517389 >>38517401

>> No.38517426

Sex with Sexpoya!

>> No.38517466

Kitanya isn't my oshi I am just a big appreciator of the cute kk renders that the anon that loves her makes

>> No.38517468
File: 52 KB, 400x400, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning, I hate Layna

>> No.38517470


>> No.38517482

Saffox would die if you forked her pls don't

>> No.38517487
File: 576 KB, 884x1250, 62a02dcf0a011047f8600172114d703d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)

>> No.38517498

fuck off heavenly

>> No.38517510


>> No.38517524 [DELETED] 
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>>38517232 >>38517280 >>38517332 >>38517357 >>38517360 >>38517370 >>38517373 >>38517388 >>38517389 >>38517401 >>38517407 >>38517423 >>38517426 >>38517466 >>38517468 >>38517470 >>38517482 >>38517487 >>38517498 >>38517510

>> No.38517532
File: 187 KB, 356x455, OliDestroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're ready for the Stacy because you don't have a choice

>> No.38517544
File: 136 KB, 848x1199, FjLCc93aAAAW9m8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno what shes playing today

>> No.38517545

what is she doing today?

>> No.38517557


>> No.38517608

I'd love a good forking.

>> No.38517616

>Numi top 3 in numbers
How does she pull such number when she streams 2-3 hours twice a week at most and does nothing but zatsu and repeating memes, is this the power of whores?

>> No.38517635

>Olivia live
thread will go to shit in 3 minutes

>> No.38517652

probably, I don't watch her

>> No.38517668
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>> No.38517669
File: 70 KB, 300x178, 16653213751236973145621123403952848863.png͏͏͏͏͏͏[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdvp0qx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38517680

she's redebuting friday so last stream was probably the last with that one

>> No.38517685

She has the perfect voice and inflection to humiliate her viewers but she will never do it for us.

>> No.38517696

Whores in general don't do to well, but whores to mainly appeal to teenagers do very well

>> No.38517716

>Whores in general don't do to well
welcome tourist

>> No.38517727

then there's the middle aged whores who appeal to the same audience but fail miserably

>> No.38517754

pretty sure it was a bot, archive shows the same image in a bunch of random threads with no actual relation to each other

>> No.38517760

Most whores that try to appeal to adults (lewd tubers) are low 2 views

>> No.38517769

yeah your mom

>> No.38517784

what a weird bot
why would someone waste their time making a bot like that?

>> No.38517800

hi midled aged whore, you'll always be a failure

>> No.38517805

>Oli is playing the ugliest game ever
DF time?

>> No.38517810

you have no idea how many whores are out there because you don't hear about the vast majority of them

>> No.38517835

hope you enjoy your stay newfriend

not an argument, that applies to literally any kind of vtuber

>> No.38517867

List popular ones then

>> No.38517887
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Alright so we're never talking about the stuff we did in the last thread again, otherwise the other threads will start calling us the ED/prone masturbation thread

>> No.38517928
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>> No.38517949

as opposed the the beast thread or blacked thread?

>> No.38517962
File: 590 KB, 1200x1200, 451290-2.output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olivia Monroe live with ̶D̶w̶a̶r̶f̶ ̶F̶o̶r̶t̶r̶e̶s̶s̶ FTL
(she said it's very ugly and one of her brothers' absolute favorites and then said it was not Dwarf Fortress)

>> No.38517965

what do you think the phrase "in general" means then? some whores do well, most get nowhere, therefore "whores get numbers" is a meaningless statement

>> No.38517996
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Cute status gone again

I think she just forgot to select to not wipe it after one day?

>> No.38518005
File: 642 KB, 960x1234, E8463B58-DA8F-42A4-BC81-A7F388B10AAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo soon

>> No.38518027

she thinks ftl is ugly? rude and wrong.

>> No.38518039
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>> No.38518050

In what world is FTL ugly? I don't get that Stacy logic.

>> No.38518055

>does nothing but zatsu and repeating memes

>> No.38518113
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my girlfriend.

>> No.38518136

cute whore

>> No.38518141
File: 26 KB, 112x112, 3.0 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't see yesterday's stream after 3 hours, but I can tell that Squ went to the dentist today because of the recent blue bird posts. So no space catto today...

>> No.38518150

No pink

>> No.38518179 [DELETED] 

rape I guess

>> No.38518193

Kitanya is a fox so why am I just now finding it weird that people used to only refer to her as Africat? Aren’t foxes canines?

>> No.38518197

didn't she also say that she was going to take a few days off to recover?
No more catto this week...

>> No.38518204


>> No.38518232

I saw her being kind of a baby about it, that said I did take the day off when I had mine out.

>> No.38518248

Whatever the fuck she wants

>> No.38518260
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 1656560716559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I remember anon saying she used to be a cat

>> No.38518271
File: 131 KB, 1176x1340, 1645127848234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to be a cat. foxes are vulpine I think.

>> No.38518304

I want to fuck her in the box

>> No.38518331

is there any way not to be a baby about it
when I took out two of mine I felt more depressed and dead inside than I had been for years until I got my stitches removed

>> No.38518401

Ah, that’s why. I didn’t watch her that much when she was being shilled on /jp/ so that’s probably why I didn’t remember.

>> No.38518449

How much dick has Olivia taken?

>> No.38518457

thats for the info

>> No.38518498


>> No.38518510

Only mine

>> No.38518527

only this anon's >>38518510

>> No.38518539

Not mine

>> No.38518542

also mine

>> No.38518547

Raise your hand if you have or have planned to send a vtuber an airtag

>> No.38518578

I'm not autis- well I am autistic but no

>> No.38518593

lol this is horrible but also a great idea

>> No.38518597
File: 813 KB, 1334x748, 1646612919295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to teach olivia her place like it's an asanagi manga

>> No.38518624

Never forget that Hololive had to stop accepting gifts because a schizophrenic nousagi here tried to dox pekora

>> No.38518637
File: 652 KB, 780x747, BRjwRd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll send (you) an airtag

>> No.38518639

Even gifts sent to their office?

>> No.38518665


>> No.38518673 [DELETED] 

No, that's just leaving trails to me if I ever decide I want to kidnap and rape one.

>> No.38518681
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tell me about the guy who sent tobbers his phone number and she had a meltdown over it

>> No.38518710

Pretty sure that now you need to contact them and they’ll only accept special shit for talent birthdays

>> No.38518734

only takes one asshole to ruin things for everyone

>> No.38518751


>> No.38518767
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>> No.38518827

don't really know if meltdown is the right word honestly?
she called him out on discord and stream and banned him, along with introducing some extra confirmation steps when joining her discord, but it was still far from what I'd call a meltdown over it

>> No.38518848
File: 1.17 MB, 1017x1017, 1665682787692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey sweeties~ today we're just going to be doing a comfy str-
>annoying TTS voice blares through my headset
>hello m'lady you have some big breasticles, huge booba, massive mammaries. Can I have some fresh squeezed milk? Mommy Sorry.
>chat~ you're so nau-
>haha you're such a bottom uwu. such a cute short mini sized bottom haha
>chat~ I'm not a b-
>I'm just here to make cringe jokes and puns because I want your attention and I don't know when I've taken a joke too far so I just keep repeating it
>oh chat~ you're so funny~ anyway how has your week be-
I'm not looking forward to Milky's stream.

>> No.38518873

I sent her my number too and she didn't respond, but didn't ban me either, maybe it's because I'm a girl?

>> No.38518909


>> No.38518924

im womping

>> No.38518949

you sure you're not talking about Olivia's stream?

>> No.38518958

which chuuba are you

>> No.38518980

That's 'ding dong bing bong!' dumby

>> No.38519002

probably zum selfposting again

>> No.38519038

I'm like this but with Nemu's magi magi karp karp magi magi karp karp karp gkarp garp HOLY FUCK

>> No.38519057
File: 275 KB, 360x487, 1654554126491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olivia trying to interpret FTL in terms of Candyland

>> No.38519067

This but the fucking Larry retard spamming Vienna

>> No.38519069

I like it, it's charming

>> No.38519109

genuinely do not understand how people can tolerate this

>> No.38519126

but thankfully, he toned it a bit down lately so...Larry, keep it down, thanks

>> No.38519131
File: 344 KB, 1212x675, 1666676603417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Jingburger?

>> No.38519203

anyone here who bought dakis before

do they usually come in discrete packaging or something?

I dont want the receptionists to..you know

>> No.38519252

is nemu autistic

>> No.38519278

unless the package has been obliterated by shipping/customs you're fine, I dont think Ive bought any vtuber merch that indicated on the box what might be inside

>> No.38519281

Idk my friend brought me one back by hand from AX. What do you mean 'receptionists'?

>> No.38519294
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>> No.38519296

that shit makes me so pissed. even worse when the streamer encourages it or doesn't do anything about it
also made me go insane when some dude started doing it to snuffy on a stream a few months back and used it to repeatedly backseat. thankfully it was a single stream and people in the chat (including mods) were actually getting pissed at it as well and the retard never came back but holy fuck was it annoying
like I get it, they're getting money for this shit but they do realize this is fucking annoying to 90% of the viewers, don't they?

>> No.38519314
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>> No.38519326

I think so

>> No.38519341

>[FTL] has this thing, it's... if you've played Candyland it's kind of like Apex
I love Olivia bros

>> No.38519347
File: 136 KB, 680x542, 1646301706646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's unprompted trauma dumping.

>> No.38519348

not only will the receptionists know, they'll tell everyone else who walks into the building what a loser you are for buying a daki

>> No.38519365 [DELETED] 

You just glare at the receptionist and as what the fuck are they looking at. Then you rape them to show dominance.

>> No.38519384

literally who gives a shit
I can guarantee you 100% they've seen worse things come in

>> No.38519393

they usually come in see through packaging with the coochie hanging out

>> No.38519507

knowing what they do over here...im sure that shit will be ripped open into a thousand pieces thinking theres a bomb inside or some shit

>> No.38519669 [DELETED] 

some people just need you to rape the trauma out of them

>> No.38519707
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And hey that's geoguesser! What kind of fan game is this?

>> No.38519722

Larry's dick probably work though

>> No.38519776
File: 1.45 MB, 1711x1550, 1655756959277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38519877

>Olivia kills a trapped pirate ship
>Chat says "They had children at home"
>"Oh. Don't worry, they are next"

>> No.38519960

milky is live https://twitch.tv/Milky

>> No.38519961

its a fan game apparently. i dont know the name tho

>> No.38520032

Huh. Just noticed that very few of my follows are on now.

>> No.38520052 [DELETED] 

Larry should rape Vienna

>> No.38520060
File: 227 KB, 1500x1500, 1660335720835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dya is assembling a Gyarados

>> No.38520096

why is some retard forcing this rape shit every post
is it a shondofag? shouldn't you be busy waiting for her to go live?

>> No.38520100



>> No.38520171

Idk but it is retarded

>> No.38520204

the man has issues so i tolerate him

>> No.38520213

Go live dumbass

>> No.38520285

I kind of figured there was some issue, but it still annoys the fuck out of me when he does 3 tts back to back

>> No.38520286 [DELETED] 

forcing is the most important element of rape

>> No.38520316 [DELETED] 

t. In need of rape correction

>> No.38520492
File: 2.67 MB, 4500x5620, 64th OCsketch Filiancool small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sketch of Filian OC

>> No.38520515

Damn, poggy woggy

>> No.38520517

>i dont like it so its forced

>> No.38520572

oc snacker your sketching has improved a lot. much better than the line tool. nice

>> No.38520591

who are you quoting

>> No.38520595

you're not funny

>> No.38520660

its not quoting its paraphrasing

>> No.38520677
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No stream from Inis today

>> No.38520706

>cat image mentioning something bad
could it be related to her dog?

>> No.38520720
File: 66 KB, 980x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No stream from Rael today

>> No.38520746


>> No.38520776
File: 275 KB, 313x542, 1656614158534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is happening
why are so many liggers feeling like shit all of a sudden

>> No.38520784

>9pm Saru usualy, her sleep seems wierd today so small chance she cancels due to being tired or something, probably calisto protocol, maybe jump king
Can I just point out I realy know my oshi

>> No.38520793
File: 64 KB, 112x112, pet1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the feeling that she was going to cancel today

>> No.38520801

theyre pregnant

>> No.38520808

yeah with me

>> No.38520811

sun go bye bye

>> No.38520813

Looks like she... dropped her pizza on the floor?

>> No.38520822 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't rape you

>> No.38520831

Come on Rael think about plushie sales plummeting

>> No.38520837
File: 919 KB, 979x1026, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's added some clarifying information

>> No.38520845

I would be sad if that happened to me too

>> No.38520863


>> No.38520866

you can't keep crawling back into the womb anon

>> No.38520880

she hate us

>> No.38520888

I wonder if her doctor told her to fix her sleep schedule

>> No.38520891

ywn share floor pizza with Pinis why even live

>> No.38520895

What doesn't trigger your autism AirahsELL?

>> No.38520933

Thanks for telling us early Rael, hope you feel better

>> No.38520940
File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, 1654869211726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow will be a better day.

>> No.38520959

>i got in pain
what kind of pain?

>> No.38521013

Tummy pain. She's addicted to fluff

>> No.38521096


>> No.38521094

the clot shot

>> No.38521242

Reminder tHt saru is the type of girl who would rather hang out with the jocks and make fun of you for being a nerd and having a small penis in instead of taking up your offer for a yugioh date at recess

>> No.38521274

that's like 95% of people

>> No.38521296

this is why I rape

>> No.38521359


>> No.38521374

Everyone says they love winter until they remember that it’s pitch black for nearly the entire day

>> No.38521375

you really have some sort of complex huh

>> No.38521472

go back normalfag

>> No.38521533

i need saru sph

>> No.38521564

those jocks literally me

>> No.38521569

yugioh sucks, especially in physical form. eat on it.

>> No.38521574

I want to be trapped in an elevator with Oli and have her violate my personal bubble just because she likes to watch me squirm

>> No.38521618

she gives that vibe

>> No.38521684

Whats sph

>> No.38521705

Seal Patrick Harris

>> No.38521714

small penis humiliation

>> No.38521736

snow p halation

>> No.38521752

short person humiliation

>> No.38521779
File: 397 KB, 1308x1754, 1670353574634643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife very much!

>> No.38521862

I want to comfort saru while she glares at me while whispering about wanting to die interrupted only by her yelling at me to bring her fluff and put on documentaries about people dying

>> No.38521894
File: 6 KB, 338x75, uTvow3Y[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>following 3 days ago

>> No.38521901
File: 44 KB, 960x930, 1670425260801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuubas for this feel?

>> No.38521918

Guess thats why she's been looking a bit thicker lately. Wonder if her model update will reflect that.

>> No.38521931


>> No.38521943


>> No.38521946

wtf he's just like me

>> No.38521955

saru, chibi

>> No.38521957

I feel like some people are incapable of playing it cool

>> No.38521970

If I tell other poeple I'll have to accept it as true

>> No.38521980


>> No.38521997


>> No.38522019

juni canonically likes to bite men

>> No.38522029
File: 927 KB, 2400x2728, 20221207_190543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38522051


>> No.38522056

God I want to be emotionally supportive of this frog

>> No.38522068

Saru wants to bite men's asses every time she sees one on screen is that close enough?

>> No.38522069
File: 16 KB, 589x181, juni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38522096 [DELETED] 

If your chuuba doesn't like rape, they are absolute bottom of the barrel trash. Enjoyment of rape as either party correlates with confidence, assertiveness, open-mindedness and intelligence. Therefore, rape is the key to success. We should stop oppressing rape enjoyers and treat them like the higher tier of human they are.

>> No.38522150

he thinks he's funny

>> No.38522148

thank you moka, very cool

>> No.38522162

>most common fetish amount women

>> No.38522220

>If your chuuba doesn't like rape, they are absolute bottom of the barrel trash.
If they enjoy it it isn't rape it's just roleplay

>> No.38522222
File: 991 KB, 1920x1080, 1666981316226958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every part of a woman is designed to physically, emotionally, and financially consume men.

>> No.38522270

I wish I could draw fast enough so that when saru is sick, or achieves something, I can draw a get well soon pic, or a congrats pic, and post it so she knows I'm thinking of her but when Id be done with it it would be too late.

>> No.38522276

the reverse bunnysuit tob with a very slight bush from a few threads ago has turned me into a feral subhuman and i'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.38522334

pesto dog is live https://twitch.tv/Yuniiho

>> No.38522343

of course the crowd at these hours is happy to hand him (You)s

>> No.38522345

That's not a reverse bunny suit

>> No.38522362

Shondo is a biter

>> No.38522371

you can draw it before she gets sick and then post it

>> No.38522370

There is literally a bird image just like that

>> No.38522378

I've felt this about shondo but yknow with shondo I could just make such things in advance and be reasonably sure she's going to be sick or experience tragedy again rather soon

>> No.38522430

Good thing I'm going to eat her first

>> No.38522460

>You are trapped in here with me earth
Goddammit Oli

>> No.38522491

From what liggers say, Oli.

>> No.38522492 [DELETED] 
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>> No.38522497
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>> No.38522581

I got a 3 day last time I posted this...

>> No.38522624

Editing out her curves made this image so much better

>> No.38522667


>> No.38522688


>> No.38522690



>> No.38522697

tob is so sexy

>> No.38522742


>> No.38522745

Sorry guys, I fucked Olivia Monroe a bit too hard which is why she made those noises

>> No.38522779

dont apologize, they were good noises

>> No.38522798
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I miss my imoutos...

>> No.38522818

which killed you more, her diamond tight kegels, or the before-and-after workouts with '80s music?

>> No.38522819


>> No.38522853

you can tell, the movements of her model are slightly off because her center of gravity has been lowered by .005 centimeters owing to al the cum inside her

>> No.38522874

I hate the catgirl meta

>> No.38522895

>Tanya cancelled
liggerman I dont feel so good

>> No.38522913

did she say the n word on stream

>> No.38522931

shes allowed to

>> No.38522961

>tired and in pain, she went to the doctor today
Whats happening today

Shondo please be ok

>> No.38522993

Another one bites the dust... Are we under attack?

>> No.38523013

Shondo would NEVER go to the doctor
I believe

>> No.38523058

quick everyone start sending your favorite streamer shungite before its too late

>> No.38523088

they've all gotten /lig/ma, we should have seen the signs...

>> No.38523100
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Dya would sell my soul for a plate of fettuccine al limone

>> No.38523145

I wanna cum in-between the suit and her.

>> No.38523190
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She did mention that she wasn't sure the wednesday stream would happen, which is why she really wanted the monday stream. Hope she rests well.

>> No.38523265
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How am I supposed to send them Suge Knight, isn't he in prison?

>> No.38523316

I should have worn protection, sorry friends.

>> No.38523320

I think her pain meds are kicking in

>> No.38523414


>> No.38523438
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>her recent tweets
I love my medicated oshi but I also know she'll feel really embarrassed about it when she's lucid again

>> No.38523558

>saffox is a jew

>> No.38523626

>medicated streamer accidentally posts racial slurs

>> No.38523654

Your oshi is cute when she’s unable to speak

>> No.38523687


>> No.38523690


>> No.38523702

i am cancelling her as we speak

>> No.38523804

Whats wrong with Tanya, other than being south-african?

>> No.38523830


>> No.38523834

Doesn't she randomly bleed or something?

>> No.38523855


>> No.38523860


>> No.38523874

Messed up organs, presumaply liver and kidney. She's on pain meds pretty much all the time.
that was her lip, there was a cut that wasn't healing up right and kept opening up. she fixed that a little while ago.

>> No.38523914
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>> No.38523940
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>> No.38524074

anyone have the new oli eye templates?

>> No.38524111

what did she see?

>> No.38524123
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wife_dm_ online!


>> No.38524154
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>> No.38524190
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>> No.38524199
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>> No.38524205

she looks proud of me

>> No.38524211
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>> No.38524241

thanks liggers

>> No.38524247

any socialist /lig/chuubas?

>> No.38524262

i've never seen her make sad faces
when the fuck is she sad

>> No.38524268
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I'm losing it

>> No.38524297

I hope her new model keeps the crazy eyes

>> No.38524325
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What was Dya's dog's name again?

>> No.38524349


>> No.38524352


>> No.38524354

Where do you come from

>> No.38524398
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Wife live

>> No.38524498

Cease your cringe and come watch Lucy.

>> No.38524614
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>> No.38524633

Sorry Lucy I'm busy rn

>> No.38524698

did an irl chef's kiss

>> No.38524775
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>> No.38524828

sinder fucks dogs

>> No.38524853

shondo already crying

>> No.38524856

yeah me

>> No.38524858

I do not

>> No.38524860

fuck off, we hate the oli eyes now

>> No.38524883

Shondo’s fake crying makes my dick hard

>> No.38524911

I'm glad I'm not the only one

>> No.38524941

full erection without even touching

>> No.38524942

well I wanted to say hi since it's been a bit but I see shondo is in the middle of a bit

>> No.38524948


>> No.38524978

if you intend to wait until the pedos stop spamming you're going to be waiting forever.

>> No.38524983
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>> No.38525018
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>> No.38525022

pets cat

>> No.38525107

first time tuning into a fallenshadow stream

>> No.38525109


>> No.38525115

is shondo going to jail?

>> No.38525121
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>> No.38525144

Thanks for playing. Meat lady from

>> No.38525162
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ty for puzzle

>> No.38525207
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God I love that goofball

>> No.38525209

I can’t believe Shondo has a picture of her bf on stream

>> No.38525221

Better than either

>> No.38525249

I can't believe she's managed to drag this on for so long

>> No.38525278

either what

>> No.38525279

I see more unsubbed people than usual in Shondo’s chat. Is this just from that Fil clip or did something else happen?

>> No.38525289
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If it's a crime to beat my dick repeatedly to pictures of Snuffy with big tits and sucking cock, they're gonna have to lock my ass up

>> No.38525322

No, better than either

>> No.38525328

sounds like you're already in a prison of your own mind

>> No.38525332

new month anon... people's gift subs expired

>> No.38525341
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Saru chedule

>> No.38525357

Based coomer crusher

>> No.38525359

oh i see, sorry for my, i'm having a stroke bro

>> No.38525365
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>> No.38525370


>> No.38525373

I don't like this schedule, saruei!

>> No.38525394

please stop putting saruei in the schedule, I don't like her

>> No.38525410

Thank goodness Shondo seems to at least have her finances somewhat organized.

>> No.38525421

reminder the rest of shondo's family literally cannot comprehend saving money

>> No.38525443
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I miss her

>> No.38525456
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>> No.38525463
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>> No.38525466
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>Handcam MRE

>> No.38525470

I don't understand how some people seem incapable of planning more than a couple weeks into the future. Life must look very different to them.

>> No.38525471

that's typical of any white trash family. i'm a failure and i'm still the most successful person in my family lmao.

>> No.38525481

That's surprisingly cute

>> No.38525498

Shut up Layna

>> No.38525506

>that's typical of any white trash family
>that's typical of any trash family

>> No.38525539

shut the fuck up

>> No.38525545

Manlets must exist so that small girls can exist
Such a noble sacrifice

>> No.38525559

Looking forward to another MRE, didn't realy care for the last jump king so not looking forward to that, I haven't watched anyone playing CP so relatively excited to finaly see the rest of the game, and she wanted to finish it which would mean a long stream finaly. Memes are meh unless she pulls out something related to an autistic hobby she has so well see how it goes.

After the last 3 weeks this isn't a very hyped week, but fryday the middle 2 should be pretty good chill streams.

>> No.38525565

Why has almost nobody received their merch order from Shondo? I already feel like it got lost in transit or something.

>> No.38525574

They exist to do jester tricks it's a shame the worlds moved on

>> No.38525576

Stupid Oli, she's getting filled with my cum after this stream

>> No.38525585

Only whites can be trash

>> No.38525625

is Lyra also the standard vtuber height of <5 feet?

>> No.38525637

If you live paycheck to paycheck I guess you don't get in the habit, and it's too much of a treat to spend a little on yourself

>> No.38525648
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>> No.38525654

Educating my wife about the KKK!

>> No.38525667

I think so

>> No.38525698


>> No.38525707

Place your bets, who would win. Lyra seems like she's be faster but Juni has those sharp chitin arms

>> No.38525729

>I don't want to talk a lot before we start the game
>going on a tangent about the KKK

>> No.38525734

shondo is unironically still /here/, referencing us talking about her shitty takes lol

>> No.38525766
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>pinis liked the thing
cute birb

>> No.38525768

>what is maro

>> No.38525772

She's pretty quirked up

>> No.38525778


>> No.38525802

She really shouldn't be here considering her issues

>> No.38525829

Love my talkative wife

>> No.38525854

Lore-wise probably Juni. However, calyptra moths are real carnivores, so maybe Lyra is a fucking savage too.

>> No.38525867

>this one's gonna be a short one I'm not feeling well
>ends stream 7 hours later when she has to
this one also happens every time

>> No.38525883

what kind of tard measures in feet lmao

>> No.38525888

Shondo just said she doesn't hate French people. Her career is over. This is worse than Kanye.

>> No.38525917

>"Why does the KKK get to use those cool words [Wizard/Grand Wizard]? We shouldn't let them have those words, we should take them back!"
Based Shondo is the first person I've seen speak out against institutionalized racism in our speech

>> No.38525922

Shes trying to reconsile with saru

>> No.38525935

Fucking Rael psyoping my based wife

>> No.38525936

Lyra. She's American

>> No.38525954

>Oli listing rts/grand strategy stuff
her brothers' taste is good, but likely to melt poor Olivia's brain

>> No.38525968

Someone sent her a maro about it a while ago, how sometimes she doesn't know anything about the subject but the sender just smiles and nods despite how angry her ignorance secretly makes him

>> No.38525974

No, it's just retards sending Shondo marshmallows asking her about her opinion on literally anything.

>> No.38525987

If anyone here is French, we apologize and assure you that you are very hated

>> No.38525995

Shondo literally just ate her cat live on stream. I can't believe it.

>> No.38526000
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>> No.38526023
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>> No.38526030

I wonder if she’s talking about the one I sent to ribbon-tan. If she is I actually like it because it makes her more like a little sister. She’s so sure but also so dumb at the same time it’s like a kid telling you about something they vaguely heard online.

>> No.38526035

hearing her awkwardly say "Mount AND Blade" and "Europa Universalis" is really cute to me

>> No.38526038

A really solid Saru schedule

>> No.38526037

lucy pyre sex

>> No.38526061

bat is a shit person

>> No.38526091

jsut like me

>> No.38526105


>> No.38526120

Ugly mutts being the most racist as always

>> No.38526150

>maybe Lyra is a fucking savage
Personally I believe any and all bug girls are one slight inconvenience away from ripping someone in half, it'd be some true Mortal Kombat shit

>> No.38526183

French isn't a race, you're free to hate them without getting cancelled.

>> No.38526199

really? i thought french = black

>> No.38526228

unfunny manchildren

>> No.38526230
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>> No.38526231

>DM killed a dog in cold blood
Just damn.

>> No.38526310

shondo is so fucking cute today. i can't

>> No.38526314

How dare you imply that I’m French

>> No.38526330

wait til you hear about horses

>> No.38526343
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shatze FAQ app!!!

>> No.38526363

luna moth's don't even eat anything. they don't even have mouths.

>> No.38526437

Yeah, you are just having a nice dinner and then the bug girl just instinctively eats your head clean off. Although Lyra would probably impale you with her blood sucking thing and suck you dry.

>> No.38526481

>missed us too
I love her so much it’s unreal, also I’m happy she’s starting to relax more like a normal person

>> No.38526493

Nah, just autistic and edgy.

>> No.38526508

Saru converted her

>> No.38526509
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>> No.38526510

just like me fr fr

>> No.38526511
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>Some moths don’t have mouths. For example, the beautiful Luna moth does not have a mouth — so cannot eat — and will live only for about one week, with the singular purpose of mating!

>> No.38526545

Soon she's gonna feel so much better that she's gonna get meet a bf online and move out

>> No.38526555

I will make the next thread

>> No.38526580

bet you won't no balls

>> No.38526593

Casca Saruei - i sure hope nothing bad happens to her

>> No.38526597

Yeah, me

>> No.38526614

it will be decent

>> No.38526645


>> No.38526647
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>the singular purpose of mating
H-haha what a silly thought

>> No.38526673

use a cute image for the op

>> No.38526678


>> No.38526740

It's the sole biological imperative

>> No.38526759

Would have mixed babies with the choco frog

>> No.38527156
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>> No.38527300

>I'm about to live on the edge
>shows 3d model nude
