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38515168 No.38515168 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to irys? Was the new design not enough to get people to watch her?

>> No.38515313
File: 201 KB, 1410x728, 2626F1C3-9D48-433F-A99D-2BA0EE3F5D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all went to shit after this happened

>> No.38515357

Brian says hi

>> No.38515395


>> No.38515569

why ask questions you already know the answer to?

>> No.38515744

It's so ironic isn't it?
She was so looking forward to the new design, that she thanked the rigger a little too much.

>> No.38515752

broooooooooo stop it... its jp irys. her eop fans disappears at this hour.

>> No.38515819

Nobody wants to watch Splatoon

>> No.38516063

>outside of usual timeslot
>debuff game

OP's mad that Irys's absolute floor is higher than his oshi average

>> No.38516159

those two have something in common

>> No.38516209

>Hololive EN
>entirely Japanese stream
Use your fucking brain

>> No.38516221

>t.EOP faggot
Nigga, Splatoon is the biggest thing around. EOP Holobeggers are asleep still and JP doesn't care for HoloEN.

>> No.38516248

switch games are a massive debuff for pc/tv viewers because it looks like blurry garbage

>> No.38516372

Can you cope any harder?

>> No.38516391

IRyS is currently one of the best HoloEN right now

>> No.38516426


>> No.38516491


>> No.38516541
File: 234 KB, 608x804, 1670376852077498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime enna cucks her fans the brian gang shows up lmao

the absolute state of ennacucks

>> No.38516640

your and your discord faggot friends are coping far harder by shitting up the catalogue

>> No.38516769

What the fuck happened to her?

>> No.38516816
File: 206 KB, 560x314, Screenshot 2022-12-06 at 23-45-44 Subscriptions - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS flopped hard. Anything else is a cope. Unicorns lost.

>> No.38516828

Does she stll yuribait with Bae?That's why stopped watching her.

>> No.38516950

Don't judge a book by its cover. A bad streamer will remain a bad streamer no matter the avatar.

>> No.38517017

dramafags still hungry for crumbs today?

>> No.38517099

now she's doing cumbait

>> No.38517694


It's 9:00 am on a workday in 'Murica, wtf do people expect?!

>> No.38517695


>> No.38517733

Brian is her rigger, big nothingburger but dramafags blew it all up.

>> No.38517811

Wait so why is he on his switch friends list?
Even if you press to discover twitter friends, you still need to manually add him

>> No.38517845

Oh Brian rigged something alright.

>> No.38517882 [DELETED] 

makes sense that they don't interact with tempus when they have their brians and their jays

>> No.38517888

Lots of JPs playing a shitty game doesn't mean anyone wants to watch it. It's just not a game that's fun to watch.

>> No.38517921

7am on the west coast. Their attacks on her would be more effective if they weren't so ridiculous.

>> No.38517926

women need gamer boy to carry their fatass

>> No.38518016

yo i got 3days ban because of this name.. pray to sana that they wont find it

>> No.38518121

Why does this keep happening? These girls are so dumb.

>> No.38518190

Lol, I got vacationed for saying the team name blue jays when people asked what baseball team JP chubbas may like, its just meidos outting themselves.

>> No.38518216

Brian is axel nickname?

>> No.38518226

It's her Rigger, they play with friends and co-workers. The fact it's even "a concern" means the issues lay with (you), not the girls.

>> No.38518293

She become very close to the guy aftter the riggind, and for some reason she go to the "vacation" on the same place the guy lived.

>> No.38518307

this brian https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-Ovn0Cie90pxVwNfpqeEw

>> No.38518327

The guy rigged one of the Gura models and even some JP, and dont remember seeing the anothers girls playing games with him

>> No.38518338

Oh Brian made her fluid in some places alright

>> No.38518371

It's fucking over.

>> No.38518407
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>> No.38518577

In english?

>> No.38518602

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.38518933

>Stream is dedicated to inviting JP viewers to come and chat
>Irys is on a multi-pov stream with flare
What part of 'using your brain' did you not understand?

>> No.38518935

Dude, IRyS didn't explicitly calling/almost baiting JP-bros to watch... This is simply the usual IRyS's JP collab tropes(?if you can call it that) where it would be more awkward for her to speak english because her collab partner isn't fluent in english.

>> No.38519138

Kys Op, this is not her normal time of streaming.
Like seriously Kys, same goes to that 1 guy that posts about that brian shit, go Fucking Kys.

>> No.38519941

So when its calli or other chuubas its ok? Maybe you should kys irystocuck before brian takes the next step in their relationship

>> No.38520169

When has a new design / costume ever attracted a new audience?

>> No.38520280

Am not even an IRystocrat you fucking dumbass nigger, And who the Fuck said about Mori, am talking about IRys here, you fucking blind or something? Go Kys like the rest of the retards in these board.
Dumbass nigger shit, I bet your chuuba is a fking 3view aswell.

>> No.38520366

well, at least his rigging is good

>> No.38520425

Congrats Brian.

>> No.38520460

Cope:the thread

>> No.38520463

nah, her rigger. apparently he's done a pretty good job enough to be switch friends and play a couple of games with her, on her work account. and considering how primitive switch's social interaction is, you know damn well that they were on a private discord call while playing.

>> No.38520486

>gay Nintendo game debuff
>JP only debuff
That's what happened

>> No.38520636

>gets shat on because she's "stealing" gura's prime streaming hours
>gets shat on when streams outside her usual stream hours
>will definitely get shat on when she's not streaming
okay what now?

>> No.38520835

you've realised that this is an anti bait thread, congratulations.
Now start writing a bunch of rrats about thing that definitely happened

>> No.38520850

she's doing this now

>> No.38520978

Because you might decide to become friends with the guy rigging your model, since he’s probably also a weeb and you have to talk to him a lot to hash out the details.
I know Kronii is an idiot, but to paraphrase her, do you people not know how making friends works?

>> No.38521116

You're talking to people on /vt/ what do you think.
They're the same sort of people who insist talking to the opposite sex is the equivalent of having sex.

>> No.38521139

Not that there’s anything wrong with being on a private discord. Anons here would disagree but jfc who tf actually cares who isn’t a schizo?

>> No.38521164

You don't have to talk to your rigger a lot. It's the least involved part of making a model. People like Kanauru interact with ENs more than their riggers for the work he does. Is he playing games with them?

>> No.38521333

I know. I just hoped that there’d be a chance that a schizo who actually doesn’t have any friends sees what I said. And hopefully seethes and kills themselves. I don’t know how serious most anons are on this board when they say “kys”, but when I do (and it’s not that often) I’m always 100% serious. If you can’t interact with other people and you can’t deal with that fact without being mad at other people, you need to break your trachea with a rope and inconvenience your local coroner’s department. It would be one last way to annoy some people who actually contribute to the world.

>> No.38521395
File: 260 KB, 555x321, ntrbrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same brian?

>> No.38521396

>Is he playing games with them?
probably, and who cares

>> No.38521451

Your posts come off as extremely mentally unstable and I wouldn't be surprised if you end up killing yourself. Pretty ironic if you think about it.

>> No.38521452

>You don't have to talk to your rigger a lot.
Maybe she just wants to because he’s cool to hang out with? I don’t know the guy, but perhaps a weeb who’s gotten into a career doing something he loves is more likely to be fun to interact with. Nobody “has” to interact with anyone else, but why the fuck would someone lose the chance to make a new friend because of what some schizos on /vt/ think?

>> No.38521535

yeah it's totally normal I also got my local mechanic, physician, plumber and bank clerk added to my switch friends list of like 5 people total it's just a normal thing to do you know

>> No.38521547

Then why not on her personal account? A vtuber account is basically a work account. You don't contact your friends using your work account. Do you think IRyS plays with her IRL friends using her vtuber account?

>> No.38521626

Have any of you ever been friends with a girl before

>> No.38521632

The hypocrisy of her fans that think she should never even acknowledge the EN homos that literally work for the same company is my issue with it.

>> No.38521774

She's started streaming at 9am EST which is 6am on the West Coast. Most of her viewers aren't Nips and SEAnogs hate her for being tan.
I'm just happy she's collabing with Flare because it might be more interaction with other ENs

>> No.38521842

If those jobs were ones that by definition mostly had weebs working in them, and you were working in a job that also tended to attract weebs, then yes, that would be normal.

>> No.38521881

>do you people not know how making friends works?
Social anxiety and autism make it both difficult and confusing.

>> No.38522126

I have both. Even in darker times when I felt alone and wanted to get better at it, I saw other people who did have friends and asked myself, “How do I get to be like them?” instead of “Fucking normies, REEEE.”
In all seriousness, the moment I changed my worldview about this all was when I was in middle school. I realized I was an annoying prick, and if I became less annoying it would be easier to make friends. Every stage of my life since then,
I’ve been worse at socializing and making friends than most people, but always better at it than I was before.
So I get what it’s like. But it’s also why I truly despise people who want to shit on people who are better at making friends than them. Don’t seethe at them, watch them and learn from them.

>> No.38522264

Holy kek

>> No.38522363

no reason to have him in her friend list on switch unless they're fucking

>> No.38522396

this'll be necrobumped all day, calling it

>> No.38523844

Did you forget what website your on?

>> No.38523922

It's totally normal for holos to play Splatoon with their rigger during their time off, kys

>> No.38524558

If they were fucking, he’d be on her private account’s friend list. If anything, this makes it much more likely they *aren’t* anything more than work friends.

>> No.38524855

Her eop fans hate JP IRyS, unfortunately.

>> No.38525556

Source for others doing the same?

>> No.38526153

>It's totally normal for holos to play Splatoon with their rigger during their time off
Please tell me your not serious

>> No.38526169

yeah me

>> No.38526220

i know right

>> No.38526315


>> No.38526413


>> No.38526567

I love IRyS.
I don't care if others don't watch her, I enjoy her
voice and sense of humor. She is my favorite EN.

>> No.38527068

Care to share a link ?
I also suspect she knew brain from before the rigging.
The dude is very famous.

>> No.38528378

Her latest streams are Pokemon and JP lang. That excludes a lot of people.

>> No.38529860

Than they are not real fans anon……

>> No.38532230

>flare debuff

>> No.38533924

Ok but this stream isn’t pokemon…..

>> No.38534347

wtf I can't believe IRyS thought it was OK to fight a giant Klawf! I'm canceling my membership and unsubscribing

>> No.38535391

2 months ago she starts talking about doing her eyebrows, nails and going out to eat korean bbq "alone".
Starts skipping some streams and posting vague reasons on twitter 5 am... Goes back home, her mother buys her a lot of new clothes.
Comes back and is good friends with her rigger... Right now, she wants to change a stream that was supposed to happen on 12/25.
She is not single anymore people.

>> No.38535641

I have never seen a new outfit or the few redesigns actually giving them more viewers in the long run.

>> No.38535782

Are we ignoring that fact that kusoge horror games get more views than most horror games?

It's always a temporary buff. You can clearly see the drop in views on her channel like a week after the reveal, she's back to her usual numbers.

>> No.38535881

That why her new model have an window for her tits

>> No.38535952


>> No.38537047
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, 1648406907448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new model is all well and good but you cant replace a boring personality.
Shes been leaning very heavily into clipbait coomer shit, did 2 coomer games in a row and has been doing the FOTM roulette, problem is people moved on from that shit already or got burned out from the sheer number of streams of said FOTM.
Expect her to start taking more breaks again.

>> No.38537657

She went on a break for a month and is catching up on what she didn’t do during that time. Plus, Pokemon released at an opportune time. Additionally, this thread started off as bait and brought in a rrat to top it off, yet meido is more interested in saving Mori from even the slightest of criticisms.

>> No.38541469


>> No.38541828

When I dropped in it was very much JP lang.

>> No.38544020

>schizo still pushing the brian nothingburger
look if taliking with your rigger guy is being bad every chuuba is a whore now brcause they're talking with a guy behind the scenes
