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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 36 KB, 422x500, SLLSLSLSLLLURUURUSLRLURPSRUSRULSURSPRSPRUSLRSRPURSULR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38467934 No.38467934 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Next Stream

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>Kiki Koikatsu Archive

>Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Kikiholes (champ-made MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection:

>Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack)

>KikiRPG preview video:

>Kikikore album by Anon:

There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Recent Stream Highlights
fish song: https://a.pomf.cat/aeacxh.mp4
aeroplane over the city: https://a.pomf.cat/wjhylp.mp4
use the map: https://files.catbox.moe/aw0xm7.mp4
close!: https://files.catbox.moe/poeewl.webm
never give up!: https://files.catbox.moe/aw39kk.webm
poGOD: https://files.catbox.moe/69460u.mp4
sogig: https://files.catbox.moe/jq5ze9.webm
tomorrow: https://files.catbox.moe/uivw32.mp4
around the world: https://files.catbox.moe/rl5us8.mp4
sick uooooh: https://files.catbox.moe/jyb50w.mp4
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki



/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Last thread

>> No.38467952
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>> No.38467981
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Kiki Dress-up Fashion Show template has been released. Guidelines and additional base models can be found in the community post:

>> No.38468005
File: 138 KB, 1106x712, mug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*still going on*
Mug Competition Template has been released! Read the community post for more info:

>> No.38468042

Kiki Love!

>> No.38468192


>> No.38468341

Kiki love!

>> No.38468361
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Recent updates for faggots that needs to lurk MOAR

>New OC
Kiki eats some more tupperwear and dies

Kiki nutcracker

>In other news
Kiki posted some vocaroos for one of the anons that requested them for a project:

Anon suggests a fix if you have a crackily mic problem with the vocaroo site:

New short video

>Previous update post for mega faggots:

>> No.38468407

love my kikers

>> No.38468467

As nice as that is isn't it just spoonfeeding?

>> No.38468472
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1649445691371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.38468477

Hope Kiki isn't using too much Champy's champy on her toast this time. She can get a little grazy

>> No.38468486

helping new champs le bad

>> No.38468495

it's mainly for Kiki's benefit

>> No.38468573
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, 1650439227413.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Rabb

>> No.38468795

If someone was a part of pyon then they should actually be a part of it not the thread equivalent of clipniggers

>> No.38468813

She will always be a normie

>> No.38468822


>> No.38468873


>> No.38468877

I agree, but it's sad when OC doesn't get seen by people

>> No.38468917

>gatekeeping this hard

>> No.38468958

I'm the one that posted it, shutup with your crying about gatekeeping all the time you cringe fag

>> No.38468967

Not everything needs to be ridiculed. I like these posts and I hope he doesn't stop now

>> No.38468970

Their jimmies, please undastand

>> No.38468984

I used to think like this but the lore has piled up so much that it becomes reasonable to spoonfeed a little

>> No.38469006

>wanting kiki's channel and /pyon/ to wither away

>> No.38469012

speaking of clipniggers, what happened to the champ who said he'd make clips?

>> No.38469030
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>> No.38469031

he obviously wouldn't

>> No.38469054

I love Gigi!

>> No.38469086

>leech who can only complain and criticize champs and contributes nothing themselves

>> No.38469115

Kiki stop crying about numbers

>> No.38469116

hello Kiki, have you shaved your pits yet?

>> No.38469168

Gaties btfo

>> No.38469171

Kiki stop whining about gatekeeping, I posted that summary so that you wouldn't miss OC

>> No.38469199

hello gigi

>> No.38469214

stop being a faggot

>> No.38469221

Kiki everything is fine

>> No.38469226


>> No.38469230

I will conitnue to post it, just don't whine about champs please, let people have their criticisms without sperging out about it all the time

>> No.38469263

>I posted
I don't think you did

>> No.38469264

She just said her own opinion

>> No.38469277

>spergs out
>"stop sperging out"

>> No.38469291

>not sperging out

>> No.38469304

She just said what she thought

>> No.38469328

Champs can have opinions too, don't shit on them by calling it whining

>> No.38469348

Kiki everything is FINE stop getting sad at random comments

>> No.38469364

but it is whining

>> No.38469365

saw my grandma at her new home today

>> No.38469430

Maybe just stop reading the thread, you always get upset over trivial things

>> No.38469456

fuck off

>> No.38469478

Are you stupid

>> No.38469493
File: 3 KB, 87x166, 1664618762602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you rabba

>> No.38469500

I am a champy ffs stop being a schizo

>> No.38469510

Kiki maybe you should let me sniff you

>> No.38469529

i said this

>> No.38469537

maybe just stop posting

>> No.38469543

>be champy
>post in thread that kiki shouldnt read thread

>> No.38469549

>tries to provoke her
>gets response
surprised Pikachu face

>> No.38469557

it's obvious lol

>> No.38469568

(((banks))) oy vey

>> No.38469619

I am having fun, wish Kiki wasn't so menhera and easily bummed out about literally nothing

>> No.38469630

kiki just get a trailer lol

>> No.38469665

imagine having fun hurting a 2view rabbit

>> No.38469673

>kiki fell for the shippingcontainer tinyhouse meme
you will eat ze bugs you will live in ze pod

>> No.38469694
File: 312 KB, 1000x750, rabbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38469703

Prefabricated home will be cheaper and safer than converting a shipping container

>> No.38469724

do you research, don't make impulse choices is all i'll say, either way it would be nice to have your own place!

>> No.38469748

Yes sorry but it's fun shitting on chuubas

>> No.38469753

you can do that with a trailer too

>> No.38469778

well I hope you fuck off soon
she doesn't deserve this

>> No.38469793

Kiki just get a mobile home don't live in a freaking shipping container

>> No.38469798

Trailer idea kino

>> No.38469810

anon he's been here since Feb, stop giving him (You)s and maybe he'll leave

>> No.38469830

She will fucking die from heatstroke

>> No.38469844

The tailer hate is because jews don't like poor White people and always portray people living in trailers negatively

>> No.38469851

get a house boat!

>> No.38469890

this honestly, nothing wrong with trailers, they are economical, it's just a much better investment than some meme like a trailer

>> No.38469896

I am disciplining Kiki and she does deserve it in my opinion

>> No.38469913

Kiki that is what blinds and curtains are for

>> No.38469919

only if you are also naked and vomiting on my cock

>> No.38469950


>> No.38469960

and where will you put this death trap? on a boat you say? who's boat?

>> No.38469982

i had a nice blue duvet with suns moons and stars on it

>> No.38469989

just be patient and save money you'll get enough for a proper house. most of the price is in the location so just go to some bumfuck nowhere

>> No.38470002

So cool

>> No.38470032

she's still on your case about money? serious?

>> No.38470038

Becoming more independent is a good thing dummy, you're way too old to be living with your parents

>> No.38470055

dumb burger

>> No.38470068

t. schizo

>> No.38470126

If you told her your job was "Media Production", instead of "Vtubing", she'd probably get off your case

>> No.38470135

She's 31 she needs to start a family ASAP or else she won't be able to

>> No.38470154

go back to calling her fake you cringe fag

>> No.38470155

do not reply to me you nigger

>> No.38470160

Kiki is finally getting fed
too bad it's not my cum

>> No.38470191

>Mom I'm independent content creator working with advanced dynamic 2d models

>> No.38470239

Kiki marry me right now before your eggs all go bad

>> No.38470241
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>> No.38470292
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she wouldn't get it, you can pull a fast one on her and she wouldn't know

>> No.38470314

stop wasting the money on dumb shit actually save up for a house and your future

>> No.38470341

if you open up a business it might be doxxing, those are listed public usually

>> No.38470355

That's literally what she said she was doing

>> No.38470485
File: 102 KB, 781x775, 1641097509555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was nice chatting wtih you a little rabb
but i must return to my business house, smell ya later

>> No.38470518

And then they'd rape you

>> No.38470531

I am sorry kikipyon, shipping container plan isn't happening. I won't allow it

>> No.38470581

>implying she doesn't want to get gangraped

>> No.38470614

Final started right when the stream started, but now I'm here!! *dies*

>> No.38470639

Uh hello please don't put me and my wife in a shipping container awawa

>> No.38470652

I can let you live under my desk, you can pretend it's a wooden container

>> No.38470719

Dingos gonna eat them

>> No.38470726

kiki is a wild rabbit

>> No.38470729

Seriously, just be patient and get a house. Better even, ugh, take out a mortgage... than live in a shipping container.

>> No.38470782

This, don't be retarded...

>> No.38470809

Jokes aside a trailer or mobile home will work you can even make one of the rooms your rabbit's room

>> No.38470837

Ask /diy/ what they think about shipping containers lol

>> No.38470878
File: 23 KB, 284x233, 47A7848E-57CF-419D-AF0E-7AFD07B00998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m addicted to Kiki

>> No.38470896

I used to get calls from jamaica saying i won a contest and the only way to collect the prize was to load a gift card with $500 and send them the numbers on the card.

>> No.38470948

found it

>> No.38470973

>kiki's mom rabbitproofed the whole house and gave them their own room just to placate kiki
jesus kiki is so privileged

>> No.38471021


>> No.38471059

my basement is ready and willing for your habitation

>> No.38471061

She might kick you out, you should save up and invest in your future

>> No.38471070

just get a good luxury tent, the world is your oaster

>> No.38471095

On the topic of being kicked out I'm sure she'd kick your sister out before you. But i don't see either happening

>> No.38471104

fuck off already

>> No.38471114

Kiki I will let you live in my house in exchange for you birthing our children

>> No.38471117

he deserved it

>> No.38471125

Seems doubtful she'd ever get kicked out. In burgerland they all fell for the "kick em out at 18" meme leaving an entire generation unable to invest in themselves.

>> No.38471152

Kiki what if I fucked you really hard and you became rabtarded?

>> No.38471166

You're an entertainer stop getting mad at your fanbase, even if someone is saying dumb shit don't lash out at them

>> No.38471189

I'm not mad, I'll keep doing them like I said

>> No.38471222


>> No.38471230 [DELETED] 

Kiki is not 18 tho she's 31, her eggs are practically gone. Mamapyon wants grandchildren and she should do everything necessary to make Kiki form a family.

>> No.38471247
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I want some Kiki hair ice-cream

>> No.38471275


>> No.38471281

can't go wrong with some cooking

>> No.38471322

pick a Kiki cooking day, like every Friday or something, cook for your family

>> No.38471381


>> No.38471388

saw some wild toikeys the other day, shoulda snapped a pic

>> No.38471469
File: 2.55 MB, 4000x3000, 20221207_094743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers dog me n my parents are looking after

>> No.38471510


>> No.38471514

awwww what a cute doggie

>> No.38471527
File: 2.93 MB, 576x1024, jesus christ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yum Kiki cooking

>> No.38471537

spaniels are such pretty dogs. have fun

>> No.38471556

I intentionally avoid putting anything but I'm not jelly if champs do that

>> No.38471619

time to put my balls in the picture

>> No.38471622

They are pretty but almost everyone I've met is especially stinky

>> No.38471654

awwww, it's sad, but it's probably for the best

>> No.38471656

Kiki hook me up with your sister

>> No.38471681

I overthink everything and even scrape EXIF data from photos before posting them but tend to miss obvious things in the photo themselves

>> No.38471697 [DELETED] 

She already got blacked

>> No.38471708

i hate kiki's sister so fucking much

>> No.38471732


>> No.38471733

the meme that there is always a replacement lined up is true

>> No.38471758

that is not a good look for her

>> No.38471772

no offense but she may had been thinking of leaving for the other guy

>> No.38471773

normalfags don't think like you and I

>> No.38471786

most females do that

>> No.38471797

Kiki's sister is her twin and Kiki is just like her, she's just doing it with dozens of people in her chat instead of one person IRL

>> No.38471837

kiki I am afraid your sister is a slut

>> No.38471836

sispyon wanting to impress

>> No.38471850

the one time i tried the dating scene i ended up being the rebound guy, it's a really shitty feeling when you find out, now i'm 2D only females are gross (except Kiki)

>> No.38471865

your sister is a...
thats the "date me please love me" desperate laugh

>> No.38471928

maybe she is a little rabtarded

>> No.38471934
File: 923 KB, 1920x1080, 1665916832941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure who dodged the bullet there honestly

>> No.38471956 [DELETED] 

sispyon is glad to be getting piped by the bbc

>> No.38471974

ill kill him if he so much as looks at you

>> No.38472018

bwc then

>> No.38472026

britbong pls

>> No.38472029

he's baiting, also it's funny to me that the baiter is a nigger lolol

>> No.38472098

janny and meido hate, I can't tell why

>> No.38472105

closer to africa that way

>> No.38472106

can't rember, are you a coke zero rab or regular coke rab?

>> No.38472107

back to waggie caggie

>> No.38472110
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x3000, 20221207_100051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional scaffolding Pic to distract from blacks n cuckolds

>> No.38472131

>kiki is a snitch

>> No.38472147

champ is reaching new heights

>> No.38472199

Yeah its soft a real cute dogge

>> No.38472217

I would post my dog but I have seen too many people get dog doxed

>> No.38472279

Kikicat had a cute coat it looked like your shirt kind of but long sleeves. I miss her...

>> No.38472353

it was actually susan this time

>> No.38472368
File: 3.30 MB, 4000x3000, 20221207_100609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More petpostijg

>> No.38472379

Kiki pussy

>> No.38472382


>> No.38472395


>> No.38472463

aaah I want to have a pet again, some jobs just don't allow for one

>> No.38472480

i like my kiki gently shaken

>> No.38472496

Kiki what are you doing...

>> No.38472503

cute kot

>> No.38472567

Other two pics. I'll see if I can get new pics from her adoptive family sometime

>> No.38472596
File: 127 KB, 1200x1600, 1648195228477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we petposting now

>> No.38472620

so cute, maybe even as cute as the cunny rabbit

>> No.38472636

thats a cute catto

>> No.38472644
File: 319 KB, 1280x960, DSCF0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oi bruv ya gotta lite?

>> No.38472700
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This is my cat

>> No.38472717
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couch pillow dog

>> No.38472788

floofy tail

>> No.38472846
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x3052, 20221204_210533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's cat posting time

>> No.38472862

Kiki see today was a good stream there was no need to worry

>> No.38472895


>> No.38472930
File: 589 KB, 2100x1750, F9FW07JI2I4D8GT-2902693136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my pet. don't be jealous

>> No.38472937

based lovekriki

>> No.38472943


>> No.38472955

thanks, he was a little baby and he was extremely sick when we found him. Even the vet said he wouldn't survive but he's so big and fluffy now

>> No.38472959 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 1280x960, DSCF0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre not prepared for the amount of floof in this image

>> No.38472976

This wise guy's hoarding all the cats! GET EM!!

>> No.38472978


>> No.38472995

that was a fake picture but now you exposed yourself as being a rock girl lol

>> No.38473001 [DELETED] 

>kiki is so loving with animals and inanimate objects but won't love any single champyon

>> No.38473044

cute and menacing

>> No.38473063

cute pillow

>> No.38473109
File: 241 KB, 1000x1000, chamakiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fug now kiki's seen where i shit, what have i done

>> No.38473126

I can read palms, and kiki's palm says she's a rabbit

>> No.38473130

two in the pink and one in the stink

>> No.38473159


>> No.38473171

She finally sat on my face... this is the best day of my life

>> No.38473186

i'm touched kiki's tail uohhhhhhhh

>> No.38473195

imagine if she started shitting and farting

>> No.38473206

Imagine the smell

>> No.38473233
File: 637 KB, 959x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38473256

Have a good day kikikins

>> No.38473269

rember everyone is wrapped up in their own worlds and not judging you

>> No.38473275

next time sispyon's bf comes by be sure to do a toad impression from your room

>> No.38473304

Too smug, rape correction needed

>> No.38473342
File: 211 KB, 688x660, 1650119731169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got out of my meeting, bye rabba love you

>> No.38473352

I am judging

>> No.38473353

I judge every single person I see in public

>> No.38473399
File: 344 KB, 1386x1014, 1639293243007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38473446

Kiki was so sweet today, I feel a little bad about anting but it's necessary

>> No.38473498

you should stop antiing

>> No.38473523

why are you an ant?

>> No.38473535
File: 327 KB, 500x468, 1653010799359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38473551

But it's fun to disturb the hugbox

>> No.38473552

not really, shes antied enough already

>> No.38473602

it really hurts her though. Thats probably why you do it though

>> No.38473619

just raid one of those /v/tranny coomer threads lol

>> No.38473658
File: 138 KB, 387x331, 1646947366159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fags really giving the baiter attention instead of kissing your wife right now?

>> No.38473690

They can't raid their own thread champa

>> No.38473697

mwah mwah mwah

>> No.38473715

I don't go too hard and seeing some negative comments is good to check her ego

>> No.38473739
File: 35 KB, 237x205, 1644440355453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38473752

the whole rabba

>> No.38473796

Have you looked at vrt? she gets shit there constantly and 100% reads that. her ego is tiny, Please just fuck off

>> No.38473836
File: 148 KB, 786x456, 1639017785203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38473854

would happily spit down your throat

>> No.38473869

sloppy kisses for gigi

>> No.38473875

a swizzle of kiki's tounge

>> No.38473898


>> No.38473920

full mast

>> No.38473931

responsibility rite now

>> No.38473949

I'd give your mouthcunny many sloppy kisses

>> No.38473948

Same, at work.. I'll be sitting for a moment or two

>> No.38473981

everyone on vrt is nice though except for one faggot that nobody there likes or wants around

>> No.38474007
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>> No.38474008


>> No.38474031

they all hate us. thats why i stopped posting there

>> No.38474052
File: 3.16 MB, 368x357, 1663235747222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get a shipping container/10

Didn't see all of it because of work, but the parts that I saw was really cute, going back to rewatch now

>> No.38474063

cute rabbit is cute/10

>> No.38474108

Great stream, had a blast. Sorry for not chatting much. RAB LIVES IN A RABBITY CONTAINER/10

Love you Kiki, hope you have a good day

>> No.38474149

Very nice zatsu and gosh melted Kiki was cute as hell... Love you lots, mwah mwah mwah <3 <3 <3
sloppy kisses/10

>> No.38474208

Time to ship to Joisey/10

>> No.38474260

love her even more than she loves kittens with mittens/10

>> No.38474347

love ya to bits rabba/10

>> No.38474368
File: 59 KB, 500x949, 1653384170392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a little sad that i missed out on the cat posting

>> No.38474441

but you post there every time someone mentions kiki because you're schizo whose dad didn't hit him enough

>> No.38474446
File: 38 KB, 344x550, 1668027355645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is it goose day?

>> No.38474465

Relaxing beach date with Kiki!

>> No.38474602

I need a minute to regain my composure then I need to get back to waging. Love you Kiki, you were super cute today! Good luck with the bank stuff if you end up going.

>> No.38474682

my siamese passed away and all of our photos burned up in a house fire. Same goes for my little dalmatian. It's nice to see everyone's cute pets, some day I'll have a job that allows for one again.

>> No.38474716

ToT nice

>> No.38474785

aww sorry to hear that bro, my older cat passed away a few years ago and my phone that had all her pictures in it was destroyed so i can relate a little

>> No.38475169

deepest sympathies, champ. its good that you identify that your situation isn't the best for a pet instead of bringing one in anyway like some folks do and end up neglecting them.

>> No.38475172


>> No.38475207

My dad just came home from spending a few days at the hospital (he had the China virus). The good part about all this is that he stopped smoking, which hes been smoking since he was like 11

>> No.38475214

Does anyone have the full res template for the fashion thing?

>> No.38475242



>> No.38475269

Kiki a cute, that's all for now

>> No.38475272

too bad since smoking helps with kungflu

>> No.38475315

What kind of fingerbox does Kiki use?

>> No.38475328

champies help, gigi's twitter says she's live but I can't find the stream...

>> No.38475419

here you go buddy

>> No.38475442

That's just an update of her status in my basement. If she's not live anymore then....

>> No.38475679

if the champ who commissioned the picture of succubus kiki is around

>> No.38475734

I think someone commented it's "born to die", is that true anon who commissioned it? Love that artist's "work" btw.

>> No.38475818

oh i see that now. i'm bad at reading twitter still

>> No.38475855

Well it's just what some guy said on twitter I'm not 100% sure he's right.

>> No.38475907

i can confirm that is his signature

>> No.38476142

So when's that pyon anime watchalong?

>> No.38476320

i'll start organizing tonight sorry just been busy

>> No.38476382

don't be sorry lol, and so have I

>> No.38476407
File: 3.22 MB, 2480x3507, 1648614869436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38476422

wow that's fucking awesome

>> No.38476604

Cute rabbit

>> No.38476619


>> No.38476667 [DELETED] 


>> No.38476706


>> No.38476738

I thought that ToT over my goose image was a little strange

>> No.38476836

baker is leaving for a dr appt, bake-up requested

>> No.38476889

just a misclick

>> No.38476917

my brain labeled this as AI art

>> No.38477095

post a pic for me to use as the OP and i'll do it

>> No.38477136

dont do it too early champ

>> No.38477159

i won't

>> No.38477193

nope isreal, comisisoned it on pixiv

>> No.38477266

nta but i could easily tell isreal

>> No.38477276

Heil Kiki!

>> No.38477630

dont forget to make the anchor posts

>> No.38477879

Any other classic jrpg champs? I just finished Final Fantasy 6, and started FF4 and I absolutely hate it. Would 5 be a better choice? Or is Dragon Quest an all around better series? I enjoyed DQ11 similarly to FFX, but those are both in new agey 3D land.

>> No.38477923

I liked Shining Force

>> No.38477930

I only played FF7 and even that only a bit. I think we talked about this, I played Suikoden, Legend of Legaia and a few others from that era. Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon...

>> No.38478042

Do you like action JRPGs? You could try the Seiken Densetsu series (Secret of Mana, etc.)

>> No.38478179

I once spent 10 hours farming exp in secret of mana cuz I heard on the net if do a specific amount of grinding in one area and then talk to xyz in a specific order you get a secret weapon. It didn't work and I stopped playing feeling like a dumb-dumb.

>> No.38478260

still kinda blows my mind that uppity faggot gave people shit for ultimately defending his post. Or was that a skinwalker too?

>> No.38478274

FF5 is great if you like customization, it has a detailed job system. 6 has the best story though, the first 5 aren't really story-heavy
can't say much about DQ. I only played the first one, it was mostly dungeon crawling, felt like a simplified version of wizardry. It's simple and fun. If you like dungeon crawling and don't mind high encounter-rates I'd recommend the first 2 SMT games too
Play chrono trigger if you haven't already, I think it's overrated but there's a reason why it's so popular, it's a good game and easy to play. Try the Quintet Trilogy if you like action jrpgs, I only played Terranigma but it was extremely good and I heard the other two are just as good

>> No.38478416

It used to be a lot easier to trick people into doing silly things. Now you can cross reference every claim about a video game.

>> No.38478438

Started playing diablo 2 a little bit ago pretty cool

>> No.38478442

Alright I'll try Chrono Trigger again. I only got an hour in each time I started. I did the same with Golden Sun but heard it was so easy it basically plays itself. The closest thing to any SMT I got was when I was talking about playing through Persona 5 over the spring.

>> No.38478525

oh also I'd recommend the snes fire emblems too

>> No.38478595

Me and a buddy are currently playing Diablo 3 for a couple hours every couple weeks. It's good for being able to play a game without really paying attention to what you're doing. I heard 2 requires more attention.

>> No.38478598

For me I got into SMT through SMT IV (not Apocalypse, as that is a sequel). I hear V is terrible but I haven't tried it yet. I think IV is the best test to see if you are compatible with the series.
Persona is a lot different from SMT itself.

>> No.38478656

I was thinking about that series. I played 3 houses (like 4 times through), and I played the original one for the NES.

>> No.38478706

NTA this is just my armchair psychology but I think he likes gatekeeping so calling other anons that are pro-gatekeeping as whiners was not something he liked.

>> No.38478724

no baiter just joined in as he usually does to fling more shit, i have a particular disdain for when people cry needlessly about gatekeeping at every little thing kiki or us does around here, i just find it insufferable and pointless, everyone is an adult here and the finger wagging is annoying

>> No.38478790

Ah I was close enough, he got flashbacks of the "stop gatekeeping" fag

>> No.38478792

I tried but couldn't get into the NES games, I can' play without the portraits and movement indicators

>> No.38478867

Terranigma and Chrono Trigger

>> No.38478876

It's more a novelty thing, wanting to play the OG after spending so much time with the newest. I wouldn't recommend it outside curiosity, it's a very rough play.

>> No.38478998

3's first half is the original's remake anyway. Some missions are cut but it's better and easier to get into

>> No.38479157

yeah my only concern was how much of a brainlet take >>38469230 was. Besides the fact that she wasnt sperging, it's her thread and community.. how kiki voices her opinion of it is entirely her prerogative.

>> No.38479239

why are you still talking about the schizo
champs can be retarded too sometimes, just let it go and hope he doesn't do it again

>> No.38479320

I have no idea what you're talking about, all I see is some humble jrpg recommendations

>> No.38479430

the sperging out part was more in terms of the accusastions of sabotaging her channel and growth which I've seen an anon doing ITT, and in other threads, maybe it wasn't her but somebody always does that shit

>> No.38479712

I'm not too far into the game but i haven't had to pay attention much i just go

>> No.38479875 [DELETED] 


>> No.38479908

why did you post this

>> No.38480013

only kiki

>> No.38480230


>> No.38480284

I didn't catch the first part of the zatsu due to waging. What did Kiki say about those news post things?

>> No.38480319

she liked them

>> No.38480396

I've seen a skinwalker insinuate the same, they come and go. I think Kiki has so many comments that she's looking through at any given time it might be hard to differentiate between a goose with good intent and the anti flinging crap which is an unfortunate inevitably

>> No.38480503

She rike, as do I even though I'm here every thread.. it's a nice reminder

>> No.38480553
File: 798 KB, 1920x1080, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.38480661 [DELETED] 


Oh, well then wtf was the fuss about? I guess I'll find out once I'm able to watch the first half later.
I like them too, even though I still read through any breads I'm not present for.
It's nice to have a quick rehash of the previous bread at the top of the fresh one IMHO

>> No.38480778

no. keep it in the stale bread instead.

>> No.38480813

A mix of gees goosing and an anti being a poohead, big nothing. Wouldn't waste any extra cycles on it

>> No.38480820


>> No.38480829

the anon who posted it was a schizo and didn't like that kiki and other champs thought it would be nice for newfags because it's anti-gatekeeping then started whining and shitting on kiki

>> No.38480951

hi baiter, no i didn't like that you got up in some other anon's case about it, i do more for newfags here than you or kiki could ever know

>> No.38480986

haha what
oh lord give me strenf

>> No.38481016

I like it because it's effort-posting. Having a one-liner ritual post is fine but a ritual post with actual effort is commendable. The actual content of the post is useless to me because I read every post in each thread.

>> No.38481031

uh what..

>> No.38481109


>> No.38481193

Gatekeeping is good. Spoonfeeding is bad. All things in moderation.

>> No.38481273

Take a bite of humble pie my dude

>> No.38481287

ok but there's a point where you're actively stopping people from becoming champyons. Just be nice. Not saying you are but its just annoying sometimes. Schizo hate though

>> No.38481329

ok but there's a point where you're actively creating schizos from champyons. just be nice. i am saying you are annoying sometimes. schizo love

>> No.38481421

fuck off untamed, having more champs isn't a good thing

>> No.38481508

No, a little more would be a good thing, but not at the cost of the ones we already have. Arguing your opinions is completely fine but pretending to be Kiki's manager or the pyon moderator is not.

>> No.38481576

In other words, every anon only speaks for himself. Got it? No "kiki wants" or whatever. Only say what YOU want.

>> No.38481586

>anon makes some minor gripe about not wanting to spoonfeed
>baiter immediately jumps to the defense as usual, accusing others of gatekeeping and spergs out in thread about it
>i defend that anon's right to make minor gripes without some fag going nuclear about it

that's all it was really

>> No.38481600

I think it'd be better for both kiki and the thread if some of the champs weren't here desu

>> No.38481618

Ogey, I disagree with your opinion strongly.

>> No.38481659

you went nuclear yourself retard, kiki almost stopped the stream because of you

>> No.38481704

hardly you are overreacting big time

>> No.38481734

are you unironically autistic?

>> No.38481739

Kiki love though

>> No.38481801

Haha look at all these bozos still in the smelly old bread

>> No.38481826

you called her a sperg, said "stop whining" and she literally said she didn't feel like streaming anymore

>> No.38481902

I think it was in response to Kiki saying champs are whining

>> No.38481916

she was getting pretty upset over nothing at all, just an anon who mentioned spoon feeding

>> No.38481949

it was definitely not nothing, you're either extremely retarded or extremely autistic

>> No.38482016

it was very close to nothing, maybe you're just extremely whipped and consider her perfect

>> No.38482086

oh it's this schizo again lol

>> No.38482112

FYI you're an autistic sperg. Yes you.
Now flip the switch and love your wife in the next bread.. or else

>> No.38482114

having a backbone isnt being schizo

>> No.38482136

i told you there was a baiter in the mix but you guys couldn't see him,

it was nothing, go to literally any general and you'll see people having a disdain for spoonfeeding, me i'm neutral on the subject , as you can see i posted it in the new thread, but freaking out at chanmps over something as simple as somebody being pro lurking and anti spoonfeeding is really silly imo

>> No.38482226

yes fellow champyons, kiki should apologize to us. she's always whining and sperging out

>> No.38482239

Gatekeeping and anti-spoonfeeding is core to the culture. Anyone who disagrees is the one that should have been gatekept.

>> No.38482252

i never said that retard, you're just twisting my words

>> No.38482277

why are you like this mastigos

>> No.38482289

remove links in the OP then
having the booru, old video links and the previous stream link is spoonfeeding. people should just lurk more

>> No.38482348

So I should post the timestamps to all her lewd and yab moments? All things in moderation retard.

>> No.38482371

you're making this into an argument about spoonfeeding when it isn't, i said i'm neutral on it, just everyone do whatever the fuck you want and don't get on eachother's cases about it is all i want

>> No.38482397

go off whats beneficial to kiki and what she wants, not 4tran culture.

>> No.38482421

why post timestamps, people should just watch the streams. don't spoonfeed
yes it's an argument about you going nuclear on kiki because she said she likes having useful links and clips

>> No.38482423

then not using the thread would benefit her lol

>> No.38482430

This should be our only directive

>> No.38482464

You're retarded lol

>> No.38482540

We're all retarded sometimes, even Kiki.

>> No.38482577

i got mad at her because she was getting upset over champs voicing their very lukewarm and typical of this place opinions retard, the context didn't matter

reminder i'm the one that posted those links, if i thought they were bad because i hate newfags or whatever you think it is i wouldn't have posted them
