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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38438953 No.38438953 [Reply] [Original]

>knows that her coworkers are actually grooming kids IRL for years
>from dickpicks to actual attempts of meeting
>covers them and defends them
And this is why we will NEVER have Holo ES. If the best female spanish vtuber has this kind of YAB, then you know what would happen on any attempt of spanish Hololive or Niji.

>> No.38439034

Also fucked them and got away scot free

>> No.38439060

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.38439127


>> No.38439155

mexican who?

>> No.38439172

>mexican who?
this bitch is well knowned in the "indie" industry
also peruvian

>> No.38439362

but she is denying it

>> No.38439419

not even 1k ccv
something like this will matter the day wactor or nimu does it
someone with lower hundreds ccv is whatever

>> No.38439446
File: 180 KB, 308x392, Yogurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the best female spanish vtuber has this kind of YAB

i made numbers, Soup is the biggest spanish speaking vtuber in youtube

elaborate in the drama i only follow japanese spanish speaking chuubas

>> No.38439623

girls arent' as popular as guys in the latin american vtbuer scene
but she has quite the numbers in yt, almost 1M dead subs, so she is technically far more popular than any wactor girl but not Nimu

gayboy in that shit site comes out with his brave sstory about a certain faggot that is inside OWOZU, since he groomed him when he knew that he was underage
escalated him for 3 years, apparently did the same with another boy
Then this vtuber, she was or is in a relationship with a MAYATE that was diddling actual underage boys irl
now she is denying it

>> No.38439800

fuck you anon you made me read twitter screencap thread to understand the drama, i will never forgive you.

but she streams mostly in twitch, i'm not surprised this happened

>> No.38439864

she deserves exposition so she gets neglected everywhere she goes
and people say that twitch is le good

>> No.38439945

>and people say that twitch is le good
only normies say that, you faggot

>> No.38440081

I have seen a shitton of people on this board saying that COVER should be a full twitch company and not yt.

>> No.38440135


>> No.38441011

Isn't the latina ghost's roommate one of the people involved in all this shit?

>> No.38441043

But Rakkun KNEW everything

>> No.38441117

Wait Reimu is involved?

>> No.38441515

rakkun best friend knew that he was groomign kids

>> No.38441761

Being Rakkun who she is, it doesn't surprise me that this happened

>> No.38441824

The funniest thing is that she knew and didn't say anything. Now everyone is targetting her intsead of her stupid friend because she is basically an accomplice to what he did. And trust me, latinos WILL exile her from vtubing and everything.

Let me remember that Rakkun was posted in here in the Holo ES bait threads, since she is somewhat fluent in english and japanese as well. I'm happy that she will be gone soon.

>> No.38441991
File: 654 KB, 960x876, 1670130873663318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESbros, I'm curious, what is the state of your vtuber industry like?
I'm vaguely aware that Nimu and ZilverK exist, but other than that are there any other companies? I think WACTOR has an ES branch right?

>> No.38442292

Based. Do things that harm children. Get off to illegal porn. Groom kids into being illegal pornstars. Jerk your cock or flick your bean to the CSAM you made them make. Meet up with them and preform illegal sexual acts with them. Show minors how good their bodies can feel. Encourage them to do the same to their peers and send you pics and vids.

>> No.38442348

every 2 days or so someone gets discovered as a pedophile, a rapist, someone who has done cartel works unironically OR someone who keeps sabotaging others

>> No.38442372

This post glows very bright.

>> No.38442384

>someone who has done cartel works unironically
What the fuck?

>> No.38442422

No, I'm just being overtly disgusting and sarcastic.

>> No.38442439

>someone who has done cartel works unironically
Anon you can't just say that and not give an example.

>> No.38442490


>> No.38442505

Ok I might have greately exagerated over that but I'm pretty sure someone in here has sold drugs unironically
Other htan that, you have the faggots who have toxic relationships, abusive BF GFs, female vtubers that are 30ish years old that are actually diddling with minors (age 13), the last example of this one would be EssieVT, and many others.

>> No.38442825

Is it mostly on Twitch or Youtube? Or do you guys have your own specific platforms? Also how's the CCV generally?

>> No.38442948

>ES twitch streamer
>grooming minors drama

every fucking time

at least the jp dramas are more interesting

>> No.38442978

Is this a regular occurrence there?

>> No.38443011

Twitch 100%
Nimu, kendosmurft and ZilverK CCV is 4 views
Rest are middle of the pack in 3 views not going above 500, biggest example would be Luminaria, and Serpias
and the far more rest are 2 views that peak around 70 if they have a bf, 50 if you are a male or 03 if you are single

yes, quite a bit frequently actually
that's why Holo ES will never be a thng, nor NijiES
also a lot of male vtubers use female vtubers, making them hard to know what the fuck is each one until you tune up their streams

>> No.38443167

female avatar vtubers*
another thing is that they are heavely unprofessional, refusing to play for the character they play and love to shove RM stuff around, specially boyriends

>> No.38443269

>and the far more rest are 2 views that peak around 70 if they have a bf, 50 if you are a male or 03 if you are single
So a streamer has more viewers if they have a bf than if they don't?
>also a lot of male vtubers use female vtubers, making them hard to know what the fuck is each one until you tune up their streams
Interesting. I thought it would be easier to tell apart male/female via voice in Spanish but I never thought it would be difficult to do so.
So what I'm getting is that:
>Males are more popular than females
>WACTOR is an anomaly compared to the rest of the ES scene
>Grooming is frequent
>Low RP (So they don't really play a character)

Also when someone talks about the ES scene, do you guys usually include Brazil and Portugal in that? Since technically they speak Portuguese and not Spanish.

>> No.38443456

Practically, if a vtuber is 100% confirmed that has a couple, if said vtuber is a girl, her CCV will be dogshit, but if is a male, his CCV will be actually decent. I am just pulling out some numbers that I have seen on some vtubers, but the ones that are mostly popular are males.

Serpias and kendomurft are the two biggest retard examples of male vtubers that use female vtubers avatars, in the case of the last one, he LITERALLY uses a copied Fillian model. It is not that is hard to know, but sometimes you would notice that the avatar is cute, and you turn on the stream and listen the deep nigga ass voice. Keep in mind, they are not trying to be females or transgenders like some mentally ill people are, they are just using the female avatars to get popularity and more viewers. Like, you think they are females because you see the thumbnail of a cute anime girl, but it's actually a guy using the model.

WACTOR cannot be considered fully ES because its a japanese company with talents that know somewhat spanish. Sopa is the exception because she actually used to live in Latin America before leaving.

Grooming is hella frecuent in here because people do not care for ages. If there is a hole, or a rod, they will go for it. NOT only faggots, but females are also involved on this shit.

About their RP, they literally show it off for their debut stream or redebut (almost every single fucker has a redebut per year), and then 100% drop it after that stream.

BR and Portugal are not considered, and I haven't seen BR vtubers in a bit.

>> No.38443943
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, owozu_debut_pv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some more digging on Rakkun's company. OWOZU right? Their designs are pretty good for a minor company and certain members (Emikukis) seem to have alright CCV?
They completely flew under my radar though; probably because I haven't seen them discussed here... Hmm... I guess most ES chuuba discussion happens in ES specific communities? Hispachan maybe?

>> No.38443990

Rakkun is a great artist and vsinger, and her design is sex. They all do have alright CCV capping on 3 viewers. ES discussion stays mostly in twitter and in their discord groups. The actual redpilled chads are those who are browsing /vt/ in here.

>> No.38443991

Hispa is fucking dead

>> No.38444072

Is it? I don't check foreign language chans all that often these days outside of dvach, and even that's once in a blue moon.

>> No.38444236

Right gotcha.
Thanks for the info btw.
I really have to push to get a good conversation about local vtuber scenes nowadays when most people just want to shitpost.

>> No.38444361

You for reading. I REALLY dislike the spanish community and I think it should be dissapear. Specially since everyone who is good friends or gets in contact with the massive faggot that is kendomurft, is confirmed to have a massive yab weeks later.

>> No.38444853 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 850x744, sample_5012fb2e58792ee203a11647c9c83efc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and shotacon pilled
I kneel and will support her

>> No.38445657
File: 225 KB, 648x690, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, I think she has a chance.

>> No.38445767

It's okay when girls do it & I wish I were groomed by a vtuber as a kid

>> No.38445775

OWOZU CEO is probably the biggest cancer in the ES vtuber comunity. Ex vtuber/dramatuber keemstarwannabe who would throw his friends under the bus for clout. Every vtuber associated with him ends up with some fucked up drama in the end. I still have faith in the ESvtubers but it seems that the only ones who are worth watching are the 2view. If Holo/NijiES happens I hope for them to recruit those 2view instead of the trash that's popular rn.

>> No.38445933
File: 467 KB, 853x1009, origung_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still have faith in the ESvtubers but it seems that the only ones who are worth watching are the 2view. If Holo/NijiES happens I hope for them to recruit those 2view instead of the trash that's popular rn.
I'll take your word for it. For the longest time I've been trying to delve more into the local ID, ES, and European vtubing scenes because it all seems interesting, but there are probably some things that are difficult to convey especially across cultural/language barriers.
For the most part though, I just keep an eye on the KR scene, since that's the one I'm most familiar with.

>> No.38448258

Thats awesome

>> No.38448463
File: 240 KB, 976x850, 1669974717946636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a CCP?

>> No.38448509

i mean CCV >>38443456

>> No.38448595

Chinese Communist Party

>> No.38448724

OK but this board is full of literal retards, so seeing a retarded opinion should come as no surprise.

>> No.38449084

Concurrent Viewers

>> No.38451768

Drama will not prevent HoloES from happening

>> No.38451848

Its been a good read, but quite difficult to follow up. Any updates on this, /wactor/ bros? >>38435481

>> No.38452333

They are from different countrys afaik.

This is a mess. Afaik, drama and "cancelling" hast been going around since the first days of December, all revolving around the new cast for the revival of a musical/short vid project called FNAFHS. Seems that a bunch of people hispanic utaite and VA community had some wild takes back in the day, and some groomed some minors and had sex with them. Idk about any of them apart from la culombiana and Rakkun since they are actual vtubers.

Rakkun (from Peru) and MarieFD (form Colombia) are "involved" in the case of a guy Hyurno (from Chile?) dicking a child (Shota/Hibiya) and that's when come up with their responses. According to them, Rakkun knew about them dating minors but didn't care, while Marie cut ties with Hyurno and his circle a long time ago and went with the english community, so only got to know once the broke up. Marie is pretty safe, but they are trying to cancel Rakkun because they knew about it but didn't do shit and I mean what the fuck are you able to do if you only know them online and its Latam? lmao

There's also these guys Nagu and Javi with their testimonies but I havent read them. im basing myself only off of Shota's post

>> No.38455235

>hispanic utaite and VA community
That exists?

>> No.38460425

she sounds based
