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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38245571 No.38245571 [Reply] [Original]

It’s always “support the talents no matter what” until the talents need to get money from their job. Why are twitterfags so fucking hypocritical?

>> No.38245626

Why are you contradicting yourself, OP?

>> No.38245634

most of their money is from the japs and they make it difficult for most foreign countries to buy the actual product
until they streamline it or make the vod permanent for how much youre paying ($145 this year), ill continue to watch illegal restreams

>> No.38245655

Bro you're gonna download it on nyaa don't try to claim some moral high ground

>> No.38245731

I'm not, I'm wealthier than all of EN combined. 145 bucks is pocket change. Try getting a real job.

>> No.38245781

People should just stop spoonfeeding, if you want to pirate something at least find it yourself

>> No.38245836
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>Try getting a real job.
I would if I could but I thought a teaching job would be a good idea

>> No.38245840

holopirates is not a secret considering its literally advertised on nyaa torrents they put up

>> No.38245849

> the bio
not surprised they act like this lmao

>> No.38245905

Kek thanks, now I know where to get "pirated stuff"

>> No.38245947

>support the talents no matter what
Nobody said that. It's " support them as much as you can". Anyway, that guy has a point. Not everyone can afford for it, and the show itself doesn't even worth for the price.

>> No.38246105

Leave the Twitter Lesbians alone, they're cool.

>> No.38246112

>150 fucking dollars

They only cared about paypig money in the first place and they more than make up for the normal people who will seek out restreams.

>> No.38246689

There's like 50 talents in Holofes. After all the cuts how much money do you think they will get from ticket sales? 1 yen each?

>> No.38247070
File: 43 KB, 624x624, 1616694545140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pirate concerts whose profits probably go straight to the company
>donate directly to rm account

>> No.38247098

damn i'm sorry bro, please feel free to pirate whatever you like

>> No.38247249

At least you get the satisfaction of knowing that you are teaching the kids of today to be the ethots and simps of the future.
You are part of that! Be proud teacher-anon!

>> No.38247550


>> No.38247997

What is the problem with teaching job ?

>> No.38248114

>I'm wealthier than all of EN combined
Post bank account

>> No.38248143

If I want to support my oshi and give her money I have her membership and supas for that. I'm not gonna pay for something that doesn't go directly to her, or worse, potentially gets split partially to someone like Mori.

>> No.38248228

>Company produce concert, doesn't want to pay because company want to make profit.

What sort of retard is this?
By that logic you shouldn't pay for your electricity too because electric company want to make money.

>> No.38248243

>Transhet Male Trans
>Brown Latino (Honduran)
>Mentally Ill
>Sorry, I'm delusional.
At least this faggot realizes all the shit above makes him mentally ill.

>> No.38248496

This is the company that makes their talents pay for their own original songs and 3D lives

>> No.38248629


>> No.38248637

I'm sorry but I don't care about the company and 90% of the people that are part of it.

>> No.38248909

Teachers have been getting fucked over for more than 20 years. You're going to be overworked and underpaid unless you're some professor working at a Ivy League university. Also, you're more than likely to be better educated by being self taught, than being taught by a teacher who doesn't give a shit about their job.

>> No.38248952

Why are ncuck like this?

>> No.38248962

The time limit on the vod is shitty but the price is normal for this kind of live content. The stream quality is terrible though. It's 202X, I shouldn't be seeing deinterlacing artifacts on top of a blurry sub-1080p stream.

>> No.38249335


>> No.38249472

>i'm rich
>get a job
Rich people don't do "jobs"
Stop larping you insufferable twink

>> No.38249654

I watched one and it was like a kid's school christmas play. If you've seen one I have no idea why you'd want to see another.

>> No.38250370

Based slayerGOD

>> No.38250378

NTA but children have been absolutely fucked by the last two years. The highschool/middleschool kids in my area are literally, statistically, FAR dumber than at any other time since we've been keeping records.

>> No.38250392

These Twitter council fans are always like this, not surprised.

>> No.38250483
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I didn't choose the pirate life, pirate life chose me

>> No.38250601

That's probably less to do with smarts and more to do forcing them to instantly flip flop between home exams and then back to normal, even though the ruleset and study method is completely different, and then expecting them the same old tests to be applicable and informative. Goes more to show how archaic and unpliable the academic system is.

>> No.38250624

I will pirate the stream, I will decide what its worth and just spend that amount on my oshi's merch.
I'm just there for the sheep, everyone else can get fucked

>> No.38250657


>> No.38250776

concert tickets are money for Cover, not the talents
they did a great job with the fes last year so i have no problem giving them more money
i might change my mind if they don't stop pulling all those resources away from the girls that are the reason they have them and into the homos

>> No.38251206

There's some kind of loop of underpaid>unmotivated>underpaid>unmotivated.
I don't know when it was started or what caused it, but unless it was some high-class rich school it is almost impossible to find good teacher, why? Because the pay ain't worth it, and those teacher who stays here are here because they can't find job that pays more.

>> No.38251826

What the hell is pup/vae?

>> No.38251943

Don't care, I'm still gonna pirate.

>> No.38251996

I get annoyed at this stuff because it reminds me of boomer mentality.

>> No.38252003

>Too many do this
>Company decides concerts aren't worth it anymore

>> No.38253258

I'm very good at teaching (unironically)
But I never considered becoming a teacher, not even for a split second.
Because if I did, I know I would end up fucking or molesting or grooming the vast majority of my female students and it would be a matter of time before I end up behind bars. Either that, or live a miserable life with the juicy carrot dangling before my eyes every day.
Either way, a cursed existence.

>> No.38253361 [DELETED] 

Hehe, I’m going to buy it, a lot of people are going to buy it. People pirating it are either not buying it anyway or too poor. It’s free advertising lol. Just enjoy the shitposting with the bros come holofes

>> No.38253385

am poor eiesel </3 animh women muney dont hav

>> No.38253879

I'll buy it, I'm a human, and I can afford it. I don't begrudge those poorfags who literally cannot afford it going ahoy, but those who could afford it that do so are just plain parasites, not fans, not of any of the holos.

>> No.38255007

I respect the holo dickswords that coordinate with their members to pair up poorfags with able-to-hold-a-job-in-the-west-fags so poorfags can watch legally. SPWN tickets can be watched from two devices simultaneously

>> No.38255357


>> No.38255414

Avg kronie behavior

>> No.38255486

Unless you make like $50-100k per month then you aren't wealthier than HoloEn combined. Kiara alone makes $20K on superchats only and she's the least popular of her branch.

>> No.38255664

Dunno what kind of logic straw you trying to grab out of the void, but only vsinger contracts are fully supported by company.

Why a streamer contracts need to be the same as them? They get original song fund to a certain limit and cover are just passion project. To even asking this is retarded because plenty chubba already said on clip and stream.

>> No.38256698

I still remember my elementary school teacher laughing when I said she must get paid well because her job is important.

>> No.38256865

I do have to agree everyone complaining about the price who actually cares about Hololive is just hypocritical or underage and should be banned from posting on the Internet anyway. However, most people don't actually care and just want to keep up with current events and so they need a way to watch that content too since they make up the majority of the people talking about Hololive on the Internet. That said, they are retards for complaining about the price when they know they'll be getting it for free anyway so everyone who does complain about the price is in the wrong.

>> No.38256935

Do you want them to fire your oshi? The only thing that allows them to have so many underperforming talents and those who have no respect for their fans or work ethic is because they aren't going into the red over their antics.

>> No.38257233

There isn't a single holo who isn't profitable on her own

>> No.38258781

That's because they have to pay for their own shit you retard. If they all had the full resources behind them, you'd have to start cutting most of them.

>> No.38259720

This "guy" apparently also owns a car, has money to buy sonic merch AND is not only a homobeggar but ALSO a nijibeggar. Pottery, really.

>> No.38262551

>support the talents no matter what
They're rich enough already. I don't need to give them any support.
Their content stopped being worth paying for a long time ago anyway.

>> No.38263197

Thanks, anon. I'll be watching it for a cheap cost of $0. Probably cum a lot as well, all for the cheap cost of nothing kek.

>> No.38263890

After suffering through the lagfests that are the pirate restreams, I think this year I'll finally cave in. .

>> No.38264526

You can literally download the VOD, you have less to complain about compared to the people who attend in person and only have their memory or shitty smartphone recording to deal with.

>> No.38265669

They'd have to learn how to find the m3u8 link and how to export cookies and, worst of all, download an executable! Then, they would have to paste all this into a CL and press enter. Anon, you are being unreasonable, clearly these trannies and beggars are incapable of this.

>> No.38265736

>This is the company that makes their talents pay for their own original songs and 3D lives
Nah, that's Niji.

>> No.38265766

Ur absolutely wrong

>> No.38265815

That's very selfish of you.
Also: you're a communist.

>> No.38265981

It's always their dream jobs, passion and friends, and just trying to have fun until fans don't want to give their money to someone who just whore herself to thousands people 1 hr every day

>> No.38266050

Bruh, if you have a job then you also whore your body out to other people for money.

>> No.38266159

>"Being a whore is exactly the same as scientist, engineer, doctor,..."
Ok cuck

>> No.38266268
File: 49 KB, 513x449, 1645884470023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a whore is exactly the same as scientist, engineer, doctor,...
>Ok cuck

'Main deficiency of active people. Active men are usually lacking in higher activity--I mean individual activity. They are active as officials, businessmen, scholars, that is, as generic beings, but not as quite particular, single and unique men. In this respect they are lazy.

It is the misfortune of active men that their activity is almost always a bit irrational. For example, one must not inquire of the money-gathering banker what the purpose for his restless activity is: it is irrational. Active people roll like a stone, conforming to the stupidity of mechanics.

Today as always, men fall into two groups: slaves and free men. Whoever does not have two-thirds of his day for himself, is a slave, whatever he may be: a statesman, a businessman, an official, or a scholar'.
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister

>> No.38266761

>Use Nietzsche to justify your disguised pseudo intellectual ramblings without understanding what he really said.

Classic, try Sartre and Camus next. Never touch Schopenhauer.
Or start Deleuze, Baudrillard, Guattari,... and accelerate "off yourself" process

>> No.38266984
File: 164 KB, 389x442, 1631107663498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you genuinely don't have the funds, do what you must and cheer on your oshi.
If you're just being a jew and can't throw in once a year for content you consume daily, go fuck yourself.
At least have the decency to thank us anons that are funding your addiction.

>> No.38267174

>without understanding what he really said.
Oh, I understand; the higher meaning notwithstanding, the quote still suits my needs.

'We often contradict an opinion for no other reason than that we do not like the tone in which it is expressed'.
- Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch für freie Geister

>> No.38267177

rightoids have been gutting education in the US and Europe

>> No.38267240

>try Sartre
You mean the almost literal cuck? who had a 'open-relationship' and got absolutely butthurt at his partner's other suiters?

>> No.38267276

Or i can just click a button and watch it off nyaa or a mega in 24 hours since its at like 5 in the morning
Stop posting like a limp wristed fairy

>> No.38267291

And that's a good thing.

>> No.38267454

>selfish and lazy
Typical commie.

>> No.38267549

Post body and bread on hood.

>> No.38267550

Im sure the CEO of SPWN will mail you a check for your drinking of his cum to defend his shitty product and its incapability to handle 1080p in 2023 goyim

>> No.38267637

Its only like 150 dollars, unless you're a child I dont see how you cant buy this.
I never superchat and never buy merch either so it's a smile price to pay for me.

>> No.38267673

Commies are the Jews, retard.
If you can't (don't want to) afford it, don't watch it; it's really that simple.
If you want to watch it, the NON-JEW thing to do would be to pay for it. Only Jews and commies want everything for free.

>> No.38267761

Lol this nigga crying about internet piracy like hes some grand crusader
Ive beaten over 500 dollars in video games this and have had the same experience as everyone else
You gonna cry LARPING your fake wealth now?

>> No.38267764

I gotta pay medical bills for my shit overweight family that are borderline dying every other week on top of a broken leg surgery i went through. If I can get any experience for free you're damn right I'm taking it

>> No.38267808

Your values are wrong. Please reconsider.

>> No.38267810

>if you don't pay for a subpar product I will continue to call you buzzwords
Man I better pay up

>> No.38267909

'A man, that maketh haste to be rich, and envieth others, is ignorant that poverty shall come upon him'.
- Proverbs 28:22

>I will continue to call you buzzwords
You're the one who brought up Jews, retard.

>> No.38267950

>If I can get any experience for free you're damn right I'm taking
Go to the library.

>> No.38268015

>n-no if you dont pay mr.shekelberg y-YOU ARE THE REAL JEW
shalom rabbi

>> No.38268667

'Some distribute their own goods, and grow richer: others take away what is not their own, and are always in want'.
- Proverbs 11:24

'For there are also many disobedient, vain talkers, and seducers: especially they who are of the circumcision'.
- Titus 1:10

>> No.38268736

Don't pay, then. You can not pay and not watch.
If you don't want to pay a Jew, why do you want to watch their products anyway?

Seems like that's just an excuse, in the end; you don't actually care about Jews, only yourself.
Exactly the same as Jews.

>> No.38269386

>autistic ramblings of a retard trying way to hard to sound intelligent

>> No.38270079


>> No.38270174

>thinking jews only play one side

>> No.38270641

They/their for people triggered by h's.
Big/little is a fetish ageplay thing where one party (the bigs) pretend to be parents or adults and the other party (littles) pretend to be children in the care of the bigs. It's kind of like total power exchange but with pedo, incest, brat, and maybe diaper overtones. Pup means he's a little who is also a furry, putting him like four or five paraphilia's deeper than even your average /d/generate.

On a personal note I miss the days when the internet was for bullshitting with your friends, calling strangers niggers, and underaged girls showing their tits. Those were simpler times.

>> No.38273719


>> No.38277611

It's been said before but it bears repeating: based

>> No.38278497

lol people believe this

>> No.38279210

>this fake concert that isn't live is too expensive and not worth the price
nice strawman

>> No.38279301

Dude, people who can afford it are going to buy it, people who can't afford it aren't going to buy and will pirate. Under that framework no money is lost because they weren't going to buy it anyway.
Now obviously it's not that simple and some people who can afford will pirate it, but the amount is so small and cover isn't starved for money that those few people who could buy it but don't aren't hurting anyone in the long run.

You should be more concerned with outcome rather than ideal.

>> No.38279341

I do support my Oshi. The diference is to be able to control yourself and understand they have their faults, and ask yourself if you are ok with it or not. if you are not, you move and that´s it.
Most people refuse to do the 1st, hence they come to cry/shit on the catalog.

>> No.38281780

If you use adblock, you're stealing!
If you don't superchat, you're stealing!

>> No.38282219

Horseshit. Teachers get paid well for what they do which is barely fucking anything and they get 8 weeks of holiday a year.

>> No.38284880
File: 167 KB, 300x375, 1659342404589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found an IRL pic of OP
