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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38230045 No.38230045 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.38230138

If this doesn’t make vtweeters wake up and realize they need to market themselves and the sheer force of their wonderful personalities (TM) is not enough to make randos give a shit about them, I don’t know what will.

>> No.38230258

literally who and what?

>> No.38231074

One of Pippa's children received a gift from Florida Man, which is codename for the True President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

>> No.38231132

Ogey Chud

>> No.38231700

I thought florida man was a meme because if you google florida man you always get some crazy news story

>> No.38231848

There's an app that changes all instances of Trump's name as Florida Man

>> No.38232147

Pippa is happy to let people leech and breathe life into her children. What other way to market yourself is there?
t. 1view, not neccessarily seething, just thinking of getting serious.

>> No.38232269

Anon, for fucks sake get better content for a thread

>> No.38232520

Imagine trying to escape the dumpster fire outside, and you go for these politico chicks.
Phase and Vshoujo makes it clear why those rules in Vtuber chats exist for.

>> No.38232608
File: 125 KB, 850x593, world leader yaoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe this rrat. Anyone remember the president lolis from 2016? What if someone made a vtuber out of that.
>cunny biden

>> No.38233496

how many layers of /pol/ brainrot are you on

>> No.38237498

What's a pippa children?

>> No.38237966

Pipkin Pippa the vtuber from phase connect

>> No.38238101

But what's a Pipkin Pippa children?

>> No.38238832

she spawned FLaVR

>> No.38240450

Vtweeters malding

>> No.38243319

I love that flavr

>> No.38245012

Needs and methods to become a popular chuuba.
>Be at least a mediocre streamer.
You don't even need to be good, just good enough. Look at your competition (seriously, look.), you don't need to be good, so many of them will leave whole minutes of pure dead air, not to mention the many other problems. Always talk and avoid dead air, be welcoming to new viewers, do your best to NEVER be too negative, thank raids and be friendly to people even if you don't know or like them that much, just be civil.
>Play one staple game genre, then supplement with other, interesting games you want to play.
Try new things, play FOTM games just to try them and explore new genres or territory, but don't feel you have to play something you really don't want. The thing that gets most people to stay and watch streams is how engaged and happy the streaming is playing that game, they enjoy it vicariously through you. Playing a game you can't even laugh at how bad it is isn't a good strategy even if it's a super popular one.
>Avoid shitty drama.
Don't be a vtweeter, sticking your nose into politics/drama on or off stream on your streamer accounts, do not interact with dramatubers, do not get involved. Many of the annoying ones on twitter will just make up problems to be mad about and it may be tempting to "weigh in" on those topics, even as a joke. You should think of yourself as an entertainer, you should entertain, if there is a topic that induces real stress or strong division, you do not engage. Repeat, DO NOT ENGAGE.
>Talk and socialize, but don't "network".
This is often a word used by losers in the vtuber sphere to justify using people for clout and gaining bigger numbers, then dropping them when they feel they don't need them anymore. Do not associate with someone just for numbers, hang out with people you actually like and can get along well with or have a genuine respect for whether they're bigger or smaller than you. This leads to good things and good content when you collab.
>Try to have other things to offer than just talking and playing games.
Drawing, singing, dancing, writing, even zatsus can work, all sorts of things work even if you aren't that good at them. Get creative and mix and match. Penalty games work too and can be a lot of fun for both you and chat.
And the arguably most important one
>Advertise. Advertise. Advertise.
This takes TIME or MONEY, sometimes both. Make clips from the best moments of your streams, upload those to Twitter, YouTube shorts, TikTok (I know everyone hates TikTok, suck it up, you aren't a big enough streamer to afford pride). Edit highlight videos, usually around 10-15 minutes worth and upload those to YouTube as well, listen to people like /#/ on how uploading certain content can affect how the algorithm treats you and consider making alt YouTube accounts to help with that. Alternatively, and this is the part that takes money, pay someone else to do it for you. There are a lot of cheap places to get someone to edit long streams for you, though some are debatably worth it in quality, and you'll probably want to do it yourself if you catch a moment you personally think will do well while you're streaming.

Don't listen to retards who tell you "just stream", if no one knows you're streaming it doesn't matter. You have to SHOW people what you can offer them, and that involves making very small, easily digestible pieces of content to convince people to come and sink more of their time into you. They will not come out of nowhere, the internet if full of things and most of them aren't worth checking out for the average person, you have to lead them to you and show them with small, easy to get into clips that you're worth watching a 3-4 hour stream for. The only time this does not apply is when a streamer gets lucky as fuck with a raid.
You are not lucky. Never assume that you are.
Hope this helps anon.

>> No.38247520

All good points but Have to correct one thing. Talking and socialising is networking. Networking is both on a professional and/or social level.
Also don’t just rely on FOTM games because you have to compete with other people at the same time. Not saying don’t play it but don’t except magic.
Other suggestions are community nights are good at enforcing parasocialism. Zatsus are great at that too.

>> No.38248232

a thread died because of this

>> No.38249662

it is OP is has brainworms

>> No.38250432

Go to flavr general, you fag

>> No.38250433

can't write a long post but I'd like to properly thank you for taking the time to answer, anon.
I think my biggest problem (aside from a vague resistance to myself (gone as soon as I have one person in chat) ) so far has been lack of consistency, but I will correct it after the holidays (my last major interruption), but I like all of your advice. I'll give it an earnest shot. I'll collect a bunch of PS2/GC era games I want to play so I have a backlog by then.
Thanks P-anon.

>> No.38251085

Best of luck 1viewanon

>> No.38252973

Is this it? Literally who got a donation from someone with a p*ltard meme name?
Saddest thread, holy shit.

>> No.38253061

I'm pretty sure the entire thread is about how Pippa just memed some randoms into existence and they're now popular enough to be getting gifts from people, causing 2 views to seethe about how they can just appear out of nowhere and get free shit. I have no idea how no one seems to have realized this throughout the entire thread yet.

>> No.38253088

The fish chuuba is memed to be from florida and the viewerbase was therefore dubbed "floridians". There is 0 /pol/ in this one.
Here's her tweet for example https://twitter.com/AbigillAnemoia/status/1598378273712574487

>> No.38253551

Do they even know this exists?

>> No.38253644


>> No.38253720

It is, >>38231848 exists because of the Florida Meme and isn't even on the first or second page (not wasting time checking any deeper than pg 2) of Google for 'Florida Man.'

The gift was the state flag of Florida.

>> No.38254565

>ITT, foreigners find out who Floridaman is
It's nice to see the narrative move from "lol burger doesn't know something" to having others ask who the Florida Man is
Ask us about Ohio next
