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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38227018 No.38227018 [Reply] [Original]

>First all of active members of Myth do a collab but exclude Gura
>Now SNOT are doing another collab and also exclude Gura
>They even avoid mention her as much as possible to the point of not reading akasupas that contain her name
Are they purposedly isolating her? why? is it soft bullying until she graduates?

>> No.38227062

it's hard to include someone who's never around lol

>> No.38227178

Gura isolates herself. She ghosts her manager, she’s probably a nightmare to collab with. Thus, she gets the cold shoulder from the others. Hard to respect someone when they can’t make time for you.

>> No.38227408

Sociopathic, pathologically lying whore deserves to be excluded.

>> No.38227490

>Now SNOT are doing another collab and also exclude Gura
It's called NOT in that case.

>> No.38227538

Most akasupas aren't read out loud

>> No.38227539

Everyone but chumbuds knows why unironically. If you remove your rose colored glasses, you’ll see a shit ton of red flags in gura’s behavior.

>> No.38227552

I feel like in Gura´s case, is that she is socially dysfunctional, with highs and low energy streaks at random. Also she seems to get very autistic about not wanting to give updates on what she is doing when not streaming because she feels anxiety about it.

t. A social anxious person that slowly growing out of his shell.

>> No.38227749

Ok, but enough of Kiara now

>> No.38227812

Maybe if she wasn't so flaky the girls will be more inclined to inviting her to do things without worrying about cancellation on her part and leave them scrambling.

>> No.38227986

Kiara started reading One asking about Gura the other day and she stopped reading it once he saw her Name and just said Thank you and to remember the channel rules, and thats just one example of many

>> No.38227999

She gets what she deserves

>> No.38228036

care to name at least 20?

>> No.38228118

She doesn't have social anxiety, retard. She's a normalfag, literally admits she "goes outside" whenever she feels burnt out on streaming (which is always), goes house hunting on her own (and that's assuming she's single), and hangs out with males in discord to play DBD and Valheim in her private time.

>umm my PC le exploded xD, also my mic exploded too, also I was totally sick and have health issues, ALSO i was visitng my family haha
This girl literally fucking uses every meme excuse card SIMULTANEOUSLY and cumsharts still believe her, it's actually unreal.

>> No.38228164

What collab?

>> No.38228207

OP have you ever considered the fact that Gura just doesn't want to stream

>> No.38228262
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One man tried to approach the shark, and he got bitten for it. They all fear the shark.

>> No.38228333

That’s why the rule is there, you’re not supposed to use superchats as an excuse to ask an absent vtuber’s genmates why she’s not streaming. It’s rude, and streamers don’t like it, so of course Kiara is going to (politely) tell them to eat shit.

>> No.38228415

I think at this point, after several generations, a resourceful company like Cover should understand the complications in hiring BATSHIT UNSTABLE SAD GIRLS as performing artists. They should make them undergo a mental evaluation, prescribe therapy where needed, and possibly hire managers trained in psychology. Rushia's downfall could have been avoided this way as well.

>> No.38228492

remember when she didn’t even show up for the myth segment of the coco graduation stream and had to film her part separately

>> No.38228494

She still her big chunk of loual pedos but recently a lot of people opened their eyes. If she keeps going like this she will become the new Mori

>> No.38228531

Serious answer? It’s probably a combination of:
A.) They don’t want to draw attention to EN’s lack of streams, of which Gura is the poster child.
B.) They don’t want to encourage people to talk about Gura when she isn’t in the stream, because you’re only supposed to talk about the vtubers you’re watching anyway.
C.) They probably have no idea why Gura refuses to stream and don’t want to be tempted into publicly agreeing with anons, which would start a shitstorm.

>> No.38228587

I ain´t an unicorn, but I don´t forgive dishonesty, especially when your fandom is crying for signs of life.
I really hope you are wrong, because otherwise is a matter of time before she gets caught for real.

>> No.38228663

What collab are you fags talking about? I don't see a SNOT collab

>> No.38228680

It’s likely C, gura doesn’t seem like the type to tell anyone why she disappears and comes back at random intervals. It’s enough effort to get her to wake up on time for a collab.

>> No.38228721

Last time I checked Mori still steamed often and still had a loyal following. Does she not?

>> No.38228779

You homobeggars are the most unhinged antis yet.

>> No.38228808

I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive. There are often multiple reasons for doing or not doing something that can all be true. And given that we’re talking about multiple people, it’s highly unlikely they all share the exact same opinion about all their coworkers.

>> No.38228953
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>> No.38228980

wait what ? where is this alleged snot collab without the S ?

>> No.38228987

>Don't care about the company
>No streams and do nothing offstream
>Tell your cuckbase you are working on "projects" (no delivery
>when asked about it blame management or anxiety
>If chumcucks start to notice something doesn't add up just say you have "health issue" and refuse to elavorate

>> No.38229085

Nta, but do you realize the only ones getting owned by Gura’s lack of streams are chumbuds?

>> No.38229097


>> No.38229116

>defending Mori
Tempiss niggers can't help but reveal themselves.

>> No.38229363

That anon just made a valid point. You chumcucks just throwing around "Homobeggar" and "Tempiss" defence mechanism at this point. Acting like a twitter retard, shame.

>> No.38229428

all artist or interesting people has some kind of mental problem
if not they would just be normies, do you want normie chuubas?

>> No.38229450

Embarrassing, go back.

>> No.38229603

they is one in 2 hours

>> No.38229610

It was a good thread until Mori and Mori related shit came up

>> No.38229618

>Tempissister triggered
Go back faggot.

>> No.38229629

can't accept that the wigger is doing more right, chumchummychum?

>> No.38229699
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>best at failing
Baffling post

>> No.38229779

# don't matter unless you have streams to watch. No wonder /#/ is infested with retarded chumbies, all they can do is point to # for validation

>> No.38229786

>watson still can’t break 2M
That’s why you don’t shit on your own audience

>> No.38229790


>> No.38229809

It's just too obvious that you're only targeting Gura because you're mad about Tempus being so irrelevant. Maybe if you didn't use seething femoid language, you'd get away with it more often.

>> No.38229844

she just got surpassed by Kobo! lmao

>> No.38229932

>outing itself as one of the fags defending Tempiss in /#/.
You're really bad at this.

>> No.38229935

>Twittard behaviour exposed
>T-tempiss seeth!
Kek, go back

>> No.38229945

Fauna Kaela Mumei and Rat is not remotely "a SNOT collab"
Thats like saying Marine Ina Lamy and Okayu is a UMISEA collab.

>> No.38229948

Same ame haters targeting /ggg/, you're not subtle

>> No.38229998
File: 739 KB, 905x2314, E503CA01-D5E4-4F42-8584-CC8D9D3B246A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko is coming for the braphog next.

>> No.38230036

I seriously suspect Watson doesn’t give a fuck anymore. That’s the only reasonable explanation. She doesn’t give a fuck and is done with this shit and is fine just coasting along doing her own thing. Which I don’t have a problem with, if that’s really it.
If not, then…wow is she retarded.

>> No.38230067
File: 525 KB, 1662x1108, 1A23BB20-9A8A-4EF4-95B1-9722C9806242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori & Ame flatlined for over a month

>> No.38230082

You>>38228494 called Gura's fans pedos and "we" are targeting Gura? You're a joke, go kill yourself.

>> No.38230155

>maybe if I shit on other girls it'll make gura look better
Typical chumcum cope

>> No.38230211

That's not me, retarded homobeggar. Maybe this website is too difficult for you, you should go back to kiwifarms.

>> No.38230252

Cuckbeats only have one response.
Cuckbeats are mostly furfag twitter troons that spam “chumpedo” constantly to anyone that shits on the fat wigger.
They also retweet MLP futa porn so…

>> No.38230293

>Tempus fans melting down trying to deflect itt

>> No.38230486

The Overton window of Cuckbeats and Homobeggars is a fucking circle. They wield the braphog like a cudgel to make everyone miserable. Next they will start spamming about her UMG merch sales or some other gay shit, like it excuses collabing with Tempiss. They can’t accept being a failure and supporting failures so they want everyone to fail like them.

>> No.38230526

Well I guess point out the retardation of every post with "homobeggar" and "tempiss" make me a Tempiss fan now.

>> No.38230541

>KFP makes a thread to shit on every fanbase except Kiara
>idiots all fall for it

>> No.38230632

We are all HomoCuckbeatsbeggars too. These are true insecurities showing from the chumbud lmao.

>> No.38230654

Are you fucking retarded? You're so braindead about hating Mori you didn't notice the other guy was shitting on Gura? (Homobeggar behavior)

>> No.38230897

They get confused when falseflagging, probably from all the HRT and pretending to be women online.
>Cuckbeat Playbook
>Project: whatever Mori did on to anyone else
>Deflect: to their earlier accusation as proof that excuses Mori’s actions
>Gaslight: Samefag and spam the first accusation
>Falseflag: shitpost as another fan base to distract from Mori’s fuck up
>Hide behind Unity: if anyone notices they spam images of Mori with someone in Myth

>> No.38231568

Not an anti. Like Gura. But are you sure that the people that don’t like her are mad that she never streams? Lmao.

>> No.38231598

>She's a normalfag, literally admits she "goes outside"
>This girl literally fucking uses every meme excuse card SIMULTANEOUSLY and cumsharts still believe her,
So do I have to believe what she says or not? You're kinda conflicted here.

Oh right:
>things that are convenient for my shitposting = truth
>things that are convenient for you = lies
In short: cope faggot

>> No.38232306

>meanwhile, Inigger is still gaining 10k subs a month
Literally doesn't have to stream to grow, the EN """"fan"""""base deserves a holocaust

>> No.38234491

come on bud, they're clearly talking about Kronii

>> No.38234564

We're talking about Gura not Mori

>> No.38235156

Gura is entering her Amy Winehouse phase. Not too long before she dies because she O.D. on drugs.

>> No.38235710

Like 2 days ago Mori said she missed Gura and that she’d be back soon.

>> No.38235790

>Sociopathic, pathological
How 'bout some more buzzwords Twourist

>> No.38235837


>> No.38237274

It is weird, but her old content is still leagues better than anything the fat wigger shits out. I’d rather rewatch an old Ina stream than watch Ame have another bitchfit.

>> No.38237333


>> No.38240815

Lazy bitches should be treated like shit.

>> No.38240974

>le KFP boogeyman

>> No.38241481

Things have been weird since her SS tweet.

>> No.38242103

this subhuman right here >>38227408 is a niggerbeat, he fantasizes about the deceitful landwhale, mori copulating with the fake skeevy whore, kiara.
claiming someone is a "lying whore" without looking at their own oshis what a clown.

>> No.38242230

>She ghosts her manager
Her hating her manager would explain all problems.

>> No.38242272

Cumsharts will try to deflect this.

>> No.38242435

You replied to yourself about an imaginary collab that you invented. You'd be lucky to get even a deadbeat to bite something that weak.

>> No.38242572

>Ghosting, radio silence for 3 weeks for god knows what the fuck she was doing.
>Constant absence throughout the entirety of this year.
>Excuses are the most basic shits ever, she literally see her fans as a bunch of mindless retards.
>Comes back on a Karaoke stream because she knows she's guilty and is afraid to answer her fan's concerns, I'll just sing here without taking responsibility guys, you forgive me now right?
>Only touched Twitter because she was forced by holo management to do so. She could've gone months without doing so if she could.
>Mic hort that's why I can't stream for 3 weeks guys, a mic is so hard to purchase, it's not like I earn thousands of simp money without doing anything for weeks!
>Collabed with a MALE. Hey, you fucktard anon who said they'll kill themselves if ever Gura collabs with any sort of Male. Do it, now.
>Went on an IRL off-collab with Mori that had a ton of Males on it. Highly possible alcohol and drug use even.
>Had sex with Vesper, even better if she was raped.
>Was terminated with Vesper because she defended him. Probably enjoyed the dicking.
>PC broke, that is why I can't message you guys on my phone, or on my second phone, or on someone else's phone, or on someone else's PC, or on my friend's PC, or on my genmates to use my account to say something for my stead, or on my boyfriend's PC, or on a free test PC on a mall somewhere. She just don't give a single flying fuck about her fans to do something about it.
>Will probably ghost again and the cycle continues.
>Will definitely* ghost again and the cycle continues.
>Is already thinking* about ghosting again and the cycle will continue.
>Is already planning* on ghosting again and the cycle will continue.
>Is already going* to ghost her fans again and the cycle will continue.
>Again, the anon who said that he'll kill himself when Gura collabs with a male in any form–Do it, now.
>Does Not

>> No.38243060

And right on time. You cumsharts are way too predictable.

>> No.38243211

Deserved. Looking at how badly gura treats her fans she's probably horrid behind the scenes. If she doesn't want to take the job seriously it's high time she quit.

>> No.38244148

I thought the shitposts would stop after she returned. Noticed? The sky didn't fall. Now one day off and here we are again.

>> No.38244712

Well, trust levels are decreasing, I guess. Streaming isn’t gonna do any good if it’s just going to be a one-off thing. Honestly, I’m a little surprised; I thought Gura would actually be able to successfully pull an Ayame.

>> No.38244732

Anon? Next you are going to tell me that anyone that plays games with Mori is the new chadcast

>> No.38244756

>Ghosting, radio silence for 3 weeks
The radio silent breaks have been used in the idol industry for decades. The Japanese have a better idea of what is going on since they know this type of punishment and how it is meant to damage the idol's reputation by making it look like they don't care about their fans.

>Excuses are the most basic shits ever
When you are under an NDA you are limited in what you can say.

>Only touched Twitter because she was forced by holo management to do so.
Gura told viewers that management can retweet on their hololive accounts. It was strange that she wanted viewers to know that and it was said a month after Ina went on indefinite hiatus.

>> No.38244980


>> No.38246153

She disabled long ads on her channel, that's how much she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.38246251

that was a management mandate mention and nothing more, if not they would keep avoiding her

>> No.38246260

Who says she’s returning? She’ll do MAYBE 1-2 streams a week this month. +/- a Christmas stream, but doubtful. Then she’ll fuck off again for most of January.

>> No.38247005

>Then she’ll fuck off again for most of January.
Nah based on her pattern she'll spam streams for January before vanishing for February. I'm not looking forward to the catalogue carnage when she doesn't do a valentines stream

>> No.38247409

she will stream 2 or more times this month and then fuck off for christmas, new year and january

>> No.38248256

ITT: Tempiss sisters from /MANS/ deflection

>> No.38248329

Thank fuck they debuted a male EN gen so chumbuds can use them as a scapegoat for every lousy thing Gura does to them.

>> No.38249138

They can always blame Mori

>> No.38249811

You could say all those other things about her, but if anything, she's known for the stark opposite of being a liar

>> No.38249941

She is the Queen of EN, the chumpedos are malding about her

>> No.38249944

I like C. I think it's kinda obvious these girls barely know more about each other than fans do.

>> No.38249969

Jesus christ! At least fucking try.

>> No.38250183

This is not outside the realm of possibility, unfortunately.

Mori fans enabled some of the worst unhealthy eating and drinking habits I've ever seen. I fully expect her to get a degenerative disease at this point.

But Gura fans are not doing any better, not holding her accountable to the most basic work ethic.

These dumbasses landed the sweetest gig in the history of performing arts and are squandering it away. I don't get it.

>> No.38250226
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Do KFPhaggots really? There's nothing genuine about Kiara. Her entire life is built on lies and betrayal. Unironically the world would be a better place if she died. Mori? Ame? same as her to some extent.

>> No.38250236

>Queen of EN
That would be Fauna. Kiara is a duchess.

>> No.38250303

>fans enabled habits
Meds. Now.

>> No.38250305

We know that Holo managers are rotated by the company to avoid them getting too close with the talents.
Do we know when Gura's current manager began their turn? Could it possibly align with Gura going radio silent?
Is there ANY explanation except for her being an ungrateful lazy c*nt?

>> No.38250735

I thought that pic's OP was a schizo, but the other anon who juxtaposed random screenshots and compete nonsense highlighting managed to top it. Wow. Anons are mental.

>> No.38250984

>provide a negative opinion on Gura
>Immediately calls them cuckbeat or homobeggar
My oshi is Kiara but you're just gonna call me a cuckbeat for your convenience. Kill yourselves brainrotten faggots, chumbies are even worse than the Irystocrats

>> No.38251222

>proud of having Kiara as an oshi
nijinigger spotted, keep that slut fairy away from my oshi.

>> No.38251384

Why does this thread only have 15 IPs?

>> No.38251397

>Dying of an OD before Mori
That would be incredibly embarrassing for her.

>> No.38251495

Stfu falseflagger

>> No.38251505

Hey, you, why does this thread only have 16 IPs?

>> No.38251522

FPBP, chumcucks in shambles

>> No.38251560

You will answer me: Why does this thread only have 16 IPs?

>> No.38251563
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You know why

>> No.38251605
File: 1 KB, 106x85, 1660363532106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something really wrong with you crazies

>> No.38251669

What's wrong with schizo larping

>> No.38252412

Be like Gura and take a 3 week break from /here/ anon, you need it.

>> No.38253254

>mah IP
kys newfag

>> No.38254490

Lmao the cope.

>> No.38255831

>Gura its not Lazy! she is the most hardworking from Hololive! its management that continually makes her go on long breaks and make 30 minutes scuffed streams!

>> No.38258954

this is true

>> No.38259836

Chumcucks coping

>> No.38261694

Oh I am laughing. Why the fuck would she have to tryhard when the company she works for has been employing Ayame, who streams maybe four times a month and people still throw copious amounts of money at her. It's a job, if she earns enough to satisfy her, why do you expect her to put more effort in?

>> No.38262722

>remember when Gura said she wanted to be a idol?

>> No.38263127
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She is literally a sperg. She cant help it. You cant fake being a sperg, and its easy to notice someones a sperg if you're a sperg yourself.
>Alchoholic despite being succesful
>Insecure despite milions of people wanting her
>Socially anxious, but still wants to be the center of attention
>Inferiority complex
>Almost mechanical way of speaking, monotonnous tone, even when she's excited or angry her tonal shifts are minimal
>Talented but afraid of actually doing stuff
>Massive fucking imposter syndrome
Add to her autism the fact that she probably grew up with a bunch of boys judging by her tomboyish behavior and jokes and you have the borderline inability to find herself in a group of women.
Id also blame her inability to stream consistently or play games that require more than 2s of concentration on ADHD, given how easy it is for her to just drop something, or change the topic in the middle of talking about something.

>> No.38263657

She's not being excluded, she just doesn't fucking stream you absolute fucktard

>> No.38264342

A day later and still no proof of this snot collab that Gura was not invited too.

>> No.38268760

How can I give you proof of a discord dm that wasn't made?

>> No.38268984

Gura's rich, famous, and living off superberry money now. of course she doesn't want to collab with the losers of Myth.
If I was her I would do the same this. Gura is literally too good for the other girls in hololive. It would be like the king of England talking to a hobo on the street.

>> No.38269917

are you doing this to make eggs look insane and retarded? because if so, you're doing a good job

>> No.38269934

>>Alchoholic despite being succesful
>>Insecure despite milions of people wanting her
>>Socially anxious, but still wants to be the center of attention
>>Inferiority complex
>>Almost mechanical way of speaking, monotonnous tone, even when she's excited or angry her tonal shifts are minimal
>>Talented but afraid of actually doing stuff
>>Massive fucking imposter syndrome
you just described Calliope fucking Mori

>> No.38271267

>SNOT without Gura
Oh so it's a 3/5th of a Council collab. That's like calling an Ame stream an AmeSame stream without gura, or calling a Calli stream a Bone Bros stream without Gura.
