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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38153204 No.38153204 [Reply] [Original]

*Love bombs you before disappearing*

>> No.38153485
File: 270 KB, 2251x1502, 1669432290787461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watcha gonna do about it?

>> No.38153507
File: 297 KB, 1905x1066, 2BFAD9AC-8CE9-4B51-8697-AF28C31390A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s all you needed to say!
>b-b-but she doesn’t care about you like when she ghosted you
Which makes stuff like this more real. Gura doesn’t like doing the fake crap and pretend. Every love bomb is real

>> No.38153522

Stop watching.

>> No.38154038

The ghosting/lovebomb cycle shows she cares about chumbuds (in a twisted and unhealthy way) Truly a parasocial experience

>> No.38154254
File: 205 KB, 1222x816, F914EB1F-C535-4E90-86A7-F9B40435A61A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glances at the CCV averages
Seethe Homobeggar.

>> No.38154304

>3 am
I give up.

>> No.38155043
File: 178 KB, 1428x1106, 1657674545314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sasuga shart

>> No.38155081

My mom Fauna is winning.

>> No.38155145
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1669263872014034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to the dark side, chumbie.
We have streams!

>> No.38155184

While I'd love to have more Gura streams, I'm okay with less streams overall if it means she stays for the long haul. I've found other streamers to fill most of my time with, at any rate.

That said, I've dropped the membership a while ago.

>> No.38155238

I'd watch fucking Niji before I watch jewcorp™

>> No.38155449

>No cunny
Absolute dust.

>> No.38156964

Shark's back

>> No.38157026

*Love bombs you after repairing her pc/getting a new one.

>> No.38157102

yeah i guess that makes sense

>> No.38157148

why you got cock in your mind?

>> No.38157151

Ooooh! A cute gura but no baggage let’s go

>> No.38157188

The fact that she lives rent free enough to make you post that says otherwise.

>> No.38157236

Very deserved honestly, I've only recently started watching Fauna more often and she's great

>> No.38157241
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>> No.38157290

If I was a chumbud this would piss me off.

>> No.38157334

But you're a nijinigger, so your opinion is worthless.

>> No.38157382
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>> No.38157477
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>> No.38157564

Are you implying chumbuds are in a abusive relationship? I honestly wanna see this now how much shit gura can get away with throwing at her fans..

>> No.38157602
File: 17 KB, 368x196, Xana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, shit

>> No.38157620

She's doing a karaoke because she doesn't want to speak about why she ghosted us for over 2 weeks. It's the same reason she did one when her PC broke down instead of a chatting stream to avoid telling her audience what actually happened to her PC. At most, we're going to get a vague, passing remark about why she's been away like "family stuff, and that's all I'm going to say about that" during the karaoke stream, being the massive cunt that she is.

>> No.38157753

What a genius, spending 100 dollars to say something that will get ignored.

>> No.38157776

damn lmao
>thanks for the money i guess huahuahaha

>> No.38157895

Easy money. No need to talk but sing.

>> No.38158291

We knew people would bomb her with money. Not even smart enough to do it during the stream...

>> No.38158678

>sing a few songs
>get a lot of christmas money to buy presents for bf

>> No.38158722

It doesn't get ignored if people in the chat notice it. Not to mention that it has been posted in at least 3 threads here where hundreds of people have seen it. Just because Gura doesn't read it out loud doesn't mean it has no effect.

>> No.38158786

More love than most other holo EN fans get

>> No.38159050

8 streams before her christmas break

>> No.38159165

5 max.

>> No.38159275


>> No.38159332


>> No.38159476

>It doesn't get ignored if people in the chat notice it.
It literally does because the retard sent it before the stream even started. There is no chat, only prechat.
>Not to mention that it has been posted in at least 3 threads here where hundreds of people have seen it.

>> No.38159752

>needs Gura to be relevant

>> No.38160202


>> No.38160279

Lmao 2 weeks off and she comes back with a shitty karaoke stream

>> No.38160515

bet its the same 10 songs too

>> No.38160653

the true GFE

>> No.38161662

the business model of the future: be really shitty, and charge people to make a complaint.

>> No.38162009

Me at her mouth

>> No.38162584

>the true GFE
she the abusive GFE

>> No.38165699

I don't like her CONSTANT nigger babble

>> No.38166090

still more than ayame

>> No.38166209

this plus maybe 1 membership stream

>> No.38166273

nigger or zoomer babble? They're easily confused.

>> No.38166323

Anon uh....Ayame actually streamed more than Gura during November so no actually Gura somehow managed to be worse than Ayame.

>> No.38166386

She's truly a master at milking her audience.

>> No.38166575

Yeah i don't know anymore man...

>> No.38167088

zoomer babble is a subset of nigger babble
It's the one time I'm on the niggers' side when it comes to "cultural appropriation"

>> No.38167181

*crown* You dropped this, KING.

>> No.38167248

female hands typed that post

>> No.38167334

Sounds realistic to me.

>> No.38168754

>I-I r-reposted it in /vt/ three times, s-so it wasn't a waste of money..

Bro, you need to learn to anti from the fucking Japanese, they don't fuck around.

The goal should be to get the talent to cry on stream like Miko, or do a landwhale Cali freak out and put a spotlight on the superchat for life.

Shit man, Gura has some of the most retarded antis.

>> No.38168777

and as soon as christmas is over she will disappear for another 6 months until its time to get nakiricucks money and fucks off again

>> No.38168898

shes a succubus

>> No.38169088

im okay with this

>> No.38169478

Get a load of this fedora tipper

>> No.38169755

>Which makes stuff like this more real
I'm worried about your romantic experiences.

>> No.38169896

Not everyone that hates your oshi is one of these two.

>> No.38170057

I live my shark wife.

>> No.38170120

hey chumpedo jannie, suck my fucking dick and stop deleting gura threads

>> No.38170275

I don't care for when she chants muslim prayers.

>> No.38170404

Self-awareness. Who has it? Maybe Gura, definitely not that anon. At the very least there’s a decent chance Gura doesn’t care about her fans other than as viewers and assumes most of them are aware of that fact (because if you’re a grown adult you really should desu). Anon has no excuse.
“She really loves us”…jfc.

>> No.38170454

My loli shark has such a soothing voice.
Perfect way to end my wageslave day.
