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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1009 KB, 1334x841, Screenshot_2021-05-17 【Hololive】Matsuri Holomem Pays For Their Own Original Songs【Eng Sub】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3813520 No.3813520 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus fucking Christ, what is the point of Cover?

About original songs:

>You have to pay for it yourself, and, well, it's not cheap. It's adds up to "x" millions yen to make one song with a MV. Those that are more expensive cost up to tens of millions yen.


>There aren't many Hololive members that make their own lyrics.

>> No.3813568

Can you explain what the fuck you are talking about? other than recording fees, how the fuck does a song cost money?

Calli you are a tramendous e-thot sperg but please teach your JP fags to not be potatos with their money and voice boxes.

>> No.3813694

>spending millions
>meanwhile the most successful original hololive song just ripped off some english 101 flashcards and generic pop lyrics, and has several studio quality MVs made by fans for free
They just need to lean into their gachikois more if cover keeps embezzling all those superchats

>> No.3813749
File: 420 KB, 1080x1080, reine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why Reine had all the visual production value going on in her King video, complete with lip sync, while others usually have stills on their studio covers

>> No.3813801

I can see it easily costing 10k if you count the cost for lyrics, mixing, editing, illustrations etc.
BUT 100K FUCK ME I hope she is just being dumb and exaggerating.

>> No.3813812

How new are you? Everyone already knows that.

>> No.3813817

>There aren't many Hololive members that make their own lyrics.
Why would there be? They're idols not songwriters.

>> No.3813832

and on the other hand you have Mori who is fully self sufficient and could animate a video herself, on top of writing her own music and lyrics

>> No.3813849

At least post the video

>> No.3813866

Heiress money yo

>> No.3813877

If she spend 100k recording one song, then she is retarded.

>> No.3813918

The power of money, baaaaaaaaaaby.

>> No.3813926

Renting a studio, mixing, hiring a lyricist and composer. It adds up.

>> No.3813934

Add Susei, they got their bargain with these two all rounders. I guess ina counts as well, she does high quality art for free for her friends which mind you, her art commisions by companies cost quite a sum.

>> No.3813967

Is she low-key begging for money?

>> No.3813969

Matuli ask Rikka to give you a discount

>> No.3814023

How much in return will they get i wonder? If they're amazing at singing at it's a popular song, 1 million views tops will be enough to reimburse what she spent.

Also cover gets a cut from this too? Wtf

>> No.3814059

>it costs a lot of money if you dont make a song and just pay someone to make it for you
Wow its fucking nothing. you realize their job is to be a voice right? they have recording equipment available.

>> No.3814068

Yeah, if you're not careful, you'll pay a fortune to hire people who don't give a flip about the end results.

>> No.3814088

Cover is not a record corp., per se, despite producing idols. That's basically how they get around shit like this.
If you're serious about your music career, you either become completely self sufficient, only use hololive as a marketing tool or don't join up at all.

>> No.3814172

By the way a million yen is just short of 10.000 dollars, it's not an unrealistic budget.

>> No.3814173

Which leads us to Hololive and Nijisanji looking for "multi-talented" people who can do all this shit as well as vtubing, like Genzuki who can sing and compose and God knows how many more things - especially if they're serious about stepping up their game in the musical department, cue the VSinger audition for Hololive EN.
But something tells me all the things and people needed to make an original songs must be way cheaper in Indonesia than Japan.

>> No.3814174

The holos shouldn't act so fucking entitled all the time, without Cover they'd living on the streets or nijiwhores by now.

>> No.3814267

They work with their voice, doesn't mean they have to know to compose or mix songs.
Not even Michael Jackson composed his songs, although apparently he did write the lyrics to many.

>> No.3814301
File: 302 KB, 2047x1755, 316A8D4C-C99B-422A-8470-087080E9CC36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei does lyrics, but she won’t edit her own MVs or produce her own songs. She’s just more willing to spend money.

>> No.3814307 [DELETED] 

It's not like they hide the fact they don't write their own lyrics. For example, Kiara herself said 'I wanted to write this part of the lyrics myself'. Usually it's written as the song starts who write it.

>> No.3814311


>> No.3814316

they don tneed to pay anyone to be able to sing someone elses songs. wanting to see their music is the same as wanting them to compose.

>> No.3814338

It's a budget for original songs you fucking retard.

>> No.3814399

/vt/ is turning into /v/ 2
really sugoi moment

>> No.3814447

>without Cover they'd be living on the streets
they'd be dead by now kek

>> No.3814473

Here's a humorous anecdote about a certain "original song" Nene came up with for Botan:

>> No.3814481

Cheaper yeah, but the quality? nah. I remember once tuning in to news how Justin bieber rant about the quality of studio in indonesia

>> No.3814483

The fags still doing clickbaiting. He just never learn do he? How it going with the good anons who are working their hardest to shift through this asshole’s shit to get him a third strike?

>> No.3814571

It's not like they hide the fact they don't write their own lyrics. For example, Kiara herself said 'I wanted to write this part of the lyrics myself'. Usually it says as the song starts who wrote, together with the rest like who produced and whatnot.

>> No.3814582

>other than recording fees, how the fuck does a song cost money?
I hope you are trolling, bro. A song requires these five things:
>Someone to compose it
>Someone to mix it
>Someone to write the lyrics for it
>A place to record it
>Someone to sing it
If it is accompanied by an MV, then it also needs
>Someone to make the MV for it.
If all you are doing is the singing and you want the final result to be good, then you are necessarily going to need to enlist the help of people who are excellent at these other tasks. This is an expensive proposition because guys like Arte Refact are in the same boat as Ina--they have more people requesting their work than they have time unless they make the price for their services very high. While it's certainly possible to reduce the costs involved by taking on some of these tasks yourself, you need to have the skills for it and most people don't. It's why members like Calli, Rikka, and Suisei are impressive for being able to step up in that regard.

>> No.3814596

>Jesus fucking Christ, what is the point of Cover?
Networking. You can't collab with e.g. Korone if you aren't in Hololive, so nobody will ever notice you. Join them, and you'll debut with 100k subscribers.

>> No.3814602

Fuck. Why aren't any other reputable clippers jump in and translate this moment for the fans to see? Why it had to be Otakmori of all clippers!?

>> No.3814653

Get holos who are songwriters. Problem solved

>> No.3814659

retard. it's the opposite. if it wasnt for streamers like miko and korone going viral, cover would still be a no-name company confined to japan. they owe everything to their talent.

>> No.3814662

Motherfucking Otakmori why you

>> No.3814707

lest we forget:
>Someone to play the musical instruments
now some vtubers can play a musical instrument or two

>> No.3814724

Because you'll never clip the yabs that actually show the EOP degenerates how utterly useless Cover truly is. Being unmoored by being a pariah is the only reason this shit exists right now, in all likelihood.

>> No.3814732

So, basically the only point of joining hololive is exposure? And besides that they treat you like shit?

>> No.3814753

>but she won’t edit her own MVs
She's not doing it these days, but she did a great deal of this sort of work in the past. Suisei made the MVs for both Comet and Tenkyuu herself, and she was good enough at it that she did various commissions for other people too. It was one of the ways she was funding her vtuber activities back when she was still independent.

>> No.3814773

They won't treat you like shit, but they will get their protection money.

>> No.3814816

>Someone to compose it
>Someone to mix it
>Someone to write the lyrics for it
>A place to record it
>Someone to sing it

Composer, mixer, songwriter If anything that's what a HolostarsEN should be for. Do things in-house.

>> No.3814820

Speed and sensationalism over quality.
He knows what gets people to click his videos, and ultimately that's what brings in the money.
The good clippers take their time, look deeper into the VOD for context, and provide a more measured approach to topics like this.
Otakmori doesn't do this. Being first on a spicy topic or highlight will generate more views than taking his time.

>> No.3814838

it's a talent agency, and like any other talent agency performers give money to it in exchange for visibility and connections

>> No.3814839

So they will treat you like shit, unless you make money

>> No.3814841

Are covers girls allowed to use crowdfunding? Or does the agency also take a cut?

>> No.3814856

For >>3814602

>> No.3814893

>So, basically the only point of joining hololive is exposure?
Yes. It's an instant foot in the door, in a market where 99% of people will never get that.

>> No.3814920

This is why Gura hasn't released any non-collab music.

>> No.3814925

this honestly sounds like bullshit
Nene had no problem making 2 original songs in the last few months

>> No.3814927

Why are you trying so hard to explain shits to schizos? do you think they will understand the complexity of networking agency can give you? things like concert, merchandise, 3d Debut + anniversary + Animation

>> No.3814932

Cover being useless has been known since forever. At the same time original songs are optional, Cover doesn't mandate the creation of originals and demand they pay for it. This is the biggest giveaway that the idol shtick is a farce, they're paid to stream games, nothing more.

>> No.3814947

>turning into

>> No.3814964

I know, she even did one for Kanata https://youtu.be/tGXZNHNhI0I but I think she’s just way too busy now to edit on her own.

>> No.3814997

I mean, are you actually surprised?

>> No.3815015
File: 153 KB, 500x500, 5F9154C6-B802-4093-BBD3-311FFFF1BB79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who paid for Bouquet?

>> No.3815025
File: 634 KB, 1000x1222, 1591981655057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Haatons do it for free?

>> No.3815039

The same could be said about Niji, but the difference is that compared to Niji where you get neither exposure or money, as you can see from their newer debuts of KR, nor do they get paids, Cover is actually considered a job even if they get minimum wage at best. We also know that the girls does get support on certain things and don’t have to placed in a queue for god knows how long due to the massive amount of whose in the company.

>> No.3815041

Have you guys imagined if Hololive and NijiSanji merged?

At this point, I think cover really needs that help nijisanji had with 3D production, Music department and merch logistics

>> No.3815049

Cover paid for it because it isn’t a personal project

>> No.3815054
File: 151 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3815073

It's a Cover initiative so Cover did

>> No.3815083

Pretty sure Gura could pump one or two out in the past year but held back to see if she could use the cover's music team. That failed, so she's gonna rely on professionals for her songs

>> No.3815108

the oil balon of hololive...

>> No.3815110

I'm in the habit of giving people one chance. It's barely more effort than giving them zero chances, and sometimes they surprise you.

>> No.3815111

Keep in mind that those songs can also be performed to places like TubeOut, Fests and Concerts. So they have a beyond-the-upfront value.

>> No.3815120

She implied pretty heavily that she was coming out with something this month.

>> No.3815124

So is she from a rich family?

>> No.3815151

I understand now, thank you anon

>> No.3815207

Rumoured to have government ties, the indogs who were digging up info got spooked and deleted all the info they had posted at that point in time.

>> No.3815213

She's one of the top earners right now as far as SC. She doesn't have any vice. She pours her money into paying for her dance and singing lessons. Invests in making original music. She also gives money to her parents. Did you see her making a vid for her 2 songs? Nope. You have to buy it to actually listen to it.

>> No.3815217

How does AZKi's situation factor into all of this? She has the most original songs of any Vtuber under Cover, but she belongs to INNK rather than Hololive. Can we assume that INNK paid for all of her songs for her? If so, isn't there the possibility that the recent change in her circumstances (the Route B stuff she was talking about in her latest live) could potentially mean fewer new songs from her in the future?

>> No.3815224

She's the estranged daughter of the Sultan of Indonesia and her family has ties with ISIS and the islamic state. All the tithes from the islamic church funnel directly towards her to fund her cultural conquest, inshallah

>> No.3815258

>Do Haatons do it for free?
No, they pay to do it.

>> No.3815260

This shit is the entertainment biz in general, and it's disgusting. The company absolutely profits from the original works and maintains ownership of it all, but the talent gets the bulk of costs. Record industry is much the same. The sickening side of working with corpos.

>> No.3815267

Influential enough that even Indogs are afraid to doxx her

>> No.3815268

The seanigger doxxers dug her up and wet their pants, backed out from digging deeper saying she's a conglemerates' only daughter.

>> No.3815272

Anyone got a clip of is that isn't OtakMori?

>> No.3815305

Are you telling me Kiara blew all her holo earnings into Hinotori and Heart Challenger?! No wonder she shills them so incredibly hard...

>> No.3815318

Hololive Middle East when?

>> No.3815334

It's already out in the open. You are not looking hard enough if you didn't see it.

>> No.3815342

Well, it's not like they can run a charity over there.

>> No.3815355

Damn, Festival sounds defeated.

>> No.3815365

probably not you

>> No.3815369

lol, without him Suisei Hi Honey would go viral

>> No.3815372

Tbf, the artwork is probably free from Huke so that's one expenditure down

>> No.3815379

>constant sound of gunfire and bomb sirens in the background
>streams cut off weekly from drone strikes
>beheading zatsudan

>> No.3815383

I've read that the talents have more benefits compared to the company itself so it'd good for them. If it weren't, we would've seen talents resigning or graduating early. It's not a black company at least.

>> No.3815409

In Azki case she’s a Vitual Diva so her entire schtick is making music. We already know during the time when Suisei was there with her she has an entire branch and department dedicated to working with her. Its not the same as the other Holomems who are idols but mainly streamers.
Sora also has something similar. I assume its the same as how Kizuna Ai is, with the studio backing her up.

>> No.3815410

>Did you see her making a vid for her 2 songs?

>> No.3815414


yeah this is pretty sus in terms of translation

>> No.3815416

they already are using crowdfunding: the money they get from their fans (i.e: super chat, memberships, merchandise...) is the money Matsuri was talking about, and Cover is already taking a cut out of those, it's how they pay their staff
of course the more musically gifted and oriented vtubers see their studio songs as investments, rather than just an expensive hobby, and for virtual singers in particular, those are the bread and butter of their whole careers
because there is a chance that the silent, cowardly lurkers reading the thread, not the schizos I reply to directly, could benefit from said explanation
that is a great point: between Mori who can and will do everything by herself, and Reine covering all expenses plus the luxury items, there is Haatochama who is basically the CEO of an entertainment company where the employees pay her to work in it (like KFP except they're piggies and it's not a joke)

>> No.3815435

It was like 2am when she streamed according to one of the comments

>> No.3815462

How new? This is the standard price for making music in japan, other indie vtubers have mentioned the pricing before. That's why i always give song covers a few listen.

>> No.3815471
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 1606323760574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3815474

Hinatori was commissioned from Mamaloni, HC is 3D.
Yaeh, Kiara must have burned a bank on Heart Challenger.

>> No.3815507

Funny cause Dubai and most of the middle east countries like Saudi Arabia is richer than those of the Amerifatt’s who live in garbage dumps. In dubai at least we know know homeless people don’t exist cause they’re killed off.

>> No.3815512
File: 286 KB, 623x468, 1541797276010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a song worth 10 million yen sounds like.


>> No.3815514

even later. she started at 2 am and the stream was 2+ hours long

>> No.3815549

what's his name again?

>> No.3815582

I mean it wont be all different with all that earthquake mid stream right? Just with rockets and gunfire

>> No.3815586
File: 278 KB, 1200x1200, 1200x1200bf-60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please listen to Smile & Go if you haven't already.

>> No.3815594 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 540x1080, reine jakarta house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty rich
Her mom youtube channel: https://youtube.com/c/AtiekNurWahyuni

>> No.3815610

>using a character voiced by sugita
Nene aproved

>> No.3815643

HoloPersia would be a good draw too, but calling stable nations the middle east is like saying beverly hills is america

>> No.3815652

Wouldn't it be better and cheaper for Kiara to look for European or North American talent to work with at this point? Because holy shit that's outrageous if she had to pay that much for simple MVs.

>> No.3815662

Suisei said that her life became much easier since she joined Hololive because her manager (who she got from Hololive) does a lot of work for her. Administration, organization, etc. So an joining an agency isn't just about exposure.

>> No.3815736

Are you stupid? A freaking topic is not a music video. We are talking abkut money and expenses. Nene probably threw it all in the song and didn't have any left for mvs

>> No.3815737

>European or North American
yeah let's look for the highest costs of living on earth

>> No.3815754

Not even 200k... poor Flare.

>> No.3815755

They get like what? 100k USD a month? Why the fuck should people care these richfags suffer a little? Jesus christ.

>> No.3815765

This is pretty standard, indies and nijis have talked about this before too.
She has connections to the people she got to make them so she probably didn't pay that much.

>> No.3815768

I mean, most people seem to only think of Palestine, Israel and other shithole third world warzones like Iraq when speaking of middle east. Kinda like how retards think all of Africa is jungles and oingo boingo land when places like South Africa and even fucking Iran actually more stable than most places in leftist garbage states in America. Like assuming every city in America is detroit.

>> No.3815792

1 million yen is $10k lol, they make more with 1 month of memberships alone, or the ads from 1000k views total usually spread in 10 streams or less

>> No.3815836

The funniest thing is that this board still cocksucks Cover

>> No.3815849

that's what I said in my post, maybe they'll settle for HoloArabia since I don't think Iran is going to let in vtubers

>> No.3815851 [DELETED] 
File: 2.41 MB, 1020x1451, 1616958713196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bit like 3 times in the neck by a vampire
>nah im good senpai

are these vampires teeth made of plastic?

>> No.3815864

They can write this off as business expenses and pay less taxes at least

>> No.3815887

Only the top 8 are earning 100k a month. The least is making like 2k a month. This before Cover and YT takes their share. So really, It is probably just the top 3 that earns that much after taxes.

>> No.3815920
File: 1.93 MB, 1170x3242, 1E1OWa5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the top five. Even then
>30% youtube cut
>30% cover cut
>taxman cut
The top bracket will be happy to take 20k home, everyone not in the top 10 is fighting for scraps.

>> No.3815924

Most anon here still have difficulty telling Indonesia(ID) and India(IN) apart, so i cant really blame them... that said, its not wrong to think middle east as unstable place since most are actually at shooting war with this or that group or nation.

>> No.3815927


>> No.3815955

>homeless people don’t exist cause they’re killed off.

>> No.3815958

Technically doesn't even need HolostarsEN
Rikka's not only composed three songs (well, two and a half considering Spiral Tones is partially Mori's) for himself but has apparently also composed songs for an anime a few weeks ago. Not sure about his roommate though since I don't really monitor the guy that much.
As for mixing, I'd say Izuru can handle that considering the mixing he did for his Aishite x3 cover was pretty good and a step up from his old self-mixing on his roommate account. The only thing pretty much stopping him is the fact that he has to deal with university so he can't really devote much time to it.

Now that I think about it, it would be pretty interesting if Cover could strike up something with INNK to actually help all of their talents with songs whether it be covers or original songs. Maybe they could even sign some of their talents to actual record labels like Nijisanji did with their own talents?

>> No.3815961

Great. You fucking notice that. Now notice also that mostly the rich chuubas make MV and they're the one complaining. Why the fuck should people care again?

>> No.3815982

>$10k to make a song amv
>most songs reach 1000k views in a month or two
>not even counting the exposure to all of their other content
I'd call that an investment

>> No.3816003

I considered of course adsense, merch and sponsorships. But not a lot are doing any these days. So maybe the top 3 still earned 100k more or less.

>> No.3816029

INNK is now fully owned by cover after upd8 dissolved. As for record labels, im pretty sure sora albums are signed with such.

>> No.3816094

>beheading zatsudan
Finally some fresh content, would watch.

>> No.3816095

Flare is such a paradox. I love her singing, and she's fantastic at it too. Yet whenever she formally performs (i.e. concerts and covers, not karaoke) she's always choosing songs that don't really let her flex how good she really is. I guess it's just her taste in songs? It's a curious thing.

>> No.3816105

I haven't heard anyone if them complaining though. Matsuri herself was just explaining why an original song is way harder than a cover because of the expense involved. You are fucking mental.

>> No.3816135

As expected of a clipfag retard, the Op doesn't know how to calculate how many months it takes for an amv to pay itself

>> No.3816137

>South Africa
They literally have daily Internet and electricity outages lmao

>> No.3816151
File: 202 KB, 1169x717, 1128061419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Matsuri ain't part of that club.

>> No.3816165

If we go by what Polkahime said before in an interview, superchats are not where they're making most of their money.

>> No.3816219

Lol matsuri has her own CEO to shill her merch. And you think she is nor part of that club?

>> No.3816225

Then stop acting like it is a bad thing. These vtubers are literally the top 20% of income earners. Heck, some of them are even the top 10%. You shouldn't be mad at Cover. You shouldn't pity these vtubers. They have the fucking money to do it. They are fucking rich. You are fucking not.

>> No.3816240

The only difference between indonesia and india is most indogs have internet, the actual populations are indistinguishable in behavior

>> No.3816242

Out of the loop on that one, what was the info? Also, there is a difference between how Hololive, Nijisanji and upd8 make their money.
Niji are and Upd8 were very big on merch.

>> No.3816260

This is probably why someone like Mori is such a boon to the company as she's capable of organizing or even performing most of these tasks herself without much input. I mean how many other idols have reached the top spot of any worldwide charts with their songs?

>> No.3816267

Matsuri is doing a lot. Covers, the concert with Gen1. She's appeading on TV and stuff. Merch as well. She's fine.

>> No.3816306

Ads, merch and sponsors are pretty good sources of income, it's why Fubuki just streams whatever she pleases since she has lucrative appearances, deals and sponsorships.
Just imagine how much she got for Sakura Kakumei, they were practically burning money since they anticipated it would be a FGO level cashcow.

>> No.3816353

She's getting ripped off if that's true.

>> No.3816365

Have you seen how much money they fucking make?

>> No.3816375

Add money, membership, merch, basic wage and some sponsorships.
Holos are more then fine.

>> No.3816388

What is a topic exactly? Are they official?

>> No.3816390

Who says I am mad at Cover? Don't you know how to fucking follow a thread response? Just because you thought these girls earn 100k a month all your logic is right. Matsuri will probably have to give up 1/2 to 1/3 of her monthly pay for 1 music cover. And for one original song would probably be 3 months worth of salary for her. That is the topic. Sheesh. Take your pills.

>> No.3816398

Ahhh, Sakura Kakumei, yeah Capcom fucked up investing on DW who only got carried by Fate. What an ancient game like that needs is a fresh take on gacha like the Uma Musume

>> No.3816425

I know that there are a few in Niji that don’t enable superchat and membership since they sell voice packs and other merch, and considering how YT don’t get a cut, it make sense they get more from it. Hololive the merch’s profit also divided more towards the Holos.

>> No.3816458

After their independence, the Indonesian government quickly became victim to a military dictatorship that lasted decades and still has massive influence today, check out the documentary "Jagal" if you're interested.
Her family is part of this military dictatorship.

>> No.3816474

Yeah but I do think they could also start handling at least original songs for the rest of the talents, not just Sora and AZKI
Would be a waste to have a music label handled by your own company but is only utilized by one or two talents

>> No.3816476

That's not even necessary if you're doing pop. DAWs are advanced enough that you can produce a score at a high enough quality that you wouldn't even notice it's a real band. Band composition is only good for concerts so that you can fill in the dead space or give the music being sung an extra special feel of being live.

>> No.3816477

Oh no. A whole MV for like only 1-3 months of my salary. If I save up, I can have one every fucking year. Or even twice a year. Oh pity me my fans. I have to make one every month. Oh wait.

>> No.3816500

Cough, 2nd fes song which she said was Noel's favorite is actually the farthest fit for her voice.

Granted i did love School Rumble so i fangirled still https://youtu.be/z5bmn10fKXc

>> No.3816529

It's sort of a marketing tool to push your music on YT. Cover probably set that up for her since it has to be approved by an official source. The profits still goes to the original source. I wished nene made an mv for it. No matter how stupid looking it will look like.

>> No.3816534

Shouldn't they make some of the money back form MV?

>> No.3816568

Matsuri is honestly exaggerating here I feel, costs would only reach into the tens of millions of yen if you literally hired only the biggest names in the industry to do every step of the process for you. A million or two is enough money to put out a decent original song with some recognizable names.

>> No.3816578

Remember Suisei brokedowm in a stream because of how neglected she was when she was in INNK

>> No.3816600
File: 104 KB, 600x599, Polka me ms paint edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this out of my own pocket money and just released it, please support all polkas around the world.

>> No.3816613

Sora is handled by Nipper pals at JVCKenwood, but yeah, to best of my knowledge the rest is handled by cover (I recalled few singles done by other labels such as PekoMiko Dai Sensou was put up by Marvelous, but that's about it).

>> No.3816633

no. enlighten us.

>> No.3816643

She kinda produce the song though, she is really demanding on that kind of things

>> No.3816648

When did Matsuri become such a whistleblower? The little slattern should be grateful she's been given the opportunity to work for the biggest fed in the business. She should just be happy to be here.

>> No.3816661

If you were Ayame, Suisei or Aqua sure. They get 1M in one week but if you were Aki. Not really.

>> No.3816688

Oh, look, another shitty bait thread based on a mistranslated clip.

>> No.3816690

If you're talking about ad money then no because ads on youtube are pretty worthless nowadays.

>> No.3816739

Ah thank you, good to know it's official.

>> No.3816748

Its on a video about sui-chan story from her indie days. but summary :
> Suisei is looking to join agency
> Applied to holo, but got rejected
> Stubbornly asked them to reconsider again and got accepted to INNK
> INNK probably dont expect to have more than one member
> The shitshow happen until she join hololive main branch

>> No.3816806

Jesus christ and I thought Kiara gets horrible views on her songs.

>> No.3816814

It's not as if fucking Tokyo is any better. It's literally the third most expensive city in Asia.

>> No.3816854

>Are you telling me Kiara blew all her holo earnings into Hinotori and Heart Challenger?! No wonder she shills them so incredibly hard...

I dunno but she has explicitly mentioned before that if not enough people watch it then it won't "pay itself". So yeah it probably does cost a significant amount.

>> No.3816892

I don't support lesbians. I don't support idol songs. Better go watch some good electro swing songs. https://youtu.be/_TTqjLv0PYI

>> No.3816912

Into the trash

>> No.3816933

Considering what the rest of Cover's operation was like at the time, INNK probably didn't have enough resources to be able to produce AZKi and Suisei simultaneously, particularly given that Suisei was very close to being a last minute spontaneous hire.

>> No.3816984

Isn't Noel rich as well? I don't see her products or songs much though

>> No.3817003

To be fair, Kiara's got more subscribers than both Flare and Aki so there's more people aware of and viewing Kiara's songs than there are people aware of the latter two's...
With that being said, stream Shallys!

>> No.3817044 [DELETED] 

Basically what >>3816633 mentioned.
Suisei at the time was placed into INNK but that branch was already putting most of their focus on AzKi and weren't prepared to handle 2 idols so Suisei got the very short end of the stick for about an entire year to the point she wanted to quit. One of the song she made was even about her time there and how frustrated she was.
This was suppose to be her swan song, where she wanted to quit entirely after. But luckily she finally got a break when Cover stumbled upon one of her collabs in project winter and Yagoo decided to transfer her over to Hololive, even giving her a new model and asking her to be one of their streamers.

>> No.3817051

It was still shitty to set her aside like that. I'm just glad Matsuri and the other girls dragged her in games and stuff. She was far better off in Hololive.

>> No.3817075


>> No.3817120

Basically what >>3815409 mentioned.
Suisei at the time was placed into INNK but that branch was already putting most of their focus on AzKi and weren't prepared to handle 2 idols so Suisei got the very short end of the stick for about an entire year to the point she wanted to quit. One of the song she made was even about her time there and how frustrated she was.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLak0dxBKpM [Embed]
This was suppose to be her swan song, where she wanted to quit entirely after. But luckily she finally got a break when Cover stumbled upon one of her collabs (it was project winters, I think) and Yagoo decided to transfer her over to Hololive, even giving her a new model and asking her to be one of their streamers.

>> No.3817134

Has the views for Shallys gone up a noticeable amount since Heart Challenger hit 1M?

>> No.3817164

If you watch Suisei's interview with Tamaki, I am just glad Suisei got support from the hologirls. Everything became so fast paced afterwards. She hasn't stopped since.

>> No.3817170
File: 29 KB, 207x805, 1609040005267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are scraped member numbers. HoloEN are doing great, sure, if that gigantic member burst didn't unsub after the honeymoon months. The JPs are another story.
Being generous and allocating Matsuri that count since the start, and using the gauge of 1/3 going to the girls after YT and Cover cuts, she makes 2.2K a month from memberships, or 77K total in the last 3 years. Add on the ~800K USD from her SC earnings, that's 266K into her pocket over 3 years, or about 88K a year. So that's 110K a year before taxes. Obviously that's nothing to sneeze at, but many other jobs in CS, law, etc can eclipse her earnings and still be guaranteed a smooth career path into retirement. If Cover goes down, most of the holos face an uncertain future.
Add on that you have to put some of that back into your work, it definitely does sting. And it's not like Matsuri's a bottom-hitter, she's the 12th most SCed channel in the world.
Money from ads isn't that much either, for a million views you're looking at around 3-5K in returns, probably less for chuubas given the subject matter.
I'm not saying that they don't have the money to do it, though. Obviously this doesn't factor in sponsorships and merch. But even then a pimply dude sitting on his arse at Facebook rewriting their shitty messenger is probably outearning these "famous rich chuubas" and will keep doing so for decades, while it's uncertain if the top vtubers will still be pulling these numbers after five years.

>> No.3817178

Considering INNK was partially under upd8 at the time, I'm not surprised that their management was shit towards Sui back then (and maybe even towards AZKI but who knows).

>> No.3817215

>Kiara more members than Kiara
Couldn't be faker if you tried.

>> No.3817230

I believe the views got boosted by ID SEAnigger and EOP fans after risu sang it twice during her 1st anniversary stream

>> No.3817234

How the hell does it cost millions of yen? I can't imagine it costing $10k+ USD for a single song. Writing / production is the most expensive part and the pros I know charge $2-3k tops for that unless they're a producer with serious weight behind their name such as Max Martin.
Tens of millions for a video? They're not spending $100k+ USD for a single MMD style video. These things don't cost that much ANYWHERE except for major label artists.
Either Festival is full of shit or Cover is retarded

>> No.3817288

Well duh, we already know that Cover corp is not helping girls on making their content.
Their literally just give them Iphones, advertisement campaign, basic legal protection and rent VR gear sometimes.
Literally everything else is from their own pockets and their own work. But i guess not every person is intelligent enough to figure that out lol.

>> No.3817289

>But even then a pimply dude sitting on his arse at Facebook rewriting their shitty messenger is probably outearning these "famous rich chuubas"
You're crazy if you think they are earning 100k/year.

>> No.3817302

>Either Festival is full of shit or Cover is retarded
I wouldn't trust menhera with anything.

>> No.3817314

If the Holos have to pay for songs themselves, why is Cover taking 30% off the top on SC?

>> No.3817318

>Writing / production is the most expensive part and the pros I know charge $2-3k tops
There's probably one guy doing the lyrics and one guy doing the music, so that' up to 6k by your estimate.
Then you throw in the cost of an animated video. For ~3 minute animation.

>> No.3817345

I hope they are making smart choices atleast

>> No.3817358

I know a guy in Telecom that was earning 120k/year, eight years ago.

>> No.3817432

If anything that's a lowball estimate.

>> No.3817439

(cont, lol) That's also Why Hololive girls kinda won when Mori from all people was hired and everybody and your mom is salivating to her. She's all-rounder that can make practically entire music video on her own so being her friend is extremely useful. That's exactly why if you would look deeper you will discover that everyone in Hololive EN has some skills beyond being mildly entertaining - You have all-rounder, artist, TWO video editor specialists and probably Kiara also has some ace in her sleeve. They were hired as much for being EN Hololive girls as for being cheap tech support for each other.

>> No.3817517

>pay for their songs
>pay for their bathroom fees
>pay for the HRT
>pay for their adult entertainment
>pay for their superchats
>pay for their piss bottles
>pay for their FGO arts looping farming
>pay for their cosplaying
>pay for their shitposting
>pay for their Iyger restraining orders
>pay for their medications
>pay for their Lo-Fi beats to study to

>> No.3817528

Matsuri's getting ripped off. $60K is what it costs to produce for a star vocalist or band per song. None of the Hololive talents warrant that level of backing staff.

>> No.3817530

Matsuri didn't say 100k all in. She was just listing how much it would be for 1 song which is probably 10k to 20k. They are not hiring nobodies btw. And then add in the MV cost. Just look at Towa's MV. How much do you think that cost? And also, it's JPY not USD

>> No.3817551

Yeah, now if only they are not like thousand miles apart from each other lol

>> No.3817553 [DELETED] 

Even with real recording for musicians, its not cheap. Cause you have to remember they gotta pay for a ton of shit like staff, studio to record it in, instruments, production values like artwork and such(these are especially not cheap) , advertisements (although since it might be youtube it's not as much) and a bunch of others like if its a original song like copyrights. And this isn't all done in a single day since it might take weeks or months to do so even if all that is only about 1000 per day, in a week or so it will add up. A million yen would be about 9000$ or so if we converted, based on the current rate.

>> No.3817558

200K after stock bonuses is more likely

>> No.3817591

>And besides that they treat you like shit?
they are not nijisanji

>> No.3817595

Even with real recording for musicians, its not cheap. Cause you have to remember they gotta pay for a ton of shit like staff, studio to record it in, instruments, production values like artwork and such(these are especially not cheap) , advertisements (although since it might be youtube it's not as much) and a bunch of others like if its a original song like copyrights. And this isn't all done in a single day since it might take weeks or months to do so even if all that is only about 1000 per day, in a week or so it will add up. A million yen would be about 9000$ or so if we converted, based on the current rate. Also, even real artist with albums they only make a small percentage of the profit when they release a label since most once again goes to the production team/company that helped them.

>> No.3817608

What does that have to do with the songs? Supposedly they take nearly everything from original song revenue if they are the ones paying for it

>> No.3817624

Yes because we have 90s and internet is not good enough to send ~1-2GB maximum files between two places.
I... should post here brainlet wojak and say "that's you" but desu i hate that meme.

>> No.3817633

>Just look at Towa's MV. How much do you think that cost?
Kakage just asked for a night with towa

>> No.3817639

Not that anon but the difference between your friend and the talents is that your friend didn't have to get a payment cut by not only Youtube but also Cover

>> No.3817645

Is this real or a rrat? Because damn that's good then

>> No.3817661

Much moni, much tv, much authority.

>> No.3817758


>> No.3817781

Sending 1-2GB of shit isn't instantanous, dum dum. it still takes time to upload and send, and it takes time to make sure everything like audio is correct and it might take entire days or weeks. They aren't making songs through discord mics.

>> No.3817831

I don't understand Japanese but I'm gambling that he mistranslated some shit and am reporting this to Cover. He's one strike away from being shut down.

>> No.3817854

>he doesn't know
Sillicon Valley is so fucked up that corporations engage in e-peen contests to see which one will pay the most to get which techie. Most of those jobs are earning upwards of $150k/yr.

It doesn't matter anyway since they have to blow all that cash paying $3k-$5k on what amounts to an entry level apartment.

>> No.3817886

She needs money to spend on Hoshikawa, please understand

>> No.3817888

Cover kind of treats talents like shit. It's just that the talents hold A LOT more power then a Nijisanji talent meaning they can and have told managers and Cover to fuck off with their bullshit.

>> No.3817939

I kneel Reine-sama.

>> No.3817949

Two more because the first one (Aloe shit) was already expired dumdum

>> No.3817993

I bet you're the type of nigga that thinks pop stars write their own songs

>> No.3817995

It’s why Kiara always stressed, buy their merch and music they got most of the money. If you have to, send a SC.

>> No.3818008

He got struck for the Marine/Miko BL doujin clip and for a clip of Miko leaking her Steam profile in the past two months

>> No.3818011

We heard more stories about the girls liking their managers a lot than stories about the managers treating them like shit, the only examples that get brought up are mel's and lamy's previous managers

>> No.3818055

Thanks anon. i don't watch chicken (Insert roast here) so this helps, i'll support my oshi more especially when she puts out.

>> No.3818058

Nah, He got caught with 2 strikes due to one being uploading the vid of Marine talking about an doujin, that although they apologized, he uploaded to start controversal shit. The second one was recently when he reupload with big ass clickbait title about Miko accidentally revealing a member's steam account and got butfucked by Cover and tried to score pity points here on 4chan but nobody was buying his bullshit. He's missing one more strike.

>> No.3818074

Bruh 760k views? That's actually really respectable. I feel like I remember seeing this barely passed 100k.
Good job people. It's a great song.

>> No.3818096

I hate SC due to youtube but I did take part in buying merchs from her. Kiara is actually the only one I ever brought merch from and I'm not even a KFP. I just like her.

>> No.3818102

Ah, Lamy's manager, I wonder if he's enjoying living in the bay with his brand new concrete shoes.

>> No.3818121

Well keep in mind I did say MMD style videos, which is what most of their videos are, or glorified lyric videos which are usually relatively inexpensive. Palette was a rare instance of full animation and now doubt that was more expensive than usual.
And I'm converting to USD just so retards can grasp how much money is being talked about, and they're definitely not spending tens of millions of yen on this stuff.

Sure, but like I said, if Cover is spending these giant amounts of money to record a song, they're retarded. It means they're not working efficiently, and frankly they should probably get an in-house team contracted to keep costs as low as possible. Most of these songs are electronic based, whether it's purely synths or MIDI instruments, meaning that the majority of songs are being made by one guy. The majority of producers in the modern age are also kind of one-man-studios in that they usually also mix the thing, might master it themselves or ship it off to someone else. One producer I used to talk to had a contract with Universal Records and he charged $1400 for a full production / mix job. Production is the most expensive part. Most recording will let you rent full days or book package sessions for cheap. You'd be surprised how little time artists actually spend in the recording process. If it's just a vocalist, they can be in and out of the studio with some good takes ready to send to the producer in as little as an hour.

>> No.3818131
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1483987502881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report this video to Cover and end this faggot's career. He already got two strikes. Do it for your oshi

>> No.3818156

How much ownership do the vtubers actually have to their own songs?
For example, when Mori graduates can her roommate freely use the songs she made while in Hololive? Or would she need Cover's permission to use the songs that she wrote and paid for entirely out of her own pocket, just because they were made as "Mori"?

>> No.3818175

I know about the Miko one because he bitched like an idiot in his community tab and rightfully got laughed at but the Miko-Marine drama too?

Man he sucks and cover probably wants anyone but him to translate yabs because he's already sensationalizing normal shit like this Matsuri talking about original songs. Yeah, report that shit

>> No.3818179

I sent a report just in case it's enough for him to get struck

>> No.3818202

Streaming their music also helps. Spotify iirc is $3k~ per 1m plays.
Mori has made around $60-70k last I checked just off Spotify plays.

>> No.3818235

Despite her autism, she seems smart. I'm sure she has a clause in her contract which specifies that she'll retain the rights, but likely that Cover has exclusive distribution rights for a set period of time after her graduation. This kind of contract isn't uncommon for major labels, they just want the rights for as long as they feel the work will be profitable.

>> No.3818236

As far as I can tell. The talents seem to have ownership of the songs that they release on their own bank. Wasn't there a story involving Polka wanting to sell her original song to Cover in order to have it available on Spotify? Was that true or a rrat?

>> No.3818246

>For example, when Mori graduates can her roommate freely use the songs she made while in Hololive?
We don't know the answer to that, but there is no way that'd be allowed. At the very least Cover owns the character of Mori.

>> No.3818268

Anon, do you not know how the music industry works?

>> No.3818299

yeah instead you rolling the chance for a manager that wants to rape you kek

>> No.3818319

Spotify pays $0.006 per stream, granted that the listener sticks around for longer than 30 seconds. It's a pretty shit payout rate and is basically giving music away for free, which is why some major artists choose not to put anything on there.
Assuming all 1m of those plays stuck around to trigger the payout (they didn't), she would make roughly $6,000.

>> No.3818358

Okay but Cover IS probably retarded. They didn't actually start out intending to be an idol company, they intended to be a tech company. They went from making a VR table tennis game to making an AR streaming app and then to focusing on their talents. That's why they hired holos as part-time jobs, they were supposed to showcase their tech so other people would be tempted to license it like FaceRig. It just so happened that their salespeople took off way harder than they thought and they instantly pivoted into idolstuff. But even this only happened since what, the beginning of 2019? Cover is basically a 2 year-old company, likely with a lot of baggage since being Japanese, they don't fire anyone. The heart of their company are still people who know their way around APIs better than DAWs, and their most recent problems like the holocaust and Taiwan definitely have had their priorities focused elsewhere, like getting a manager who knows the difference between privating and deleting videos.

>> No.3818374

Yeah... it's a tossup of a cool dude/gal like Fubuki's manager who lent her money to do more gacha since her bank locked her out due to overspending, a sourpuss like Enma, or a rapist.

>> No.3818406

This song costs MILLIONS of dollars

>> No.3818433

Don't fall for her lies.
She's raising money to build her own Epstein's Orgy Island.

>> No.3818456

I recognize this thumbnail layout. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.3818458

I just watched the video and there's really nothing wrong with the translation.

>> No.3818463

She did Tsukiakari too

>> No.3818466

thats why they quit already right? stop being a retard, if someone treats you like shit you just quit

>> No.3818468

Speaking of, aside from the widely known managers like A-chan, Shinove, Jenma, Enma, Jchad, MaID-chan, S-chan(?), and Lamy's and Mel's ex-managers, how many other managers are there?

>> No.3818515

Thousands of gachikois

>> No.3818524

>He thinks she hasn't already done that
The underground sex dungeons need new slaves and they're running out of lube. She also need to upgrade some of the outdated sex toys with newer, more better ones that can go all the way up the butt.

>> No.3818564

There's at least one for every generation. One for every major money maker. Some holos share managers and some don't. I think it all comes down to what demands the Holos have.

>> No.3818576

There's also Polka's (cute) manager https://youtu.be/0lO9mAs0bBM

>> No.3818577

sure begging your audience to buy your merch and yet still having to quit streaming cause you cant afford enough to pay your hospital bills its far better, never forget how low tier nijis are treat like dispensable goods

>> No.3818610

Kinda weird that they don't quit, then.
The schizos have more to compain about Cover than the girls themselves.

>> No.3818616

Imagine having one of your best singers backed while doing nothing for an entire year and almost quitting because that, sometimes life is unfair

>> No.3818621

The ideal we can think of is 1 per talent. But given the cheapstake that cover is, probably 2 or 3 with every gen. 1 out of the 3 focusing on the most talented/influential girl.

Like Fubuki for 1st gen, girl got a lot of sponsors and deals

Aqua for 2nd gen, does a lot of solo concert and cover songs

For third gen, though all are powerhouses , only Pekora and Marine gets most of the deals

4th gen underperforms on the non-streaming ventures imo so i dunno who gets a personal manager here, maybe Coco because she needs all the help.

5th gen is probably Botan, girl has sponsor almost every week yo

EN we know it's Calli and Ina

>> No.3818623

A-chan is not a manager

>> No.3818667


>> No.3818671

Good analysis anon, and probably true

>> No.3818715

Yeah, she's a highly paid and skilled gopher. The Roboco Holotalk shared that A-chan was the song writer for Roboco's song, and she does a lot more stuff behind the scenes also yeah, she denied the Manegerial position rrat

>> No.3818718

Everyone has mandatory insurance in Japan.

>> No.3818749

What's the story with Lamy's manager?

>> No.3818753

>left siedo right siedo

>> No.3818760

>You have to buy it to actually listen to it.
>post a link official where you can listen to it for free

>> No.3818765

Heroine audition...
Fuck if it does cost like $10k to produce songs then aki was probably paying those from her own pocket since she didn't even make $10K her first year with all her misfortunes. Spending $10k on a MV with quality like Shallys and not even hitting 1Mil views after almost 2 years while other people's covers can reach that in a week must be disheartening

>> No.3818791

It doesn't make your hospital bills free

>> No.3818816

Obviously it has to be a lie, some rando on the internet knows more about the subject than those who are affected by it.

>> No.3818825

She's paying her vocal instructors to not walk out on her.

>> No.3818833

Sounds pretty normal to me, the ones who do not have the talent to do it themselves have to pay for someone to do it for them.

>> No.3818843

Sure buddy.

>> No.3818849

Told her she's not allowed to collab with anyone because no one is compatible with her
Lamy had him replaced very quickly

>> No.3818854

Not analysis, Yagoo literally said it in an interview

>> No.3818876

Anon they play gacha games.

>> No.3818886

Spoon feeding time. That’s from her non-holo activities anon

>> No.3818924

Kek where does Cover find these clowns

>> No.3818954

Point out what's wrong, then. You can't even speak a lick of japanese.
The only thing sketchy is the clickbait thumbnail, especially to an audience of retards like (You) that don't know the exchange rate of yen to US dollar.

>> No.3819005

In the case of this guy, probably from the bottom of Tokyo Bay

>> No.3819018

Probably legacy manager cover wanted to get rid of.

>> No.3819044

It's YouTube's Spotify version

>> No.3819046

Should have known Yakuza was actually a documentary about Cover. Yagoo is Kazuma Kiryuu.

>> No.3819055

The original gen 5 was a complete assclown, not only he failed to tardwrangle Nene to not doxx fucking everyone and failed to ensure that Aloe had sanitized her twitter before debut but when Lammy asked who she should collab first he told her that she should hold backnon collabs because her personality wasn't compatible with any other member.

And that's why he's sleeping at the bottom of the Tokyo bay in a comfy contrete-filled drum now

>> No.3819056

I can't imagine anyone translating this wrong, even machines. It's just talking about numbers
If this dude can't even translate money correctly there is no hope for him. But yeah the clickbait thumbnail intentionally using Yen instead of dollars to make it seem like a bigger number is some bullshit he usually does.

>> No.3819062

Well, Upd8 managers had to go somewhere.
This is a rrat.

>> No.3819073

Nah the rrat is that lamy is daughter to some yakuza because of the amount of money she was able to borrow from her dad

>> No.3819087

So does this mean the 1th gen original song recently released song was something the holos paid out of their own pocket?

For that matter, are all the concerts something they must finance, even if Cover take care of the administrative side?

>> No.3819094

Well that certainly explained why even Kizuna Ai bowed to her.

>> No.3819096

Can't imagine it being all the same people. They should have at least 2 managers based on the stories alone from Polka and Lamy.

>> No.3819109

She actually talked about her family during a stream, her dad apparently founded his own company and is the owner and CEO (sure Lamy, a 'company') and her siblings are a lawyer and doctor who drink twice as much as she does.

>> No.3819114

Might be true since Japanese as an anon said have Nepotism and the Upd8 INNK alliance being dissolved means that Cover took pity on the employees and assigned them to the new gens

>> No.3819120

No. These are Hololive projects so cover pays for those.

>> No.3819141
File: 29 KB, 794x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retarded matsuri, her numbers are exaggerated. Hololive is not Bieber level of being famous for a song to cost up to $100k

>> No.3819143

Anonchama, artistry isn't a fungible thing. Even if they have homegrown artists, they may want very specific genres, or very specific styles, that only certain artists possess.

>> No.3819159

No, Bloom songs and things under hololive Idol Project are all from Cover. Sololive are personal projects (but might still be partly supported)

>> No.3819170

Lamy’s dad is Tanigo Motoaki

>> No.3819171

Music streaming and sales pays like shit. Reason why artists since forever have gone on concert tours is because that's how they make their money.

>> No.3819174

I think 10k seems about right.

She's probably talking about the songs that get published and have to go through all the record label nonsense nowadays. In the US atleast, most record labels usually have a person, a team of people, or whole departments dedicated to this sorta stuff. While Cover probably doesn't, have a FULL time legal team specifically for music, they probably have some attorneys on retainer or atleast have someone to call to help settle this shit.

Lawyers and paralegals cost mucho dinero. Probably equivalent or more than what it cost to produce the song. Gotta remember Cover ain't putting mixtapes on soundcloud or letting them publish indie style, it's a company and probably wants to batten down all the hatches for this sorta stuff. Plus it's Japanese and shit over there is way more complicated than it needs to be sometimes.

>> No.3819183

Right the Company being the yakuza that he started after massacring all the other clans. And he forced his 2 elders to be a lawyer to cover up his messes and a doctor to treat his wounded. They drink daily to forget the horrible things they do for their father. Lamy is the youngest so he dotes on her a lot after realizing the mistakes he committed as a father to the elder 2 siblings. .

>> No.3819207

Their subpar power point quality MV would probably just cost $5k max to animate

>> No.3819214

And they don't make money from the tickets but the merch from people going to these concerts. So buy the merch.

>> No.3819216

Can we replace Enma too already? She's the only manager retarded enough to bar a collab between gens.

Heck, even Haachama is not allowed in EN minecraft? That's why she did that schizo shit about training more in English to be worth the EN name then dipped and never collabed with the girls. (this is a rrat btw)

>> No.3819218
File: 1.98 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only her family, yukimins too

>> No.3819220

What the fuck does Cover's cut go towards? Unironically what does Cover spend their own money on?

>> No.3819229

>lamy's ex manager
what's this rat?

>> No.3819241

Maybe for music production but once you add animated Mvs to the mix that can get insanely expensive. I could easily believe six figures once all costs were included especially if there are delays or revisions.

>> No.3819251

Holy shit some of her supporters could just be her father forcing his yakuza underlings to watch her streams

>> No.3819258

Yeah we know that Polka has her own manager, but I can easily see the same guy who didn't even check Aloe's twitcast to make sure she deleted her test streams before debut telling Lamy she's not compatible with hololive

>> No.3819269

it's in this thread just follow the responses

>> No.3819270

>They don't need to pay anybody to sing someone elses songs
They do. If they want to do a Cover they have to pay the original artist for righs and some artist doesnt give rights don't matter how much You pay. Also You can't profit or gain money for the cover.
Kiara explained how the Takamori cover was supposed to be another song but the original artist asked for an amount of money that they couldnt pay

>> No.3819276

Scroll up lazy ass anon, or scroll down in this case since you replied to that

>> No.3819281

I would bet money from what we know, that the Holo's own more of their songs than artists in the mainstream music industry, who are given "take it or leave it" contracts where the label owns the masters and locks them in for what is usually a halfdozen or more albums. It's why you hear the chestnut about bands making their money from touring rather than the actual music releases.
Also, this is hololive we're talking about, Yagoo is obviously a big fucking nerd who just happened to luck into "making anime girls real" when it wasn't even his intention. There's likely a dearth of real experience in the entertainment industry. And while it's a success, it's also not a gigantic company that can afford to pour huge amounts of money into things that are potentially unprofitable, which is what music is.
For a holo who might be a decent singer but can't write music, or play instruments, or actually edit/produce a song, animate a music video they basically have to do the whole thing from scratch with other hires, and that's expensive, for a song that might not go anywhere.
Perhaps the only benefit might be that all these expenses can be written off for tax purposes, since it's their job.

>> No.3819285


>> No.3819286

after a long day beating up people one have to relax and enjoy ojou´s stream

>> No.3819288

Nah, if you want the number from Western singers like Rihanna, you're looking at $78k just for the music, and then perhaps $1 million to promote it to everyone. The average studio music video budget is $200,000 — $500,000.

$10,000 is shockingly cheap, and that's because there is no live action or camera work, and usually just a bunch of 2D images for anime girls.


>> No.3819289


>> No.3819290

What kind of producer charges $250 for a song, that represents 1-1.5 days worth of skilled labor in a first world country. People ain't cheap yo.

>> No.3819296

Paying managers, support staff for 3D, the official hololive concerts and songs and expenses towards these concerts like dance lessons and so on. Also probably investing in their "tech" (kek)

>> No.3819300

She actually mentioned she was the youngest and her father let her do whatever she wanted and would arrange it so she could. Like getting lessons on how to use an obscure Japanese instrument with very few masters alive in the whole world.

>> No.3819308

Probably paying staff and their development of 3D tech. Hololive is still a subbranch, just that it gotten really popular to the point it dominated. Kinda like fortnite. Infact, now that I think about it, vtubing really is just like the battle royal genre. Niji is PUBG, Holo is fortnite and all the other chuubas flooding the market are battle royal games based on the two.

>> No.3819325

If you're a young no-name then doing a single song for $250 is better than $0.

>> No.3819353

Can confirm. I love ojou's streams. They heal me up after her father's daily beatings.

>> No.3819377

Why would these girls hire young no-names lmao

>> No.3819401

Lawyers. Administrators. Managers. Tech back-end. Maintaining standards, which sounds sort of silly but is part of what separates them from the crowd and makes them successsful.

As much as we joke the managers do nothing I don't think Ame really wants to negotiate streaming rights with say Capcom, especially considering she doesn't actually speak, read, or write Japanese. Or find artists and riggers for her new outfits. Some of the best artists, like Ina, will only take work from corporations.

Of course she could be an indie, have a decent size audience, and not worry about it. But joining Cover immediately multiplies your audience and income dramatically. Ame went from a literal who to making six figures overnight. Assuming she's at all smart about it the second she debuted with Cover she was literally set for life.

>> No.3819430

You're probably more right than you think
A-chan recently told people they could do whatever they want with the music, basically the stance is that they're just gonna put it out there and derivative works are fine regardless of what it is, which is pretty lax compared to most other music-based companies

>> No.3819440

Ame wouldn't have to negotiate rights because she can stream whatever she wants since there is no japanese copyright laws blocking her

>> No.3819448

Pretty much this. Getting into Hololive is like getting the golden ticket right now, instant success overnight and no need to worry about money anymore.

>> No.3819450

who said anything about the holo's?

>> No.3819453

And nowadays suisei just spent hundreds thousands of yen for a glorified jpeg lmao

>> No.3819488

I beleeb. This isn't actually that unreasonable to think of. COVER would of course look for people with "experience in the industry". And who else would be "experienced" and be looking for work? How else do you think they expanded from 40 staff to 150+ within a year? Nobody is going through all that resume and interviews.
Also, Cover is retarted

>> No.3819566

Get big enough and the sharks will come for your money. Countless youtubers closed shop because their video got demonetized overnight for 10 seconds of copyrighted music or image in their content.

>> No.3819575

Where did you get the number of staff from?

>> No.3819577

This also explains why they can seem so damn lazy sometimes. If you go from working in retail and doing some random creative projects on the side to making 20K/month there's very little motivation to kill yourself to make 30K/month, unless you have a pathological need to work like Mori.

Heck once your family sniffs it out and sob stories come out of the woodwork more money doesn't necessarily make life better. Why not just take it easy, make more money in a month than you made in the last year, and have fun playing video games and chatting instead?

>> No.3819581

There is since she works for Cover, a company in Japan

>> No.3819582
File: 61 KB, 1200x900, kiryuu chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have paid the protection money on time. When will you fools ever learn?

>> No.3819583

You can get an idea by looking at what they're hiring for now.
Cover reports that it has 154 employees. I really hope that all the holo branches are included in that count, or else they are severely overstaffed right now. Going down the list:

Management-related: Accounting staff, recruiters, legal affairs officers, general affairs manager, operations director, talent managers

Production: In-house translators, Unity developers, server-side developers (PHP/Python/Go with AWS + Git - special mention of job desc here: Spam detection app, kek), Live2D modellers, video editors,

Publicity: PR personnel, web director, sales representatives

>> No.3819588

>believing rrats

>> No.3819606

Suisei's time and effort is too valuable for her to spend it making a MV. She could spend that time streaming and raking in the membership/SC money.

>> No.3819636

She's associated with Cover which is a Japanese company, so her breaking Japanese law could impact the whole company even though she's in the US. It also doesn't stop a US company suing her directly. It also doesn't stop a company from fucking up their channels on youtube.

>> No.3819637

Forget sharks, piss off the wrong mentally ill anti and people can fuck with your Youtube channel with reports and strikes shockingly easily. Sure you can usually correct it eventually but a week of lost revenue and time in the algorithm is huge when you need that money to pay rent.

>> No.3819644

most rules for streams were make with individuals in mind not for companies streamers, I can guarantee you that if Vshoujo for example becomes more corporate they will have copyright issues too

>> No.3819663

They still put some guidelines down since no way they’re going to allow their property to be completely public domain and I’m sure it would still be subjected to copyright to say id some actual company try to take it and use it for profit for an anime. Otherwise it’ll be stupid. Its good for publicity though since it helps to spread and grow Cover’s brand.

>> No.3819684

Yes, holos and homos are employees too

>> No.3819704

It’s in their updated guidelines.
Holo bass was complaining he couldn’t make money off remixes by putting it them on Spotify iirc

>> No.3819724

A lot of these people have college degrees too. Noel has a degree in some STEM field. And pekora and watame has experience teaching. If they spend some of this money to invest in themselves with degrees they should have a job even when chuubas aren't a thing anymore. They can also just apply as support or manager positions in other entertainment companies later on with their experience too...

>> No.3819726

Even if she’s not streaming we know that Sui is one of the top looked for from sponsers. MVs are nice but I’m sure she’s just as swamped with work as the rest like Sora and Azki.

>> No.3819752

Sorry i was talking about when she was by herself before cover she wouldn't have to bother to negotiate streaming rights.

>> No.3819776

Wasn't that video more about him not being able to put it on streaming services period
I don't think he mentioned monetizing it
But he is right that trying to do that shit with a song with Cover, Ame, him, and Seuss in the mix is a nightmare
Even if you try to give it out for free it could have all sorts of implications for each party involved, even things like implying he has a working relationship with Cover which is false

>> No.3819779

The chinks are still here

>> No.3819781

They're still overstaffed with imcompetents. When Cover Corp hires people, they're not sending their best. Most are retards, rapist, saboteurs, nips. And some, I assume, are good staff.

>> No.3819799


>> No.3819812

This is a fucking dumb rrat. Gen 5 was anounced on March 2020 and debuted on August.

upd8 announced it's closure the 1st of November and continued operating until December 31st

>> No.3819831

Anyone who can maintain a million sub Youtube Channel with a dedicated fan following will have no trouble finding employment down the road really. A degree is icing on the cake. If they really do their eigo reps and become conversational in English corporations love media savvy multilingual employees who can understand and interact with the general public/youth culture, bonus points if they happen to be an attractive woman.

>> No.3819843

>linking a recent clip
hi new friend :)

>> No.3819846

>what is the point of Cover?
Salary plus benefits makes you complacent.

t. freelancer turned officefag

I gave up my creativity and freedom to have stability, such is the way of being an adult. At least the girls get to keep some sense of creativity and drive in life instead of being office drones.

>> No.3819866

and the good staff are still nips which you already said were incompetent hmm

>> No.3819878

It’s also how some of them are trying to get their foot in the door for the VA industry.

>> No.3819907

Well she was at the bottom before and on the shittiest site at protecting copyright that watch parties, youtube videos and music were being streamed which caused companies, music labels and youtubers to dogpile on them.

Yeah, she was safe at creating anything before.

>> No.3819915

Damn these women are kinda talented, maybe we should make avatars for them so they can stream and advertise our products? We can even produce songs for them to sing and allow them to keep some superchat money.

>> No.3819941

"Most are retards, rapist, saboteurs, nips."
I meant to refer to 4 different groups of people but alas, English hath failed me.
Also this is an edited pasta

>> No.3820028

It would probably have cost more to initiate actions against her channel than they could hope to get back in any sort of compensation

>> No.3820043

Yeah you right. When you're small you can do anything. I guess when you start getting copyright striked you know you made it as a content creator lmao

>> No.3820112

Also don't forget janitors, catering, rent, utility, accountants, subscriptions for programs etc.

>who pays those ridiculous software subscriptions?

Companies do.

All the boring shit you forget exists.

>> No.3820142

Damn cover even pays for the jannies here too?

>> No.3820170

Nah, they do it for free.

>> No.3820176

Although, given what tend to be of those copyrights, they’re usually just automatic and from people reporting and the site itself not giving a site. We know how youtube is with copyright where even the smallest content creater could get DMCA for bullshit reasons and never see the light of day again. As with most companies, both Niji and Hololive at least provide protection incase such bullshit happen and is actually why I fear for some of my more popular indie oshis whenever they do karaoke and its a song that’s under US laws, and them not archiving nor turning off SCs.

>> No.3820196

YOU JUST RECORD SHIT, SEND IT TO OTHER SIDE AND THEN LET THEM DO THEIR JOB AND THEY SEND IT BACK TO YOU. With eventual discussion and sharing ideas via Discord or any other similar shit.
Like, are you that retarded that you don't get how it works?

>> No.3820200

reddit ones only.

>> No.3820214

M00tykins work for Cover

>> No.3820233

I think it was the fastest I’ve ever seen YouTube move was 6-8 hours fixing Kiaras deleted account.

>> No.3820235

add that facebook guy too.

>> No.3820356

This, if only for the fact that he said he'd take a week break after getting called out here and on YT, only to immediately upload more clips the next day. Fuck that leech.

>> No.3820461

It's absolutely funny how everytime it happens he posts to community tab with some pitiful comments expecting people to side with him only for everyone in comments to say "you kinda deserved it lmao"

>> No.3820485

And still get 20k views with 98% likes in his next video. And the world goes on.

>> No.3820492

Listening to a song isn't worth as much as actual phyiscal goods. When 1 million listen to your stuff daily/weekly that's $6000. Each week it is $312K annually. It's good residual income even for A-list artists. They ones that won't do Spotify are the greedy fucks that think the golden age of multi-platinum physical album sales was supposed to be permanent.

>> No.3820603

EOPs go on reddit to bash him and continue to watch his clips. There is no stopping Otakmori "better than machine TL" Translations.
How is the clip community? Is he still the most viewed/popular clip channel today? Any new players took the spot? t. don't watch clips.

>> No.3820627

m8 I have an upload speed of 0.3mbps because I'm in the US
2 gigs would take hours provided the connection doesn't shit out during upload

>> No.3820653

That’s also not mentioning that every band and singer have different contracts.
$6k split up between the record company (who I assume take majority share), and however many band members compared to Holo members who get to pocket most of it (allegedly).

>> No.3820682

There's the EN clippers like Sashimi i guess, and these clippers don't even have to translate jack shit.

>> No.3820760

That also not assuming which upload service they use either. Only retards think you can just upload 2gigs worth of shit somewhere and can send it within minutes. Even downloading it will take at least a few 20 minutes and Japanese’s internet connects are some of the worse in the world.

>> No.3820762

EOPs that frequent reddit don't watch him. But not everyone goes on reddit enough to know his bullshit. Some are just casual viewers who don't know anything so can't really blame them. The casual people still watch him because his clips come up a lot in algorithm. The diehards move on to clippers dedicated to single chuubas or join discords where they translate streams live. Translator/clippers like Sushi, Ossekai, Kiriku, Neko Mikuri are some of the bigger ones right now, so the clipping scene hasn't changed much just more people coming in these days.

>> No.3820774

But Yagoo himself moderates the sub...

>> No.3820807

Here's the list of Holo original songs so far

Here for tribalism

>> No.3820815

I wisn Yagoo moderated Coco's chat during her vulnerable phase instead

>> No.3820824

No editing, tune in to a stream for like 20 minutes and clip one loud scream, sneeze, or out-of-context sentence, clipbait it, monetize it, don't even link the original stream or channel. EN Clippers are the worst.

>> No.3820850

4chan < Reddit =? Twitter < < < < Youtube

For size of the audiences. This is why i find it hilarious when people think 4chan's taste/opinions will influence the chubbas in any way.

Also i don't know anything about FB, apparently the indogs run the place? Idk.

>> No.3820909

A lot of SEA on FB. I remember when i checked it out when the guy that runs the FB page showed picture of yagoo giving him a fat steak

>> No.3820911

Don't forget, they shit them out while the girls are still streaming as well. Granted, the viewers made enough noise on their channels that's it's frowned upon

>> No.3820922

Aiko Okonomiyaki
Neko Mikuru
Hololive Cut
Hololive etc Cuts
Dran Ch.
Shabby Subs
Vtube Tengoku

These are the biggest and most active Holo clippers. Some actually do real translating while a couple are obviously machine translating.

Hololive Cut literally picks out one minute and slaps out a shitty translation, missing dialogue and all, and cuts it off mid sentence usually. Then there's the same polka outro.

>> No.3820957

Frowned upon because YouTube is retarded and will copyright strike the stream instead of the clip.

>> No.3820975

This rrat is too strong... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.3820988

Also clipping songs from karaoke streams. Unarchived is okay but some are archived and these clips have more views than the original karaoke stream. They are also so lazy they couldn't even add lyrics to the bottom of the screen so they can at least say they put in some effort other than hitting record and stop recording.

>> No.3821005

Don't opine on shit you have no understanding of, you stupid /mu/ tier fuckwit.
Very few of them have the talent necessary to even go near full-on music creation. Not to mention they are busy as fuck with other shit, every single week.
It's not just "ha streamerings" every day. There's a fuckload of shit behind the scenes, not to mention their actual lives. Some of them work outside Hololive you know.

This shit isn't even new, this has been known for a while. This is a perfectly reasonable budget for putting a song together PROPERLY, not some faggot on Youtube playing with a synth and MMD.
You sound like the kind of retards that "want to work for videogames" and realize it's not just playing around with game prototypes and 3D models but actual work, horrible, painful, work.

>> No.3821006

List of InDon TLs

>> No.3821033

Don't forget her granma giving it a motherfucking piano as a birthday present or her dad forking out 15k to build her a recording room when she said she wanted to be a streamer

>> No.3821044

I watched one clip of theirs of a minecraft stream where a holo was reading a sign left by another holo. He didn't even bother translating what was said on the sign so the whole video was just that holo laughing at the sign with no context. I was about to go to comments to translate what was said in sign but someone already did it. Then I just blocked his channel from showing up.

>> No.3821049

Aki's viewership is 95% her members.

No wonder she loves them.

>> No.3821098

That piano was probably stolen from a historical museum and smuggled by his father's yakuza ring. I fucking kneel, not because i want to but because he already cut my tendons.

>> No.3821120

She has one of the best fanbases even if it's just EOPs lol

>> No.3821127

Okay, this feels like it's not a rrrat no more it's scary. Damn, how can cover get two Ojou samas.

IdolMal@ster/Love Live really isn't make believe huh. These girls are basically checkmarks of character profiles alreadym

>> No.3821153

Talking about clips, I salute oshi clippers. Here are two for Towa.

>> No.3821154

It has been said (in an interview to a Japanese indie) that the biggest part of the profits come from advertisement and sponsorships, not from superchats and subscriptions.

>> No.3821158

Who's the other ojou-sama?

>> No.3821187

Did that indie have merch or was it not mentioned at all.

>> No.3821212

Reine. Her family has a lot of political power.

>> No.3821223



>> No.3821241

Daughter of a corrupt politician and a yakuza. Literally couldn't write it better if you tried lmao.

>> No.3821273

Did they collab already? The rrats are running wild in my head on what their offstream girl gossip is like about their influence.

>> No.3821315

Imagine if she flies to Japan alongside Gen 1 and get her 3d rig earlier too cuz money

>> No.3821320

Who do you think stopped the IN Dogs from doxxing her? Her dad probably sent the yakuza using his connections.

>> No.3821325

If you're small enough that your base doesn't SC or member much then of course corporate deals are more lucrative. The holos' amount of SC is incredibly anomalous, Kiara has pulled 200K more than people like DrDisrespect with 3.3 million subs and 24k average viewers.

>> No.3821326


>> No.3821356

Suisei is basically idolmaster irl. Yagoo playing P-chan for real, only difference is he’s already got best girl at home His wife

>> No.3821370

Yeah, Sora chan

>> No.3821407

No, me

>> No.3821429

How big is Yagoo's cock wife-san?

>> No.3821480

We haven't had sex ever since our last child. He keeps mentioning he has to go to work everyday and manage his idols...

>> No.3821513

Become an idol too then, don't just lay down like a dead fish on bed

>> No.3821517

That's his daughter. Get your rrats straight.

>Two ojou-samas bragging with "my dad is a pilot!" level banter.
Would watch/10

>> No.3821526

He’s lying. He’s actually been cheating on you and is fucking me

>> No.3821645

With how extreme on the yab side their family is?

My rrat is on the juciest gossip they have about torture methods, dirty tricks and how many families they destroyed.

Oh, and how cute their colleagues are because why else would they play an ara ara ojou sama character but to pamper their girls

>> No.3821734

Crazy how suisei can do all these things and when she applied to actual idol companies they told her she can do too many things so their other talents can't shine.

>> No.3822001

Well, even in game you don't want a character who is balanced on all three traits of cute, cool and passion unfortunately. This is also beginning Suisei so she's only got like 2 or 3* on each, closer to a R card but not SR or UR.

>> No.3822044

wait, chamer's song lead viewership counts? sasuga haatons who does n reps between streams

>> No.3822215

I haven't done the rounds on numbers but it should be at or close to 3.9M today

>> No.3822238

Yeah but her potential is obvious and she's clearly hard working enough to put in effort in all these categories. They were delusional for not picking her for that reason.

>> No.3822282

Does Watame's greeting song count? Because that's 10 million already.

>> No.3822288

see again that is the actual coverage tl;dr is shit and most of the specialiced need are off

>> No.3822334

>another anon who confuse enma with jenma

>> No.3822433

Oh shoot, yeah i know the distinction. It's just easy to forget is all. Fck Jenma still

>> No.3822483

which one? If it's watame recorded and produced than sure

>> No.3822589

The borrowed voices one in the 2nd fes is on the Holo official channel is 10mil... i guess it's cover's huh?

The og one in her channel is 1.6mil

>> No.3822636

While I imagine that sponsor money probably isn't as big in JP than NA/EU, Cover really is sleeping hard on HoloEN. There are twitch streamers around their size/viewers/followers that can easily get 1-2hr paid game sponsor for like 5k+, a link in their bio/video for like 1k+ a month, etc.

Problem is most Twitch streamers do like 8hours a day, so a 1-2 hr add placement a few times a week is nothing, for a HOlo that would be over half their schedule kek.

>> No.3822671

>4th gen underperforms on the non-streaming ventures imo so i dunno who gets a personal manager here, maybe Coco because she needs all the help.
dunno man, as far I know coco always wanted to be manager so isn't too far fetched that she's doing some managerial works behind curtains

>> No.3823056

What kind of weird ass manual safety this Glock has? Must be an airsoft gun.

>> No.3823115

It is airsoft. You can't even legally show this in japan (where i assume this picture is from)

>> No.3823236

Ahoy is close from 10mio even if I the full version is on a strange youtube account with only this video.

>> No.3823259

Because it's a Topic you retardchama

>> No.3823294

I guess we could say that Yagoo is one of those who chooses to work to increase the level of even the lower ranking cards rather than just whaling for SSR and URs. Basically a F2P player with S rank luck as well as those who can uses low ranking cards to absolutely destroy. Based P-chan Yagoo.

>> No.3823342


>> No.3823412


Cover: "Konnichiwassup, Kiryuu Coco-san! We heard you applied to be manager so how about be your own manager? We have seen your hard work and diligence with Asacoco 1.0. Actually how about you also be manager for our upcoming EN branch? You fellow gaijins can be together. It's perfect. We'll even give you a raise! +200¥."
Cover: "Whoops we modded your antis by accident! te-he! Please clean it up by the next stream! Arigathanks!"

BLACK COMPANY. It's also pretty clear who the black sheep of management was for 4th gen just from the rigger choice. Cover did the same thing for Myth. If their talent quality wasn't so good to overwhelm the odds stacked against them even internally, they'd have gone bankrupt long ago.

>> No.3823524

Nah more like Cover rolled this card then forgot about it (put her in INNK, although that was managed by upd8 so it's hard to tell). After they realize how great this card works with the rest of the team comp they started investing resources into her to make it SSR.

>> No.3823580

rrat straight from your ass lmao. Do you go to sleep at night talking to yourself like this? Anon-chan oyasleepnasai

>> No.3824400

Do you just make scenarios in your head then get pissed off by it?

>> No.3824695

That's like half the people on this fucking site, never mind this board. (this board is closer to 80%

>> No.3824749

lol no nignog.
90% of the music industry is not in production, especially in japan, where they reuse the same chords and rythmes over and over and over.

Second of all, read the mood retard, this isnt some artist doing an album, these are people who get watched because people want to know and think and see them. Some random souleless idolcracp is not what people want to watch. If we cared about the production bullshit you are shilling we'd actually be a board about AKB instead of hologoofs.

now get the fuck out yagoo.

>> No.3824868


>> No.3824870

Using AKB as standard for music production kek

>> No.3826876

Stop spamming L*ger, kys

>> No.3827369

this is actually the smart way for producing MVs. public domain or songs with liberal cover license. your own musical accompaniment or yt free music.
use the resources you have, the l2d or home3d, obs sets, fan arts, etc.
unfortunately the two holos likely to do this aren't the best singers.
