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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38072331 No.38072331 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.38072374

Laflop on my cock

>> No.38072541

I go after this anon

>> No.38072602


>> No.38072632

Remember this is what happens when you're found getting cozy with males

>> No.38072668
File: 543 KB, 605x784, Rui-nee dong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laflop on Ruicock

>> No.38073128

Nah, Towa is really popular and basically can't stop being around men. The difference is that she only tried to pretend otherwise for less than a month and got slapped hard for doing so.

>> No.38075240

>Towa is really popular

>> No.38075276

She is.

>> No.38075380

How did she fumble the bag so hard

>> No.38075385

Bro no one here even watches La+. You don't need to make daily anti threads for her.

>> No.38075516

this is sooo sexy I want a doujins of this

>> No.38077745

live by the unicorn die by the unicorn

>> No.38077931
File: 31 KB, 328x363, 1642572827495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover thought she was the next Pekora or something and she doesn't give a fuck about Hololive

>> No.38078020

Enjoy your herpes.

>> No.38080377

She COULD have been the next Pekora but yeah, she didn't care

>> No.38080713

Considering for what she did, why brony doesn't hate her like they hate Tempus or some member of EN?

>> No.38082292

>said herself she have STD

>> No.38082411

Because holofans here are mostly EOPs and legit don't know anything about her and even those who defend her on /jp/ don't even watch her

>> No.38082548

Can someone spoonfeed me a QRD on what caused people to dislike her?
I don't follow her so I've never seen things like what this anon is alluding to >>38082292

Japanese sources are fine too.

>> No.38083076

She has oral herpes, like most people in the world, which is different from genital herpes. Certain people on /vt/ are too retarded to understand things that go against the narrative so they ignore them.
Add 1 and 1 together.

>> No.38083247

Okay, but did she say this as La+, her RM, or was it simply given to anon as a revelation in their schizo dream?

>> No.38083429

The "I am cute both IRL and Online so I can get away with anything" Squad

I would add Rushia, but she finally got a bit of what she deserved

>> No.38083515

She doesn't stream. All other things are secondary.

>> No.38083529

As Lap herself. I even recall a clip of her getting close to the screen and saying she'd give her oral herpes (better known as cold sores) to her viewers, although I can't find it right now.

>> No.38083707

She does the Towa thing, of colabing with males for apex, valorant.
and the Rust server thing where she was caught playing with e-celebs, complained that she wasn't allowed to, then never played it in the holo Rust servers (meaning she didn't want to actually play it, she wanted to hang around the e-celebs.)

>> No.38084030

Based shion cropfag

>> No.38084115

They stopped watching tho. Look at her 3D debut to the 1 yr anniversary. She was the top viewed one and now she is the lowest and it’s not even close.

>> No.38084176

Laptop ?

>> No.38084252

No, she's just doing fine.

>> No.38084314

Doesn’t stream, Towa is her oshi, is the JP mori with RM activity. But all of that would be forgiven if she actually cared a little about her Gen mates and Hololive.
While her genmates were congratulating each other and tweeting over these lives …. Laplus was shilling merch on her roommate.

>> No.38084375

From day 1 it was easy to tell she was not going to be the next pekora she just had cunny buff, she started doing regular videos instead of streams or streams without her model, no one wants that shit.

>> No.38084561

I see, so she mentioned HSV-1 as La+. I found it.
Certainly is a bit rarer on this side of the pond compared to Burgland though.

That kind of explains it a bit better, thanks.

>> No.38085249

The search for this also made me find Nene talking about it and having it, but I don't hear much about it here. Maybe English clippers never got a hang of it?

>> No.38085277

they got it both from kissing me

>> No.38085289

Yes, I will.

>> No.38089868

what a waste of a cute cunny model

>> No.38090253
File: 257 KB, 540x500, 1665990006625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she started selling photos of herself in her rm account, things like her hand, etc

>> No.38090373

>Cute IRL

>> No.38095089

Laplus is cute. Wtf? What she do

>> No.38095456

>cute irl

>> No.38097847

>cute IRL

>> No.38100205 [DELETED] 

For the Japs it's not because of the oral herpes
Everything start going down spiral for her because she got caught playing RUST with a male eceleb called Shaka, using La+ account (IIRC management scold her for this incident)
Before that, some Japs are already dissatisfied with her because she's more active in her RM than as La+, but it's just minority at the time
>Got caught in another male eceleb, Ta1yo discord group
>Said her fans are gross on RM account
>Shill her RM account too much
>Start an utaite group
Generally, Japs don't like her because she is too focusing on her RM instead of her La+ job
And she lost unicorns and gachis because of the eceleb issues

>> No.38100294

Chumkek in total panic mode kekwl

>> No.38100514

I got it from this anon who kissed my wife, Nene, who I kissed afterwards.

>> No.38100964

the rrat got distorted so much that now she was caught playing in the streamer server instead of just in the discord, from this you can also how much the other things are being pushed to sound worse than they actually are

>> No.38101033

Why doesn't she use her rm for those eceleb groups?

>> No.38101495

Ayame is scared because her coworkers cant stop harassing her due to how cute she is

>> No.38105511

my daughter

>> No.38106843

>according to this thread acts like a gigantic correctionbait kusogaki
Sounds like she’s playing the part perfectly desu

>> No.38107046

Yeah, she never actually played with any males or even talked to any. She never went to that Valorant event, she even said she didn't.

>> No.38108057

Why the fuck a holo has to care about her genmates? Hololive focuses on solo content, Pekora being prime example. “Caring about genmates” is never an issue, being a twitch whore with an anime avatar like Mori is.

>> No.38108133

A reminder not to simp for cunny, but hags instead.

>> No.38109202

Gura has NEVER gone around parading her face in real life. If you like ugly girls, that's your perogative but this is vtubing and what they look like irl doesn't even matter.

>> No.38111462

"Floplus" was right there, retard.

>> No.38111601

she didn't even do that much, people here just like to exaggerate yabs for drama.

>> No.38111788
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>> No.38112081

She does but she was "on break" for a while or something and introduced herself as Laplus to them instead during that period.

>> No.38112268

Her generation's intended dynamic requires them all to care about it but she makes it very difficult. She could have just said she doesn't want that kind of commitment so they wouldn't debut their group with that premise and be more like every other gen.

>> No.38112755

>say she is a gachikoi and doesn't want her oshi to interact with males to have gachikoi money
>is caught playing with males on a rust server
>basic instabitch
>have a timer on each stream and never makes 1+ hour stream
>just after the stream end starts a new stream on her roommate account where she plays with her friends for 5 hous
>promoted so much her roommate account people are mainly talking about her roommate instead of laplus
>completely stopped streaming
>is caught playing on discord with males another time and people are suspecting she is dating ta1yo
>one of her message to ta1yo says she doesn't want to stream because she feels disgusted
>she played with Altare off-screen according to Kobo
This all sounds pretty slimy but I still think Mori is worse because Laplus has never actively damaged hololive

>> No.38113360

time to collect all of her body part photo to assemble exoplus the cunny one

>> No.38113454

dont bully my daughter

>> No.38113471

That's crazy. Hag love.

>> No.38113810

I'm just happy for Lui.

>> No.38114041

Isn't La+ not caring about ger gemmates kayfabe?

>> No.38114280

You forgot the part where her faggy boyfriend started calling her viewers incels and friendless losers just after they got caught. Essentially bragging and dickwaving to the gachikois, or whatever was left of them at that point.
Looking back, I'm really glad I dropped her early on.

>> No.38114537

No, she's supposed to act like she doesn't care and pester them to do things for her, but secretly like them.
That lasted for about two months and now it's the opposite; she acts like she cares but doesn't do anything with them and everyone can see that she truly doesn't care.

>> No.38114558

No and this deflection sucks
If anything her kayfabe is suppossed to be a “pon leader” but hard to be one when you dont stream and interact with your gen that much
Also this is already ignoring all her RM shit

>> No.38114664

>I still think Mori is worse because Laplus has never actively damaged hololive
This is a fair point. Laplus only damages herself and at worst wasted the resources that were put into holoX as a group.

>> No.38115049

NTA, As a relatively new fag who joined in mid 2021, I actually hate Laplus much more than Mori because she’s actively sabotaging my favourite gen holoX by being such a piece of shit. I could only imagine how much better the gen unity and the overall gen could be if they actually had a “leader”.

>> No.38115453

Remember, never ever believe FPS whores or at least expect that you know what kind of people they are

>> No.38115658

Also a fair point. I really liked Laplus at first and expected a lot of good content from holoX as a group but the disappointment is easier to deal with for me when the others have been good to my oshi of three years.

>> No.38115682

>Who is Botan

>> No.38116309

Yea, the witnessing of a new gen debut was truly a magical experience for me. Too bad Laplus happened.

>> No.38117585

Surprised how much I like Lui

>> No.38117747

Lui being good is surprising considering she's the whole reason for Laplus even applying to hololive.

>> No.38117949
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Her and pinkdog surprised me.

>> No.38118232
File: 3 KB, 268x45, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand JP. I just like her model, and I want Hololive to debut more cunnies

>> No.38119002

Isn’t that Robert Pattinson’s meat toilet? Does she swallow the scat or just wear it in shame? She always looks like she has an inflamed infected vagina. Disgusting.

>> No.38122646

I didn't hear about this one.

>> No.38123074
File: 30 KB, 666x666, 1658629535688168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an Apex Solo Master player

>> No.38123429
File: 100 KB, 1024x1007, Nozomi look at this goofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you fags need to go talk to people

>> No.38126412

kek, nice larp. her gen barely interact with each other.

>> No.38126691

she will learn

>> No.38127058

>Improve yourself!
But they did that’s why people stopped watching her. Last in views, last in SC last in gift memberships. All of this after one of the strongest starts ever for a holomember. Anyways real live experience would tell you to NOT associate with people like Laplus

>> No.38127767

Hag supremacy

>> No.38129527

Sorry for your loss

>> No.38131290

Come on she isnt doing that bad

>> No.38131692
File: 289 KB, 435x555, 1656684767593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she never actually played with any males
>or even talked to any
>She never went to that Valorant event
>she even said she didn't

>> No.38133612

Gura's a fat Jewish girl. The few pictures of her out there have like 50 filters, particular angles, hide body, etc.

>> No.38133649

Do you think she browses this place just like she browses 5ch

>> No.38133766


>> No.38133805


>> No.38133956

Are cold sores really that rare in the US? I’m from EU and have them myself sometimes, even though I’m the biggest virgin I know

>> No.38134265

her english is not good enough to understand fag or flop.i doubt she will ask friend or genmate to read it for her

>> No.38134502

How about her boyfriend

>> No.38134810


>> No.38134928

So you're saying Kobo is a liar when she said she and Laplus played with Altare?

>> No.38136356 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 1247x1200, Gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Kiara and Mori called her cute and feminine
So is this gura?

>> No.38137588

yes, she even may be here

>> No.38137797

I can't wait for her to fall to the 3-5k range so I could watch her and member her

>> No.38139438

>he only watches proven trash

>> No.38139590

the amount of times I see these threads get bumped from page 10 is sad.

>> No.38139673

She's just a step bellow Ayame, not enough to amass a large hatedom.

>> No.38140366 [SPOILER] 
File: 476 KB, 905x1280, Hololive gura nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now thats a rrat

>> No.38143312

she didn't feel disgusted, she felt nauseous due to motion sickness. she's mentioned this before. stop falling for deliberate mistranslations.

>> No.38143340

her live was better than Lui's.

>> No.38143374
File: 481 KB, 648x946, FgAQlB8VQAA12_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys talk like Lap-chan stole your girlfriend?

>> No.38146817

she stole my heart

>> No.38147667

she is easily one of my biggest chuuba disappointments, her attitude once she realized she made it big genuinely annoyed me

>> No.38148437

What's wrong with the second last point?
Thought anons constantly touted "it's ok if it's off-stream" and it was, for everyone involved.
Is this a case of "it's ok if it's off-stream..but if it actually happens off-stream then it's not ok"

>> No.38149280

You actually fell what the cucks say, huh

>> No.38149561

She lie too much and I hate people like that...

>> No.38151775


>> No.38151852

Brown hands typed this post.
