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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38089457 No.38089457 [Reply] [Original]

Towaposter edition


>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan, ASMR and singing (with a monthly concert).
Her powerful singing voice, her sisterly demeanor and her hard work have won the hearts of many anons on this board.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Check out her latest concert:

>Other links and resources
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/channel/UCjS8uiGm2-L5st3VlRAzoFg
Old: https://youtube.com/channel/UCV7az8QsZaVJjBQ7ej7Etiw

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/
Retro VTubers >>>/vt//vrt/

Previous thread: >>37832443

>> No.38089491
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I love Nina so much, bros
Towaposter is cute too

>> No.38089619
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I love neeners and towaposter!

>> No.38089717

>I wake up(no smile)
>I watch nina(smile)
simple as

>> No.38090113

>2 raids already
We're eating good tonight

>> No.38090283

great start! Nina's been a bit quiet on the bird app again so I really need this zatsu. My rrat is that she's either hanging out with shondo or is prepping for the anniversary

>> No.38090334
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In case you missed it, Nina was on Geega's funeral stream a couple days ago

>> No.38090439

It's most likely the anniversary. If you need a steady Nina fix, she's been more active on her d*scord.

>> No.38090647

good lord geega can be really erotic

>> No.38090908

she's being really cute bros..

>> No.38090949

She's always really cute

>> No.38091059

Transatlantic Nina is the only acceptable replacement for natural Dutch accent

>> No.38091079

Are we doing anything as /nina/ for her anniversary?

>> No.38091104
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So she's aware of the mouth problem, but thinks it's funny. I guess she's not going to ask for a revision.

>> No.38091145

actually in this screenshot it looks pretty good.

>> No.38091170

I'd kill for a US Southern Belle Nina.

>> No.38091202
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Apparently she and Shondo are only getting closer and closer though. Shondo was gushing yesterday that Nina's mailing her a box of chocolates just because she felt like making her happy. Shondo was really emotional and sweet over it and said Nina is probably the nicest person she's ever met online. I have become a Ninabro recently just because she seems like a sweetheart, and the way she treats my oshi really sold me on her too. Great oshi you guys have.

>> No.38091229

You're right, that would work too

>> No.38091260
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Hey welcome! Nina is really sweet but in the vtuber sphere not a lot of people give her a go - makes me proud to support her!

>> No.38091334

I'm glad they have each other, it seems everyone who gives Nina a try loves her though. She's taken my #2 spot really quickly.

>> No.38091431
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>> No.38091741

There's nothing planned as far as I know, if you have ideas feel free to suggest

>> No.38091824

Safe to say we aren't getting more Pero models if thats the case

>> No.38091838

Is she talking about that drama channel talking about coomer outfits?

>> No.38091854

I spaced out for a min, what soured Nina's mood?

>> No.38091858

wait what are we talking about
i was gone from stream for a couple of minutes

>> No.38091871

She was talking about her new model being delivered completely unprepared for rigging anon and grape being the mvp and fixing it

>> No.38091887
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>> No.38091919

Clickbait vtuber news channel did a piece on vtubers all getting coomer outfits and included her on it.

>> No.38091938

Objectively entertaining!

>> No.38091944

its funny because her outfit isnt even coomer

>> No.38091970

what the fuck is this
some keemstar shit of vtubing?

>> No.38092020

Looking at last week's thread, at least a few people think it is.

>> No.38092069

People wear more revealing shit on tv so nah

>> No.38092081

He's got the highest numbers out of any EN male so he's doing something right.

>> No.38092088

I fucking hate this guy. Keemstar would be a better person for "news."

>> No.38092109

I don't think it's coomer either, but we have some prudes around who think big tits, bare legs, and cleavage is enough to qualify.

>> No.38092216


>> No.38092381

NTA but I dont understand whats delusional about it? Its literally nothing

>> No.38092443

It's clearly a coomer design, and you have to be delusional not to recognise that.
Why be so defensive about it? Nina likes that stuff, and I'm sure it'll get attention.

>> No.38092474

Not being defensive, I think its objectively not a coomer design. Just compare it with the chuubas in that clickbait post. Not even close.

>> No.38092490

can you please elaborate on this, if you are not just baiting

>> No.38092707

Just because it's less coomer than the likes of Shy Lily or whoever, doesn't mean it's not coomer. Whilst it looks great, the amount of skin is certainly not SFW.

>> No.38093012

It is less fantastical, but it fits right in with them coomer wise. Yuri's is probably the least coomer of those designs.
What's to elaborate on? It quite literally stares you in the face. I presume you are having difficulty reconciling your love for Nina with the idea of a coomer design which you generally would look down upon.

>> No.38093034

you dont have to samefag

>> No.38093069

so you dont want to explain your position
i guess you are baiting then

>> No.38093107

I hope this stops her from wanting to interact with purple faggot

>> No.38093164
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There will not be an offpako Bat, stop teasing me.. cruel

>> No.38093172

Why is she streaming so late

>> No.38093195

She was on Inis's birthday stream with Soya, Shondo and some others earlier.

>> No.38093200

was at Inis' birthday for 2h

>> No.38093404

there isnt any secret discord stuff going on which includes the autistic anons for the borthday, right?

>> No.38093436

Last time a mod dm'd everyone with a copypaste message..

>> No.38093637

Haven't heard of anything, maybe they decided against another, what was it, 4 streams of kudoboard reading?

>> No.38093681

>4 streams of kudoboard reading?
and then just DMing the last batch of people i think.
Not saying it should be done, just dont want to be left out if it is done

>> No.38093735

It won't. She's shooting for Hololive. She'll do whatever's necessary.

>> No.38093738

Her birthday's not for a few more months, maybe someone here could ask if the mods want to organize something different.

>> No.38094043

I wasn't aware Nina believed in god, I thought she was just culturally Christian.
Or did I misinterpret her just now?

>> No.38094182

She's openly Catholic, but not a traditionalist or heavy into it.

>> No.38094258

Maybe it's just a language barrier thing, but I always assumed that saying for example "I'm Catholic" could mean anything from participating in the traditions to being a very strong believer.

>> No.38094318

considering she is openly bi, id say its rather former

>> No.38094514

Is she legitimately bi or is it the usual vtuber teasing? She always talks about wanting a husband and kids and acts pretty trad about relationships.

>> No.38094555

I honestly think she actually loves her friends, but I'm not always sure its the type of love where she'd fist the object of adoration

>> No.38094589
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I missed Nina so much, she was so genki today.

>> No.38094681
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I love the chatting streams / 10
Also I enjoy the 3D so much, her hands add a lot to the stream

>> No.38095286
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She's not bi, she just likes to flirt with friends, like a lot of vtubers do.

>> No.38095976

I cant compute

>> No.38096093
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>> No.38099526

What would you do if Nina collabed with a male?

>> No.38099988
File: 720 KB, 1280x720, alkhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has already collabed several times with males, anon.

>> No.38100218

Kongou doesn't count.

>> No.38101106

Omi, little_S, Merry, tatsunical, Krimbo, etc.
The only time /nina/ reacted strongly to a male collab was Omi, but it turned out Nina herself hated it

>> No.38102568

So she's doing it for networking and not because she's someone who like talking to loser gamer males. This is okay since this is what males should only be used for.

>> No.38106809

Being cute is her default
