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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38066163 No.38066163 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, Tempus didn't do as good as they expected

>> No.38066231

Back to your containment thread retard

>> No.38066449

Unironically they were expecting worse numbers

>> No.38066508

didn't /vt/ predicted that they gonna be 500 ccv with 20k subs like their senpais? What happened? Did /vt/ lied again?

>> No.38066542

They still make more money than you and interact your oshi..

>> No.38066610

I expect them to have like 90k sub and 900k views each to be honest.

>> No.38066818

Well consider everyday it looks more like they replacement for EN3... Yes, they didn't do as good as they expected. But that's more on EN management being completly retarted, thinking gender won't matter.

>> No.38066843

>mog their holostars senpais that debuted in the last 3 years
you are outing yourself as a EOPfag

>> No.38066868

Honnestly can't wait for the ID4 runt to have more sub than them day one and see the fag seethe accross the board.
>more money than you
pretty sure 0$ for suspended-kun those 2 last weaks is far less than litteraly everyone on this sub
> interact with your oshi
If being ghosted is interaction they are no different than chumbud.

>> No.38066933

Speak for yourself, homobeggar. My oshi refuses to interact with them.

>> No.38066957 [DELETED] 

>SEAnigger still malding over males
pathetic, also learn some english

>> No.38067055

> use seanigger
typical retarded brain, there is more continent in the world didn't you go at school? wait wouldn't change a thing both your education system and you IQ would obstruct.

>> No.38067111

don't post here again until you speak english

>> No.38067239

> official channel (dead channel) mog them
LMAO RUMAO, you remember that official channel who upload barely anything who is criticies for not doing anything worth it. More view, more subs, better sub grow.

>> No.38067294

This isn't you board wortless cunt. come back when you can do something about it, in short, never and seethe more please.

>> No.38067413

Yeah, if you compare them to the girls.
Unironically they did better than their JP senpais

>> No.38067535 [DELETED] 

>This isn't you board
I see you're failing spectacularly in your English lessons SEAnigger.

>> No.38067568

funny how this question wasn't answered, I'm assuming they did

>> No.38067624

Oh wow Altare got to 200k in 4 months. That's faster than their Stars seniors.

>> No.38067683
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>> No.38067721

Same could have been said for the EN girls though nowodays let's say you have to be really delusional or falseflagging to say they are nowhere near JP level.

>> No.38067779

Worse than a half trained chimp choosing random words from a dictionary.
Ollie was right to go nuclear on your asses.

>> No.38067803 [DELETED] 

I thought the SEA thing was just another meme but holy shit this board really is SEAnigger central. We desperately need either Flags or SEA IP bans.

>> No.38067812

>HoloES died for this

>> No.38068148

Unironically they broke expectations because most people didn't expect them to be over 500 ccv even in their 1st~2nd month
Even now that they haven't collabed after vesper suspension they still get 1k ccv easily in solo streams

>> No.38068153

Can your troon discord group undrstand that i'm not a fucking SEA or is it this much harder than joining the 41?

>> No.38068245 [DELETED] 

Feel free to tell us what part of the 3rd world you're from then. Otherwise calling you a SEAnig is the only thing you deserve.

>> No.38068429

>If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck

>> No.38068697 [DELETED] 

>seanigger seething at being called a seanigger

>> No.38068816

Welp none of them denying being from a troons discord, geographical knowlendge that would even make seanigger laught. The only question left is why you still haven't 41? My ancestror were right to send yours to your continent, good ridance.

>> No.38068889

If anything HolostarsEN did better than anyone could've expected. Altare is already getting close to Roberu in subcounts and his channel isn't even a year old.

>> No.38068899 [DELETED] 

Unlike you, we don't seethe at something we know perfectly well isn't true, my little seanigger. Now be a good boy and learn some proper english.

>> No.38069097

>knowlendge that would even make seanigger laught.
Work on your english dude, holy fuck

>> No.38069180

For someone from the holostars branch, they're doing well.

>> No.38069500

>They still make more money than you
Not everyone on this board is a wagie.

>> No.38069722

Congratulations blue fag for finally, at long last making it past 200k!

>> No.38069765

Is it really all what you brain can bring out? FFS education faillure all other burgerlands lol. You are so boring but thank for you concescion i guess, everything i said was right but my english isn't native level, i'm fine with this. So when are you all going 41?

>> No.38069824

Sure, but considering how fast Cover debuted them I doubt they were expecting barely above Roberu's numbers. It's painfully obvious that Tempus debuted before a HoloLIVE EN3 because Cover thought they could get something going for Holostars in the west after Luxiem's success, and while during the first couple of months it kinda looked like that would happen lately they've been losing to low tier JP members streaming on hours where they should've had the advantage. So Holostars wise yes, they're doing better, but if they're actually supposed to be EN3 then they managed to be a bigger failure than Sana, especially after Vesper's suspension.

>> No.38069834

When you can speak english like a civilized human and not a mud-hut dwelling SEA fag.

>> No.38070089

At the rate they're all going now, I don't even think any of them will catch up. Hell I don't even think Magni or Axel will catch up to Izuru at this rate given how much they've slowed down unless they do something SUPER drastic, which I doubt since not even a cover with a bunch of EN girls could recover Axel's growth.

>> No.38070134

actual holostars tier

>> No.38070156

his fan base is full of yumes, I guess he found his niche

>> No.38070236

Anon... JP stars are gaining like 1k per month. It's more of when than if.

>> No.38070373

And tempus' growth is flattening across the board, the 30 day growth for Regis may look like a big number but when looking at his growth as a whole, it's flattening and will only get smaller and smaller and Roberu has enough of a gap to where he will probably still be ahead when Regis' growth inevitably hits the same growth as JP. Magni is already pretty much at that point and it will probably get worse now that he's already preparing to start his rm back up.

>> No.38070542

>But Muh they did better than expected
Well they had support from over half the HoloEN branch unlike starsJp. And lets not forget that they tanked the viewers of revenue of those thay collabed with them

>> No.38070687

>gets proven wrong
>moves the goalpost
sad, I'm sure you cant make better use of your free time

>> No.38070789

Should have just made en3 but yagoo loves to waste money on males no one wanted.

>> No.38070932

>males no one wanted
>still has over 100k subs
uh huh keep telling yourself that

>> No.38071034

>Got support from multiple girls with over a million subs
>Somehow 3/4's of the group are still under 200k subs
I thought the biggest complaint from beggars was that the Stars couldn't benefit from the trickle down subs Hololive has. Was it always a lie and no matter how much they're shilled the absolute majority of the Hololive fanbase couldn't give less of a fuck about them?

>> No.38071870

What's the reason for him going back to his RM? Was he hoping for a hailmary and get Luxiem numbers or something? Or is it because of management?

>> No.38072779

You will never be a business analyst.

>> No.38073274

>muh "they are doing better than expected"
No, they are not. They are not HolostarEN1, they are HoloEN3 and they did terrible damage to the brand. HoloEN wasnt doing great before their debut but sure has hell it accelerated the decline.

>> No.38073481

>No, they are not
Ok, proofs?

>> No.38073608

>They did terrible damage to the brand

>> No.38073640

>They did terrible damage to the brand
ok, show

>> No.38073660

>They are HoloEN3 and did terrible damage to the brand
Literally how a homobeggar thinks kek

>> No.38073724
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my company, my rules

>> No.38073728


>> No.38073758
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Explain to me why Niji have more subs than tempus but way lower CCV?

>> No.38073760

Can’t believe Watson and Kronii triggered their own recline for this

>> No.38073867

>implying you need to be a business analyst to know that stagnant growth is a bad thing
Seethe harder.

>implying it's pure coincidence that Holo EN started to decline much faster once Tempus debuted and the intergender collabs began
Cope harder.

>> No.38073884

I mean they've gone half a month without their heaviest hitter in Vsper, of course their numbers are flatlining. Most of their kino content has involved Vesper. It was smart of Kronii to target him and get him banned. She was a sleeper agent the whole time.

>> No.38073934

They were really hyped on debut, and had decent designs. But then they debuted, and people saw that they had no talent. It was the opposite for Tempus. Which had shit designs, and won people over with their content early on.

>> No.38073951

cope this, seethe that how about you actually defend it with a basis in mind instead of conceding like a coward

>> No.38073959

The tempiss defence force idea that everyone expected them to be 3views is pure revisionist history, absolutely no one was saying that. They were expected to be noctyx level at worst, and you genuinely had people saying they'd do better than Council. Cover was expecting them to do a hell of a lot better than that too, or they wouldn't have delayed EN3 for them

>> No.38074014

That just means hololive did a shit job.
Also I just realized that with Irys remodel Magni is now the "proud" owner of "ugliest model in Cover" title.

>> No.38074040

they regretted the fact that Iluna was more of a disaster than Tempus. Sure as hell that the CCV of some of those members can't even be salvaged anymore...
look at Scarle...

>> No.38074049

If true i'm very sorry kronii i knell.

>> No.38074050

it's not like it's some sort of headcanon. the talents themselves said (altare and vesper) that management expected them to be 2 views at the start and to be hated by everyone just like miyabi when the holostarsjp branch was created.

>> No.38074064

can't wait for the ipo to btfo the stars

>> No.38074092

Everyone though the same with Enna but look at her now.

>> No.38074102

>Hololive did a shit job
>yet somehow people still watch them regardless
not really convincing me buddy

>> No.38074110

>stagnant growth
Anon... statistically, Gura and Regis have nearly the same average weekly subscription growth based on available data.

>> No.38074148

And then they leaeched off HoloEN, Twitch and even broke Cover to break the ban on NijisanjiEN to collab with them to leech their numbers.
Where did it all go wrong?

>> No.38074156

Enna was being true to herself. Scarle was holding back on some shit, she's not even latina

>> No.38074158

Anon, you know people can... say things that aren't true, right? Especially when the truth makes look like a bunch of miserable failures? Please explain why cover would spend their limited resources in 2022 releasing eight homos they were expecting to be 3views, while delaying EN3 until next year

>> No.38074178

Shit job is still a job. "Somehow still watch them" isnt really an achievement. Certainty not a Cover one.

>> No.38074208

>Leech leech leech
what is it with you and leech? Fucking tribalistic dipshit

>> No.38074295

Dilate harder.

Having the same subscription growth as someone who hasn't streamed for days is not a good thing, Anon.

>> No.38074339

I accept your concession

>> No.38074344

No fucking way Magni abandoned his relatively popular old persona to join a branch that no one had faith in, hell if that's true the branch is doing 10 times better than expected and he's already returning to his old ship.

>> No.38074406

>he doesn't know

>> No.38074452

They broke expectations.
Remember you don't need to pull a myth to be profitable and successful.
Council was a success for instance. It was no early days myth but it turns a profit.
Overall I am curious to see what the actual revenue is.

>> No.38074491

I'm /vt/, and no I didn't.

>> No.38074527
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>Having the same subscription growth as someone who hasn't streamed for days is not a good thing, Anon.
Having the same number of streams as someone suspended isn't good either

>> No.38074560

Number of memberships gifted to random grays, Superchats. It's amazing that even with a small audience they're surprisingly supportive and loyal

>> No.38074581

Anon look me in the eyes. You didn't expect to be 4 views, JP didn't expect them I be 4 views, I didn't expect them to be nearly as successful, and neither did Tempus at any point. Cover was confident in that fact. What good would lying over something completely trivial do them? It was surprising to everyone.

>> No.38074592
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>> No.38074720

they're focusing on a Stars POV instead of how the girls would be in terms of success and growth. Schizos don't seem to understand this and they never will because all they ever do is keep throwing numbers at you.

>> No.38074727

Altare seems to have that fucking weird jellybean guy dropping what a few hundred on him every stream?

>> No.38074811

The question is what EN management expect? Consider it sometimes really feels like tempus are replacement for EN3.

>> No.38074849

You know there may not be a planned EN3?
They may not be planning to release a gen of girls every year?
They may not have found enough decent girls to fill the EN3 roster?

>> No.38075009

Any of your points basically comes to
En management=incompetent retards

>> No.38075023

Only retards that weren't around for EN's debut didn't expect them to massively overshadow JP stars, literally the exact same arguments as EN1

>> No.38075071

Tempissharts are just living in pure delusion at this point. Literally no one thought that they'd be 3views, people said I was being pessimistic when I predicted they'd get similar number as the ID girls

>> No.38075096

This place truly is ESL board

>> No.38075208

No. Literally no one thought they would be successful as they are now, are you fucking kidding me? This board was full of people saying that exact same shit before they debuted.

>> No.38075386

No, people were saying they would be bigger than Luxiem thanks to Hololive's international reach. There were also tons of retards claiming they would "save" holoEN.

>> No.38075432

Anon "as they are now" is essentially a bit below roberu level, with only vesper being above everyone.
As they were on debut, it was a fair estimate and a lot of people were saying they would have that success because they were a fucking EN branch, the exact same arguments were had for myth. It was obvious they would explode compared to JP

>> No.38075482

Homo beggar cope

>> No.38075527

Saying that they'd be 3views was basically considered trolling. And that was before they got two full nights of EN primetime set aside for their debuts, almost every EN girl shilling for them, a manga, and a watchalong. Comparing them to starsJP is an absolute joke

>> No.38075565

Whats the point in pushing out more girls?
Market is pretty saturated and more importantly theres a lot less monetisation possibilities for the EN girls compared to the JPs.

>> No.38075667

Expecting them to have shit numbers = Homobegging apparently.


>> No.38075682

Thats opposite of homobegging

>> No.38075704

The current girls don't stream enough and they barely have anyone to interact with, it's that simple. Even if EN3 is just as lazy, at least it would it incentivize a new wave of streams, collabs and interactions for a few months

>> No.38075874

>repeating the same bullshit that worse numbers were expected in order to gaslight others into believing that these faggots are not a failure.
KYS beggar

>> No.38075887

>Literally no one thought they would be successful as they are now
Actually, yes people did. What people didn't expect was how successful they would be at beginning. It took them months to regress to expected back then 1-3k range.

>> No.38075920

Saturated my ass
There are days when there are barely any EN streams, sometimes NO streams at all
And then IRyS redebut completely smashed expectations and showed that the potential EN audience is still sizeable - they're just bored of the current content (or lack thereof)

Why are you against EN3?
If you're afraid that they'll cause further decline in Tempus or some girls, that's nonsense
Tempus barely shares any audience with EN -= any decline is on them and only them
And as CouncilRys has shown, all the new interactions will sustain EN interest for several months

>> No.38075954

>Literally no one thought they would be successful as they are now
except they did
I lost count of how many times I was told EN would no longer need "incel unicorns" like me when tempiss was announced.

>> No.38076049
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holy shit

>> No.38076781

Even before the redesign IRyS' model was nowhere close to Magni's in ugliness.

>> No.38076962
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Yeah, it was way worse.

>> No.38077303

>Whats the point in pushing out more girls?
New girls = 5 new members that can interact with all 10 members of HoloEN, plus all of HoloJP and HoloID
New boys = 4 new members that can only interact with around 5 of them, plus all of ID and like 2 to 4 JP members on a good day.
I wonder what would be the best choice here. And sure, you could mention StarsJP here, the branch almost no one watches even if they're the only ones streaming on fucking NA hours.

You need some thick glasses if you think the fish-eyed cell-phone body purple fag is in any way better looking than OldRyS.

>> No.38077418

More subs ans makes mor money than you incel

>> No.38078092

You can add 10 branches; it won’t solve the problem inherent at Cover.
They are too limp-wristed at enforcing their policies.

Favoritism is rampant, most of the first two gens won’t do a bare minimum of 3 streams a week. You got the breadwinner out and about not working for several weeks at a time, I wonder what message that would send to new hires?

Best thing they can do is just present Myth with an ultimatum - do the bare minimum or announce graduation. It feels like Ame, Mori, Ina, and Gura are double dipping.

Once the Myth situation is cleared up, then debut a new wave that understands you have to stream at this streaming company.

>> No.38078224

Oh no no no no Luxiemkiller bros, Voxkiller brothers, we got way too cocky on this one. We can't beat the kings like this.....

>> No.38078370

Adding a male branch also won't change anything about it when they're already slowing down, using back hort excuses or being put in the jail because they're too fucking menhera.

>> No.38078461

That's retarded
Even the worst of EN/JP/ID still generate profits for Cover - the lack of streaming is just an opportunity loss
Forcing graduations for what are at this point veterans with dedicated fanbases (particularly Gura and Ayame) would be the fastest way to kill the hololive
What Cover needs to do is fix their recruitment process and hire talents that actually having streaming ambitions within hololive instead of hiring unambitious part-timers like Sana or clout chasers like Laplus

>> No.38078478

No one ever said that ever. Everyone was saying Iluna was gonna mog them and the exact opposite happened.

>> No.38078770

Maybe if you are SEA but pretty much anyone who isn't min wagie in an actual country makes more than them.

>> No.38078883

Like other anons have mentioned, Iluna was insanely hyped on debut. The designs were all good too and what people were hoping for, almost like Anykara took notes of requests from the general.
But then you heard their voices on debut and how some like Kyo's were an insane mismatch. Then you saw some of their personalities like Aster's show over time. Then you had to put up with their stream choices, it honestly was like half of them werent streamers before this. Considering how Anykara now had 26 members, it didnt give anyone a reason to drop their current oshis.

>> No.38079540

>Regis and Axel
Ahh nahone, it's Indonesian dead subs from Zeta and Kobo

>> No.38080146

Maybe stop cancelling ideas/projects because they're better than your fanfic? Maybe fire the fucking fanfic writer in command?

>> No.38080392

The market has a fuckton of people servicing it.
But more importantly. Cover can't fully monetise EN.
No matter how much Gura may pull in superchats its still gonna put her below a lot of the mid tier JP girls in terms of company revenue.
Nobody is paying to have Gura in their ads, nobody is paying to have Gura on their random merch, Gura aint being invited to appear on western TV shows.
Cover has little incentive with EN because the market is just different and focused more on the streaming than the JP market.

>> No.38080538

You say this like its surprising.
I genuinely thought they'd have 400k subs by like week 2 though because they speak english.
I guess It revealed that no matter what language you speak, the Hololive audience doesn't care about male Vtubers

>> No.38080548

True, Cover is stupid and hasn't found a way or just not interested in pushing HoloEN to the greater western market outside of just anime streaming services (they did have that Taco Bell promotion tho), but how does that relate to them delaying a Hololive EN3 for Tempus?

>> No.38080596

>This is the mentality of your typical homobegger

>> No.38080601

If they were advertising them as luxemkillers or voxkillers, they would’ve given them better looking models then those monstrosities we saw debut. The meme is that they looked so ugly and that’s why they bfo Iluna their actual rival.

>> No.38080861

I think it's more that Cover isn't that interested in further pursuing EN, it's an afterthought, a way to lure people into watching JP girls.
There's no way to achieve the same kind of monetisation you can in Japan. The culture and industry isn't there.
So why bother? Why put much effort in?
Why spend more than you must?
Why not let Yagoo dick around with his personal pet project in the EN branch? It stops him being involved too much in JP

>> No.38081122

Because they're still wasting money on a group that won't even be able to be fully integrated to the rest of the branch? Again, what sounds better in an investors point of view: more of the same that has proven to have a decent to great amount of success and better investments to have a bigger market reach or betting on something that they already did and failed in the past and now they're up against an even bigger adversary? If Cover was more cutthroat the people in command would probably fire whoever had the idea to push EN3 away for Tempus after Vesper's suspension.

>> No.38081287

Nah you're failing to see that EN isn't worth much to the company.
They don't make much money for Cover. They make enough to justify keeping them around but not enough to justify expansion.

So the business degree holders who run Cover these days see them as a low value section of the company they can basically exile Yagoo to.
Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.38081859

If EN isn't worth then we wouldn't have had any new debuts. If Cover really doesn't want to invest more into EN then creating a new group for the infinitely less successful branch is counterintuitive, and even if they saw some decent success that most people didn't expect it's painfully obvious that an actual HoloEN3 would be performing WAY better than Tempus.

>> No.38084290

You are forgetting the value to them in distracting Yagoo.
Yagoo is passionate and has goals that go beyond making money. The very opposite of a business degree holder.
But he's the founder and too well known so just booting him out is bad optics.
A low cost, low income project away from the real money makers is a great way to distract him so you can further expand the monetisation of the real income stream, that being the JP girls.
All without Yagoo getting involved with his crazy ideas like "making content that makes people happy" or being a "next generation entertainment company"

>> No.38085112


>> No.38085225

what cope dumbass? people were being fucking laughed out of /#/ pre-debut for even suggesting they might get more than 100k subs each and/or ever break 1k CCV past debut, and for good reason since homoJP are barely surviving being low 3views.
