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37962235 No.37962235 [Reply] [Original]

Fishman is bad at business.

>> No.37962345

500 dollars.

>> No.37962405

300 dollars

>> No.37962478

400, tell me why I'm wrong

>> No.37962492
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>> No.37962512


>> No.37962519

Correct. 400 as the total difference between the amounts given, -100 to account for the rise in the cow's price.

>> No.37962528

I spent $800+$1100=$1900
I made $1000+$1300=$2300

There isn't even a trick here, stop trying to cover for yourself Sakana.

>> No.37962575


>> No.37962627

this is correct

>> No.37962690

The question older then life itself: who's trolling and who's actually retarded

>> No.37962702
File: 883 KB, 1491x2239, fauna cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I start with $800.

I buy a cow for $800. I have $0 now.

I sell the cow for $1000. My total profit right now is $1000-800 = $200.

I buy the cow again, but this time it's $1100. The extra $100 are paid out of the profit I made on the first sale, so my total profit is now $100.

I sell the cow for $1300. My profit on this sale is $1300-$1100 = $200, but I have $100 profit left over from the previous sale, so my total profit is $300.

>> No.37962751

just for anyone curious how to actually do this, just equalize it at zero dollars at step 1

I had a cow at $0
I stole the cow for $200
I bought the cow for $300
I sold the cow for $500

you made $500 then paid the Money Lender $300 for the $100 you borrowed

>> No.37962782

profit starts at 0
0 - 800 + 1000 - 1100 + 1300
it is legit addition and fucking subtraction.
is this man retarded

>> No.37962801

who the fuck buys back a cow that they just sold for a hundred dollars more than they sold it for. that's the real question

>> No.37962827
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soooo whats the answer

>> No.37962937

Alls that matters is the difference between when you bought and sold. 200 profit each time. The 100 dollar difference between the first selling and the second purchase doesn't matter.

>> No.37962978


You threw out 100 dollars somewhere, granted I guess that's a good skill to have in the real world when you need to launder some money.

>> No.37962983

they arent paid out of your profit though, youre not cutting into your profit. Look at it as 2 separate transaction:

buy cow at 800
sell for 1000
- profit 200

buy cow at 1100
sell cow at 1300
- profit 200

total profit 400

the thing about it being the same cow is just to confuse you, they could just as well be 2 different cows.

>> No.37963021


>> No.37963065

>You threw out 100 dollars somewhere, granted I guess that's a good skill to have in the real world when you need to launder some money.
Italian coffee shop math

>> No.37963074

Fine, step 5 is funneling all my profits into my secret off-shore account to evade taxes.

>> No.37963107


>> No.37963132
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Welp, I guess I'm retarded. A life of shiftlessness and crime it is for me then.

cow fauna

>> No.37963140
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>both purple
>both animals
>both own small vtuber groups

>> No.37963160

I mean you could still be a lawyer at least.

>> No.37963182

>this man actually pays his taxes instead of funneling his money into an offshore bank

>> No.37963188

Even in this convoluted route, instead of just tallying up each side, it works out as:

I start with $800
I buy a cow for $800, I have $0 now
I sell the cow for $1000, I have $1000 now
I borrow $100, I have $1100 now but owe the Jew $100
I buy the cow for $1100, I have $0 and owe the Jew $100
I sell the cow for $1300, I have $1300 now and owe the Jew $100
I pay back the Jew $100, I have $1200 no.
I have turned $800 into $1200.

>> No.37963271

LOL fucker thinks he can just pay the jews back what he owes, youd be at around -300$ and a missing limb at the end

>> No.37963277


>> No.37963281

>I borrow $100 and owe the Jew $100
>I pay back the Jew $100

>> No.37963317

Answer is none, because you went bankrupcy before buying cow for second time.

>> No.37963353

>thinking you'll pay back the Jews the exact amount you borrowed

>> No.37963399

what if the cow bites you and you need surgery?
do i have insurance for that?
so many question PIPPA!?

>> No.37963519
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>> No.37963583

$0 earnings, $400 capital gains

>> No.37963592

ITT people who think in maths vs people who think in accounting

>> No.37963649
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>I borrow $100
>I pay back the Jew $100

>> No.37963824

it doesn't matter where the fuck the money he used to buy the cow came from. what matters is the amount of money he profitted from buy-selling the cow in those two times.

i'm sakana btw

>> No.37964008

You tell the judge that, or the children he sold

>> No.37964038

>it doesn't matter where the fuck the money he used to buy the cow came from.
I mean it kind of does though, unless you want to be a pedantic little bitch and hide your deficits while highlighting profits, like some sort of leech.
But if you were doing that you might as well just say "I earned $2300"

>> No.37964039

>I borrow $100, I have $1100 now but owe the Jew $100
what does idol corp has to do with this?

>> No.37964049

>it doesn't matter where the fuck the money came from
*angry government noises*

>> No.37964065

The judge sold a bunch of children? He should be pretty understanding then.

>> No.37964105

actually I would be inclined to say "where the money came from" is the most critical part of any transaction

>> No.37964162

I bought the cow with a promisary note due in 30 days
sold the cow for 1000$ immediately
bought it again with another promisary note under a new company name, due in 35 days
sold it again for 2300$
moved the 2300$ to an offshore
declared bankruptcy
made 2300$

>> No.37964218

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.37964222

Based sleazy businessman.

>> No.37964418

only if you truly embrace wealth and gains by discarding your sense of morals and ethics, and also by knowing enough people or by knowing how much you need to pay them minimally

>> No.37964612

Heh, are you even trying?
>take the cow
>take 1000$
>take another cow
>take 2300$
I am in 3300$+2 cows profit. Take the anarchy pill.

>> No.37964859

cash only, fuck off

>> No.37965129

Fishman would simply shout at the cow for being a cow and try to limit its cowlike activities and hope it lays some eggs

>> No.37965686

you paid $800 for the cow
then you paid the jew $100
1300 - 900 = 400
you earned $400

>> No.37965732

and tip

>> No.37965834

I wouldn't respond to an alt-right vtuber, nor any other alt-right person.

>> No.37965884
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It doesn't tell you your starting amount of money. Just says you spent $800. That doesn't mean you only had $800.

>> No.37965977

>everyone to the right of Mao is le heckin aLt-RiGhT
go back

>> No.37965979

You now remember that Phase would have been relegated into irrelevancy if it wasn't for Pippa. She's basically powering the entire company on her own now, all the fish had to do is stop interfering and sit there shilling his coffee.

>> No.37966044

who cares all that matter is you found someone foolish enough to buy the same cow twice

>> No.37966311

Is this her way of saying she doesn't need him?

>> No.37968967

>It doesn't tell you your starting amount of money.
It's irrelevant. Even if you started with $900 and so borrowed nothing, you are still turning $900 into $1300, so it's still $400 earnings.

>> No.37970629

>400 at the end
so, how many interest sakana need to pay for the 900 extra?

>> No.37970732

>interest ratio
lul, prepared to be jewed

>> No.37971112
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4 dabloon

>> No.37971217

Not from a gentile

>> No.37971694


You have a profit of -1700 dollars plus interests, because you had no money before buying the first cow, then you sold it, then you borrowed again but this time 900, because you had 200 for selling it the first time. As you are a big corpo, you present this -1700 as your results and fire 11.111 employees to compensate for the losses, meanwhile you pocket your trimestral bonus out of the 400 dollars you made , meaning you earn 300 dollars as bonus minus government ransom(taxes). This bonus doesn't account yet as it has to be calculated how much the company saves firing all that people.

>> No.37972365


>> No.37972639

Pippa is obviously killing cows to drive the price up

>> No.37972758

It says you bought it again though.

>> No.37973267

are you all stupid?

you made 200$ because 1300-1100=200

doesn't matter what you bought and sold the cow for the first around since you bought it back for more than you sold it first time around and thus made no actual earnings from it anymore since you paid it all back into the cow the second time around.

>> No.37973543

Even after buying back the cow at a higher price you have a $100 profit, retard.

>> No.37973559

You earned $2,300.

>> No.37973611 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 475x123, profit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profit = Ending balance - Beginning balance
= 1300 - 800
= 500

>> No.37973688

1000+-800 is 200

>> No.37973767

Kind of what I was thinking. She went from 800 dollars to 1300 then asked how much did she earn. Wouldn't you just do 1300-800=500.
All the other stuff is to just trick you with math when the question is how much did she earn in the end.

>> No.37973903

You're genuinely brain dead anon. It's been explained countless times itt, if you can't figure it out then there's no hope for you.

>> No.37973984

I want to sell you a cow, you'll make money ;)

>> No.37974024

He is. Takes 6 months to get merch to burgerland.

>> No.37974057

you buy a cow for 800 and sell it for 1000 = 200 in profit

you buy a cow for 1100 again which puts at -100 in profit because it is 100 more than what you sold the last cow for.

then you sell that cow again for 1300 which adds another 200 in profit.



so the profit you made is 300 in total. you made 400 in the sells but you had to spend another 100 to buy a second cow.

>> No.37974090

It doesn't matter you bought the same cow twice, or you bought cow 1 the first time and cow 2 the second time. It's always the difference in the transactions that matter. It's like speculating on stocks, it doesn't matter what the price is at.

>> No.37974129
File: 115 KB, 512x512, 16676418250410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy goyim, you forgot to pay the 100$ loan for that second cow and now you have accumulated interest. Don't worry though my brother runs a law firm, we can help you out.

>> No.37974352

Imagine you have 1000
You buy the cow at 800, you have 200 left
You sell it for 1000, you have 1200 left
You buy it, another cow, a waffle, a dildo, whatever it doesn't matter and is completely independent from the first transaction for 1100, you have 100 left
You sell the thingamajig for 1300, you have 1400

You have 1400-1000=400 in profit

>> No.37974357

$1300 for this cow? the best I can do is $1100, I can't believe you think this cow is worth $1000, You're lucky to be getting $800

>> No.37974434

Not a matter of braindead more so I don't know what the hell she meant by Earned. If she meant each step then yes its 400. But if it is earned in "I started at 800, ended at 1300. What is the difference gained". Then its 500.
If it is from 800 to the end not counting the money earned then spent for the second cow its 400.
Problem here is everyone is either answering each exchange separate or counting the money gained in one exchange then lost in the other giving different responses.

>> No.37974451

>serious answer
>reddit spacing
>still gets it wrong

>> No.37974476

It's a meme question because there's no explanation on where the extra 100 dollars came from.

If we take it at face value and assume you have 900 bucks, spent 800, sold it for 1000 then you've got 1100 (200 dollar profit) then buy it back for 1100 then sell for 1300 your total profit is, in fact, 400.

However if you are borrowing 100 dollars to buy cowcoin at the current price of 1100 federal reserve notes, then you would have to pay back the 100 dollars and therefore you would gain only 300 dollars profit.

The question, like many, is left open with holes in order to fail people because professors are cocksucking dicks fuck you Professor Mckenzie your stories about watching simpsons with your kids weren't funny you fucking bitch.

>> No.37974525

You didn't earn anything. All you did was move money around with your fellow bourgeoisie parasites while the working class milks the cow.

>> No.37974544

if you wanna go by that logic then you actually only make 100$

you invest 800 intoo a cow and make a win of 200 by selling it

but then you have to add those 200 plus another 100 into the second cow putting you at a -100

the second sell gives you another 200

so the second cow is actually a bad move with that logic since you buy 300 higher than you did initially

>> No.37974642

>But if it is earned in "I started at 800, ended at 1300. What is the difference gained".
That's the issue with your logic. She started with an 800 investment, and she has to put another 100 into the system before the end of it. In reality it would be more accurate to say she started with 900.
The only way you can get 500 is if you're absolutely retarded and don't bother reading the question at all, taking the starting and ending "values" at face value. It's a retard filter and you got filtered.

>> No.37974681

>Reddit spacing
>Can't understand a basic number problem
Not shocking in the slightest.

>> No.37974809

>what is crypto trading

>> No.37974829
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Every single newfag.

Is super eager.

To whine about reddit spacing.

And the problem is deliberately open ended.

>> No.37974861

$0 because the fed keeps raping the currency

>> No.37974889

No, if you're at a -100 after the second buy, the second sell gives you +300. From -100 to +200 differential, or from 1000 to 1300 in value

>> No.37974904

>And the problem is deliberately open ended.
No it isn't. It's incredibly cut and dry. It doesn't matter if your hypothetical Pippa starts with one million dollars or zero, she will have 400 more dollars than she started with by the end of these transactions.

>> No.37974926

>itt anons you should never do business with

>> No.37974958

ahh true, i admit i messed up my thinking there

but yeah that still is only 300 and not 400

>> No.37975019

This. It's like people don't understand double entry book keeping. All expenditures and all incomes, the balance is in the difference.

>> No.37975021
File: 46 KB, 220x259, 544664.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these retards
>but muh epic baiterino
you are still a retard.

>> No.37975039


>> No.37975309
File: 3 KB, 208x201, SWyOwGy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is an absolute shoah

>> No.37975366

better get off this website then

>> No.37975433

Are you retarded? You start with $800, you end with $1000, where are you getting the extra $100 from? For that matter, where are you getting the $800 from?
This is why people fuck up their accounting. You add up all incomes and all expenditures, you deduct the latter from the former and the difference is you profit or loss. The capital expenditure is irrelevant until you wish to cash out.

>> No.37976225

Someone who just found someone would buy it for $1300.

>> No.37977937

> The extra $100 are paid out of the profit
> $1300-$1100 = $200

>> No.37978350

If a newfag is right he is right, even if he has only been here for 30 seconds.

>> No.37978996
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How do so many people manage to still get it wrong after several people already showed the correct result 400 and how to get there?

>> No.37979192

the math itself is simple
the word problem is a devilish trap for ESLs

>> No.37979691

>when $ was spend feeding it
you retards probably think that chuubas keep 100% of all akasupas

>> No.37979715

I start with 0
i borrow $800
I sold the cow for $1000 and return the $800
I have $200
I buy cow again using the $200 and borrows $900
I sell for $1300 and return the $900
I have $400

>> No.37980547
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>> No.37981114


>> No.37981586
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Smart guy. He saves time by not having to explain and argue his answer to a useless question
