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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37956884 No.37956884 [Reply] [Original]

What pisses me off most is that if Kronii, Ame, or Mori pulled this shit people would never forgive them. But when Gura does this the cycle just continues.

>> No.37957004

Yes duh. Because Kronii, Ame and Mori deserve hate for being awful.
Meanwhile Gura is the best streamer idol on the planet

>> No.37957064

>if Kronii, Ame, or Mori pulled this shit
no need for them to come down to amateur hate league, they've done enough already.

>> No.37957197

You literally only care because it’s Gura, notice how you’re not crying about ina and notice how you neglect to mention that there’s other holos who stream even less than both Gura and Ina

>> No.37957591

Because everyone misses Gura some just ro stubborn to admit it

>> No.37957646


>> No.37957854
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This. Notice how nobody minds if Ina is gone because she actually has reasons for being away. Also, nobody else in EN would even think of vanishing without any communication on such a consistent basis as Gura does. So any "whataboutism" regarding other members doing the same thing is retarded. Only Gura does this and so she deserves all that she gets on here for repeatedly leading people around her disingenuous merry-go-round.

>> No.37958038

nobody cares about ina, that's the actual difference, gura on the other hand can get you this butthurt even though you don't watch her

>> No.37958297

There is no point in being mad cause we know how she is. It was time to move on a while go if it bothers you. Just the advantage of amassing a huge fanbase before deciding to soft quit. Super loyal fans will stay regardless, casual fans prefer fuck all streams. Goobs has no reason to care, Cover still make enough off her as a figurehead.

The only problem she could face is a new talent replacing her as the star. Which is somewhat inevitable anyway, might just happen sooner rather than later.

>> No.37958390
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More like streamer idle

>> No.37958615

>Goobs has no reason to care, Cover still make enough off her as a figurehead.
Once again this "money" argument has come into it. How does Gura being rich benefit her fans at all, when she's supposed to be streaming for their enjoyment and the whole point is they watch for the entertainment. "Goobs has no reason to care". Well she should, if she cares about her viewers, regardless if she's making lots of money or not.

>> No.37958656

What pisses me off is how people immediately kneel though. Why does Gura get special treatment and immediate forgiveness?

>> No.37958705

Since [Janny's Chosen People] can't actually watch streams, watching a number go up is literally their only source of entertainment, in Gura's case that number is in her bank account

>> No.37958728

If we're lucky we may get as many as 8 whole streams before her inevitable holiday break / Japan trip!

>> No.37958734

She's cute, funny and follows the unicorn way

>> No.37958807

I hate to break it to you, but when Ina streams she is the second highest CCV only behind Gura. So no, people care cumbud

>> No.37958845

why does ina always lose to mori and ame during outfit reveals

>> No.37958904


>> No.37958958
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Doesn't that just make it obvious who the ones pedaling the hate are? I mean /ggg/ is basically an anti thread for any other EN girl.

>> No.37958983

She doesn't, won't change and your concerns will be left unanswers. So it comes down to if you keep caring.

That's the super fans and casual fans wanting to get in on it. Coming up with reasons she's gone or celebrating her being back is what they do now. Fandom as an activity is all they get now.

>> No.37958986

Kuroboshi is a hack who draws ugly clown suits like RAITA, wada, and pako.

>> No.37959030

basically true, you look at any anti-ame thread on the catalog and it's guaranteed that you'll see some chumcuck post there.

>> No.37959124

If Mori pulled this shit most of /vt/ would probably celebrate, anon.

>> No.37959184

People are constantly asking where Ina is you disingenuous faggots.

>> No.37959234

Anon... /ggg/ IS the Amelia hate general.

>> No.37959257

lmao like a couple guys after 50 days, meanwhile the queen of vtubing makes this board explode after like 4 days

>> No.37959447

That's really sad. Don't they have anything better to talk about?

>> No.37959512

I mean hating on whores is pretty cool

>> No.37959658

Whoa you mean to tell me that Ame and Calli who have larger subs have a higher turn out for a special event? What a surprising turn of events!
Dress reveals aren't regular streaming hours. Ina maintains a comfortable larger audience than the others for quite some time.

>> No.37959793

It's a sad story really. I did a lot of thread reading lurking so it goes like this:
Chumbuds never cared to like or hate Amelia, no reason to. But then a shitposter started spamming Gurame pics everyday, he would shit on other ships and paint Amelia as someone superior to Gura.
This annoyed the chumbuds but it was controlled, then it started to happen a lot more, now the chumbuds banned Gurame posting and ended up hating her in retaliation to the Gurame posters.

There's a lot more reasons as to why chumbuds hate Amelia even without the Gurame shitpost but it would be an even longer story of everything Amelia supposedly did to Gura since last year.

>> No.37959800
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Are you gonna whiteknight that yellow bitch like KFP do teaniggers? this bitch is Kiara's personal lackey and you can tell Ame's still at it from when streamed over the IRyS outfit reveal, an ungrateful Cover anti. This whore deserves tons of antis.

>> No.37959907 [DELETED] 

the reason for the hypocrisy is because chumbuds don't actually watch gura for her personality or even her streaming content; they literally only like her because she is a loli, that's it. And, knowing this, gura makes herself have as little of a personality as possible. Once you understand this, it all makes sense.

They hate all the other holos you mentioned because those girls have personalities, talk about their struggles, will get mad at chat sometimes etc. and this annoys chumbuds because they're not here for any of the girls' personalities, just the 2d avatar. To chumbuds gura is just a toy they can 'uuuoooooh' over so of course they don't give a fuck about whether she actually streams or how she treats them, they don't actually view her as a person. It's why they get so defensive too because they can't actually explain what they like about gura when challenged other than 'uoooh gura cute.'

>> No.37959998

>chumbud has paranoid schizophrenia and viciously attacks everyone else in EN for being """"whores""""
Depressingly common

>> No.37960333

The fuck are you talking about? Try visiting Hololive Global, there's always at least a schizo talking shit about Gura every 20 posts

>> No.37960342
File: 29 KB, 533x159, Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paranoid schizophrenia
when i have proof for it and you have nothing

>> No.37960384

>gura knows exactly what I want and delivers
>never collabs with males or snaps at her fans
Sounds pretty good to me

>> No.37960431 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 1920x2348, Mumei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paranoid schizophrenia
this words seem to suit Mumei very well

>> No.37960576

She has a very strong separation between who she is off-stream and her streaming persona and is not going to share much of her personal life with her fans I grant you, but she has plenty of personality and charisma which in the end is the reason people watch her and keep coming back to her, loli vtubers are dime a dozen and beyond a small initial buff it is not a recipe for guaranteed success especially not on the level Gura has attained.

>> No.37960591

qrd on why people are convinced this is mumei? I see people mention orcschizo = mumei all the time but there doesn't seem to be any actual proof of it. Is it just a meme or is there actual proof?

>> No.37960737

I’m gonna be real. As someone who doesn’t even watch HoloEN anymore, I actually don’t care. I just can’t help but notice when all these baitposts show up, so I sometimes lose to temptation and shitpost at chumkeks.
To be honest, I’d happily ignore her and not give a shit if she stopped streaming. It’s just too easy to be tempted into laughing at chumkeks/engage in armchair speculation about what’s wrong with Gura.

>> No.37960941

>Orcschizo is Mumei
Time of rentry edit seems indicate Council debut (could also be Lazulight or Phase Connect gen 1 or any gen from that period or a falseflag from orcschizo)
>Orcschizo is not Mumei
Orcschizo lived in Germany and can speak the language, Mumei can’t
All signs toward Mumei comes from Orcschizo, no sign from Mumei ever pointed toward Orcschizo

>> No.37960948

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTOFHDsqHyM (Orc used to live in Germany)
https://files.catbox.moe/1jcu6n.webm (0.55)

if you can use common sense and isn't some simp, just ":D", "Orca>>>Orc" and the burning KFP blimp alone is more than enough

>> No.37961178
File: 533 KB, 1000x1000, 1648471439719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orc used to live in Germany
>Mooms just learnt they cut their bread
>can't speak german

>> No.37961217

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTOFHDsqHyM [Embed] (Orc used to live in Germany)
Literal proof that Mumei didn’t live in Germany and cannot be Orcschizo
>https://files.catbox.moe/1jcu6n.webm (0.55)
Kanauru made this and Mumei had zero input other than wanting it removed.

Why do you always post the same retarded garbage? It was supposed to be Finana, then Mumei, then Pippa, then Mumei again.
It’s almost certainly Orcschizo trolling, she didn’t debut as a vtuber.

>> No.37961662 [DELETED] 

Mumei is a kiwifarms fag she understood how "kraut discordniggers" operate because she knew about Drachenlord
and that the people who harassed him were the same people that went to town on Kiara and that's it
>Orc can speak german
proof of your claim please

Kanauru wasn't known to be an edgy /pol/ guy but Mumei was you retarded simp nigger

>> No.37962212

Wait, why are the [Loathsome Pagpag Eaters] unable to watch streams?

>> No.37962343

>Kanauru wasn't known to be an edgy /pol/ guy but Mumei was you retarded simp nigger
Kanauru did the MV and Mumei received it last minute before upload just like everything Kanauru does it’s ALWAYS last minute.
This is not a conjecture, this is a fact, said by both Kanauru and Mumei.
The reason he did this is probably because he thought it was funny (it was) and he overlooked the fact that the zeppelin was owned by Nazi. A fact that is known to be very often overlooked.

You do not have a single proof that Mumei is Orcschizo and all your links and rrats are garbage.

>> No.37963036 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 632x238, Ollie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what Orc hates Ollie too but the slave chasing definitely was Kanauru's idea right

bitch brought the indogs to their knees for a reason

>> No.37964224

The others did the exact same thing AND they gave in to Homobeggars

>> No.37964236
File: 55 KB, 595x513, holotorilove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumei and kiara are both birds
>mumei is a villain who hates kiara
>mumei has an 'enemies to lovers' arc and a redemption arc and is now a begrudging ally like some edgy shounen sidekick

>> No.37964476
File: 208 KB, 912x886, 29E92395-84CE-4DD9-8477-92A3DE313341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If those 3 did people would celebrate, hoping they never return. Nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.37964524

It was a meme that combined two things, the first being the "Mumei posted here pre-debut giving hints about her design" shit because Genshin invented ribbons and brown hair apparently, the second being orcschizo trying to bait people into thinking she got into hololive

There is a schizophrenic cumshart who took this to be reality because he is so mentally ill he literally believes any post he sees on 4chan to be fact (note how he posts random shitposts as "evidence" of his delusions). He posts about this almost every day.

>> No.37964605

>but the slave chasing definitely was Kanauru's idea right
It wasn’t even removed from the MV.
This is a manufactured yab. No one thinks this is a slave reference except from schizos /here/

>> No.37965346

She's not an idol, or even the best Streamer in Hololive.

>> No.37965974

No, he knew. The fact that he put KFP on the Zepplin wasn't a coincidence.

>> No.37966932

>still trying the same angle
She did not make that MV, retard.
It also had zero consequences for Kiara. This is not the big "owned you" you think it is.
If she war actually orcschizo, there are a lot of ways to do a lot more of damage much more easier.

>> No.37967231

That's nothing you faggot, cumbuds are literally the most sensitive fanbase, no wonder they like children

>> No.37969355
File: 87 KB, 833x711, uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cant be mad at me
im cute :3c

>> No.37969492

Not anymore, Gura streamed less than all of them this month for fucks sakes Ayame streamed more than her.

>> No.37969544

>Don't they have anything better to talk about?
Well the generals are for discussion of your oshi and her streams, and uhh...

>> No.37969561

The Kroniis did forgive Kroniis though, they just spent weeks shitting up this board seething about Vesper because they view Kronii as their "depressed relatable 20-something dork gf".

Mori no one cares because she doesn't care deadbeats are mindbroken.

Amelia would post an image of herself flipping her fans off and all the teammates would be like "that's our amelia" and not care.

>> No.37969822

She's been doing this for 2 years. Chumbuds owe the blame to themselves. She wants to falter so badly but cant.

>> No.37969993

>said by both Kanauru and Mumei.
>and he didn't wonder why they both had to say it out loud as if it was an order from someone to do so

the amount of whiteknighting jesus... but it's to be expected since hoocucks denied about the orca for like.. 6 months

>> No.37970240

Surely this 9th Gura seethe thread today will be the one that convices people to hate her, keep up the great work.

>> No.37970259

Kronii always got regular hate threads even before Tempus was brought into the mix, though it’s gotten out of hand more so lately even though she hasn’t done anything with the homos in almost 2 months now.

>> No.37970373

Least she hasn't collabed with the faggots

>> No.37970478
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>Created: 6 January, 2021

>> No.37970502

>people would never forgive them.
False. In fact I encourage them to stream less. 100% less would be perfect.

>> No.37970521

>all above is fiction

>> No.37970615

>even though she hasn’t done anything with the homos in almost 2 months now.
Which makes her initial burst of collabs to "own the haters" even more fucking retarded. Why do it in the first place? It galvanized people against her. Does she really think people are going to come back to her if she goes "uwu I was just kidding guys please watch my GFE asmr"

>> No.37970667

Wow, it's almost like teakeks spent months spamming every fucking /ggg/ thread with amesame garbage. Some threads literally had more yellow whore discussion than gura discussion. At one point the filthy parasites even tried to redefine the word chumbud to require being a fan of ame and spent weeks spamming that shit. Teakeks and trheir pointless whore deserve everything they get.

>> No.37970876

Gura literally retweeted this ass pic. It is NOT fiction my oshi is just a tomboy lesbo nigger.

>> No.37971245

The hate is mostly directed against Vesper (even though he is the least offensive, personality wise) because Clock cucks view him as the big vampire dick coming to fuck the depression out of autistic subway sandwich woman.

This board is so full of people who are 500 pounds and will never have any job that pays more than 15/hr that people are literally threatened by big gay nerd.

>> No.37971326

I listened to all her gfe asmrs while being sad that it's been another 4 month stretch where my life has done nothing.

>> No.37971394
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at least her mama streams

>> No.37971438

Damn it... I can't...
Sorry for being mean goomba

>> No.37971963

>the mama streams more than the chuuba herself

>> No.37973813

So did Amelia

>> No.37973902

Such is the power of not being malicious to your fans.

>> No.37974484

How long has it even been? When is the next stream?
I'm so sad and Gura-starved.

>> No.37974542

Luto, who was missing for months because of school, streams more than gura now.

Kana has disappeared.

There's that thai gura and she streams a lot.

The new ghost gura is eagerly trying to make boobros out of chumbuds.

>> No.37975025

That's true. Only homobeggars hate Gura for the "crime" of not letting their 3view shitters leech.

>> No.37975189

oh wow a thread slightly critical of gura starts doxxposting and shitting on every other EN, what a unique turn of events

>> No.37975273

What’s that? Sorry, can’t hear (You) over the sound of people that actually stream.

>> No.37976589

t. projecting cuckbeat

>> No.37976685
File: 138 KB, 600x601, EC95E6B0-46C6-4B9E-853A-6D34F05A67B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like clockwork, thankfully they will be dead soon just like those Tempiss faggots’ channels, once they join the 41%.

>> No.37976697

please leave her alone. sharkie-sama is an adult, chronologically, and decided that she can't be arsed to communicate with her fans.
she shouldn't suffer consequences for that

>> No.37977153

more like the logical consequence is that a responsible adult should be held accountable for throwing at their job. these are supposed to be celebrities, in the public eye. she doesn't have to do anything beyond pick up the phone for 1 minute to make a tweet to satisfy this and yet apparently that's still too hard.

>> No.37977378

also, same goes for Ina. yes we know she's on break, she announced it. but unless she is literally in a coma she probably has a minute somewhere these past 50 days to just say hi or something, it looks like purposeful negligence to not do so i.e all that bullshit about loving her takodachi etc rings more hollow by the day. it's not like she's not allowed to dislike her fans, but we should be allowed to call her out on it and say she logically doesn't deserve them and is an abject, lying hypocrite every single time she opens her mouth about them afterward.

>> No.37981380

I just want to see more Gura streams.

>> No.37983467

Nigger Roboco disappeared for almost two months because her cat died and I bet you didn't even know about it before this post

>> No.37983472

Holo vs holo, who could they be.

>> No.37983689


I would kill my cat for 2 weeks off. Oh, I have a job where your cat dying is not an excuse for not showing up. It must be nice to cash checks for doing no work. Gura didn't even write that tweet. Who abused you as a child and warped your idea of how women should act Chumbuds?

>> No.37983754

Of course it's bullshit, they are all actresses. it's like a hostess club in Japan. At the end of the day it's just a business transaction, someone supplies content you want to see, and you pay them by investing your time, super chats, and/or memberships.

>> No.37983966

Gura a has a very primitive nervous system.
Them other hoes is hoes.

>> No.37984021

When the biggest complaint about Gura is taking some time off, then you have a dedicated fanbase that will wait for her return.

Unlike the other fans that are given real reasons to drop their oshi's on a dime.

>> No.37984174

Guuba did nothing wrong faggot.

>> No.37984204

Exactly. I want MORE Gura being exactly who Gura is. If she needs time off to keep from burning out, I'm fine with that.
I WANT more Gura, but I want her to be happy.

>> No.37984307

>It should've been MEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.37984316

Brother, Kronii takes breaks every 2 months, I don't know wtf are you talking about.

>> No.37984450

The difference is that their jobs involve close interaction with chat, while even customer service jobs require only that you don’t make it *too* obvious how much you hate being there.
You can fill out a spreadsheet while you’re crying, you can’t do a two hour stream very well while thinking about your dead pet. That still doesn’t excuse Sana for taking THAT much time off, but taking time off for a dead pet is more acceptable in streaming than in other jobs for a reason.

>> No.37985075

Gura has enough charisma that people miss her when she's gone. look like Ina has been missing for two months and nobody gives a shit

>> No.37986381

>I'm a sociopath I'm a sociopath I'm a sociopath
cool story fag

>> No.37988602

People like Gura

>> No.37992478

the sad thing is they don't care enough to even make the tiniest effort to keep up the act and sour a bunch of fans on it. and then cover makes all the rest of the girls pretend nothing's wrong everything's perfect and you're a schizo super-hitler oppressor for daring question if she'll -really- be glad to see us again in the midst of all the cheering takos.

>> No.37992861

the problem is gura takes time off the majority of the time now basically. why the fuck would people be happy with that? what if your favorite TV show used to air like 5 nights a week, then 4, then 3, then 1-2 if you're lucky punctuated by random breaks that could be weeks where it was off the air without a trace. you'd start to go "I still like the show but what the fuck is with its production schedule" and either get madder and madder wishing it was still your primary entertainment yet not being there, or just walk away from it and find something else to watch. literally no good outcome is possible from her behavior.

the really, really fucking lame thing is gura could very easily keep peoples' impatience at bay with a couple tweets or something but naaah. fuck that, she can't be assed. all that ""love"" for chumbuds is only when she's on the clock, sorry. that might as well being saying "you see, fuck all of you haha now pretend nothing's wrong as I pull you back in when I return."

>> No.37993006

In other words, Gura's behavior (and also Ina's right now) is no better than a street hooker saying she loves you as long as you're paying her and then completely ignoring your existence afterwards.

Isn't Cover trying to sell an image that these are people who actually-like what they're doing? That they care? That this isn't 100.00% transactional only? Isn't that the whole idol thing? What the fuck.

>> No.37994838


>> No.37995459


Yagoo the holopimp. Hookers, hostess clubs, vtubers. Female attention for sale, unreliable girls unless you crack the whip.
