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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37954175 No.37954175 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.37954214

Idk why but eventhough i hate her for always leaving and not updating her fans, seeing her coming back brings a smile to my face.

>> No.37954244

her suspension was just as long as Vespers

>> No.37954276

Shout out to mane chan for making this tweet so people would stop asking them if gura died!

>> No.37954300


>> No.37954336
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It was all a PR student to make the ultimate collab happen - Chad vesper and queen gura.

>> No.37954373

She's going to stream all the way till New Years then ghost them on January until February, where she'll do GFE for a month and then ghost them again on March. Then do an April Fool's stream for a whole month then ghost them on May. She'll come back in June to stream till August, ghost everybody on September and then do another Halloween streaming month on October.

I've finally figured out her schedule. No need to thank me.

>> No.37954382

Guess she finally realised that ghost cunny was too much of a threat to ignore after all.

>> No.37954397

She will be back on DEC 1, you dummy.

>> No.37954499

>thank u for patience
this is not how she usually tweets, obviously manager sent it.

>> No.37954591
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It's insane how this image stays accurate no matter how long it goes.

>> No.37954617

If she's talking about returning then obviously she knows herself that she was on some sort of break, does she actually tell people when or why she goes on breaks?

>> No.37954633

She's going to Japan on December, so she's gonna disspear again anyways. This year has been her vacation year

>> No.37954641

So at this point she’s gotta know cumbuds were getting fed up with her being a lazy shit and not streaming, right?

>> No.37954706

>Returning the same day as Vesper

>> No.37954707

he's got about uh 4-5 days until he streams again i guess

>> No.37954716

She was suspended for the same length as Vesper, 2 weeks. Clearly something happened behind the scenes

>> No.37954729

She probably was doing recordings but then noticed Thanksgiving was a week out and said fuck it and didn't want to explain any of it because it looks worse than it already is.

>> No.37954731

Cunny shark I kneel

>> No.37954741

do you even know how to count?

>> No.37954772


>> No.37954782

Looking forward to 30 LE KNEEL threads before she inevitably disappears again

>> No.37954784
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One suspension! Ah ah ah!
Two suspensions! Ah ah ah!

>> No.37954835

Vesper graduates on december 3 which is also his return

>> No.37954847

Yea it's super obvious just line the shill tweets, I'm glad ENMA doesn't puppeteer ina like that

>> No.37954850

For a month. Then she'll disappear again with very little explanation and zero updates or fan interaction.

>> No.37954877

She didn't make that tweet anon.

>> No.37954905

A count dracula joke could be made out of this conversation somehow

>> No.37955043


>> No.37955044

Yay! 4 weeks of bare minimum streaming with one membership stream for good measure, followed by another 2 weeks of ghosting. The cycle continues.

>> No.37955097

It just means she's predictable, learn how to manipulate it

>> No.37955109

Of course. But she also knows that they'll come crawling back regardless.

>> No.37955127 [DELETED] 
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The shark fears the ghost.

>> No.37955153


>> No.37955158

Came here to enjoy this post

>> No.37955174

Specific dates? Unlike Gura

>> No.37955175

pedos have the weakest wills

>> No.37955225


>> No.37955409

enjoy your 3 streams before she leaves until april, chumtards

>> No.37955417

Gura back just after im done my oversea job, letsss gooo.

>> No.37955419

We need another Gura thread

>> No.37955457

I'm staying with this one.

>> No.37955467


*to play Minecraft for one stream before fucking off again

>> No.37955472

Too late. I´ve moved on to Fauna who will now be getting my money instead

>> No.37955499


>> No.37955508

We are used to it

>> No.37955516

amazing how this exact cycle has played out twenty times and yet everytime she says she's back chumpedos still shit up the catalog like their favorite team just won the super bowl

>> No.37955576

Because we love her. No matter how badly she treats us, we still love her.

>> No.37955661

I'm curious, was Gura the first streamer you ever watched?

>> No.37955888

Chambuds you guys are the beated wife

>> No.37955945

You guys.....you've done this like 10 times.

Gura disappears. Fans doompost. Then she has a "heroic return" and everyone gets excited.....before she simply disappears again. She's been jerking your chain like this for a year now, and it's getting tiresome seeing the emotional swings in her fanbase. Aren't you sick of it?

>> No.37955981

as a matter of fact no

>> No.37956012

>She's been jerking your chain
I don't know what to tell you other than I need more jerking

>> No.37956027

Lmao no. Shark is based

>> No.37956080

But there's no where else to get my blue cunny fix.
Hell no.

>> No.37956133

How can I get sick of blue cunny jerking my chain? Faggot.

>> No.37956140

anon see >>37954591

>> No.37956319

Jesus chumbuds you guys are pathethic

>> No.37956432 [DELETED] 

Chumbuds are masochists. They enjoy it.

>> No.37956471

I have already experienced 3 longer gury breaks on the board, it is always the same, kek

>> No.37956672
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>> No.37956699

We are now in the "event" fase.
Every new Gura stream will be an highly anticipated event with long pauses between.

>> No.37956813

>she's edging them
I'm not even a chumpedo and i'm jealous

>> No.37956862

>Aren't you sick of it?
No. I will worship the shark when she returns and I will miss her and do other things while she is gone.

>> No.37957721

I'm fully aware that I'm acting like a beaten spouse who keeps coming back for more and that she's a cunt for treating her fanbase like this over and over again but I......I.......I can fix her anon.

>> No.37957794

Her breaks give me time to shitpost your oshi so I’m very thankful for her understanding

>> No.37957966

Gura ain't afraid of no ghost

>> No.37958080

Let's see how long she last before ghosting chumbabies again

>> No.37958130

go back

>> No.37958292

i've never watched gura, is she a fun streamer

>> No.37958604

skip the video games and catch a karaoke once in a while, if she actually streams

>> No.37958671

She's an ok singer, but not great.
She has some charisma in her earlier days, but these days she sounds really bored all the time.

She is pretty good with memes. But it's a lot of pedo and loli stuff

>> No.37958719

>lots of pedo and loli stuff
Holy based

>> No.37958827
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She's a cute and funny streamer

>> No.37958830

I actually don’t forgive her this time. I’ll still watch her, but I’ve changed Oshis.

>> No.37958897

Why are you trying to make fetch happen?

>> No.37958951

You don't "change oshis" anon, that's not how it works. It means she was never your oshi to begin with. Only time you get to change is if she cucks you or dies.
>inb4 she's dead to me

>> No.37958971

She looks like a femboy. Was that intentional?

>> No.37958981

Excellent businesswoman

>> No.37959038
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I called it.

And then she'll go on break again for 2 weeks, show up for christmas, another week break, show up for new years then a spotty january. If EN3 debuts she'll have a brief period of streaming more frequently because officially she wants to "welcome the new girls" but not so subtly wants to prevent any of them from surpassing her like with en2.

>> No.37959225

You didn't call it, this is manipulative behavior 101 KEK

>> No.37959427

I am glad she is back but I do actually remember her hours going up around council debuts, I don't want to believe that she is mercenary enough to only try when there is a chance she will lose some ground but if the same pattern of spotty streams continues until EN3 and the same thing happens again I will have to concede.

>> No.37959438

i do not support abusers, they aren't good people

>> No.37959482

That's not true you come back to this website every day you stupid bitch

>> No.37959578

I did call it and I also called her manipulation.

>> No.37959581

Why did you reply to yourself?

>> No.37959589

She's not a streamer anon.

>> No.37959618

Gura is essentially cucking her fans by continually ghosting them

>> No.37959637


>> No.37959711

>she's cucking you with herself
fucking bitch she should stream it

>> No.37959844

I don't know me why are we replying to ourselves?

>> No.37960085

Who are you talking to?

>> No.37960122


>> No.37960724

Well this explains the project winter delay, Gura needs to be the 8th.

>> No.37962757

the rrats about Vesper smacking Gura's ass were true

>> No.37965916

Forced by management to stream most likely, if she had it her way she would be MIA for half a year at least.

>> No.37966000
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>72 more hours without Gura

>> No.37966301

Successfully dodged the Pokemon arc


>> No.37966325
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>highly upvoted post on reddit complaining about Gura not communicating with her fans
>even reddit was getting sick of her shit
>management (who run the subreddit by the way) probably talked to Gura and demanded some form of communication

>> No.37966352


>> No.37966460

Is this the new meta? Stream once every two weeks?

>> No.37966506

I thought she was going to play world of warcraft dragonflight today

>> No.37966523
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Look chumbuds.

I know you love your oshi. But come on, you can't keep forgiving her when she fucks up. You're getting treated like dirt, you deserve better than this. Some tough love is necessary

>> No.37966587

Did she get knocked up like Ayame, is this why she barely streams?

>> No.37966706

She only tweeted that because she had another shill tweet she had to make lmao.

>> No.37966793

People mentioned the tweet is not in her style. The manager probably made that tweet too

>> No.37966804

no one is being treated like anything, because no one here is in a relationship with their oshi. you are just succumbing to the mind poison that makes you freak out when the anime girl that lives in your computer doesn't reciprocate your imagined affection

>> No.37967201

>Amazon treats their customers like dirt
>What you think you're in a relationship with AMAZON? Retarded incel freak!!! Amazon doesn't even love you!
Retardchama, you don't need to believe that you're in a relationship to believe that you're being mistreated. Entertainers not respecting their audience and treating them badly is incredibly common, especially on the internet. I realise you're desperate to feel cool by dunking on the evil unicorns, but try to think it through next time.

>> No.37967290


>> No.37967319

It's called an abusive relationship you henpecked bitch

>> No.37967813

i'm in the same boat as you but not sure who to switch to, who did you go with? prefer holo en

>> No.37967853

She's gonna milk you guys for a few streams and then go silent again, think its pretty clear she doesnt give a shit about this anymore

>> No.37967936

I cannot wait for 40 minutes pf troubleshooting!!

>> No.37968031

Personally I'm fine with it. My oshi is Fauna, but I love Gura too. When Gura is gone, I just watch Fauna. When Gura returns, I watch her too.
Honestly, if Gura streamed as much as Fauna I wouldn't even have time to keep up.

>> No.37968256

Missed her so much. We await her return.

>> No.37968366


>> No.37968382


I for once wish for a mario kart stream (fuck pokemon)

>> No.37968395

this is exactly what happened. management isn't totally braindead, they know if those cucks are starting to question something its probably pretty bad

>> No.37968515

Good timing. Spent time with family during the Thanksgiving holiday. Hope she did too. Best wishes. She deserves it.

>> No.37971159

She did everything right, informed everyone on time and had a good and thourough explanation. Everything is forgiven.

>> No.37971477
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Oh shit oh fuck

>> No.37972405

I'm still not watching your shitty knockoff ghost, JIDFshill

>> No.37972554

At least Gura's manager was willing to tweet her return date.

>> No.37972600

council never had a chance to pass gura even if she stopped streaming you fucking idiot

>> No.37972637

She comes back on my birthday.

>> No.37972681

>For a month
2 weeks, and that's being generous

>> No.37977342

strangely sane poster itt

>> No.37978372

Her vacation in Singapore finally over

>> No.37978715

I still like Gura the same but it feels different now. The lack of stream building up to her concert I could bear since I can understand her trying to work towards it. But this happened almost right after with not that much info onto why. I'm still looking forward to my Gura plushie, but I will limit my expectations of her.

Not him, but if you don't already know who your oshi is in holo en then I would just not have one. I ended up finding a cute indie vtuber. It's a different vibe in streams when everything you post actually gets read since they have lower viewers.

>> No.37978950

At this point the fanbase is now chumcucks, clearly we aren't learning anymore

>> No.37978986

She hasn't treated us badly unlike other talents. That's why nearly every chumbud will give Gura the benefit of the doubt and love her when she comes back. And other fanbases wonder why Gura gets away with it....

>> No.37981196
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>> No.37981256
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>> No.37981697


Yeah, the timing matches. But she didn't write the tweet. That reddit post was hilarious. I've never seen them not do everything possible to apologize for someone. Her cat died, she needs a week off! How many days off do you get when your cat dies? Management heard about the reddit post and demanded she came back ASAP. I imagine she had some unsubs as well, and we need to keep the money machine going. The morons who watch her will send so much money for her barely doing her job. The JP viewers seem to get it so much more and usually withhold superchats until the end--make the streamer earn it at least. Face it chumbuds, your oshi is a trash person.

>> No.37981887

This news made my day.
Looking forward to her next Christmas karaoke.

>> No.37981901

Does this prove the rrat that Gura has a streaming quota and only streams because management tells her? Seems like this was a management enforced apology Tweet.

>> No.37982238

>Does this prove the rrat that Gura has a streaming quota and only streams because management tells her? Seems like this was a management enforced apology Tweet.
She would have streamed three times a week, like Ame used to schedule to satisfy the quota. Her not doing so, shows that there are some underlying circumstances that allows to not force such quota.

>> No.37982483

Or maybe she decided to brick her PCs so she wouldn't have to stream. There's clearly bad blood between her and management, especially after they tried to cancel her 3D live and animation. I wouldn't put it past her to say, "fuck off" to them to prove that without her, HoloEN is a bunch of sub 10k shitters.

>> No.37982517

I thought the quota was only for the first year.

>> No.37982542
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>> No.37982625

Gura seemed to have cut back on streams whenever Ame stopped doing the schedules and pretty much streamed whenever she felt like. it's just more frequent and apparent now due to accumulation of the ghosting and vacations.

>> No.37982986

>I thought the quota was only for the first year.
Pretty sure that's at least two years until next contract. What's signed on the renewal is up to speculation, though doubt it would change. But Gura is an exception worth succumbing to.

>> No.37983933

i can't believe gura raped vesper

>> No.37984091


Yeah, all the money she makes for Hololive means she can act this way.

>> No.37984154

I’m sure she can fuck around with ENmanagement.. JP management she gon fuck around and find out that JP companies are some of the most petty entities in exsistence.

>> No.37987261

Isn't that her manager who wrote that?

>> No.37987358

Gura and Vesper are the same person.

>> No.37988192

She just served her chumpedos cold turkey, next month they'll be having cold chicken.

>> No.37988416

Even if she did stream Pokemon, she'd only do 1 stream then drop it like usual.

>> No.37988706

Like Aqua and Shion as well.

>> No.37989321
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Coming back to collect massive amount of welcome back money. Streams for the month. Slowly fades away again. Sounds like a ghost.

>> No.37991767

ghost chumbie. no I don't mind her baggage or that she's a goyslave.

>> No.37994024

But for how long?

>> No.37994267


>> No.37995203


Oh no, *shshsh* *shhhh* I must be losing signal! My phone is crashing. BB in 2 weeks. 5 streams and one members. 2 streams a week for 2 weeks, one stream and away until January.

>> No.37998232

>it's a lot of pedo and loli stuff
I'm sold
