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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 758 KB, 958x947, tpcy3qlzgj2a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37947923 No.37947923 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.37948079

Imagine being so racist you dish a model made by redjuice because it has slightly dark skin

>> No.37948109

Yeah, it's a success.

>> No.37948235

I should wish more often

>> No.37948355

Proof that dreams do come true.

>> No.37948431

I wish for more wishes

>> No.37948491

Lost 15 pounds. Good on her for sticking to diet and exercise.

>> No.37948516


>> No.37948543

Best wish that came true so far.

>> No.37948564

Should’ve kept the same brightness and colours of the old one, even the skin colour.

>> No.37948567

S, T and F PBP.

>> No.37948621

There goes the uniqueness of her model

>> No.37948755

I kneel redjuice. I should've never underestimated you

>> No.37948802

IMO the only part that's worse now is the arms, I prefer the long skintight gloves over the loose detached sleeves. Same issue I have with Kiara's outfit.
Also her tits actually look smaller when seen straight on like that, but they have bouncier rigging now.

>> No.37949602

I never minded the old 'gremlin' model, but the new one is cute af

>> No.37949675

i hate the oversaturated look of her new model, but i like the face. they should‘ve just slapped her new face and a lighter skintone on the old model and called it a day

>> No.37949695


That tit rigging is really annoying. She moves and they fly everywhere.

>> No.37949708

She fucking glows. Did she not turn off the brightness setting she was using to make the old model lighter skinned?

>> No.37949792

I love my based Nephilim Hapa

>> No.37949797 [DELETED] 


>> No.37950065

It's nice but too symmetrical imo

>> No.37950066

Her new model definitely fits her personality more than 1.0. Pettanko loli would fit her even better, but IRyS hinted that such change wasn't possible.

>> No.37950153

>Still anorexic

>> No.37950156

The old design is much better, the model was god awful but the design was good. They should have just re-done the model.
Now she looks cute but in a generic dime-a-dozen way.

>> No.37950230

how the fuck is that a downside
i hate gacha character designers and hololive for reinforcing asymmetry in chuuba designs

>> No.37950247

I liked the old stockings more

>> No.37950285

Does anyone feel like 1.0 and 2.0 are like those before and after makeup pics that girls take sometimes?

Like 1.0 is IRyS without makeup and 2.0 is her all dolled up
Yeah she is pretty but... I feel like she is faker now

>> No.37950316

mutt hands typed this

>> No.37950353

I miss the second set of horns

>> No.37950401

Symmetry is boring, and there is not much going on to indicate there is a contrasting theme of angel+devil

>> No.37950423

Fuck asymmetry.
I had no problem with Irys' head but her neck not being perfectly aligned in the center of her head mass always triggered me. The new change is GOOD. (Also didn't like the Jester look of her old outfit---looks like a trapeze circus performer). newer design screams 'fairy' to me more. (none of them scream angel/demon kek)

>> No.37950443

I like it more, but a lot.

>> No.37950460

She got AZKied
the model is cuter, but is not unique anymore

>> No.37950476

It's an objective improvement on all aspects but the hair color shade which should have been darker.

>> No.37950489

do you even watch anime?

>> No.37950511

Do people not usually like saturated colors? Because I find the colors on the new model really pleasant on the eyes.

>> No.37950599

>OP makes the like 100th underhanded/dishonest/falseflag irys thread implying it's a bad change
>entire thread is happy about it

Why even fucking bother pretending people aren't overwhelmingly positive about it? They are. Trying to get more gift cards or something from Niji management?

>> No.37950606

Horns-Halo, Light-Dark clothing, Wings. Anymore than that and you've got a crowded design. It's got the right amount of detail.

It's too saturated. It's nice if I'm focused on her but it fucks my eyes a bit when I draw while watching IRyS. Maybe like desaturate/lower the contrast of her hair by like 5-10%.

>> No.37950669

Honestly? The first model was great except her face, the second one feels like complete downgrade except her face

>> No.37950675

An objective downgrade. The fact that's some retards think otherwise is the ultimate reason why we can't have nice things. Philistines just do not deserve them.

>> No.37950685

It's a bit bright.
Other than that I like.

>> No.37950770

is this model change a dis to redjuice?

it was shit art tho

>> No.37950944

The Ennafag is still seething after talking a lot of shit about IRyS and then getting BTFO. This is one occasion where he's doing it for free.

>> No.37951231

too saturated for me, feels like she is under a beauty filter on instagram

>> No.37951238

she has become so beautiful, i can't stop staring at her. i wish this never happened!!

>> No.37951728

it has been stated by holotalents on their streams multiple times, that they have ABSOLUTELY no say in their first model but any subsequent models from that point, they have influence over what it will be.

>when Flare mentioned she didn't like her original model she says this.
I believe it was the same for Aki
>Marine talked about negotiating with cover to get her 4th outfit as lewd as it is by comparing to Towas original outfit.

>> No.37951758
File: 764 KB, 939x947, 1645176396377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your IRyS 2.0 bro

>> No.37951810

Looks like a twink with breast implants

>> No.37951853
File: 595 KB, 1280x720, 1669614682105202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Flare loves her slightly whiter model and insists that she's not a dark elf. Based nips

>> No.37951914

Kek this is the impression I got too.

>> No.37952425

The skin is more tan than dark (kind of like Flare's) and we can see it in her new model. She is in fact not completely snow white in the new one, but kind of a pink-orange tone.

The issue with the original isn't that the skin is dark, it's that the whole palette looks desaturated and dim like she's permanently stuck in a room with bad lighting (or rather was drawn on a miscalibrated display lol).

So they made her brighter not just in skin tone but the outfit as well and cranked up the saturation. I'd say redjuice ironically went a bit overboard on saturation but at least it looks better like that than the dim room issue. Not to mention that's probably easy to fix in a filter if she feels like making fine adjustments to it later.

>> No.37952510

You don't see the difference in the composition of the art though. Redjuice on the left is making a picture. He's drawing an image that he would normally make just as a picture with no intention to be animated. I'm sure that was the impression he was given when cover hired him.
But on the right you can see he's made an attempt to make it 3d. From the halo, to how she's standing. Everything is made to a standard on live2d. The stance is better balanced and lends to animation much better. Not to mention the attention to detail.
I actually really like Irys's old model a lot. It really grew on me. Especially the dorkiness. Reminded me of one of those creatures from the dark crystal. Kind of endearing.
But this new design is great too and after all Irys is much happier.

>> No.37952605
File: 2.88 MB, 1080x1082, 1669528000780792.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to add to myself there a bit the other thing with Irys was her rigging was a bit funky too, the model itself looks OK (dimness aside) in a still but it sometimes looked really weird in motion (not always, she had some good expressions and she tried to pilot it the best she could but it still would go goblin-shrek mode fairly easily). Her new rigging is better as well and it's this + the model update combined that make her quite different in impact now.

It is fucking AMAZING what a difference a new rig makes here, it's relatively advanced with some of the so-called 3.0 features like being able to lean forward (and jiggly tear physics).

>> No.37952729

Yeah I know IRyS can be pretty based sometimes

>> No.37952799

Yeah, when I saw the original Irys reveal I quite literally thought it was a concept drawing and that wasn't going to be the actual one in motion, because the face was too flat with a nose style that just isn't a thing on L2Ds normally, and the body itself is permanently tilted at an angle etc it literally did not look suitable to rig. Was dumbstruck when I realized that really-was what they were running and not at all surprised that the face immediately looked off as soon as it appeared, most notably her mouth is weird with the big fans (and still kind of is albeit they're handled better in the redraw).

>> No.37952896

Yes, this needs to be fixed. Like the look but the movement is too bouncy. And yeah, she got nerfed almost one cup size.

>> No.37953083
File: 482 KB, 471x928, Irys3.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I fixed the remaining problems. Now it's perfect

>> No.37953191

She looks way better anons that want to start a hate train over the new one just want to be contrarians

>> No.37954026


>> No.37954330

I'm not a big fan of heterochromia

>> No.37954994

I will never shit on redjuice ever again

>> No.37955032

>quoting pre-2020 debut holos who's designs EVERYONE saw before any of them had even auditioned for their characters.
You're actually fucking retarded.

>> No.37955390
File: 466 KB, 471x928, Irys4.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you loud and clear Anon!

>> No.37955478

wtf I like IRyS now

>> No.37955545

It's a better model.

>> No.37956306

my wiferyS looks much better now

>> No.37957982


>> No.37958090

i have no clue why detached sleeves are so common in vtuber designs. i don't know a single person who thinks they don't look terrible.

>> No.37958285

troons just can't stop seething lol, lmao

>> No.37958406

I cannot stop masturbating to the 2.0

>> No.37958418

I think it's something to do with the rigging. Having clothes that close to the shoulders causes clipping issues with certain movements, which is why idol outfits often have detached sleeves and exposed shoulders. That aside I suppose it can be considered sexy in a revealing way, but I think the design is way overused now.

>> No.37960284

I really don't like her new version NGL
To bright, Jiggle to much, and too generic

>> No.37960382

We need a Zodiac Killer edit

>> No.37960408

That the most SEX tight were killed is a fucking disgrace

>> No.37960446

She looks like a generic fucking JP now, fuck sake

>> No.37963325


>> No.37963478
File: 334 KB, 493x396, 182837737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm annoyed because I can't shit on her for having a bad model anymore
guess you gotta give up eventually
Enjoy the new model irysbros

>> No.37963523

Those spat/tight hybrids were an abomination.
Real tights cover both legs.

>> No.37963546

it's better in every way

>> No.37963642
File: 121 KB, 398x438, Screenshot 2022-11-28 at 18.53.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have shit taste if pic related does not make you hard as fuck, that is a fact

>> No.37963719

I for one am glad the retard face is gone

>> No.37963766

Hey its better
Just not by a lot

>> No.37963822

I dunno. I came to like the derp. It fit her well.

>> No.37963855

Idk about other people but she looks fine on my screen. Try checking if you have digital vibrance set high in Nvidia control panel or if your phone is on 'vivid' display mode or some shit instead of natural coloring. Anything that boosts saturation her looks like a pink blob.

>> No.37963912

Dont forget that they turned her thighs into twigs

>> No.37963918

I am watching on an imac screen which have quite good color accuracy and she looks oversaturated for me

>> No.37963934

OldRyS and JkRyS

>> No.37964114

Whichever design you think is best, the new one fits her personality better. The new one says airheaded bimbo sheltered princess, the old one might give the impression that something significant might come out of her mouth, which we all know is not the case.

>> No.37964918

Nah anon.. the new one was so generic
And her boobs movement was so excessive

>> No.37964994

the weird stretched pasta hair could have used more work

>> No.37969688

Too bad her face kills the boner

>> No.37971682

>Exchanged her apparently-too-otherworldly, unique model to look like basically any otome game villain or isekai princess
>hates her horns
You do you, IRyS, but your taste is kinda bland. I hope Juicefather made you a caricature on purpose and after seeing all the positive feedback is just shaking his head in disbelief. If your rigging had been as bad as 1.0's this would be a joke.

>> No.37971879

Man, both designs are so hideous to look at. Why couldn't they just give her a full-on redesign. Nobody is going to miss Omegafags awful taste in character design.

>> No.37972194


>> No.37972231

1.0 filtered out the fakers, who are now flooding in due to 2.0

>> No.37972434

You remember that one .gif from like 15 years ago where a white girl got a black doll and was casually the best a kid can do by playing it cool? im sure someone around here still has it
sanas new persona does not mention backpain at all anymore

might actually start watching. not only is her skin tone way more attractive her face is no longer small for her head. total upgrade

>> No.37972493

Shr went from goblin to an angel descended from heaven to give blowjobs

>> No.37972530 [SPOILER] 

it's literally just making her look brighter and less wonky. in other words, she got a better redesign. IRyS definitely looks a lot closer to flare now with that skin tone.

>> No.37972580

The only tragedy is her booba is smaller. :(((

>> No.37972661

>Exchanged her apparently-too-otherworldly, unique model
Her "unique" 1.0 model looked like generic gacha art and it wasn't even remotely suitable for being animated

>> No.37972673

smaller and have obnoxious movement so she's constantly hiding them :((

>> No.37972703
File: 203 KB, 900x720, 1665604355142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*redesign happens and makes her look cuter*

never a dull day on this board.

>> No.37972890

No board could be dull with the voices in your head

>> No.37972949

This. Despite the flaws, at least she looked special before.
Also the saturation is bananas, holy fuck.

>> No.37972978

Not symmetric, I hate it.

>> No.37973325

special/unique =/= good

>> No.37974212

she's still unique, on design and not a moeblob, unless you're part of the "anything that looks good is generic" crowd there's not much wrong besides the usual new model/outfit rigging issues that get cleaned up over a few weeks. Wait for her to do a collab on someone else's channel too, she probably still has her brightness set for the old model

>> No.37974753

It's the same thing with a lighter color scheme.

>> No.37974807

I hope they tone down the tofu physics.

>> No.37975527

Her thighs are the same. It's just an optical illusion.

>> No.37975689

SOVL -> soulless

>> No.37975842

Do mutts really believe a 300 lbs women is actually the norm?

>> No.37976191

>old model
>made it slightly wider one time, forgor to change back, demanded a redesign because of it
>new model
>made the settings brighter for old model, forgor to reset in new one
eh, they'll fix it in IRyS 3.0

>> No.37976227

no, fat women who think you think they think you are a we think we mutts dislike that because jealousy
you bigot

>> No.37976818

Still better than Aruran's

>> No.37976824

This was a triumph

>> No.37976920

Imagine thinking artists bat for 1000

>> No.37977580

she is beautiful and perfect

>> No.37978042

I will now watch your stupid EN Vtuber.

>> No.37978171 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 1382x1441, 4E537F8D-C7A5-4692-96D7-E09C5C71AAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Nigger Death.

>> No.37978182

Symmetry is one of the cornerstones of attractiveness.

>> No.37978237

And that's a good thing.

>> No.37978981

This. Nothing came good out of that design other than rigging, hell I don’t even think it improve his numbers.

>> No.37979352

For those using the Vivid/Adaptive color mode in the display she looks like she's made out of neon

>> No.37979868

She isn't using a filter. Her skin color is matching the art used to promote the merch

>> No.37979958
File: 1.21 MB, 1418x947, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there I fixed it

>> No.37980977

Redjuice made the hair so bright because he knows IRyS is poisonous.

>> No.37981358

We need to go brighter

>> No.37981432

Actually perfect

>> No.37981491

>Having a retarded face is unique

>> No.37982582

Only issue I have with the new one is the red is a little too neon. But her face is fucking great. So smug and mischievous.

>> No.37984548

I like it.. NGL

>> No.37984576 [DELETED] 

>seething shitskin

>> No.37984713

>Winter version
Does that mean there will be a summer, spring, and, autumn, version?

>> No.37985253
File: 1.42 MB, 1864x947, fixed-fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throwing my hat into the ring since I spent too much time on this yesterday.

>> No.37985484

Give her oni horns.
Great for grabbing onto while going at her from behind

>> No.37985766

I prefer the former outfit with the new one's face, with the saturation toned down a little

>> No.37985967

I actually prefer the curved ram horns like what aloe has (she's not using them anyways), but I'm not much of an artist. It's all I could manage with copy+paste.

>> No.37988794

Now rig it

>> No.37989258

Looks way better.

>> No.37990200

just like the RM . . . .

>> No.37990329 [DELETED] 

Unironically she had the most beautiful artstyle in a vtuber model. All they had to do to improve it imo is tune down her hair's complexity. I can't believe Hololive approved this oversaturated abomination. And I can't believe people are still defending it. Don't be yesmen. Let her know it sucks so she can fix it for next time you morons.

>> No.37990529

While I understand well the desire to be contrarian, you're just wrong here. It's a massive improvement. Sure, the colors are saturated, but that's a small price to pay to be rid of goblinrys.

>> No.37991147

new design is better in everyway possible anon

>> No.37991189

I think 2.0 is cute, but I miss la goblina already

>> No.37991323 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 306x277, 66598745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a small price to pay to be rid of goblinrys.
She looks more like a goblin now though imo.

>> No.37991368

I'm surprised twitter hasn't call her or Cover out on the blatant white washing

>> No.37991855

You're just a tastelet who likes generic shit. She looked good; her design was an acquired taste, but once you did acquire it no other would match it. It's beyond my understanding how retards can claim that it's an improvement when the both designs are put side by side.

>> No.37992596

I'm pretty sure you just mindbroke yourself into liking the old design. You mentally associate the old design with IRyS herself and the streams you enjoyed, preventing you from forming an objective opinion.

>> No.37993012

I literally do not watch her and now I have more reasons to keep it this way. All you need to do is to have two working eyes and a brain to understand that the new design is an objective downgrade.

>> No.37993238

The fuck are you talking about. I disliked the old model because it's way the fuck too detailed for a chuuba. Redjuice does amazing concept art, work for models etc. That is, stuff that isn't animated and is meant to be stared at and analyzed. It's completely unsuited for real-time mocap animation.
The new outfit is much better, though it isn't all the way there. I would have kept the mismatched stockings (it's part of the theme after all) and the cleavage (lace over the front and not squished together), and I haven't made my mind up about the sleeves. Everything else is either a huge improvement or doesn't go far enough. I especially like the new belt and flowers. The detail is much crisper and it isn't fighting for attention with that ridiculous skirt.

>> No.37993358 [DELETED] 

Brother, show the OP image to any decent artist and they will tell how the first one is miles better.

>> No.37994038

Why did you make her legs that much shorter?

>> No.37995162

anon was talking about IRyS, not viewers. she's obviously always hated the skin her model has, she cranks up the bloom on her streams to lighten her skin (and make any actually white models practically glow), her emotes are all light skinned, and she only likes and retweets light skinned fanart. people just got used to it, and you could see the confusion when Mumei drew her with brown skin.

>> No.37995639


>> No.37995830
File: 234 KB, 883x947, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White balance + slightly desaturate and it's pretty much perfect.

>> No.37996089 [DELETED] 

If she used to do that I wonder if she just has some leftover settings that screws up the current model. I find hard to believe an artist associated with cover would knowingly release an oversaturated mess like that.

>> No.37996143
File: 845 KB, 1230x1139, irys flash[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff28xcn.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37996181

Argh my eyes, someone turn the brightness down!

>> No.37996230

No fucking way. Look at the top of her head for example, it gives the impression that there's no volume to her hair or that the top of her skull is flat. A decent artist would pick up on something like that, and to redjuice's credit, he did and fixed it.

>> No.37997156

Yea I think she fucked up the settings since that adjustment is just perfection. Just like how IRyS 1.0 originally was darker than what was became the norm. Just gotta tweak it. Kinda like how she's gotta recalibrate the movement so any lean isn't hyper pushed.

>> No.37998323

it's a nip thing, they are so descrased by their heritage that they want to be white

>> No.37998488 [DELETED] 

...Are you joking? You picked the most innocuous shit and I can't even see what's wrong with it. Did you take your meds?

It's ironic that you're talking about "no volume" when 2.0's actual face just straight up got flattened. Compare the skin, the sleeves and the legs. How tf can you talk about "no volume" when 2.0 got rid of almost all of them all over.

>> No.37999200 [DELETED] 

Her tits look smaller, the hair has less volume, the hair is now more red than purple which I personally liked, the brightness was turned too high and I'll miss the more obvious black and white color scheme. Other than that, she's much cuter, we got fantastic boob jiggle and her skin doesn't look so dull anymore. All fair exchanges I'd say. She did lose her scared expression though, the one with the slight shade to her face. Hope that gets added later

>> No.37999249

It's not innocuous and if you knew anything about art, you would understand that. Look at how the bangs flow, the old model looks like it has downs.

>> No.37999353

She tweeted after she graduated that she was perfectly healthy and very happy.

>> No.37999462 [DELETED] 

I actually work as a graphics designer. If you knew so much about art then explain to me how you think 2.0's face, skin, sleeves and legs are better instead of hyper focusing on one tiny detail.

>> No.37999820
File: 132 KB, 1600x1200, 229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38000002

Her body was fine, but she's a streamer. You're looking at her face 90% of the time anyways. Any halfway decent graphics designer would understand that. Her face is fucking awful, the proportions off as I mentioned earlier, and it's a mix of styles which doesn't work. The nose is too prominent for anime, but the rest of the face is too anime for a more western style. All her facial features also stretch out horizontally, which in conjunction with her hair makes her look kind of like yoda. There's a reason why people call her a goblin.

>> No.38000922 [DELETED] 

>it's a mix of styles which doesn't work
See this is why I don't believe you know anything about art. You can argue that she wasn't too anime before, but you can't say it was a "mix of styles" because it's actually the opposite. 2.0 looks like a mish-mash of two different styles and it's an absolute mess.. The face of the original may not be to your liking and that's fair. But that's not synonymous to the art itself being badly done. It's also fair for me to say that I think she's way uglier now and looks more like a goblin than before. See >>37991323

>> No.38004062

Looks better

>> No.38005205

Yeah, because they're retarded. I'm not sure how this shit looks in motion I don't watch her but looking at the picture in OP she looks perfectly fine. Everything you mentioned is a matter of taste and opinion and if you don't agree with me then yours are evidently shit. Also please elaborate on the flat top of the head thing - post the image where it's fixed or something - because I literally cannot get what you're talking about.
>captcha^ SJW GAM

>> No.38005375

Yeah, except I don't watch vtubers because they're useful, retard. The broken fork looks ten times more interesting than every other fork in the picture.

>> No.38005909

They seem worse to me.
Like half.

>> No.38005982

then go look how she looks in motion

>> No.38006147

No, if she looks shit in motion it's the problem of the model not the design. Just fix the fucking model and be done with it.

>> No.38006628

Wow, that's so much better. Left is too garish. I knew there was something wrong with her colors at debut. Hopefully she'll figure it out.

>> No.38007086

her slight tan is nice and getting rid of it ruins her

>> No.38008017
File: 3.48 MB, 3172x2063, IRyS_2.160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original has noodle legs that are 10-20% longer than they should be. Making them slightly shorter not only makes it more accurate but also makes her legs seem a bit thicker.

>> No.38008179
File: 241 KB, 443x871, demonrys red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you made it way too dark and needlessly changed some important character aspects such as her heterochromia. It did however inspire me to create this DemonRyS where the demon aspect has subsumed her personality.

>> No.38008217

>Too bright
>Too jiggling
>Too much accessories
>Too generic

Fuck.. bring back old IRyS

>> No.38008753

I like it.

>> No.38009297
File: 374 KB, 483x720, rys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's cute and fits her well. she seems really happy with it too. AHH she's so cute

>> No.38012576

Too dark

>> No.38012782

>/vt/ is one person

>> No.38012856
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x1082, 1669527789328188-halfsaturation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 second half assed ffmpeg desaturation
Still bright but a bit less of the uncalibrated wide gamut monitor look.

>> No.38012925
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1082, 1669527789328188-1saturation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38015081

My biggest problem with the model is that Bloom and Gloom are on the wrong sides. Currently, it's Gloom and Bloom. I hate that I'm anal enough to notice that.

>> No.38016752

what do you mean?

>> No.38017518

I hate heterochromia, especially when it introduces a new color into the palette that isn't used anywhere else. It really triggers my autism seeing that single point of blue that isn't even centered.

>> No.38020094

Stop fooling yourself
