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37803945 No.37803945 [Reply] [Original]

>Kiara: Wtf
>Mori: *HMMM* I could eat Ame....
>Ame: *hmm* I could eat this...

>> No.37804002

Return to Reddit

>> No.37804090

You must be 18 to post on this board.

>> No.37804114

wasnt the whole stream Kiara the tasteful european losing her shit at what yanks eat

>> No.37807294

not all humor is reddit

>> No.37808986


>> No.37810767


>> No.37811203

as a euro myself I found her attitude towards the food to be a bit too high and mighty at times.
Good for her for being proud of her nation and her nation's neighbors, and good for her for hating pop tarts, but not everything in Europe is sprinkled with magic fairy dust, nor is everything from America disgusting mass-produced goyslop.

>> No.37811852

It's not just that she is German. It's that she happens to be incredibly stuck up personality wise.

>> No.37814082

Got real she was such a bitch in this stream. Would have preferred just Ame and Mori

>> No.37817296

Please excuse the german autism.

>> No.37817755

Isn't she doing that hello fresh thing or whatever? Probably isn't helping her arrogance.

>> No.37819345

Grasping at straw, schizo

>> No.37819932

In this case the humour is from her furry past.

mmmm vore

>> No.37820453

>but not everything in Europe is sprinkled with magic fairy dust,
True. British food exist.

>> No.37820929

this is

>> No.37821025

Based as hell, this has r/hololive written all over it

>> No.37823986

>nor is everything from America disgusting mass-produced goyslop
Yes it is.
t.live here
But also this. She's a cunt. I had to unfollow /her/ on twitter, I couldn't take the constant trolling for pity and attention from the same people she would bitch about nonstop. Awful personality.

>> No.37824055

My favorite recent one was the tangent she went on about how she (and other vtubers) are "public figures" and so much more above fans and that's why she'd never date any fans ever and why fans who think they have a chance are pathetic, right before 180'ing into a pity party about how she has no romantic prospects and coping about being a cat lady

>> No.37824377

>voted to leave the EU
Not European

>> No.37824833

Why don't Europeans stuff their birds?

>> No.37825059

Insufferable cunt

>> No.37825225

They just consume them whole instead
>Wild ortolan buntings are hunted in southwest France in a cultural gastronomic tradition dating back to Roman times. After capture, the birds are fattened up in a cage before being drowned in Armagnac. Then they are plucked, cooked, and eaten whole, bones and all – everything but the beak.

>> No.37825832

Austrian/German food is as fucking sad as British food. Kiara is a stuck up cunt. I'd get it if she was French or Italian

>> No.37827154

>a pity party about how she has no romantic prospects and coping about being a cat lady
what stream was this?

>> No.37827645

Did this come to you in a dream?

>> No.37827745

>Yes it is

Get out of the cities, learn to cook real food

>> No.37828678

Fuck you.
German cuisine is great. You have no idea.

>> No.37830198

>nor is everything from America disgusting mass-produced goyslop.
Americans truly don't understand how disgusting American food is since they've never had anything that doesn't contain high fructose corn syrup. I almost threw up eating that thing you people call "chocolate".

>> No.37830299

That's hilarious since Hello Fresh is infamous for sending old/rotten food.

>> No.37830477

Back to school anon

>> No.37830701

To be fair, from Europe you got things like Håkarl, Surströmming, Haggis and Spam.

>> No.37830786

Did someone trick you into thinking those are eaten commonly or something? Most people in nordic countries can live their entire lives without even seeing a can of surströmming.

>> No.37830788

>in europe you get things eaten only by tradition
huh who would have thought that tradition and history is strong in europe
with the exception of spam of course fuck the english

>> No.37830837

Half of those aren't even real words

>> No.37830945

even the british can do alright food if they put the effort in, they just rarely do. shepherds pie is pretty good

>> No.37830994

>can live their entire lives without even seeing a can of surströmming
I live in Sweden and surströmming is stocked next to the canned makrill.
Might be different in the city states of Stockholm and Malmö but outside of that I've never met anyone who hasn't at least tried surströmming during midsummer.

>> No.37831261

Jag har aldrig ätit surströmming eller lutfisk, jänkarna missar dock mycket med att de inte har saker som tunnbrödsrulle, saltlakrits eller snus

>> No.37831303

I haven't, lived in Småland my entire life. Been meaning to try it, just haven't gotten around to it
Disagree on the "can go their entire lives without seeing a can of Surströmming" though. grocery stores here are filled with those bulging fucks around midsummer. I've never seen anyone buy it though.

>> No.37831321

You can't even buy it from online stores from what I've seen and the majority of stores don't carry any cans either. You can probably find some if you go to massive Ica stores but most people just go to the smaller stores close to them instead of driving for 20 minutes to get there. At least around here in östergötland.

>> No.37831433

>Return to Reddit
Now tell that to the streamers.

>> No.37831526

I always stock up on saltlakrits when I go home to Sweden. I can probably ship it here but I've heard that duties here in Canada can be expensive

>> No.37831545

>Europeans don't even have water soup
Must be suffering.

>> No.37831649

I never realized but now that you mention it I don't I've seen something similar outside Sweden. I guess they aren't joking when they call it Norrländskt.
Always fun to hear other swedes complain about foreign food being unhealthy or strange when we use stuff usually made for cleaning/conservation as the main ingredient of candy. kek
Is that really still the case? I'm seeing claims that around 40% of the consumers are from the US.

>> No.37831674
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>amerimutt who eats some slop every day cant into superior austrian cusine

You are excused.

>> No.37831773

Austrians eat schnitzel with lingon? That's interesting, I've never seen that around here. Usually only eat lingon with potatisbullar or meatloaf.

>> No.37831829

no it is anon, I am a Brit and I voted to strap rockets on to the UK to blast it into the sun. Just you wait

>> No.37831897

Europe owns the Sun though.

>> No.37832199

1. Mediterranean Food
2. French Food
- gap -
3. Mexican Food
4; Korean Food
5. Japanese Food
- gap -
6. Slavic Food
7. Vietnamese/Thai Food
8. Turkish Food
- gap -
9. South American Food
10. American Food
11. German Food
- power gap -
12. Anglo Food

>> No.37832202

not for long when we crash into it.

>> No.37832261

Weak, SEA food is top tier also I got to agree with >>37828678 German food looks kinda meh but damn it's tasty especially when it's cold. Last time I was in germany I loved it.

>> No.37832273

Since the day i've seen the schnitzel i related it to Milanesa.

>> No.37832389

Speaking of Kiara and Swedish candy
>didn't even include saltlakrits
>You can't even buy it from online stores from what I've seen
I looked around some and mathem has all the tillbehör and even an article on "how to properly" eat surströmming. Yet no surströmming available for order. The heck?
Did the EU implement the talked about ban this past year or something?
Now that's something I haven't eaten in forever. Thanks for reminding me.
If only the Gräv Bort Skåne folks had this sort of ingenuity!

>> No.37832538
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>> No.37832638

SEA food is good, but it's pretty middle of the pack comparatively
Now to be fair, French and Mediterranean food has the largest amount of professional schools so you see more of this stuff being cooked properly than asian restaurants that just have family members off the plane with no restaurant experience working in the kitchen, but even so, so does Mediterranean food and they still manage to serve above average food

>> No.37832926

She's going to love stuffing. I find it hard to believe Euros never heard of it.

>> No.37833151

I looked up a recipe and it just looks like wet croutons? Huh?

>> No.37833284

Not him but it's one of the best foods in america, goes great with gravy and cranberry sauce

>> No.37833385

Austrian food is garbage. What sort of retard thinks a fucking schnitzel is cuisine you can be proud of

>> No.37833575
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This is the superior dish to have lingonberries with, black pudding or directly translated from swedish blood pudding
t. sweden

>> No.37833659

I love my stuck up Austrian wife
We can be snobby together

>> No.37834189

It's especially good mixed with seasoned ground beef or pork

>> No.37834308

Speaking of scandic food no one eats. I want to see a chuuba try barkbröd with nässelsoppa.
Svål and blodpudding I'll take but the potatoes should råstekta not boiled, alternatively replace it with nävgröt!

>> No.37836072
File: 834 KB, 2134x2753, cuisine tastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh this seems like a good time and thread to finally use this pic of each countries perception to others food again.

>> No.37836287

Japanese food is overrated. It's good but it doesn't deserve to be that high.

>> No.37836332

Nah, Kiara made the collab better

>> No.37836496

>Sweden being lagom

>> No.37836543
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>Japan has the highest standards
Based nips.

>> No.37837037

All humor is Reddit. This is a serious imageboard for serious discussion only.

>> No.37837479

Do you have a chart for which carbs make the best homebrew?
