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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 347 KB, 1085x1080, r985Zo2XCAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3777544 No.3777544 [Reply] [Original]

How did she came to the point where she explains the memes from reddit to a fucking toy?


>> No.3777557

just enjoy

>> No.3777574


>> No.3777593

Just enjoy

>> No.3777595

Here this ought to explain everything:

>> No.3777671

this shows who the intended audience is.

>> No.3777712

She did not respect my country and pays the price for it.

>> No.3779590

Your oshi will die poor while COCOK will keep doing meme reviews covered in gold, deal with it

>> No.3779808

My oshi will be rich because I'll marry her

>> No.3779860
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1612209140235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hurts

>> No.3779892
File: 739 KB, 1750x1500, 1620147007107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3782023

is that you zhangers?

>> No.3782337

Thank you

>> No.3785176

Chang Lee, I apologize on behalf of the reddit dragon. Now please tell your brother Wan to finish my egg roll.

>> No.3785223


>> No.3786186
File: 268 KB, 1154x1073, BIG COCOCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3786405

I dont care or ever watched a r*ddit review but I gotta say thats some nicely sculpted pvc on a greenback

>> No.3787023

Wtf the last place I expected to see this face

>> No.3787816
File: 20 KB, 480x272, 43c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up zhang

>> No.3788074

China isn't even left wing but ok polfag

>> No.3788350

Wow nice comeback anon, you sure shut him up.

>> No.3788494

t. zhangniggers

>> No.3789151

>anyone i don't like is a zhang
ogey, rabbi faggotstein

>> No.3799105


>> No.3804915

> Cant read the leftyshitpost
Unbased and cringe, do not post here again

>> No.3808273

>wanting to read bunkerchan garbage
time to rope, troon.

>> No.3808320

go back

>> No.3808435

this is 4chan faggot go fuck off to facebook pussy

>> No.3808867

I'm not that tranny, but it's actually 4channel

>> No.3808942
File: 98 KB, 546x700, 1615839581520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back changs.

>> No.3809700


>> No.3809760

>the only lowlifes you ever see defend redditdragon are the shittiest redditmemespammers and /pol/roaches
Makes you think.

>> No.3810148


>> No.3810623

I no like reddit dragon. I think many guys in agreement with this. Yes?

>> No.3810724
File: 1.11 MB, 1750x961, 1611968043555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3810916

I like Coco you moron

>> No.3811405

>China isn't even left wing but ok polfag
China is communist nation which makes them left by default. Communism is just pure shit so they secretly started doing capitalist policies which resulted in them going from 3rd world shithole to a super power. Also, in China they pretty much worship the state and treat it like a god. That by definition makes it left. Right wing tends to believe in individual economic freedom and limited government. And again, there is nothing limited about China's government, it is practically a religion over there. Let's keep this /pol/ shit out of /vt/ but get your facts right Zhang Lee. And this is coming from a liberal.

>> No.3811928

This but reversed

>> No.3817336

You are insane moron. Government size has nothing to do with left or right except in United States. Also no socialism isn't when the government does stuff.

>> No.3817801
File: 53 KB, 704x460, stalin-mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhang, shut your fucking mouth. Everything the Chinese government says publicly is about socialism, communism and the people's party. Regardless of the fact that they are obviously doing capitalism policies behind the scenes doesn't change the fact that they preach socialism and liberalism. Find any public statement of a high ranking Chinese official praising capitalism and private enterprise. Or find one of them saying socialism is bad and that we need more capitalism. You can't you fucking wuhan rat licker. Communism and socialism fit on the left spectrum, so China is a left wing government. It just happens that communism doesn't work, so they use capitalism to build up their economy. Zhang, you were born in China so I'm surprised you don't know this. Now stay on topic and keep your /pol/ shit out of /vt/. All of this also applies to Russia. Russia was getting their ass beat when they were doing pure communism so they had to slowly switch gears to capitalism. Are you going to say Russia is also right wing? Is Stalin and Mao right wing in your turbo retarded world?

>> No.3818037

based dude shouldn't ever have a fucking wall of text under him.

This image, but reversed.

>> No.3818116

>doesn't change the fact that they preach socialism and liberalism.
not him, but this tells me you don't know what liberalism is if you think the ccp is preaching it.

>> No.3818207

Can someone direct me to vt? I seem to have stepped into pol by mistake

>> No.3818255

blame tatsunocock for that

>> No.3818428

>you don't know what liberalism is if you think the ccp is preaching it.
Come on Chen Lee, now you're starting to pretend you don't watch press releases by your president Xi Jinping:

>"SOCIALISM is achieved by hard work"

>"universities should train builders and succcessors loyal to the SOCIALIST cause".

Stick to commenting on 2d anime girls because you don't know shit about politics. Also, please fuck off of /vt/ with your /pol/ shit.

>> No.3824410

One day Florida will be federalist.

>> No.3827359

Honestly, Kazuma just seems like he's having a chilling. He's one of those friends that don't say much when you hang out but you enjoy eachother's company anyway. Glad Coco has a friend like him.

>> No.3827521

> Is Stalin and Mao right wing in your turbo retarded world?
/leftypol/tards unironically believe so. Most of their mental gymnastics pertain to how communist scumbags were the real "conservatives" against "progressive" western countries.
