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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 92 KB, 321x263, yukoyurei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37783256 No.37783256 [Reply] [Original]

Is this still just a post-debut buff or is this the beginning of something big?

>> No.37783368

Well speaking for myself I don't watch anyone without the blue dorito and I like her a lot.

>> No.37783372

Yuko bait thread #4 this hour

>> No.37783385

she's like gura, she even has her squeal, except, she's a ghost. I'd give her a listen

>> No.37783462

Gura pedos are experiencing withdrawals and are using her to calm the symptoms.

>> No.37783492

She’s picking up some Kawaii and Chumbud Schizos. It’s mostly kawaii spergs as CHUMBUDS are loyal to Gura.

>> No.37783667

>3 view
how much are you getting paid to make these?

>> No.37783849

Its a good thing we have more chubas to enjoy

>> No.37783852

Usually takes 2-3 weeks before debut buff wears off, but it'd be nice if they kept doing well.

>> No.37783860

*how many shekels

>> No.37783905
File: 329 KB, 400x400, DFEF6DB3-7E2F-407A-BC46-7BEA1E7C02D8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found her

>> No.37783961

Nah I am a chumbud and I will watch her too now, her being inspired by my oshi is a good sign, and she is hungry and can't afford to get complacent unlike Gura.

>> No.37784047


>> No.37784163

she's pretty much debut gura (aka LIKES TO STREAM) so for the time being chumbuds have a nice replacement while Goob is fucked off doing who the fuck knows.

>> No.37785480

which show is this from?

>> No.37785551

>Using WAIT to find the anime gives you UI Goku and....

What the fuck?????

>> No.37786276

Oh, BO Zombies is nostalgic

>> No.37786602

I got your “blue Doritos” right here, pal

>> No.37786918

Black Bullet

>> No.37787329

Yuko has now reached 4view status twice, and she debuted less than a week ago. Try again, anon.

>> No.37787389

This girl is 100% being viral marketed by the jews right?

>> No.37787994

No shit

>> No.37788351

>cunny design
>appeals to displaced chumbuds
>debut buff
>genuinely entertaining streamer
It's a combination of these things. I'm interested in seeing what one if her kareoke streaks looks like. She unfortunately doesn't have one scheduled

>> No.37791542

>Is this still just a post-debut buff
Yes it is

>> No.37791655

>spam the catalog
>SEAjanny deletes threads and posts pointing out the blatant shilling, classic sign one of the faggot discords he belongs to is in on the game
>spam generals and catalog threads alike, if it's after a yab all the better so they can go 'good thing I switched to IDOL CORP(TM)(C)'
There's nothing organic about this, no.

>> No.37791719

The jews spend a lot of fucking money on ads, I remember getting one almost daily when watching streams, they probably paid people to talk about them on twitter/youtube and even here as well. Don't know how long they can keep up though, not even a day after their debut and none of them can keep up the cute voice/rp act anymore.

>> No.37792364

Cope and seethe. /jidf/ got shitted up by a bunch of fucks spamming how Fuko’s just Gura but with a regular streaming schedule. None of Idol Corp’s actual fans say that kind of shit. The cunts fouling up the catalog with bait have nothing to do with the general. Even a bunch of the newcomers who started watching because of EN’s debut hate them already

>> No.37792421

I got banned twice for "racism" for saying that these threads are paid shills even though I didn't say anything racist. What did the jannies mean by this?

>> No.37792431

Threads get deleted if you point out that Idol corp. TM kikes are laundering FTX money.
Yuyu is still entertaining though, gonna watch.

>> No.37793105

Consider where the janny is from and then consider that like, $2USD will keep his family of cardboard hut dwellers fed for a month, then consider that these kikes have publicly sponsored dramatuber channels, so they definitely would stoop that low.

>> No.37794678

Lmao celebrating barely reaching 4 view right after debuting… seriously how many shekels?

>> No.37795974

Males? If not I will watch

>> No.37797372

Now you're just coping at this stage anon, face it, jews will never win.

>> No.37797453

>are laundering FTX money.
More info on this?

>> No.37797615

>Nah I am a chumbud
sure you are lol

>> No.37797946

>CHUMBUDS are loyal to Gura.

>> No.37800069

>FTX money
>when ceo made fun of cryptotards and nft and is openly against it
discordfags at least do archive reps before coming up with rrats

>> No.37800247

>this is your brain on numberfagging as a holofan

>> No.37800295

Didn't they win both World Wars

>> No.37804818

they really want her to be big

>> No.37805223

Sub 1000 is something big now?

>> No.37805273

this bait isn't even good, anon. PC has dominated the small corpo space the past year and yuko passed gen 2 in 2 days.

>> No.37805963
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>> No.37808058

Idk but they are all pretty decent. And people seem to like the one that acts like Mori a lot.

>> No.37809698

Nah chumbuds flocking to the better gura

>> No.37809854
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>> No.37809864

>somehow has the money for a gen 2 after spending just as much on gen1 only for them to get stuck sub10 views and STILL ARE SUB 30 on a good day

>> No.37810156

Nobody believed me when I said she was HER3.0

>> No.37810202

And you're linking the 2 because... they are jews?

>> No.37810203

/vt/ of all place on 4chan is the one board making me hate jews the most

>> No.37810313

>Has money

>> No.37810710

She fun to watch but i just have to recoil from the cringe whenever she says hololive references like i forgor. She should come up with her own memes and reference that can be linked to her

>> No.37810766
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would you look at that

>> No.37810929
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>> No.37811149

she should get better at zombies. Did she make it past round 4? I saw her fail over and over and stopped watching.

>> No.37811202

>the only way to get money is through crypto scams

your brain on /pol/

>> No.37811212

she did get to round 12 and broke 1k viewers at that exact point.

>> No.37811435

Monst investors would tell you to fuck off after you spend a fuckton on shilling to get just 2 people watching.
IDOL made no fucking money out of gen1

>> No.37811486

Well shit. I guess ill watch the rest of the VOD

>> No.37811494

>make chuubas for yids
>make 0 (zero) shekels
lol lmao even

>> No.37811962

holy fuck now i realize why her avatar seemed familiar to me
i'm still mad that this anime/manga never got a conclusion

>> No.37812180

Their gen 1 has an average ccv of 10

>> No.37812289

Well of course, makes sense.

>> No.37812539

How the fuck is ‘i forgor’ a hololive reference numbskull? Did gura say it or something? Because she didn’t originally popularise that phrasing or come up with it on her own. You are one dense dude. Yeah

>> No.37812658

>She should come up with her own memes and reference that can be linked to her
Why? Copying Gura and Ame figure of speeches and other Holo memes is exactly what she needs to do to keep the lowspan pehodphiles chumsharts attention

>> No.37813285

boyfriend reveal when?

>> No.37813565

Reminder that the jews sent my oshi 2 emails begging her to watch their EN branch’s debut on stream. She didn’t name names but they’re the only corpo to debut an English branch recently.
They sent her an email asking her to watch the debuts and when she ignored it they sent her a shorter email offering her several thousand in very simple terms. She continued to ignore them and cited “you can’t buy clout, that’s stupid” apparently multiple other chuubas she knows got the same email, and since I saw nobody reacting to their debuts I figure they all had the same response.
They are literally emailing successful Vtubers and begging them to promote their chuubas, offering them thousands to purchase their clout.

>> No.37813883

I like how this faggot bumps his own threads off page 10 over and over and over

>> No.37813940

do you seriously think the retarded owl girl started the whole "i forgor" meme?

>> No.37814366

Your oshi sounds fucking retarded because you literally can buy clout. In fact clout is one of the most incestuous things out there and it transfers hands as easily as money can.

>> No.37814459

If your oshi is the type that will sell her audience you have a shit oshi. Viewers shouldn’t be up for sale. This kind of thing would also make said chuuba look like a nasty money hungry whore.
Don’t speak on shit you don’t understand.

>> No.37814545

Shondo? Fallensahdow is based enough to actually put the mail on screen and read it, not even the first time she would have done it

>> No.37814600

Then maybe she should’ve said she won’t sell her audience out, instead she said you can’t buy clout, which is generally not true, especially outside VTubing. Not my fault she’s a stupid bitch, so don’t be an asshole to me. Take it up with her and her sweepingly stupid generalisation. Simpering dog.

>> No.37814710

She meant can’t as in it’s fucked up to do that and nobody will sell you clout, not can’t as in it’s not possible, ESL nigger.The selling audience part is her words too.

>> No.37814799

Yeah, she doesn’t give a fuck. She tells us about any fucked up emails she receives. She didn’t show it on screen and went out of her way not to name names but she highlighted it as one of the weirdest business emails she’d ever received and said it was fucked up they were trying to buy clout from random VTubers.

>> No.37815331

It'll be fucking hilarious when yuko gets larger than her.

>> No.37815446

Who said anything about bait? I just think celebrating a corpo barely reaching 4 view status is sort of sad…

>> No.37815447


>> No.37815526

Jewshill resorts to numberfagging when told attempting to buy clout from established Vtubers is disgusting and weird… kek

>> No.37815694


>> No.37815937
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Requesting an edit of this but with the jews, it seems to be very accurate

>> No.37816075

Woah they emailed successful Vtubers and Shondo the leech somehow got on the list?

>> No.37816167

>Shondo, the streamer who is known for humoring 2views and propping them up
>who got successful by herself
Leeching on who, pray tell

>> No.37816297

Shondo literally only interacts with chuubas smaller than her. She has never ever collabed with a chuuba bigger than she is.
I get you’re desperate but calling a self-made indie who doesn’t even befriend bigger chuubas a leech is pretty pathetic. Did you get a nice gift card jewchama? Seething she won’t sell you her viewers?

>> No.37816342

Holy new fag, do you watch her streams or are you a complete clipfag.

Shondo hardcore leeched and collab begged, even when her roommate was posting about her 'big' boyfriend.

>> No.37816386

>jew company
>spends thousands and thousands of dollars on advertisements
>immediately has one of its most popular talents stream zionist propaganda game
what a shock

>> No.37816414

>6 shekels have been deposited in your account
Shalom sir, do the needful

>> No.37816432

>just make up random bullshit
Yeah this doesn’t work when the chuuba doesn’t even like doing collabs and has literally done less than 5 in 2 years. Name one person she leeches off kek.

>> No.37816480

You know he will say Fauna

>> No.37816536

Here are your 4 shekels, I would recommend doing more research though. This sentence makes no sense even to an anti, nevermind an actual viewer. Spending 5 seconds to click on the chuuba’s page and learn a small fact or two about them may get you another shekel or two. Shalom brother!

>> No.37816539

They are fun, NijiEN had a pretty dead week and HoloEN barely streams.

If they can keep those numbers a month from now then yes it's a big success.

>> No.37816552

Yuko hasn't interacted with a bigger streamer either

>> No.37816573

>they are actually tried to market their debuts and chuubas
holy fucking retard, also I like how you're saying it as its unknown information ,they sponsored Lopi and also posted on Twitter that they are sponsoring VTubers to watchalong the debuts. your oshi was afraid to lose her views, thats fine.

>> No.37816602

Shondo was bigger than her when they collabed kek, that one won’t work

>> No.37816701

No shit.
Most companies at best will allow redirects, Niji VShojo and Hololive probably caught wind already of their chuuba clout buyout tactics so they are definetly blacklisted

>> No.37816719


She literally collabed with two members of Vshojo, just because twitch nukes old VODs doesn't mean you can rewrite history pedo-chama.

That or you're extremely new and only know Shondo through clips, which is looking increasingly likely.

>> No.37816857

There’s marketing and emailing chuubas begging them to watch your chuubas for cash. She read out the email and didn’t care until the second email when they outright said “Hello you didn’t respond, in simpler terms, we will pay you 2k to watch our chuubas and promote them”. No other company has ever tried to do this, they’re outright alienating their chuubas from the start. Any viewer watching it would think the chuuba is shitty for selling her audience, all of the VTubers they sent emails to will avoid their company and chuubas in the future and everyone who knows about it will think it’s pathetic. There are methods of marketing that are not paying chuubas to leech off them on Day fucking One. This is literally worse than Nijisanji forcing chuubas to pay for collabs.

>> No.37816895

i'm genuinely curious, how many other chumbuds do you recognize in chat? or is it less that she appeals to chumbuds and is just plainly a good vtuber that is more popular amongst all fans

>> No.37816944

Shondo has never collabed with a Vshojo member. You’re literally just making shit up. She has a full stream archive on YouTube you fucking retard. Do tell me which Vshojo member she collabbed with. Point me to a tweet from either her or the Vshojo member and then link me to the VOD.
I can’t believe the jews are outright just liars.

>> No.37817055
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>> No.37817057

>just lying
Jewchama you should try to actually research the chuubas before you try to badmouth them for not taking the buyout. This is uncomprehendingly pathetic. You are just spewing random shit that makes no sense hoping something sticks.

>> No.37817118

She collabed with Hime you retard.

>> No.37817183

I am choosing to believe you are schizophrenic or mixing her up with someone else over just lying desperately.
They have never interacted.

>> No.37817202

How the fuck is that a bad thing? offering to sponsor someone to help promote your chubas is based as fuck. You are correct, no other corpos done that, this is why idolEN inclining so hard and already passed all the other small corpos in numbers.

>B-But they begging
emailing a cold email and then following up isn't begging, its basic business practice

>> No.37817222 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ literally go back. How do you 'oshi' a girl and know nothing about her.

What do you want next, me to post her roommate talking about her boyfriend man-handling her? The cutting scars she showed on stream for a stream of pity dollars?

Do you even know what roommate means in /vt/?

You being too fucking stupid to know anything about your whore oshi doesn't make me a liar.

>> No.37817314

Anon Shondo doesn’t have a roommate. You’re trying to hard. You are just spouting random catalog lies and then trying to make up shit on top of it.
Literally show me Shondo and Hime ever interacting. Do it.

>> No.37817341

shondo never had a roommate as she did not changed persona or anything just debuted a vtuber model on Fauna advice btw
If she did collab with some vshojo then point out when it happened

>> No.37817398

>jews are delusional catalogniggers that just make up random lies about chuubas they don’t know hoping something will stick or magically be right
Checks out

>> No.37817457

as if you think someone cares about your 2view twitch whore kek

>> No.37817477

Shondo never had a roommate, she’s been Shondo since 2017. She has never interacted with a Vshojo member nevermind collabbed with one. How can you tell lies of this tier about a chuuba you have literally skimmed through a catalog bait thread over once? This how you make your shekels?

>> No.37817553

you seem salty she refused to shill your shit jew corpo, you are making a great in making sure i will never watch them

>> No.37817558

Yeah, that's why its right pedochama. Magic. Holy Cope.

>> No.37817620

Clip fag, you don't watch anyone. Continue upvoting on reddit, leave /vt/

>> No.37817624

You say inclining but did you see when people were saying the exact same shit about Phase’s new gen? They had 2k debuts and were 700-900 viewers the first week. They’re all 2views now. This is how debut week works.
The difference here is every chuuba that got that email will have a sour taste in their mouth and dodge them like crazy.

>> No.37817676

post debut buff lasts about two months. you can see the viewership drop with iluna and tempus

>> No.37817793

Shondo had bad OPsec and posted on twitter with her roommate account about her boyfriend.

I understand why you follow Shondo, you literally don't know a single fucking thing about her.

>> No.37817814

Lying is boring. At least come up with something with substance. I get this is /vt/ but just spewing senseless sentences about the activities of chuubas you have absolutely no knowledge on is truly pathetic.

>> No.37817890

Anon… you’re retarded.
She was publicly with her boyfriend and told everyone not to flirt with her. On her fallenshadow account. She doesn’t have a roommate account. You’re just making up lies? Kek

>> No.37817903

Phase connect were 2view and low 3view in one week, idolEN still manage to reach 4digits.

also, Yuko already passed all phase gen 2 subscribers

>> No.37817974

Brother, you might want to read what you just posted and apply it to yourself.

>> No.37818016

Why is Merryweather going full femboy?

>> No.37818066

Blatantly untrue, I know Shiina was a high 3view and so was Remi. It hasn’t even been a week for Idol and you’re delusional if you think they’ll hold these numbers even by the time they have monetization. I’m guessing 80-150 viewers and MAYBE Yuko will have 300 on a good day.

>> No.37818136

>Litterally makes shit up
>"Why are you lying anon"

Holy fuck Shondo-pedos are scary deluded.

>> No.37818141
File: 49 KB, 814x893, 1630073740056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell fear.

>> No.37818150

Stop posting about 3views and start talking about Yuko's amazing singing voice.

>> No.37818197

only when they collabed with gen1. you're right, they wont hold these views, they will only incline harder.

>> No.37818200

You could literally read a fucking catalog bait thread and have more knowledge than needing to desperately falseflag. How many shekels do you get per post?

>> No.37818211

Is she going to do /k/ content like her roommate?

>> No.37818293

Oh I get it now, you don't know shit about Shondo, you literally are just a catalogue nigger.

I don't know why you'd out yourself like that, but you've been perfectly retarded so far.

>> No.37818341

I did chedked the jews when their gen1 debuted, a very boring as fuck bunch ngl so the bar for gen2 to be better is very low
The half russian half israel girl that also speak a decent arab on top of hebrew english and russian atleast tried to network on her own but with very sad results so far

>> No.37818381

Jew shills might be the most schizophrenic and deranged posters on this board in a long time.

>> No.37818475
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But what the judean has to fear?

>> No.37818553

Oh, that's a girl from the corp that rejected nyanners 3.0 in favor of Aya Amare.

>> No.37818972

Nyanners 3.0? TLDR?

>> No.37819149

The Boo Jew was someone before this, check it out. -Or don't.

>> No.37819209

They aren't the ones that are fearful.

>> No.37819358

I love jews

>> No.37819436

She will replace one of her streams this week with karaoke when she gets monetized

>> No.37819550

Also she handled Alban showing up in her chat like a champ

>> No.37819681
File: 346 KB, 469x929, active threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the jew thread now one of the most popular threads on the board?

>> No.37819949

Astroturfing debut weeks

>> No.37820037

it's not sad when she's mogging the most successful small corpo by far. go back to watching xqc, faggot.

>> No.37820127

Death to Israel

>> No.37820213

Discount gura does her job well, that's all.

>> No.37820355

We’ve been talking about all the girls. As much as you idiots like to pretend Yuko is the only reason people are posting in the general, the posts so far have been fairly evenly distributed. And the HE girls are receiving a lot more attention than you’d expect for a corpo that just inclined due to an EN debut.

>> No.37820418

I don't really pay much attention to Gura's chat but I saw at least 4 or 5 names I recognized, she is entertaining and has some similar mannerisms + cunny but beyond that they are not really all that similar I think she will stand on her own as a streamer beyond just poaching disillusioned chumbuds

>> No.37820645

It's not just chumbuds, I've seen a few Pomudachis in chat

>> No.37820803

never underestimate the power of cute and funny

>> No.37820908

The reverse trap is almost as popular as Yuko in /jidf/ you just don't see her on the catalog that much.

>> No.37821180

BASED SHONDO. Fuck corpo's shills.

>> No.37822438

So that Koefficient react was paid for?

>> No.37822645
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Inshallah you will be destroyed for associating the name of Selen (my beloved) with the Jews and their evil.

>> No.37823036

Probably, he is pretty bad at acting. I always assumed that to be the case

>> No.37823335

Lolis are popular, who would have thought?
You could make an agency with only loli vtubers and that shit would make mad cash.

>> No.37828582


>> No.37829020

Having no lolis is a red flag (it means you listen to normalfags). Having *only* lolis is also a red flag (it means you’re pandering to actual pedos).
Two lolis in a gen is about the most based you can be before it leads to actual problems—and I’m talking about pragmatically because fuck virtue signaling or being a good person. It’s just a bad idea.
