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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37587820 No.37587820 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166 (using the old one since the bin is broken)
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive auditions are permanently open!

Phase connect auditions are now open!

Kawa Entertainment auditions are now open!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>37484864

>> No.37590096

No but seriously why did it die THIS hard, is there some discord thing going on that I didn't pay attention to

>> No.37590564

It can't be the icecreamcord, can it?

>> No.37594211

not much has been happening in the discord too; there just aren't too many /asp/irants but they do post every now and then

>> No.37594716

Thread seems to be for gossip and viewer peanut gallery. Not very useful for getting advice, feedback or improving.

>> No.37596329

Do you anons think vtubers are here to stay in western streaming? Or is it just a phase?

>> No.37596569

Both. Ask anyone here on /vt/ what vtubing is about, most will describe a streamer with an avatar. Ending this phase might be best for vtubing as a medium.

>> No.37598860

>students are busy with school
>corporate drones are busy with year end
>families are preparing for the holiday season
>vtubing is no longer a novelty
>everyone is following world cup instead of watching chuubas
It's a combination of all those factors really

>> No.37599041

obviously there's an influx but vtubing hits a good medium between not wanting to facecam and wanting something to represent you as a streamer so it'll always be an option

>> No.37599355

Thoughts on Trovo?

>> No.37600165

Facerig came out over 7 years ago.

>> No.37601347

what does that have to do with anything

>> No.37602723

dont bother

>> No.37603475

wth is the world cup?

>> No.37603565

gundam fight but football.

>> No.37604306
File: 239 KB, 1536x2048, 1664300418106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone use scripts just to read and warm up? Scripts to get used to talking? I'm too awkward to stream, but I want to put edited vids on youtube. How do I get used to my voice

>> No.37607525


>> No.37610232


>> No.37612922


>> No.37615790

Hopeful up

>> No.37617462


It fails because OTHER STREAMERS especially OTHER 0VIEWS are not GOOD VIEWERS.

Selfposting fags like you will never make it because 4chan isnt a good place to market yourself and instantly outcasts you from the rest of the vtuber community. And 4chantards are not good viewers who stick around or even return

>> No.37618541

Not him but thanks, I always did tongue twisters so I stop slurring my th's and s's

Just be a crazy person who likes talking to themselves like me

>> No.37618589

>Selfposting fags like you
Who are you even talking to

>> No.37619409

>Google how to rig mouths
>First video gives me a tip that would have helped everywhere else on my model
Actually just advanced to the bronze age boys, rigging is easy

>> No.37619989

Can someone give me good tags to put in my youtube videos? I put like vtuber, the name of the game and then i'm lost.

>> No.37621306

No idea and I’m not even sure it matters. Looking at other small vtubers they seem to use it to declare their gender, whether they take the dick and their mental illness

>> No.37622692

How hard is it to learn rigging from scratch without any prior editing skill? I'm considering to cut the middleman and do it myself

>> No.37622935

i don't think you understand what that word means
are you the same person insisting that 2view means two literal viewers and not 2 digits

>> No.37623636

Who are you talking to?

>> No.37623649

Fascinating how Kaiser posted his REAL IRL NUDES on /trash/ in august and no one noticed. I didn't even notice until just now, while looking for something else.

>> No.37624150

who cares? im not gay or a fujo

>> No.37624439

Who cares about Kaiser..

>> No.37624475 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 206x207, model teaserasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Model Sketch Teaser
Art by @5IGMAN

>> No.37624976 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 452x640, 9697E4B2-0D2D-4D74-BF56-CD95C1B7D587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning, scary

>> No.37625729

But Primrose and Cublala noticed and all the rest.

>> No.37626473

Oh no! Where?

>> No.37626623

Sauce or get the fuck out.

>> No.37627480

I didn’t notice bc I had my head down in my “job”. As expected, he’s pretty hot.

>> No.37627507

Why the fuck do you care about nudes of another man?

>> No.37627574

>Anon learns what a homosexual is in real time.

>> No.37628217

Wake me up for the Jignx nudes.

>> No.37628401

First sloth tits, now Kaiser dick. Who's next to whore out to trash?

He is pretty hot though.

>> No.37628723


>slurring my th's and s's

>> No.37629616

I always wanted to be a vtuber. Even long before that's what it was called, I just never got around to it. If the industry crashes before I debut I'll still do it, even if it's just for my own amusement.

>> No.37629632

Azu legs?

>> No.37631358

Sexy babi thighs!

>> No.37631585

Mind sharing? I'm currently rigging a model for the first time and haven't reached the mouth yet.

>> No.37634363

I've never posted any of my links here but go off

>> No.37634428

you have the nasty tumblrina faggot attitude go back tourist

>> No.37634512

What are you even talking about? Who are you even angry at?

>> No.37634575

Anon are you okay

>> No.37636106

how important is it for my avatar to be anime style?

>> No.37636309

Please don’t end me

>> No.37636614
File: 155 KB, 560x420, gigadrillmad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed the thread

>> No.37639789

not particularly important

>> No.37639853

which one is more important, a big tits or big dick?
I dont think I have enough money to have both on my 1.0

>> No.37639960

Tits, you probably can't show the dick unless you're on an adult streaming platform.

>> No.37640147

it would only be a bulge (with animation)

>> No.37640321


>> No.37640375

>We do not permit the visible outline of genitals, even when covered
Pretty sure bulgie wulgies are a no go

>> No.37640532
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its just a mid day snack

>> No.37644095

I think it is here to stay. The biggest change since several years ago is that vtubing is no longer the automatic buff to viewership that it used to be. But even now having a decent model does a lot to get people interested in your channel, but I could see a time in a year or more from now that being a vtuber will basically be equivalent numbers wise to just being a facecam streamer.

Even now if you look at pure numbers, viewership has probably never been better overall for vtubers. It might look slightly lower but really that is due to it just being distributed among many more vtubers than it used to be. and due to the recent changes to the way youtube has been displaying live viewers on their platform

>> No.37647609

Ever since Ain fucked off, I’ve had no one to direct my wish to hatefuck. I’d point to Reverie, but I actually like her so it doesn’t work.

>> No.37649821

is there anyone else you feel ire for?

>> No.37650346

Not that anon but I want to murder Deku

>> No.37650559

Copy his username and # from Discord and paste it into /trash/ archive search bar.

>> No.37651564

Knight Chase, but that’s mostly ambivalent dislike and not hatefucking.

>> No.37651940

why ambivalent?

>> No.37652060

Is it annoying if you're very active in someone's chat and Discord?

>> No.37653095

Depends on how you act.

>> No.37653356
File: 120 KB, 828x996, 1612047623962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not a complete sperg and I make people laugh but sometimes I feel she might find me annoying if I'm one of the only people that's active in her community while she's trying to grow.

>> No.37656708

Honestly, most vtubers are pretty lonely. I doubt they mind if you are the only one in chat. Just try not to be annoying and you should be fine.

>> No.37657388

not difficult at all, it's just a lot but you can do a simple rig first!
add angle Z which is a simple rotation deformer, do the mouth and eye and your simple rig is good to go. Angle X/Y are more complicated but can be added later.
physics make it feel more alive but for your first attempt it's really not needed either. it's really only as much as you want. you can always go back and rerig it or add more things to the rig. for example my first rig was kinda bad but im currently updating it!

>> No.37658117

You have a point though I'll probably keep a bit of distance so I'd don't come off as annoying or obnoxious.

>> No.37659776

Step 1: get an artist, preferrably female to make an ikemen model for you
Step 2: play Stardew valley, sims, Pokémon, animal crossing, femoid games etc.
Step 3: Grind (don’t be an idiot that never talks)
Step 4: move to Genshin when you have a decent viewer base. This is where the Chinese fujos are.

>> No.37663472

Babis are surprisingly popular with female streamers

>> No.37663578
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Duly noted

>> No.37664732

do chinese fujos go to twitch or just youtube?

>> No.37665558

they browse twitch too. had one visit my chat and she instantly subbed kek

>> No.37672757

Yeah it was this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJdS1G5ybkE

>> No.37673744

So i'm still using Live2d cubism 4.1.04, and 4.2(?) is out. Is it worth it to upgrade? Anything actually useful that's new? I'm scared of it breaking my model for the most part.

>> No.37674885

Rocket league but it's real people and you can go out of bounds

>> No.37677337

Hopeful cute

>> No.37677343

>watch and raid aspie frequently
>think they’re cool
>keep thinking about them when I’m at my irl job or just doing random things
>keep thinking about weird stuff like giving them chocolates or hanging out with them
>chest feels all weird whenever they acknowledge me
Don’t know what these weird feelings and thoughts are but they have to be a red flag right? How do I stop whatever this is? I don’t want them to think im creepy or something.

>> No.37677572

You're a fellow aspie? Try to be their friend and get shot down or succeed and find out perhaps they're not actually that great. Whatever, just lead it to its natural conclusion and make a clean break if it comes to that.

>> No.37678773

Jerk off, anon. If the feelings persist, then maybe slide into their DMs

>> No.37680541

Why is /wvt/ so shit?

>> No.37681574

How long have you been streaming, and what advice would you give to younger you, back when you started?

18 months, and "Get those VA and singing lessons now, don't wait"

>> No.37681747

Don't forget to shill your genshincord.

>> No.37682852
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Why is anon so shit?

>> No.37683075

In an effort to stop Flavour of the Month Vtubers stealing views the old guard wants to kill the threads.

>> No.37684641

you're gonna have to be more specific
but reading though the current thread I'd said it's because the diapershitter is a bit upset

>> No.37687547

how dare you

>> No.37687751

its called being in love/crushing on the idea of them you constructed in your mind

aka the first big step of parasocial relationship, congratulations

>> No.37688074

they should come here

>> No.37688421

Would you recommend those youtube singing lessons anon, are those enough

>> No.37689580

Thanks anon, I appreciate the thought

>> No.37691646

I'm still obsessed with her despite the fact she's trans...

>> No.37691663

What are good ways to promote streams and not just rely on people hopefully retweeting your shit?

>> No.37692122

It won't break your model, it's not that big of a leap like jumping from 3.x to 4.x (that one actually breaks your model)
As for the new features, It let's you tint your model via multiply or glow in live2d and adds blend shapes. They're nice new tools.

>> No.37693094
File: 156 KB, 655x667, fetchimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made myself a new model, it's very much more moe than the western style that I had before.
People been receiving it well.

I wonder how many people are gonna watch now compared to before.
Could the appeal really be more focused on the model when it comes to Vtubin?

>> No.37693705

The gimmick of being a vtuber is your virtual avatar, other than that, you're almost like a regular streamer so obviously, if your model/png is cute/cool people are more willing to watch you or prefer you over other vtubers. Personality matters but don't underestimate the value of a good concept, specially if it matches your voice and personality.

>> No.37696030

Hopeful very cute

>> No.37697663

Happy Thanksgiving arsepees

>> No.37697707

I’m not American but I’m thankful for being alive and not sick.

>> No.37697724
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Happy thanks giving anon, hove you have a nice time.

>> No.37697938

5 months.

My advice would be. "Find other 0-views and become friends with them. Become their viewers and they will become your most loyal fans."

>> No.37699423
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's Serious Sam stream taught me a lesson I never thought I was going to have to be taught: when I select a game for a stream, I have to be careful about how long it is. I had to cut my stream today shorter than what I would have wanted just to have enough material for the second stream.

>> No.37701230

Happy Thanksgiving :)

>> No.37703108

>How long have you been streaming
1 month.
>what advice would you give to younger you, back when you started?
Check Twitch chat setting. Disable the subscribers-only mode.
Check Streamlabs settings. The problem of games not being captured correctly can be fixed easily without resorting to something that can turn yabai.
Check the chat more regularly.

>> No.37703561


>> No.37705980

I use what I want.

>> No.37706256

But why?

>> No.37709472


>> No.37709664


>> No.37709793

This is why you'll remain ngmi.

>> No.37710073
File: 3.17 MB, 2313x3927, tiresias10 resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello all, I'll be playing some PokeWilds!

>> No.37710310

You still look like an AdventureQuest character

>> No.37710454

Oh god lol
I remember when they upgraded the graphics… that was something.

>> No.37711610

AQ was pretty cool
sadly got caught cheating (they just put me in a cheating guild or whatever though)

>> No.37713337

nta, if you don't have the budget then yt is as good a place to start as any
networking can be surprisingly fun
consider https://howlongtobeat.com/
you too :) https://twitter.com/VinnyVinesauce/status/1595924281598566400

>> No.37714084

Is randomly singing in VC or on stream annoying?

>> No.37715555

It depends if you're good or not

>> No.37718065

So it’s subjective like everything else, gotcha.

>> No.37719351

Divegrass but it's real world countries with real people instead of 4chan boards with meme characters.

>> No.37719630

More likely a speech impediment. ESLs would substitute the sounds completely.

>> No.37719936

Not even a little. https://www.youtube.com/@Peanutskun This crayon shin-chan looking motherfucker has 200k subscribers. If you can come up with something that isn't anime and still looks good, I unironically consider that a plus.

>> No.37720021

Using a prop to pretend to have a big dick on your model is probably a bigger draw than actually having one.

>> No.37721004
File: 2.02 MB, 498x280, ponpoko-peanutkun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanuts-kun is different, I think he started making content about 5 or 6 years ago, starting with an animated series, followed by music (3 albums so far?) and the occasional stream.
He also has a sister with her own channels and most of their content are 10 minutes video. And everyone wants to fuck the raccoon even if they won't admit it.
Because they started early in the vtubing and how much effort they put into their channels, and actually being friendly, they've also forged many connections with famous vtubers such as Kizuna Ai, Shigure Ui, many independent vtubers, the older generations of Nijisanji, etc.

So I wouldn't use Peanuts-kun as an example of how you can make it with a weird or crappy model. You're not Peanuts-kun.
Also you should watch this.

>> No.37722294

No. People's opinions are indeed subjective, but the answer to your question is not. For you as an individual there will probably be a very clear "yes", "no" or "neutral" answer to the question. You'd have to post a vocaroo.

>> No.37722818

also Peanuts could have been anything but he chose to be a funny peanut. He carries himself with his rapping and singing and is incredibly charismatic too.

>> No.37723477


>> No.37728462

He's even deeper, he used to a depressed shut-in and now he's a chad hanging out with anime girls.
I might not be Peanuts-kun, but I want to become him.

>> No.37732952

a BIG peanut

>> No.37734430


>> No.37735431


>> No.37736836

Hopeful very cute

>> No.37737789

How do you actually grow your channel

>> No.37737933

Should i confess my feelings to a trans vtuber?

>> No.37738015

probably not but on a somewhat similar note

I'm trans and I want to be a vtuber. Is it really not a big deal to be trans and a vtuber? I wouldn't be announcing it or trying to make a big deal of it but I have 'tranny voice' so I think internet savvy people would know

>> No.37738725

I have never heard of AdventureQuest, to be honest. I'll look it up and check it out :)

>> No.37738788

Depends on what your relationship is. Obviously not if they don't know you, but if you're friends - you can think about it.
You act just like a real woman by making everything about yourself. I don't think most people will care and it's not like you are likely to get viewers anyway, so might as well try.

>> No.37739983

Simply never mention it, let people draw their own conclusions, and never answer questions if someone asks about it. Just don't become a vtuber if you're especially menhera or comparing your model to your actual body will make you speed towards the 41% faster.

>> No.37741144

Hopeful very very cute

>> No.37741995
File: 796 KB, 1115x1600, 8C63E2B7-4EAE-45AE-BBCA-EEDE1E41F1AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many literal and figurative horny chuubas?

>> No.37742150

How do you make a good vtuber design?

I'm not actually looking to become a vtuber but I am working on a little animation thing and vtuber is a minor plot element.

>> No.37743464

Because SEGGS

>> No.37744961

Hopeful very very very cute

>> No.37745957


>> No.37748217
File: 219 KB, 850x1036, risu .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tasty peanut

>> No.37750763

Hopeful very very very very cute

>> No.37751675

Who here is a snacc?

>> No.37752600
File: 138 KB, 1000x885, F7F8BAED-BDB7-4D8D-89F3-90F343AAD9AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literal snack

>> No.37752758

Breed the space cat.

>> No.37753685

i don't think i can properly express my hatred for azu.
i know he's had issues that made streaming hard for him, but have you ever watched his streams? he's a mouth breather, and doesn't provide commentary of the content - just either grunts, or random "nice, that's coooooool". then when he laughs, it's like a donkey getting kicked in the nuts.
worse is his behaviour in any discord. as soon as anyone gets complimented for their art, he'll immediately post "azu in clown makeup" or "i'd look good as a furry", then spends five minutes shitting something out in pen on the back of a napkin. even then he won't always.
whenever anyone gets good feedback on a twitter post, you'll see "i wish someone would give me content for a ylyl video", despite having literally 2 viewers. nobody is going to come to his attempt to leech content from memes.

>> No.37754859
File: 2.06 MB, 2315x2265, 1634053688449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37755272


>> No.37757388

This is too accurate.

>> No.37758122

/asp/ - aspiring shitters

>> No.37758145

i'm a proud toilet-dweller, baby!

>> No.37758499

glad i'm not the only one who sees this shit for what it is

>> No.37759480

>Seething /mvp/fag

>> No.37759503


>> No.37759665

If Jignx really did not like Azu, he would’ve been booted already like Alto.

>> No.37759921

>someone airs out their grievances with azu
>azu takes absolutely none of the constructive criticism to heart in any meaningful capacity
>proceeds to pity-bait on discord/twitter/etc until people get uncomfortable enough to indulge his victim complex to make him stop
>azu continues to neglect his entertainment reps and turn the topic every conversation towards himself
>the cycle continues

>> No.37760012

That sounds worse than I imagined.

>> No.37760072

I peek in on some /asp/ streams every once and a while and it's still just the same vtubers circlejerking each other. Really depressing stuff.

>> No.37760662

>starts off with stating that they hate him
>shames how they speak and laugh
>expects to take the rest of the criticism seriously

>> No.37761295
File: 9 KB, 347x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Azu what the fuck are you doing itt?
I already told you to get the fuck out of both jinxcord and /asp/ and concentrate in your shit last time you posted on /wvt/.

>> No.37761308

I don't think "doesn't provide good commentary on the game" is shaming how Azu speaks. Just the content of what he speaks.
But >>37759921 has a point. It didn't take long for Azu to run to cry to the discord about people being mean. Very few people provided any respite for him.
Would the criticism hurt if there wasn't a grain of truth?

>> No.37761334

>disregard criticism because someone was being mean
most forms of criticism in this world are going to be of the cruel/harsh variety from people who already don't like you. if he's gonna refuse to listen to any form of criticism that isn't sandwiched between sugar coated ass kissing then he's truly ngmi

>> No.37762105
File: 8 KB, 331x98, 1660833453101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37762315

> A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.
so how did that turn out I wonder

>> No.37762572

It works for people who put in effort, and who have watched streamers before starting themselves so have a very basic plan on what to do

>> No.37764656

>Let's help each other grow and make it

Name aspies doing this

>> No.37765022

how many of the people giving "advice" in the thread even stream

>> No.37765248

The OP is outdated, joining a corpo doesn't seem like a good ending for most aspiring vtubers.

>> No.37765315

Aux doing free NSFW art for everyone

>> No.37766470

Because they keep joining shit corpos with red flags visible from a million light years away while they send applications to any """corpo""" that does a Twitter post

>> No.37766634
File: 2.52 MB, 498x498, 1659997318665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a big misunderstanding with people who join corpos, they think they'll be covered on all fronts and costs like marketing, models, updates, overlays and so on without really thinking about how much control they have over their image or what kind of contracts they'll fall under. Almost like real life, ironically.

>> No.37766777

They enter corpos thinking "aha I bring the system I can make a living without getting a job and just stream" not realizing this IS a job contract and all. Reminds me of all the elementary school kids saying they want to grow up to be a YouTuber

>> No.37769764

If you could only use a laptop for vtubing, which model nowadays has hardware that's just good enough to run OBS and everything else?

Or should you go with an SFFPC and try to get a portable monitor?

>> No.37772235

I used to give advice often but whenever i did i only get the answer "why should i listen to you, you are a 1view" which is their right to do, but most people don't want advice, people just want success, because advice means they actually have to put effort into it to make any use of it. on top of that, even if you follow every advice there's still no guarantee you'll make it so people don't want to put in the effort following advices because there's a high chance it will be wasted.

>> No.37772761

Is there a reason you couldn't use a desktop?

>> No.37773295

We know you hate corpos Visage. Kill yourself Nigger.

>> No.37775739

Issues with available space. I want to know my current options.

>> No.37777490


>> No.37778479

>tfw Laine hasnt streamed in over a month

come back seraph mommy

>> No.37781642

I'm pretty worried for your wellbeing if you don't have enough space for a desktop.
Anyway, most gaming laptops are good enough unless you want to stream recent games with graphics set on high. But that'll cost a pretty penny and it won't have good specs compared to a desktop.

>> No.37782349
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>Hire a vtuber manager
>get better advice than I ever got from this place
>I'm growing fast and I'm doing better than ever

This thread is useless, just hire a professional.

>> No.37782462

Where do you get those?

>> No.37783315

Name yourself.
Oh that's right you won't because you're role playing.

>> No.37786131


>> No.37786152

Have any females been contacted for an interview with Hololive in the past year? They've been watching my auditions but I'm wondering if they're only planning another male gen.

>> No.37786239

I have been slowly sinking into depression over the past couple weeks.
It's not about numbers, though maybe? I am not sure what's wrong, but I just don't have any drive to even get out of the bed. I just feel like even if I disappear tomorrow and stop streaming, nobody will miss me.

>> No.37788727

I don't remember posting this.

>> No.37788918

It does for me man.

>> No.37789131
File: 93 KB, 1024x1008, 72151A6E-B308-4FD8-8D41-C9EC7B61C37B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I just feel like even if I disappear tomorrow and stop streaming, nobody will miss me.
I feel the same way anon, especially after making Vtuber “friends”. I kind of assumed people actually wanted to be friends with me or talk with me because of who I am, but then I started realising people only wanted to talk with me or be associated with me if I did things for them.
>conveniently getting ignored in chat or ghosted in DM’s unless I’ve raided them or shilled them recently, even then I’ll still get ignored pretty consistently
>used as a punching bag/escape goat for jokes in certain circles and treated clearly differently from everyone else in a demeaning way
>people only want to talk to me if they want something from me like technical help or to shill for them or to check something of theirs out
>every collab proposal I’ve made has been shot down, and ones I’ve been invited to I was just ignored or spoken over by other Vtubers
It’s extremely fucking depressing realising that the only reason people keep me around is because I’m just another potential view or someone to leech off of. The only thing keeping me from stopping Vtubing is like two of my viewers right now that I know would miss me if I did stop, and I feel lucky to have them.

I hope you find viewers or something to keep you going anon.

>> No.37789216

Do you exercise regularly?
I have depression too, and keeping a solid 3 day a week schedule has helped me avoid taking meds.
Just that and therapy is keeping me on planet earth.

>> No.37789477

I am sorry, my senpai. That sounds really rough.
I don't have anything good to offer back. My mind's filled with self-doubt and even loathing. I wish there's something good I could say, if nothing else.
I don't know what keeps me going in the first place. I hope I can find it one day as well.

Used to, but I got really sick recently and a few things triggered one after another, and I sort of lost that equilibrium - Or at the very least, the mask I cultivated to pretend that I am ok. I feel like I am slipping further and further instead of recovering, and there's nobody I can confide in or talk with.

>> No.37789524

If it's stressing you out while you're already down then maybe streaming just ain't it for you anon. If you want meaningful interaction with people just reach out to them directly or get involved with existing communities, just streaming without anything else can be pretty hollow anyway.

>> No.37789601

I'm afraid you have little bitch syndrome, Anon. The only cure is to stop being a little bitch.

>> No.37791527

Who are you? I swear if you're the muppet...

>> No.37793582

Get Vitamin D, preferably in the form of gummies and in doses of 2,000 IU at a time. It lifts up your mood, especially during seasons with less sunlight.

>> No.37794066

These problems would all disappear instantly if you only realized that the term is "scapegoat". Remember me when you get big.

>> No.37795636

Where did it all go wrong, /asp/?

>> No.37795947
File: 1003 KB, 876x1000, final_5e65288a4658fe0016b10df9_351395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be onto something, give me a hand.

>> No.37796534

What could go wrong opsec wise if I do steam family sharing with my irl steam account? I remember someone pointed out a possible opsec risk but I don't remember the details

>> No.37797259

how much money are you willing to spend buying all the same games on your vtuber account
how much is worth having someone doxx you from your family share steam id
not being cynical just stating what could happen

>> No.37798148

>tfw can't circlejerk other /asp/ies because I don't know who they are

>> No.37798213

This is the first time I see someone actually use the family sharing feature.

>> No.37801177

Hopeful very very very very very cute

>> No.37805653

Hopeful very very very very very very cute

>> No.37806977

who did you hire?

>> No.37807449

i don't think i can properly express my desire for breeding azu.
I simply want him to sit on my lap and tease him while he streams.
I would work my hands around his naked body, making sure not to touch his privates until I know he can't take it anymore and puts one of my hands on them.
The teasing won't stop though, I would continue to slowly and methodically stroke his penis while caressing his balls until they're all drenched in precum.
Just imagine the soft moans he'd let out as he tries to not be heard on stream, but he can't hold on and eventually he will let out a loud moan of pleasure.
when he does, I would relieve him, by simply jerking him slowly until he let's it all out all over his body.
Thank you for reading my shitty erotica nerds.

>> No.37808017

>anon gets scammed
>brags about it to a bunch of 2 views

>> No.37809610

Hopeful very very very very very very very cute

>> No.37809906
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