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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 35 KB, 400x400, 20221122_065436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37562079 No.37562079 [Reply] [Original]

>makes your son's gain their first boner

>> No.37562120

There is no fucking way I'm going to let my kids use the internet unsupervised once I'm parent. What the fuck were my parents thinking dude.

>> No.37562172

Good. If you knew what the algorithm is feeding to children these days you'd be fucking shocked. I was babysitting my nephew recently and the little nigga was just watching youtube shorts on autoplay and it keeps recommending him these weird fucking pseudosexual absurdist roblox or 2D animations that look like they were made in some stock program. The things he was watching depicted and/or implied degenerate fucking kink shit like mpreg or bestiality. I felt so creeped out by what I was seeing that I took the lil nigga out to the park to play like a normal child.

>> No.37562293

>watching youtube shorts
You are shortening his attention span. Make that dude read a book

>> No.37562385

>"Ah fuck, the little shit wants my attention again and is annoying, here, take this ipad and fuck off"
Alternatively, if you were born before 2000,
>"Internet? Oh you mean like that thing on the news? Eh, whatever, don't care, just don't play those satanic games like they say in the newspaper"
The former is due to disinterest to actually parent their kids, the former is just lack of knowledge. Wasn't too uncommon for GenX kids to be just thrown out of the house at dawn and being told to just get back before dusk.

>> No.37562454

not my call I only really get to see him when his parents are out

>> No.37562588

Post that edit

>> No.37562741

This but unironically.

>> No.37562872
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, Cookie feels it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't saved it.

>> No.37563048

I wrote it without a hint of irony. My parents are gen X-ers, but they were terminally online gen x-ers and really should have known better than to let me use it unsupervised for most of my life.

>> No.37563361

My parents locked me outside as a kid. I am forever grateful.

>> No.37563427

>caught my nephew watching her

>> No.37564290

Will she ever collab with other vtubers?

>> No.37564511

What is cookies thoughts on her GFE content? Or is she just really into shota.

>> No.37565002

She's into ponies... like A LOT of ponies.

>> No.37565134

what did OP mean by this?

>> No.37565185

damn this design is ripe for rule34

>> No.37565584

It's plural dumbass

>> No.37565759

who's plural?

>> No.37565794

who is this demon?

>> No.37565972


>> No.37566061

Their plural

>> No.37566083


>> No.37566456

No. She doesn't have a sex voice. The model is just here so she doesn't have to bother with keeping the flesh presentable while still having something for the lil guy to look at other than the main video. That being said, boys have their first boner to all kinds of stupid stuff, so of course it already happened.

>> No.37569701

>She doesn't have a sex voice.

>> No.37569759

Watched her a little bit after she got shilled here around the time of her vtuber debut, only to lose interest. Months later, her videos started showing up in my recommended, so I watch her fairly regularly now.
Maybe a controversial opinion, but I really like her short-form pre-recorded video content vs streams. Streams are a pain to catch depending on time zone, and attentionfags love to drag the chuuba's attention to themselves. She basically bypasses all that, and it makes her content far more enjoyable.
>inb4 who asked?
Nobody did. I felt like blogposting. Regardless, I doubt either myself, nor many people here will have sons. Neither do I expect her to still be making videos 13 years from now or so, when our sons would be old enough for this to be a realistic scenario.

>> No.37569788

I'll let her groom my son and then when he gets lured to her hideout, I'll jump her and we'll use her for father son bonding and DP her

>> No.37569855

>a controversial opinion
It's not.
Everyone that has watched for more than 2 videos said she's really good at this youtuber thing.

>> No.37569860

i tried to enjoy it, but i just can't. her liberal use of scene cuts feels like i'm gonna develop ADHD watching her. it kinda makes sense why she edits her vids like that because children have very short attentions spans that everything has to be fast to keep them glued to the screen.

>> No.37569894

>raising a whole generation of millions of gyaru mommy enthusiasts
cookie...I kneel...

>> No.37569977


You won't be able to stop it, even if you use parental controls, they'll still have a friend that will show them everything that you don't want them to see.

>> No.37569987

i agree with >>37569855 though. masterful manipulation of expressions of her vtuber model is an artform that even hololive rarely exhibits.

>> No.37570106

>saving hags future singlehandely

Is this MK ULTRA brainwashing?

>> No.37570748

>she literally /became/
Lamy sis?

>> No.37570821

>gummy bear condom belt

>> No.37570879

The short pre-recorded content was REAL Vtubers back during the Kizuna Ai era and I wish we could go back to that with at least a few mainstream vtubers. Streams are cool and all but Kizuna knew what she was doing.

>> No.37570932
File: 38 KB, 1258x266, 1650129381963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abe would be proud

>> No.37570965

ironically, Cookieswirl IS the western Kizuna Ai. too bad her content are primarily aimed to kids or people with ADHD.

>> No.37571144

Wow I hate 3DPD

>> No.37571181

What about this comment brought you into a seething rage about the opposite gender?

>> No.37571315

Women are so fucking disgusting "look at me I'm having a child mememe pay attention to me I got pregnant look at my baby bump! I'm bringing another person into this shitty world to satisfy my narcissistic solipsistic delusions, my child is just an accessory I can use for attention"
her "baby girl" "Andrea" will be another tricked out strung out drugged up whore in 14-16 years. Pathetic.

>> No.37571348
File: 425 KB, 2048x2048, 1615415845019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's an entire generation of Japanese boys busting their first load to a fucking autistic woman larping as a rabbit

>> No.37571431

t. didn't get enough hugs from his mommy

>> No.37571453

I think you're projecting an awful lot of personal feelings onto a comment of a young woman saying she likes a vtuber and is pregnant and hopes to bond over it with her new family. I'm not saying this to be combative with you, but I genuinely think you should try and get off the internet. Men and women are just people both.

>> No.37571462

Go back troon

>> No.37571500

All women are whores who can't raise children.
>Women are just people
lol, funniest shit I've read all week
At least call me an incel, chud. Can't even keep your "insults" straight.

>> No.37571541


>> No.37571570

What an absolute pitiable existence. You'll do yourself no favours in life if you continue to cope and comfort yourself with the hate.

>> No.37571632

Appeal to... fuck, I don't even know WHAT you're trying to appeal to. Keep seething, foid. You're nothing more than a couple of warm holes and my life is going great as the superior gender.

>> No.37571665


>> No.37571726

/r9k/ is an tranny board now

>> No.37571928

I'm amazed those people actually exist. They sure seem to have come out of their holes a lot more in recent years. I think it's because this new generation was raised primarily in the smartphone generation and so socialisation of kids is completely fucked up and it's easy for their brains to be manipulated by online content.

>> No.37572208

Honestly at this point parents now have to give their kids "The talk" at an earlier age imo with all this garbage floating around from other kids raised by parents who let their I pad raise them and even teachers in their school. It is inevitable. Better to be the one to bring up these concepts and put your foot and values on them than to be on the back foot when your child comes home and asks "What is X? X brought it up in class today". Additionally you should teach your child that there are no secrets between family because God knows what the teacher's board is trying to teach your child behind your back. You can't stop it but being the forefront role model of all these things will give your kid more of a fighting chance.

>> No.37573148
File: 1.60 MB, 1109x1043, 1649019823017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is the content I come to here for!

>> No.37573235

Your kids probably have more energy than you can you keep up? It's like getting into an autism fight with a bigger autist.

>> No.37573449

I need a bitter anti-natalist vtuber who shits on breeders.

>> No.37573671

Cookie Lamy...

>> No.37574300

I wouldn't even be that mad.
Better her than some discord tranny groomers or gay furries.

>> No.37574356

Lucky lads

>> No.37575135

I was kneeling since her "debut", I'm still kneeling

>> No.37579702

If not sexy voice why boner???

>> No.37579907

Is it ok to fantasize about CookieSwirlC being a counselor for a children's summer camp and since she loves kids so much she ends up getting taken advantage of by the young boys who get their first erection because of her?

I think CookieSwirlC is probably too naturally sexy for her own good and even if her intentions are completely pure and she wants to protect the young boys they're too spry and impressionable and she will end up having to deal with them asking why their peepee is so hard. She'll have to explain what an erection is as gently as possible and eventually she'll have to help it go away cause it's so hard it hurts and she can smell the precum leaking from all the boys. When the first boy she helps tells everyone about it all of them will start to get curious and CookieSwirlC will be swamped with little boys with erections so hard they hurt.

CookieSwirlC will lay awake at night after jacking off those first few boys. Thoughts swirling around in her head, wondering if what she did was shameful or if it's just a part of the nurturing process. CookieSwirlC adores kids, she wants them to grow big and strong and you can't grow big and strong when you're stressed out about why your peepee hurts. The feelings of pride mix with the realization of what she's done and it turns to humiliation in hindsight. Before she knows it, CookieSwirlC has already stuck her hand under her soaked panties and thoughts of guilt and humility have already been overtaken by fantasies of how she'll get to spoil her boys tomorrow. She misses them already and it's only been a couple hours since dinner, maybe it's the heat or maybe she's finally lost it. Realizing far too late to turn back, CookieSwirlC will catch herself in the laundry room, sniffing her boys unwashed underwear like a rabid animal hoping to find that musky precum stain. Luckily for her, nearly every single pair feels crusty and smells musty, the fact that so many of her boys are clearly leaking just from being around her sends her completely over the edge. CookieSwirlC can't help but feel a little sadistic after knowing just how much power she wields.

As the days go on they'll keep asking for her to jerk them off again and the smell of fresh young semen will awaken something in her. CookieSwirlC will slowly go completely power crazy over the sway she has over these young boys and their buddings sexuality. She will begin intentionally teasing them, flashing her cute tight butt, just begging them to assault her so she can let them unload all their hot strong sperm inside to crowd her weak old eggs. CookieSwirlC with her tight skinny body and beautiful calming voice will undoubtably influence these boys preferences in women to their core, their entire concept of the "perfect girl" will be irreperably shaped by CookieSwirlC. These boys haven't even cum before, they've been incubating that semen for 7 or 8 years and CookieSwirlC will be the sole reason to break that streak and take their first ejaculation.

The boys will spread stories among themselves about how they got to see CookieSwirlCs boobies and when she comes out for swim practice wearing a tight competition one piece all the boys will put their hands over their pants and some of them who haven't gotten their first ejaculation might even buckle and fall over. As CookieSwirlC surveys the boys all lined up and trying their hardest to hide the precum soaking their swim trunks, she won't be able to help herself from flaunting her body and acting like she doesn't notice her own nipples are getting harder with her arousal. The boys will squeal and moan and their tiny penises will twitch and shake as they go weak in the knees just from accidentally seeing CookieSwirlC undressing after a long day. She will begin to take immense pride in that.

Over the next few weeks these boys will become her biggest fans and she theirs. Every day will begin with a cheerful announcement of today's camp activities, and every day the activities will eventually be derailed by the rampant and intense sexual teasing CookieSwirlC will inflict upon these young boys. It won't be long until CookieSwirlC is showing up at their tents in the morning wearing nothing but a sports bra and hotpants, just so she can smell the leakage from these boys having wet dreams about her, the only girl they've ever felt something like this for. She will learn their fetishes and interests and her greatest joy will be watching their shorts tighten around their erections and biding her time until they're weak in the knees and leaking enough precum to stain their undies

>> No.37579958

When CookieSwirlC finally gives in and lets the boys ravage her like animals she won't give them any instructions, the boys will thrust and creampie her with the maximum force possible and they'll be working on absolutely raw instinct. There's nothing quite like watching a boy sacrifice his innocence to CookieSwirlC, she can't even begin to describe how big of a rush it is, in her memory there is no verbal descriptor, just raw emotions. It's not corruption because what these boys feel is pure and true but it's definitely something; especially with how attached to CookieSwirlC the boys will get after just one orgasm. CookieSwirlC really did just want to help, but something about having a herd of young boys follow her around like little soldiers, always beaming her with their innocent eyes and telling her that they love CookieSwirlC, there's a certain magic to it.

As the boys get more experience in relieving themselves with CookieSwirlC's help, they start to learn when to approach her for the highest chance of lovemaking. CookieSwirlC has made sure to teach them that what they're doing is making love, this isn't just sex it's about connection. The connection between dozens of plucky young lads and their too-caring-for-her-own-good ruler, CookieSwirlC. Eventually, due to the constant stream of young cum and how frequently CookieSwirlC seems to lose track of time when she's getting kissed and licked and creampied by boys working on pure intuition (she can't help herself but to tell some of them "they're a natural" after they try to assert themselves over the counselor who's twice their size), a schedule had to be made and followed so as to keep the camp activities separate from CookieSwirlC's personal feasting time. The lucky ones will have their morning wood treated by feral animalistic sex and their stories will spread to the less fortunate by lunch, only further brewing the desires of everyone in her troupe. Early morning CookieSwirlC is still a bit groggy and not particularly prone to being gentle, her roughness and unfiltered comments make for quite a few extravagant tales. By afternoon all the boys who heard about the morning mating will be so ready for their turn that just walking behind CookieSwirlC and seeing her cute butt swaying Infront of them will be enough stimulation that if they weren't allowed to take their pants off and let their cute little cocks hang out, the rubbing against their clothing would've been enough to make them cum on the spot.

Hiking is a serious issue for CookieSwirlC and her troupe. After a long enough time just walking behind the absolute tease that is their counselor, obviously they'll start leaking. The erections were to be expected, they know that those will be cured eventually, but the precum that leaks presents some trouble. In a forest setting there are thousands of creatures attracted to strong pheromones and dense nutrients, and the clear sticky substance that constantly oozes out of every lad under CookieSwirlC's rule is prime fodder. It usually happens after about an hour of walking, the first camper will raise his hand and call out, "Mrs. CookieSwirlC! My penis is getting wet! The ants!" This will prompt CookieSwirlC to question the rest of the troop if anyone else's undies are starting to moisten. It's no shame, it happens to everyone. The boys with undies wet enough to smell will strip naked and carry their clothing in a plastic bag to make sure the bugs aren't attracted to them. Occasionally CookieSwirlC will find a cool landmark along the trail, like a rope swing near the river she told everyone to pack for. She slings off her backpack and strips to reveal her swimsuit that she was wearing the whole time, does a cute little dance and swings straight into the river. The slight jiggle of her butt and the happy noises she makes will engrain themselves into the boys like a tumor, and that landmark will be unusable tomorrow as the whole area will be covered in a thick layer of ants.

The afternoon sex is obviously equally feral as the morning, but also much more cream will be put in the pie. The afternoon round has had more time for their short refactory periods to swell their aching balls with fresh semen. After a little more than a dozen boys CookieSwirlC will realize that the sheer amount of cum being put inside her is nearly double that of the morning, she ponders teasing the boys even longer but soon gives into her own desires and decides to keep the sex at every part of the day. It's healthier for them, and too much cum might make her tired. Punishment isn't necessary anyways when these boys already adore her, they'll keep their behavior in check when she asks. Plus, CookieSwirlC can't bare the thought of being the cause for discomfort for any of these sweet young boys. It's her responsibility to make their summer safe and fun and by golly she will do her job

>> No.37580029

After dinnertime will be the biggest group, several dozen spry young boys will crown CookieSwirlC all at once as she lies spread eagle on the picnic table and lets everyone have their fill. They waited the longest, it serves to reason they get to take the longest. Only one or two at a time, she can't offer words of encouragement with too many cocks to keep track of and she can only hug one in each arm. The lovemaking is sweet and saccharine, all is right in the world when CookieSwirlC is with these boys. Despite the after dinner group taking hours to get through CookieSwirlC never grows tired to hugging a young boy close and whispering that he's doing great as his cute little load gets added to her bloated womb. She may tease them constantly, but they all know that deep down she does it because she loves them. Some boys who have already recovered from the morning round get to join in if they completed their activity report early, they deserve a little extra.

By the end of dinnertime nearly every boy in CookieSwirlCs troupe will have either made love to CookieSwirlC at least once, CookieSwirlC herself will just barely be able to stand. The actual physical activity may be tiring, but recieving those boys' emotions in their purest form gives her energy. They truly love her in only the way a child can, and she simply can't get enough of it. The after-dinner showers are the only time she'll have to rest between recieving loads of fresh young semen and incubating it during camp activities. CookieSwirlC will stare at her bloated belly in the bathroom mirror every night, sometimes puffing it out to imagine herself pregnant. It's charming, it's calming even, to have such solid proof that those boys truly love her. She never taught them about giving creampies or even which hole to put it in, they figured that out all on their own, out of love. The slight pudge in her abdomen is proof of that. She'll sit in the shower, stroking her belly, debating weather to wash the precum out of her soft glistening hair or to smell it just a bit longer. CookieSwirlC treasures the quiet afterglow almost as much as the lovemaking itself. It will eventually become tradition for her after every dinner to take a slefie, documenting her experiences with true love.

The sex will become increasingly flagrant and they will eventually move from the camp and hidden enclaves to outright creampies on the hiking trail and group trips to the boys bathroom that end in CookieSwirlC needing to seal up her pussy and asshole with tape to keep that valuable virile sperm she treasures so much from leaking out. CookieSwirlC has been theroughly intoxicated with both the power and emotion that come from being these boys first love. The schedule obviously still must be followed, but the schedule only lists activities to do, and if the boys manage to get their work done fast they'll have plenty of free time. With such powerful motivation, CookieSwirlC and her troupe absolutely demolish every other counselor and their teams in every camp wide competition. The boys are known theroughout the camp as the winning team, and from outside looking in, CookieSwirlC must be the best counselor in history with how much everyone in her group adores her. Obviously competition victories mean celebrations, and CookieSwirlC is always the life of the party. It might not mean much to CookieSwirlC, but for the boys, just seeing CookieSwirlC dress up in a frilly fairy dress and deliver them their prizes is more than enough. Sure the prizes themselves are just king size Kitkats, but seeing CookieSwirlC wearing something so frilly and girly compared to her normal hiking attire is worth its weight in gold. Some of the most impressionable might even fantasize that it's a wedding dress.

>> No.37580123

Speaking of fantasies, it seems that every day these boys produce more and more semen, but maybe it's just that every day has more sex happening. The first group orgy CookieSwirlC had with her boys was only 4 at a time, and she could handle all of them perfectly fine but had to coordinate them to dole out encouragement effectively. However by the end of summer, she will be getting creampied by every single boy under her command. By then they've been given designated roles and their confidence is high enough that they don't need constant hugs and reassuring words to please CookieSwirlC. They take their position like an organized battallion and CookieSwirlC just gives them gentle pointers. Every morning she will look forward to feeling their erect lovestruck cocks twitch inside her pussy and every night she will feel her semen bloated womb and be satisfied with her work. CookieSwirlC has this whole thing down to a science, she's instilled not just order and responsiblity, but self confidence, and proactivity into these boys. They aren't afraid to take the lead anymore, they're the big and strong kids she always dreamed they'd grow up to be.

The summer camp ends with a group photo where all the young boys crowd around CookieSwirlC cause she's their favorite counselor and a few rub her extremely bloated belly and the movie ends in a montage of photos from the best summer ever. It's a time lapse where the boys get more and more confident and CookieSwirlCs gets gradually sluttier like it starts out with CookieSwirlC embarrassingly jerking off one of the boys then a few photos later she's sucking one of their tiny cute penises while the boy winces then a few photos later she's having sex in the missionary position then a few photos later she's laying on a dogpile of a dozen young boys giving a peace sign as their erections touch her body all over and wipe precum along her skin like paint, then a few photos later she's getting rammed from behind on a trail and the last photo is her and all the boys completely naked while cum drips down her legs and a hand written note appears onscreen from her camp kids that says "Thanks for the best summer ever!" with a bunch of hand drawn hearts and a signature from every single one of the 48 boys she counseled for?

>> No.37581276

Take your meds nigger

>> No.37581305
File: 159 KB, 634x954, 1642684541973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have walked into?

>> No.37581344

Never take your meds, brother

>> No.37581477

>makes cumsharts seethe

>> No.37581508

thread for horny shotas

>> No.37582020

It's literally a copypasta newfag.

>> No.37582103

Ugly asf chuuba, ugly as fuck RM, why would my bastard faggot get a boner?

>> No.37582157

You will hand them the phone/tablet yourself just to get that 1hour of peace

>> No.37582200
File: 157 KB, 900x900, cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard we cookieposting

>> No.37582759

Never heard of this bitch before but just checked her out. She looks like she was mid 30s 5 years ago. She looks like she's childless too but I could be wrong. Imagine if she actually spent that time and energy making a family instead of cringe children's content. At the very least it's not onlyfans, but that bar is rock bottom. Also goddamn do I fucking hate kids youtube shit, it's beyond braindead and soulless.

>> No.37583045

shiny lamy...

>> No.37583217

>You are shortening his attention span
Anon caught nephew watching youtube shorts, decided to take him out. You're scolding the wrong person

>> No.37583259

Why would you obsess over something like that, worry about being a meaningful father who actually does things with his children and teaches them things instead of worrying about minor things in an age of public cultural decay

>> No.37583297

Anon please seek help

>> No.37583664

Rainbow Lamy
