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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37560542 No.37560542 [Reply] [Original]

She was not making fun of you.
Anyone who's watched Kronii knows that she's incapable of even hurting a fly.
Look at her face. Absolutely no malice.

>> No.37560598

4 lie in this post
> she was actualy making fun of you
> you never watched her stream
> she is as capable to hurt other than any, it's litteraly the easiest shit in life
> someone without malice could not as for bukake like she do.

>> No.37560660

why are you falseflagging, unicuck?
did she not give you what you wanted already?
fuck off

>> No.37560731

>space after the chevron
I don't know where you came from, but go back.

>> No.37560921

Rent free tempiss sister.

>> No.37560936

Wait, you guys took it as an insult? I thought she just used it as an example to show that everyone knows people of the opposite gender they don't want to fuck

>> No.37560978

That was the point yeah

>> No.37560985

Insecure people tend to feel insulted easily.

>> No.37561028

Literally calls them maidenless in the next breath. Fuck off.

>> No.37561118

I know, me too. I also understand how catalog gremlins took it as an insult, but I wish they would perhaps look in the mirror and realize something more gremlin than human is looking back at them.

>> No.37561190

Intent doesn't matter. Only consequences. She will not escape from it.
She will always be tempus cocksleeve.

>> No.37561256

In your cuck fantasies, maybe

>> No.37561398

That wasn't the part that irked me. It was her saying how collabs wouldi be handled and then doing a 180 on it a week later. It's hard for me to support someone like that when there are 1,000's of other chuubas out there

>> No.37561792

Man and woman cannot be friend. The man will ALWAYS want to fuck the woman.

>> No.37561846

It's for this reason that being a man is much, much harder than being a woman. Can you imagine what it's like for us when we leave the house?

>> No.37561892

No matter how many threads you make, I will not watch her ever again. Fuck off.

>> No.37561898

>In your cuck fantasies

>> No.37561923

How many times has she had to go "Oh yeah guys we were just joking around, I spoke to them after the stream we're good."

>> No.37561946

The real nail was her running to management and having them make an official tweet for her.

>> No.37561960

oh no no no. Unicucks

>> No.37561981

thanks, snopes

>> No.37562483

The implication being made is that if you don't agree with her way of seeing things you are some friendless incel. Which regardless of if you agree with her or not is an insult.

>> No.37565848

Man and woman can never be true friends (at the same level a man and another man can). Someone always ends up developing feelings for the other party, and it's usually the guy.

>> No.37565860

>Wait, you guys took it as an insult?
its /vt/

>> No.37566227

That shit gave me such a "Don't you guys have mobile phones?" energy.
I do have a phone/female friends. Doesn't mean I am going to put up with that kind of shitty condescending attitude.

>> No.37566514

This is too perfect esl post to not be trolling

>> No.37566920

I have nothing against Kronii and only occasionally watched her but honestly this is one of the worst things I've heard a streamer say, almost as bad as the $5 rant. It's an insult. Maybe she could've phrased it better and just spoke it in the way her brain formulated it but honestly there's no other way to read it.
>Do you not have friends...
No normal person takes this as a genuine question. Look at the instance with Wyatt Chang at Blizzcon, his "Do you guys not have phones?" It's not a genuine question, the implication is "Are you a poorfag or something?" Similarly Kronii's question isn't an actual question but an accusation that the people she's asking are maladjusted loners. Then the 2nd part
>...of the opposite sex though?
which makes the question read as "Are you an incel or something?" and not in a genuine question way but as an accusation i.e. she's calling people that disagree with her incels. It's obvious that's the implication because that's the word thrown around at the unicorns on the various social media sites. At that point there's no road back to good graces. Also she just says it nonchalantly meaning she isn't thinking of the audience perspective at all. And as someone that never really watched her if that's her view of the people that supported her then she should just get a normal job where she can do less emotional damage to people.

>> No.37566992

But that's 100% correct. Stop being a loser.

>> No.37566995


>> No.37567337

Anyone who says "no" is lying, we all have female friends

>> No.37567383

I don't have any friends of any gender.

>> No.37567494
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>> No.37567517

>That shit gave me such a "Don't you guys have mobile phones?" energy.
I can understand this. Unicorns are lame though.

>> No.37567521

I thought I was your friend

>> No.37567619


>> No.37567634

they're not insulted because of the sentiment, but rather because they don't have female friends

>> No.37567639

Wow you're stupid or socially inept.

Yes it's not a genuine question. But your conclusion is completely fucking wrong.

The intent of the question is to make you realise - "Oh yeah, I DO know people of the opposite sex and know how to not be a weirdo around them".

Surely this isn't so hard for you. And if it is that hard, please pretend it isn't. For the sake of my view of humanity.

>> No.37567654

go back

>> No.37567735

Do you not have reading comprehension?

>> No.37567760

This is the case only for low tier breeders, the factory workers of the world.

>> No.37567843

Arnold Schwarzenegger is factory worker tier?

>> No.37567884

Post that clip of her in the now deleted memba stream genuinely confused and asking why so many people got mad at her. Thats a much better argument in your case if you're actually serious.

>> No.37567937

>post member stream clips so I can report you and get rid of this thread

>> No.37567953

Just put the name in the title the next time you make a bait post so I can filter it.

>> No.37567987

Other than any…

>> No.37568001

No you said rude things to me the other day.

>> No.37568012

Why would someone report member stream clips? It isn’t breaking any 4channel rules.

>> No.37568016

you need a brain transplant ASAP

>> No.37568020

>everyone knows people of the opposite gender they don't want to fuck
Why would I, a man, bother spending time with a woman who I don't want to fuck who isn't there with one of my friends?

>> No.37568056

I never meant to be so bad to you

>> No.37568090
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for work
kind of like vtubers

>> No.37568112

then post them yourself

>> No.37568149

But unfortunaly idol culture is a thing

>> No.37568337

there's literally no point in asking such a question other than to imply offense.
she has almost a million subscribers.
her streams had anywhere between 4k~8k ccv.
let's say, statistically, 1% of her viewers are friendless loners (likely to be higher, who knows), that's at least 40 people who are friendless loners.
so she goes ahead and asks "do you not have friends of the opposite sex, though?"
those 40 people (at least) who really don't have friends are supposed to take it as... an innocent question?
then what about the other 99%? they're supposed punch down on the 1% like "haha you guys don't have friends of the opposite sex? what losers"

the only thing the question achieved was cause division in her fanbase. she didn't care about any sincere answer, not that any kind of answer would've affected the flow of conversation at that moment anyway

>> No.37568394

To not spend so much time on 4chan

>> No.37568505

Why would I pay money to Kronii or any of these whores ever?

>> No.37568516

with that logic, why have friends at all? why have relationships with anyone who doesn't provide an immediate, tangible benefit to you?

>> No.37568527

>Kronii at no point had a single clue what she was doing, what kind of fanbase she was cultivating or how to satisfy them without damaging whatever image she had managed to cobble together in her ineptitude

Yeah, we know

>> No.37568573

Someone will reply to the godawful reply this post gets with “based”

>> No.37568620


>> No.37568767

Thats a pretty transparent way to call your viewers incels.

>> No.37569413 [DELETED] 

I am friends with plenty of women I have no sexual interest in. Have you tried raising your standards and not being a slut?

>> No.37569546

It's discord formatting

>> No.37569776

Fucking this.

>> No.37570130

Female friends will recommend you to their friends. Some women share your interests even if you aren't attracted to them. It's easier to try and date a man you know won't sperg-cum on any woman within 5 meters of him.

>> No.37570570

This seems like something online dating should have. Like a literal rating system between 0 and 5 how likely is this person an axe murderer. Eventually someone's gonna see
>Hot: 0.3
>Not An Axe Murderer: 4.6

And take pity on them.

>> No.37572045

why did she join Hololive if she hates it?

>> No.37572049

>It's an insult
It will be perceived as an insult by people who don't have any friends. I don't see it as an insult at all, just that Kronii's too retarded to realize that a lot of her fans are friendless loners who will perceive her words as an insult. Hell, she was retarded for even going on this tangent to begin with

>> No.37572270

If some dumb bitch who’s only value to me is to look hot on a screen with her big ass titties starts getting uppity with me or anyone in her audience trying to give them life advice or insinuate they do t have friends I’m gonna be a bit confused.

It would be like some dumb whore telling me to improve myself when they can’t even improve their diet, sleep schedule, or active lifestyle. It’s ridiculous. Lol

>> No.37572297

I like kronii still but this was 100% a mocking question

>> No.37572402

so she hates anyone who isn't a yes man on her fanbase?

>> No.37572411

Literally in word and deed women believe this too. If a man approaches a woman and wants to 'hang out' over shared interests, there is no universe in which she would assume he's not simply doing this because he's attracted to her, knowingly or not.

And she would most likely be correct, especially for the nerdy section of society, because many hobbies in that sphere don't make sense as 'social' activities to be shared. Programming or model building - or even things like drawing or writing - with the steep amount of solo time investment and need to be free of distractions required to turn out a remotely decent product, what believable reason is there to go 'hey let's do this/talk about this together'? And then, why her, when male peers with the same interests are statistically overwhelmingly much more plentiful? Unless you're hot, any girl with any sense would have alarm bells go off and make an excuse to dodge.

And if the supposed 'solution' is to pick up a 'social' hobby just for the sake of making it not weird to get female friends, that sort of proves the point in itself. It's a guy doing something he wouldn't normally do at all just because it enables plausible interaction with the opposite sex.

>> No.37572428

I think you're in too deep if you think it was a mocking question. Women aren't some special breed of being, they're just people. I have severall women friends and they're just that. It's a different dynamic from male friends, to a degree, but from working, volunteering, school or any other hobbies you're going to have friends of the opposite gender.

>> No.37572442

>"Oh yeah, I DO know people of the opposite sex and know how to not be a weirdo around them".
I don't have a single friend or acquaintance of the opposite sex and actively avoid talking to them or being alone in the same room with them at work for fear of getting falsely accused of rape. They're like wild animals in the woods. Don't walk towards it, don't turn your back to it, don't fuck with it, just slowly back away.

That's women. That's the kind of environment women have created.

>> No.37572464

No, it will be perceived as an insult by anyone with more than 2 braincells to spare.
Say we're having a disagreement. You present some manner of argument and out of the blue I go "are you a virgin though?"
Whether you're a virgin or not is irrelevant. It still sounds like an insult.

>> No.37572477

reasoning with unicorns wont work
only genocide
*nukes thread*

>> No.37572492

I think you're missing the point, she phrased it like that because she was convinced her audience WASN'T incels. She was wrong and that's why it didn't land. She was definitely saying "surely you guys AREN'T incels" and it backfired because they are

>> No.37572494

>what believable reason is there to go 'hey let's do this/talk about this together'?
Because it's fun and you have shared interests? Not everyting has to be 100% efficient and perfect.

>> No.37572507

Especially when we're talking about acquaintances more than close friends.

>> No.37572521

It's also not particularly relevant. It's like the
>Have sex
insult. When you break it down, they're saying
>if you don't like women acting like whores, you need to have sex, because if you have sex then you will no longer care about women acting like whores

>> No.37572542

As long as the man finds the woman attractive. Fat girls will pretty much always just be friends.
Also in my case, if the girl is already taken, they just stop being attractive to me.

>> No.37572766

All of that (and Kronii's statement itself) is irrelevant in the context. It's possible to have female friends as a dude, but that doesn't mean the dynamic is the exact same, nor that it can't involve feelings of involuntary jealousy from either party.
It's like being the third wheel on a date. Sure, you can be friends with both of the two people flirting, but it still feels awkward, and that's not why people watch vtubers.

I mean, what is supposed to be the conclusion here? "Oh, I don't have female friends, so I guess I'm a loser and should know my place?" Or maybe "Oh right, I just remembered that I have female friends! Somehow this means that I must enjoy male collabs, otherwise I would be a hypocrite somehow".
It just reads like a gotcha-statement.

>> No.37572799

No woman believes a man who professes this unless he is good-looking/charismatic. The same cost/benefit analysis that runs in everyone's head kicks in and simply convinces her (rightly) that practicing her craft alone is more fulfilling and well, fun, than chatting with some bland-looking dude about it.

>> No.37572814

get over yourself lol

>> No.37572854

I see it more as of a rich person who buys something expensive while his friends can't afford it so he goes "Don't you guys have money?"
It will be perceived as an insult, but the dude was asking genuinely due to him being retarded and out of touch with rest of the world

>> No.37572883

No it's "Why are you saying that blue guy is my boyfriend just because of a collab? Don't you have friends of the opposite sex?"
It's not meant to be a gotcha or an insult

>> No.37572888

Only if relatives count.

>> No.37572903

I think my conclusion is that I am much too old to still be coming here, because good god I don't give the slightest fuck about male collabs or whatever. I just thought I'd try to help some younger lads here not turn into incels and help them realise women are just people and not everything is a hostile interaction like the internet would try to make them believe. Godspeed, anon, I'm bowing out.

>> No.37572914

>a guy doing something he wouldn't normally do at all just because it enables plausible interaction with the opposite sex
Exactly. But they phrase it like you ought to do it for its own sake, pretending like that's not the actual reason. It's hilarious. I've spoken with several women about this and they all run into trouble with the logic on that step.
>Well, you should just be yourself and have fun, and women will be attracted!
I think the problem here is asking women for advice. They have an entirely different perspective from guys, since they're used to being the prize, not chasing it. They can just sit around and "have fun" and guys will approach them no matter what. If a guy does the same, he'll never find anyone.

>> No.37572928

>virtual youtuber who uses an anime avatar to stream video games to collect simp donos
>having an audience that isn't 100% made of of lonely incel weeaboos
Is this just, like, a woman thing or is it a normalfag thing to be so dense?

>> No.37572939

i wish she'd quit hololive because it's clearly not what she wants to do and just go back to her past life. it feels uncomfortable to watch her constantly struggle with hololive

>> No.37572963

That's an extremely transactional way of looking at it. If that's what you believe, sure, but it hasn't been my experience at all and I'm an average looking guy. Anyway see you, I'm too old for this shit.
No, you.

>> No.37573006

Right, because among normalfags shaming tactics are an accepted part of life and always work.
>Ha-ha, yeah those incels amirite? Not like us though, we're totally normal and well-adjusted people over here, hehe...

>> No.37573081

>know your audience
>know perfectly the vtuber audience
>ask them if they don't have female friends LMAO
Same energy as Ina calling her viewers losers for watching anime girls on a weekend. Those girls know exactly what they're doing.

>> No.37573084
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Dunno m8, women keep begging for my cock. Maybe I am just built different.

>> No.37573098

>Right, because among normalfags shaming tactics are an accepted part of life and always work.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not so I'm just gonna back it up by agreeing and saying yeah, they unironically are.

>> No.37573141

You're comparing old women to the younger more retarded modern woman.

>> No.37573142

Ina is also like that?, i barely watched her if not ignored her, i didn't know that, why are western vtubers lke that?

>> No.37573170

Hololive is big now, at least 90% are normal enough to at least have some friends

>> No.37573181

Tbf shaming works in real life or in social situations because there is a higher perceived consequence to the shamed behavior in person. On the internet though? Or in a Vtuber’s chat room? Lmao who’s gonna actually care?

>> No.37573312

>why are western vtubers lke that
Have you ever wondered why so many weebs adamantly refuse to watch dubbed anime? It's because the western female VAs are incapable of putting any kind of soul or authenticity into their acting. Most of them cannot fucking contain their seething and loathing hatred for the medium, the characters, the audience, and their fucking failure of a life that led to them being a VA for an anime girl. This isn't totally unique to western VAs. There are a few really bad Japanese VAs that have the same problem, like Aya Hirano. By and large though the overwhelming majority of Japanese VAs are professional enough to, if not feel those same things, at least not let those things show through their work.

All of this is to say the same sort of thing is probably playing out in vtubers.

>> No.37573382

literally the vtubers who act like that don't even deserve hate, simply a cold shoulder and be right out ignored, if only this hobby wasn't filled with masochistic yes men.

>> No.37573431

Sure, we can't know exactly what went through Kronii's head at the given moment in time. The point is that it's obviously going to be perceived as an insult. That's not on the audience.

Like I said, that's pretty much irrelevant. Of course nobody genuinely thinks blue guy is her boyfriend. The problem is that it changes the dynamic of her content. She can have as many male friends as she wants OUTSIDE of the stream and her viewers would never know.
From that angle, it makes no sense to ask if the viewers have friends of the opposite sex. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. They're not the ones streaming and trying to entertain an audience.
So the two alternatives are that she's either unbelievably stupid and genuinely couldn't understand the situation, or that she tried to shame the viewers into compliance.
Either way it comes across as insulting.

>> No.37573507

You're probably no older than like mid-20s. Get over yourself you big baby.

>> No.37573545

>asking personal questions to a writhing mass of consciousness with no identity

>> No.37573674

Not a shred of sarcasm there. Kronii is a normalfag used to being able to cow men by shaming them. She's not used to being a streamer (as evidenced by the quality of her streams), so she actually thought it would work to her advantage on this platform.

>> No.37573706

>if only this hobby wasn't filled with masochistic yes men.
That's essentially why antis exist, not because they're trying to send a message to the vtuber who doesn't even read these threads, but because they're trying to clear out the brainwashing of the simps and yes men.

>> No.37573718

This. I have female friends but she retarded for even asking that question.

>> No.37573771

"do you have friends in a group that is 50% of the population" isn't shaming

>> No.37573789

>which makes the question read as "Are you an incel or something?" and not in a genuine question way but as an accusation i.e. she's calling people that disagree with her incels.
This. She literally described it as "maidenless behavior.

>> No.37573825

Yeah, but she's maidenless too, so it's a self-own.

>> No.37573852

They might be striking at the wrong thing then, because the majority of the yes-man phenomenon in Youtube is like an ocean drop-off - reassuringly solid until it abruptly cuts off. When a vtuber is in a moment of vulnerability they swoop in with vows of eternal support even if they feel ambivalent about the situation, because it makes them feel good that for an instant they might be powerful enough to influence someone famous. After the moment passes they might come back now and again to see if there's any further stream participation they can do, but they quickly lose interest with non-FOTM or recognizable games and flock to the next big happening stream.

>> No.37573875

She spends a lot of time talking about her many friends of both genders.

>> No.37574006

>Muh incels
I love it how the only arguments Kronii antis seem to have against her is shit she never said.
>"B-but that's what we felt like she was saying"
Your feelings are irrelevant. Facts don't care about your feelings. Provide actual statements or gtfo.

>> No.37574197

>The point is that it's obviously going to be perceived as an insult. That's not on the audience.
I completely agree. But at the same time I think that the intention of the person in question is a lot more important than how the words of that person might be interpreted by some. I just can't hate someone for being dumb or clueless.

>> No.37574237


>> No.37574304

and then they realize how they have denied their actual loyal audience who don't trust them anymore at this point.

>> No.37574320

Unironically this, also goes to show how much experience she has on manipulation. She is not some dumbass nor is it her first time. If she was a dumbass it wouldn’t even register and wouldn’t even have said half those things she has said.

>> No.37574342


>> No.37574413

It's honestly insulting how she pretends to be lonely and depressed. She knows nothing about either of those things.

>> No.37574467

The last thing you want to do is give Schizos attention.
Never give them attention, ignore/block/report.

I can’t trust Kronii to act intelligent, the YAb was on the nonexistent managers not advising their talents better. Yeah Gabe and the rest of the schizo Kroniis need to touch grass, but comments like that just add fuel to the fire.

>> No.37574483

>itt the very small handful of people still upset Kronii called them in particular out for sending her “nice boyfriend” tier supas after that collab trying to rewrite history saying she was painting her entire audience with the same brush
This place really does unreversable brain damage

>> No.37574537

>she called them stupid niggers but surely she's not racist, she was only talking to her detractors
ok retard

>> No.37574541

How would you know how she feels? She doesn't seem like the type that would fake that

>> No.37574569

How about you don't act like one if you don't want to get called out

>> No.37574575

Because she very evidently, from her own stories, is neither lonely nor depressed. She leads an extremely fulfilling life surrounded by countless friends.

>> No.37574640

You can be lonely and depressed even if you have friends that love you. That being said I'm glad she got the opportunities to make friends and hopefully she's doing better now

>> No.37574658

No, you can't.

>> No.37574693

>You can be lonely and depressed even if you have friends that love you

>> No.37574712

why does she still have fans?, how masochistic can people be then?

>> No.37575037

Please get your T levels checked out next time your at your doctors, it's nothing embarrassing at all and you will be glad you did, it will help with depression

>> No.37575055

C'mon. You hear about people with family and friends killing themselves all the time

>> No.37575078

It's only notable because it almost never fucking happens.

>> No.37575187

This is the truth. Even the women that disagree will complain about how guys always end up catching feelings. This is why men and women don't hang out together except in large groups, aside from the differing personalities/interests. Even the 'gay best friend' often ends up shooting his shot.

>> No.37575273

Women are just as guilty, except they don't actually "catch feelings" like men do. What women have is the primary man and then any number of backup men. They can just flip their "feelings" from one to another like changing the playlist they're listening to. It's almost like doublethink because they literally do not have any feelings for the backup men, except they know intellectually that those men have been chosen as backup men and will be used in the event that primary man gets boring, otherwise they wouldn't keep them around as backup men.

>> No.37575299

I lack of thought in how your words and actions can affect others shows a callousness and apathy. You don’t worry about if your words might hurt people if chosen poorly because you don’t care about people at all, they aren’t even recognized as people with thoughts and feelings of their own. In many ways that is worse than maliciousness.

>> No.37575379

That sounds exactly like what an SJW would say.

>> No.37575458

t. blasts gear because he feels tired and rationalizes it by calling it TRT

>> No.37575939

It's almost like SJWism and /vt/ unicornism are both based on globohomo concepts of transactional relationships that are meant to destroy the social structure. Nothing is genuine, everything is transactional, every action has an underlying antagonistic message. Trust is nonexistent, everything is a microaggression. Clock woman asks if you have friends of the opposite sex? This is obviously an attack and not innocent.

>> No.37576289

She is lonely but has no reason to feel like that, she has so many friends on a lot of different places;

>> No.37576331

I do feel like there's a two sided gaslighting campaign going on. Women believe all men are cheaters and are incapable of feeling love. Men believe all women are cheaters and are incapable of feeling love. Could there actually be someone out there profiting off this situation?

More importantly, how could this situation ever be reversed? It's worse than politics, men are women are becoming irreconcilable.

>> No.37576411

undesirable landwhales would
the standards got lowered so much they would have a chance

>> No.37576452
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Not really. He's describing basic empathy.
The unicorns are wrong for feeling hurt in the first place, but look at how Bae handled the situation, there's been no controversy no matter how many guys she collabs with. She phrased it from a point of empathy and attempt at understanding, even if she ultimately also thinks the unicorns are wrong.
Rewatch Kronii saying all this stuff again some time, she's clearly harboring some resentment towards her fans, with her shpiel on this.

>> No.37576512

>You don’t worry about if your words might hurt people if chosen poorly because you don’t care about people at all
That's a huge exaggeration. I am sick of how easily offended people get that everyone has to walk on eggshells in order not to accidentally offend some snowflakes. Hell, that's the reason comedy is dying, people can no longer even take a joke. As long as the person's intent isn't to actually offend or hurt someone, I have no reason to spite them

>> No.37576612

I mean sure, they're allowed to say offensive things, and people are allowed to be offended. And offended goslings stop watching streams. What, did you think you were somehow entitled to their views and supas?

>> No.37576639

nta, but if you actually were a party to the Kronii situation she actually tried to understand and reconcile with them. There was no resentment. She even did an entire unplanned member stream to address concerns and read grievances.

>> No.37576773

You can stop watching whoever you want, but you should also stop shitting up this board with your snowflake takes.

>> No.37576816

Reddit has the harmony you seek.

>> No.37576835

I make it a point to only ever superchat people so I can keep track of how much I'm spending, so no, I'm not a member.
But I guess it's good she made that attempt, and it lines up with the impression I and every other grayname would have of the situation. Is it fair to say Kronii just has a similar problem to spergs, and didn't realize how she sounded tonally in the moment?
I'm not privy to the reconciliation streams, so I can't tell if she was just trying to avoid losing a chunk of her paycheck, or if she genuinely was trying to extend a bit of understanding and empathy towards the people who were hurt?
I'm not gonna say she hurt them, because anyone hurt by her collabing with Tempus are loony in the head to begin with, but even if the cause is bullshit, the pain they were dealt was real. It's just it came from themselves, not her.

>> No.37576863

Well maybe you should go there since it's the place where snowflakes go so that they're not offended.

>> No.37576950
File: 724 KB, 1280x720, myhonestreaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my reaction to this thread

>> No.37576968

I seem to have touched a nerve. Does it make you mad when you get told that you're not entitled to their views or money, that you don't actually deserve it? There's no righteous justification then, why those damn incels! How dare they not give me the money I'm entitled to!

>> No.37577042

Don't pretend to be retarded, you know the implication is something else.

>> No.37577072

I don’t believe in “microaggression” bullshit. If you want to hurt someone it is extremely easy and does speak to you seeing them as less than you, often with dehumanizing labels like “roastie” or “incel” so you don’t need to think of them as a person any longer.
Hurting someone by apathy and carelessness shows that you are already thinking of them as inhuman faceless beings, already less than a person in your mind. Which is unfortunate but to an extent unavoidable as the human mind is only so capable of tracking and visualizing and knowing other people.
However, Kronii is a vtuber streamer playing the role of a magical idol, not herself. When she lets her mask slip and reveal her true maliciousness or apathy it means she is bad at her job as an entertainer. You can’t expect someone to be all knowing, thoughtful and benevolent at all times but you should at least expect someone to competently fulfill their own job responsibilities.

>> No.37577181

Nah, I'm just fucking sick and tired of seeing people on the internet going all "Waaa, I'm offended". That's why western entertainment is in the fucking gutter, because everyone needs to cry about how everything hurts their feelings.

>> No.37577195

Act like a bunch retards
Gets mad when treated and get spoken to like a retard by Kronii Unicucks are hilarious.

>> No.37577276

lol, don't try to spin Kronii having a woman moment into something it's not.

>> No.37577345

You can say what you want to people and they are free to say what they want back.
I can call someone a pathetic angry incel but they are allowed to call me a bitter roastie bitch back. Your ideal is a two way street, playing stupid games to win stupid prizes. Insult your core fanbase and they’ll insult you back and leave you.

>> No.37577362

"We don't like every guy that we see or talk to. And the guys feel the same way too. Do you not have friends of the opposite sex though?"

The implication is that she believes that guys and girls just being friends is a norm. The fact she is saying it to a bunch of friendless incels makes her a dumbass, not malicious

>> No.37577396

Well yeah, but you're not insulting Kronii here, you're just shitting up the board. You should be posting this in her comments or on her twitter.

>> No.37577432

The worst part about these agents of globohomo is that, unlike their SJW counterparts, they vehemently insist they aren't doing the bidding of the destroyers of civilization.

>> No.37577436

What did she mean by this?

>> No.37577445

>she actually tried to understand and reconcile with them
And then promptly went back on her word a couple of days later, without informing them about the change of plans. In fact, she got management to send a message about how mean her fans are to her. Kinda shows you her real feelings on the matter in retrospect.
If you don't understand why people are upset with Kronii's attitude, you're either unbelievably naive, or just trolling.

>> No.37577515

Hardly shitting up a board to have a spirited discussion about vtubers on the vtuber board. Why should it be a lesser place of unbroken admiration? I appreciate hearing the views of others even if I don’t agree with them.

>> No.37577517

Give me the full context bro, I've only seen the "Do you not have friends of the opposite sex though?" clip

>> No.37577525

I was there, and as someone who didn't want her to collab with males, her word sucked because it meant we would get less streams with her POV. It was not a good deal. I want to see my oshi's POV, even more so if she is collabing with a male.

>> No.37577587

Ok, but please tell me you're also posting this stuff somewhere that kronii can see it. You're not some sort of slacktivist that's all talk and no action, right?

>> No.37577623

In normal relationships:
>man asks innocent question
>woman becomes livid because of subtext behind the question that only she sees or thinks exists
>man becomes confused
>woman is mad at man about it for the next 8 months
in a parasocial relationship:
>woman asks innocent question
>man becomes livid because of subtext behind the question that only he sees or thinks exists
>woman becomes confused
>man is mad at woman about it for the next 8 months
Remember: parasocialfags aren't men. Parasocialfags get the rope.

>> No.37577658

Seems like equality to me, I don't know man

>> No.37577675

>woman asks innocent question
Good job on missing the fucking point. That question was not innocent you dumbfuck, it has literally been said in this thread.

>> No.37577692

Kinda boomer take DESU. Sitcoms aren't a reliable metric for what a "normal relationship" is at all.

>> No.37577694

Vtubing is literally transactional though. It is a job that they do for financial gain via money from those that enjoy their content. If someone doesn’t like the product they are not obligated to continue to invest in it, financially or emotionally. Vtubing itself is a symptom of the commoditization of faux interaction to a miserable world.

>> No.37577709

Streaming is an inherently parasocial activity though.

>> No.37577731

>no, you don't understand, she was being insensitive to MY feelings
You are not a man.

>> No.37577745

>somewhere that kronii can see it.
You think vtubers don’t use 4chan?

>> No.37577798

This is a board for discussion of vtubers last time I checked. If that offends you, then take your own advice and fuck off.

>> No.37577811

>point out something wrong
>"ur feelings!!!!"

>> No.37577828

NTA but he's drawn a clear parallel and you're retarded not to address it

>> No.37577850

>The fact she is saying it to a bunch of friendless incels makes her a dumbass, not malicious
Even still, understanding your audience that little after a year demonstrates a profound level of ignorance and apathy. That degree of detachment towards your fans is something of an insult of it's own.

>> No.37577878

“Men” don’t watch vtubers or take shit from women. They don’t spend money on fake whores.
Men do laugh at the vapid idiocy of bitches.

>> No.37577895

Read the thread. It doesn't really matter whether she intended it as an insult or if she's just retarded. It was a dumb thing to say and she deserves the pushback.

>> No.37577924

You are right, they are not obligated to continue to invest in it financially or emotionally. Problem is, as evidenced by people here, a good chunk are still pretty damn invested in it emotionally if not financially.

>> No.37577969

So it was okay for her to lie and call management on her fans because you didn't like what she said in the first place, am I getting this right?

>> No.37578002

>people don't want to see Kronii collab with Tempus because Hololive is about CGDCT
>Kronii loses her mind
>says she won't do it
>does it
>shits on Hololive
>shits on her fans
>goes on a break
>drinks a sandwich
>numbers drop
>tries to damage control with the world's most unenthusiastic sexy ASMR
Remember: Tempus is poison and they slowly destroy everything they touch

>> No.37578045

Well yeah, but posting here won't do anything. Wouldn't it be better if you did something that had an actual effect, like posting your thoughts where she could see it, instead of just seething here?

>> No.37578047

>he's drawn a clear parallel
He did not, his premise was fucking retarded. The whole point is that any of those girls, especially the EN ones, know exactly what they say because it's in their fucking nature.
That's why so many of them find themselves having to backtrack for saying something out of line every fucking time.
>"losers watching anime girls"
>"t+ratio you parasocials fucks"
>"improve yourself"
>"you don't have any female friends? lmao"
The list goes on.

>> No.37578062

The fact that you think this is supposed to be sexy ASMR means that your opinion is disconnected form reality and can't be taken seriously.

>> No.37578128

>It doesn't really matter whether she intended it as an insult or if she's just retarded
That's exactly the part I hardly disagree with. To me the intent is all that matters, but it's just a personal standpoint I guess

>> No.37578140

>No, people should just listen to me because I insult them!
Please leave the thread if you're too dumb to engage with the arguments.

>> No.37578152

Yes, there was a coordinated attack on Kronii streams by outside agitators who should have been taken to the firing squad.

>> No.37578176

This is like reading one side's perspective on a messy break-up, anon. It's extremely self-centered on all the ways YOU were wronged and YOUR feelings weren't taken into account.
Kronii's account would go something like
>got a new coworker
>he asked to spend time with me and my chat
>I said sure
>my chat reacted harshly
>they insisted I not do that again
>confused, I proposed maybe only spending time with him if he invites me out again
>after taking some time away from my chat, I realized they were being controlling, abusive faggots
>I told them I would be spending time with anyone I damn well please
>they cried and screamed that I "broke my promise" to them and have remained a broken, screaming, ugly mess since
And the fact that you think a woman you're not even having sex with owed you anything more than the excessive politeness you got is why you'll die a virgin.

>> No.37578252

The moral here is that you should never invest yourself emotionally and monetary in real people that you'll never meet face to face. Investing that energy and money in anime and video games is a much better solution.

>> No.37578254 [DELETED] 

The onions is oozing from this post.

>> No.37578263

You just sound extremely insecure with a bit of a persecution complex to me, anon.
It's likely why you're very unattractive to women in real life.

>> No.37578317

Dumb and wrong.

>> No.37578337

>got a new coworker
>he asked to spend time with me and my chat
>I said sure
For the last fucking time stop. Your parallels are all fucking retarded without context:

>work in the vtubing industry
>know your audience
>got a new MALE coworker
>he asked to spend time with me and my chat
>you know exactly why it's a bad idea in your line of work
>you say sure
>omg why the chat is mad at me???
I wonder fucking why.

>> No.37578364

>audience expresses that they don't want a certain type of content
>get upset that they express their wishes
>lash out at them for doing so

>> No.37578395

People have already done that. Unfortunately, you're liable to get censored or banned in the usual spaces, hence why this place is a popular alternative. There are also other ways to influence something aside from talking directly to the person in question, like talking to fellow fans.
Finally, it can be cathartic to talk about experiences with other people.

Look, I get that you're upset about someone posting things you disagree with on the internet, but you'll get used to it eventually.

>> No.37578408

I have friends of the opposite sex.
It's made me hate women more and more as time goes on, seeing unrepentant whores in their natural relaxed state, unafraid to talk of all the awful things they do.

>> No.37578410

I wonder how many anons complaining about Kronii were actually Kronies in the first place, because I always notice they talk about "her fans" instead of using the term "us."

>> No.37578413

Sure, anon, keep refusing to accept that, perhaps, you're a literal cuck in a make believe relationship with a girl who is having sex with a man you don't even know exists.
I'm sure everything is someone else's fault. You aren't responsible for the bad things that have happened to you.

>> No.37578417

You act like vtubers aren’t aware of /vt/.
Even the bad ones continue to browse.
If they don’t and want to stay willfully ignorant then something like a tweet or YouTube comment isn’t going to do anything.

>> No.37578473

>Even the bad ones continue to browse.
Calliope spends more time on /vt/ than anyone, retard.
Meanwhile, losers like Kiara and Ollie hate it here and refuse to visit.

>> No.37578478

that doesn't work
t. has several female friends none of whome have ever tried to set me up
>when you go to wedding with a female friend because you have no gf and she doesn't even want to be in the pictures with you "because I don't want people to think we're dating"

>> No.37578481

Actually her account would go something like:
>my new coworkers have dicks!
>but people don't want to watch me chase after dicks
>guess i won't do it
>oh fuck my viewership and revenue are dropping
>p-please take me back?

>> No.37578489

Oh hey, you’re trying ad hominem too.

>> No.37578499

The thing is we can say with reasonable certainty that Mori and some of the IDs browse here. We can't really be sure of the same when it comes to Kronii.

>> No.37578523

Will never happen, women will go to crack houses to get banged and be murdered over having sex with someone they belive to be "below" them

>> No.37578555

I find it funny how /vt/ Kronii discourse went from Kronii is a man hating femanazi so we hate her to Kronii is not a man hating femanazi so we hate her. I am beginning to think /vt/ just dislikes Kronii for whatever imagined reason.

>> No.37578583

Okay, so killing someone is fine as long as you didn't intend to, right? After all, it's only the intention that matters, not the consequences.
Get a grip. Of course intention matters, but so do consequences, if not more so.

You're proving his point.

>> No.37578634

Ah yes, being told a mean word on the internet is the same as being killed.

>> No.37578657

>resort to personal attack each time you've proven wrong
Good. Glad we've just agreed that you have no more arguments, fucking retard.
The most amusing part here is that your tactic is literally a female one, so you were just projecting on your earlier insult.

>> No.37578677
File: 65 KB, 960x759, 1661807378621947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol k

>> No.37578680

Thanks for demonstrating how your own mental illness is the reason you feel wronged.
If you walked up to any random person in public and said "I watch a girl who streams on YouTube, but I got angry because she invited a man to her stream once," their response would be, "what? who? you watch a girl on YouTube, and you're mad because she... I'm confused -- is she your girlfriend?"
You would then proceed to humiliate yourself, likely hanging yourself in the shower if you developed too much self-awareness from the encounter.
Kronii thought you were a mentally healthy, resilient man with the capacity to be attractive to another woman. She learned how wrong she was.
It is your fault, and you deserve to be unhappy.

>> No.37578682

Yeah I know Calliope does, it is rather interesting and the willingness to see (semi)unfiltered feedback, both positive and negative, in my mind is at least one good trait she has.

>> No.37578690

Ad hominem is a valid argumentation technique

>> No.37578719

lol, do you really believe that vtubing is akin to being an everyday office worker in terms of customer relations? For someone talking about dying a virgin, you're awfully naive.

>> No.37578726

You do realize she only browses here so that she knows what to do to stick it to the haters, right?

>> No.37578748

but why the fuck would i give a shit about normies?

>> No.37578754

>Good. Glad we've just agreed that you have no more arguments, fucking retard.
Your argument is "Kronii is not allowed to talk to other men because it makes me feel insecure about my own value as man." You lost before you ever set foot in the arena, retard.

>> No.37578778

I agree, no one should watch vtubers. They’re a bunch of prostitutes and it should be outlawed to protect the women and the pathetic men from themselves.

>> No.37578784

Women don't ask innocent questions, and women who's entire career is stealing money from lonley men don't ask innocent questions. She knew exactly what she was insinuating. The only surprising thing is the Kroniis having enough self respect to be insulted.

>> No.37578816

>innocent question
She literally called them maidenless in like the very next sentence after her "innocent question".

>> No.37578823

>but why the fuck would i give a shit about normies?
They grow your food, build your home, power your electronics, and sell you your video games.
In days gone by, you would've been left to die in a ditch for being a worthless dreg.
Your inability to feel shame, if it isn't a LARP, is not something to be proud of.

>> No.37578830

Such a woke take. Nobody is innocent, everybody is guilty by virtue of existing.

>> No.37578837

female streamers are digital prostitutes selling GFE. every single one.
They know exactly what they are doing, and have no morals against it. They're whores and nothing more.

>> No.37578840

From getting offended by a person online to being killed is quite a leap there buddy

>> No.37578866

It is literally not an argument. It is a nonsequiter. Saying Kronii is a bad vtuber because she is a Korean dog is not a valid argument for why she is a bad vtuber.

>> No.37578884

Women will act like women
This is not a "woke" argument, it's a truth of the universe heavily supressed by society

>> No.37578886

above a certain level of attractiveness

>> No.37578892

For a "digital prostitute," you sure are spending a lot of money on them in exchange for zero sex.
Please find me where in Kronii's YouTube about page is lists the price of a titjob so I can make a withdrawal from my brokerage account.

>> No.37578894

Is it though? Isn't his argument just
>If Kronii talks to other men and makes me feel insecure about my own value as a man, I'll stop supporting Kronii
At what point is "not allowed to" even a part of it? She's not entitled to his viewership or donations, so why is it a problem if he stops?

>> No.37578899

You're not even responding to his argument, you just keep hurling insults like a child. It just makes you look both wrong and pathetic at the same time.

>> No.37578908

It is entirely possible to be a whore and also a man hating femanazi, the same way I can despise women and still occasionally fuck them

>> No.37578938

A failure to act positively on criticism is one of the bad traits she has, yes.
I don’t mind. It is entertaining in a way to see how bad she gets, though she tends to make it a problem for others too which is unfortunate.

>> No.37578944

you sound retarded

>> No.37578959
File: 74 KB, 492x726, 1652734646327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii thought you were a mentally healthy, resilient man with the capacity to be attractive to another woman.
She's completely retarded if that's the case.

>> No.37578970

>selling GFE
Damn those hookers that sell GFE and escort services aren't hookers because you have to pay extra for sex.
Just because you are incapable of empathy doesn't mean that women don't pray on the empathy of men. they are occupying the mental position of "wife" for there lonely fuckers, the same was a literal prostitute occupies the physical role.

>> No.37578974

>no no no, he didn't make THAT argument, he merely issued an ultimatum BASED on that argument
This is how I know you didn't have a father figure. Men learn from a young age not to issue ultimatums that they can't back up with anything more than blustering.
Your "break up" meant nothing to Kronii. She still makes money.

>> No.37578979

It is a globalist lie that is meant to break the traditional relationships between men and women. This further erodes the traditional family unit. Such degenerate thinking. To the wall you go.

>> No.37579019

>states basic, unemotional facts
>"y-you sound retarded"
Seethe, faggot. You owe your life to normies. And you will die a childless retard while their children will have sex on your grave.

>> No.37579039

>resort to personal attack each time you're proven wrong
We've been over this already, anon.

>> No.37579052

The traditional relationship between man and woman is husband and wife. Anything else is your friends wife, your cousins wife, the old spinster that never married and killed herself in the village well.
There is no relationship between man and woman other than husband and wife, mother and son or father and daughter. Anything else is modernist corporate crap designed to destroy the family unit.

>> No.37579060

The only one wasting money chasing virtual pussy is you.

>> No.37579077

Those "lonely fuckers" are pathetic. They should never, ever feel comfortable making demands of a woman. They have no charisma and no sexual appeal.
Next you're going to tell me the government should give virgins their own personal sex slaves or something because of how "unfair" their lives are.

>> No.37579089

ironic considering men with lots of female friends are typically just sexless nice guys perceived by women as non-threatening herbivores

>> No.37579091

>what is an analogy?
You shouldn't be on here if you're below the age of 18

>normalfags would judge me if I said something in public, therefore the statement must be wrong
Is that how you judge between right and wrong? You're a mental midget.

>> No.37579097

I really don't think anyone in this thread actually gives money to Kronii.

>> No.37579100

why are you malding?

>> No.37579110

streamers should be illegal, if sex work is illegal. It's the same line of stealing money from lonely men. It's immoral and a cultural plague.

>> No.37579124 [DELETED] 

>destroy your argument
>"personal attack!"
Sure, faggot, let that be your coping mechanism about how I raped you up and down this thread.
Here's another personal attack: you will never have a woman who cares about your feelings. And all you can do is cry at me about it. lol!

>> No.37579127

By allah, men should just rape these western whores and then stone them for adultery.

>> No.37579133

>ITT people who never watched Kronii and never will continue talking like they all know about her with their only knowledge being out of context screenshots and clips
OP would have still been spamming constant “hurr durr she’s actually a tranny” threads in another timeline, let’s not pretend any thread that isn’t her general that had an image of Kronii as the OP didn’t get this kind of treatment for a whole year.

>> No.37579134

>You owe your life to normies
no NEETbux anon?

>> No.37579150

>Your argument is "Kronii is not allowed to-
Not even close. My argument is : "A girl working in a the vtubing industry got the hate she deserved".
She's allowed to do whatever the fuck she wants, just stop to pretend that retarded actions should not have consequences.

>> No.37579167

I agree.

>> No.37579174

They do have money though. And that does entail them to make demands.

>> No.37579207

There cannot be any traditional relationships if everyone is operating on the premise of one sex being inherently dishonest and guilty. You claim a traditionalist mantle while acting like a woketard.

>> No.37579238

No, men should give money to women for nothing. Anyone that doesn’t is an incel.

>> No.37579269

>Is that how you judge between right and wrong? You're a mental midget.
Holy 105 IQ. You are a literal fucking moron. It was a way to demonstrate the inherent absurdity of your qualms with Kronii, you socially maladjusted retard. NO ONE would take your complaint seriously anywhere except the containment board of a literal tranime website. That's how ridiculous it is.
And the fact that you think there is any "ethical" component to this entire shit-flinging monkey fuck pile is even more retarded. You weren't wronged. Kronii didn't betray you. You were never in a relationship with her.
You. Are. Alone.
And if you don't like her content, you are welcome to leave and never look back.
Yet here you are, LOOKING BACK.

>> No.37579276

Women are inherently dishonest, which is why marriage exists in the first place. Without society enforcing monogamy, women will cheat, lie and steal from their partners until there is nothing left to steal and then jump to the next victim to suck them dry.
A traditionalist would not want his wife to be working, nor out of the home unattended.

>> No.37579283

> There cannot be any traditional relationships if everyone is operating on the premise of one sex being inherently dishonest and guilty
That was the traditional view for millennia all over the world. You don’t seem to understand what you are arguing.

>> No.37579287

Kronii is not retarded
She is the most intelligent holoEN

>> No.37579288

Men and women cannot, and will not, ever be "just friends." It's impossible.
When you put a man and woman in a room together it's only a matter of time before they start fucking.
There's no shame in it. It's simply nature taking place. But don't ever delude yourself into thinking men and women can be only friends.

>> No.37579299

It's an Elden Ring reference.

>> No.37579311

If literally all a man has to do to fuck a woman is be in their immediate vicinity, explain 90% of this board

>> No.37579327

Lol what a retarded take.

>> No.37579334

>jUsT sToP tO pReTeNd ThAt ReTaRdEd AcTiOnS sHoUlD nOt HaVe CoNsEqUeNcEs
Name one.

>> No.37579345

>explain 90% of this board
>be in their immediate vicinity
Immediate vicinity is not your mom's basement.

>> No.37579348

Women have limitless options that only grow with each new social app. Men have increasingly few options as women flock to the top 3%, happy to be a side bitch to a married man than a wife to a lesser man

>> No.37579358

To imply what?

>> No.37579376

lmao, the only one larping here is you. Get the fuck back to your normalfag safe space, tourist. You couldn't be more obvious.

>> No.37579378

An entertainer who shits on her fans and loses her fans.

>> No.37579381

>to show that everyone knows people of the opposite gender they don't want to fuck
what did he mean by that

>> No.37579382

that her listeners are incels

>> No.37579390

If their money mattered to Kronii, she would've cared about their demands.
She made it clear that their money doesn't matter to her, and neither do they.
She rejected them.
What you're seeing in this thread is literal "seething and coping" about how it somehow ruined her life or made her desperate to have them back. A lot of sad,pathetic wishful thinking.

>> No.37579400

You’re right.

>> No.37579413

can someone photoshop kronii's head onto that asian guy who said "don't you guys have phones?" i'm lazy

>> No.37579435

I'd believe that if she didn't whore herself out with that ASMR stream.

>> No.37579441

>Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

>> No.37579442


>> No.37579471

It's been done before

>> No.37579488

Not dishonest and guilty, dishonest and innocent; due to the fact that they have far less control over their own emotions and mental state in general.

>> No.37579490

I wonder what low she will sink to next?

>> No.37579497

No, retard, name a consequence.
How did you not watching her hurt Kronii. What was the consequence?
I want a good laugh.

>> No.37579515

You didn't understand that I was talking about the principle? Are you 12?
Fine, I'll put it in words 12-year olds can understand: Intention obviously matters, but that doesn't mean it's the only thing that matters. Actions have consequences, regardless of whether they were motivated by spite, anger or sheer fucking stupidity.

>> No.37579516

if you went up to a random person they wouldn't ask you about the girl on youtube you autist. they would ask why the fuck this stranger is talking to them about shit they dont care about.

>> No.37579542

Blowjob asmr soon.

>> No.37579545

This little faggot can't grow his own food.
This little faggot can't power his own home.
This little faggot can't do anything.
But cope.

>> No.37579580

Did she make ASMR streams before you "stopped watching her," retard?
I'll take any deflection on your part as a concession.

>> No.37579598

It is hilarious seeing how it is all playing out.

>> No.37579606

The reason why I would not want my wife working or out of the home unattended is out of fear for her safety, not out of fear for her faithfulness. Also due to the fact that I, as the man of the house, should be the one to provide for the family. There is no distrust here. There should not be distrust. The sixth commandment states that thou shall not commit adultry. If your outlook on the inherent dishonesty of women is true, then why did God himself not specify that fact?

>> No.37579627

Come on man, gotta go more edgy than that. Remember which site you're trying to larp on.

>> No.37579631

I dunno, I haven't watched Kronii since last year.

>> No.37579644

>If your outlook on the inherent dishonesty of women is true, then why did God himself not specify that fact?
>The sixth commandment states that thou shall not commit adultry
Almost like he said it in the ten commandments or something.

>> No.37579646

>Actions have consequences,
You keep saying this.
Yet I see no consequences.
What were the consequences of Kronii's actions? Was she suspended? Did she lose her job? Tell me, retard.

>> No.37579649

When is Kronos going to collab with tempus again?

>> No.37579657


>> No.37579683

>getting confused and irritated by a thought exercise because it isn't completely literal
Hello, autist. Do you screech when you're upset?

>> No.37579690

>If your outlook on the inherent dishonesty of women is true, then why did God himself not specify that fact?
He did. In Genesis. Literally the first book of the bible.

>> No.37579710

Why not? Why don’t you give her money and attention?

>> No.37579721

brap stream *sniffs*

>> No.37579737

the thought exercise is fucking stupid and makes 0 sense

>> No.37579743

Did God specify women when he conceived the sixth commandment, yes or no?

>> No.37579745

Has Kronii kept collabing with men?

>> No.37579771 [DELETED] 

What age did you learn you were autistic? Does mommy love you anymore, autist? Did daddy leave when you were a teenager?

>> No.37579797

Why are you still replying anyway?

>> No.37579816

I don't really care about her game picks and i don't find her personality engaging enough.

>> No.37579823
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Nice self-projection anon. You really showed them!
I'm sure the women who spurned you will reward you for your service to womankind. (Eventually. Any day now!)

>> No.37579855

Still waiting to hear a consequence, retards.
I know you're furiously reading my posts, livid that your feelings aren't being taken into account like they are when your mommy brings you the wrong brand of tendies.
How was Kronii's life made worse by a virgin she doesn't care about watching her less?
Tick tock, little faggots.

>> No.37579889

That isn't a question that can be answered without understanding the original text completely.
Can you please post your degree in ancient Hebrew or Aramaic so I can hear your interpretation? Or are you going to cry incel again

>> No.37579904

It is a shame there aren’t more pro-incest English vtubers. In holo anyway.
Only one I can think is Irys though she keeps it a bit on the downlow.

>> No.37579910

how can I not reply when they post something so insanely stupid?

>> No.37579933

If anything about that very milquetoast post made you upset enough to cry "projection!" you would do well to stay indoors with mommy where the mean men outside won't say, "hey, faggot, lose some weight and maybe you'll get your dick wet."

>> No.37579957

> how can I not reply when they post something so insanely stupid?
That is the definition of being trolled. Just ignore it.

>> No.37579983

How badly do you screech when you're losing at video games? I've noticed it's very common for autists.
Ever slammed your controller or desk when you're losing a match in one of your online computer games, autist?

>> No.37579984

EN chuubas are giant pussies when talking about anything incest related

>> No.37580034

Didn’t kronii stop collabing with tempus?

>> No.37580066

As much as she stopped collabing with Fauna

>> No.37580079

did I hit a nerve by telling you that you aren't very smart
thats boring

>> No.37580085

It is a shame.
They even seem more open about Lolicon and shotacon compared to siscon and brocon stuff.

>> No.37580087

Only after one member was officially suspended, another is on a "break" and the remaining two are clearly keeping their distance from the talents on direct orders from management

>> No.37580094

Of course all actions have a reaction, but if a person accidentally does something bad, people are less likely to fault him or hate him for it, while a person who does something bad on purpose will immediately be just called an asshole and be shunned for it. The reaction of a person's action doesn't change, but the intention behind it makes a huge difference in how people will perceive them and the person who intentionally did something bad deserves a more severe punishment. Killing someone is literally the most extreme case you could find, but the principle stays the same

>> No.37580099

Anon, stating things to be fact does not make them so. I can recognize your posting style now, so I know that using your brain is not your strong suit, but trying to belittle someone does not serve to convince them.
Of course, you're not really trying to convince anyone at this point, you're just upset because people are pointing out some uncomfortable truths to you and you find it hard to cope. So you lash out, like a baby.
Go on, keep seething. I know you want to. It only makes you look more pathetic.

>> No.37580128

Shh, anon, the retard was trying to sound imposing.
Just let the little tard screech for a bit.
Did you get interested in vtubers because you find real life social interactions unpleasant and even painful, autist?
How overloaded do your senses become when a woman wraps her leg around yours? Have you even experienced that, autist?

>> No.37580131

What about snot?

>> No.37580189

>uncomfortable truths
Holy 105 IQ.
This little retard thinks it invented having its heart broken by a woman who doesn't give a fuck about it.
Hey, retard, you realize normal men don't dwell on women they struck out with for months after the fact, right?
Do you realize that, retard?

>> No.37580192

you seem very upset

>> No.37580229

It's pretty obvious she's looking down on her fans when she says that. She is taking any and all criticism related to homocollab streams, and brushing it away with "What, don't you have female friends?" implying (and assuming) that those complaining don't have female friends. Rather than show consideration for her fans, she is attempting to shame them. Keep in mind, before she made that comment, she had said she wouldn't be doing those types of streams.

>> No.37580247

How so? Describe in detail how well you understand human behavior, autist.
Does it confuse you that girls don't find you attractive, autist? Is that behavior you find "upsetting"?

>> No.37580273

She never said that. At most she floated the idea of not having her POV on her channel for them

>> No.37580302

t. upset man baby

>> No.37580309

Calm down, the internet bully can't actually hurt you

>> No.37580380

I didn't call you nor anyone else an incel, I call you an agent of Globohomo. Also, if interpretation of the word of God was left up to those with degrees religion would be wokefied.

>> No.37580410

Are my questions making you angry, autist? Are you going to cry and shit and cum some more instead of answering basic questions?
Why did Kronii hurt your little retard feelings so badly, autist? You didn't think she was in a relationship with you, did you, autist?

>> No.37580457

I can't believe you're so invested in this argument. Aren't you supposed to be so cool and above it all? Why do you spend your time arguing with us here on a mongolian basket weaving forum? Don't you have someplace to be?
Go back to your discord hugbox.

>> No.37580497

this is going right onto boing boing

>> No.37580505

>Agent of globohomo because you want traditional families where the wife is entirely subservient to the husband and not a "reformed" whore
Sure whatever makes your retarded schizo brain go round

>> No.37580537

I'm making fun of you, faggot. One of the best memories of my life was ridiculing some drama fag in high school who died from cancer a few years later. It made me realize that God agrees with me, lol.
But that's beside the point.
What's wrong, autist? I want to understand your little tard brain in its incredible, undeveloped complexity.
How did Kronii rejecting you make you feel? Did you cry a little, autist?

>> No.37580574

>I'm so edgy xD
Okay so you're literally 13 good to know

>> No.37580587
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>> No.37580603

I want that too, but the big difference is you want subservience because you are not trusting meanwhile I want subservience because I believe in being the man of the house. You go with the blue haired degenerates to the same camps.

>> No.37580621

I can't read half of what you just said, but bro I'm dying.

>> No.37580639

What I said was true. It felt great seeing that little faggot die after he had the gall to talk to me like he's my equal years earlier.
And I'm older than you, retard.

>> No.37580653

I'm glad we're in agreement.

>> No.37580685

If you trust a woman you are retarded. Loyalty is a male invention and must be actively enforced by all members of society. We live in a society full of a traitors, you're trying to quell a raging fire by pissing on it.

>> No.37580709

Shh anon, the adults are talking.

>> No.37580718

Might be due to Mastercard and Visa restrictions on incest content.

>> No.37580720

>And I'm older than you, retard.
I sincerely doubt that, you talk like an edgy child and I've been on this godforsaken site since I was an edgy child myself during operation chanology.

>> No.37580757

If I recall, it was Judas who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver given to him by the Pharisees, not Mary Magdalene.

>> No.37580762

what do you mean

>> No.37580766

You had your heart broken by a woman you pretended was your anime girlfriend.
You are not a man. You are certainly not an "adult."
Sure thing, faggot. You're probably, what, 27 at most?
Sit down, baby faggot. Men are making fun of you.

>> No.37580798

>still larping as a psycho

>> No.37580857

you remind me of the people who used to rage really hard in my LoL games years ago

>> No.37580885

well yeah jews are backstabbers by nature

>> No.37580895

If I recall (correctly), it was Eve that ate the apple, not Adam. Original sin is female in nature. Judas was swayed by evil taking advantage of his inherently good nature and preying on his flaws as a man.
Eve was just a retarded slut that wanted to eat a juicy fruit (literally the one thing God told her not to do) and thrust us all into this hellscape due to her own inability to be loyal to her husband and God.

>> No.37580900

It's nappy time now, okay?

>> No.37581060

Even if original sin is female in nature that does not make it female exclusive. So what are your excuses for the Pharisees (males) that payed Judas if Judas was just taken advantage on?

>> No.37581215

It revealed something I already knew- kronii isn't actually someone who has any reason to be depressed, her life is fine and her family is well off (enough so for her to entertain delusions of being a VA rather than attempting to pursue further education or work to advance a real career) but puts on the "I'm a depressed upper middle class canadian girl with no real problems, this sucks" face. But she is fundamentally well off and cannot actually understand the losers who are drawn to her thinking she is one of them.

She's one of those chicks who wants to be depressed because it's fashionable, she's not actually depressed for real (hence her getting mad when people in her family tell her to just 'stop being depressed', because actual depressed people don't talk about it since it can interfere with getting jobs if people know that).

>> No.37581225

Where did I say that sin is exclusive to women? Women are inherently evil, but are not the only evil.

>> No.37581315

You made an excuse for Judas the traitor. Women are not inherently evil because that would disqualify them from being anywhere near children.

>> No.37581326

Oh look another kronii hate thread that already hit bump limit why am i not surprised

>> No.37581394

If you actually read scripture instead of larping you would know that Judas was tempted into evil by promises that the money (30 silvers was a fortune, equal to several years work as a skilled craftsman) could be used for greater good, while Jesus could be stopped from sowing dissent (preying on Judas' belief that the romans would destroy his people)
Or you know, you could be a teenage internet catholic. Deus vult, we will take Jerusalem!

>> No.37581484

I am an extremist, you are a moderate. There is the fundamental difference.

>> No.37581687

I'm surprised how many anons think that being depressed has to be caused by your real life situation instead of being a state of mind or mental illness

>> No.37581684

demiurge vtuber when?

>> No.37581696

An extremist? .Yeah sure buddy, I'm real impressed with your "extremist" views.

>> No.37581740

Depression isn't real, it's just trendy.

>> No.37581765

Moderate cucks know nothing.

>> No.37581777

>"I have no real problems but I'm depressed"
The western woman in a nutshell

>> No.37581864

"I'm so extreme, I'm an internet catholic and I want a trad wife (but I'm okay with her being a whore for 25 years first)"

>> No.37581918

It applies to men just as well and it's an oversimplification since things like a lack of purpose or a lack of significant other are more likely to lead to depression than things like money troubles

>> No.37581927

A person who constantly tells everyone they're depressed and gets mad about it when people call bullshit and talks about all the many friends they have and all the money they make and how they can easily pursue their meme hobby as a job rather than sinking tens of thousands into credentials, investments, learning to navigate socially because they weren't born rich etc. isn't depressed and never will be depressed no matter how many times coping faggots post "Um you can like, be depressed and rich!". And scientifically most "deaths of poor life" are literally caused by depression being massively more likely to happen in poorfags, so fuck off with your "I'm a bougie with no worries but I'm sad, poor me". Faggot.

>> No.37581934

I'm not catholic. Catholics can have their cucked pontifex.

>> No.37581993

Oh damn, we've got an American adult convert to Orthodoxy, or perhaps the holy grail of internet morons, a self assured egotistical protestant.

>> No.37582009


Depression is quite literally caused by anxiety stemming from financial fears in 99% of causes, you spoiled manchild.

>> No.37582043

Well, the cringy autist who can't understand thought exercises got raped like a Korean comfort woman. Guess that's another hard L for the faggots here tonight.
I'm glad to see you retards going back to basics. Mental illness and your inability to get laid are the only topics you're experts on.

>> No.37582055

>thread about kronii
>becomes discussion on traditionalist Catholicism, atheism and the jews

>> No.37582070

If you believe that Pope homosexuality is not a sin Francis is the way than you are lost.

>> No.37582084

Mental illness and not getting laid both stem from poverty. Fix the money, fix the birthrate.

>> No.37582145

If you must know I was raised Anglican and now subscribe to pre-Vactican II style Catholicism, Francis is a demon as has most popes of the 20th Century. I'm not sure who the true heir to Christ's throne on earth is but that is not a discussion for /vt/

>> No.37582147

Poor people have higher birth rates

>> No.37582197


>> No.37582768

Mastercard and Visa have clauses banning the use of electronic funds for various things including real or fictional depictions of incest. It sometimes gets ignored but it is why most porn infamously is “stepsister” rather than sister. Pixiv is banning monetized fictional depictions of consensual adult incest now too.

>> No.37583013

industrial society causes widespread depression even in well-off people but many come to believe that they're uniquely depressed. their "depression" presents itself as a simulation of inordinate mental struggle on an individual level. in truth, it's a dissimulation of the ubiquitous depression that they can't or won't recognize.

>> No.37583048

It isn’t really traditional Catholicism (or Orthodoxy or Coptic) if you solely go by the things written in the modern Bible rather than knowing the philosophy, theology and councils that lead it to that point. Even what is in the modern bible stems from those older groups wherein they decided what to include and what to exclude, and that doesn’t even get into discussions on losses via translation.
I’m not saying you should listen to the pope but sola scripture isn’t really something that could be seen as Catholic at all in my mind.

>> No.37583234

Didn’t Judas die before Jesus and thus he was saved when Jesus went to Hades according to what’s in the Bible?

>> No.37583333
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What the question should have been

>> No.37583480

Wow, this is a fun thread.
