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37514927 No.37514927 [Reply] [Original]

Why have views dropped so much?
Her past songs have gained millions of views in a few days.

>> No.37514954

wigger fatigue

>> No.37515014

Gets a little stale when you keep spamming the same content

>> No.37515101

For the same reason people gets tired of your stream if all you do is play apex(matsuri's worst decline). It's boring.

>> No.37515195

her songs quality has been drop since grimreaper whatever.

>> No.37515251

I only just realized how shit the font of I'm Greedy is, who the fuck approved that thumbnail? Literally can't even read the song name.

>> No.37515427

>who the fuck approved that thumbnail?

>> No.37515480

management squandered Myth
They were on top of the world and they did absolutely nothing for them until people lost interest and left.
Being a sidegig at 3rd FES is all the support all of EN has gotten in over 2 years.

>> No.37515531
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>> No.37515559
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Cuckbeats first cheered for m*le collabs, then when she went overboard with them they realized they didn't know what they wished for.
A large portion of them fucked off. Now her songs can't even beat Kiara's anymore and she has trouble getting ID numbers.

>> No.37515682

We are living in the times of the great vtuber crash

>> No.37516928

Quality > Quantity
also she should release mixtapes instead of singles all the time
she needs to constrain herself to improve artistically

>> No.37516999

I wonder if she's throwing all these songs just to get out of her record contract, that's something tons of artists in the music industry already do.

>> No.37517056

shitposting aside, the real reason is that the consequences of covid are lessening up - people are able to get out more, kids are physically going back to a regular in-school schedule, and workplaces are encouraging to physically be at work than work remotely.

across the board, most vtubers that've already established their audiences are losing viewers. covid buff is over. niji and holo are finally collabing because they recognize that everyone in the vtuber sphere is bleeding viewership and are trying whatever in their power to bring it back up, even if it means going to bed with the other tribe.

>> No.37517148

one of the reasons is the jp audience dont give a shit about her songs anymore.

>> No.37517240

The new song just came out and it’s actually pretty good and has some buffs on it.
>2D animated by mori
>fake type collabed song
Give it like a week then you can make your pink woman numbers bad thread.

>> No.37517294

If that was the reason, you would think that Kiara would not be able to beat Mori's newest songs in views

>> No.37517316

>workplaces are encouraging to physically be at work than work remotely.
It's a real damn shame everything that was spent and sacrificed was just to being us back to the same awful status quo.

>> No.37517417

Stopped listening to her stuff after Mera Mera.
If I wanted to listen to ARAB Twerking music I wouldn't watch a self-proclaimed Japanese rapper

>> No.37517467

APPENDING, Holy fuck one of the first top comments on that video is "This is a big contender for 'most twerkable' hololive song."
Fuck this song royally, cuckold tunes

>> No.37517473

>bringing sanity and rational thought to a catalog thread
I admire your efforts, but the people here are too far gone for legitimate discussion

>> No.37517480

It's a watchalong for a paywalled homo concert you retarded nigger

>> No.37517542

Many deadbeats turned to KFP because of rm's participation in stupid twitch conventions.
As rm's media exposure increases, mori's popularity declines and rm's popularity inevitably declines
I hope one day she will realize this rule.

>> No.37517549

Anon, you're in a thread where the OP is comparing numbers from songs over a year ago to ones that premiered less than 12 hours ago. You're not going to find people of sound mind, nor willing to argue in good faith here.

>> No.37517681

>This new song was premiered on Monday at 1pm JST.
They don't even know she's released the new song.

>> No.37517892

She wont. She literally has no idea what the fuck she's doing, you need to remember she applied with zero idea what the fuck a vtuber was and she hated idols. She also looks up to e celebs and doesn't realize that famous people have only shown themselves to be shit through social media, they just can't stop talking about themselves or their views, etc. Meanwhile the biggest names in EN, JP and ID are all hiding their identity and not shilling their RM.

>> No.37518143

She used mori's fame to get famous streamers like Ironmouse and Monarch to promote rm.
I seriously thought she had a bad character.

>> No.37518334

The first TT podcast she appeared on

>> No.37518488

name a worse combination than this

>> No.37518564

It's insane that rm still doesn't stop loving Ecelebs even though still receive connor condom chats.
He already recognizes her as a C-rated friend and ignores her on Twitter for months.

>> No.37518685

>He already recognizes her as a C-rated friend and ignores her on Twitter for months.
It's funny he talks about the hololive brand handing success to people when all of his "friends" are streamers who conveniently help his channel. Mori won't get enough views so she gets ghosted.

>> No.37518917

>12 hours ago
>3 weeks
Welcome to the world of Cuckbeat cope, where they literally have to try to astroturf time itself to protect the sinking whale that is Mori.

>> No.37519181

I really think you should calm down this deadbeat obsession and claiming they are behind every post.

>> No.37519559

things that probably aren't the cause of Mori's reclining music views:
- male collabs. Her recline set in long before those.
- lower Quality. Popularity and Quality are almost never correlated anyway. inb4 deluded cuckbraps replying "n-nooo you don't understand, her earlier music was ~actually good~..." yeah right, it was always shit

The most probable theory is that she's simply overspamming her music, thus lowering each of its individual "value" (think inflation). When you put out too much, people naturally start to care less. It's hard to get excited for the 25th same new stupid wigger crap song you've already heard a dozen times before, as you were for the first few ones, so her music views are down. Just like her ccv in general. She's the actual queen of deadsubs, even more than Gura, who at least still holds a regular average of 20k views (which is an engagement ratio of around 0.5 percent with her 4mil subs). But for Mori, a lot of people just subscribed for her music in the past, and have long since lost interest, so she only gets around 5k regular average ccv nowadays (for normal streams, so no buffs like special events etc), which makes an abysmal 0.25 percent engagement ratio of her 2mil subs.

Or hell, if you want to get more specific, it's not even enough to say that people "used to subscribe for her music". It was specifically the juxtaposition of "big tiddy anime girl" and "rapping" that they subscribed for, because it was a gimmick that once held fresh novelty value at the time. It was unique because every other vtuber mostly just did generic idol/jpop stuff, so being one who broke the mold was a great way to stand out. "Whoa check out this big tiddy ANIME GIRL who... get this... also RAPS?!?! OMG haha what an ingenious contrast, that's so wacky and original, I must like and subscribe and share with all my friends!!!".
This shit was like catnip to the sort of braindead ironic normie weeb mass fanbase who came to Hololive as 2020 EOP lockdown tourists, who can't usually listen to actual rap without pissing their pants because it's made by scary black men, but has now finally found some rap he can listen to ironically because it's from some unthreatening anime girl dork who's even more cringe than him. And Mori played them pretty well for a while, for example it was a good strategy to come right out of the gate with a couple prepared songs so she could ride the debut hype buff period and get an algo boost by having her music go viral from that.

Well, now we're over two years in and the novelty factor of "big tiddy anime girl who also raps, haha" has long since worn off. It seems pretty played out and doesn't work as well anymore. People get used to it, and it's pretty hard to get as much excitement for the twentieth same sounding song release after two years as you did for the first. Maybe she over-spammed it, maybe it's just the natural trend of general recline all around, but her regular new songs nowadays (unless they're a big-name collab or something) just get around middle average views for a Holo. For "normal" Holos, they put out maybe five songs at max per year, so each one feels at least more special. For Mori it's more like "oh that one vtuber rapper I subscribed to two years ago because I was amused by her first few songs has put out another twenty songs this year? Yeah, imma pass, no need to watch, she'll just put out another dozen few soon anyway zzzzzzz...."

>> No.37519946

Dead subs, missing now
Dead subs, missing now

>> No.37520059

She gave up her career to play with Ecelebs on twitch, right?
She got what she deserved, didn't she?

>> No.37520133

Kiara had 4 times those views for a watchalong of 2nd fes with no collab partner.
Cope harder.

>> No.37520208

Because it was holofes and not homofes retard. Who the fuck is going to buy a ticket to watch a vod of homos dancing in idol costumes?

>> No.37520431

Huh, just noticed Mera Mera is about to pass Cursed Night.

>> No.37520581

Was Kiara's watchalong of 2nd fes as it was actually happening or a few weeks later like Mori?

>> No.37520649

I believe her new song could bring back some of the old crowd, it feels like something 2020 Mori would do

>> No.37520655

hard to look forward to and anticipate the next release when there's a new one every other day

>> No.37520806

This. Cover is doing little to support Myth and even less to support Council.

>> No.37520815

増えてく諭吉's, I love cheese (I love cheese)

>> No.37520963

Her past songs were cringe kino, the new ones are fucking boring

>> No.37521039

In like half a day Nezumi Scheme now has more likes than I'm Greedy does after 3 weeks. Her audience clearly did not like the big shift that UMG had her going on starting with Kamoflauge. It's good to see her returning to the kind of electroswing influence that got her roommate more popular back in za day.

>> No.37521233

You intentionally put her worse performing songs (where some aren't even new originals) against her best performing. While omitting others which would have dispelled what you were trying to suggest. That there was some kind of rapid and abrupt decline because [reasons].
Where is anything from UnAlive other than the newer MV for Scuffed Up Age? From the UMG era, where are Mera Mera and CapSule, or even Holy Shitto? Millions of views.
The only one I really did not care for was I'm Greedy because it took what was attractive about Mori's music and messed with it by relieving her of lyrical control. It was an experiment and not one that should be repeated. I can see why that one didn't do as well.

What changed was this shit is getting easier to see through and Mori antis are out of ideas. They just spam threads, reply en masse, and pat themselves on the backs thinking they spoke for the majority. Lame.

>> No.37521705

There's a number of things that you can chalk it up to, but the biggest turning point was when she started to see a portion of her audience as "The Enemy" and started doing things to spite her fans instead of taking their concerns on board.

You can call that ingratitude, entitlement, forgetting her roots, whatever, but at the end of the day I lay the blame squarely at the foot of the people she called her "Real Friends" - the same kind of fakers she's fallen for her whole life, the ones who encouraged her to distance herself from the concept of an idol rapper, the same kind of contradiction she's always been, but something the "Cool Expat Circle" thinks is cringe. For a while it really did seem like she'd become something truly special. I believed in her, I know a lot of other guys did too. When she said she wanted to be my oshi, the one I was pushing, I took her at her word.

Still hurts some days, but if you step back a bit the trajectory is obvious.
The Demon killed my Oshi.

>> No.37524627

Neither Fauna nor Mumei are declining so that's a load of fucking bullshit you stupid tranny bitch

>> No.37525456

I don't listen to shitty people. I actually like her music but I refuse to support this rank piece of shit who only sees people as a stepping stone, even her "FRIENDS".

>> No.37525582

Based Chicken. Once she stopped numberfagging, I became a fan

>> No.37525625

The way she brushed off Kiara in the Takamori days said it all for me.

>> No.37525650

It's pretty interesting how vtubers, who get what the original of vtubers was, are more successful (or at least keep steady) than vtubers who don't.
That's why I always think it's funny when I see anons say "kayfabe was always shit and no one likes it", because you know right away that those are twitchnewfags, who don't get the appeal at all, unless they can turn that vtuber into a generic streamer with a anime avatar... that they then don't watch.
I luckily got into vtubers pretty early on and I can honestly say, Hololive was always the best when it felt like you watch anime girls being cute and playing games together. In fact, Hololive's popularity came in a big part from the time it was like it had fucking story arcs (f.e. Hololive Resistance).

>> No.37525731

Then why stream that shit. The homo pushing is getting desperate

>> No.37526418

Oh boy, definitely. She always seemed to surround herself with the worst people to influence where she was going with "Calliope Mori", the kind of people who don't get "all that anime shit", the kind of people who moralfag about the "problematic idol industry" (which should've never been a concern to her, but now she needed to distance herself from something she was never part of or responsible for to begin with) and ironic anime fans.

It sucks, because in the beginning she totally seemed on board trying to make that split, but later leaned way too hard back into "rapper personality normal streamer who begrudgingly is a vtuber" obviously due to outside influences.

>> No.37526999

The gradual shift away from kayfabe, especially among the EN scene, is depressing. Some large indies/corpos are far worse at this than others, when they dont even bother to pretend that they're meeting for the first time, or when they do tons of IRL content like hand streams. You're pretty much watching a fleshtuber at that point.

>> No.37527160

>Hololive's popularity came in a big part from the time it was like it had fucking story arcs
Why did they stop then?
