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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37493042 No.37493042 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, your serious? Let me laugh even harder!

>> No.37493264

What we laughing at about agin fer nao?
in sum b8 pst thnkin u slick a shit bu u jus half is

>> No.37494745


>> No.37495820

Is this doxnigger for real?

>> No.37495833

I'm watching Overwatch collab right now and this literally is Selen's personality lol

>> No.37496151
File: 359 KB, 549x569, smugretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think it was a joke the first time and it certainly isn't a joke now

>> No.37497193


>> No.37498005

Rest in piss he won't be missed

>> No.37498157

>My serious

>> No.37500855

Love me a good Futurama reference!

>> No.37501078

he left because Cover was about to nail his ass to the cross for trying to profit off doxshit. I think that probably crosses a line somewhere legally where it can no longer be argued that you're naive as to what you're up to.

>> No.37501502

Good riddance, fuck him and his fans.

>> No.37501648

So cringe that there’s actually niggers on this board who watched/liked this esl seanig

>> No.37502055

Why the fuck should anyone care about this faggot.

People who profit off other people's work are the worst kind of grifter.

>> No.37504441

Because that faggot had a huge audience. Each video was getting hundreds of thousands of views and his live streams were averaging 3k. Higher than most vtubers.

>> No.37504510

>anal cyst

I had enough of those faggots in the pony community.

>> No.37504628

Don't tell me you think they are coming for him and not the drama... Are you a fucking retard? Imagine if Gura did a drama stream talking about the niji shit talking that would get like 100k live viewers.

>> No.37504712

I didn't care much about his videos, but he wasn't some drama vtuber. He did SunnyV2 style deep dives, video essays, shit like that.

>> No.37504743

He did both

>> No.37504981

I 100% believe this faggot is Hololive Historian.
He'll be back in a few months under a new name.

>> No.37505084

he's gonna use this time to improve his accent and tone, then he will use his experience and knowledge of the industry to become a decently successful Indie without revealing his past as DN.
Finally he will be accepted for HolostarsEN gen 4, and then he will fuck your oshi.

>> No.37505108

Maybe StarsID

>> No.37506064

i mean regardless of what the faggots on this board say about doxxshit ppl will always flock to it bc ppl want to know who these girls are and what they look like, any other take is a massive cope. not saying its good or bad but to act like ppl arent curious might be one of the worst takes

>> No.37506101

its most likely him most of the shit he was posting was just recylced garbage from the previous incarnations

>> No.37506319

Are they the one who kept posting pictures of roommates?

>> No.37506413

never met a native SEA/pajeet that could break their accent enough to pass as a westerner, it's just too strong and a male seanig voice is too big a debuff for an EN branch

>> No.37508322

All he has to do is start fresh with new accounts

>> No.37508349

Is doxing actually illegal or just tos?

>> No.37508674


>> No.37508946

All he had to do was just make mid tier vids and take the money, how do you fuck it up so bad

>> No.37509060

its illegal where he lives.

>> No.37512190

What a quitter...

>> No.37514015

Surely its just ironic "haha i troll u" contrarianfags farming (You)s

>> No.37514111

yes, hololive historian was the biggest doxfag on youtube

>> No.37514238

Good riddance.
Dude knew NOTHING about Vtubers, he was just a spoonfed dude with Reddit-level knowledge like "Chinese evil, Coco good" and all the other drama shit everyone knew about already. No idea what kind of drugs he was on when he made members-only doxxing content.

>> No.37514277

This piece of shit kept showing up in recommendations too, so there was nothing you could do about seeing the dox either. You could just accept that you'd essentially know what the Vtubers look like IRL. Still hate Youtube for this.

>> No.37514506

Earlier stuff was okay. He let the small amount of recognition get to his head. Doesn't deserve to call himself nousagi.

>> No.37514559

Hololive Historian was already doxed, it's not him but his name "vtuber historian" is obviously to carry the torch

>> No.37514573
File: 106 KB, 1368x696, pure disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people sucking his dick in the replies
>when they get reminded he posted hard dox of vtubers they go "y-yeah w-well his v-videos were e-entertaining!"

>> No.37514581

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.37514798
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Tough break. Maybe he'll go back to writing his fanfictions that got noticed by "Top people". I'm sure all those companies who want him to put together a gen for them will still be in his DMs/

>> No.37514830

>Chinese evil, Coco good
but that's correct, chang

>> No.37514898

Reminder that he is sponsored by Phase connect and Idol corp

>> No.37514903

Chinese evil, yes
but Coco still bad

>> No.37514933

Anybody who opposes the ccp is good no matter what, chang.

>> No.37514973

Only a holofag deals in absolutes

>> No.37515022

both the ccp and coco are retarded anon theres no reason why you cant hate both.

>> No.37515048

thats Khyo the closests this guy has been is a pippa mention

>> No.37515070
File: 283 KB, 1386x728, 2 doxfags interact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37515097

I don't understand why the vtuber community defend this subhuman retard just beacuse "he's sad and crying", this is dloow false flag operation all over again

>> No.37515196

What did dloow do again?

>> No.37516063

is he aware that he can get sued?,rabbit brain...

>> No.37516377

dloow a clipper that used to do otakmori style clips / porn thumbnails in the past, sent a very direct HER reference superchat to Gura and got instantly nuked by a cover moderator, after the stream ended he went to hololive subreddit, twitter
and even made a youtube video to complain saying that the account that sent the superchat wasn't his account, someone else was using is nickname to do a setup on him and the moderator banned the wrong account or something like that.
he got a lot of traction thanks to his subs sucking his cock non-stop, they even raided gura's chat on the next stream and she wasted 5 minutes on those retards.
Anons called him out on reddit showing that the account banned was indeed him, but backfired thanks to the evil 4chin boogeyman excuse and basically he got away with it, he got unbanned and deleted all the clickbait and porn thumbnail videos and to this day he pretrends to be clean.

>> No.37520974


>> No.37521168

>but backfired thanks to the evil 4chin boogeyman excuse
It's because you faggots need to realize that 95% of the western vtuber fanbase are clipfags, no amount of autistic hatred, jealousy and seethe over clippers will ever get normalfags to change their mind about them
Every couple months you fucks try to brigade another clipper with a half dozen threads and it never amounts to anything

>> No.37521261

Depressed Nousagi wants to do another I quit video without cying like a little bitch time.

>> No.37521280

see >>37494745

>> No.37521785
File: 150 KB, 1468x1712, 1668314600158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're gonna kill him, Lisa.

>> No.37522942

Why does the link say pippa?

>> No.37523256

It's a "retweet", whatever that means.

>> No.37523771

it's not a retweet, twitter tracks the post ID, not the user ID when linking tweets, you can write what ever you like instead of pippa in that link and it will still link to the SEA post instead of pippa's


>> No.37524293

Well that's fucking retarded. Elon, fix that shit.

>> No.37524440

they're already working on it

>> No.37524589

hopefully never, it's fun to towababy also good for linking relevant past life posts

>> No.37527118

Why is she like this?

>> No.37527165

lol did he tweet on the wrong account AHAHAHA

>> No.37527302

Now, looks more like he’s getting confortable again and is ready to go back to business as usual

>> No.37527329


>> No.37527576
File: 241 KB, 502x538, 1604688363896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Channels like this are dumb because they literally don't even do research themselves, they just regurgitate shit they see get spread on reddit and here and act like it's insane deep dive research. Like 2 years I made something up about a vtuber as a throwaway comment and it still gets posted like it's an actual narrative/true story about their past life since I had shown I found their old account. Then way later, I found out one of these fucking guys(probably him I don't know) also repeated it in their video too. It just goes to show how the average user really has no drive to verify information themselves and will believe whatever

>> No.37527577

Jesus Christ! Even Elon Musk is chiming in on the drama too.

>> No.37527629

Not even reddit allows doxshit to be posted

>> No.37527687

What a fucking faggot. This is gay as hell. All this over nothing. This fucker is a his fans are acting like someone died or he accidentally drunk raped someone. These fuckers treat the internet like real life. I just don't understand.

>> No.37527717

good fucking ridance

>> No.37527911

r/virtualyoutubers allows you post names of past/alternative public channel and that’s it.
But certainly not deleted blogs or lolcow rrats.
