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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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37324885 No.37324885 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of being a vtuber if you are not gonna embrace being an Idol? Don't people know that they are one of the same?

>> No.37324942

>What's the point of being a vtuber
Easy money because most of the EN retards can't hold a real job.

>> No.37324994
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May as well just go back to when they where actual characters and not streamers at all then.

>> No.37325034

Why is Sora, Suisei, Matsuri, Laplus and the IDs not in the lowest one?
Do reps

>> No.37325063

Kobo and Risu to the bottom
They love cocks

>> No.37325502

Is this only about the unicorn shit, or do you have any other arguments?
Also thank you for not dragging Voms, Phase Connect and others into your lunacy.

>> No.37325565

It's a meaningless term

>> No.37325621

Haato, Festival and Fubuki are up there on Suisei's level at least with how much they, along with other early gens worked to make Hololive what it is today. Just because they collab with men or make questionable content doesnt cancel their contributions and the fact that their fan/oshi engagements are top tier. Towa too is up there with how much she put in her concerts and fan/oshi engagements, otherwise her fanbase won't be cult tier like today, plus her connections outside Hololive.

>> No.37325834

>They think ID doesn't have their own idol culture and is just blatantly ripping it off from JP like EN

>> No.37325989

What's the point of posting a bait thread if you are not gonna go full schizo? Don't you know they are one of the same?

>> No.37326020

>He was only exposed to Hololive all his whole life.

>> No.37328213

Choco talked about her past dating experiences, Kiara literally curses like a sailor every other sentence, while the likes of Noel or Marine are such obvious coombait that they make me embarrassed to be a VTuber fan. The idea that they're more of an idol than Ame or Bae is pure bogus. Besides, watch them like a TV show, not like your parasocial girlfriends.

>> No.37328325

I can't directly send money to TV shows and have them read it out and say they love me you fucking twitter clipnigger retard. Parasocial relationships only ever started with live streaming since it allows some form of interaction.

>> No.37328873

You need to move La+ to Mori's tier.

>> No.37329146

pretty sure en side just want to became armorant, but they miscalculated the amount of weeb incel they attract

>> No.37329334

Why is yammers in orange?

>> No.37329371

Yeah that little bitch doesnt care at all about being an idol and has said so multiple times

>> No.37329930

you have never watched 90% of those vtubers, anon

>> No.37330089

>only started with live streaming
>can get this same treatment along with physical, personal interactions at any brothel or Strip Club for arguably less cash
Ogey, loser lmao

>> No.37330113

This tier list makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.37330362
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Fauna is an idol.

>> No.37330507

Soneone will use that in future conversations about EN to mock your coping.

>> No.37330563

You can literally dial a number to have a 1-on-1 call with you.

>> No.37330576

>Polka not idol
Does this nigger even watch Hololive?

>> No.37330666

Obviously not, judging from pretty much two thirds of the placements.

>> No.37330716

Only newfags never used that card anyway so why should I care?

>> No.37330925

Move half of the indos down to the bottom tier, especially Iofi and Zeta, and move Lui up

>> No.37331041

>Don't people know that they are one of the same?
Exactly, vtuber=idol.
I love my oshi Nyanners. I can't wait to share my love for Nyanners with other idol fans. When's the next offline meetup? I've got lots of great VODs picked out. I think once you get to know her, you'll be really excited to cheer her on and support her on the journey to success.

>> No.37331119
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Some idol aspects are desirable.
The push for holomembers to be idols is shit.

>> No.37331267

Vtubers aren't just one specific thing you stupid motherfucker

>> No.37331312

Take me back...

>> No.37331460

All JPs should be at least in first two tier and IDs in the two last tiee

>> No.37331617

Haachama, senchou, kobo, and risu belong in the bottom tier. Move fubuki moona and anya up.

>> No.37332185

money. an easy one. what else?

>> No.37332466

What is wrong with Haachama and Marine
Marine latest concert literally include a song saying she can't have a lover to not cause a scandal because she can't/doesn't want to stop being an idol

>> No.37332560
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Represents The True Idol Spirit

>> No.37332888

Can somebody do a tier list on this board's opinion on every female holomem

Some three tiers or perhaps more - Like, neutral and dislike, and if the first poster gets some wrong, the community corrects him until we get an official /vt/ tierlist of beloved or hated chuubas for the majority of users here

Would be great to let folks immediately know if you're entering hostile territory by praising or insulting a certain chuuba

>> No.37333589

watch stream, newfags

>> No.37333618

IDfags are disgusting

>> No.37333711

Idol? More like gfe dumbass

>> No.37334197

But they're the same thing

>> No.37334399

Kobo, Laplus, Towa, Matsuri and Zeta need to be moved down

>> No.37334514

>t. doesn’t actually follow idols

>> No.37335033

Of course I don't I just want to watch girls play videogames and yuribait

>> No.37335197

Being a vtuber and an idol aren't the same thing, and you don't even know what defines an idol by your tier list, you are just a dramafag.

>> No.37338716


>> No.37339227

Bro marine literally talked about pissing in diapers on stream what are you on

>> No.37339262

Tell me how Gura doesn't represent the idol spirit? Why are you categorizing people you don't even watch

>> No.37339289

>Represents the True IDOL SPIRIT

Holy shit lmao.

>> No.37339415

Christ you clearly don't know anything. How the fuck is Iofi that high for example?
She has literally hornyposted about Astel using tengas to masturbate

>> No.37339447
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>B-But the rules say!

>> No.37339501

Gura and Mumei are the most idollike ENs.

>> No.37339564

All should be in the bottom

>> No.37339573

OP, I think you dropped your brain again lmao

>> No.37339620

>Gura doesn't represent the IDOL spirit
Are you fucking RETARDED? Thread disregarded.

>> No.37339702

Why's bae at the bottom?

>> No.37339847

Bae is in the wrong tier fucktard, move her up

>> No.37339956

Faggot, you have no idea what an idol means if you thing it has anything to do with interacting with dudes
Being an idol is about doing your dancing and singing reps in real time in order to inspire others with your journey and being earnest about it
Embarrasing Idolfag larpers like you are the worst thing when you know jack shit about them.
Stupid son of a whore

>> No.37340759 [DELETED] 

But she has a boyfriend.

>> No.37340813

Forget the bottom tiers, orange tier is complete nonsense.

>> No.37340856

Why are people who couldn't name a single idol, and had no interests in idols before vtubers suddenly arbiters of idol culture?

>> No.37340991

Another one of these charts that puts the good chuubas at the bottom. It's getting pretty annoying, frankly.
>What's the point of being a vtuber
>if you are not gonna embrace being an Idol?
The fuck does that have to do with anything?
>Don't people know that they are one of the same?
1. "One and the same". English reps. 2. No; to know that, it would have to be true.

>> No.37341031

Better not to remind the retards that other companies exist.

>> No.37341101
File: 672 KB, 1140x483, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real tier list

>> No.37341103

>he literally pays for social interaction
>but others are the retards somehow

>> No.37341127

it's part of the holobrony RP in this board

>> No.37341271


>> No.37341470

>whats the point of being a vtuber if ypu are not gonna embrace being an idol

Because cute girls engaging in shitppsting behaviour is funny.

Now fuck off.

>> No.37341482
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>> No.37341633

That is a representation of mental illness, not a tier list.

>> No.37341743

>Only ENs are in the bottom tier
>Kiara in the top tier
This is bait.

>> No.37342222
File: 988 KB, 1230x613, holo idol update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the true list.

>> No.37342313

>What's the point of being a vtuber if you are not gonna embrace being an Idol?
>Retarded holofaggot thinks all vtubers should be like Hololive
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.37342379 [SPOILER] 

Idolshit is literal cancer, Vtubers are great because you are talking to anime girls

>> No.37342460

Sora, Suisei and AZKi should have their own tier. Polka, Aqua, and Subaru should be moved up a tier.

>> No.37344384

Mostly good actually

>> No.37344532

I agree with almost all of these, but I would put all the debatable into the non idol category personally.

>> No.37345667

Doesn't Marine talk about wanting to see her fans's dicks and shit and also said that she would prefer if she was the one getting the doujins instead of her friends because she wants them to keep their purity?

>> No.37346188

I subscribe this words as a Haaton
